Outdoor Survival Quest (Pact)

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You are a practitioner, able to pierce the viel of the unknown and see the...


The Definition of Insanity
Land of the Free

You are a practitioner, able to pierce the viel of the unknown and see the supernatural forces that affect this world. Even better this ability to see grants certain advantages and opportunities that are beyond the imagining of the mundane people of the world. It also means that you are subject to disadvantages and risks that could lead to interacting with some very dangerous people and Others where your own death and the enslavement of all you hold dear are one of the kinder fates that could occur if not careful. Still as long as you're smart, follow the rules, and careful of who you deal with it shouldn't be an issue. When you first learned about the practice there are a few rules that are universal for everyone. Those who practice magic must tell the truth and if they are caught lying they take a hit to their power, weakening themselves and their practice. Those who are unaware of magic are afforded a measure of protection and the individual that breaks the masquerade for them is responsible for the newly made aware's actions. Those who do what is 'Right' will find their path forward easier while those who do 'Wrong' will find the universe turning against them. There is more to be concerned about but as long as you keep these things in mind then you should do alright in this world.

[] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[] Generational Practictioner - Your family has practiced their form of magic for centuries, the debt and the rewards to be passed to you.

You're still pretty new to dealing with all this, but you have some experience in one specific field:

[] Enchanting
[] Nature Spirits
[] Boogeymen
[] Time Spirits
[] Elementals
[] Ghosts
[] Devils
[] Angels
[] Write-in

Being a practitioner isn't everything, you still have your friends that you've known since elementary school and a normal life to live and speaking of which they invited you for a trip out to the woods. just supposed to be an ordinary weekend, you and a couple of your friends camping in the outdoors for a couple days. Drinking beers, doing a little fishing, and enjoying some nature in the Pacific Northwest. As always happens when going camping someone forgot something that they really wish they'd had on hand but everyone will just have to go without. This turned out to be:

[] Tent
[] Kerosene Stove
[] 50 ft nylon rope
[] Flashlights
[] Matches
[] Bug Spray
[] Tarp
[] Fishing Poles
[] Bait and Tackle
[] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[] Canteens

You are:

[] Name
[] Sex

Your friends are Zoey, an artist that likes to take scrap and turn it into metallic monstrosities. Jim, an accoutant who's all about the bottom line, and Carrie who's a florist though you know her better as a bible thumper. She's promised to save all your souls one day which gets a good laugh from everyone. Driving up to the campgrounds in the mountains, Jim tells you the plan is to settle in at:

[] A Mansion from the 1800's Vampires
[] A Ghost Town Abyss
[] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigos
[] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblins
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[X] Founding Practitioner
[X] Gravity
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Ageha Yoshina
[X] Male
[X] A Ghost Town

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asquerade for them is responsible for the newly made aware's actions. Those who do what is 'Right' will find their path forward easier while those who do 'Wrong' will find the universe turning against them. There is more to be concerned about but as long as you keep these things in mind then
Then what?

[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Time Spirits
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblins
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[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.

[X] Enchanting

[X] Bait and Tackle

[X] Norman Laguerre
[X] Male

[X] A Mansion from the 1800's Vampires
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Boogeymen
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigo

Russians are fun but lets not go for something thats already been done, yeah? I have never heard of any of the canon characters getting involved with angry-ass indian nature spirits who will likely fuck us up if we aren't careful but there is a first time for everything, yeah? The Wendigo is gonna be risky but it likely grants the best bang for our buck out of all four of the options. Boogeymen should theoretically help us bind said creature which is why that is chosen.
I'm kind of curious about what we can put in the write in option. I'm completely unfamiliar with the setting, so what types of magic are acceptable?
I'm kind of curious about what we can put in the write in option. I'm completely unfamiliar with the setting, so what types of magic are acceptable?

Pact has a very soft structure for its magic, anything is possible as long as you work with a related Other that has it within their skillset. In the original canon there were people that manipulated connections and relationships, time magic shenanigans, using ghosts to empower objects, binding goblins as servants and as tools, shapeshifting with glamour, mirror worlds. Basically I will accept anything as your focused magic, it has to be a Theme though.
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Boogeymen
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigo
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Shadow animation
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down

[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Ghosts
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblins
Something to note is that because we're a founding practitioner, our karma will be basically average for a regular human.

So we can run around breaking promises and being a general asshat, and it still wouldn't give us as bad of karma compared to Blake from canon.
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.

Let's bumble into magic together. Nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

[X] Time Spirits

Sounds hax enough right? My 2nd choice was angels because who doesn't like a little divine intervention on their side?

[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)

I can tell the group is gonna fall apart because someone forgot this.

[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] A glade where a whole bunch of trees have fallen down Goblins

Maybe the Goblins have some good loot?
Something to note is that because we're a founding practitioner, our karma will be basically average for a regular human.

So we can run around breaking promises and being a general asshat, and it still wouldn't give us as bad of karma compared to Blake from canon.
Is Karma our mana equivalent, or something else?
Is Karma our mana equivalent, or something else?
It's actually regular karma, except it's enforced by the universe.

So if you steal someone's wallet, you might then stub a toe on a chair leg.

And if you help an old lady across the street, you might not get hit by a car that's lost control of it's stearing.

Karma is vastly more notable for practitioners, it can regularly effect their day to day lives. Karma also is passed on in families. So if you're grandmother's grandmother liked to eat babies, chances are your own karma isn't that great.

In canon, the main character had incredibly terrible karma, because his ancestors had been slowly destroying pieces of reality and giving them to demons in exchange for power for generations. So everything that could possibly go wrong in a situation, would go wrong when he was involved.
[X] Generational Practictioner - Your family has practiced their form of magic for centuries, the debt and the rewards to be passed to you.
[X] Angels
[X] Matches
[X] A Mansion from the 1800's Vampires
I'm hoping we end up specializing in Boogeymen.

They're spirits that have managed to become powerful enough to either be summoned or escape from The Abyss. As for what the abyss is, basically it's designed to grind up and dissolve things that are no longer anchored to reality.

And the purpose of boogeymen is to drag more stuff down there.

However, unlike demons, boogeymen don't actually destroy chunks of reality. They just send it down to the Abyss where it's ground down into nearly nothing for some unknown purpose.

Strong Boogeymen are also unkillable. They can die, but the strong ones just reappear in the Abyss and are rearing to go for round two.

They also can gain strength from fear and acting in horror movie tropes. So they're ideal beings for hunting down and fighting enemies.

And since some of them can actually have near human mindsets, they're much easier to both communicate with, and bargain with. Unlike other supernatural beings, who's thoughts are so alien they're nearly impossible to communicate with in any meaningful way.
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Boogeymen
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigo
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found a magical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[X] Boogeymen
[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)
[X] Pyotr Ruskovic
[X] Male
[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigo
[X] Founding Practitioner - You found amagical tome and after some study went through with the ritual because it was to good to ignore.
[] Generational Practictioner - Yourfamily has practiced their form of magic for centuries, the debt and the rewards to be passed to you.

You're still pretty new to dealing with all this, but you have some experience in one specific field:

[X] Chi, old school taoist with long fingernails and hair to better channel the dragon lines. Throw in some inner style martial arts and a fungshui compass as our foci.

Being a practitioner isn't everything, you still have your friends that you've known since elementary school and a normal life to live and speaking of which they invited you for a trip out to the woods. just supposed to be an ordinary weekend, you and a couple of your friends camping in the outdoors for a couple days. Drinking beers, doing a little fishing, and enjoying some nature in the Pacific Northwest. As always happens when going camping someone forgot something that they really wish they'd had on hand but everyone will just have to go without. This turned out to be:

[X] Beer (1 Cooler Full with Ice)

You are:

[X] Name
[] Sex

Your friends are Zoey, an artist that likes to take scrap and turn it into metallic monstrosities. Jim, an accoutant who's all about the bottom line, and Carrie who's a florist though you know her better as a bible thumper. She's promised to save all your souls one day which gets a good laugh from everyone. Driving up to the campgrounds in the mountains, Jim tells you the plan is to settle in at:

[X] The Ranger Station near the Mountain's Peak Wendigos
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