We will have no talk of Archers that send Gilgamesh himself running for cover, Assassins with EX Rank Presence Concealment, or Gawain getting arrested by the cops for blowing up an Opera House. They are silly things.

Nor of Dumas arming the police force with Noble Phantasms or Kung-Fu Cyborg-Priest? :V
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@Wade Garrett

I understand the implication. I don't understand the direction.

That is, would you rather I:

1) Repick?
2) Buff?

1) means I'm back to hoping I can find someone I like that'd do (might be unable to find one before deadline), while 2) can - depending on the intended level - result in a nigh-absurd character (i.e. looks like mook, is actually 40k SM).

I said picks would stay open AT LEAST over the weekend. Not "You haven't applied by Monday? BEGONE FOREVER."


As compared to the Irish dogboy with a Gae Bulge, the power rock murder angel, Aztec goddess of fitness, Mr. "Trench Coat, Katana, Daddy Issues", a old man with a meteorite scythe who rides around in a wheelchair just to freak people out when he stands up from it....ummmm?
I said picks would stay open AT LEAST over the weekend. Not "You haven't applied by Monday? BEGONE FOREVER."


As compared to the Irish dogboy with a Gae Bulge, the power rock murder angel, Aztec goddess of fitness, Mr. "Trench Coat, Katana, Daddy Issues", a old man with a meteorite scythe who rides around in a wheelchair just to freak people out when he stands up from it....ummmm?
Point taken on both. I'll ping when the sheet's gotten an overhaul.
I'm noticing we have a horrible lack of mages here. If I may put up another app for consideration, is that kay?
I said picks would stay open AT LEAST over the weekend. Not "You haven't applied by Monday? BEGONE FOREVER."


As compared to the Irish dogboy with a Gae Bulge, the power rock murder angel, Aztec goddess of fitness, Mr. "Trench Coat, Katana, Daddy Issues", a old man with a meteorite scythe who rides around in a wheelchair just to freak people out when he stands up from it....ummmm?
And the 1st overhaul's done. (Didn't expect the game to have escalated that quickly.)
@Wade Garrett how in depth do you want the ability lists to be? I'm making one for a martial artist, and listing every technique would include a pretty large list. Would it be better to just summarize?
PLAYER: Nanami Yusari
Free form is harder than I thought, I'm used to a much more formatted system. I'm not entirely sure how much detail to put in, but this should fit in the low-mid tier servant power levels, at least.

Nanami Yasuri
Universe of Origin: katanagatari

Migeika - Nanami Yasuri was born with the eye of gods, with this ability, she is able to see through any technique, any movement, any weaknesses, thus mastering any ability with observation. After a single observation, she can replicate the ability, and after a second, she can be considered to have mastered it, and is able to combine it with any of her other techiques. Nanami can predict the attacks of any martial art just by seeing the stance that her opponents use. For this reason she declares that stances are pointless and never takes one herself.

Kyotōryū: This is a martial arts sword style that uses the body as swords. Any part of the body can be strengthened and sharpened beyond that of normal blades, to the point where the most basic technique of this style is to break or cut the opponents weapons with hands or feet. The higher tiers of this art include things such as creating air blades with a finger flick and attacks that deal internal damage to bypass armor. Though she was never taught this style, she has mastered it through the use of her Migeika.

Ninpō: Tsume Awase- This technique allows her to lengthen and strengthen her nails into powerful claws.

Ninpō: Ashigaru- This technique allows Nanami to make her body weightless, thus increasing her speed and rendering her difficult to hit. She can also use it to skate on water and dodge attacks by using the shock waves of an attack to float out of the way.

Ninpō: Makibishi Shidan- This is a throwing technique, allowing her to accurately launch caltrops at her enemies at extreme speeds.

Superhuman Speed: She is capable of moving faster than the eye can track, and can outspeed even trained martial artists.

Superhuman Strength: As she murdered the entire Itezora clan and observed their strength technique, she is now a master of this technique. It allows her to greatly enhance her strength, to the point where she can casually shatter boulders with a single blow.

Unnatural body: Nanami was born too strong for her body to support. She is constantly teetering on the brink of death, and suffers from a number of maladies that greatly limit her stamina. Though she can never die of this sickness, it prevents her from fighting at her true potential. However, her life of constant suffering has made her completely immune to pain.


Poison-tipped caltrops:
These are designed to stick in an opponent's flesh, becoming nearly impossible to remove. The poison on them paralyzes most foes.

Akutō Bita:

Known as the evilest blade, Bita is a blade capable of generating electricity, but it is not used for combat. Rather, it is stabbed into the user's chest and electrifies them to forcefully remove any injuries or weaknesses from the body, making it's main focus rejuvenation. When stabbed into Nanami, it removes her body's physical limits allowing her to fight at full power. However, using this blade is a last resort, as the healing only lasts so long as the blade remains. Should the blade be removed, all previous injuries will return, and there will be a new hole in the user's chest.


Nanami is the sister of Shichika Yasuri, the seventh head of the Kyotōryū school of Japanese sword martial arts. Though she is soft spoken and has a gentle manner, she lacks any form, or even understanding, of compassion. Due to her upbringing, where she was isolated on an island with only her brother and father, she is nearly clueless about any values or morals. She was further warped by her father's attempt to kill her, and her constant suffering, which makes her interested in the suffering of others.
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Nanami is the brother of Shichika Yasuri, the seventh head of the Kyotōryū school of Japanese sword martial arts. Though she is soft spoken and has a gentle manner, she lacks any form, or even understanding, of compassion. Due to her upbringing, where she was isolated on an island with only her brother and father, she is nearly clueless about any values or morals. She was further warped by her father's attempt to kill her, and her constant suffering, which makes her interested in the suffering of others.

One of these is not like the other.

On the other hand, Helena smells opportunity.

Helena: Joy, get the Pamphlets.
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