Peace Through Powerplants! (C&C Nod Quest)

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The year is 2031 and Kane's vision of a united Brotherhood is once again undone. Almost...
Getting Started Part 1


Never enough time
The year is 2031 and Kane's vision of a united Brotherhood is once again undone. Almost immediately after the defeat of the mad AI CABAL, Anton Slavik commander of the Black Hand was assassinated by other members of the Inner Circle in their bid for power. Each of them declaring themselves to be the one true leader of Nod. Weaken and divided, the battered fractions of the Brotherhood hid themselves across the world. Licking their wounds, waiting for the time to strike out at their rivals even as GDI celebrates their victory in the Second Tiberium War.
Like many others you have led your warband to one of the many empty cities left behind by GDI during their retreat into the Blue Zones during their redrawing of the world's borders sweeping away the last vestige of Earth before GDI's hegemony and in many cases abandoning the people still trapped within the ruins.

Your brothers and sisters, many of them are:

[] Black Hand Adepts
The warrior priesthood of the Brotherhood. Fanatical loyal to their commander and Kane, they often serve as bodyguards and elite troops.

[] Ministry of Science Adepts
Delving into the mysteries of Tiberium, the scientist continues their blessed work in the name of Kane and the destruction of his enemies.

[] Nod Militia Forces
The bulk of the Brotherhood's armed forces. If the Black Hand is Kane's dagger, then the Militia is his sledgehammer. The brothers and sisters of Nod's army may lack the training or equipment of their Black Hand counterpart but they are no less dangerous.

As their commander, you are:
[] Veteran Commander of the Firestorm Crisis
You saw first hand the destruction wrought by the mad artificial intelligence CABAL when it set lose its cyborg army upon the world and was one of the many commanders tasked by Slavik to destroy the rogue AI. The fact that mankind is still alive to squabble in the ruins with one another is testimony of your success and capabilities as a commander.

[] Black Hand Prefect
Among the ranks of the Brotherhood's priesthood, you were judged skilled enough to command your brothers and sisters in battle against Kane's enemies. But leading troops into battle is but a small part of your duties as a Prefect for it is through you that the voice of Kane reaches his followers.
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Combat Elements
87th Field Testing Division
Skill Level: Regular
Tech Level: 2
Combat Efficiency: Normal
Unique Assets: Stealth Tanks
Born out of the need to field test prototype weapons of war, Field Testing Divisions provide the Ministry of Science a means to do so with soldiers trained to operate cutting edge technology and provide feedback to them for improvements.

Black Hand Elites
Skill Level: Veteran
Tech Level 2
Combat Efficiency: High
Unique Assets: Black Hand Bodyguard, Attack Cycles
Organized into companies of 100 men each and equipped with the best the Brotherhood can offer, the Black Hand is the premiere military power within Nod. With a history dating back centuries the Hand has not only served as Kane's bodyguard since the Prophet's revelation to the world, but also the manifestation of his will on the battlefield.

Nod Militants
Skill Level: Green
Tech Level: 1
Combat Efficiency: Normal
Unique Assets: None
Making up the bulk of any Brotherhood offensive, Nod Militants is a catch-all term for the masses of volunteers, conscripts, mercenaries and other individuals that had chosen to take up arm in the name of Kane. Oftentimes lacking in proper training and equipment they make up for it in sheer numbers. Commanders are advised not to rely on them too much however as they are easily routed by a superior foe.

Singapore Training Battalion
Skill Level: Green
Tech Level: 1
Combat Efficiency: Low
Unique Assets: Subterranean APC
Formed to provide training and defence of the Singapore settlement, the battalion is made up of volunteers willingly to take up arms to protect their home.

Logistics Elements
2x MCV
1x Sensor Array
Home Base
Economy: 2
Defense: 2
Research: 2
Productivity: 1

Singapore Base
Economy: 1
Defense: 1
Research: 1
Productivity: 1
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[x] Ministry of Science Adapts
[x] Black Hand Prefect
[x] Black Hand Adapts
[x] Black Hand Prefect


Nah, it's not as catchy.
[x] Ministry of Science Adapts
[x] Veteran Commander of the Firestorm Crisis

We have to be a Commander.
Noone else is herding these Scientists!
You saw first hand the destruction wrought by the mad artificial intelligence CABAL when it set lose its cyborg army upon the world and was one of the many commanders tasked by Slavik to destroy the rouge AI.
Cabal was rather blueish in Firestorm and rouge is some sort of synonym for red or maybe a shade of red.

[x] Ministry of Science Adapt
[x] Veteran Commander of the Firestorm Crisis
Getting Started Part 2
[x] Ministry of Science Adepts
[X] Black Hand Prefect

Your brothers and sisters, many of them are Adepts from the Ministry of Science. In fact even you were surprised when you first received your command, leading an army of scientist into battle was not what you were expecting but the scientist quickly proved your wrong, unleashing the fruits of their labor onto their targets.

[Home Base starts at Tech Level 2]
[2nd Tiberium War Nod Tech Level 2 unlock]
[Stealth tanks added to starting units]

As a Prefect of the Black Hand you are not just skilled in the art of war, you are responsible for the teachings of Kane to those under your command and if needed to, weed out thoughts of heresy against the Prophet.

[Unit loyalty increased]
[Black Hand Contacts gained]

Like many regions on Earth, South East Asia has not faired well to the spread of the crystal. Abandoned by the GDI and too far from any Blue Zone, those in the region are left to fend for themselves. Many of the cities that covered the region have been reduced to decaying ruins, home to warlords and Tiberium mutants and other undesirables, fertile ground for the Brotherhood to take hold.

Naturally you intend to stake your claim on the region. However before you could do so you would need to establish a base of operations. Based on your scouts and information from the Brotherhood Archives you narrowed down several choices.

[] Singapore
A former GDI regional stronghold, the fortress city was abandoned as part of GDI's retreat into their Blue Zones. A small settlement had taken root inside the fortress's perimeter, taking advantage of the protection offered by it's walls. Relatively untouched by the crystal and with it's many armory left behind by GDI, the settlement has grown rapidly. It is possible to stage a landing on the island with the forces you have on hand but you believe that it is unwise to pick a prolonged fight with the locals.

[] Jakarta
The capital of Indonesia, the city had not faired well from the rising levels of Tiberium algae and the toxic gases it emits and the Tiberium lifeforms that spawns from it. Even after GDI reversed the changes to the world's oceans the city remains abandoned by humans. Your scouts report that much of the landmass is devoid of signs of settlement. Tiberium deposits are plentiful but mutants and other Tiberium lifeform roams the area.

[] Borneo
Despite the contamination by Tiberium Crystal and lifeform, the island is home to a sizable human population. Many of them sheltering themselves in the cities that still stands on the island. Most of the island's rainforest and mountain ranges have been abandon by them and as a result raiders and mutants have taken up residence in the large cave systems that runs the length of the island.

The long journey to the region means that you are forced to travel light. Until you set up a base, you would not be able to reinforce your forces.

Combat Elements
87th Field Testing Division
Skill Level: Regular
Tech Level: 2
Combat Efficiency: Normal
Unique Assets: Stealth Tanks

Black Hand Elites
Skill Level: Veteran
Tech Level 2
Combat Efficiency: High
Unique Assets: Black Hand Bodyguard

Nod Militants
Skill Level: Green
Tech Level: 1
Combat Efficiency: Low
Unique Assets: None

Logistics Elements
3x MCV
1x Sensor Array
[X] Borneo

Mind you things also depend on where we land. North Borneo IMO is an alright place but then I'm biased because I was born there lel :V