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What if an angry God was thrown into Worm.

Seriously what would happen I don't know
*First, there was Chaos, in all the worlds and peoples and civilizations sparked war. Gods, Titans, the eldest beings of the universes and of course, the odd mortal that clawed their way to power potent enough to challenge the Throne of Heaven.*

"Wars were waged in the shadow of said throne until one rose above the rest, with power unrivalled they claimed the Throne of Heaven, becoming Pantokrator, lord of all. Banishing their enemies to Oblivion and the rest kept under an omnipresent boot."

"Order reigned over Chaos and the people flourished across all worlds. For a million million years there was one God, one Lord. In truth, there was The One."

"In the Void squirmed a light, a noise, an impossibility for nothing exists in the Void. To a being of the Pantokrator's knowledge, the unknown is a sickly sweet call, and thus, the Pantokrator swam into the infinity of nothing, disappearing into eternity."

"The smoke of offerings rose to no answer, prayers fell on deaf ears and, slowly, by inches, those powerful beings of the world realized the opportunity. Marshalling grand forces against each other, they sparked a war that consumed all of Creation in its fires. A time of magic unequalled and death unfathomable."

"One by one, the enemies broke apart and fell to your will until all that remained was the last step, the throne before you."

"One by one, the steps were traversed as armies of a size unimaginable consumed one another in blood waves. Magic and flesh equally spent as your enemies tried to halt your ceaseless advance."

"It enters your vision, the gold, the inherent meaning of utter command, the authority of a God unchallenged. It beckons you to reach out, to lay you're being onto its majesty and become truly infinite."

"As you brush perpetuity, the blessed fruit so close at hand you can taste its strength. Something goes wrong. Your essence is pulled on by a force beyond measure, dragged away into the Void itself and out beyond the material realms. Vast creatures that predate anything logical are swerved past as you rip apart space in the ceaseless wake you are subject to."

"The journey seems endless, but it ceases like all things do, with a shuddering, cold halt."
Rain hits you, a foreign feeling as it has been so very long since mere rain was the weather, mere water was a concern. Your eyes open to intake a sight of magnificent ruin, of high towers built towards the sky lying ravaged and shattered by unceasing frenetic waves.

Corpses or those soon-to-be float in the water, an image of death on a small scale. The sounds of spellwork scream out in heat, lightning and stranger manifestations, trying to accomplish some goal.

Just before you lies a beast of the deep. Skin dark and scaled with water sliding off it in large clumps, owing to its meters tall size, it stays ahead of you in a haze of motion while shapes are drowned and shattered near and far.

The question then stands, who are you?

[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

The Shadow Over All, Star of Death, Death Itself.

[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.

Firstborn of Gaia, Queen of Oceans, The Essence of Fertility

[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.

Hammer of Jörð, Eater of the Sun, The Key To The Gate, The Everlasting

It's a Dominions/Worm crossover. Weirdest thing I could think of while drunk.
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Magic Gems
Gems are solidified magic, crucial for any magical effort that doesn't want to leave the caster on the ground wheezing. Unless of course its Blood Magic in which case a young virgin taking the place of a gem.

Fire Gems: 10
Air Gems: 10
Water Gems: 10
Earth Gems: 10
Astral Gems: 3
Death Gems: 10
Nature Gems: 10
Blood Slaves: 0

Magic Paths

Fire: 0
Air: 0
Water: 0
Earth: 0
Astral: 4
Death: 4
Nature: 0
Blood: 0

Conjuration: 4
Alteration: 4
Evocation: 4
Construction: 4
Enchantment: 4
Thaumaturgy: 4
Blood Magic: 4

Spell Listing
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Character Sheet
The Nameless One
The Shadow Over All, Star of Death, Death Itself.

HP-30 Protection-15, Magic Resistance-18
Strength-15, Attack Skill-13, Defensive Skill-10
Precision-13, Speed-10
Vulnerability to Fire (Damage +10)
Resistance to Cold (Damage -20)
Immunity to Natural Poison
Immortal, 3 Months
(If Killed will reform in the world within 3 months.)
(Can be harmed by faith and holy magic)

Statistic Meaning

Average Strength is 10, 12 is the maximum a human body can acquire, 15 is the level of larger wild animals such as bears and some supernatural creatures. 20 is the realm of giants and gods, 30 is the realm of titans that hold up entire worlds, where strength can overcome most anything.

Protection is the amount of damage reduced from enemy attacks, it is modified by inherent durability and armour worn.

Magic Resistance
Magic Resistance is a combination of your willpower and sheer soul size, allowing one to resist both mystical effects and magical afflictions.

Attack Skill
This represents your offensive capacity. The average soldier has 10, a skilled warrior has 12 and certain exemplars of war have 15. 20 and beyond is purely the realm of the supernatural.

Defensive Skill
This represents your defensive capacity. The average soldier has 10, a skilled warrior has 12 and certain exemplars of war have 15. 20 and beyond is purely the realm of the supernatural

This is your ability to put a shot on target, whether it is a spell, a rock or a gunshot. The average bowmen has 10, a skilled sharpshooter has 12 and certain exemplars of perception have 15. 20 and beyond is purely the realm of the supernatural

This is a measure of your physical speed, the average human is a 10, a galloping centaur is 15, a diving eagle is 20, a modern jet fighter achieves a speed of 30, the Solar Eagle and its kin can reach a speed of 40, fast enough to reach a star in hours and only certain mythical beings break the barrier of light and exceed 50.
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[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life fire and fury.
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[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life fire and fury.

Either social skills, or Ragnarök calls to me.
[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.
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[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

The Worm setting is best experienced through the characters, which means the option closest to a normal human is best.

See that's assuming I want to experience the Worm setting rather than crush it beneath me.
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.

Hammer of Jörð, Eater of the Sun, The Key To The Gate, The Everlasting
[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.

Firstborn of Gaia, Queen of Oceans, The Essence of Fertility
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.

Hammer of Jörð, Eater of the Sun, The Key To The Gate, The Everlasting

let endbringers know fear
, hoping for astral blood combo for lovecraftian horror.
[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.

Firstborn of Gaia, Queen of Oceans, The Essence of Fertility
[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.

Firstborn of Gaia, Queen of Oceans, The Essence of Fertility

hot hot hot
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.
Hammer of Jörð, Eater of the Sun, The Key To The Gate, The Everlasting
[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.
[X] Something Titanic. Beautiful beyond measure and born of a divine character. Pale skin leads to ample features barely covered by a toga that seems preternaturally determined to tease, not show. The rain accentuates yet almost seems to fear the skin, marring its surface unthinkable even for base matter. A perfect eyebrow curves downward at the corpses and water as death presents its ugly face before her.

[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.
[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

The Shadow Over All, Star of Death, Death Itself.
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.
Not being able to aggressively jojo pose at the Endbringer as the Irminsul instantly fills me with sorrow. The Great Pillar tree styling on people by teleporting around the world would be pretty peak Dominion.

Titan will give us a lot of awe IIRC and should be roughly 3 Dominion- pretty good for getting worship up and running fast. The Mage seems to be a lich or something in that vein rocking Astral and Death, probably only 2 Dominion so candle spread won't be great. On the other hand, AD is pretty damn strong and probably peak hilarity. 'I magic duel a shard and kill someone's powers from the other side of the world' would not be a particular stretch. Monster probably has a regen blessing, maybe some death magic, maybe some Astral with that whole 'key to the Gate'.

[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

Everybody is gangster until the Mind Hunts, Magic Duels, and Disintegrates start dropping. That and I'm genuinely curious about a death mage who doesn't actually want a lot of loss of life and presumably undead. Death magic in Dominions is usually pretty hardcore, as in 'I have enacted a global ritual that ensures everyone dies young' or 'I turned off the Sun'
[X] Something Monstrous. Scales like star matter and flesh stronger than the world piled mountainously high and older than time itself, infinite in length yet somehow contained in a finite size. Eyes of purest black glare out at the challenger as unfathomable rage builds in the heart of the World Serpent, sparking to life, fire and fury.

[X] Something Magical. Wizened with years and time, it bears little character past the robe which conceals everything, fine fibres fraying at the edges to reveal the white cloth beneath. Eyes flicker to the dying and dead whilst a bone-dry throat mouths words of annihilation as a cold distaste forms from the loss of life.

If anyone want to know what the various pretenders/spells/units are just google dom5 mod inspector. It has everything you would want to see. Pretenders are in the unit section in case you have trouble finding them. There is a drop down list in the top right so you can narrow your search.

Also, quick question QM. You going to use anything from the mods dominions enhanced and extra Pretenders? I know using stuff from mods would be unconventional. But they are so well made they are closer to free DLC then mod in my opinion.