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"When you're at the bottom, the only way is up."

Those are words to live by. Words to convince yourself that not all things are as doom, and gloom as they look. But you've been sitting at the very bottom for a very, very long time now, preparing, and biding your time. With each passing day, it's getting hard to see the light.

You can't wait for another day.

It's time to climb. El Dorado awaits.
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0. Crispy Pork Cutlet Toast with Honey-Mustard Sauce


The Library
The City.

If you try to describe the city, then the best you can do is to compare it to a machine. A system of cogs, and gears turning ever so slowly, creaking ever so loudly with the rusts caked on them. It's like the breathing of a dying beast, teetering on the edge of 'life' and 'death', but never leaning to either side. The Head who acts as the immune system, and the Wings responsible to keep the body working. The twenty-six Nests, basking in the lights of the Wings, and the twenty-six Backstreets, hiding underneath the Nests' skyscraping shadows, its path zigzagging with the familiar, unmistakable stench of apathetic despair. Feathers, each small, and big; meaningless, and meaningful.

But what do you know? That was just something you heard from someone else. It sounded profound enough to be believable, and someone who had the time to 'philosophize' was probably strong enough to support said 'philosophy'.

You, on the other hand, do not have such privilege.

But that's about to change.

You have worked, toiled, and labored until your muscles tear apart, and your bones crackle in agony. You have cheated, and pickpocketed, and murdered just to survive, to hope that your landlord would allow you to skim some rent so you don't have to worry spending the night without a roof, to add a few hundred Ahn into your wallet. You have starved yourself for days, dumpster diving for a bone gnaw on, and living off the shavings of your nails, and dead skins. At times, you'd stare at yourself, and find your mouth watering. Only good thing about this kind of living is the low tax the City applies on you — but even that low tax is still a significant amount. It's not ideal living. It's the type of living that would sooner leave you go mad or die in a ditch somewhere.

But finally, after years of misery, and suffering, and torture — you might finally get out of this hole.

In the Backstreets, there's really no going down when you're already on the lowest bottom rung, so you can only go up from there — but there are only three ways you can go up. A: Join a Syndicate; a proper one, not like the Rats. B: Get a Fixer License, and work for an Office. And C: One way or another, get recruited by a Corporation. Without a pathway paved by your father, and his fathers, and their fathers, Option C is straight up impossible. That leaves you with A, and B -- but Option A is much more likely to leave you moneyless, and skinless. Or brainless. Or boneless.

In reality, there has always been only one choice. There's a lot to say about Fixers; they act like they're the top dog, acting all high and mighty and shit, and just plain assholes all around who'd extort money for protection, but they all die the same regardless. But who's not, right? If you got a quarter of their pay, you would act like a shit too, and be proud of it.

But to do that, you need to get a Fixer License — which involves passing the Fixer Exam. You'll have to go through a myriad of physical, intelligence, and psychological tests — the last of which, you hear, is one of those "there's no wrong answer" type of test. It's supposed to be easy — though that's just a conjecture you've made. Most of the Fixers you saw passingly don't look all that strong, and the impression is only strengthened whenever you caught their headless corpses on the streets, courtesy of the Loud Orchestra.

The challenge, you've realized very early on, is not about passing the Exam itself, but to get one in the first place; to have your name jotted down on the list — and for that, you need to pay money for it.

Lots of money.

Opportunity struck in the aftermath of the Pianist. The Distortion took with it 80% of District 9, and while you've never gone far enough to the east of the District to get a glimpse of your 'neighbor', you've heard that it has been practically reduced into ruins. The Wing desperately holds onto its Nest, the very last 20% of the District, curling around it defensively. You've heard of the constant chaotic fighting as Syndicates fight against Syndicates against the Wing and against Fixers; a back and forth of takes, and keeps. Even here, the Pianist' aftermath could still be felt: the Loud Orchestra; a Syndicate boasting a large number of members, all in concert to recreate the Pianist' music — that hypnotic music which you could still hear in your dreams, serenading, drumming, and reverberating throughout your head; your fingers maniacally twitching, snapping, and reaching out for an instrument; for something, anything to make sound with.

You think you know why the Loud Orchestra has so many members despite being so new. Time has made this odd desire manageable — and ultimately, money is more important than music. You can't eat music.

Nevertheless, 80% of a District is a lot of people dead, and in such a short span of time too. And those 80% doesn't count other Fixers who were sent in to deal with the Pianist either. Paired that up with the monsters — some literal, some not — that have been coming out of the woodworks, it means that there's a lot of job requests, but not enough Fixers to take them on. In other words, Fixers were already in high demand, and now those demands are off the chart — meaning lowered skill entry bar, and less monetary requirement.

Well. You say "less monetary requirement", but that still means all the money you've toiled for all these years.

Forlornly, you stare into your wallet. It was something you nabbed from a recently mutilated corpse in an alley outside your apartment — its organs harvested by the Rats, or another in the broad daylight. Five-hundred-and-three-thousand Ahn with some changes attached to your name. If you decide to abruptly cancel your plan, and throw caution in the wind, you could live in relative luxury — HamHamPangPang sandwiches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, all toppings included, maybe even double-protein options — and even if it won't last long, maybe half-a-month, before somebody — probably Landlord Lin — noticed that you're living a bit too well, and decided to take all your money away, it would be the best half-a-month you could ever possibly live.

You could die happy.

Drawing out a long sigh, you snap your wallet shut.


Your journey across the District for the Hana Association was miraculously, and thankfully uneventful. While you know the Backstreets like it's the face of your parents' face — that is to say, some parts are depressingly blurry, but the other parts are remarkably clear — it doesn't make any waking moment outside any less dangerous. Sure, you could handle a Rat if they didn't stab you from the back; maybe two or more, though that'd mean hoofing it. But anybody above the Rats? You're dead — or worse. An Orchestra member might decide you'd make a pretty decent cello, and nap you. Maybe a Hatchetman likes to test out their newly sharpened hatchet, and you're conveniently there for them. Perhaps a Dreamer wants to see how many 'inspirations' in your head they could 'extract'. The gap between you and them would be akin to a toddler struggling against a 3-meters-tall fully augmented well-suited giant. It's just one of those things that could happen.

Fortunately, none of those things happened. Luck plays a huge part of it, but it's not just that. You scurried, and skulked, and hurried; head buried underneath your hoodie, lowered to worship the stained ground. People on the streets disregard you, doing the exact same thing you do. Keep your head dead, and hope that the other guy gets it.

By the fact that you're here, it seems that the other guy did get it.

Just one of those things, really.

Simply by association, the Branch Office of the Hana Association is in the highly graded part of the Backstreets. It's a chicken and egg situation; the Association being the chicken, who laid the egg; this high-grade sector of the Backstreets. Apartment buildings to actual houses, and streets brimming with people sauntering about; their back straight with a certain confidence in their steps. Here, and there, you see patrolling Fixers, garbed in uniforms a cut above from the common men, with weapons ready at their sides. Open stalls line the side of the streets, the smell of cooked food calling for customers. You catch sight of the HamHamPangPang chain restaurant, and your mouth waters. This place is basically everything you've dreamed of, where you don't have to always look over your shoulders. It's just way too expensive for someone like you.

… Apparent from the way everyone glances at you with disgust.

Just you wait, you add quietly, clenching your jaws.

The Hana Branch Office is easy to find. Normally, Fixer Offices apply only a single rented room – a single office, so to speak. But when it comes to Associations, that expectation flies out of the window. Even though it's "just" a branch office, it occupies a sizable lot in the form of a two-storied building. A small concrete awning stretches out, leading to the entrance. A golden-plated metal hangs over the building, over the blank wall below a window. On it the Hana Association symbol: a tilted golden square with black bars lining each side of the square, leading inward towards its center: the number "1". Below the symbol, "Hana Association Section IV" is carved over. If any other Offices were to do that, you're sure they'd get immediately raided by dozens of Syndicates, like moths would to flame.

Associations aren't just any other Offices though.

Your foot hovers in the air, gait stuck halfway through a step. Off in the corner of your eyes, you catch the HamHam PangPang's sign, taunting you. Once you step into that building, there wouldn't be going back. Reality sets in, squeezing your lungs. Either you pass, get your Fixer License, and have the chance – just the chance – to be more than Lin's errand boy; to be rich, to eat freely, and to sleep under a roof without fear of getting kicked out. Or you fail, and lose all your money, and…

You don't know what you'd do then.

Or you could back out. Get back to Landlord Lin and make it permanent with him. He doesn't need an assistant, not really, but he's old, and you're willing. You'd have to join a Syndicate.

You nearly double in laughter at the thought.

No. You've spent enough years to know what kind of life that would be, and why you wouldn't want it. At least, at the very least, you need to try first. Squaring your shoulders, you take a deep breath, and drop your foot into the ground – and then another towards the entrance. Maybe, hopefully, whether in celebratory or conciliatory, you'd have enough money to buy a HamHam PangPang sandwich for dinner.

The entrance's glass doors are thick and opaque enough that the only thing you can see is your reflection. You stand there for a moment, unsure. Then the light above it turns green, and the entrance slides open – and you're suddenly blown back by a wave of cool, clean air. Pristine, the word locks in, as you absently move in; a sweet floral perfume wafting into your nose. A beige carpet, so soft underneath your torn-up shoe soles, it'd probably be better than your bed. It is as though you've stepped into an entirely different world; maybe a glance into one, where everything seems so uncomfortably clean, and white. A billboard hangs on a wall, covered with posters, and brochures burying each other: Midnight Office, Scarecrow Office, Yin Office – they're advertisements for Fixer Offices, you realize, with a scant few searching for hires; most of them weathered, but couple or three looking freshly nailed.

"How can I help you?"

You jump, whirling towards the voice, tense. A glasses-wearing man sits behind the reception desk, blonde-haired, and wearing the Hana uniform; golden filigrees like lining the seams of his white overcoat, reaching further below his waists. Over his shoulders, you spot black lines running on it. Underneath is a white suit; white shirt, white trousers, and white vests. White verything, broken only by a black tie hanging around his neck. They look – no, they are expensive. Otherworldly, even. White is the easiest color to stain, you muse quietly. You have no eyes for these things, but you've gone on enough errands for Lin to understand the materials needed to make them; the blood people would spill – had spilled to acquire them. You've seen blades shatter against them. And the Hana Association have turned them into uniforms, bestowed them to whoever managed to become one of them.

The wearer himself doesn't look that much older than you, maybe two-or-three years older, yet you're more well than aware that he could snap your neck with ease. You think everyone in this building could. His lips curve, and as his attention bores into you, you notice the sudden absence of noise. Next to the desk, you spot a hallway, leading deeper inside, as well as another door on the other side of the room; "Waiting Room", the sign on it says.

"Well?" the man prompts, his tone airy.

You fidget, feeling a strange itch. Nervously, you dig into your pockets. "I'm here for uh, registering," you say haltingly. The man raises his eyebrow. You cough. "I wanna take the license exam, I mean."

"Ah, I see," he hums, before chuckling, arms crossed over the desk. "Well, you're in luck, then. But before that, it'll cost you 500-kay Ahn to take the exam," he cocks an eyebrow. "Do you have that?"

"Just barely," you mutter, pulling out your wallet. Staring at the stacks of papers, and pouch of coins, you can't help but tear up a bit. Some of the papers have been torn by its edges by time. All of these years, gone in just the matter of seconds. It's terrifying. Looks like it's rice and salt for dinner. "Here," you sag in defeat, sliding the money over the counter.

"Perfect," he grins, taking the money – and in turn, slides over a piece of paper, alongside a pen. "Here, fill this this in," he says, counting the cash. "Oh, and you're free to take the pen."

You nod glumly. "Right," muttering so, you scan the paper. It's a registration form; name, age, gender; skills, talents, and such. Picking up the pen, you roll it in your hand. It feels awkward, and as you press the tip to the blank line, you realize why.

Your hand is shaking.
[] Name

[] Picture or Description

[] 18 - 21

[] Male
[] Female

Merit: (Choose 1 – Merits cost 15% less EXP to Level Up, and 5% less EXP to Skills under its umbrella)

[] Fortitude: You're tough.

[] Prudence: You're smart – and handy at tinkering.

[] Temperance: Being too sympathetic isn't necessarily a good thing, but… you're pretty smooth.

[] Justice: You know how to make decisions.

Demerit: (Choose 1 – Demerits cost 15% more EXP to Level Up, and 10% more EXP to Skills under its umbrella)

[] Fortitude: You, uh, prefer to be in the back.

[] Prudence: Honestly, you gotta admit it's a miracle you could read.

[] Temperance: You suppose you're a bit distant – that's not a bad thing, right?

[] Justice: … Just don't put you in a leader role.

Talents: (Choose 3 – Skills are listed below; Chosen Talents will cost 10% less EXP to Level Up, and start at Adept)

[] Skill 1

[] Skill 2

[] Skill 3


Strength, Endurance, and Physical Prowess. Defiance. The Essence of Instinct; of survival in the face of fierce adversity. It is said that those of high Fortitude have lived their life surrounded by bloodshed, their face forced onto concrete by the legs of those above them. However, it's not enough to simply take those punishments lying down, swallowing the bitter tears of humiliation; they have to rise up, and fight back. Skills: Melee (Combat)s, Instinct, and Endurance.

Prudence: Rationality. Sanity. Mental Prowess. The Essence of Insight; to look further beyond what's allowed. It is not one's measure of Intelligence, but rather their Rationality — their Curiosity to uncover the truths, breaking down not just others, but also one's self; all the while, keeping their wits about them. Only by doing so can one walk tall, unweighted by madness. Skills: Technology, Insight, and Ranged (Combat).

Temperance: Patience. Empathy. Sympathy. The Essence of Attachment. It means to understand another's view; sympathizing with their opinions, and empathizing with their pains. It is Kindness, but it is not Generosity. Those with high Temperance are well aware of the Line's existence, the necessity to toe it, but to never cross it, for it would mean to be consumed by another's ego. Skills: Empathy, Negotiations, and Stealth (Combat).

Justice: Repression. Will. Power. The Essence of the Soul. It is a Scale that is required to be eternally in equilibrium, leaning neither right, nor left. The Expression of one's vision — those with high Justice is said to be unswayed, and unmoved by others; their Belief an indifferent straight, and narrow path. They know what Right is, and what is Wrong, and so walk their path without hesitation. It is one's right to enforce their Will onto another. Skills: Repression (Combat), Vision, Ego.

EXP Requirement:

Stats: 100 (I) -> 500 (II) -> 1000 (III) -> 2000 (IV) -> 4000 (V) -> 6000 (EX)

Skill: Rookie 100 -- Adept 200 – Skilled 400 -- Veteran 800 -- Master 1600 -- Legendary 3200

"I'm done," you mutter. Your fate has been sealed. You return the pen back to the counter – before pausing when the man shoots you a look. Shakily, you put it inside your pocket. "… Now what?"

The man hums, absent-mindedly as he takes the form, reading it. "Looks good," he nods, smiling languidly. "You can go inside there in the waiting room," he rolls his head to the side, eyes peeking over the hall. "The supervisor will come in to pick all of you up later."

All of you? You frown.

"You're not the only with the same idea, kid," the man points out lightly, smirking. "Like I said, you're in luck. The more people register the same day, the quicker someone will come and get it done."

"Oh," you mumble under your breath, stepping away – and towards the waiting room. You catch a peek of the hallway as your hand clasps against the door's handle. It leads deeper inside the building; pictures, and potted plants frame the sides. At the end, you catch a glimpse of the tip of a that white-golden coat. Chairs, sofas, and a glass table; a lounge, as well as another corner towards elsewhere. The white-golden coat-tip shifts, strands of green hair turning out of the corner – and you immediately turn the door handle, and step inside. "Uh."

Four pairs of eyes jump straight towards you – their eyes linger on you only for a beat; realization, and disappointment flashing in their eyes, before they look away. There's a distinct floral smell to the room, mixed in with what you can only best described as 'backstreets' from its occupants. Blank walls, and overly bright lights, flashing painfully from the spinning ceiling fan low enough to hit someone not paying attention. Chairs line up the sides of the square room, and the occupants consistently sit three chairs away from each other, except for two.

… There are not enough chairs for you to follow the pattern, meaning you have to sit next to someone.


[] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

[] Hooded Man. Sitting hunched over the corner, there's a man wearing a long-sleeved orange hoodie; the image of a sewn-in tiger on its back. Even sitting, you could tell that he towers over you. Underneath the hoodie, you catch a sliver of curly red hair, and a pair of clenched jaws. On the back of his palm, just peeking from the sleeves, you see a tattoo – and you figure they're not the harmless sort. Everyone about the him pings off on your "Syndicate member" checklist.

[] Napping Boy. Leaning back on his chair, seemingly unaware, or just uncaring of the world, is a napping boy; arms crossed over his chest, and head lolling against the wall. Purple hair droops over his face – a bright neon blue streak cutting straight down onto his bangs. From the way he's smiling, he seems to be having a particularly nice dream. Good for him, you suppose.

[] Whispering Pair. Sitting next to each other is a boy, and a girl, whispering to each other – the boy more so towards the girl than the other way around. They look… out of place. The boy with blue hair exudes confidence, while the girl with pink hair seems to shrink into herself – but those themselves aren't odd. Rather, it's what on them. It's the vested suits, blue tie on the girl, and red tie on the boy. It's the large holstered knife on the girl's vest, and the pistol on the boy's – which that alone should be the dead give-away. But more than that, it's their skin: light as the Napping Boy, perhaps on the paler side, yet not as dusty as the Napping Boy, or the Hooded Man, or even the Cool Girl. They look… glossy. Healthy. You don't think they're from the Backstreets.

Voting Scheme:

[] Plan Name
-[] Name
-[] Appearance
-[] Age
-[] Sex
-[] Merit
-[] Demerit
-[] Talent 1, Talent 2, Talent 3

[] Who To Sit With
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Character Sheet

Name: Lily
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Rank: 8th Grade Fixer

Unspent EXP: 1540 XP

5,625,373 Ahn

Health: 18 -- 18/30 (Injured -- -1 to All Physical Roll)
- Armor Resist: +4 (+2 Armor from 4 Endurance, +2 from Karrion's Armor)
Sanity: 7 (+5 from Food Buff) -- 7/25 (Terrified -- -2 to All Mental Roll)
- Mental Resist: +1 (2 Ego)

Stats and Skills:

  • Fortitude (Favored): III (0 / 1700) - You remember something... and that something is the fact that you're made of something spookier than you first thought. Still, that don't make you any less stronger, and sturdier. Other way 'round, really. So fuck 'em, fuck all of 'em. You're not gonna dwell on it too much. You're gonna use it. Wield it. And those that look down on you will fucking shit their pants.
    • Melee (Talent): Adept - 2 = 2 (0 / 340)
    • Endurance (Talent): Skilled - 3 + 1 (Karrion's Uniform) = 4 (0 / 680)
    • Instinct: Adept - 2 +1 (Food Buff) = 3 (0 / 380)
  • Prudence (Unfavored): I (20 / 575) - You're not smart. Actually, you're dumb. You're not prideful enough to not admit that -- pride got no worth unless you could back it up, okay? Landlord Lin helped with that, begrudgingly. He's shit at it, but you suppose you weren't helping. At the end of the day, there's only so much smarts you could use. Up a certain point, knives and fists get things done easier. Being able to do some counting, and reading are more than enough.
    • Ranged: Untrained - 0 (0 / 110)
    • Technology: Untrained - 0 (0 / 110)
    • Insight: Rookie - 1 (0 / 220)
  • Temperance: II (0 / 1000) - Hah. It's fucking hard to believe, you know it, but decent people might exist in this City. Decent people that are pretty alright, and worth... worth whatever.Mao. Lily. Sun. Mori. Burke. Daniel. Six people you've met, some you're working with, and... yeah. You can work with them. Stand them, even. You don't gotta do this shit alone, as it happens. But if you can't... then...
    • Stealth: Rookie - 1 (0 / 200)
    • Empathy: Adept - 2 (0 / 400)
    • Negotiation: Adept - 2 (0 / 400)
  • Justice: III (0 / 2000) - To kill or be killed, to take or be taken -- that is the Law of the City. Winner takes all, no compromises allowed, or the penalty would be too high. But, is that all that there is to it? To you? Is that all that you're truly amount to, no different than a beast? An exceedinly fucked and pointless existence. Tell me, where is the Justice in that? (Memory Fragment Found. Recollection Will Begin Soon.)
    • Repression (Talent): Adept - 2 (0 / 360)
    • Vision: Adept - 2 (0 / 400)
    • Ego: Skilled - 3 (0 / 800)
Extra Skill:
  • Cooking: Rookie- 1 (150/200XP). Thanks to Sun's cooking lesson, as well as weeks being spent gorging yourself with the most expensive, and luxurious food your money could find, but mostly Sun's cooking lesson, you can cook. Like actually cook. Real edible food cook-like jazz, ain't some burnt shit. You ain't Sun, and you ain't gonna be adoptin' that mushy love shit, but you reckon you ain't half bad. You can learn two recipes.
    • Learned Recipe:
      • Mom's Shit Stir-Fry - the 'art' of not wasting food by throwing everything (and you mean everything) available into your preferable cooking vessel. What comes out of the other end is shit, predictably. Hundreds and thousands of explosions of flavors, but in a fucked up vomit-inducing way. Sweet, and sour, and salty, and spicy, and bitter, and just in general gut-curling. Yet, despite that, it fills you with great and addicting and deep Longing and Yearning. You've tasted this, so long ago, and it beckons. [-10 Sanity. Can't be recovered naturally.

        + 1 to Ego: Remember the Past.

        + 1 to Repression: Learn from the Past.

        - 2 to Vision: Yearn for the Past.

        Lasts for a Week.]
      • [Recipe Slot]


Partners (Kai):
Boundaries set, and expectations spelt. Partners. This is where you stand with Kai. Closer than colleagues, but not 'friends', though arguably much closer than 'friends'. Simply said, you have her back, and she has yours, and whether you realize it or not, she trusts her life in your hands, and you trust yours in hers. When fighting together, Kai and Lily works as a well-oiled machine. When one is in danger, or about to take a Fatal Hit, the other will reflexively take that hit. You get a much better read on Kai, despite her expression, or lack of one – Empathy Checks with Kai are significantly lowered, and yours she.

Fragment: Twice-Beating Heart (Fortitude III):
You died, once. Actually died. Your heart had stopped fully, the fluid in your body reaching to an end flow, and your brain ceasing to function -- and something told you that it ain't a particularly nice death. But you're alive. You're not dead. Flesh twitching, heart beating, blood flowing, and brain braining it up. Somehow, someway, probably due to some fucked up shit you don't even know, you're alive. You got back the fuck up. And you got the feeling that the part you managed to remember ain't the first or even the last time that shit happened. And fuck, shit, and fuck, you got the feelin' that there's more about you that you don't fucking even. Once per Week, if your health drops to 0, however the circumstances, you will be revived back up to an "Injured" Health State. If Sanity is below "Nervous" State, will Recover up to "Nervous" State upon Revival.


- Food Buff: Luxurious. +5 to Sanity. +1 to Instinct.
- 8th Grade Fixer.
When facing those with lower experience, gain +1 to All Combat Rolls.


- Portable Stove: It's a stove that uses gas as fuel. It can also use Enkephalin Canister, but that's too expensive nowadays. [Unlocks New Meal Plans.]

On Person:
- Kitchen knife - Sharp, and cheap. It ain't perfect, and s'gonna break first 'fore it dulls, but it sure as shit better than nothing. (Weapon Damage +0. Breaks Easily.)
- Quality Crowbar - Fixer Fitted Weapon. It got good balance, and pretty sturdy. (Weapon Damage +1)
- A Hana Association Fountain Pen -- probably worth like, few hundreds Ahn, if you sell it. Otherwise, it's something you can write with, you guess.
- A Pouch of Iron Pills (2x). The product of an old, abandoned, and almost-forgotten Singularity. According to Tori, it's the worst type of products. Still. It should still work, and you'll need everything you can get. Just don't swallow it more than one at a time -- or at too-short intervals. [Heals 2 HP per Pill.]
- Treely.
A... sapling that you vomited out, after the effects of the Seven Seed expired... or so you're thinking. You name it Treely because it's a Tree (Kinda) and it came out of you. You might have to visit the workshop you bought it from, if you want some information, or make use of it somehow. Or... you could just plant, and raise it.

- Lily's Fixer Uniform (Karrion-Made, Scarecrows) – Tattered black tailcoat and trousers. Faded purple vest covered in equally faded floral patterns (lily), and white threadbare shirt, its top buttons popped out. There's a new addition: a badge woven into the breast of the coat; the image of a crow perched on a wide-brimmed hat. It's made from silk, or fabrics, harvested from sources that you have heavy suspicion on. You shiver at . +1 Endurance, +2 Armor Resist. Life Sap: Temporarily Heals 5 HP when Killing an Enemy.
- Knockbar (Right Hand) – A Crowbar crafted by Tor of Knock Workshop. A knockbar, if you will. It weighs, and feels the same as the crowbar made by Hana, and other than the carvings etched on either ends of it, and the changed color scheme from red to silvergrey, it also looks the same. Nevertheless, you gave it a shot on yourself, and... find yourself stumbling at the sudden knockback. Yeah. Okay. That's fair. +1 Damage. Applies Debuff: Off-Balance – On Hit, opponent receives -1 on their next move.
- Guntlet (Left Hand) –
A Gauntlet that has a Gun installed with it: a Guntlet. It's a product of the SilverSteel Workshop, crafted by one Mander. Or 'Mandy', as Mao calls her. Living up to its Workshop's name, the Guntlet is silver in color, though you're not sure about its actual material. It's sleek, and clean looking. Segmented finger parts that ends in a sharp claw-like tip. The gauntlet itself reaches goes beyonf your wrist, reaching towards the middle-length of your arm. On them, there are words being inscribed, though they're practically nonsense to you, on the account of being written in a language that you don't even know exist. There's a trigger comfortably that sits perfectly in your grip, and there's some mechanism to it that you can't even comprehend -- a gun muzzle poking out of it. It just works, and even someone like you could make it work. Effect: +4 Damage per Shot. Uses Melee instead of Ranged. Requires Bullet to Use. 100,000 Ahn per Bullet. Can only Carry 12 at Maximum per Outing. Current Bullets: 1
- Red Ribbon (Hair Accessory). A gift from Karrion for a job well done. It comes in a pair -- one is with you, tied tightly on your hair, while the other is on Kai's. This symbolizes... well, you don't know what it symbolizes, but it symbolizes something. [Improved Coordination.]
- Time-Telling Wristwatch (Left Wrist). It's an green ugly-looking watch that's still in good working condition. Now, if you're ever late for something, you'll know. [Lets you tell time.]

- Pay Rent: Collect Eight-Hundred-Thousand Ahn for your Monthly Pay Rent. Failure leads to either homelessness, or Favors to Landlord Lin.
- Pay Your Tax or Else – Pay 500,000 Ahn monthly. Failure to pay will induce penalty from The Head. Failure to pay three times, and the Head will visit you. This Goal will last as long as the Head exist
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Mechanics and Fun Stuff
To preface, this will be the first time where I am I running a mechanic "heavy" Quest (discounting AGG, and the like), so it will be subject to changes – and I am always open to hearing inputs to make it better. There will be a lot of awkward moments where I try to write in this style. When all else fails, though, I will always fall back onto the narrative.

Stats, Skills, and Skillchecks

There are two main components to this Quest: Stats, and Skills. There are four Stats: Fortitude, Prudence, Temperance, and Justice – and they hold a certain narrative power in that they shape the Main Character in ways that Skills don't. For example, people with high Fortitude aren't just tough in body, but also in mindset; aggressive, and defiant. Consequently, people with high Justice are people with a high amount of self-import. They uphold their own belief, and follow their own Justices, rather than those that the City fed upon them.

Skills, however, refer to the technical side of things. That doesn't mean they don't get pointed out in the story, and that people won't note it – but they don't shape the Character's personality as strong as Stats. For example, people with High Prudence are smart, and curious intellectuals, and if they have a high Melee, then they're simply good at fighting in close combat as well – if that makes sense.

So what is the Technical Side of Things refer to? Here we go to Rolls. In this quest, all rolls will be rolled through a d10, and each Checks will have their own Difficulties which you have to roll higher, or the same to pass (i.e. rolling a 4 or 6, when the Check requires 4 will result in a Pass). Here Skills play an important role as a Direct Modifier relevant to the Check. Example: If a Stealth Check is to be done, and you have Stealth at 3, then you will roll a 1d10+3.

Stats also play a role here, not as Modifiers, but as Difficulty Handler. That is to say, the higher your Stat is, relevant to the roll, the easier the check is to pass. For example, say that you are about to be Ambushed. This corresponds to Fortitude and Instinct. Say that you have Fortitude I, then you will have to roll a Hard Difficulty Check, which requires you to pass 7. Meanwhile, if you have Fortitude III, then the Difficulty will be reduced to Easy, meaning you have to pass a 2. Higher than that, then you will simply Auto-Succeed.

Easy (3) - Medium (6) - Hard (9) – Very Hard (12) – Improbable (15) – Impossible (18) –

So to Summarize, Stats act as your Foundations; increasing them increases your Base Power. Meanwhile, Skills are your Expertise.


Strength, Endurance, and Physical Prowess. Defiance. The Essence of Instinct; of survival in the face of fierce adversity. It is said that those of high Fortitude have lived their life surrounded by bloodshed, their face forced onto concrete by the legs of those above them. However, it's not enough to simply take those punishments lying down, swallowing the bitter tears of humiliation; they have to rise up, and fight back. Skills: Melee (Combat)s, Instinct, and Endurance.

Prudence: Rationality. Sanity. Mental Prowess. The Essence of Insight; to look further beyond what's allowed. It is not one's measure of Intelligence, but rather their Rationality — their Curiosity to uncover the truths, breaking down not just others, but also one's self; all the while, keeping their wits about them. Only by doing so can one walk tall, unweighted by madness. Skills: Technology, Insight, and Ranged (Combat).

Temperance: Patience. Empathy. Sympathy. The Essence of Attachment. It means to understand another's view; sympathizing with their opinions, and empathizing with their pains. It is Kindness, but it is not Generosity. Those with high Temperance are well aware of the Line's existence, the necessity to toe it, but to never cross it, for it would mean to be consumed by another's ego. Skills: Empathy, Negotiations, and Stealth (Combat).

Justice: Repression. Will. Power. The Essence of the Soul. It is a Scale that is required to be eternally in equilibrium, leaning neither right, nor left. The Expression of one's vision — those with high Justice is said to be unswayed, and unmoved by others; their Belief an indifferent straight, and narrow path. They know what Right is, and what is Wrong, and so walk their path without hesitation. It is one's right to enforce their Will onto another. Skills: Repression (Combat), Vision, Ego.

EXP Requirement:

Stats: 100 (I) -> 500 (II) -> 1000 (III) -> 2000 (IV) -> 4000 (V) -> 6000 (EX)

Skill: Rookie 100 -- Adept 200 – Skilled 400 -- Veteran 800 -- Master 1600 -- Legendary 3200

Combat Mechanic -- Note: May Subject to Change. It's a bit finnicky, and suggestions are welcome.

So. Combat. In Path of Greed (name temp), you will be fighting a lot. This follows similar Basis as normal Skill checks, with the exception that you will be clashing against enemy diceroll instead of pre-decided Difficulty Requirement. But if you're concerned about not having a Combat Skill, then you don't have to worry, as each Stat Umbrella has a Skill that would correspond as your Combat Skill. This means that you don't have to level up Melee, if that is not the type of character your MC is.

Fortitude – Melee; Great for Direct Clashes, Keeping the Enemy's Attention on you, and away from your friends

Prudence – Ranged; Opens up Ranged Options, though Requires Ranged Weapons. Always Attacks First.

Temperance – Stealth; Assassinations, and, Avoiding Clashes for One-Sided Strikes

Justice – Repression. Deals Sanity Damage, and perhaps Soul Damage as it grows. Loss of Sanity could lead to certain effects. Repression could be blocked or dodged, but if it gets through, the Damage can't be reduced through means other than Innate Mental Resist (Ego) or special circumstances (no Sanity, etc), or item (i.e. Moonstones).

Additionally, Health Points correspond to Fortitude, while Sanity Points correspond to Prudence. Without any increase from either Stat, you will have 20 HP and SP divided into 5 States to reflect your status, from Healthy/Normal, to Lightly Wounded, Wounded, to Heavily Wounded, to Critical. Each Rank Increase in the Stat adds 5 Points into the pool.

Of course, this does not account for other effects that augmentations, or Armor brings.

Update: Additionally, upon reaching a certain level of Injuries, you will receive a debuff. You receive no Debuff from Healthy, to Lightly Wounded, but upon reaching Wounded to Critical, you will receive a debuff to your rolls:

Healthy - 0
Lightly Injured - 0
Injured - -1
Heavily Injured - -2
Critically Injured - -3

Damage is: Enemy Roll vs Your Roll. If defends, Winner Roll – Losing Roll – Armor. If Attacks, Winning Roll is damage – Armor. If Dodging, Roll Best of X (X being your Dodge Skill), and compare against enemy attacks. If win, no damage, but if lost, full damage. Unless enemy uses Stealth, or has Special Skill to ignore it, there will always be Clashes.

(Example: Lily and Ran both attack. Lily Rolls 7, Ran Rolls 12. Lily loses. Gets 12 Damage.
Lily Defends, and Ran Attacks. Lily rolls 7, and Ran rolls 13. Lily loses. Gets 6 Damage
Lily Dodges, and Ran Attacks. Lily rolls 8, and 7. 8 is taken. Ran rolls 7. No Damage.)
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[X] Plan Inferiority Complex
-[X] Romulus
-[X] 19
-[X] Male
-[X] Prudence: You're smart – and handy at tinkering.
-[X] Temperance: You suppose you're a bit distant – that's not a bad thing, right?
-[X] Technology, Ranged (Combat), Ego

Edit: Forgot about who to sit with.

[X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

Clearly to succeed, we need to suck up to the best.
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A LOR quest? Hell yeah!

[X] Plan: Punk Brat.
-[X] Lily
-[X] 18
-[X] Female
-[X] Merit: Fortitude.
-[X] Demerit: Prudence.
-[X] Melee (Combat), Endurance, Repression (Combat).

[X] Whispering Pair.
[X] Plan: Punk Brat

I like little kids. No, not like that officers.

You know, I kinda wonder how long is the time between the pianist having their performance to the time when the library starts operating.

I hope we can stay the fuck away from that place. Nothing good will come out of it.
Ah, someone beat me to it I see.

Well, good luck. I was going to go for a more CK2/CK3/Riot Quest approach. Essentially, either A) They run a Fixers Office and have to try to survive or B) They all make a Fixer Character and try not to die.

With the main difference being I was going to let them choose whether to live in the Canon Timeline (Thanks Angela) or an AU I thought up where the Light shown for as long as it was supposed to.

Anyway, Votes:

[X] Plan: My Own Justice:
- [X] Name: Alexander
- [X] Appearance:
- [X] Age: 21
- [X] Male
- [X] Merit: Justice
- [X] Demerit: Temperance
- [X] Ego, Repression (Combat), Endurance
- [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

Leaving Appearance blank, cause I don't really have a good one to match this build. I'm basically focusing on 1 thing with this: Surviving and Thriving.

Justice ensures we have a goal/path to follow and will follow it regardless of how far we have to go or who steps in our way. Plus, it's the Pale Damage stat. Aka The Stat that Insta-KIlls in Lobotomy Corporation. While it's probably not like that here, it's still important. Especially because it governs the Ego Skill.

Temperance as a Demerit so we're less likely to get attached to anybody. If anyone's played the LoR game, then you know why being attached to anyone is a BAD IDEA and will lead to a BAD END.

Repression cause...we need some kind of Combat Skill as a Talent.

Endurance cause, again, this build is focused on Survival. We need to be tough to survive here.

Ego is the important one. Cause as time goes on more Distortions will show up, and there's nothing saying our character won't be at the center of one. If we run into a situation where we could possible become a Distortion, WE NEED to be ready. Cause that's gonna decide whether we become an Abnormality, get an EGO Gift, or turn into whatever the Blue Sicko's Band is. Plus it'll help us keep our goal in mind.

And choose Cool Girl to sit with cause she's the most likely to not get attached to us.
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Unsure how to vote, but since we're pretty shite at the moment either way, all we need to remember are the words of wisdom- "This is this, that is that."
Now that my vote is in, Questions for @SoothingCoffee.

1. How we looking on Canon Characters? We gonna meet any of them or are we gonna stay FAR away? To specify, is there any threat of us getting a visit from the Blue Sicko?

2. If we get an Invitation from the Library can we ACTUALLY say no? Or will it be one of those things where saying no is just SO against our character that we'll be forced to go?

3. If we do say no to the Invitation, will we just move on? Or will something else happen?

4. If we accept the Invitation, is it actually possible for us to WIN and get some Books?

5. Does this Quest have a Time Limit? If we're in the same world as the main game, I'd like to think that we're also in the Timeline with the Library. And considering what happens in the game...yeah, The City starts falling apart. So, does that mean at a certain point everything's gonna fall apart and we're fucked?

You can answer these questions however you like. Direct, vague, whatever. Just some things I'm curious about.
Now that my vote is in, Questions for @SoothingCoffee.

1. How we looking on Canon Characters? We gonna meet any of them or are we gonna stay FAR away? To specify, is there any threat of us getting a visit from the Blue Sicko?

2. If we get an Invitation from the Library can we ACTUALLY say no? Or will it be one of those things where saying no is just SO against our character that we'll be forced to go?

3. If we do say no to the Invitation, will we just move on? Or will something else happen?

4. If we accept the Invitation, is it actually possible for us to WIN and get some Books?

5. Does this Quest have a Time Limit? If we're in the same world as the main game, I'd like to think that we're also in the Timeline with the Library. And considering what happens in the game...yeah, The City starts falling apart. So, does that mean at a certain point everything's gonna fall apart and we're fucked?

You can answer these questions however you like. Direct, vague, whatever. Just some things I'm curious about.

1. I don't have an exact plan on the Canon Canon characters, but there are possibilities where you may encounter certain spinoff characters. (Moses, Catt, etc)

2. If the Library wants to you to get in, you'll get in one way or another

3. the City goes on

4. haha

5. There's no time limit -- and I can't give you an exact timeline of where this quest is in terms of canon, but you're maybe a couple, or a month away before canon. Right now, Roland is still being a coal. Generally speaking, the story that takes place in this Quest is independent from the Library, though that doesn't mean the Library doesn't play a role.
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2. If the Library wants to you to get in, you'll get in one way or another

3. the City goes on

4. haha

2. Ok.

3. I know that. I don't mean the City. I mean us and Library. Will they just keep sending us Invites like fucking Spam mail until we say yes, or will it be like a whole year before we hear back from them after the first time.

4. Let me be more specific. If we do managed to beat the Librarians, do we get to leave with the Books but will likely be brought back to the Library later? Or will the fight simply resume like we're an NPC enemy in a video game and just keep going till we die/retreat/get pulled out?

Don't have much to say about 1 or 5 cause you pretty much answered those. I don't know anything about the Spinoffs so can't say anything there. And you already said there's no Time Limit which is cool.

All in all, here's what I get: If we get an Invite we're going to the Library no matter what (which is actually kind of flattering if you think about it. Means we have some of the Light in us so we have the chance of getting an EGO), but the WHEN is what we have some measure of control over. Once we head in our best chance of survival is unlocking our EGO and retreating/getting pulled out by someone else/retreating like a smart person. These will likely be easiest when the Library's weak as shit, but harder as it gets stronger.
Early Tally.

Adhoc vote count started by LinkOnScepter on Jan 20, 2021 at 2:37 PM, finished with 14 posts and 8 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Punk Brat.
    -[X] Lily
    -[X] 18
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Merit: Fortitude.
    -[X] Demerit: Prudence.
    -[X] Melee (Combat), Endurance, Repression (Combat).
    [X] Plan Inferiority Complex
    -[X] Romulus
    -[X] 19
    -[X] Male
    -[X] Prudence: You're smart – and handy at tinkering.
    -[X] Temperance: You suppose you're a bit distant – that's not a bad thing, right?
    -[X] Technology, Ranged (Combat), Ego
    [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.
    [X] Whispering Pair.
    [X] Plan: My Own Justice:
    - [X] Name: Alexander
    - [X] Appearance:
    - [X] Age: 21
    - [X] Male
    - [X] Merit: Justice
    - [X] Demerit: Temperance
    - [X] Ego, Repression (Combat), Endurance
    - [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

Looks like Punk Brat will win. I don't mind it, but I will say we have an 80% Chance of dying in our first mission with it. Unless our first mission is something like helping a cat out of tree (cause, yes, Fixer missions can be that mundane and tedious).
You wot? I've not even voted for it, but that's the vote with the "toughness stat upgrade, endurance, 2 forms of pummelling" specialisations.
Like, that style is the one most likely to come out alive from the initial pummellings, and that's also assuming adversarial killer GM who's out to murder from day 0.
Don't look down on Melee, that's what everyone has to use by Law without a special dispensation.

Ranged weapons are heavily restricted in the City.

Also, Fixers are fucking insane once you get past grade 9 and 8 or so. A Grade 3 Fixer would be a high level brick in most comic book settings with shit like "Casually jumps a dozen stories while carrying someone". Grade 1s are basically Primarchs in strength and ability, Color Fixers are pretty much top level Bleach characters.

The City is post scarcity and has crossed numerous technological singularities of which the elite get to reap the benefits of. The only reason it's a shithole is because the Head likes it that way, and nothing has the power to beat the Head when a single agent of theirs can solo any of the Wings of the World.
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You wot? I've not even voted for it, but that's the vote with the "toughness stat upgrade, endurance, 2 forms of pummelling" specialisations.
Like, that style is the one most likely to come out alive from the initial pummellings, and that's also assuming adversarial killer GM who's out to murder from day 0.

Yeah, but that's the thing, that's not enough to come out on top in Library Of Ruina.

There are a bunch of people who are really tough and can hit hard...and they get killed by people who can do more than that.

In fact, most of the people in Library who are simply "Tough and Hit Hard" are the lowest of the rankings. The people who are actual threats and get to the top tend to be those with special powers or augments, but one thing above all:

A goal and a willingness to see that goal through no matter what. That's what most of the Colors and others who managed to unlock their EGOs, or are actually strong/dangerous, have that many in the City don't.

And that's not this build.

So, we'll probably win a few fights, bite off more than we can chew, and get Insta-Gibbed by something actually dangerous.

And I expect the QM to be Killer and Adversarial. Not because of the QM, but because that's the tone/way of The City. Everything is out to kill you/fuck you over from Day 0. I'd think differently if the opening post literally wasn't saying our character had to live like a Homeless person just to get the chance to be a Fixer.

That just screams "We're gonna be killed Day 1" to me.

Don't look down on Melee, that's what everyone has to use by Law without a special dispensation.

Ranged weapons are heavily restricted in the City.

I'm not putting down Melee. I'm well aware that Melee is the way to go in LoR.

No, I'm putting the build down a bit because of the above reasons, and because I feel like it's trying to be Kali/Gebura/The Red Mist/Typical Delinquent Female Anime Protag.

Which won't work in LoR.

We'll never be The Red Mist, and it's been continuously shown that Anime Protag logic don't work in LoR's World.

I'd say otherwise if this was in an AU or something where the Light had shown for as long as it was supposed to. Then we could simply grab an EGO Gift and go HAM. But it isn't. So, yeah.

But, like I said, it's just an 80% Chance of us dying. We're likely to land in the 20% range there and actually make it through.

Edit: Also, I'm not putting down people's choices. What ever wins, I'm sticking around to see where this goes. I'm just giving my opinion on them.

Edit Edit: (In Reply to Alectai's Own Edit) That is true...but that's the thing.

We START as a Grade 8 or 9 Fixer.

We're the lowest of the low, the Cannon Fodder, the absolutely Red Shirt of the Red Shirts.

Our objective shouldn't be being aggressive and putting us at risk of getting killed by someone more experienced or more powerful than us.

It should be being defensive, build up our power, and never losing sight of ourselves or our goal until we can actually stand on our own two feet.

Edit Edit Edit: Let me be clear that I'm not saying my or anyone else's build is necessarily better than this one.

Heck, I'd still expect us to get killed on our first mission even if my plan or the Romulus plan won. Cause that's just what I expect from LoR, and I haven't been shown that this Quest is going to defy the normal tone of the game so far.
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2. Ok.

3. I know that. I don't mean the City. I mean us and Library. Will they just keep sending us Invites like fucking Spam mail until we say yes, or will it be like a whole year before we hear back from them after the first time.

4. Let me be more specific. If we do managed to beat the Librarians, do we get to leave with the Books but will likely be brought back to the Library later? Or will the fight simply resume like we're an NPC enemy in a video game and just keep going till we die/retreat/get pulled out?

Okay, so I was being a bit cheeky about it :V

But to answer it more in details:

Of course, if you do get an Invitation -- either through one day finding it inside your pocket, or someone offering it you by job request, or etcetra -- you can refuse to get there if you don't want to. There might be some consequences to the character if it's the latter (say, if Finn refuses Yun to take the Invitation, he'll probably get fired), but in any case, it means that the Invitation will probably get into someone else's hands one way or another, who's going to be more willing to accept the Invitation.

Such is the Will of the Prescript Library.

Of course, if you do accept the Invitation, and your character is like, more than capable, then you could live. To get more specifict into 4, the way that a Library fight goes is that it automatically triggers your "Fight or Flight" responses, with most going extreme into "Fight", but the Library seems oddly merciful if you choose to go "Flight".

But if you do end up winning... well, that's for way latter. But you could win.

Either way, it does end with your proverbial string of fate being tied together to the Library's.
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Okay, so I was being a bit cheeky about it :V

But to answer it more in details:

Of course, if you do get an Invitation -- either through one day finding it inside your pocket, or someone offering it you by job request, or etcetra -- you can refuse to get there if you don't want to. There might be some consequences to the character if it's the latter (say, if Finn refuses Yun to take the Invitation, he'll probably get fired), but in any case, it means that the Invitation will probably get into someone else's hands one way or another, who's going to be more willing to accept the Invitation.

Such is the Will of the Prescript Library.

Of course, if you do accept the Invitation, and your character is like, more than capable, then you could live. To get more specifict into 4, the way that a Library fight goes is that it automatically triggers your "Fight or Flight" responses, with most going extreme into "Fight", but if the Library seems oddly merciful if you choose to go "Flight".

But if you do end up winning... well, that's for way latter. But you could win.

Either way, it does end with your proverbial string of fate being tied together to the Library's.

Oh, ok. Cool. Thanks.

Sorry if I came across as rude. I figured you were being cheeky, but these were the questions that I really need some clarification on.

Cause with how major the Library becomes later on, we're gonna be forced to interact with it eventually. So, I'd like to know what we can expect.
Adhoc vote count started by SoothingCoffee on Jan 20, 2021 at 7:41 PM, finished with 21 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Punk Brat.
    -[X] Lily
    -[X] 18
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Merit: Fortitude.
    -[X] Demerit: Prudence.
    -[X] Melee (Combat), Endurance, Repression (Combat).
    [X] Plan Inferiority Complex
    -[X] Romulus
    -[X] 19
    -[X] Male
    -[X] Prudence: You're smart – and handy at tinkering.
    -[X] Temperance: You suppose you're a bit distant – that's not a bad thing, right?
    -[X] Technology, Ranged (Combat), Ego
    [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.
    [X] Whispering Pair.
    [X] Plan: My Own Justice:
    - [X] Name: Alexander
    - [X] Appearance:
    - [X] Age: 21
    - [X] Male
    - [X] Merit: Justice
    - [X] Demerit: Temperance
    - [X] Ego, Repression (Combat), Endurance
    - [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

Calling the Vote. And it looks like Bonk, and Whispering Pair have won.
Adhoc vote count started by SoothingCoffee on Jan 20, 2021 at 7:41 PM, finished with 21 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Punk Brat.
    -[X] Lily
    -[X] 18
    -[X] Female
    -[X] Merit: Fortitude.
    -[X] Demerit: Prudence.
    -[X] Melee (Combat), Endurance, Repression (Combat).
    [X] Plan Inferiority Complex
    -[X] Romulus
    -[X] 19
    -[X] Male
    -[X] Prudence: You're smart – and handy at tinkering.
    -[X] Temperance: You suppose you're a bit distant – that's not a bad thing, right?
    -[X] Technology, Ranged (Combat), Ego
    [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.
    [X] Whispering Pair.
    [X] Plan: My Own Justice:
    - [X] Name: Alexander
    - [X] Appearance:
    - [X] Age: 21
    - [X] Male
    - [X] Merit: Justice
    - [X] Demerit: Temperance
    - [X] Ego, Repression (Combat), Endurance
    - [X] Cool Girl. A dusky tan skinned girl, with dusty gray hair. Out of everyone in the room, she looks the most equipped; a plain buttoned-up white shirt underneath a blue coat. On her lap is a sheathed sword, exuding strange cold mist, and if looks could freeze… then those blue eyes would do it. Something about – well, her everything tells you that she's a cut above everyone in this room.

Calling the Vote. And it looks like Bonk, and Whispering Pair have won.

As expected. Cross fingers our first job doesn't have someone who can easily goad us into a trap to get us gibbed.