Old World, New School with old and new tricks

9 Hueco Mundo Online
The moment those final words were said the world became eerily silent as the sands of Hueco Mundo began to enter Aincrad and the magic of Aincrad began to spill into Hueco Mundo.

Everyone that had just arrived and was trying to wrap their minds around everything that was going on along with those that were fighting or waiting to enter the fight began to feel the change in the air.

"Somethings happening." Chad says as he looks for any signs of danger, but fails to find any.

"It's started." the various voices of the spirits, the players, and the monsters that are helping pass down information all say at once as Aincrad begins to fall.

Ichigo, his friends, and family can only watch helplessly as massive creatures that dwarfed anything that they have ever laid eyes on walk past them.

The creatures are so massive that they could have easily been mistaken for mountains that a person could see in the distance, yet it was the power that they all carried that had made the world around them go insane.

A giant that looked as if it had been made out of fire was being followed by more giants, some were made of water others crystals and others were either made of rock or were made of flesh and blood.

Yet these monsters weren't alone, as they were being followed by creatures whose mad hows reached everyone's ears, but none of them could see any of these creatures.

No one could say anything as they watched the creature leave and it was only when they felt that the danger has passed that Uryū finds that he can move again and so he starts to walk away.

"Hey, where are you going?!" Ichigo calls out to him.

'Where else, to train." Uryū answers Ichigo as he walks without a destination.

"Then we should stay!" Ichigo says to Uryū who stops walking and turns to look at him with rage and fear in his eyes.


"If you can't accept yet! let me say it, we have to get stronger, something bad just happened and we aren't going to survive the way we are!"

"Yes my dad told me to stay with you and your sisters, but what good are any of you if you freeze with just this?!" Uryū says to Ichigo who can only glare at him.

"He's right." Rukia says to Ichiogo before she starts to follow Uryū.

"The people in the castle sent us here for a reason." she says to everyone as a giant centipede that has what looks like a person's head inside its mouth comes out of the ground and tries to capture her.

Rukia jumps over the centipede and is about to attack it when she felt a stinging sensation begin to cover her from head to toe and she can't help but fall helplessly on the ground.

Ichigo tries to run toward Rukia and either kill the monster or get her away from it, but he feels his sister's hands hold his hands tightly as they try to pull him away from the monster.

"Get them away from here!" Ichigo says to Chad as he looks at his childhood friend before he pulls his hands away from their grip and runs towards where Uryū and Rukia are.

He can hear his sisters screaming his name as they beg him not to fight the monster, and even as he ignores his sister's cries he can see Uryū firing arrows that are made out of light at the monster.

Uryū begins to move faster than Ichigo ever saw a person move and if he had to compare it to anything he would say that Uryū looked like one of the anime heroes that he would see on t.v.

Ichigo screamed as he tried to use his sword to cut the monster but his sword only bounced off the centipede's armored body.

The creature turns towards him and Ichigo can only widen his eyes as the creature launches itself at him, but he feels someone pull him back and he just barely avoids being eaten by the monster.
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10 Hueco Mundo Online
"Move." Ichigo hears someone say to him and he can't help but do what the man he sees standing behind him says.

The man has long red hair and glowing red eyes that seem to be flowing with power, but it's the white clothes that the man is wearing along with the hole in his chest that forces Ichigo to stay perfectly still after doing what the man says.

"Ichigo can only watch as the man grabs one of the arrows that Uryū is trying to kill the monster with before it hits the creature, before raising his hand and forcing the arrow into the monster's head.

The centipede screams in pain as it violently shakes and moves its body back and forth as it tries to escape from the stranger who still has his hand buried inside of the monster's head.

"These things use poison to paralyze their food so that they can eat them while they are still alive." the man says to them as he uses his free hand to drop a bottle next to Rukia's unmoving body.

"Your friend is still alive, just make sure she drinks that." the stranger says to them before he pulls the monster's head and drops it next to its body.

"I killed it, so this is my food." he says to everyone before picking up the monster's body and carrying it away.

"That man was a hollo." Ichigo hears the voice from his help screen say to him, as Yuzu runs past him and forces the contents of the bottle into Rikias mouth and forces Rukia to keep her mouth close so that she can drink it.

Once again he's forced to see how useless he is and even as Rukia gasps for air he wasn't the one that helped her, no the one that saved her was yuzu.

Ichigo looks past his sister and Rukia and sees Uryū looking at the bow in his hands, no doubt he's thinking the same thing, they were both useless.
"Wow and here I thought that I would find even more dead people." Asuna says as she walks up to the group.

"Who are you?" Chad says to Asuna as he hides Karin behind him.

"Calm down, I came to find you guys because unlike everyone else you haven't left this place yet." she says to them while she raises her hands and tries to show that she isn't a threat.

"You just said that you expected to find more dead bodies." Uryū says to her as he aims one of his blue arrows at him.

"Put that down before I hurt you." Asuan says to Uryū before she appears next to him and pulls the bow out of his hands and jumps to catch the arrow before it can fly away.

'All of you are slow, your weapons are nowhere near the power that they should be."

"And if the look of terror and helplessness that I see on all of your faces, none of you have seen anything like what you are seeing now," Asuna says to the group before she hands Uryū his bow back.

"So are you here to help us?" Rukia asks Asuna who points at a nearby forest.

"The animals there are weak, you can use them to learn how to swing your swords properly, while at the same time, you can eat the ones that you kill." she answers Rukia before she points at Arihime and then to Rukia.

She signals t the two of them to follow her before she walks a little further away from the rest of the group before deciding that there is no way that the group can hear what she's about to say to them.

"Waite we're missing a pair.' Asuna says to them before she vanishes and reappears with both of Ichigo's sisters.

"Give them back!" she hears Ichigo desperately screams to her as she creates a wall to keep him away from the small group of women in front of her.

'Tis is girl talk, no boys allowed." she says to Ichigo through her help screen.

"The four of you weren't present when I gave my talk and now I'm forced to look for all of you." Asuna says to them as she looks at the teenagers and preteens in front of her.

"I'll make my explanation quick, this pink bottle stops you from getting pregnant and this blue bottle makes men lose control," she says to them as she sends the bottles to the four girls.

"Both things are weapons and things that can be used for fun." she says to them before she draws her sword and points it to the right towards something that no one can see.

The four girls can only watch as blood begins to fall from something that none of them can see, as Asuna pulls her sword away from it.`

The four girls can only watch as Asuna whips the blood off the blade and then puts it back into its sheath.

'The four of you are women, I don't think that I need to tell you why your armors have skirts." she says to them as her sword makes a small click sound when it locks itself back into place.

"Before I came here, I had to search for several groups that suffered worse fates than you, do any of you want to guess what were the survivors."

The sound of Ichigo slamming his sword on the invisible wall that Asuna created makes everyone turn and look at him, they can see how desperate he is and they can see how helpless he feels because he can't break the wall.

"Well, he is persistent." Asuna says to herself.

"Cleaning, cooking, gutting, making both tools and weapons and sex are things that people who can't fight can do." Asuna says t them as a beeping sound alerts her that it's time for her to join the battle.

"If what I just said to all of you seems unnecessarily cruel, and making them wait over there seems unnecessary." Asuna makes sure that all of the girl's eyes are meeting hers.

"When you have time tell them to look at how many new arrivals have died, next to their names will be how they died, and the list next to that one are the people that survived."

"If you are going to look at that one, don't do it alone." Asuna says to them before she snaps her fingers and destroys the wall that was keeping Ichigo away.

Ichigo immediately falls because he was trying to hit the wall before it shattered when he tried to hit it again, there was nothing for him to hit, so he fell forward.
29 Bleach Get me out of here
Soifon opened her eyes she didn't have to wonder where she was, considering that she could smell the disinfectant odor that lingered in the air, not to mention the sounds of the fourth division's members going about their day.

'Captain we have been ordered to bring Kazuma back and make sure that he remains here until the ceremony is over." one of her subordinates says to her as he hands her the order that the nobles gave.

She could see that the man that kept his face hidden underneath his mask wanted to say something to her, but unless she ordered him to do so he would keep his mouth shut no matter how important the information may have been.

'What is it?" she says to him.

"Immediately after your fight with him was over, he pretended to be dead but when that didn't work he escaped with his students."

"After the nobles confirmed his fight with the Unohana wasn't an accident they sent another group to capture him, they were immediately beaten and from what the survivors said that man is still fighting someone else." her subordinate says to her.

'And who or what is he fighting?" Soifon asks the man.

"....A member of the Wolfman Clan, but they aren't alone, the entirety of the Wolfman Clan is present." he answers her.

Soifon can only smirk at what the man has just said to her.

"Then this will be easy, that man's body can't handle fighting someone like myself even when I'm holding back, he will be dead by the time we get there." she says to herself but she becomes angry when she sees the man's eyes are looking away from her.

"What?' she snaps at him.

"From what the survivors said, it's possible that he didn't consider you a threat captain and unlike before when he was struggling to keep up with you, he is moving at a speed that he shouldn't be able to, without hurting himself." he answers her.

Soifon doesn't bother asking any more questions and so she opens the window and jumps out before using her flash step to move at an inhuman speed toward the wooden house where Kazuma and the kids live.

When she arrives at the wooden house she finds it empty, but she isn't alone, as several people have gathered near it, out of fear and incuriosity.

She can hear the sounds of battle and see the clouds of smoke rising into the sky every time something or someone attacks.

She moves again and doesn't bother to see if her subordinates are with her, she knows that they are well-trained and don't need her to tell them what to do.

As she arrives at the palace or temple that Kazuma found she finds that Captain Unohana is already there but she isn't alone, she is surrounded by that man's students and the Wolfman elder as well as her lieutenant.

"Captain Soifon, I hope that you didn't come to interfere with my husband's fight, after all, several of the men that came here earlier died when they did that." Unohana says to her as she drinks what looks like hot water, not tea but water.

"I'm here to bring him back" Soifon says to Unohana.

'And you can do that if he survives, but if you interfere you will have to fight me." the Wolfman elder says to her.

Soifon is about to answer the giant wolf but stops herself when Kazuma flies towards the palace, he's covered in injuries, and there's blood coming out of his mouth he has a large scar on his back that looks as if it was made by a wild animal.

Yet the only thing that she can focus on is the rage in the man's eyes. "Lightning Saber!" Kazuma screams as a lance made of electricity forms just above his hand and flies toward a giant wolf that appears in front of him.

The wolf glows as it attacks Kazuma and when the two attacks meet they explode and covers the area in a cloud of thick black smoke.

Soifon can only grind her teeth in rage, that man looked down at her, that man didn't consider her a threat.

Not only had he humiliated her by stealing her underwear and smelling them in front of her and all of the other captains and nobles that were present, he didn't even fight her with half the ferocity that she was seeing now.

Soifon is about to jump in and force that man to acknowledge her and then she will kill him, but she's forced to stand still when Unohana places her hand on her chest.

"You won't interfere." Unohana says to her and as Soifon turns to look at the fourth division's captain, she can see the woman's eyes and feel the danger that she is in.

She decides that it's better that she doesn't do anything for now, but instead she will wait before she can make her move and then inform everyone that she accidentally killed Kazuma when he resisted her attempts to bring him in.
As Unohana watches the ongoing fight she can't help but feel her other half and how she wants to join in the fight.

She silently wishes that both Soifon and the Wolfman elder would try to do something, that way Kenpachi could at the very least enjoy herself before she kills them all.

She turns to look at all of her new children and begins to wonder how she will raise them after her other half kills their adoptive parents.

Unlike Kenpachi, she always wanted children of her own, but her other half wouldn't ever accept her laying with a man that was weaker than her.

And now that they had found someone that could at the very least put up a fight and was attracted to them, Kenpachi wanted nothing else but to kill him in a long drawn-out battle.

As they watched the fight begin to slow down they began to remember what happened after Kazyuma escaped.
30 Bleach Get me out of here
Unohana stopped walking she paused for a moment her other side wanted to go back, she wanted to see what that man had seen before he humiliated Soifon.

She wanted to see why that man had chosen to stay where he was during the fight, after all, she was perfectly aware that he could have easily changed locations.

So why did he choose to remain here?

As she stood in the same spot where he had stood she found that the answer had come to her easily.

It was because there wasn't a way for him to escape. After all, even if he did, her mind stopped as she realized something.

Now she understood why her other side was so focused on him and why the other captains chose to go along with their little show.

It all made sense.

She lowered herself to his height and imagined herself looking at the group of captains, before standing up and walking to the spot where each one of the women stood.

She imagined Captain Soifon walking out of her place and the blue-haired woman walking and standing next to her.

Her blood began to boil, as she imagined all of the captains stepping back and the children along with those women being taken away before they flew back to his side.

That man had tricked them.

He knew that escaping was impossible with so many children, so he gave them what they wanted, he fought a captain, but he didn't fight her, he humiliated her.

His spirits had made sure that the children were safe and when he had had his fun, he ran away with them.

No that was impossible, it couldn't have been planned, there was no way it was planned, and yet it made so much sense.

"I see that she's figured it out." Shunsui Kyōraku captain of the eighth division said to Isane.

"Captain," Isane said to the man who could see Unohanas blood boiling despite her looking perfectly calm.

"Tell me Isane do you know why we chose to go along with this farce?"

"Let's be honest here, Unohana doesn't care about tradition and if the higher-ups were to even try and force her to do something she didn't want to do, then she would kill them." Captain Shunsui said to her.

"No." Isane answerd him.

"It's because that man beat her."

"Let me put it this way, what if the head captain were to fight someone even if he wasn't trying, do you think that he would lose?"

"That he could lose?"


"Exactly, Unohana is even more skilled with a blade and basic skills, and yet someone that has no history and didn't even exist before we found him did just that."

"Think about what that means."

"It's obvious to everyone that their meeting was an accident and yet, everything about him is a mystery."

'Tree spirits, Not one, not two, but three."

"One spirit is dangerous enough as it is, those of us that have three are put in a separate category, but he has three, that don't stay inside their sword and even worse they train other people." Shunsui said to Isane as they both felt the air change, something was about to happen.

Unohana vanished from her spot and both Isane and Shunsui knew where she had gone as the direction where her spirit energy could be felt was the same direction where Kazuma's house was.

the two of them appeared on top of the temple after they followed Unohana and found that something had indeed happened.

The air had become unnaturally still, as the smell of dirt and fur began to be carried the moment that it began to blow again.

A massive white-haired dog was being followed by not just dogs and wolfs but men that had the heads of wolves and others that were a mixture of both.

"Now this is interesting." Captain Shunsui said as he looked at the massive white dog.

"Isane do you know who that is? who they are?" Shunsui aid to Isane but found that the only thing that the girl could see was her captain sitting next to the group of children who largely ignored her presence.

"I'm afraid that I don't know his name or if he even has one, but that giant white-haired dog is the elder of the Wolfman Tribe, and every dog, wolf and blend that you see there answers to him."

"He's just as old as the head captain himself and what's even more surprising is that he never leaves the entrance to the Realm of Beats and yet there he is." Shunsui said to Isane as the Wulfman elder lowered his massive head toward Kazuma.

"You stink." was the first thing that the elder said.

"So do you." Kazua said to the elder who immediately growled at him.

The massive white-haired dog shook his fur and began to throw rocks and dirt in every direction, but none of them touched any of the children because the silver-haired spirit and the short-haired spirit stopped it before it could hurt them.

the dogs that usually watched over the kids began to bark before the elder growled. "I see that you fought someone earlier and your body couldn't handle what you made it do."

'Good, that means that I won't have to tear your legs off." the elder said to Kazuma as the sound of bones breaking and the screams of pain replaced the silence that had settled with the wolfman tribs arrival.

"Do you see how my tribe changes, do you see the pain."

'That's what awaits your children, your women."

"I wonder how those three spirits will scream when he has his way with them after he kills you." the elder said to Kazuma who didn't move or say anything

"What's going on?" Isane began to ask Shunsui as the air around Kazuma had completely gone still before it became cold and then the man looked dangerous.

Before neither Shunsui nor Isane would have considered Kazuma a threat but now he looked completely different.

"You will fail them just like you failed." the elder's words were cut off as Kazuma vanished but before he could attack a giant brown wolf with gold-colored eyes slammed into Kazuma.

The wolf lets out a cry filled with pain as it turns to look at Kazuma who is holding a sword made of red light.

"Looks like play times are over." Shunsui said, as the three spirits jumped into the air and used their elemental abilities to protect Kazuma from whatever attack had been thrown at him.

'You will not interfere." the elder said as he let out a howl that shattered whatever illusion had been created revealing several ninjas that no one had noticed before.

"This challenge has already begun." the elder said as the ninjas found themselves between the three spirits and the giant wolf who was glaring past them and staring into Kazuma's eyes.
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31 Beach Get me out of here
Unohana could see past the current battle as she could see the Wolfman elder who slowly walked towards where the children stood frightened of him and his clan.

The massive beast seemed to glide over the ground as he didn't disturb the ground, the land didn't shake every time he gave a step and he didn't even leave footprints and yet the beast's presence couldn't be denied by anyone.

Except for him.

Kazuma, she licked her lips, his eyes glowed a crimson red, his spirits, those women that were once nothing more than simple annoyances had shed their mortality and were now something completely different.

The brown wolf rushed towards Kazuma as it ignored the ninjas that stood between it and its prey and yet neither the ninjas nor the oversized beasts could react fast enough.

The short red-haired spirit stood between the beast and her master before an explosion that was made of pure wind fell upon both the ninjas and the brown wolf.

The beast screamed in pain and the ninjas barely avoided the first attack but did not escape, the silver-haired spirit floated over the battle before she snapped her fingers and turned the air itself into her weapon.

"It's over." Kazuma said to the brown wolf who only growled as he tried to stand up.

The beast smiled cruelly as its gold eyes turned toward the blue-haired woman.

"Tell me did they scream your name?" he said as he shook the shock of the first attack.

'How will she scream, I wonder will she cry? will she beg?"

"Or will she say your name over and over again?"

The ground began to shake as Kazuma absorbed the energy around him before sending it into the ground and creating a massive golem that chared at the wolf, but it was painfully slow when compared to the beast and yet when the wolf destroyed the construct, it detonated.

the water that had been inside the ground had been carried with the rocks and dirt, so when the wolf ran to destroy the golem, Kazuma simply froze the water and turned the ice into spikes.

It was a simple but effective strategy and yet the attack failed to hurt the beast.

The wolf smiled as it held an ice spike in its mouth while it broke two more with its front legs.

Both men didn't move, they simply looked at each other, there was no difference between the two anymore, these were just two beasts, \ men, one who was fighting to keep what was his, and the other wanted to take what he wanted.

The wolf's golden eyes began to glow as its instincts to dominate and crush those he saw weaker than him began to take over.

Kazumas eyes, those same eyes that didn't look as if they had any danger to them when she first saw them were no different than the eyes of a demon.

Unohana could see her, she could see them, two women with long blond hair and one with long black hair.

The blue-haired spirit moved to put herself between Kazuma and the wolf but Kazuma placed his hand on her shoulder and stepped forward.

Unohana could see the three women smiling and then she heard the voice of a young girl.

"Onii chan."
32 Bleach Get me out of here
The silver-haired spirit's eyes began to glow a golden yellow as she jumped in front of the wolf and created a great sword out of gray light and slammed it onto the wolf's head.

The beast just laughed before he used its front leg to throw the spirit away.

The beast didn't waste any time and quickly cut the distance between it and Kazuma, but before it could reach Kazuma used a sphere of blue light and a sphere of grey light that the blue-haired woman gave him and used them to create a bow and arrow that he fired at the wolf.

The wolf simply moved its head out of the way but the red-haired spirit began to glow and made the arrow turn back and fly toward the wolf.

The woman wasn't done and used whatever power she possed to change the arrow's form and turn it into a tiger that was the same size as the wolf.

The wolf let out a cry when the grey tiger fell onto it and bit into the back of its neck while using its claws to tear into its back and chest.

The two creatures began to spin and throw each other onto the ground as they tied to overpower one another.

Unohana watched silently, she couldn't help but smile she was watching everything closely, and she could already see more than enough openings that she could use to her advantage.

Kenpachi wouldn't be the only one that will fight Kazuma, so the two of them were coming up with their own methods to deal with him.

She watched as blood and light spilled onto the ground and the wolf overpowered the tiger before biting into its neck and making it vanish when its body exploded in a burst of red and grey light.

"Coward!" the brown wolf rared as it turned to look at Kazuma, its face was now covered in its blood, even now dripped onto the ground beneath it.

"Do you remember how we all had fun back then?" Aqua said to Kazuma who doesn't bother to look at her.

"Remember how you did everything you could to rescue Darkness from that Noble."

"Remember when Meguming was desperately trying to save her village and when I ran away."

"You were never this quiet, not even when Iris was kidnapped."

'Wasnt it back then when you were at your best? it was never when you became quiet."

"Kazuma I'll be okay, we will be okay." Aqua said to Kazuma who finally turned to look at her his crimson red eyes were losing their glow and Aqua's smiling face was the only thing he could see.

Unohana didn't like this, she didn't enjoy the woman's comforting smile or Kazuma's eyes as they made contact with the blue-haired woman's eyes.

Aqua was nothing more than a sword spirit, she was nothing but a thing that shouldn't have been outside of her sword and yet here she was pulling Kazuma away from whatever edge he was standing on.

Kazuma vanished the moment that the wolf reached him, but the beast never made contact with him as he appeared on top of the beast's back.

Chains made out of blue light shot out of the ground and wrapped themselves around the wolf's mouth, neck, and legs as a familiar stream of power began to form above it.

"Explosion!" Kazuma yelled as he jumped out of the way and used whatever time he had to pick up Aqua and carry her out of harm's way.
33 Bleach Get me out of here
"This isn't going to work." Kazuma said to Aqua as he turns to look at the bracelet on his wrist.

'We told you that their power wasn't something that you needed." Aqua answered him as they teleport next to Eris who finally managed o pull herself out of the crater she had been in.

"It's going to hurt again, isn't it?" Kazuma asked the two of them.

'Yep." Wolbach answered as she landed next to him.

The three goddesses didn't need him to say anything, they already knew what they had to do, all of them hugged Kazuma and vanished from sight.

Kazuma was once again holding the sword he had created and then he pulled the sphere of spiritual energy that he had used to rebuild the sword, out of it.

Unohana raised an eyebrow, Kazuma had destroyed his sword, and for what?

Not only had the man lost more than half of his spiritual energy but his overall presence had completely vanished, the man was just as weak as the day she had met him.

The stealth team\ ninjas must have thought the same thing because they all attacked Kazuma, but they never managed to make it to him.

There is a reason why the Wolfman Elder is still alive, Unohana had seen it all happen as if had occurred in slow motion.

The elder used his front legs to cut the eyes of the first ninja, he bit the head of the second, used his fur to crush the third, and stared into the eyes of the fourth.

The woman screamed as she was forced to experience everything that the elder had seen in his life all at once and her mind broke because she couldn't bare the burden of the memories and she fell dead.

The only survivor was the one that had been left blind, but Unohana ordered Isane to carry the man back so that he could tell everyone what had happened.

It was a meaningless order, after all, Isane was more than capable of healing the man here, but she needed to understand her place in all of this.

So she would allow her lieutenant to think about everything she had just seen, as she carried the man back and then returned to her side.

Unohana could see the elder's ears move as if something had caught his attention, she could hear all of the clan elders sniffing the air before they grinned.

"It's him." the elder said as Kazuma began to glow with the combined lights of his spirits as well as his own.

The giant brown wolf charged toward Kazuma, but the air suddenly vanished and the wolf grows could no longer be heard by anyone.

"Blast!" Kazuma screamed as he attacked the wolf's back legs and sent the beast flying.

The wolf used the explosion's energy to turn around and throw itself towards Kazuma before he threw Kauma into the nearby forest, and the two men finally began to tear into each other.

Unohana felt like a small child who was watching her first fight, she watched as pillars of fire- lightning followed by towers of water and ice either fell from the sky or rose towards it.

She eagerly watched as Kazuma flew out of the forest as he threw the spear of lightning that he held in his hand towards the Wolf, just as Soifon showed up to try and end her husband's trial.

Unohana smirks as she watches the giant brown wolf fall unconscious.

"Come children." the elder's voice shook his surrounding, as the wolf men forced the kids to walk towards where Kazuma stood.

"You stink." the elder says to Kazuma before he lifts its front leg and pulls a small bunch of fur.

"My fur has traces of the various realms, it's better than that sword that you were using."

"Now summon them!" the elder orders Kazuma who is barely standing with his strength.

Unohana watches as Kazuma struggles to alk and from how much he's struggling to grab the fur she knows that he is blind now.

She feels the hairs on her hands rise as Kazuma makes contact with the elder's fur, she hears Kazuma scream as three familiar spheres form around him as the three spirits reappear next to him.

She begins to walk toward Kazuma but she is forced to stop walking when she sees the three spirits hold him and begin to heal his injuries, she can't help but glare at the three women.

It's her job to do this, it's her job to break and repair that body of his, she is the one who should have his head on her lap as she closes his injuries.

Kazuma slowly opens his eyes again and Unohana can't help but raise an eyebrow when she hears the elder welcome Kazuma to his clan.
Xovers Broken worlds
Something happened and several worlds were mixed into one, but notihing good last in this new world.

Chun li opened her eyes and as she felt the hard concrete beneath her she noticed that she wasn't wearing anything beyond what ca a transparent piece of cloth.

Normally she would have searched for something to cover herself wife, but there was nothing and so she carefully stood up and began to walk towards the only exit.

Both her eyes and head hurt as the bright light of day hit the.

"Good you're awake, does anything hut? do you feel like there is something inside of you." a man says to her.

She prepares to fight him and if she manages to hold herself back, she will interrogate him about what he and his friends did to her.

Her vision begins to clear and she can barely contain her shock and fear of who she sees in front of her.

"We needed a woman that was strong enough to fight but attractive enough that men and women would lower their guards," Akuma says to her as he walks towards her.

"If I wanted to take you, there's nothing that you could do to stop me, now come I'll tell you everything," he says to her as he walks past her.

Chun li doesn't say anything she just watches the man walk away and for a brief moment one that she suspects she won't be able to get ever again, she begins to look at her surroundings.

Her eyes widen as she quickly takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself before her emotions can overwhelm her.

The city is in ruins, no that's wrong the cities are ruins, there are buildings on top of buildings, but their designs are different, its almost as if the cities from different parts of the world were dropped on top of each other.

She looks in the direction that Akuma had once stood and she is tempted to walk in its direction, but she decides that she needs answers first, so she begins to walk towards the direction Akuma left in.

She finds him waiting for her in front of what was once a convenience store.

"Why am I dressed like this?" she asks\ demanding him to answer her.

Sure she wants answers as to what happened to the world, but she would at least like to know why she's naked, the thing she is wearing is completely transparent.

"The parasite doesn't like light, but at the same time the human body needs to be kept wet, and putting people in any kind of liquid only makes the parasite breed."

"Aqua found a way that both kills it and allows a person to live." Akuma answers her as he grabs a bottle of water and throws it at her.

The sounds of explosions in the distance make her turn to look at the city as black smoke rises from somewhere and white smoke comes out in small puffs.

"The world we lived in is gone, earth mixed with several worlds, and those that survived are now trying to gain control over what they can." he says to her before he pints at her.

"Earlier I said that we needed you, I lied that was just to stop them."

"Let me make this clear had I found someone else I would have brought her here insttead of you, leave if you want but you wont survive."

"If the parasite dosnt infect you again the other survivors will evenbtually kill you or enslave you." he says to her as he points at something that she can't see.

Chun li can't help but stare as a portal opens in the sky but at the same time, something flies towards it as things begin to come out of the portal.

The two groups begin to fight each other and Chun li can't help but feel as if she's insignificant when compared to what she sees those things do.

"The world we lived in is gone and no one controls anything anymore, one day one group will control something the next they are either dead, enslaved, forced to flee, or food."

"You will be nothing more than Kazumas play thing something to keep him distracted in case, you will understand why in time." Akuma says to her before walking into the store and walking back out with a dress in his hand.

"Get dressed, you'll understand everything in time." he says to her as he hands her the dress.
2 Xovers Broken worlds
"This way.' Akuma says to her as he moves a large piece of fallen metal from the wall.

Chun li follow him to what looks like a long dark hallway that's made of a combination of metal and rock.

The light that keeps the place from being impossible to see is coming from some sort of transparent pipes, that have strange glowing liquids flowing through them.

"So were you able to find your friends?"

"No, by the time I got there the place was in ruins and the only thing left were corpses."

'Kid, it's time that you start to move on, look we've all been talking and we have all decided that we need t find our counters."


"Yeah, you know how Aqua gets into trouble and makes Kazuma help her get out of it, it's because of her that that guy ever makes himself useful."

"Not to mention that her healing and performance skills are what's keeping our group together."

"Jaune you need someone that can counter you, lets's face it you aren't the best fighter, but that skill of yours makes it worth keeping you around."

Thes a long pause before the person named Jaun answers.

"Yeah, but how do I?"

"Listen us older guys, we're looking through all of our memories including yours and we all came to the same conclusion."

"We need to make a four-man team each, but the teams need to be made in a way that if one or two of the people in it die or get captured then the team can replace them."

Akuma said that he found someone that can be put in Kazuma's team, but I think she would be better with you."

Again the long pause as if something that isn't being said is loudly being spoken without words.

"No" Jaun says to the man that sounds older.

"Se has already woken up, it's time for you to choose, take her for yourself and create a bond or leave her for one of us, she doesn't get to choose."

Chun li turns to look at Akuma but the man just keeps on walking

'I don't you, not because you aren't pleasant to look at but because you aren't strong enough to survive where I'm going." he says to her.

"What's stopping me from leaving?" she says to him.

'You know the way out, go, but before you do let me tell you this."

"There have been kingdoms, tams, and whatever you want to call them ruled or made of nothing but women, once their existence is known they don't exist for much longer."

'There are hunter teams that look for these groups, the same goes for groups and kingdoms that only have men in them."

"There's the way out, no one is stopping you, because you won't be a problem for us anyway."

Chun li turn towards the exit but choose not to go, she still doesn't know a lot about this place and even if she doesn't believe that the world ended, she knows that the man in front of her doesn't bother lying to people because he finds it pointless.

"So what am I expected?"

"Fight at his side, sleep with him to relieve stress, and if you are both lucky have children," Akuma answers her.

Akuma pushes another piece of metal out of the way and Chun li can only stare at what's in front of her.

There's a massive city filled with people and other things, people, cars, and robots are walking the street below, and the only thing keeping them and she is what she thinks is thick plastic or glass.

"Your back." someone says to Akuma

Chun li turns and finds a man wearing what looks like white-colored western medieval armor.

"This is the woman I mentioned." Akuma pushes her forward.

"I think Jaune should have her." the knight says to Akuma as she shoves a teenage boy toward her.

"Both Kazuma and Aqua are reckless," Akuma says to the man.

"Jaune is almost useless in a direct fight." the knight says to Akuma.

'He will get better if he lives, I can't say the same for them." Akuma counters.

'Then will she be able to keep up with them?" the knight asks Akuma who doesn't answer but glares at Jaune who shrinks under the man's gaze.

"Boy, this woman is yours, if she dies it's because of your incompetence." Akuma says to Jaune before walking towards a nearby table and sitting down.

"We expect you to take care of each other, and do whatever you have to do." the knight says to them as he leaves them and walks to where Akuma is sitting.

Chun li looks at the blond teen in front of her and takes a deep breath before she looks around and sees that the room she is in is filled with people who are all talking to each other in low voices.

"Welcome to Ruins, we call it that because of obvious reasons." Jaune says to her.

Chun li closes her eyes and decides to play along and do something she doesn't normally do, she acks a little too welcoming to the boy.

She gives Jaune a warm welcoming smile and waits for him to react.

"Let's go sit down and try to get to know each other." Jaun says to her before he leads her to an empty table.

Chun li can feel the men looking at her, she is used to wearing revealing clothes but she doesn't enjoy wearing them when she isn't fighting, unfortunately, the dress she's wearing leaves little to the imagination.

"I was, I don't know what happened one moment I was at home and the next I woke up."

"So you were infected, Akuma did say Aqua had found a way to save people." Jaune says to her.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything I know, but let me warn you it's different for everyone."

'What I mean is that when the worlds mixed everyone that was from one of those worlds saw and experienced it differently." Jaune says to her before loudly hitting the table twice with the pal of his hand

After a minute, a waitress carrying what looks like a pair of helmets arrives and hands the helmets to them.

"Put it on, the helmets let us see each other memories and they let us talk to each other without us having to use our moths." Jaune says to her as he waves his hand an shows her that everyone else is wearing them.
3Xovers Broken worlds
Chun li found herself laying on the ground wounded she could see her blood spilling out of her as the poodle grew.

A woman that had black eyes with red pupils and whose hair and skin were pure white used several objects to summon what looked like a gold and black dragon.

'I see" said the gold dragon as it rose to its full height.

'What did you do!?" the black dragon roared as the world around them began to shake.

"Elder gods!" a man that looked as if he came from the east screamed.

Chun li felt a warm feeling spreading over her as a man wearing gold armor walked past her.

"Again you filth play with the lives of mortals.' the man that wore a gold armor said to the beings in front of her.

"Enough the realms are breaking and our versions of the earth are mixing." A man that had glowing white eyes and looked as if he was angry spoke to everyone, but his voice was calm and didn't have any of the rage that was shown on his face.

"Kazuma stay behind us!"

"We won't allow you to toy with the humans!" Aqua declared as she retook her goddess form and stood beside her friends.

"Shazam!" a man dressed like a superhero landed as another man that was dressed as a wizard stepped through a portal.

All of the beings in front of her were prepared to fight one another until she spoke.

'Waite, why are we going to fight?" Chun li heard her voice but it wasn't hers it was Jaunes.

'He's right, we were su[pposed to go home but we ended up here." Kazuma says to everyone.

"Kazuma, I know of you you can't trust them, gods and goddesses see humans as nothing but play things, look at what humanity achieved without them and look at what happened after those for turned to look at them." The God Emperor of mankind says to Kazuma.

Chun li could only gasp as Humanity began to grow around her, how people left earth and created a golden age, sure there was war and infighting but that was far into the edge of the empire humanity had created.

Then something horrible happened and she watched all of the things that humanity had created crumbled away as the mad gods laughed.

"In my realm, we gods stay out of Humanities way and allow them to grow, sure we interfere but only when the other realms try to force their rule over the earth." Raiden says to everyone

The world around her changes and Chu li sees a tournament being held as different worlds present their greatest fighters to either defend themselves or conquer them.

The worlds can defend themselves by using their militaries, but it's the fighters that are both the locks and keys to opening their worlds to the invasions.

In our world, we gods stay out of people's way the only reason that we send them to other worlds is if the humans themselves choose to reincarnate somewhere else, if they don't then they go to heaven or are reborn on earth again." Aqua says as she steps forwards.

'Then why were you there?" the gold dragon asks her.

"This one found a way around the rules and stole me for himself," Aqua says to the dragon as her and Kazumas adventures are shown to everone causing the gods to laugh.

The wizard and the man dressed like a superhero nod at each other and a world that looks as if it was from a movie is shown to everyone, our worlds met before but not like this.

"In our worlds, the gods do interfere, but humanity has created and has given birth to people that can fight them, some of us are even chosen as champions." Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange say at once.

"Where I come from the gods killed all of the mortals and in retaliation, I killed them allowing Humanity to be reborn."

'There are new gods now, but I don't allow them to toy with the lives of mortals, never again will that happen." Azura says to everyone, as one massive battle after another is shown before a single human opened his eyes and looks at the newly created world.

"This is what we did." Salem says to everyone as she shows all of the god's ad champions what she and the gods of her world did to its people.

'Chu li watched as kingdoms rose even as strange monsters tried to kill all of the humans living in it.

She watched as a champion rose and fell in love with a powerful witch.

The witch tied to revive him using the god of light who they once served but the god refused so she turned to the god of darkness who joyfully fulfilled her request as she became his first worshiper.

The god of light destroyed her beloved and cursed her with immortality, and the god of darkness agreed because she only went to him after the god of light rejected her request.

In retaliation, she turned humanity against the gods.

Chun li watched as the gods destroyed humanity and left the woman to live in a world filled with monsters before the humans were born again but this time some had animal traits.

She watched as the woman searched for magical artifacts that could summon the gods and end her suffering while she used the monsters to kill their creations.

the gods and champion had had enough and attacked both the woman and the two dragons.

The brothers were carved and their powers were shared amongst the group.

As for the witch, she was stripped of her immortality and lost all of her powers before being handed over to Juane.

Chun li found herself separated from the boy as the gods turn to look at each other.

"Aqua, Raiden, champions." the gods said as darkness began to spread in the distance.

"Yeah." all of the champions and earth-bound gods said at once.

"And that's what happened, but it's better if I show you what happened here myself." Jaune says to her as he removes the helmet from her head.
4Xovers Broken worlds
"So where are the gods we could use their help?" Chunli asks Jaune.

"There are other worlds, remember the Empire that the God Emperor showed everyone, well those worlds exist and they aren't alone," Jaune answers her.

Chun li slowly begins to understand why the god's arent here. "There keeping the evil gods away aren't they/" she asks Jaune.

'Yes and no, Mortals have to deal with mortals, and Gods must deal with Gods or something like that." Jaune says to her as he turns to look at the people walking in the street below.

"It was bad you know, you the ones that were infected were the lucky ones, you didn't have to see what happened back then."

"With any luck, you won't have to ever leave the city because from what people say, things haven't changed out there." he says to her as a mech carrying a shipping container filled with preschoolers flies past the window.

"Why is the preschool here are they on a field trip?" Jaun asks the waitress.

The waitress takes out a holographic tablet and begins to look through the information before nodding at him.

"Can you tell me the groups that I have to worry about?" Chun li asks Jaun.

"There's only four but they have a lot of people underneath them."

'First is Ruins and we would be the fifth group, no one messes with us, we don't mess with anyone. That is what everyone started to say, don't ask me when people started saying it they just did."

"The Empire, they serve the sons of the God Emperor, but they don't bother anyone and anyone that been dumb enough to pick fights with them has died, no survivors."

"Let me guess the Emperor told his sons to leave everyone alone?" she asks Jaune, and she takes the fact that Jaune doesn't say anything to mean that she was right.

"Now these are the dangerous ones, so listen."

"The Broken, these people live for fighting and enslaving people, but they love finding and breaking people that can defend themselves."

"They have armies of raiders that go around looking for people."

"It doesn't matter if you are Human or not, a slave has more than one use, that's what people have heard them say."

"Next are the Free Cities, name it they have it, they're made up of people that don't have powers, but they have a lot of guns, and with those guns came people that know how to build things."

'Needless to say that they soon had people with powers that wanted to keep their friends and families safe."

"If there's something they hate it's politicians, and anyone that wants to make a deal behind anyone else's back, try it and they will skin you alive, heal you, and do it again."

"Last is the Beast Kingdom, Humans are treated worse than animals there and most of the people living in it are people that have some sort of animal trait or are animals."

"Everyone hates the, hell if you have to choose between them and a member of the broken to keep you safe in a fight, chose the broken, no matter what."

"At least you know that he\ she will kill you or take you back to sell and live like a person."

Chun li looks into Jaunes eyes and she can see that he isn't telling her everything, whatever the beast kingdom has done it left a mark on him.

"I heard you talking to the knight, wouldn't your friends be in the broken or the free cities?" she asks him.

"No, I gave both groups their pictures and put a bounty on their heads, as long as they aren't hurt, by the people that find them they get anything that they want from here as long as no one is using it, and it's not another person."

"Jaune are you done? we have a job.' Salem says to Jaune as she walks towards him before putting a sheet of paper on the table.

"And who is this your mistress or?"

"She's his second woman, you weren't enough for him." the knight loudly says to Salem whose eyes begins to glow red and the veins in her body begin to turn black as her magic reacts to her feelings of anger and betrail.

"What happened last time? Were you enough then,? how about the time before that?" the knight says to Salem as his body begins to glow with blue light.

Salen begins to calm down and the black color that had spread through her pink skin begins to vanish back into her body.

She lowers her head as her eyes lose their ferocity before returning to their light blue color.

The knight turns and looks at a woman that is wearing even less than Chun li herself and the woman leaves the room before coming back but this time she is carrying a large box.

"One of the teams found it, since it had your emblem they sent it here." the knight says to Jaune as Jaune takes out a large shield from inside the box.

"Do you like it?" the knight asks Jaune.

'yeah." Jaune answers him.

"Good now get out and before I forget, kid you get one maybe two more people in your team if they're men or women make sure that they can keep each other alive."

The knight watches as Jaune and his two women leave before walking back to where Akuma is eating a bowl of fruit.

"Are you sure about letting them go on their own, she could betray them and run off?" the night asks Akuma.

'Let her, she was infected, none of the others will accept her and if the parasite doesn't get her, everything else will." Akuma says to him between bites.

"Waite you brought her here and you don't like to waste your time helping people that you know can."

'If she survives then she will just be targeted by the broken."

'Jaune and Salem will be okay without her anyway." Akuma says to him before ignoring the knight who turns to look at the city below.

"She didn't even ask why we're up here in front of the main entrance and everyone else is down there," he says to himself as he remembers the day he woke up in this world and how he watched an entire city fall on top of him.
5Xovers Broken worlds

Kazuma looks into the city below, as Aqua begins to work on another way to free people from the parasite, unfortunately, nothing she does works, and she's forced to bring each one of her test subjects back to life.

"You tried." he says to her as he turns to look at the medical team who are all eating their lunch.

Kazuma can't help but chuckle all of the members of the medical team are made of the same person but from different versions of earth, but none of them look like each other and at the same time are the same person.

Jack whose skin is bleach white, is sitting next to a version of himself that is gold, next to him I a black version of him, and next to them is an Asian version, and so on.

The reason Aqua chose this team is that they're all the same person and so she could look into how the parasite affects the people from different universes differently, after all, there's a reason why everyone was born differently on each earth.

"She should give up and allow them to remain infected." A space marine says t him as it walks towards them.

Kazuma doesn't say anything, being so close to the empire means that the Imperium is going to keep an eye on everything that they do, but at the same time, it's one of the safest places that they can be.

No one is stupid enough to try and attack the Palace? hell, the last time someone accidentally attacked the walls, the assassins killed them before anyone even knew what happened.

"Why do you say that, I mean just look at them" Kazuma says to the giant wearing a tank's worth of armor.

The two of them turn to look at the people who either have pieces of giant worms coming out of their heads, eyes that glitter in the light, or are moaning as they walk.

Some of them are repeating the same things that they did the day everything fell apart.

"That's precisely the reason."

"The infected are no threat to anyone, as long as no one comes into contact with them, it's the reason why these areas are quarantined."

"Look at the state Holy Terra is in."

"All of these people share one thing, they all still believe that the world that they knew still exists, it does not."

"In the past, I would have killed you for even mentioning that she was a goddess, but both the emperor that is on the Golden Throne and his other half, agree that those times have passed."

"Yeah I know, but you have to agree it's good knowing that there's a goddess out there that loves Humans so much that she doesn't give up on us no matter what," Kazuma says to the space marine as they look at Aqua who hasn't stopped working.

"I have a message from your associates from Ruins, it seems that her method works, but it's slow and time-consuming."

"We will try to keep those that will take advantage of this information away, but it's only a matter of time before everyone knows how to free people from it." the space marine says o him.

Kazuma smirks, You know it's hard to believe that you're the one giving me."

"I was there when the Greate Crusade started and I was present when the Galaxy was split apart, and I was there when the Emperor order the Imperiu to leave the Humans and Half Humans alone, as he had other plans for us."

"Sato Kazuma, for all of the pain and confusion f this current ear believe me when I say this the Galaxy has never been so peaceful."

"The Great Crusade is once again occurring, but we are concentrating our efforts on freeing the Human worlds from the mad gods, the mutants, the aliens, and the mad machines."

"Worlds like Terra whose only threat is the people themselves are being left alone, mortals must deal with mortals after all."

".....To think that there would come a day when we would spare Stellar Empires that have Zenos in them."

Neither of them says anything as even the different versions of Jack have stopped eating and are now listening to their conversation.

"Kazuma, no matter how slow the process is, it will be perfected and it will cause things to change, I have seen it far too many times."

"I pray that the two of you are ready for what you have unleashed upon this world and the others." The man says to Kazuma before he hands him a sheet of paper with the picture of four girls.

"The women were seen escaping from a slaver's team they had several children with them, it's unknown if the children are theirs or if the women found them." the space marine says to him.

"But if you know this then it's only a matter of time.' Kazuma says to the man who only nods once, then starts to walk away.

"I didn't even get to finish saying what I had to." Kazuma says to himself.

The sound of a nearby explosion makes him look up and he sees that another building has just exploded, it's getting rarer to see it happen but it's still something that someone should look into.

He soon sees the flying figures of the superheroes that were once nothing more than things that he would see on t.v flying toward the explosions.

It's amazing how everyone has adapted to this new world.

'Well, are you going to come out r what?" Kazuma says to the person that has been spying on him and his group ever since they came here.

he watched as a man carrying an oversized sword decloaked and stood not too far from him.

"Sorry, but I saw you and your group experimenting on the infected." Cloud says to him.

"Those clothes a soldier from the Shinra Corporation, sorry to tell you but that company doesn't exist anymore," Kazuma says to Cloud who just stares at him.
6Xovers Broken worlds
"Shinra's gone?" Cloud repeats Kazumas words.

"You know that they're infected so that means."

"I heard you and the giant talking, and considering that your friend is doing things to them." Cloud says to Kazuma.

"You have a lot of things to learn, first the reason why there are a lot more ruined buildings than there should be is that entire cities fell on top of each other, and no, they aren't from the same part of the world."

Kazuma turns to Aqua and signals to her that it's time for them to go back to Ruins, then he reaches into his pocket before handing Cloud several sheets of paper.

"Just think of the people that you know that are missing and the paper will show their pictures along with all of their information."

"If anyone's seen them then someone will tell you, one way or another," Kazuma says to Cloud as Aqua walks up to them.

"Akuma woke up that girl of his." Kazua says to Aqua who immediately has a bright smile on her face after hearing his words.

'Greate now all that we have to do is try and get them!" Aqua loudly says before Kazuma covers her mouth.

"Not here.' he says to her as he looks around, for any signs that someone or something is listening to them.

"Okay, it was good knowing you but I have to." Cloud says to them but before he can say anything else, he finds that the men that were guarding the ambulance are now pointing different kinds of guns at him.

"Get in the ambulance, we will tell you everything on the way to Ruins." Kazuma says to Cloud and Cloud quickly jumps away and draws his sword, but he finds that someone is holding his shoulder and he feels his body lose all of its strength.

"Idiot, they offered you a free ride, free information and your response was to try and fight them." a woman that is dressed as a cat says to him, as she squats beside him.

"So what do we do with him, do we leave him here so that he tries to enter the Empire, they should deal with him and he won't be a problem."

"Nah, look at him, he won't last a day out here, get him in the ambulance and then he can choose to leave or stay if he wants," Kazuma says to the cat girl.

Cloud feels the men's hands as they carry him into the ambulance before throwing him inside.

'And just like that the Heroes begin to rise."Aqua proudly says as Tifa runs toward the ambulance and is about to pull Cloud out when he feels a wire wrap itself around her.

"Pheramons make people act irrationally."

'Normally you would have waited for us to leave so you could have ambushed us later or tried to rescue him when were reached Ruins, but why didn't you?" the cat woman says to Tifa as likes her hand.

"Mt scent makes men drop their guard and women become insanely jealous."

"You ignored the two of them because he didn't care about them and because he was about to be taken away." the cat woman says to Tifa as she sniffs the air.

'The cat woman smiles because her human mouth changes to a moth that belongs to a monster or a giant cat.

She runs into the nearby rubble and the screams of a boy and girl are soon heard.

"No!" Tifa yells as the cat woman walks back carrying a blond boy and a girl with long black hair.

"Looks like those two already mated and had their first cubs." she says as she throws the kids into the ambulance and then picks Tifa up and throws her next to Cloud.

Every Jack walks into the ambulance and points their weapons at Tifa and Cloud before Kazuma and Aqua along with the cat woman walk in and close the door.

'Where are you taking us?" Tuifa demanded.

"Look if you agree not to try and fight us well untie you and you can sit down, but your husband needs to rest." Jack says to Tifa who glares at him.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Ruins." Kazuma says to Tuifa and the kids as he points at the windows.

A pair of massive doors open revealing several cities that look as f they had been thrown or had fallen on top of each other, but for whatever reason, some buildings managed to stay intact.

Tufa could only stare, as the ambulance began to drive through streets that were filled with people from all over the world, but they were all dressed differently.

Normally when someone moves to a new country or city, they tended to copy what everyone else wore.

Some kept using their old clothes, but there would always be something of the current culture that they were living in mixed in, but here there was a mess of cultures all cluttered together.

"Is that guy your husband or a friend of yours?" Kazuma asks Tifa as Jack untied her and helped her sit down.

"We grew up together and we took in the kids." Tifa answers Kazuma.

"Okay, so you're married," Aqua says to her.

"We're not." Tifa denies what Aqua just said.

"Too late, I already filled your paperwork, sorry." Aqua hands her a sheet of paper that has both Tifa's and CVlouds information written on it.

'What happened, the last thing I remember was that meteor was falling and then I woke up near where the kids were and then we saw you knocking Cloud unconscious." Tifa asks them.

"It was a World Flux, in I don't know a second, minute or hour our worlds mixed, and all of our worlds left something behind." Aqua says to her.

'Looks it's better if you don't think about it, no one knows if this was one of the worlds we came from or if it was created by all of the worlds leaving something behind." Kazuma says to her as points at the different versions of Jack.

"They're all the same person, but from different Earths, by the way, if you are here even if your world wasn't called Earth it was a version of it." he adds as Tifa looks out the window again.

"Where are you taking us?" she asks them.

"That's up to you miss." Jack says to her as he unties Cloud.

"We can stop here and let you to your own devices, you can go with them, or come with us." Jack says to her before he injects Cloud with a green liquid.

Tifa is about to say something when one of the other Jacks shows her a box that says cure for soldiers and next o it is the Shinra Corporations logo.