Specifics? That is, compared to Ionai Heroi or Unlimited Blade Works, the Dream is kind of lacking in "Behold my unbeatable trump card!"ness
But true unless I bring in it's second resident.

Basically the Hunter's Dream allows the Moon Presence to tag team fight alongside Gehrman. So the Host and the Source fighting together.
This is a grail war for expies, right? Do they have to be well known, and are we posting them in the thread or through PM?

This is a Grail War where the best laid plans of men and Servants go kerplooie because something decided to drop a bunch of powerful entities with their own agendas into the middle of it.

Said entities being you, the players.
This is a Grail War where the best laid plans of men and Servants go kerplooie because something decided to drop a bunch of powerful entities with their own agendas into the middle of it.

Said entities being you, the players.

I may make something once I get home in a few hours. Does the character have to have an in character motivation for joining, or is the ROB supplying that?
To be expected.

Do I at least start with a full tank?

No. I intend to have you make a Gawain sheet, accept you as a player, and then, death by prana starvation in your first IC post. :V

The real answer is yes.

But true unless I bring in it's second resident.

Basically the Hunter's Dream allows the Moon Presence to tag team fight alongside Gehrman. So the Host and the Source fighting together.

"I have Yog-Soggoth in my back pocket" seems a bit much. There's precedent (Gilles) but he had to do a ton of work to get it ready to go. That sort of thing looks more like a reward for completing a major objective than something you start with.

I may make something once I get home in a few hours. Does the character have to have an in character motivation for joining, or is the ROB supplying that?

You will be given major objectives to fulfill when the IC opens. It will generally be something like "Destroy X" or "Protect Y until X falls" where X and Y are either other players or major NPCs. These will be created via dice rolls. Clearing an objective nets you a power up.

(As a rule, the more powerful you start of as, the less reward you get for clearing your objectives.)
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"I have Yog-Soggoth in my back pocket" seems a bit much. There's precedent (Gilles) but he had to do a ton of work to get it ready to go. That sort of thing looks more like a reward for completing a major objective than something you start with.
Alright then so we'll make the reality marble a reward and I'll just have the messengers bring me small items (like Blood vials and Quicksilver bullets) as my method of resupplying.
Hm. That could work... Not Ranma Saotome, but it is a Ranma character.

Here goes. Using a version that managed to complete his rebirth process, and thus, isn't in danger of burning himself out or running out of energy for a long, long, long, long time.

Name: Phoenix King Saffron
Age: ?? (Saffron is either very old or very young, depending on ones interpretation of his life cycle).

Universe of Origin: Ranma 1/2

Abilities: Saffron is the Phoenix King, and the title is quite literal, being that he is part phoenix and the majority of his abilities relate to those magical advantages.
  • Superhuman Physical Powers: Saffron is, physically, very strong, fast, and tough, able to compete with the extremely superhuman martial artists common to the Ranma universe in close quarters when wielding the Kinjakan, but in comparison to them, he is rather soft, having grown up pampered. He has trouble shaking off large blunt impacts in comparison, and can be beaten unconscious with a few strong blows to the head where others from his universe could endure that all day without issue.
  • Wings: Saffron has a great set of wings on him, and is extremely fast and manuverable in midair, able to fly and fight in the most violent parts of a heat-sucking tornado without serious issues. Incidently, another bird feature of his are the fact that his fingers are like bird talons; scaled and clawed, with scales going up his wrist until about halfway up the forearm.
  • Skill: He is exceptionally skilled with his primary weapon, the Kinjakan, knowing the ins and outs of using it both as a physical weapon, a vehicle, a key, and a magical focus.
  • Pyromancy: Saffron uses fire. Lots and lots of fire. With his rebirth process complete, he has full control over these abilities, able to manipulate his heat even after leaving the body, turn the temperature up and down freely(ranging from continuously keeping his rural kingdom warm and lit through the winter, to an aura of sheer heat extreme enough to turn any rocks that come near him instantly to molten lava. He can also turn the heat off entirely. Said kingdom his about the size of largish rural town.
  • Regeneration: Saffron is a phoenix, and as such, heals with fire. Specifically, his own fire. Having limbs sliced off and half his head destroyed are simple wounds that take no effort to repair, and his regeneration works fast enough that he can rip off one of his own wings and use it as a weapon mid-flight without suffering any appreciable difficulties in staying airborne. This ability turns off when he keeps the heat entirely down, as it requires fire to fuel itself. Any regeneration is done in a burst of flame from the wounded body part. While it can be slowed by freezing him, his own heat will quickly melt ice and then heal him immediately afterwards. Because of this ability, to reliably kill him, one must either completely destroy his body, or completely freeze him, destroy his frozen body, and scatter the frozen parts away from each other in the same attack.
  • Instant Annihilation of All Mortals Blast: His 'trump card' technique. Uses the Kinjakan as a focus. He glows white-hot, and then blasts a fireball through the center of the Kinjakan. The speed and power are such that it looks more like an enormous ray of heat and white-hot fire than the sphere it started as. When first used, Saffron initiated the move from within a magical tornado that sucked away and diminished heat. The attack left the tornado, blasted past the Gekkaja's ice powers, hit a mountain top, vaporized it, hit the mountain top behind that one, vaporized that, and then continued off into the distance without slowing down at all. Can only be used once per day, from the exertion.
  • Kinjakan: An indestructible staff with a bladed sun on the end. It is the key-tool for the Phoenix Tap. The Kinjakan's blade is incredibly sharp, being one of the few things capable of effecting the seemingly indestructible phoenix and dragon taps, though it cannot damage itself. The blade can fly off from the staff, turning into a discus-like weapon that will cut through all but the strongest of magical armors and weapons, and boomerang back to the staff to attach there again. Turned upside down, the Kinjakan can be ridden somewhat like a high-speed flying unicycle.
  • Clothes: A magical set of clothing that doesn't burn from Saffron's heat, and seems to repair itself when damaged through other means.
Personality: The King is responsible for his people. His abilities are to be used for their benefit before his own. Saffron views himself as not just a leader, but a servant for his people; he is responsible for keeping them warm in the winter, for lighting up the skies in the night. In essence, he's the gas and electricity for his magical glorified backwater of a kingdom. Still, that does not mean he is a peaceable ruler. While he values his subjects, those he doesn't rule over are not his responsibility. In this universe, that would be everyone. He can be extremely violent when enraged, and does not respond well to insults, but has at least some sense of honor even towards outsiders. He is disgusted by those who trample over those that follow or aid, finding them repugnant and antithetical to his ideals. While he is slow to make friendships, and rather distrustful of land-dwellers, that doesn't mean he hates or is completely against the idea. For all his power; he is not a conqueror, and is generally content to spend his time making the lives of his people peaceful and easy.

Solve all problems by applying more fire.
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Gawain, the Knight of the Sun.

Strength: B+
Endurance: B+
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A

Magic Resistance: B
-Cancels spells below three verses, and greatly weakens high thaumaturgy and greater rituals.
Riding: B
-Allows most mundane vehicles and mounts to be handled with above average skill, but magical beasts are unable to be ridden.
Numeral of the Saint: EX
-A true embodiment of Gawain's status as the Knight of the Sun, during the hours between 9 AM and midday, as well as 3 PM and sunset, Gawain's power is increased threefold, peaking at the moments before the sun reaches the highest point of the sky.
Guardian Knight: B
-As a renowned protector of the poor and innocent, Gawain gains a temporary boost of power while acting in defense of another.
Healing: C
-Gawain is skilled with herbs, able to act as healer.
Bravery: B
-Gawain is widely renowned for his bravery and courage, often elevated above the rest of the Round Table, but the rank of this skill is decreased due to his faltering in the end and accepting the enchanted girdle rather than accepting death at the hands of the Green Knight.

Noble Phantasms:
Excalibur Galatine: A+, Anti-Army/Anti-Unit
Sister-sword to Excalibur, the mightiest of holy swords, Galatine embodies the power of the sun. Even without manifesting it's true power it is a weapon of phenomenal sharpness, and like it's wielder Galatine is at it's peak during noon. In contrast to Excalibur which creates an almighty slash that destroys castles, Galatine creates a radiation-type wave of burning sunlight that can extend up to thirteen kilometers and devastate entire armies in an eyeblink. Galatine also holds special attribute against malignant creatures, the fragment of sun itself inside it able to purge evil where it's rays touch.

Bertilak's Girdle: C, Anti-Unit (Self)
A gold and green girdle with a magical enchantment that Gawain accepted from Lady Bertilak on his quest to find the Green Knight, said to ensure that it's wielder may never die. As using magical trickery to pass through the Green Knight's challenge was dishonorable, after the encounter Gawain swore to wearthe girdle as a mark of shame and to remind that even a paragon of virtue has his limits, in Gawain's case his fear of death. It grants a defensive value of C-rank against all attacks, and it's rank is increased to C+ when facing attacks not in combat, but those made as a challenge, to test one's strength.

He also has a suit of armor of the highest craftsmanship and a shield with a holy symbol emblazoned on it, but they aren't actual Noble Phantasms.

Personality: Gawain seeks, above all, to be a true knight. To serve a true king, to protect the innocent, to live according to the ideals of the Round Table. He has learned that holding a grudge leads to nothing but failure and seeks to be courteous to all, even his enemies. He can also be unfailingly idealistic and honest, leading to somewhat of a reputation as "The Oblivious Knight" and can be blind to the failures and trubles of thosehe idealizes.

Yes I know that's more stuff than his wiki page lists, but come on, otherwise he'd have no variety from Standard Saber Package other than Numeral of the Saint. Extra Servants tend to have barebones sheets when compared to normal ones anyway, and each and every one of those comes from his legend, though I understand if it needs to be nerfed.
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Hm. That could work... Not Ranma Saotome, but it is a Ranma character.

Here goes. Using a version that managed to complete his rebirth process, and thus, isn't in danger of burning himself out or running out of energy for a long, long, long, long time.

Name: Phoenix King Saffron
Age: ?? (Saffron is either very old or very young, depending on ones interpretation of his life cycle).

Universe of Origin: Ranma 1/2

Abilities: Saffron is the Phoenix King, and the title is quite literal, being that he is part phoenix and the majority of his abilities relate to those magical advantages.
  • Superhuman Physical Powers: Saffron is, physically, very strong, fast, and tough, able to compete with the extremely superhuman martial artists common to the Ranma universe in close quarters when wielding the Kinjakan, but in comparison to them, he is rather soft, having grown up pampered. He has trouble shaking off large blunt impacts in comparison, and can be beaten unconscious with a few strong blows to the head where others from his universe could endure that all day without issue.
  • Wings: Saffron has a great set of wings on him, and is extremely fast and manuverable in midair, able to fly and fight in the most violent parts of a heat-sucking tornado without serious issues. Incidently, another bird feature of his are the fact that his fingers are like bird talons; scaled and clawed, with scales going up his wrist until about halfway up the forearm.
  • Skill: He is exceptionally skilled with his primary weapon, the Kinjakan, knowing the ins and outs of using it both as a physical weapon, a vehicle, a key, and a magical focus.
  • Pyromancy: Saffron uses fire. Lots and lots of fire. With his rebirth process complete, he has full control over these abilities, able to manipulate his heat even after leaving the body, turn the temperature up and down freely(ranging from continuously keeping his rural kingdom warm and lit through the winter, to an aura of sheer heat extreme enough to turn any rocks that come near him instantly to molten lava. He can also turn the heat off entirely.
  • Regeneration: Saffron is a phoenix, and as such, heals with fire. Specifically, his own fire. Having limbs sliced off and half his head destroyed are simple wounds that take no effort to repair, and his regeneration works fast enough that he can rip off one of his own wings and use it as a weapon mid-flight without suffering any appreciable difficulties in staying airborne. This ability turns off when he keeps the heat entirely down, as it requires fire to fuel itself. Any regeneration is done in a burst of flame from the wounded body part. While it can be slowed by freezing him, his own heat will quickly melt ice and then heal him immediately afterwards. Because of this ability, to reliably kill him, one must either completely destroy his body, or completely freeze him, destroy his frozen body, and scatter the frozen parts away from each other in the same attack.
  • Rebirth: even in the even that Saffron is killed, he will come back to life within minutes. Unfortunately for him, it'll be as an egg that hatches into a very weak infant version of himself without any battle abilities to speak of. Meaning he's basically out of the picture anyway.
  • Instant Annihilation of All Mortals Blast: His 'trump card' technique. Uses the Kinjakan as a focus. He glows white-hot, and then blasts a fireball through the center of the Kinjakan. The speed and power are such that it looks more like an enormous ray of heat and white-hot fire than the sphere it started as. When first used, Saffron initiated the move from within a magical tornado that sucked away and diminished heat. The attack left the tornado, blasted past the Gekkaja's ice powers, hit a mountain top, vaporized it, hit the mountain top behind that one, vaporized that, and then continued off into the distance without slowing down at all.
  • Kinjakan: An indestructible staff with a bladed sun on the end. It is the key-tool for the Phoenix Tap. The Kinjakan's blade is incredibly sharp, being one of the few things capable of effecting the seemingly indestructible phoenix and dragon taps, though it cannot damage itself. The blade can fly off from the staff, turning into a discus-like weapon that will cut through all but the strongest of magical armors and weapons, and boomerang back to the staff to attach there again. Turned upside down, the Kinjakan can be ridden somewhat like a high-speed flying unicycle.
  • Clothes: A magical set of clothing that doesn't burn from Saffron's heat, and seems to repair itself when damaged through other means.
Personality: The King is responsible for his people. His abilities are to be used for their benefit before his own. Saffron views himself as not just a leader, but a servant for his people; he is responsible for keeping them warm in the winter, for lighting up the skies in the night. In essence, he's the gas and electricity for his magical glorified backwater of a kingdom. Still, that does not mean he is a peaceable ruler. While he values his subjects, those he doesn't rule over are not his responsibility. In this universe, that would be everyone. He can be extremely violent when enraged, and does not respond well to insults, but has at least some sense of honor even towards outsiders. He is disgusted by those who trample over those that follow or aid, finding them repugnant and antithetical to his ideals. While he is slow to make friendships, and rather distrustful of land-dwellers, that doesn't mean he hates or is completely against the idea. For all his power; he is not a conqueror, and is generally content to spend his time making the lives of his people peaceful and easy.

Solve all problems by applying more fire.

Gawain, the Knight of the Sun.

Strength: B+
Endurance: B+
Agility: B
Mana: A
Luck: A

Magic Resistance: B
-Cancels spells below three verses, and greatly weakens high thaumaturgy and greater rituals.
Riding: B
-Allows most mundane vehicles and mounts to be handled with above average skill, but magical beasts are unable to be ridden.
Numeral of the Saint: EX
-A true embodiment of Gawain's status as the Knight of the Sun, during the hours between 9 AM and midday, as well as 3 PM and sunset, Gawain's power is increased threefold, peaking at the moments before the sun reaches the highest point of the sky.
Guardian Knight: B
-As a renowned protector of the poor and innocent, Gawain gains a temporary boost of power while acting in defense of another.
Healing: C
-Gawain is skilled with herbs, able to act as healer.
Bravery: B
-Gawain is widely renowned for his bravery and courage, often elevated above the rest of the Round Table, but the rank of this skill is decreased due to his faltering in the end and accepting the enchanted girdle rather than accepting death at the hands of the Green Knight.

Noble Phantasms:
Excalibur Galatine: A+, Anti-Army/Anti-Unit
Sister-sword to Excalibur, the mightiest of holy swords, Galatine embodies the power of the sun. Even without manifesting it's true power it is a weapon of phenomenal sharpness, and like it's wielder Galatine is at it's peak during noon. In contrast to Excalibur which creates an almighty slash that destroys castles, Galatine creates a radiation-type wave of burning sunlight that can extend up to thirteen kilometers and devastate entire armies in an eyeblink. Galatine also holds special attribute against malignant creatures, the fragment of sun itself inside it able to purge evil where it's rays touch.

Bertilak's Girdle: C, Anti-Unit (Self)
A gold and green girdle with a magical enchantment that Gawain accepted from Lady Bertilak on his quest to find the Green Knight, said to ensure that it's wielder may never die. As using magical trickery to pass through the Green Knight's challenge was dishonorable, after the encounter Gawain swore to wearthe girdle as a mark of shame and to remind that even a paragon of virtue has his limits, in Gawain's case his fear of death. It grants a defensive value of C-rank against all attacks, and it's rank is increased to C+ when facing attacks not in combat, but those made as a challenge, to test one's strength.

He also has a suit of armor of the highest craftsmanship and a shield with a holy symbol emblazoned on it, but they aren't actual Noble Phantasms.

Personality: Gawain seeks, above all, to be a true knight. To serve a true king, to protect the innocent, to live according to the ideals of the Round Table. He has learned that holding a grudge leads to nothing but failure and seeks to be courteous to all, even his enemies. He can also be unfailingly idealistic and honest, leading to somewhat of a reputation as "The Oblivious Knight" and can be blind to the failures and trubles of thosehe idealizes.

Yes I know that's more stuff than his wiki page lists, but come on, otherwise he'd have no variety from Standard Saber Package other than Numeral of the Saint. Extra Servants tend to have barebones sheets when compared to normal ones anyway, and each and every one of those comes from his legend, though I understand if it needs to be nerfed.


Phoenix King has enough juice to be more or less a nuclear reactor for his kingdom, physical abilities roughly on part with a Cell Saga DBZ character, and a mountain vaporizing laser that he could use to snipe Shirou Kotomine with while standing in Paris, France. Ze nerfs!

Blackout, I'm sitting here wondering if "Microwave everything in a thirteen mile radius" is too much paired up with Numeral of the Saint's, well....

And then you added a lesser Armor of Fafnir with no weak spot.
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Phoenix King has enough juice to be more or less a nuclear reactor for his kingdom, physical abilities roughly on part with a Cell Saga DBZ character, and a mountain vaporizing laser that he could use to snipe Shirou Kotomine with while standing in Paris, France. Ze nerfs!

Blackout, I'm sitting here wondering if "Microwave everything in a thirteen mile radius" is too much paired up with Numeral of the Saint's, well....

And then you added a lesser Armor of Fafnir with no weak spot.
Yeah I have to agree some of those are pretty ridiculous no matter which way you look at it.


Phoenix King has enough juice to be more or less a nuclear reactor for his kingdom, physical abilities roughly on part with a Cell Saga DBZ character, and a mountain vaporizing laser that he could use to snipe Shirou Kotomine with while standing in Paris, France. Ze nerfs!

Blackout, I'm sitting here wondering if "Microwave everything in a thirteen mile radius" is too much paired up with Numeral of the Saint's, well....

And then you added a lesser Armor of Fafnir with no weak spot.
Well to be fair we still have no clue what Numeral of the Saint would do in a non moon cell setting unless you want Gbro to have EX stats everywhere.
Phoenix King has enough juice to be more or less a nuclear reactor for his kingdom, physical abilities roughly on part with a Cell Saga DBZ character, and a mountain vaporizing laser that he could use to snipe Shirou Kotomine with while standing in Paris, France. Ze nerfs!

What? lol no.

He gets stunned when a boulder smashes his face. His physical abilities are decent, but they're nothing special even by Ranma standards. He'd be around... maybe C's and D's for Servant stats? Which isn't bad, but it's not good. If you say that's roughly on par with Cell saga DBZ physical abilities I will laugh at you.

And his sight certainly isn't good enough to render that attack a sniping tool. And it only went through the mountaintops, not the entire things. It's more like an Excaliblast than anything else.
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"Microwave everything in a thirteen mile radius"
Kilometers, you filthy imperialist. :V

Not invincibility, just really high stats at specific times.

And then you added a lesser Armor of Fafnir with no weak spot.
If you want it gone then it's gone.

Though I do want to note that while I did consider making it AoF-lite, as I didn't note the "subtract damage from succesful attacks" attribute that AoF goes to great lengths to describe, I assumed it was obvious that once it's hit hard enough that's that.
What? lol no.

He gets stunned when a boulder smashes his face. His physical abilities are decent, but they're nothing special even by Ranma standards. He'd be around... maybe C's and D's for Servant stats? Which isn't bad, but it's not good. If you say that's roughly on par with Cell saga DBZ physical abilities I will laugh at you.

And his sight certainly isn't good enough to render that attack a sniping tool. And it only went through the mountaintops, not the entire things. It's more like an Excaliblast than anything else.

Well, the opinion I had formed of Ranma Martial Artists was that #17 and Piccolo's "Our blocked punches create new mountain ranges" was about the norm. I am extremely ignorant of the franchise, so I may be wrong. But still, Excaliblast, nigh perfect regeneration, and enough fire to heat a whole county is too much.

How powerful are you reckoning these entities to be? Servant tier?

I'm looking for a max starting power level about like these Servants .

Not this Servant.
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May I take creative liberties for a verse's character specifically in regards to physical stats since the verse I am thinking of is a game without a really clear benchmark for stats.
Well, the opinion I had formed of Ranma Martial Artists was that #17 and Piccolo's "Our blocked punches create new mountain ranges" was about the norm. I am extremely ignorant of the franchise, so I may be wrong. But still, Excaliblast, nigh perfect regeneration, and enough fire to heat a whole county is too much.

I'm looking for a power level about like these Servants .

Not this Servant.
Yeah I think I fit the bill at least, until I get the Hunter's Dream my main gimmick is being really freaking fast. Plus a bag of items to help even the odds here and there.
PLAYER: Garrett
*Reads above sheets*

Do I Dark Souls this with Garrett, or do I compose an Urza Planeswalker sheet to make it a little more even... hmm.

I'mma Dark Souls this unless told otherwise. :V

Garrett, Master Thief
Origin: Thief

Overview: The Master Thief, the Sneak Thief, blackhand, Garrett has been called many things by the City. His reputation and monikers are well-earned; no valuables are safe from him, whether they're kept in a secure bank vault or a booby-trapped manor. Garrett has accumulated a fortune in stolen and priceless goods over his thieving career.

Despite Garrett's profession, he still lives by some rules. He goes to great lengths to avoid killing, and he never steals from the poor and destitute. He is not the Robin Hood of the City, however, and is loathe to help anyone unless there's something in it for himself.

Garrett is also inured to the supernatural by this point, and has a very hands-off approach to it. He doesn't understand any of it, and cares little except when it concerns him.

Black Leather Outfit: An outfit made of hardened, oiled black leather. It holds all of Garrett's gear, stolen goods, and protects him from the occasional sword strike or crossbow bolt -if Garrett's even seen to begin with.
Blackjack: A metal bar, a few inches long, wrapped in leather and stuck on a retractable handle. This weapon has seen quite a bit of use. Perfect for non-lethal knockouts from the shadows, but its use in open combat is extremely limited.
Recurve Bow: A compact bow that folds and unfolds quickly and easily. Garrett's used this quite often.
Broadhead Arrows x7: Arrows designed to kill things. A direct shot to the head is fatal to a normal person. Garrett rarely uses these on principle.
Sawtooth Arrows x5: A deadlier alternative to broadheads, sawtooth arrows are exceptionally lethal and will punch through plate armor.
Water Arrows x12: A non-lethal arrow with a specialized capsule on the head, to douse open flames with a spray of water.
Choke Arrows x7: A non-lethal arrow. Upon impact, choke arrows spray a green, noxious cloud. In addition to dousing flames, this cloud will also knock out small animals and suffocate any who breathe it.
Fire Arrows x12: A capsule on the head produces a small burst of flame when it strikes a surface. Good for lighting things on fire.
Blast Arrows x5: A more explosive alternative to fire arrows. Detonates like a grenade on impact and sets lots of things on fire.
Rope Arrows x7: An arrow shaped like a clamp with a coil of rope on it. Useful for scaling obstacles.
Blunt Arrows x17: A cheap, minimally lethal arrow. The wooden knob on the end is good for breaking objects, griefing people, and not much else.​
Thieves' Tools: Various tools that make stealing things (and Garrett's life in general) much easier.
Lockpicks: They do exactly as advertised. Not very effective when it comes to electronic locks and such, however.
Screwdriver: A simple, unpowered screwdriver for screwdriving things. What else?
Razor: A tool akin to a large scalpel, used for cutting. Not suitable for combat.
Claw: A tool fashioned by Erin, its primary use is for climbing grates, rough surfaces, and, when paired with some rope, rappelling. Can also be used as a melee weapon. Appears similar to the blackjack, except for its three retractable hooks.
Crowbar: A short crowbar made of iron, used for prying things.​
Flash Bomb: A small grenade designed to stun and disorient nearby foes with a blinding flash. Useful for escaping combatants or as a distraction. Five bombs.
Throwable bottle: A single empty bottle from the City, made of cheap glass. Ever since the glassmaker's guild was abolished, the only value in it is in the throwing.
Food: With the Gloom epidemic going around, the only food to pass quarantine are coffee beans and dried meats. Seasoned with "grinning" salt, but that hardly helps the flavor. Five servings.
Poppies: Chewing these bluish-white flowers' petals restores Focus. Five flowers.
Worldslayer: A strange statuette of a hooded figure and a person beneath it. Whoever possesses it experiences a drastic increase in toughness, strength, and mental clarity.*
Spectral Aspect: Another strange statuette of a figure cloaked in shadow. Whoever possesses it is nigh-impossible to detect, even when the holder is standing in open light.*

Focus: Garrett's mysterious ability, originating from the Primal energy stored within himself. While focusing, Garrett's senses, reflexes, and speed become heightened, and he's even able to see hidden wires and internal mechanisms. However, Focus cannot be maintained indefinitely.
Focus strike: Consuming a portion of Focus energy can let Garrett instantly knock out a combatant with his blackjack, via a blow to the head.
Focus stealth: Focusing allows Garrett to reduce his visibility and noise, essentially a state of improved stealth. He can even walk through light and remain unseen.
Focus vision: Focusing allows Garrett to see nearby sounds, pick out valuables and objects of interest such as light sources, switches and doors, and spot threats regardless of how well they're hidden. It also allows for visualizing internal mechanisms for quicker lockpicking.​
Swoop: A swift, gliding movement akin to a dash that makes no noise whatsoever.

*I'm going for Assassin levels of stealth and physical stats here.
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*Reads above sheets*

Do I Dark Souls this with Garrett, or do I compose an Urza Planeswalker sheet to make it a little more even... hmm.

I'mma Dark Souls this unless told otherwise. :V

Garrett, Master Thief
Origin: Thief

Overview: The Master Thief, the Sneak Thief, blackhand, Garrett has been called many things by the City. His reputation and monikers are well-earned; no valuables are safe from him, whether they're kept in a secure bank vault or a booby-trapped manor. Garrett has accumulated a fortune in stolen and priceless goods over his thieving career.

Despite Garrett's profession, he still lives by some rules. He goes to great lengths to avoid killing, and he never steals from the poor and destitute. He is not the Robin Hood of the City, however, and is loathe to help anyone unless there's something in it for himself.

Garrett is also inured to the supernatural by this point, and has a very hands-off approach to it. He doesn't understand any of it, and cares little except when it concerns him.

Black Leather Outfit: An outfit made of hardened, oiled black leather. It holds all of Garrett's gear, stolen goods, and protects him from the occasional sword strike or crossbow bolt -if Garrett's even seen to begin with.
Blackjack: A metal bar, a few inches long, wrapped in leather and stuck on a retractable handle. This weapon has seen quite a bit of use. Perfect for non-lethal knockouts from the shadows, but its use in open combat is extremely limited.
Recurve Bow: A compact bow that folds and unfolds quickly and easily. Garrett's used this quite often.
Broadhead Arrows x7: Arrows designed to kill things. A direct shot to the head is fatal to a normal person. Garrett rarely uses these on principle.
Sawtooth Arrows x5: A deadlier alternative to broadheads, sawtooth arrows are exceptionally lethal and will punch through plate armor.
Water Arrows x12: A non-lethal arrow with a specialized capsule on the head, to douse open flames with a spray of water.
Choke Arrows x7: A non-lethal arrow. Upon impact, choke arrows spray a green, noxious cloud. In addition to dousing flames, this cloud will also knock out small animals and suffocate any who breathe it.
Fire Arrows x12: A capsule on the head produces a small burst of flame when it strikes a surface. Good for lighting things on fire.
Blast Arrows x5: A more explosive alternative to fire arrows. Detonates like a grenade on impact and sets lots of things on fire.
Rope Arrows x7: An arrow shaped like a clamp with a coil of rope on it. Useful for scaling obstacles.
Blunt Arrows x17: A cheap, minimally lethal arrow. The wooden knob on the end is good for breaking objects, griefing people, and not much else.​
Thieves' Tools: Various tools that make stealing things (and Garrett's life in general) much easier.
Lockpicks: They do exactly as advertised. Not very effective when it comes to electronic locks and such, however.
Screwdriver: A simple, unpowered screwdriver for screwdriving things. What else?
Razor: A tool akin to a large scalpel, used for cutting. Not suitable for combat.
Claw: A tool fashioned by Erin, its primary use is for climbing grates, rough surfaces, and, when paired with some rope, rappelling. Can also be used as a melee weapon. Appears similar to the blackjack, except for its three retractable hooks.
Crowbar: A short crowbar made of iron, used for prying things.​
Flash Bomb: A small grenade designed to stun and disorient nearby foes with a blinding flash. Useful for escaping combatants or as a distraction. Five bombs.
Throwable bottle: A single empty bottle from the City, made of cheap glass. Ever since the glassmaker's guild was abolished, the only value in it is in the throwing.
Food: With the Gloom epidemic going around, the only food to pass quarantine are coffee beans and dried meats. Seasoned with "grinning" salt, but that hardly helps the flavor. Five servings.
Poppies: Chewing these bluish-white flowers' petals restores Focus. Five flowers.
Worldslayer: A strange statuette of a hooded figure and a person beneath it. Whoever possesses it experiences a drastic increase in toughness, strength, and mental clarity.*
Spectral Aspect: Another strange statuette of a figure cloaked in shadow. Whoever possesses it is nigh-impossible to detect, even when the holder is standing in open light.*

Focus: Garrett's mysterious ability, originating from the Primal energy stored within himself. While focusing, Garrett's senses, reflexes, and speed become heightened, and he's even able to see hidden wires and internal mechanisms. However, Focus cannot be maintained indefinitely.
Focus strike: Consuming a portion of Focus energy can let Garrett instantly knock out a combatant with his blackjack, via a blow to the head.
Focus stealth: Focusing allows Garrett to reduce his visibility and noise, essentially a state of improved stealth. He can even walk through light and remain unseen.
Focus vision: Focusing allows Garrett to see nearby sounds, pick out valuables and objects of interest such as light sources, switches and doors, and spot threats regardless of how well they're hidden. It also allows for visualizing internal mechanisms for quicker lockpicking.​
Swoop: A swift, gliding movement akin to a dash that makes no noise whatsoever.

*I'm going for Assassin levels of stealth and physical stats here.
So you probably have insane presence concealment but very few options for killing things.
Well, the opinion I had formed of Ranma Martial Artists was that #17 and Piccolo's "Our blocked punches create new mountain ranges" was about the norm.



Not even close.

They live in the tier of Dragon Ball prior to Z at their best. Only there's nothing like blowing up the moon with a Kamehameha. Their stuff is much lower.

I am extremely ignorant of the franchise, so I may be wrong. But still, Excaliblast, nigh perfect regeneration, and enough fire to heat a whole county is too much.

Saffron's kingdom is very small. They live in a Mountain range in China. One they share with other, small nearby 'civilizations' like the Musk Dynasty, the Yakusai Herbalists, and the Joketsuzoku.

More like a large rural town than a country.
*Reads above sheets*

Do I Dark Souls this with Garrett, or do I compose an Urza Planeswalker sheet to make it a little more even... hmm.

I'mma Dark Souls this unless told otherwise. :V

Garrett, Master Thief
Origin: Thief

Overview: The Master Thief, the Sneak Thief, blackhand, Garrett has been called many things by the City. His reputation and monikers are well-earned; no valuables are safe from him, whether they're kept in a secure bank vault or a booby-trapped manor. Garrett has accumulated a fortune in stolen and priceless goods over his thieving career.

Despite Garrett's profession, he still lives by some rules. He goes to great lengths to avoid killing, and he never steals from the poor and destitute. He is not the Robin Hood of the City, however, and is loathe to help anyone unless there's something in it for himself.

Garrett is also inured to the supernatural by this point, and has a very hands-off approach to it. He doesn't understand any of it, and cares little except when it concerns him.

Black Leather Outfit: An outfit made of hardened, oiled black leather. It holds all of Garrett's gear, stolen goods, and protects him from the occasional sword strike or crossbow bolt -if Garrett's even seen to begin with.
Blackjack: A metal bar, a few inches long, wrapped in leather and stuck on a retractable handle. This weapon has seen quite a bit of use. Perfect for non-lethal knockouts from the shadows, but its use in open combat is extremely limited.
Recurve Bow: A compact bow that folds and unfolds quickly and easily. Garrett's used this quite often.
Broadhead Arrows x7: Arrows designed to kill things. A direct shot to the head is fatal to a normal person. Garrett rarely uses these on principle.
Sawtooth Arrows x5: A deadlier alternative to broadheads, sawtooth arrows are exceptionally lethal and will punch through plate armor.
Water Arrows x12: A non-lethal arrow with a specialized capsule on the head, to douse open flames with a spray of water.
Choke Arrows x7: A non-lethal arrow. Upon impact, choke arrows spray a green, noxious cloud. In addition to dousing flames, this cloud will also knock out small animals and suffocate any who breathe it.
Fire Arrows x12: A capsule on the head produces a small burst of flame when it strikes a surface. Good for lighting things on fire.
Blast Arrows x5: A more explosive alternative to fire arrows. Detonates like a grenade on impact and sets lots of things on fire.
Rope Arrows x7: An arrow shaped like a clamp with a coil of rope on it. Useful for scaling obstacles.
Blunt Arrows x17: A cheap, minimally lethal arrow. The wooden knob on the end is good for breaking objects, griefing people, and not much else.​
Thieves' Tools: Various tools that make stealing things (and Garrett's life in general) much easier.
Lockpicks: They do exactly as advertised. Not very effective when it comes to electronic locks and such, however.
Screwdriver: A simple, unpowered screwdriver for screwdriving things. What else?
Razor: A tool akin to a large scalpel, used for cutting. Not suitable for combat.
Claw: A tool fashioned by Erin, its primary use is for climbing grates, rough surfaces, and, when paired with some rope, rappelling. Can also be used as a melee weapon. Appears similar to the blackjack, except for its three retractable hooks.
Crowbar: A short crowbar made of iron, used for prying things.​
Flash Bomb: A small grenade designed to stun and disorient nearby foes with a blinding flash. Useful for escaping combatants or as a distraction. Five bombs.
Throwable bottle: A single empty bottle from the City, made of cheap glass. Ever since the glassmaker's guild was abolished, the only value in it is in the throwing.
Food: With the Gloom epidemic going around, the only food to pass quarantine are coffee beans and dried meats. Seasoned with "grinning" salt, but that hardly helps the flavor. Five servings.
Poppies: Chewing these bluish-white flowers' petals restores Focus. Five flowers.
Worldslayer: A strange statuette of a hooded figure and a person beneath it. Whoever possesses it experiences a drastic increase in toughness, strength, and mental clarity.*
Spectral Aspect: Another strange statuette of a figure cloaked in shadow. Whoever possesses it is nigh-impossible to detect, even when the holder is standing in open light.*

Focus: Garrett's mysterious ability, originating from the Primal energy stored within himself. While focusing, Garrett's senses, reflexes, and speed become heightened, and he's even able to see hidden wires and internal mechanisms. However, Focus cannot be maintained indefinitely.
Focus strike: Consuming a portion of Focus energy can let Garrett instantly knock out a combatant with his blackjack, via a blow to the head.
Focus stealth: Focusing allows Garrett to reduce his visibility and noise, essentially a state of improved stealth. He can even walk through light and remain unseen.
Focus vision: Focusing allows Garrett to see nearby sounds, pick out valuables and objects of interest such as light sources, switches and doors, and spot threats regardless of how well they're hidden. It also allows for visualizing internal mechanisms for quicker lockpicking.​
Swoop: A swift, gliding movement akin to a dash that makes no noise whatsoever.

*I'm going for Assassin levels of stealth and physical stats here.

The "Instant KO" with focus will only work on things with a discernable human anatomy. Enemy Servants will no sell it.

Other than that, looks good. Will Edit OP.
May I take creative liberties for a verse's character specifically in regards to physical stats since the verse I am thinking of is a game without a really clear benchmark for stats.

You may.



Not even close.

They live in the tier of Dragon Ball prior to Z at their best. Only there's nothing like blowing up the moon with a Kamehameha. Their stuff is much lower.

Saffron's kingdom is very small. They live in a Mountain range in China. One they share with other, small nearby 'civilizations' like the Musk Dynasty, the Yakusai Herbalists, and the Joketsuzoku.

More like a large rural town than a country.

Ah, it seems that I had vastly overestimated the amount of fire and muscles FIRE JESUS Saffron brings to the table.

Limits on his Ultimate? (An Excaliblast isn't a deal breaker, but I don't want to see one that's spammable).
The "Instant KO" with focus will only work on things with a discernable human anatomy. Enemy Servants will no sell it.

Other than that, looks good. Will Edit OP.
So i've made some edits to my character sheet, specifically tweaking the Hunter's dream and locking it until I accomplish an objective. Also since I'll probably be using them I suppose you want me to add all the consumable items the messengers will be able to bring me.
Ah, it seems that I had vastly overestimated the amount of fire and muscles FIRE JESUS Saffron brings to the table.

Limits on his Ultimate? (An Excaliblast isn't a deal breaker, but I don't want to see one that's spammable).

It had a short charge time, and he used it once. He might have been about to shoot it again afterwards, but in the story, he was impaled through the heart by a drill of super-cold wind with enough power to flash-freeze him, shatter, and scatter him over the valley before he could fire.

For sake of balance, I'm going to say he can only use it once a day.
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So i've made some edits to my character sheet, specifically tweaking the Hunter's dream and locking it until I accomplish an objective. Also since I'll probably be using them I suppose you want me to add all the consumable items the messengers will be able to bring me.

You don't have to copy paste the whole Bloodborne wiki, but a basic "This is what I have, this is what they can do" would be appreciated.

Making it to the OP doesn't mean you're in, it means your application is finalized and under consideration. This isn't first come first served, I'm looking for quality, not speed. Applications will remain open for least thru the weekend.