Overcharged (Worm CYOA/SI)

Rejoice ye unworthy!
The Author Speaketh!

Also by that logic couldn't you reach forward to a version of you that already has whatever power you want?
YAY! Can't wait to see this story continue. I also have to thank you, without this story, I'd never have seen this CYOA

Sorry for vanishing, folks; been job-hunting. Will continue this when I find the time.

So, wait, you mean you didn't plan on the single most obvious usage of Timeless? That is, to reach into the future and grab a version of yourself that has already completed all the quests, and thus has a bajillion points? I thought that was the whole point of the power.

I knew it could be interpreted as a Save State or as a Kaleidoscope Jr. but at the time I had a lot of other issues to deal with as far as the CYOA was concerned. I was also pleasantly surprised when people figured out the interactions between Timeless and various powers that I hadn't consider. Generally people were using Timeless creatively and breaking it in ways I didn't consider, so I was pretty happy and decided to leave it alone.

But using Timeless as a Save State or to get powers from a possible future self is laaaaaaaaaaaame. Especially the latter because it stretches the wording to suit the creator's desire as oppose to abusing the system.

Take this Overcharged fic for instance. Using Overdrive and Energy Absorption is smartly abusive and I totally approve.

I want people to break the cyoa. Just not in a "Deathbattles: Goku vs Superman" way where they willfully misinterpret a word, phrase or feat (i.e. Superman's power is infinite). So basically, Creativity & Abuse of Math >>>>> Lazy Willful Misinterpretation.
I was in no way saying that the logic that leads to that conclusion in any way fun, or reasonable.

I personally get a perverse kind of pleasure from using seemingly innocuous elements to condtruct something nature never intended.
Like, say:
Bio Tinker +
Biological self-manipulation +
Becoming an unstoppable murder-beast. With variable lethality settings.

If you add Abominable Me, you could maybe even generate a massive Eva-esque FleshMecha to battle endbringers in!
And, if you add Tech Tinker, you can do stuff like a mind-machine interface so you can wirelessly connect your brain to the internet!

If you end up stealing these ideas, at least have the decency to credit me, people.

EDIT: Also let me just say that there are very few circumstances in which I wouldn't pick True Multitasking.
There are so many uses for that power it is not even funny.
What is fnny, though, is shooting innumerable spines at an enemy, each coated with a different neuro-toxin. Just In CaseTM​.
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I thoroughly enjoyed this. It's good to read a not OP CYOA SI, but a well thought out and planned one... If that makes any sense...?