
The United States of America
It all began in China, Qingqing City.

There was news that a baby that gave off light was born.
Ever since then, superpowers were discovered in various places, and time passed without the cause being identified. Before we knew it, the supernatural became natural, and dreams became reality. The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait. In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

That profession is....

...still quite the long road ahead of you.

Heroes and villains are out and about, but yet you're stuck here in this classroom with an eyesore of a teacher. Sure, it's the top Hero Academy in the country. But you would rather be outside and play with the big boys and girls in their game, wouldn't you? If not, then you must have a secret agenda to attend the school. After all, it's a Hero Academy, what else could you possibly hope for?

Yuuei Academy is good and all, but you can't just sit still, knowing that there so much more to be done. All those villains in their lairs are just waiting for you to bust them and throw their sorry behinds in jail. All that glory to be had. But for now, you are forced to stay in this little classroom, while the world moves on without you. So much waiting for you outside this little bubble. What a time to be alive...

But anyhow, let's not focus on the trivialities. Enjoy the time you have left, Class 1-A. Because, in the end, this is...


Our Hero Academia is a freeform RP, set in the world of My Hero Academia. Here, you will battle villains, rivals, and learn what it really means to be a Pro Hero. It is a world of superheroes, villains, and the legacies they leave behind. I'm looking for twelve players max, but multiple sheets are allowed. Further details are provided below. Sheets are not first come, first served - so take your time and think out a unique Quirk and character concept. We won't be starting for some time, so there's no rush!

Knowledge of My Hero Academia is not a requirement here - we're all original characters and plotlines, with a few familiar faces popping up! If you have any questions, I or another player will be happy to answer them.

The rules are as follows:

1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
2. No God-modding/taking control of another person's character.
3. As a freeform RP, it is important to communicate with another player when you're attempting to fight them. If you wish to fight another player, discuss it with them in PMs and be sure to invite the GM as well. In extreme cases, dice may be used.
4. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM so that we can work out a way to have your character leave the stage.
5. Keep things civil.
6. Character sheet rules are detailed below.
7. Some basic writing skills are expected of you. Try to keep things coherent.
8. Multiple sheets may be submitted. In the event that you decide you want a change of pace, your current character will go on 'downtime' (unless they are locked in some sort of conflict) and your alternate character will come out to play. In the event that all your characters are involved in the same conflict, you'll be expected to keep up with your new posting responsibilities. I recommend not going overboard, but if you're feeling overwhelmed, I can step in and take control of a character. However, should there be multiple characters sent in by the same player, but on different sides, there will be a more rigorous process looking through those sheets as opposed to applying for a single faction.
9. There is a soft limit of twelve players at the moment; this may be adjusted depending on how difficult or easy it is to run this RP.
10. There are nebulous individuals helping me run this RP from the shadows. They will be looking over your sheets in addition to myself, and they will be participating in the RP to an extent. They do not count against the Player Limit, however.

Requirements for your sheet are listed below - but before that, I'd like to explain the goal of the Undercover system and allowing multiple sheets. Undercover is not meant to be something only hidden villains or vigilantes use - if you have something about your Quirk or past that you'd rather keep quiet, you can still mark that as 'Undercover' to hide it from your 'public' sheet. As for multiple sheets - the intended goal here is to allow people the chance to use ideas that appeal to them, but that they aren't certain about writing 'full-time'. By all means, send me one-off characters and villains! It makes my work easier to have a number of baddies and characters to draw on, after all.

Sheets will be submitted via PM, but you can also post a 'public' sheet by removing all Undercover information. Information on your public sheet Is stuff anyone could find out if they did some digging - undercover information is stuff you're doing your best to hide.

Alignment: (Hero, Villain, or Vigilante. The 'Undercover' tag can be used to indicate characters with a hidden agenda. Undercover entries are omitted from your public sheet until you are outed.)
Costume: (You can have a single upgrade initially. All costumes are made to the user's specification, but typically incorporate light armor resistant to slashing and piercing. Heavier armor counts as an upgrade. Undercover characters can have two costumes, but still receive only one upgrade.)
Quirk: (Name and description. If your Quirk has some unsavory aspect or hidden weakness, you can use the Undercover tag here.)
Skills: (Notable skills useful to a hero. Stuff like 'Martial Artist' and 'Master Detective' rather than 'talented singer' and 'master hairdresser'. Unless, of course, your Quirk benefits from those skills. The Undercover tag can be used here as well.)
Bio: (Your character's backstory. Undercover tag applicable.)
Heroes are characters who strive to uphold justice within the confines of the law and under public scrutiny. They are symbols of hope, but can find themselves bogged down by their morals and the laws that bind them.

Villains are those that have turned away from society's values. For whatever reason, be it some higher ideal or just satisfying their base desires, these characters value their own goals above all else. They aren't afraid to break the law, and could care less about 'justice'.

Vigilantes find themselves somewhere between Hero and Villain - Heroes that, for whatever reason, have strayed from society, but still fight for justice. They will break the law and even battle other heroes if it comes down to it, having a 'whatever it takes' mentality to fighting evil.

Costume Upgrades can be stuff like heavy armor, a specialized tool for your quirk, various gadgets, and so on. Something like power armor, however, is the domain of Pro Heroes who can use their money and contacts to fund development. Your Costume augments your Quirk and Skills - it does not replace them.
Thanks to @Divider for letting me copy/paste 90% of his OP and rules.

What a nice guy.
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Heroes and villains are out and about, but yet you're stuck here in this classroom with an eyesore of a teacher. Sure, it's the top Hero Academy in the country. But you would rather be outside and play with the big boys and girls in their game, wouldn't you? If not, then you must have a secret agenda to attend the school. After all, it's a Hero Academy, what else could you possibly hope for?

Yuuei Academy is good and all, but you can't just sit still, knowing that there so much more to be done. All those villains in their lairs are just waiting for you to bust them and throw their sorry behinds in jail. All that glory to be had. But for now, you are forced to stay in this little classroom, while the world moves on without you. So much waiting for you outside this little bubble. What a time to be alive...

But anyhow, let's not focus on the trivialities. Enjoy the time you have left, Class 1-A. Because, in the end, this is...

It sounds like you're trying to set up the Crisis of Infinite Kacchan's there, Khawy. :V
Wow! So many Superhero RPs!

How much do we have to know about the setting?
Character Sheets
Members of this Year's Class 1-A!
@Bahn - A Landshark
Name: "The A-MAWzing Lockjaw"** Souta Kinjou
Alignment: Hero

Costume: Black Dark Blue and Yellow Padded, Kevlar-weaved Motorcycle Jacket. Dark Gray Padded, Utility Pants. Dog-Muzzle modified to fit human face.

Quirk: Mighty Maw - The Mutant-type Quirk manifested by Souta is aptly named. Souta's teeth resemble those of a shark's and everything in relation to the jaws/mouth has been augmented to a great degree, be it muscle, teeth, or bone. This allows him to bite and rend through steel, concrete, etc. and he has taken inspiration from archerfish to spit material as high speed projectiles (gum and hard candy being the usual missiles).

Unfortunately, while his teeth are like a shark's, Souta's jaw structure is still human, meaning he can only bite so much at once. Excessive and repeated biting in a short period will also result in his jaw muscles cramping up, rendering his bite useless for awhile. Even though he can bite through almost any known material, he is not immune to poisoning if he ingests toxic materials on accident.

  • Brawler
  • Professional Eater
Bio: Even back when Souta was a babe before his Quirk manifested, he could always be found chewing or gnawing on miscellaneous items and furniture, Food would disappear down his gullet at warp speeds. So it came as no surprise to anyone who knew Souta when he manifested the type of Quirk he had. He took no time in messing around with his new and improved features, doing anything from gnawing a tree in half to climbing a cliff with his teeth.

His interest in heroism bloomed when he overheard an adult talking to his parents about how he had a Quirk that seemed suitable for such. Young and impressionable, Souta became entranced by the multitude of heroes and their exploits found on the internet. A boy's dream had been born. In part, his hamminess comes from having watched and being influenced to an unhealthy degree by the more..."grandiose" heroes. Now of high school age after years of dedication, Souta is ready to take on and pass the U.A. Hero Course entrance exam.

**Souta (Lockjaw) Insists on being called "The A-MAWzing Lockjaw". A note to all staff to discourage the use of the title.
@TurtleDucks - Level 1 Slime
Name: Sakae Ooze

Alignment: Hero

Costume: A yellow and blue jumpsuit made from stretchable material with a small capacity water tank strapped to the back.
- Upgrade 1: A compressed air gun is built into one of the arms, which extends the range at which Sakae can fire her slime and helps limit the rate at which she uses it.

Quirk: Slime Body (Mutation) - Sakae's entire body is a malleable, amorphous mass of bright-green slime. Her Quirk gives her total control over her body and its properties, allowing for a variety of different uses and applications. These include:

⦁ The ability to alter her shape at will, stretching and compressing in so much as her current body mass allows.
⦁ The ability to alter the density of her slime body at will, ranging from a gelatinous solid to a viscous fluid. In daily life she generally has a denser 'skin' layer of slime to help maintain her default human body shape while the interior of her body is kept more fluid.
⦁ Make her slime sticky, allowing her to grip on to vertical surfaces and ceilings or bog down opponents.
⦁ Being mostly made of liquid, Sakae is resistant to standard physical attacks such as punching or slashing.
⦁ She can launch a portion of her slime at a target, at the cost of body mass. She loses all control over the slime once it has left her main body, though she can recover it if she makes physical contact with it again. There are physical limits to how much body mass she can expel without compromising her effectiveness. In the most extreme circumstances she could expel everything besides the slime comprising her head, though this would leave her completely vulnerable with little ability to move and no further way of defending herself.
⦁ Sakae can generate more body mass by absorbing water, though there is a limit to how much she can hold without immobilizing herself.


Stealth - Her unique physiology allows for Sakae to move with relative silence as well as to squeeze into and move through places inaccessible to normal people.

Empathy - Sakae is a very open, emotional person which allows her to establish a connection with people and get them to open up to her.

History: Sakae has always gotten strange looks from other people because of her appearance. Even in this day and age, where almost everybody has some sort of Quirk to make them stand out, it was undeniable that her Quirk simply made her different from other people. It's understandable of course, humans are just naturally inclined to be wary around those who are different from them. Most people don't mean any ill by it, they simply do it unconsciously, but they can move past it. There are, however, some people who simply can't overlook their differences with others. They feel threatened by difference and they lash out at it in fear and anger.

Such was the case when Sakae was growing up. She was often mocked and ridiculed by her fellow children because of her slimey body. Called awful names like 'Snotball', 'Freak', or even 'Monster'. That last one was the one that hurt the most. Sakae wasn't a monster. She would do everything in her power to show that to the world. That desire stuck deep within her, even long after she had grown up and the bullying was a thing of the past. She wanted to prove that she wasn't a monster for people to be afraid of. She wanted to be a symbol of good and hope for people to look up to. She wanted to become a Hero.

Personality: Sakae is generally a very cheerful, upbeat individual who is incredibly eager for acceptance from other people. Because Sakae wants people to know the 'real' her she is very open with her emotions and feelings and not ashamed to let them out. Her experiences with bullying as a child left her with a thick skin and she can generally brush off unpleasantness directed at her to a certain extent. She takes her training very seriously and is uncompromising in her pursuit of becoming a Hero people can look up to. While she's mostly over it now, she still has some lingering body-image issues from when she was bullied as a child and is uncomfortable if people make a big deal about her appearance.
@Takoe - Sengoku Basara
Name: Tsuruchi Yarima (western notation)
Alignment: Hero

Costume: See the above. Casual clothes are for casuals.

Quirk: Thunderstruck
Tsuruchi's quirk is comes from his mother's side of the family and allows him to consciously control the air in his body. This has almost no combat applications other than an enhanced respiratory system, but all in all he's still pretty happy with this Quirk as it kickstarted his rockstar career.

Skills: Bushido and Samurai Martial Tradition.
Where normal children are given stuffed animals when they are small children to comfort them, Tsuruchi was given a sword by his dad. This didn't last long, as his mother soon intervened and gave him a wooden sword instead. Bottom line is that despite his age Tsuruchi is a master in Bujutsu, specializing in Kenjutsu and Sojutsu specifically but having workable knowledge of all branches.

Bio: The Yarima clan's beginnings date back centuries, back when the Shoguns still ruled the land. As a family of samurai they served faithfully and did everything to uphold the tenets of Bushido. The Meiji restoration and the warrior caste's fall did not stop them, nor did the now established dominance of firearms. It merely forced them to train harder to compensate. To help them in this endeavour they started a eugenics program to engineer a lineage of ever stronger samurai.

Then the Child of Light appeared, and the world changed once more. And for once, the Yarimas changed with it. They became a family of heroes and their power and influence grew once more. The Yarima clan was determined to produce the greatest samurai the world would ever know and let nothing get in the way of that.
Not even family drama like the big falling out between Tsuruchi's grandfather and his dad, and the latter's subsequent exile and revoking of his hero licence. It's an event that caused great shame for the family and one that only the vaguest details are known of to the public despite the heroes from the Yarima family being rather famous. It also made them even more reclusive and driven than ever before. As such, Tsuruchi has done nothing but powerlevel like a motherfucker for a decade.

Now, at long last, Tsuruchi has entered Yuuei Academy where he will grow into the valourous warrior he was destined to become.
@InfiniteDaze - Cat Burglar
Name: Cat's Paw - Aria Aitken

@Lichte - Mental Institute Patient
Name: Emi Kujo
Alignment: Hero

Costume: A two-piece white leather motorcycle suit with gunmetal grey trim.

Quirk: Override

A self-targeting regeneration effect used to perfectly restore Emi's body to healthy working order. She regularly exploits this to push her otherwise normal body beyond its limits, achieving a limited degree of enhanced strength and speed by pushing herself hard enough to damage her muscles and bones and rapidly repairing them between strikes.

Skills: High Pain Tolerance

Bio: An only child of a single mother, herself without any relatives to take her in, Emi was orphaned at a young age. The years after her mother's death were spent cycling through one group home after another, continually relocated due to violent disagreements with other children until a councilor suggested that her aggression could be channeled into something positive, prompting her application to Yuuei Academy.
@The Out Of World - Nyoma Ragare: Still Copyright Friendly
Name: Nagai Ishikawa
Alignment: Hero
Appearance: A young man of trim yet toned, muscular build comparable to a MMA fighter, typically wears a school uniform out of costume. His most notable features are his spiked, backwards-pointing hair and prominent angular sideburns, but those both pale in comparison to the sheer expressiveness of his face - when he's excited or angry, he makes sure you know it.
Costume: Nagai's costume resembles a protective flight suit with armored arm bracers and a protective yellow-white helmet that sports prominent horn-like projects from the front. Additionally, he keeps a pouch strapped to his belt in the event he needs to bring stuff with him.
(Costume Without Helmet)

Personality: Ever since the tragic accidents that claimed the lives of his family and closest friend, Nagai has dedicated himself to protecting everyone with every last ounce of power in his body. He keeps himself at a distance from others for fear of getting too attached and feeling the bitter sting of loss once more, yet he always throws himself headfirst into danger as quickly and forcefully as possible so nobody else has to risk losing their lives trying to protect the innocent. At times he can be crude, rash and is often very vocal about his goals as a hero. However, the past that spurred his motivations is still a sore bruise on his otherwise determined personality and one of the only things he seldom talks about.

The Human Component: A bizarre Quirk shared among Nagai's generation of the Ishikawa family that allows their biology to meld and interface with mechanical objects and repurpose them into a quasi-organic state, not unlike a hyper-strengthened immune system breaking down and recycling cellular debris. This allows for innate control of machinery Nagai is binding to without being properly trained in its operation, but another aspect of its allows him to perform stopgap repairs to his own body by filling in injuries with cybernetic quasi-biomatter. Applying a 'patch' initially is a very slapdash job that keeps vital parts of his body (blood, organs, etc.) from spilling out of it, but it fails to protect him against more esoteric or severe damage such as being bisected, burned, frozen or damage to the brain. Over a period of weeks or months, the cyborg 'patches' will become more well-defined and efficient if they have not been removed. Nagai's right lung was originally salvaged from a miniature pneumatic pump. His left arm from the elbow down was severed in a battle, patched to stem the bleeding and eventually outfitted with a rudimentary mechanical prosthetic arm that his Quirk gradually upgraded until it rivaled a proper human arm in shape and precision.

Iron Castle Majin: Consumes costume upgrade slot. A mechanical suit of power armor roughly ten feet tall with a wide, bulky frame. A built-in autopilot program with remote controls and decent level of strength are all it brings to bear on its own, compensating for Nagai's otherwise highly situational Quirk by allowing him to pilot it from within the chest and repair damages to its body with the reconstructive feature of his Quirk.

Hot-Blooded Will: Nagai is unflinching in the pursuit of his goals, his will indomitable. Even when subjected to altered mental states, he presents a formidable resistance to attempts at controlling his mind.

Nagai Ishikawa was raised by his grandfather, the renowned particle physicist Ota Ishikawa, after both his parents died in a tragic lab accident while trying to research the mysterious power of Quirks. During a terrorist attack on his grandfather's laboratory one fateful day, Ota was mortally wounded and bequeathed to his grandson his magnum opus: the super fighting robot Iron Castle Majin! Now Nagai pilots Iron Castle Majin from inside to protect the innocent from the forces of evil!
@Unlucky Bibliophile - Lung Disease by 20
@God and the Snake - Kirito
Name: Date Chikage
Alignment: Hero

Date wears a full body suit that has a skeleton patterned atop it. His special modification is a small device upon its back, which contains two cartons of strawberry and chocolate milk, as well as a stick of butter.


Calcium King

A body-based quirk inherited from his father, Date's quirk allows his body to grow stronger the more milk he drinks: Drinking milk greatly increases his bone density, which provides less substantial but still noteworthy enhancements to his physical prowess. In essence, his strength increases mildly while his durability increases substantially. Special varieties of milk also have unique benefits: Chocolate milk causes his skin to become much harder while turning a lustrous bronze, strawberry milk greatly enhances the rate at which he heals, and consuming butter makes him extraordinarily slippery. However, in this feature lies his greatest weakness - if he consumes skim milk, he can become horribly ill and his built up 'power-level' resets back to its base.

Additionally, Calcium King gives Date the innate ability to sense bones. This gives it a great deal of search-and-rescue potential, as it's ideal for finding injured civilians during disaster relief scenarios with the added ability to being able to do a partial diagnosis based on the state of their skeletal structures.

Skills: Bare-Knuckle Boxer

Bio: Date and his sister Setsuna are the children of the gunfighting hero Madame Gendarmerie and a perfectly normal father who picks up garbage. They're both entirely well adjusted, and living with their uncle while they attend Yuuei Academy.

Date is a year older then his sister and most everyone else in the class, due to accidentally drinking a carton on skim milk on the morning of last year's entrance exam. This left him hugging a toilet bowel for three days, and thus he was entirely incapable of participating.
@Wizard_Marshall - Suguha
Name: Setsuna Chikage

Alignment: Hero (Bloody Mary)



Setsuna was born the daughter of the hamtastic supervillain Skulker and the edgy superheroine Madame Gendermarie. Because they were helicopter parents, Setsuna was a shy little girl. Daddy made her laugh with his antics, while Mommy scared her with Spartan training. Her brother Date was the only normal one, which kind of confused her.

One day, her mother took Date and Setsuna camping. She wanted to train them to survive under any circumstances. Setsuna performed poorly. She was previously a homebody, and now her Mom wanted Setsuna to skin a dead animal when she hadn't even carved a turkey before. The extreme difference was jarring. It was traumatizing when Mom put her hands over Setsuna's in an attempt to help her. She cried that she hated her Mom for being mean to Mr. Squirrel.

Later that night, after their Mom had left, Setsuna felt the call of nature. Too embarrassed to wake her brother up, Setsuna left the tent alone. After she finished her business, she felt relieved and went to head back to camp only to encounter a grizzly bear on the way. As the bear towered over her, Setsuna was paralyzed with fear. She didn't even think of using her Quirk. It would be useless here. She was going to die. As the bear roared at her, she closed her eyes in resignation, but the pain of death never came.

When she cracked her eyes open, she saw her brother standing before her. The bear's claw had torn through his shirt, revealing his hard, shiny abs. Setsuna was openly crying now. Her brother was going to die; he hadn't drank any milk today. Mom wanted them to survive on their own skills and not their Quirks.

But her brother just showed her a fearless smile and said, "Don't worry, just leave it to Big Bro." A titanic fight followed. It was David vs. Goliath. Something that Setsuna would remember for her whole life - the sight of her courageous brother fighting to protect her. With his mighty fist, he punched the bear out, the meaty smack resounding throughout the forest. The hero prevailed, victoriously standing over the unconscious bear. At that moment, Date's heroic figure and sweaty abs were forever etched in Setsuna's heart. She wanted to support her brother. She wanted to be as strong as him. She wanted to be a little sister he could be proud of. Setsuna would dedicate the following years to achieve this goal; she never complained again during her mother's training, though she did become a vegetarian.
@Average Weird - Chuuni Shit
Name: Gin Mizuki

Alignment: Hero (Student)


Costume: A somewhat flowing red and grey jacket and legwear with gloves included, and specially-designed shoes that are quite springy; the last bit allows her to jump quite a ways further and higher than she can manage under her own power.

Quirk: Free Fall - She has some degree of control over the inertia of her own body or anything she's touching, allowing her to abruptly start or stop moving in ways impossible for other people. She can quite literally turn on a dime, go from a full-speed sprint to a dead stop mid-step and so on; defensively, she can allow a punch to move her without causing her any harm or other various things like that. Basically, she could take a megaton punch that throws her into the closest wall and then bounce off unharmed.

When applied to other people or objects, she can toss them around quite a bit easier than their mass would imply or stop a fast-moving object in its tracks—though it doesn't make her any stronger, so actually damaging things can be a bit of a problem.


Public Speaking - While her methods were a bit unconventional in the past, Gin has quite a bit of experience catching people's attention—even if the habits she's trying to kick sometimes pop up to make the situation embarrassing for her.
Le Parkour - Gin has quite a bit of experience running around and all over things with her powers to help her. She can move from Point A to Point B in ways that would be impossible for most people.


Born to an average family, with average parents and average siblings, Gin went to an average school and had an average friend—Anzu. Like many young children, Gin thought that she was someone special: in her case, she liked to pretend to be a the mortal incarnation of a fallen angel cursed with misfortune after she fell from the heavens—something not abated by the existence of her Quirk. Her friend was both bemused and amused, and went along with Gin's harebrained schemes out of friendship more than anything else.

This idyllic childhood couldn't last. When one of her schemes brought them up against a real villain, it was Gin who cowered in fear while her powerless friend stood up to protect her. While a hero arrived in time to save them, the damage was already done: where Gin was unharmed because of Anzu's bravery, Anzu would walk with a limp for the rest of her life. Unable to look her friend in the eye after her cowardice, Gin began to fall out of contact with her.

Looking for someone to blame for her situation, Gin began to fall deeper into her fantasies. Her talk of being a fallen angel was no longer mere play; instead, it was self-delusion. Gin began to fall in a downwards spiral, her behavior growing more and more concerning to her parents and teachers—and had it not been for a chance encounter in the grocery store, that would have been it for her.

For the first time in over a year, Gin looked her friend in the eyes and heard the three words she hadn't allowed herself to all this time:

"I forgive you."

Feeling as though an incredible weight had been lifted from her shoulders, Gin finally let herself take responsibility for her actions: not just for leading Anzu into danger but also for driving a wedge between them in her selfish attempt to escape from the guilt that doing so had made her feel. In the tearful reunion and conversation that followed, Gin decided that she knew what she wanted to do with her life: be like the hero that had saved her and her friend, but be better. With her around, nobody would be hurt by any villains ever again.


All things considered, Gin is a fairly average individual. She tends to be a bit more guarded than she used to in worry of slipping up and saying something embarrassing, but she can hold a conversation well enough and gets along reasonably well with most people. Also she has shit taste in music and likes idols, the fucking nerd (yes this is a joke)

She also tends to place Anzu on an unreasonably high pedestal. In her mind Anzu was everything she should have been—courageous and heroic, even without a Quirk to help her. She's dedicated herself to becoming a the sort of hero she thinks Anzu was, but this makes her dangerously willing to take things further than they should go and put herself in situations she's not yet ready to handle. Anzu's own concerns about this are often brushed off as being humble, or trying to protect her.
Supporting Cast - Anzu: Gin's Quirkless childhood friend. While they began to drift apart after Gin began avoiding her out of guilt, a chance encounter in the grocery store helped them clear things up and reconnect. While she supports Gin's aims of becoming a hero, she often worries that Gin is taking things too far and rushing into situations she's not prepared to handle.

While she had been fairly athletic before the incident with the villain and considered trying out for their school's track team, her limp put an end to that. She has no hard feelings about this, and views the injury as worth the life and safety of her friend—though she will try to use it to guilt-trip Gin into doing something or staying out of things if she feels it's in the latter's best interest.
@Bladestar123 - Big Bro!
@Luxicato - The Wall
Name: Katsuo Akiyama

Alignment: Hero

Appearance: He is the definition of a plain boy. Short black hair, brown eyes, average build and height. He smiles often and keeps good care of his appearance.

Costume: His costume consist of some light grey clothes with it's joints protected by metal pieces. It also has a metal helmet that covers his head stylized in a way that makes him look like a power ranger. The whole costume is gray but it has a black spiral that goes vertically from his head to his legs. It represents a spring because his power works in a similar way to one.

Katsuo can use his body to absorb kinetic energy and store it to use it himself. He can transfer the energy absorbed directly into other things to give them movement or to his own body to ''use it'' to hit hard.
This power has its limits. He can't store too much energy or it will start affecting him directly. This limit will grow with time and experience.

Huge Stamina: Katsuo trained his body to the limit since he was a kid. Now his stamina is huge and is almost impossible for him to get tired in a normal way.

Bio: Like any other kid Katsuo discovered his quirk by accident in a playground when a ball was going to hit him in the face and suddenly it stopped. At first he doesn't knew what his quirk actually did but never bothered to focus on discovery it. One day there was an accident involving his power and since that day his objective was to fully understand his quirk and develop it to it's limit.
To grow stronger and expand his power he needed to fight and his good heart made the choice obvious. He will become a hero.
@Joebobjoe - Jojokes
Name: Johnathan Josephson
Alignment: Hero
Appearance: Costume: A pair of pants and a mask, no shirt is worn to help increase surface area usable with his quirk. The belt buckle also functions as a taser, giving him easy access to small amounts of electricity to use with his quirk.
Quirk: Rippling Amplification, Johnathan can amplify energy that comes into contact with him, causing grand bursts of the energy to radiate off of his selected body parts. However he can only amplify one type of energy at a time. While Johnathan is briefly protected from the energy he is amplifying he is still vulnerable to the aftershocks of his bursts. Experimenting has determined he at least can do light, kinetic energy, heat, electricity, and sound, other forms of energy may be possible, but he hasn't had reason to test them yet. Generally he favors light and electricity inorder to disorient and knock out his foes with minimal lasting damage. While he can control the general severity of the burst, he has little finesse in the actual direction of the bursts.

Skills: While not skilled in martial arts he was the star football player in his previous school, meaning he's decent at running, throwing, and taking hits.

Bio: Growing up Johnathan was always overshadowed by his adoptive brother, Diego. His father George had brought him in as a favor to Diego's departed father, who George believed had saved him from a villain attack. Diego always made the effort to appear as a perfect gentleman when others were around, but subtly sabotaged all of Johnathan's endeavors using his quirk, which granted Diego near total control of his own bodily functions, though also made him sensitive to light. Going to Yuuei has Johnathan hopeful that he can leave his brother's petty vendetta behind him.
@Hadiz - Lightning Rod
Name: Kujo Sakamoto.

Alignment: Hero.


No long hair though. Besides I don't want to go through hours searching for Images.
Costume: A Biker Helmet, Shin Guards, Elbow Guards and Safety Shoes. On top of his casual clothes. Yes. He looks like a cyclist with a motorcyclist helmet. Also holding onto a Metal Bat.

Quirk: Lighting Rod. - Mark can absorb the electricity sources he is holding. From the school's computer, the wiring, taking electricity from the Circuit Breaker and the wires connecting to the source.

The next step is to hold onto said Electricity inside of him. Which Mark is able to shoot as a blast of electricity too a handy taser to shock the opposition. Or turn his bat into said Taser.

He could also do that while holding on to an electrical source. Though it's very tiring. Like running through a marathon.
You'll know it when the RP starts.

Skills: Fighting With Bludgeon Weapons and Fists.

Bio: Kujo lived a Normal life. He went to school had fun with his Acquaintances in games. Helped out his parents and teachers if they needed it. He was just a nice boy knowing what's right and wrong. Life moving along as the years ticked by.

His parents were a nice couple. He finds himself lucky to have them. His Father Yuuji was a retired Hero. Retelling him tales of his heroics though he has always made sure to stress how dangerous it is. The feeling of duty and responsibilities it brings.

His Mother Shouko. While his Father was the one to bring happy tales and fun games with his old friends. She had been the one to instill a sense of duty to him. To find joy in just being himself.

Though he wishes some things he could forget when it comes to those 2.

To go to the Academy. He doesn't want to stay at the sidelines and let others protect him. He wants to be there to help more. Even though his dad was more worried about him. Kujo just says he'll just roll with it with everyone.

Besides. If life was simple. It wouldn't be fun anyway.
@Azrael - Erl's Mistake
Name: Yamai Kaminaga.
Alignment: Hero.
Costume: lolnoidea. I'll come up with something eventually.

It'll wind up rather skimpy because of her Quirk though.

Quirk: Hurricane - Yamai possesses an Emitter-type Quirk that allows her to generate and manipulate air currents via a series of almost imperceptible holes in her body. These, effectively specialized pores, allow her to shoot air from almost any part of her body, and are fueled by her extremely robust respiratory system. At full power, she is able to use these winds to simulate flight- for maybe 10 minutes, at which point she better hope she isn't very far up. She also has a height limit due to the need to first suck in air. Far more commonly however, rather than picking up things to hurl at people or using blasts of wind to knock around opponents (though she can do both of those things), she uses subtle manipulations to direct the long chain she uses as a weapon, allowing her to perform improbable maneuvers and giving it the appearance of moving under it's own power.

Sporty: As an active and energetic person, Yamai participated in a number of sports. In particular, she was a member of the track and field team in her middle school, allowing her to run very quickly and for considerably longer than one might expect.

Chain Use: Yamai's weapon of choice. While she liberally applies her Quirk to change the direction of her swings or apply more force, she did take the time to learn mundane means of controlling a long, swinging, indiscriminate weapon. She likes the chain because of it's generally non-lethal nature, and with her small amount of martial arts experience she can use it to maintain a number of holds on people. It's about 2 meters long, with a small weight on one end.

Yamai Kaminaga had a generally happy life at first. She went to school, participated in clubs, hung out with her twin sister and friends, and got along with her parents. Unlike many, she held no particular desire to become a Hero, and unlike many others, she did not want to commit crimes for her own gain as a Villain.

Due to a certain event, she has changed her mind. Resolving herself to the life of a Hero, she has joined Yuuei for her own reasons.
@Nanimani - i cri evree tiem
Name: Asai Moji
Alignment: Hero
I'm bad at descriptions. Benefit's the sword that can cut through anything or go blunt as needed.

Quirk: Mind's Eye
Uncontrolled mind-reading of surface thoughts, location, and actions of everyone within five meters, put briefly. It's rather useful in a fight, as knowing what your foe's next move will be before they really do usually is. Out of it, it's also useful. Just try lying to him, for example.

But useful and good aren't the same thing. All the polite falsehoods of friendly interactions are gone. In a crowd of people, the noise of thoughts range from annoying to painful. Plus, there's that whole "I'm listening in on something that really probably should not leave people's minds" bit. It's really really fucking awkward when someone around him fantasizes about someone. Still, it's his Quirk, and it is helpful... He could probably live with it if that's all it was.

See, he doesn't wear that blindfold because the power helps with bumping into things, because it doesn't. (What causes that is roughly a decade of training). When he sees someone, the mind-reading goes deeper. Much deeper. He acquires their memories, the emotions with their memories, their goals, their desires, their prejudices, their trauma, their likes, dislikes, affection... He knows everything they've done, seen, wanted to do, and knows exactly how they feel about it.

It's impossible to look at them the same way after that, when you know everything wrong they've ever done, and felt why they did it. Asai knows what it feels like to kill someone and enjoy it now, and once found himself wondering if he'd enjoy it. He's afraid of his own Quirk; he hasn't seen many people since he got it, but he feels like he's lost a bit of himself, gaining so much from others. He's no longer sure what about him is really him.

So he never wants to see anyone else ever again.


Blind Movement: Asai isn't technically blind, but that doesn't mean he ever lets himself see anything as he walks. He's learned how to not completely embarrass himself, at least. No more running face-first into walls. Still, there's only so much you can do without a Quirk. If he were to actually fight something without being able to just know their movements like he can with things that have thoughts, he'd need to actually see what he's fighting or get his ass kicked.

Supah Samurai skillzzz: His father is the Super Samurai! Naturally, he taught both his children the art of the blade. Asai is capable of incredibly precise strikes; he can slice criminals if he has to without hitting any important arteries! Plus, he's rather stronger than he looks. He needs to be to hold giant katanas, after all!

Pushing Buttons: If he's seen someone, he knows all their traumas, every desire. It's... almost pathetically easy to hurt them with words, or to say just what they want to hear. It feels wrong to do it, though. Besides the fact that he would have had to have seen them, it feels just plain wrong to do that. It's impossible for him to not feel empathy for anyone it's possible to do this to. Knifing them where it hurts most hurts him too.

Asai was adopted by Super Samurai and Mecha lady, too early for him to remember when. That's fine; he's seen both of them. He remembers himself from their perspective; the child of a dead S-class villain,, better taken care of by heroes than an orphanage. He knows their watchfulness as he grew, in ways he couldn't have noticed then. They love him now; they didn't then. His (Blood-related) sister, though, did, even then. Even if he didn't know it then, maybe that's why he grew so much closer to her than their parents.

His Quirk activating was... probably both the best and worst thing for them, at the same time. Asai felt betrayed at what he learned that day, but at the same time, he couldn't help but get why. And, more than that, he knew beyond a doubt that his family loved him; that's a powerful thing. Still, he was different after that day. A five year old suddenly getting more than seventy years of memory cannot remain the same.

At that point, he still had hope he'd be able to control his Quirk; the time of the blindfold hadn't yet come. They went to the park, looking to acclimate him to being around lots of people, maybe letting him look at someone if he thought he was up to it. The person he picked was perhaps the most unfortunate one possible; serial killers like going to parks sometimes, too.

Which leads into the present. He's afraid of his Quirk, and has kept a blindfold around his eyes whenever with anyone but his family since. He knows what it's like to be a villain; he knows what it's like to be a Hero. He knows what it feels like to kill people; he knows what it feels like to protect them. If he was never separated from his father, he would likely have embraced the former choice. Now, though... His parents are Heroes. His sister became a Hero four years ago. He doesn't want to be a Villain.

And so, he's come to Yuuei.
@Aodyssey - Jojo 2: Jojo Harder
Name: Hiro Goda
Alignment: Hero
Appearance: A powerfully built young man of preposterous stature. He's extremely tall at 6'7" and weigh over 200 kg. His hair is showing signs of early baldness, and he has a wide mouth, accustomed to large grins. He is very loud and hasn't heard of the concept 'Inside Voice.'
Costume: A cloak and navy blue pants, as a concession to modesty in everyday life. In battle, he eschews the cloak and let his glorious sculpted abs do the talking.
Generational Strength - The longer or more repetitively he does something, the more effective it is. In a fight with villains, he'd try to get in multiple hits to pummel foes to submission. Increased Strength and Endurance to superhuman level.
CQC—Trained from a young age in various styles of Martial Arts, especially power-types like Brazilian jiu-jitsu and Muay Thai. Hiro used his great strength and sheer mass to his advantage - even without his quirk, criminals and villains would learn to fear him!

Strong Arm—Feel these muscles and know the truth!

Bio: The Goda family were successful heroes who received various corporate sponsorships. In the Hero business, they were practically aristocrats in their renown and fame. The first son of a brawny muscular-enhancement hero and a healer heroine, Hiro was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, ready for a life paved with roses and a successful career as a top class Hero.

Things took a darker turn, however, once his little sister was born. She suffered from rare genetic diseases, and the treatment cost brought financial ruins to the family. Add to that financial mismanagement, stress and a nascent gambling addiction, the family that once lived in an opulent mansion can barely stay afloat, days to days.

The once assured career in tatters, Hiro works various jobs in convenience stores to supplement his income. The sight of a man with his head scraping the ceiling is intimidating for some, but his gentle heart and wide smile won the day.
And an extra - The Last Girl
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Line of Succession
Line of Succession
  1. Literally Cancer Bondo
  2. Filthy Orc Bondo/GatS
  3. Magical Girl Bondo/Fish
  4. 80% Off Bondo
  5. Shadow Bondo
  6. Weebshit Bondo
In the event that I get banned or drowning in Exams around May, I want this to keep going even without my presence. Don't worry about imposters, the Shadow Council knows.

Erlking --> ????
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Wow! So many Superhero RPs!

How much do we have to know about the setting?
Bare minimum, you're just students after all.

You just need to know that society is more or less adjusted to superpowered individuals, and that people with Quirks are in the majority.

Also, if you have questions regarding the types of Quirks, ask away.
While this ask for original characters, I must say I do wonder one Oath game would go in Academia. Or using characters that would fit the setting anyway.
Bare minimum, you're just students after all.

You just need to know that society is more or less adjusted to superpowered individuals, and that people with Quirks are in the majority.

Also, if you have questions regarding the types of Quirks, ask away.
What's the power scale we'll be on?

I vaguely remember one of the top guys has something to do with absorption or something like that, but I don't want to go in with a too OP or too weak power.

Do our characters have to be at the school? What's the status on secret identities?
What's the power scale we'll be on?
Street level, you're not blowing up buildings right off the bat. Try not to go overboard, please.

I vaguely remember one of the top guys has something to do with absorption or something like that, but I don't want to go in with a too OP or too weak power.
Tell me of your ideas in a PM, and I will tell you if it's too OP or too weak. But of course, I would have to judge yours with other people's ideas before I can give you the final answer.
Do our characters have to be at the school? What's the status on secret identities?
Those people are dirty liars who are trying to sneak into the school.

Filthy hobos.
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Name: Ban H. Ammer
Alignment: JUSTICE

Costume: Looks like a hammer.
Quirk: Ban - The ability to remove any person from the universe.
Skills: Banning people
Bio: Ban H. Ammer was a pretty cool dude. Then he got ticked off. Then he banned someone.

(no but actually I've sent in the real sheet)
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Name: Ban H. Ammer
Alignment: JUSTICE

Costume: Looks like a hammer.
Quirk: Ban - The ability to remove any person from the universe.
Skills: Banning people
Bio: Ban H. Ammer was a pretty cool dude. Then he got ticked off. Then he banned someone.

(no but actually I've sent in the real sheet)
I'm sorry, but I must reject this.

As this was already a planned character by someone else, and I feel that this overlaps with their concept.

(No, no one sent in an actual Banhammer)
I'm giving this a week or two, since a couple of people are busy with real life.
Huh. I'm in no rush then.

Is it first come first serve?

It's time for me to Binge this show!

Only then will I be able to come up with a sufficiently powerful yet interesting "Quirk".