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"No! No! This is wrong! Why aren't you agreeing with me? WHY AREN'T YOU LOVING ME?!?!" The...
Character Creation - Part 1


Pet the pretty kitty? Y/N
"No! No! This is wrong! Why aren't you agreeing with me? WHY AREN'T YOU LOVING ME?!?!" The beautiful girl with hair and tattoos of many colors screams, but the grim-faced policemen that are dragging her to the car don't even look at her, as if disgusted.

"Mary Sue." Another policeman, a detective, begins when the girl is pushed inside the car. "You are hereby accused of mass drugging, of brainwashing people to do your bidding and fabrication of false evidence. Everything you say will be used against you. You have the right to..."

"DON'T TALK TO ME AS IF I AM NOT HERE! I AM PERFECT!!" The now named Mary screams again, prompting one policeman to just close the car's hatch.

As the car drives away a certain individual that was watching the whole debacle seated at a table turns back to partake of an almond parfait. "Who would have thought."

"Quite so." The waiter standing to the side replies with a frown. "To think she seemed like the perfect girl, and instead she was just a peddler." He shakes his head in disappointment before flashing the customer a smile. "Is the parfait of your linking-"

[] "-Madame?"
[] "-Monsieur?"

"Absolutely. It is most exquisite." You reply. Then you pause, taking out a yellow flower from your clothes and affixing it on the waiter's jacket. "Agrimony. It means Gratitude. Make everyone see it, so that they may know I am grateful."

"B-But!" The waiter stammers, embarrassed. "It's just a dessert!"

"Nothing is simply 'just' at this world." You playfully chide him with a smile, rapping the spoon on his nose.

As the waiter hurries back to the kitchen to clean his nose, a blush on his face, you calmly go back to your parfait. "This assignment was almost too easy. Is this really what today require my attention?"

The empty suit of armor made of fragrance and ecstasy seated in front of you that nobody else can see tilts down its helmet. "I beg forgiveness. I am just a messenger, unworthily bearing the words of our Lord."

"Do not worry. This is not something with fault." You put another spoonful of dessert into your mouth. "But this 'Mary Sue' - what a bland name - required almost no work." You open a single eye. "However, if you are here, it means I can't go home quite yet. What does my Master require of me next?"

The armor raises its palms, a large book resting on them. "Your next mission requires you to leave Earth for another world of the vast universe, where your presence is required. All other details are not for my eyes and contained there."

"Oh..? It has been a while since I left Earth." You sweep your hand over the book, and it is no more. Having finished the parfait you stand up and begin to walk away. "There is nothing greater that fulfilling the will of my Master. Thank you spoon. Thank you plate. Our time together was enjoyable."

"It was a honor!" The spirits of the spoon and the plate cry out in happiness. "Oh Great Sovereign!"


The everyday world is in truth only the Prosaic Earth, a rationalized delusion which conceals the true reality that would plunge most mortals into madness: the Mythic Earth, an animistic world where everything has its own sentient spirit. In the Mythic the Earth is really flat, and hangs somewhere among the vast boughs of the "world-tree", Yggdrasil or World Ash. Countless worlds dot the branches of this world-tree, but at the top is Heaven, which is inaccessible to all but the angels and is the source of all beauty. Beneath the earth, in the roots of the World Ash, is Hell, the source of all corruption. Around Yggdrasil, except above heaven (where it is open to the stars), is a mystical impenetrable curtain of blue flames known as the Weirding Wall.

Every class of objects and every concept is represented by a being of god-like power known as an Imperator. Each Imperator may govern from one to several of these Estates, and has effectively limitless control over them. The Imperators are engaged in a deadly struggle with the Excrucians, terrible beings from outside the Weirding Wall who wish to destroy reality; this struggle is known as the Valde Bellum. This war keeps Imperators busy in the Spirit World, so in order to maintain their affairs on Earth and in the other worlds they invest a shard of their soul in a human (or occasionally another animal or object), creating a Nobilis. Each Nobilis represents one of the Imperator's Estates.

You are one such Nobilis, a being granted a shard of divine power that give you absolute domain over an Estate, a specific concept. You are, quite literally, an Anthropomorphic Personification of that concept, with enough power to conquer a nation, move the stars in their alignments, or even destroy the world... not that destroying the world is generally very useful.

What is your name?
[] Write-in (choose according to the chosen gender)

[] Choose your Estate (Joy. Emotion. Tea. Baskets. Draconic forms. Martial arts. Even Backsies! Don't be afraid to choose something ridiculous!)

What kind of being is your Imperator?
[] A glorious Angel from the shining host of Heaven
[] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[] A stern Magister of the Light, seeking humanity's survival
[] A malevolent Magister of the Dark, celebrant of humanity's filth and suicides
[] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth
[] A chaotic Magister of the Wild, more alien yet, from outside the universe entirely
[] A miles-long Aaron's Serpent, born from the substance of the World Ash

[] Choose your Attributes in order of importance (use 1, 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate):
-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
-Domain (material control over your Estate)
-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)

Finally, choose the new world you will visit:
[] A world of Light and Shadows (RWBY)
[] A world of False Gods and Godslayers (Campione!)
[] A world of Threads and Guts (Kill La Kill)
[] A world of War and Robots (Code Geass)
[] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)
[] A world of Girls and Ships (Kancolle)
[] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
[] A world of Demons and Penguins (Disgaea)
[] A world of Colors and Bullets (Touhou Project)
[] A world under the Light of the Moon (Type-Moon universe)
[] A world of Dark Reflections (Persona universe)
[] A world that is... (Write-in)


Here's my Nobilis quest idea. Knowledge of Nobilis is not required: emphasis is instead directed on good, in-theme stunts.

This is not a quest like any other. You, the MC, is not struggling against the world.

It is the world that is struggling against you.

In this game heroes have the resources of villains and the villains are like starting adventure heroes. The antagonist powers are afraid of you, an elder Nobilis. So they will try to stay out of your radar and spread their influence subtly. This, MC, will be your struggle: a challenge that cannot be overcome with brute force, and where your every actions has long-lasting consequences.

Until you meet someone or something that is your equal. And even then killing each other is so difficult, that other methods to oppose your opponent are required.

Are you be a Nobilis?

OOC: It's probable this quest will not go very far. But hey, I'm betting it will be fun until then.
Character Sheet

Name: Michael Young
Estate: History
Titles: Regal of History, Monster of Heaven
Imperator: Angel Ashriel
Affiliation: Heaven
Familia: ???

You've given your heart to the cause of the angels — to beauty and justice! The angels believe there is no higher calling than to transform the world into a Heaven — to work endlessly at the task of making justice, making goodness, giving beauty to the things that are. The angels themselves say the world is a fallen place. They say people are filthy, dirty things crawling on a corrupt rock. They've sealed the gates of Heaven against the world, even as they labor to make the world outside those gates shine brighter.
The Windflower Law: thou shalt not love

The Chestnut Law: thou shall harm none who has done no harm, nor wreak more vengeance than in the sevenfold degree

The Rule of Man: treat no beast as your lord [that is, never let a mortal get the best of you]

The Rule of War: serve your Imperator before the War, and the War before yourself

The Crowfoot Law: protect no Power from the justice of the Code

Domain: 5 (6 MP)
Aspect: 4 (6 MP)
Persona: 3 (5 MP)
Treasure: 2 (5 MP)

Bond: Humanity deserves better.
Bond: Blackmail is ugly, threats uncouth - but vengeance, ah, vengeance is divine.
Bond: I always return favors, if possible in an extravagant fashion.
Bond: I serve the Song of Heaven.
Affliction: I must be spoken to in a polite fashion.
Affliction: Innocents are never hurt in my general vicinity.
Affliction: I am very bishonen. It is a curse I must bear.

...repeats itself.
...shapes the perception of the present.
...predicts the future.
...teaches those who remember it.
...haunts those who ignore it.
You can purify something, casting out all poisons, diseases and demonic influences.

You can spend a single Persona MP to invoke good fortune for yourself. You may choose the general nature of this good fortune, but you cannot define the details - at that point, it's not luck but dictation!

Flight (A dramatic white cape that occasionally resembles wings)
You can fly! Wings, jetpacks, telekinesis are all possible: just choose your medium. This is a pretty high customizable Gift.

Durant (aka Nigh-Invulnerable)
You're extra-resistant to just about any physical attack. Daggers scrape and squeal on your skin. Being on fire is really uncomfortable. Chainsaws make you a little nervous because if they break on your skin little bits of metal could go flying everywhere. You heal very quickly.

You're really hard to land a miraculous effect on - you shed mental and transformative influence with ease. The inhuman beauty of Angels, Excrucians, and the Glorious won't faze you. Attempts to curse you with hiccups or turn you into a dream don't take! Basically you have a very strong ability to be yourself despite attempts to enchant or enthrall you.
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Character Creation - Part 2

You are Michael Young, Power of History.

Your Affiliation is with Heaven.
You've given your heart to the cause of the angels — to beauty and justice! The angels believe there is no higher calling than to transform the world into a Heaven — to work endlessly at the task of making justice, making goodness, giving beauty to the things that are. The angels themselves say the world is a fallen place. They say people are filthy, dirty things crawling on a corrupt rock. They've sealed the gates of Heaven against the world, even as they labor to make the world outside those gates shine brighter.

Domain: 5 (6 MP)
Aspect: 4 (6 MP)
Persona: 3 (5 MP)
Treasure: 2 (5 MP)

You are going to visit a world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index).

However, this is not enough to fully describe you:

Bonds and Afflictions are written as English-language sentences. Each describes something fundamental about your character. Each can also be interpreted or understood as a rule:

-Something you must (or ought to) do;
-Something you can't (or shouldn't) do; or
-Something that drives you into action.

Bonds are things that you must work at. You spend energy on them. When you turn your back on your Bonds you are damaged and lost; when you are in harmony with them, you are almost unstoppable; but to reach that place of harmony, you need to put in an awful lot of work. Having Bonds is like being a perfect swordsman or a soldier who refuses to kill — it may be your nature and purpose to be that way, but that doesn't mean you can take the burden lightly!
Afflictions, conversely, just happen. They're out of your hands. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they are bad, but they're that portion of your destiny and purpose and nature that binds you whether you're in tune with yourself or not.
Any Bond can be an Affliction, or vice versa; it's purely a question of how you want to think of the Trait. Bonds is something the player can consciously tap, Afflictions are for the GM, to know how the character works.

Benefits: you get bonus to actions when following a Bond/Affliction; you get MP (Miracle Points) when a Bond/Affliction creates troubles for you.

Examples of Bonds:
Bond: I can't be caught!
Bond: I can't lose!
Bond: I must be the prettiest person in the room!
Bond: I can't enter a house uninvited!
Bond: I can't see!
Bond: I'm in love with an Excrucian!
Bond: I care about my brother!
Bond: Nobody drives my car but me!
Bond: I love my magic broom!
Bond: Flowers are awesome enough when they don't explode — but when half of them are antimatter? O.M.G.

Examples of Afflictions:
Affliction: I must be rescued whenever I'm in trouble!
Affliction: I can't be hurt by any force!
Affliction: I must win the heart of everyone I meet!
Affliction: I must appear when someone chants my name three times!
Affliction: My shape changes to reflect my deeds!
Affliction: An Excrucian's in love with me!

[] You can choose a maximum of 7 Bonds and/or Afflictions.

Properties are written, like Bonds and Afflictions, as ordinary-language sentences. Each describes something fundamental about your Estate. Each can also be interpreted as a rule:

-Something your Estate must do (or always does);
-Something your Estate can't do (or never does); or
-Something your Estate is driven to do (or seems to work towards).

It's important to make these Properties simple and evocative, even if that makes the rule harder to see — you are creating meaning for your Estate, which is more important than obvious applicability.

For instance, you're the Power of Cold. But what is Cold? Is it cold when someone shivers? When water freezes? When the world goes into hibernation? Is death cold? Is money cold? Is murder? Does wind chill count as to whether something is cold? If you put snow in an oven at 400 degrees, will there still be Cold in that oven until the snow melts? What if the oven is floating in the frigid void of space? We don't know who the Power of Cold is! We don't even know if there is one! So it's up to you to find a good set of Properties for Cold that will tell you what it means. You could go with:

-Cold slows things down;
-Cold chills the heart;
-Cold brings silence, stillness, and peace; and
-Cold is driven to fill emptiness.

Or you could go with:

-Cold freezes things;
-Cold makes things sick;
-Cold is melancholy;
-Cold descends; and
-Cold is the snow and the ice and the dark.

Or anything (appropriately) else! Here are some sample Properties for a few other Estates:

-Buckets contain things;
-Hope springs eternal;
-Strength comes from within;
-Treachery requires an innocent victim;
-Violence never solves anything;
-War continues politics by other means.

Most of these Properties are pretty easy to extract a rule from. Hope always springs eternal. Strength can't come from outside you. War is driven to follow Politics' lead. Buckets must have a space suitable for containing things, and — since merely having a space isn't a very strong rule — they are probably also driven to contain things in any situation where they are actively in play.

Benefits: Powers may use the Persona Attribute to apply an Estate Property temporarily to themselves. For instance, the Power of Cold could use a Persona miracle to say:

-I slow things down; or
-I chill the heart; or
-I bring silence, stillness, and peace; or
-I am driven to fill emptiness.

Persona also has various ways to inflict your Estate's formal and informal Properties on, or remove them from, other things or people.

[] You can choose a maximum of 7 Properties of your Estate.
Sometimes Powers can do things that don't make sense as part of their Estate. Why can the Power of Storms breathe fire? Why can the Power of Poseurs catch a sword in his bare hands? Why can the Power of Rhythm fly? We totally know the answer to these things. The Power of Storms is a dragon; that's why he can breathe fire. The Power of Poseurs has monofilament mesh under his skin. The Power of Rhythm can fly because she has wings. All these things are true, but they have nothing to do with Storms, or Poseurs, or Rhythm.
To have abilities like this, you can buy Gifts.
Gifts are basically miracles that the character can do, or that the world performs for them, but which don't come directly from their Estate.

[] You can choose up to a maximum of 5 Gifts:
Durant (aka Nigh-Invulnerable)
You're extra-resistant to just about any physical attack. Daggers
scrape and squeal on your skin. Being on fire is really uncomfortable.
Chainsaws make you a little nervous because if they break on your skin
little bits of metal could go flying everywhere. You heal very quickly.

You're really hard to land a miraculous effect on — you shed mental
and transformative influence with ease. The inhuman beauty of Angels,
Excrucians, and the Glorious won't faze you. Attempts to curse you with
hiccups or turn you into a dream don't take! Basically you have a very
strong ability to be yourself despite attempts to enchant or enthrall you.

You can ignore any physical and environmental condition short of gross
physical injury — and even then, you don't really get hurt, since you can
ignore the shock and pain and such, your performance just degrades.
If you can survive the first few seconds, you might even manage to
stabilize your condition after a beheading or dismemberment. You're
basically a self-sustaining system, living off of miraculous energy rather
than food, water, air, or anything like that. You do not age.

You can fly! Wings, jetpacks, telekinesis are all possible: just choose your medium.
This is a pretty high customizable Gift.

You can inspire an incredible passion in other people. You turn on
an aura or change your appearance and bam — suddenly you are so
beautiful no one would ever hurt you, so terrifying you could rout an
army, or so subtly amazing that even the Excrucians and the Angels
will give you the honor you think your due.

Immutable (aka Practically Eternal)
This is the weaker form of the Eternal Gift. You cope with environmental
and physical conditions really well, and you age really slowly, and
you don't need much food or water or sleep, but you can't endure forever.

If your Avatar is based on werewolves or vampires or a dragon or something,
you may want to have one or two alternate shapes. By default you can do incomplete shapeshifting with this Gift,
adding some quality of (e.g.) the Wolf to yourself instead of changing forms completely.
If you focus this Gift on your own Estate, it's called the "Elemental"
Gift. For example, the Power of Magnetism could use Lesser Enchantment
of Magnetism to transform themselves into a field of magnetic force.

The Sovereign's Gift
A large number of Powers have low Domain but the ability to
animate and control the motion of their Estate.

Active Immortality (aka Immortal)
You can survive anything. You don't need air. You probably don't even care
whether you have air. You don't need food or water. You can handle being
thrown in a giant blender. Maybe the blades break on your legs, maybe
you reflexively turn into protoplasm and reform, maybe you emerge on
the other side with a torn sleeve and a dramatic nick on your cheek. It's
just being thrown in a giant blender, so, you know, whatever. There's no
point stabbing you. There's no point nuking you. If someone throws you
out of an airplane without a parachute you are going to be upset about
possibly missing your connecting flight. You can't be banished or made to
disappear, and so you can't be permanently imprisoned either. Whatever
the world throws at you, you defend yourself from it and just keep going.

You're equally competent in water and on land — or maybe on
land and in some other kind of environment of your choice!

Bardic Music
You can play heart-wrenchingly beautiful music — the kind of thing
that can enthrall an Excrucian or get the wind to dance. That's not to
say that it will, but it's definitely good enough to do so.

You create a burst of flame. Maybe it clings around your body like
phoenix fire. Maybe it's just a gout of flame like a dragon's. Maybe
it's more like a pyradon's fire, and you can breathe it around a corner,
make giant shields of flame, or do precision wood burning with it.
The choice is yours!

If you're near the entrance to a Chancel or other secret place, you
can make a large gate that leads inside. A small army can pass
through this portal, and it opens on a reasonably central place
within. Gates made with this Gift typically last either one scene
or one night and one day.

Helpful Estate
With this Gift, your Estate automatically and reflexively performs some
kind of miracle whenever it has the notion that doing so will help you
out. Your Estate isn't super-smart in this and can face decision paralysis
if there are a billion possible things that could be helpful — for instance,
if you're the Power of Motion, you'll have to make it fairly clear what
kind of motion would be nice. Also remember that it wants to be helpful,
not to "obey commands" — although you could purchase this Gift as
some sort of command-based thing instead, if you would like!

You can turn visible or invisible at will. Having a bad hair day? People
criticizing your work in public? Bam! Invisible! But wait! There's
someone who would love you forever if only they could see your face?
Bam! You can be visible again.

Keen Sight
You have shockingly keen eyes — when you're paying attention, you
can make out a bee's eyelash from miles away, by starlight.

You can spend a single Persona MP to invoke good fortune for yourself.
You may choose the general nature of this good fortune, but you cannot
define the details — at that point, it's not luck but dictation!

Magical Symbol
A magical symbol worked into the palm of your hand blesses those
who see it with improved health, luck, and joie de vivre. Didrika 7 and
Gordon Ostler have this exact Gift; dozens of other Powers have some
variation on this basic idea.

You're really hard to figure out — there's a veil of mystery over you and
everything you do. Anyone trying to investigate you finds ambiguous
evidence at best and mocking notes at worst. Records and even
memories alter themselves to keep you safe.

Natural Weapon
You have a poisonous bite or you can spit acid or you have a nasty horn.

Perfect Timing
Take this Gift and transcend causality! Forget about Aspect 3 and its
dramatic perfection: with true Perfect Timing, you can arrive on time
even when it's literally impossible for you to do so. You can't intersect
your own timeline and interfere with events and outcomes that you
know already happened, but you can break the calendars of the world
and get from Wednesday to the previous Monday if you needs must.

You can turn some set of things to stone, most likely by looking at

You can purify something, casting out all poisons, diseases and demonic influences.

Unblemished Guise
You can shroud your miraculous nature, appearing to be human.

You can tell when you're near a Chancel, and when you're getting closer
to or farther from its entrances, and — with a bit of Strike — how the
Chancel is laid out inside. You get a feel for what kind of place it is, a
sense of, e.g., "disturbing" or "beautiful" or "strange," as soon as you're
close enough to sense it.

This Gift is usually taken only in conjunction with Wayfinder. When
you're near a Chancel, you don't need a path to get in — you can just
step through the twisted space and into the Chancel's world.


The choices above are not meant to make your character as perfect as possible: they're meant to make him unique. Don't be afraid to give him some handicaps, it will make the game's experience even better.
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Academy City 1.1 (TAMNI Arc)
[X] Plan Parabola
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index).

"Oh? How interesting." You comment while browsing through the book. "So this world named 'Tamni' is very, very similar to Earth, even down to its history...Beside the loss of five hundred years." You pause, remembering with bitter regret that failure on your part. With a shake of your head you close the book, rest it on your lap and lean back against the seat. You look out of the window, staring at the snow-covered landscape that end in a waterfall after fifty meters, sirens and taxnuvunns gleefully following the current down into the void so that the terror of never landing may give meaning to their desolate souls.

"Is something the matter, Noble one?" The faunus in a frac asks you. "Are you troubled?"

"Just a bad memory." You reply with a soft sight. Now it is not the time to be distracted by the past. "When we will reach my destination?"

"When you are ready, Noble one." He explains.

Convenient. "I am ready." You nod and put back the book. After making sure your clothes are without wrinkles and your flowers are undamaged, you rest your hands in your pockets and walk down the road towards the access gate to Academy City.

When the guard sees you surprise briefly passes in his eyes, like it always happens to mortals, before routines kicks in. "Your name Sir?"

Ah, Japanese: a very musical language, perfect for singing. "Michael Young, and I live there."

The guard quickly types on his computer before smiling and handing you an identification card. "Welcome back Professor Young. How was New York?"

"Enjoyable." You put the card in your jacket's pocket and walks through the gate. "Too many tourists if you ask me."

"Ah! I understand perfectly. Have a good day Professor."

"You too." You wave at him.

You walk straight to your destination, though you make a mental note to later look into those delightful cleaning robots and the young humans using clearly supernatural abilities - those 'Esper' powers. If in this world there are less chances of Dementia Anima when using a Miracle it would make your job easier.

A young girl with long dark red hair tied into two low ponytails is waiting for you at the base of the building without windows. She looks at you with annoyance before her glare changes into one of mild reluctance. She holds out a hand. "...Hello. Please takes my hand: the only way inside is by teleportation."

"I understand." You take her hand. There is a shift - not a Miracle, more like an exploitations of rarely used reality matrixes - and suddenly you're inside a poorly illuminated room.

"Welcome. Please have a seat." A smooth voice comes from a deeper part of the room, where only a soft red glow can be seen.

"Thank you." With a confident gait you walk in that direction until you find a chair. Sitting down you take a comfortable stance before looking up at your host.

"Ah." You say. "Would it be better if I am upside-down too?"

"There is no need." The man in the glass cylinder with red liquid smoothly replies. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Aleister Crowley, Power of Science of this world."

"Michael Young, Power of History of all of existence." You greet back. "This is a very beautiful city. But was it wise to overlay it with your Chancel?"

"So you noticed." Aleister smiles before going back to a neutral expression. "Don't worry, every possible variable was calculated. But enough of that: shall we go to the reasons of this meeting?"

"Of course." You cross your arms and lean back. "Although, even I find the whole matter beyond strange. Why would I, a foreign Power, be involved? And why me?"

"A mediator. Due to the delicate nature of this issues, a third party is necessary. And for you second question...." His eyes stare at yours. "It is said there is no one better than you at finding the truth."

"Truth is relative." You uncross your arms and fold your fingers. "The Power of Truth told me so. She never appears the same twice."

"Is that so? Regardless, it was something decided by the Imperators." Aleister closes his eyes. "You must know, that the local Power of Magic and I have a...let's say dispute. To increase our Estates to the detriment of the other. It is, of course, fully played by the rules." He opens his eyes. "But now, someone is interfering, trying to worsen it while attacking both of us."

"What make you say so?"

"It all began one month ago, when a ritual managed to temporarily summon an Avatar of Angel Michael into this world." You sit straighter at those world. "The thing is, it was completely accidental: a human who like to collect lucky charms and other trinkets ended up positioning them around his home just so, starting the ritual. We both checked, and the human truly had no idea what he was doing."

"Such an event can be a coincidence." You concede. "But it is incredibly improbable, not just improbable."

"Quite so. Though, we didn't gave it a great priority...until ten days ago." His tone turns sour. "Both an event of Magic and one of Science that we planned were made impossible to carry on, which coincided with an attack to both of our Estates. In both case the culprit couldn't be located."

"You didn't blame each other?"

"We did. That's when the local Court interfered: during the case it was determined that there is an higher chance of an external faction, possibly an Excrucian, interfering that of one of us playing dirty." His expression is serene, but you are willing to bet he is anything but. "So, since our conflict is very important for this world, it was decided that the best solution is to entrust the resolution to someone else."

"And that's where I come up." You clap your hands. "I must confess this is an interesting case. Rest assured I will do everything in my power to resolve it. Where were the attacks carried from?"

"Both of them here, in the immediate vicinity of Academy City, just outside the Chancel." Aleister's tone goes back to smooth. "I am afraid that I can't offer more info, save that the more suspicious events always happened when members of both Science and Magic side mingled with each other. There are a few Magic faction members here in Academy City for...various reasons."

"I see, I see." You rub your chin and smile. "Interesting, truly interesting." You stand up. "I accept this case. Do you mind if I wander through your beautiful city for a while?"

"Do as you wish. Though, I must remind you that lessons resume on Monday, and you still need to correct your class's homework..." He smiles. "Professor Young."

You smack your forehead, the smile still on your lips. "Oh, right! Well, then I better hurry."

"Can I ask you something?" Aleister suddenly asks before you can reach the red-headed girl. "Why do they call you the [Monster of Heaven]?"

You turn back, your smile widening. "You don't want to know."

"I don't?"

"Nobody does. Everyone wished they didn't."

"I see."


Once you're back outside you take out the identification card and read it. "Let's see, where do I live...Lucky, it's close!" With that matter done you ponder what to do next. Powerful you may be, but you still need to narrow down your target to obtain the best results.

What is your first move?
[] Write-in.

When you propose a plan I will tell you if it is feasible, and if yes if it costs MP (Miracle Points) and how many. Really, go wild: the lack of options is because there are so many things you can do I cannot concentrate them in a few choices.
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Academy City 1.2 (TAMNI Arc)
[X] Plan "Go home and correct your classes homework"

Before starting your investigation in earnest it is probably best you do as Aleister said and go correct your class's homework. The easier and quicker task first, so you don't need to worry about it anymore. Admittedly this is a simple cover that will last only until the end of your time in this world, but taking every task seriously is what separate a Nobilis from a common criminal.

The small home in the apartment complex has a Spartan feel to it, with only the essential furniture: you could have added more, but the more simple a change is, the less interference it creates on the world. After closing the door you take out your shoes as per Japanese tradition, hang your jacket and use the kitchen to prepare a pot of tea. Once you have your relaxing drink ready you take out the homework and begin to correct them.

"Oh? Okamura-san has a very good calligraphy." You comment softly. Even if you have the memories of having taught those and many more students experiencing it with your own senses is very different.

Correcting everything takes only twelve minutes. With that done you order the homework neatly, put on your jacket and leave the apartment.


You spend the next few hours on a train, letting it carry you through the various districts of Academy City. Meanwhile you open your book and invoke a simple Miracle. Normally you prefer to directly observe History in the Mythic World, but your query is so recent that it can be properly accessed even from there. With a light tap words begin to appear on the once blank pages:

The Incident dubbed "Angel Fall".

Fact: it began in August 28, and ended in August 30.

Fact: according to the deposition of Tsuchimikado Motoharu, the Japanese businessman Kamijou Touya collected countless folkcraft, charms, and souvenirs in his home and arranged them according to the principles of Feng-shui. Following the Idol Theory this, through pure luck, resulted in...

You keep reading, humming softly when reading something that catch your attention. While you can understand the terminology and follow the logic it still baffles you how different things work in this world. You can only be thankful that only a very small part of Lord Michael was dragged to Tamni: otherwise, this world would have been reduced to ashes.

Acknowledged resolvers of the incident:

Kamijou Touma: Only son of Kamijou Touya. Alliance: Science. Student of Academy City. Possessor of the mysterious power "Imagine Breaker", capable of negating both Magic and Esper powers.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu: Only successful example of Magician-Esper Hybrid. Alliance: Magic. Suspected of being a double agent. Student of Academy City. Member of Necessarius, faction of the English Church. Expert in Onmyoudou Magic and possessor of the Esper ability dubbed "Auto-Rebirth", an automatic form of regeneration.

Kanzaki Kaori: A Saint. Alliance: Magic. Member of Necessarius, faction of the English Church. Expert in many forms of Magic of both Eastern and Western origin.

"Uhm..." You tap a finger on the page. "A clear member of Magic, one of Science and one that stands in-between. True, they were the ones who were the close to the incident, but this is still interesting."

You tap the book again.


The end result of your inquiries produced quite an interesting enigma. For once, the factors behind the reported incidents don't show signs of evident manipulation, being the logical result of the forces before them. The only exceptions are represented by what you assume are the causes that prevented the events planned by Aleister and his rival.

Both of them were homicides. Bishop Biagio Busoni of the Magic Side. Scientist Kihara Gensei of the Science Side. Both of those men were killed a few days apart from one another. They were found in their private quarters, with a wound from a bladed weapon through their hearts. No hints of who did it and how were found.

The circumstances between the two events are too similar to be a mere coincidence. The culprit was likely the same. Since their significance to their respective Sides was high, it can be inferred that their deaths were the catalysts that enabled the attacks on the Estates of Magic and Science.

Let's assume there is someone manipulating things behind the scenes. It is possible they are subtle enough that nobody noticed until now. If the Angel Fall was their doing it was a calculated risk that paid off, since even you cannot rule out it could have been the result of unusual luck.

The two homicides, however, are a clear divergence. They don't fit. Could it mean the mastermind is done with their subtle manipulations and is ready to take direct action?

Possible. But unlikely: it doesn't fit the profile of someone able to pit two Powers against one another.

A screw up? A minion going against orders? Were they forced by lack of time to take a non-optimal course of action?

This is more likely. No specifically suspicious spot came up during your tour, so if there is a scheme it revolves around individuals, not places.

Making a cross-reference between the info gathered so far you compile a list of those that were most involved during the science/magic conflicts:

Kamijou Touma. He featured in almost all of the conflicts, often being the one to resolve them. Despite being officially part of the Science Side his power, "Imagine Breaker", cannot still be explained by both Science and Magic rules.

Index Librorum Prohibitorum. Often seen in company of Kamijou Touma, she only played a small part and often limited herself to offer support or abstain totally.

Misaka Mikoto. There has been only a few times when she was involved with Magic users, and even then she remained unaware of the other faction's existence. However she has many contacts with Kamijou Touma.

Stiyl Magnus. Offered support to Kamijou Touma in some of the conflicts.

Kanzaki Kaori. Offered support to Kamijou Touma in some of the conflicts.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu. Offered support to Kamijou Touma in some of the conflicts, and he is Kamijou's classmate.

"Ooh, how odd." You softly comment while looking up at the approaching dusk. "There is a single common denominator between those people and events, and it is someone that is part of a faction only in virtue of where he lives, not the nature of his powers."

How it is that Kamijou Touma is such a central figure in the conflict between Magic and Science? Is he Aleister's pawn? A spy from Magic? An external factor that is convenient to put events in motion?

Possible, possible. You aren't really interested in what part he plays, but your still unknown antagonist may be using him in some fashion to advance their schemes. It may be one of the other individuals, that got involved because there was a need for those cases, but there wasn't for the others.

Or maybe the enemy is even more subtle, and is manipulating one of the people around those individuals to push them towards certain actions?

"Aaah, what I am doing?" You chuckle before relaxing. "Those are nothing but theories. Still, I made some steps ahead."

What is your next move?
[] Write-in.

I found this short story. Read it if you want to have a taste of what the Power of History can do.
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Academy City 1.3 (TAMNI Arc)
[X] Plan The Future Rhymes and We are a Heavenly Poet

First of all, you need to take a look at the crime scenes. You take out your phone and type the number given to you. "Hello Aleister. I am in need of two favors."

"Their natures?"

"I would like to give a look at where Kihara Gensei was killed." You cup your chin. "I also need a mean of travel that can bring me to Italy and back within the day."

"Both are easy to deal with." He gives you an address. "Go there for Kihara. Meanwhile I will arrange for suitable transportation."

"Thank you very much. I will be sure to repay your kindness."


"Is this the place?" You ask your guide, looking around the room. Desk, bookshelves, computers and the like: it has all the stereotypical equipment for a standard study. The only thing out of place is the large hole in the moquette, likely made to remove the blood stains.

"Yes." The security guard replies. "Doctor Kihara was found here. Do you need anything else?"

"No. I only need to remain there, alone, until I am done." He nods in understanding and leaves the room, closing the room behind him.

"Now then..." You lean against the wall and raise a hand, palm facing upward. "Show me how Kihara Gensei died."

The History of this room answers your command. Reality flickers like a TV when someone changes program, and an old man wearing a doctor coat is seated at the desk, talking on the phone.

"-Yes Kouzaku-kun, I believe this is the best course of action. Contact me again when you manage to obtain one of the clones. By then I will have Exterior's location." He finishes the conversation and lowers the phone. Standing up Kihara Gensei walks to the window.

"What is going to happen now?"

It appears suddenly. One moment there is only Kihara in the room, the next a figure garbed completely in black is standing in the center of the room.

"Pause." You command, and the memory stops. You walk to the mysterious figure and looks at it from various angles. Proportions suggest male gender or a very fit woman. Voice is completely bland like a robot. The heavy coat has no distinguishing features; the pants and shoes are the same. The head is covered by a hood.

There is no face. At first glance it appears it is simply shadowed by the hood, but it is not so: the darkness is too thick, and it doesn't follow the light from the window. You don't need to ask the local spirits to confirm this being is not natural even by the Prosaic Earth's perception.

"Did anyone sense when this one entered the room?" You ask instead.

An unified feeling of negative answer. So the answer is either very good stealthy abilities or teleportation.

You step away from the figure. "Keep going."

Kihara turns around and looks at the figure with curiosity. "Who are you? How did you get here?"

"What is going to happen now?" The figure repeats, ignoring Kihara's questions.

The aged scientist smiles and presses a hidden switch on his sleeve. "You are going to get arrested by the guards I just called of course. And then I will have you-"

"Wrong answer."

With a fluid movement a sword - a simple, straightforward double-edged sword with no decorations - appears in the right hand of the figure, who steps forward and runs it through Kihara's chest.

"The correct answer is: I am going to kill you now."

The scientist gapes, eyes open wide in disbelief. And then the figure is gone, disappearing just as it appeared. Missing the support Kihara's falls on the ground, his life ending ten seconds later. One second after that the guards enter the study and discover the body.

"That's enough." With that command you're back in the present days, frowning slightly.

The mystery is thickening.

"We're going to pass above Rome in twenty seconds." The pilot informs you.

"Got it." After investigating the crime scene you were informed by Aleister that a special plane was waiting for you. Greatly exceeding the speed of sound, it took only two hours to reach Italy from Japan. How very convenient.

You open the hatch, the strong wind not bothering you in the slightest.

"Wait! You're forgetting the parachute!"

"Oh, I don't need it." You smile at the gaping pilot. "See you again in five hours."

"Wa-" You jump out.

You enjoy the free-fall for the first thousands of meters. At 500 meters you whip out your white cape and tie it around your neck. It spreads like a pair of wings, allowing you to slow down your descend.

Gracefully you land on a roof, dramatically remove your cape for the enjoyment of a couple of pigeons, smile in satisfaction and walk down to the street.

Finding the place where Biagio Busoni was killed is easy. Reaching it? Less so. Aware that you're an outsider here you do your best to pass undetected, but luckily being faster than even the fastest man alive and able to jump from rooftop to rooftop helps immensely.

Of course the last two are necessary only after you enter the Vatican like all the other tourists. You are a proper gentleman, not a ninja.

"I wasn't aware they make monasteries so gaudy." You comment while entering the room where Busoni was killed. "Then again, this is supposed to be the residence of a Bishop."

In the latter's defense the room itself is pretty Spartan, the only exception a large and, you have to admit, very well made crucifix.

You're in the middle of admiring the artwork when the door slams open, four arrows aimed at you coming out.

You lead backward, dodging them. Then you have to do a literal backflip as the arrows keep coming. Now it isn't as if they can hurt you, but you need to keep up appearances.

It ends with you needing to jump out of the window, glass shattering as you roll to absorb the fall and use the momentum to stand up.

Right in the middle of a circle of nuns. All of them armed with weapons like swords, spears and bows. Curious.

"Ahahaha! It is as they said: the culprit always return to the scene of their crimes!"

And is that a miniskirt?

"Uhm..." You raise a hand. "Sorry, can you tell me what is going on?"

"Obviously, your capture!" The little girl points her metal staff at you. "For the murder of His Grace Bishop Busoni I, Agnese Sanctis, am taking you into custody!"

"That doesn't make sense." You frown. "I admit I sneaked inside private property, but what proof do you have that I committed a murder?"

"I don't need proof! I was told that the culprit would return to the crime scene today. The one who appeared is you, thus you are the culprit!"

What? She was told the culprit would come today? Who told her that? And how did they know you were coming, since you decided that only a few hours ago?

....Is this the mysterious manipulator's doing?

Because, to send a group of humans after you, you aren't sure if feel annoyed or glad at being underestimated so much.

[] Write-in.

Yes, Academy City has passenger planes that can reach Mach 3. Who auto-destroy when they become incapable of flying. Because.
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