I don't know what bothers me more:

That there is no fanart of a Kancolle Red October, or that I actually decided to Google "Kancolle Red October submarine".

IF I have a sudden attack of "Oh, what the Hell, Kyuuby's in the running, why not have Sam Neill's Playhouse up there?" , there will be no "Objective is kill Rider of Black? Okay then." *De-orbit EH on Millennium Castle*

Rachel starts with absolutely no control over the ship; there's a reason EH has it's(her?) own character sheet. And even if she manages to pull an [ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL] over the Event Horizon, dropping it on someone would also kill her, since by that stage they're one and the same.

For that matter, a new satellite appearing in orbit over a Warsaw Pact country while the Cold War is going on should realistically cause a lot of....consequences...I'm not sure I feel like dealing with.

What if the ship was beached on the dark side of the moon?
Rachel starts with absolutely no control over the ship; there's a reason EH has it's(her?) own character sheet. And even if she manages to pull an [ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL] over the Event Horizon, dropping it on someone would also kill her, since by that stage they're one and the same.

What if the ship was beached on the dark side of the moon?
....*Begins plans for hijacking*
Rachel starts with absolutely no control over the ship; there's a reason EH has it's(her?) own character sheet. And even if she manages to pull an [ASSUMING DIRECT CONTROL] over the Event Horizon, dropping it on someone would also kill her, since by that stage they're one and the same.

What if the ship was beached on the dark side of the moon?

This is a bad idea.

This is a terrible idea.

It's terribad.

Let's take it under consideration.

*Adds Ix application to stack*
[YOU FOOLS intensifies]

There is absolutely no way putting that goddamn ship on the Nasuverse Moon could end well.

You want to put that thing within 100 lightyear of the Moon Cell? Are you an idiot?!
[YOU FOOLS intensifies]

There is absolutely no way putting that goddamn ship on the Nasuverse Moon could end well.

You want to put that thing within 100 lightyear of the Moon Cell? Are you an idiot?!

Well, one of the tags for this is, indeed, what could possibly go wrong?

Why not take it to its logical conclusion? :V
Well, one of the tags for this is, indeed, what could possibly go wrong?

Why not take it to its logical conclusion? :V
Well, I think we'd like the game to last beyond the single-digit posts. Unless everyone wants the game to end really quick, but I didn't get that impression.
Wouldn't Gil just steal reclaim it? He's up there, right?

Not unless there's a Moon Cell Grail War going on. Right now, it's just a planetoid sized super computer with Laplace's Demon level knowledge of everything, even supernatural elements up to and including gods.

And it has been suggested to just... put the Event Horizon directly on it.

EDIT: Forgot the name of the idea. It's the one about simulating every atom in the universe to predict the future.

EDIT2: Nevermind, I got it. Laplaces Demon. Not Maxwells.
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The only way to fix the event horizon is to have this guy

possess the ship in an effort to cleanse it of the demons. Unfortunately, he's not on Helena's list of summon-able partners, and she lacks Balder's ability to turn satellites into super lasers.
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How much you wanna bet that Garrett steals it?
Sucker's bet. We are talking about Mr-I-rob-gods-for-the-hell-of-it. He will find a way.

Ha-ha nope. Moira Asylum and The Dawn's Light had enough abberations, haunts, and weird ancient magic crap by themselves, thank you very much. As it stands 362 doesn't actually have anything worth stealing until/unless someone pays Garrett to go rob her, especially in light of there being far better targets.

"Kid with a haunted space ship, or a rich jewelry store? I think I'll stick with what I know."

Ha-ha nope. Moira Asylum and The Dawn's Light had enough abberations, haunts, and weird ancient magic crap by themselves, thank you very much. As it stands 362 doesn't actually have anything worth stealing until/unless someone pays Garrett to go rob her, especially in light of there being far better targets.

"Kid with a haunted space ship, or a rich jewelry store? I think I'll stick with what I know."

Don't forget the Cradle– wait, true, yours is 2014 Garrett, not original Thief series Garrett.

Shame. Can't say that you have stolen from gods with a straight face, then. Although from what she did in the ending and considering the setting, Erin might as well count as one in that world...

Ha-ha nope. Moira Asylum and The Dawn's Light had enough abberations, haunts, and weird ancient magic crap by themselves, thank you very much. As it stands 362 doesn't actually have anything worth stealing until/unless someone pays Garrett to go rob her, especially in light of there being far better targets.

"Kid with a haunted space ship, or a rich jewelry store? I think I'll stick with what I know."
My character technically has a legendary magic knife, but if you try and steal it, she'll cut you into little pieces.
Well to be fair it is stated that in the original timeline there is no mooncell.

Also, Astolfo can teleport to the moon, and if he knows that a fun party is up there you can be sure he'll be there to spread his wisdom.