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"No! No! This is wrong! Why aren't you agreeing with me? WHY AREN'T YOU LOVING ME?!?!" The...
Character Creation - Part 1


Pet the pretty kitty? Y/N
"No! No! This is wrong! Why aren't you agreeing with me? WHY AREN'T YOU LOVING ME?!?!" The beautiful girl with hair and tattoos of many colors screams, but the grim-faced policemen that are dragging her to the car don't even look at her, as if disgusted.

"Mary Sue." Another policeman, a detective, begins when the girl is pushed inside the car. "You are hereby accused of mass drugging, of brainwashing people to do your bidding and fabrication of false evidence. Everything you say will be used against you. You have the right to..."

"DON'T TALK TO ME AS IF I AM NOT HERE! I AM PERFECT!!" The now named Mary screams again, prompting one policeman to just close the car's hatch.

As the car drives away a certain individual that was watching the whole debacle seated at a table turns back to partake of an almond parfait. "Who would have thought."

"Quite so." The waiter standing to the side replies with a frown. "To think she seemed like the perfect girl, and instead she was just a peddler." He shakes his head in disappointment before flashing the customer a smile. "Is the parfait of your linking-"

[] "-Madame?"
[] "-Monsieur?"

"Absolutely. It is most exquisite." You reply. Then you pause, taking out a yellow flower from your clothes and affixing it on the waiter's jacket. "Agrimony. It means Gratitude. Make everyone see it, so that they may know I am grateful."

"B-But!" The waiter stammers, embarrassed. "It's just a dessert!"

"Nothing is simply 'just' at this world." You playfully chide him with a smile, rapping the spoon on his nose.

As the waiter hurries back to the kitchen to clean his nose, a blush on his face, you calmly go back to your parfait. "This assignment was almost too easy. Is this really what today require my attention?"

The empty suit of armor made of fragrance and ecstasy seated in front of you that nobody else can see tilts down its helmet. "I beg forgiveness. I am just a messenger, unworthily bearing the words of our Lord."

"Do not worry. This is not something with fault." You put another spoonful of dessert into your mouth. "But this 'Mary Sue' - what a bland name - required almost no work." You open a single eye. "However, if you are here, it means I can't go home quite yet. What does my Master require of me next?"

The armor raises its palms, a large book resting on them. "Your next mission requires you to leave Earth for another world of the vast universe, where your presence is required. All other details are not for my eyes and contained there."

"Oh..? It has been a while since I left Earth." You sweep your hand over the book, and it is no more. Having finished the parfait you stand up and begin to walk away. "There is nothing greater that fulfilling the will of my Master. Thank you spoon. Thank you plate. Our time together was enjoyable."

"It was a honor!" The spirits of the spoon and the plate cry out in happiness. "Oh Great Sovereign!"


The everyday world is in truth only the Prosaic Earth, a rationalized delusion which conceals the true reality that would plunge most mortals into madness: the Mythic Earth, an animistic world where everything has its own sentient spirit. In the Mythic the Earth is really flat, and hangs somewhere among the vast boughs of the "world-tree", Yggdrasil or World Ash. Countless worlds dot the branches of this world-tree, but at the top is Heaven, which is inaccessible to all but the angels and is the source of all beauty. Beneath the earth, in the roots of the World Ash, is Hell, the source of all corruption. Around Yggdrasil, except above heaven (where it is open to the stars), is a mystical impenetrable curtain of blue flames known as the Weirding Wall.

Every class of objects and every concept is represented by a being of god-like power known as an Imperator. Each Imperator may govern from one to several of these Estates, and has effectively limitless control over them. The Imperators are engaged in a deadly struggle with the Excrucians, terrible beings from outside the Weirding Wall who wish to destroy reality; this struggle is known as the Valde Bellum. This war keeps Imperators busy in the Spirit World, so in order to maintain their affairs on Earth and in the other worlds they invest a shard of their soul in a human (or occasionally another animal or object), creating a Nobilis. Each Nobilis represents one of the Imperator's Estates.

You are one such Nobilis, a being granted a shard of divine power that give you absolute domain over an Estate, a specific concept. You are, quite literally, an Anthropomorphic Personification of that concept, with enough power to conquer a nation, move the stars in their alignments, or even destroy the world... not that destroying the world is generally very useful.

What is your name?
[] Write-in (choose according to the chosen gender)

[] Choose your Estate (Joy. Emotion. Tea. Baskets. Draconic forms. Martial arts. Even Backsies! Don't be afraid to choose something ridiculous!)

What kind of being is your Imperator?
[] A glorious Angel from the shining host of Heaven
[] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[] A stern Magister of the Light, seeking humanity's survival
[] A malevolent Magister of the Dark, celebrant of humanity's filth and suicides
[] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth
[] A chaotic Magister of the Wild, more alien yet, from outside the universe entirely
[] A miles-long Aaron's Serpent, born from the substance of the World Ash

[] Choose your Attributes in order of importance (use 1, 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate):
-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
-Domain (material control over your Estate)
-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)

Finally, choose the new world you will visit:
[] A world of Light and Shadows (RWBY)
[] A world of False Gods and Godslayers (Campione!)
[] A world of Threads and Guts (Kill La Kill)
[] A world of War and Robots (Code Geass)
[] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)
[] A world of Girls and Ships (Kancolle)
[] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
[] A world of Demons and Penguins (Disgaea)
[] A world of Colors and Bullets (Touhou Project)
[] A world under the Light of the Moon (Type-Moon universe)
[] A world of Dark Reflections (Persona universe)
[] A world that is... (Write-in)


Here's my Nobilis quest idea. Knowledge of Nobilis is not required: emphasis is instead directed on good, in-theme stunts.

This is not a quest like any other. You, the MC, is not struggling against the world.

It is the world that is struggling against you.

In this game heroes have the resources of villains and the villains are like starting adventure heroes. The antagonist powers are afraid of you, an elder Nobilis. So they will try to stay out of your radar and spread their influence subtly. This, MC, will be your struggle: a challenge that cannot be overcome with brute force, and where your every actions has long-lasting consequences.

Until you meet someone or something that is your equal. And even then killing each other is so difficult, that other methods to oppose your opponent are required.

Are you be a Nobilis?

OOC: It's probable this quest will not go very far. But hey, I'm betting it will be fun until then.
Character Sheet

Name: Michael Young
Estate: History
Titles: Regal of History, Monster of Heaven
Imperator: Angel Ashriel
Affiliation: Heaven
Familia: ???

You've given your heart to the cause of the angels — to beauty and justice! The angels believe there is no higher calling than to transform the world into a Heaven — to work endlessly at the task of making justice, making goodness, giving beauty to the things that are. The angels themselves say the world is a fallen place. They say people are filthy, dirty things crawling on a corrupt rock. They've sealed the gates of Heaven against the world, even as they labor to make the world outside those gates shine brighter.
The Windflower Law: thou shalt not love

The Chestnut Law: thou shall harm none who has done no harm, nor wreak more vengeance than in the sevenfold degree

The Rule of Man: treat no beast as your lord [that is, never let a mortal get the best of you]

The Rule of War: serve your Imperator before the War, and the War before yourself

The Crowfoot Law: protect no Power from the justice of the Code

Domain: 5 (6 MP)
Aspect: 4 (6 MP)
Persona: 3 (5 MP)
Treasure: 2 (5 MP)

Bond: Humanity deserves better.
Bond: Blackmail is ugly, threats uncouth - but vengeance, ah, vengeance is divine.
Bond: I always return favors, if possible in an extravagant fashion.
Bond: I serve the Song of Heaven.
Affliction: I must be spoken to in a polite fashion.
Affliction: Innocents are never hurt in my general vicinity.
Affliction: I am very bishonen. It is a curse I must bear.

...repeats itself.
...shapes the perception of the present.
...predicts the future.
...teaches those who remember it.
...haunts those who ignore it.
You can purify something, casting out all poisons, diseases and demonic influences.

You can spend a single Persona MP to invoke good fortune for yourself. You may choose the general nature of this good fortune, but you cannot define the details - at that point, it's not luck but dictation!

Flight (A dramatic white cape that occasionally resembles wings)
You can fly! Wings, jetpacks, telekinesis are all possible: just choose your medium. This is a pretty high customizable Gift.

Durant (aka Nigh-Invulnerable)
You're extra-resistant to just about any physical attack. Daggers scrape and squeal on your skin. Being on fire is really uncomfortable. Chainsaws make you a little nervous because if they break on your skin little bits of metal could go flying everywhere. You heal very quickly.

You're really hard to land a miraculous effect on - you shed mental and transformative influence with ease. The inhuman beauty of Angels, Excrucians, and the Glorious won't faze you. Attempts to curse you with hiccups or turn you into a dream don't take! Basically you have a very strong ability to be yourself despite attempts to enchant or enthrall you.
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[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[X] A miles-long Aaron's Serpent, born from the substance of the World Ash
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
Am I a bad person if I wanted to pick Flowers as ourEstate?

[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Anthony Yuryevich
[X] Love
[X] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] The Blue Plan
[1] Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[2] Domain (material control over your Estate)
[3] Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[4] Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world under the Light of the Moon (Type-Moon universe)

Man, I don't even care where we go, I'm so fucking hyped for this.
[X] Plan Know What Everyone Wants

-[X] "-Madame?"
-[X] Name: Philia Heart

-[X] Estate: Attraction
-[X] A chaotic Magister of the Wild, more alien yet, from outside the universe entirely
-[X] 1 - Persona
-[X] 2 - Domain
-[X] 3 - Treasure
-[X] 4 - Aspect

-[X] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)

Tempted to go
[Q] Name: Chichigami
[Q] Estate: Boobs
For DxD but that way leads QQ.
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[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[x] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)

Hail Saten, should be fun to maybe introduce somthing like a devil to TAMNI.
[X] Plan God of History
[] "-Monsieur?"
[] Michael Young
[] History
[] A glorious Angel from the shining host of Heaven

[1] Domain (material control over your Estate)
[2] Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[3] Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[4] Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
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[x] Plan Goddes of Pleasures
[] "-Madame?"
[] Belle Morte
[] Self-Indulgence
[] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth
[] Aspect > Persona > Treasure > Domain
[] A world of Light and Shadows (RWBY)
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[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[X] A miles-long Aaron's Serpent, born from the substance of the World Ash
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
No. of Votes: 1

Dark Lord Bob
[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Anthony Yuryevich
[X] Love
[X] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] The Blue Plan
[X] A world under the Light of the Moon (Type-Moon universe)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] "-Madame?"
[X] Name: Philia Heart
[X] Estate: Attraction
[X] A chaotic Magister of the Wild, more alien yet, from outside the universe entirely
[X] 1 - Persona
[X] 2 - Domain
[X] 3 - Treasure
[X] 4 - Aspect
[X] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[x] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan God of History
No. of Votes: 1

[x] "-Madame?"
[x] Belle Morte
[x] Self-Indulgence
[x] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth
[x] Aspect > Persona > Treasure > Domain
[x] A world of Light and Shadows (RWBY)
No. of Votes: 1


It's a bit chaotic. Uh, could you please do like cskey0 and make a plan putting this at the top: [X] Plan (insert Player's name) ? So people can vote them instead of many options.
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[X] Plan Know What Everyone Wants

I always liked the setting of DxD and thought its genre a waste.
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[X] Regent of Individuality
[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Richard Dresden
[X] Individuality
[X] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
I don't know much about Nobilis other than Heaven is full of awful pretentious assholes with literally impossible standards, (No mortal has yet to meet its standards) and Hell loves everyone, the wicked most because no one else will. And that the Nobilis of Blankets is a badass and that Individuality is an awesome domain. As in disintegrating objects down to molecules or even further by enhancing their 'individuality'.
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[X] Plan Gundam

[X] "-Madame?"

[X] Jane Smith

[X] Gundams

[X] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth

[X] Choose your Attributes in order of importance (use 1, 2, 3 and 4 as appropriate):
-[3] Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
-[1] Domain (material control over your Estate)
-[2] Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
-[4] Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)

[X] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)

Because you just know that you want to be the supreme ruler of all giant robots. You know it.
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[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[X] A miles-long Aaron's Serpent, born from the substance of the World Ash
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
No. of Votes: 1

Dark Lord Bob
[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Anthony Yuryevich
[X] Love
[X] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] The Blue Plan
[X] A world under the Light of the Moon (Type-Moon universe)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] "-Madame?"
[X] Name: Philia Heart
[X] Estate: Attraction
[X] A chaotic Magister of the Wild, more alien yet, from outside the universe entirely
[X] 1 - Persona
[X] 2 - Domain
[X] 3 - Treasure
[X] 4 - Aspect
[X] A world of Angels and Devils (Highschool DxD)
No. of Votes: 1
[X] "-Monsieur?"
[X] Teatime
[x] A terrible Devil (Fallen Angel) who worship at the altar that is Hell
[X] 1-Aspect (mastery of human abilities)
[X] 3-Domain (material control over your Estate)
[X] 2-Persona (control over the Estate's semantics and things it is related to)
[X] 4-Treasure (an assortment of helpful mortal, magical or miraculous devices or creatures)
[X] A world of Science and Magic (To Aru Majutsu no Index)
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Plan God of History
No. of Votes: 1

[x] "-Madame?"
[x] Belle Morte
[x] Self-Indulgence
[x] An alien, incomprehensible divinity: a "True God" of Earth
[x] Aspect > Persona > Treasure > Domain
[x] A world of Light and Shadows (RWBY)
No. of Votes: 1


It's a bit chaotic. Uh, could you please do like cskey0 and make a plan putting this at the top: [X] Plan (insert Player's name) ? So people can vote them instead of many options.
Edited in
I will say if we go with God of History, we probably ought to place our domain and persona as 4 and 3 considering its all about utilizing your domain in bullshit ways. And with high end History, we can very much write people out of existence, alter reality via altering the past, change a person's nature by altering the history that defines them, potentially alter consequence, define the future(history yet to be written) etc. That's wayyyyyyyyy cooler that having a collection of interesting people/baubles.
I will say if we go with God of History, we probably ought to place our domain and persona as 4 and 3 considering its all about utilizing your domain in bullshit ways. And with high end History, we can very much write people out of existence, alter reality via altering the past, change a person's nature by altering the history that defines them, potentially alter consequence, define the future(history yet to be written) etc. That's wayyyyyyyyy cooler that having a collection of interesting people/baubles.
Or we could be the anthropomorphic personification of giant robots. You know what's the biggest giant robot ever?

This is the biggest giant robot ever.