On the Wings of an Eagle [Re-Write]

Hilariously enough, I got the collectors edition of AC4 when it came out. Pre-ordered it, even got that treasure map.
Still in its plastic wrapping.

I liked Connor. It's just that the story seemed to kind of stall after a point. I seem to recall focusing on hunting and such more than caring about the main questline after a while. ...Though that's how I play most RPGs, lol.
That's my biggest problem with everything after 3, the story feels utterly stalled out. I mean Yeah, Pirates n Shit, but the story wasn't exactly emotionally moving or moving the story, and the less said about Unity the better.
Regarding the assasins, Ezio remains the most popular, but I enjoyed the new gameplay styles of Unity and Syndicate, and can't wait for Origins.

I personally found Conner to be too brash to be a real assassin and didn't really like him that much.

I enjoyed Black Flag because Edward wasn't an assassin until near the end, after Mary dies. He was a pirate, and that was fun.

Other than the new controls, however, the only amusement I got from Unity was putting Arno in Shay's robes. Irony right there just for the fun of it.

As for Syndicate, I literally liked only half of it: Evie's half. Jacob was brash and annoying and it wasn't a dual assassin gameplay like I'd hoped, but it was loads of fun running around Victorian London.
Man after playing assassin creed Orgins, I couldn't help but think about this story! I wonder if any lore from the new game will make its way in here?
Man after playing assassin creed Orgins, I couldn't help but think about this story! I wonder if any lore from the new game will make its way in here?
I've decided on general principle not to buy the game myself because of its microtransactions, But I'm not averse to including stuff from it here in general.

But I'm not sure I'll go to the effort of watching a playthrough of the game when the story doesn't particularly need any of the new lore.
I like Yahtzee's bitching about the game. His scathing remarks are on-point.

"This is a knife from the ancient times."

"You are in ancient times, bitch."

I lol'ed so hard at that. It's true though, that Origins' lore just doesn't seem that relevant considering Ezio's time is, what, a few hundred years after Origins? Unless the Church actually kept ancient Egyptian artifacts inside their vaults, I don't see Origins having any influence in this story.
I lol'ed so hard at that. It's true though, that Origins' lore just doesn't seem that relevant considering Ezio's time is, what, a few hundred years after Origins? Unless the Church actually kept ancient Egyptian artifacts inside their vaults, I don't see Origins having any influence in this story.
More like between 1500 and 1800 years. Ptolemaic Egypt wasn't that young.

And as far as I can tell, Origins is trying to close several loopholes between the backstory elements in past AC games that were neglected in later ones.

I don't see them having particular relevance besides passing references, though.

...Man, I need to get back to writing. I miss it. :(
I like Yahtzee's bitching about the game. His scathing remarks are on-point.

"This is a knife from the ancient times."

"You are in ancient times, bitch."

Eh, I feel that's pretty off the mark, given that the timespan from the pyramids to Origins, iirc, is greater than the timespan from Origins to modern day. It could absolutely be applicable for it to be from 'ancient times'.
More like between 1500 and 1800 years. Ptolemaic Egypt wasn't that young.

And as far as I can tell, Origins is trying to close several loopholes between the backstory elements in past AC games that were neglected in later ones.

I don't see them having particular relevance besides passing references, though.

...Man, I need to get back to writing. I miss it. :(

Out of curiosity, I want to ask:

Is the part from the original story, where Louise is praying and says "May the father of understanding guide us", still relevant to this version? Please tell me it is, cuz the implications that twist brought on still haunt me to this day, years later :???:.
Segment III.5. — Rivals, Repartee, and Retorts
Segment III.5. — Rivals, Repartee, and Retorts

As soon as Colbert's command rang out across the courtyard, Guiche's wand-holding hand snapped up, the young man rapidly spitting out words that sounded like song. Another petal drifted off from the rose he raised up, and again as it hit the ground, the earth roiled and buckled.

This time, it was no simple sword, but a tall figure standing two heads taller than Ezio made of smoothed bronze metal. Shaped like a human—two arms, two legs, a torso and head—its proportions were grotesque, with shoulders, elbows, and knees more like pauldrons than human joints.

And yet it moved like a human, slowly raising the bronze greatsword in its two clumsy hands to guard, the 'face' under the helmet an expressionless flat pane of metal polished to a bright sheen. For a moment, Ezio thought he could see his silhouette reflected back at him.

"So you can make a bit more than just swords, ragazzo? Che noioso."

"Yes! Witness the great skill of my family, commoner! The creation and manipulation of the fruits of the earth given to us by the Founder—that is the power of the House of Gramont!"

"Formidabile!" Ezio stepped forward, shaking out his free arm. "Let us see what it can do, then!"

And with a dancer's light grace, he cleared the distance between himself and the construct in five easy steps and little more than a moment, the bronze sword in his hand burying itself in the center of its chest and punching out the other side in a shriek of metal.

Guiche slashed his wand in sheer reflex alone, and the metal marionette lifted the sword in its hands and brought it down.

By that point in time, Ezio had already pivoted on his forward foot and danced out of the way, drawing the blade out of the metal breastplate as he went.

With two easy steps backwards, he was out of reach again and surveyed the large gash across the construct's chest. "Hollow, then?" he called out as the courtyard exploded in murmurs of shock and surprise. "Not a lot of speed and strength in these blows either, ragazzo!"

"And yet it still stands!" Guiche retorted, bravado slathered over uncertainty.

"Si, for now!"

Ezio took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment—and when he reopened them again, the world had been tinted grey, blue, and gold. The marionette was dull, lifeless, except for the streaks of gold that stranded their way through the surface of its limbs, reaching through empty air to the wand held by the young boy.

"And now, I can see your strings!"

The back of his branded palm burned, and without having to think about it, he charged forward, deflecting the puppet's clumsy blow and decapitating the puppet on the return. As it stumbled under the sheer force inflicted upon it, Ezio slashed upwards, shearing through the marionette's thinly plated armpit and separating shoulder from torso.

As the puppet sought to regain its balance, Ezio planted his feet and grabbed the sword's hilt with both hands, bringing it down and doubly disarming it, separating both remaining arm and weapon from its shoulder. A solid kick to the marionette's torso shattered it, the golden light inhabiting it fading from view.

Ezio hesitated, thrilled and uncertain. Wide slashes were not his usual remedy—he would harry with quick strikes, piercing defences to deal debilitating blows while enemies were distracted by pain and fear. This was not the way he usually fought, and yet it had felt completely right and whole. Why?

The runes on the back of his hand burned as he raised the sword to guard, returning his attention to the dumbstruck young man not ten paces from him.

As soon as Ezio stepped forward, however, Guiche de Gramont did something unexpected: he snapped his jaw shut into a resolute expression, raised his rose wand, and snapped it crosswise through the air before him, speaking rapid incantations as he stepped backwards and away.

The rose lost all its petals, leaving nothing but the withered stem in his hand, and as they drifted to the ground, buffeted around by a sudden wind, the ground roiled to spit out a dozen constructs just like the one Ezio had just destroyed. Their design was flat and unadorned, but this time they carried not just swords, but also halberds, axes, shields, and mauls.

"Going all out, ragazzo?" Ezio called out as he lowered the sword into a guard, loosening his shoulders and watching carefully as the marionettes surrounded him. "This must be a great honour! Though it certainly does nothing for yours, drowning a man in numbers alone!"

"Honour? You dare speak to me of honour?!" Guiche shouted, his face reddening in anger. "You impudent commoner, you are not even worthy to serve my father water at his table! You are nothing but an impudent wretch who speaks of things he doesn't understand!"

"Al contrario, mio caro ragazzo," Ezio answered. "Of the two of us, I think I know more about these things than you! Death, honour, life, dishonour… I have lived a long life accompanied by them all.

"There is honour in being faithful, in being honest, in admitting you have made a mistake, in apologising." He laughed and relaxed a bit as he saw the puppets hesitating, linked as they were to their master's will—who hung on to Ezio's every word, outraged and seething. "Dishonour follows those who lie, who use the words of honour to hide their dishonesty, and those who use violence to silence those who stand up to them."

Ezio twisted the blade in his hand a bit, making it glint brightly in the springtime sun. "Tell me, ragazzo, do you truly think that you will be remembered as a man of honour after today? Even if you carry on to victory?"

"I… I have no choice anymore!" Guiche answered, squaring his shoulders and meeting Ezio's eyes, the ridiculous frilled shirt at odds with his determined expression. "I have chosen to fight! I am Guiche de Gramont, third son of the illustrious Général de Gramont, leader of the King's Fifth Regiment during the Fourth Germanian Campaign! We are warriors! No matter what happens in past and present, the House of Gramont does not run!"

Ezio smiled. "Then there is at least some honour in your heart. Va bene! I will not treat you as a child anymore. Send your puppets at me, Messer! Single file or all at once, it makes no difference to me!"

Guiche narrowed his eyes. "I will no longer underestimate you, Monsieur."

"Ah, but it is far too late for that choice of yours to matter. Come now, let us end this enmity of ours." Ezio saluted him with the sword, and Guiche scowled, gripping the rose more tightly in his fingers. Blood appeared between his knuckles, skin pierced by thorns, but he ignored it.

A series of complex hand movements tracing symbols in the air followed, and the puppets completed their encirclement of Ezio, readying their tools. The Assassin raised his blade to guard, smiling as his free hand hand drifted to his belt.

When the puppets took their steps forward in unison to close the distance, Ezio laughed, and thunder clapped across the courtyard, shaking the earth.

Just a short one, mind, but I unfortunately can't do much more at the moment. School's keeping me quite busy. I still didn't want to leave you with nothing at the end of the year, though, so here's a little something of what I have at the moment.

Thanks again to @all fictions for editing this and being the open ear listening to all my prattling. Progress is being made.

Also, for everybody complaining that there wasn't enough fighting, here you go. :V

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and best wishes to you all! :D
Well, it´s at least something. We can only wait and see what trick Ezio Auditore da Firenze just pulled from his sleeve.
Speaking of tricks, any plans to try and reconcile the supposed fully human nature of Assassins with their love for impossible parkour stunts and the ability to blend in with the crowd in a garb that ought to make that a difficult proposition at best?
Well, it´s at least something. We can only wait and see what trick Ezio Auditore da Firenze just pulled from his sleeve.
Speaking of tricks, any plans to try and reconcile the supposed fully human nature of Assassins with their love for impossible parkour stunts and the ability to blend in with the crowd in a garb that ought to make that a difficult proposition at best?
Can't forget that eagle vision too
Speaking of tricks, any plans to try and reconcile the supposed fully human nature of Assassins with their love for impossible parkour stunts and the ability to blend in with the crowd in a garb that ought to make that a difficult proposition at best?
For the latter, can I just say "people are unobservant and stupid" and point vaguely in the direction of 2016 and 2017 as justification? :p
Best present I got today. Mostly because I buy my own stuff, but no matter. Best Christmas present.
Is it just me or do you hate Guiche a lot less this time around when writing him @Fernandel?
Hot take after reading through @Fernandel is that the dialogue drags the action. Like both of them just quietly hit the proverbial pause button so they can have their verbal exchanges, then unpause for the physical exchange, and then pause again for more dialogue, rinse, repeat; it gets more pronounced during the latter half of the passage. This scene needs to be exciting and zippy, and it kind of plods.

As well, the more I stew on it the odder it feels that they're not doing more in the way of actual fighting; both of them have something to prove to everyone else more than they've got anything to say to each other, and especially for Guiche the end goal is to shut the other man right the hell up. Why wasn't his response to Ezio starting to run his mouth the swift application of greater force? On the other end, Ezio is old and experienced, and after understandable brief hesitation (because to be clear my bone of contention is not 'why wasn't everyone acting to maximally optimize their personal chances of achieving their direct goals' and I understand why Ezio would hesitate in the moment; frankly I think I understand why all this dialogue is here, too: you need to sow the seeds of Ezio and Guiche coming to a mutual understanding rather than enmity, and want that done here. I just also think this weakens the scene unnecessarily) he is also outnumbered. Why does he run his mouth and twiddle his fingers long enough to allow himself to be surrounded, when he knows more than enough to know that letting himself be surrounded only makes the ensuing combat more difficult for him?

I think the scene needs more work.