@Wade Garrett
I'm still super confused about the power level here. Deermud and Medoosa are really strong servantos, but they seem obviously above the power level of characters your looking for. Maybe Hassan level or something?
It seemed like Santana was way more versatile with just the basics than the other pillar men, even if his unlocked potential with the stone mask was abysmal.

I got the impression it's kind of like the equivalent of Pillar Men martial arts once they've used the Mask. Santana hadn't come up with something special to focus on, so he just kept playing around with the basics... and also made the basics his first thing to go to. But those basics would be mostly useless for fighting other pillar men. While Kars, Esidisi, and Wamuu came up with fancy stuff that let them do some things very effectively(and would let them actually defeat other pillar men in combat), they also stopped really viewing those basic things as the best solution to problems.

For example, Wamuu was apparently much faster than Santana with bending himself out of the way of things. He was just plain better at it. But since he's got his Wind powers, why on earth would he ever do something like accelerating a pebble out of his finger to shoot some human in the head? That would do nothing to another Pillar Man!

Meanwhile, Santana is busily turning himself into a biological T-1000.

...At least, that's my take on things.

Eyes of Heaven has Stroheim in it, so I'm sure it will deliver everything that the benevolent deity of the universe would so desire.
It always struck me that Kars was like a scientist of his times more focused on magical caveman tech than actually being a part of his society or engaging in battles.

Pretty much. In a theoretical AU where he and Esidisi don't kill the rest of their civilization, he's probably that guy who spends most of his time alone and tests a lot of fringe ideas that sound crazy. Then he hits on the occasional useful thing, like the Stone Mask.
Speaking of which what's your ruling on the ability to use the Occult Orbs to create pathways into or collapse reality marbles?

...Well, now I am sort of curious.

Mostly because Yamato's Absurdly Sharp Blade-ness allowing it to cut the fabric of reality. I already nerfed it to fit better IC (supposedly, only other Devil Arms can withstand clashing with Yamato due to Demonic Sorcery mumbo jumbo. I took some work off Wade and made it so that magical weapons can survive clashing with it for a while, and strong ones and Noble Phantasms can do so without trouble), but I am curious about whether or not I can still do something similar to Dimension Slash.

On a side note, Vergil's hatred of guns becomes really hypocrytal when you take into account that Summoned Swords are essentially bullets. The only difference is that they look cooler/are magic.
...Well, now I am sort of curious.

Mostly because Yamato's Absurdly Sharp Blade-ness allowing it to cut the fabric of reality. I already nerfed it to fit better IC (supposedly, only other Devil Arms can withstand clashing with Yamato due to Demonic Sorcery mumbo jumbo. I took some work off Wade and made it so that magical weapons can survive clashing with it for a while, and strong ones and Noble Phantasms can do so without trouble), but I am curious about whether or not I can still do something similar to Dimension Slash.

On a side note, Vergil's hatred of guns becomes really hypocrytal when you take into account that Summoned Swords are essentially bullets. The only difference is that they look cooler/are magic.
What are you curious in regards to the Occult Orbs?
What are you curious in regards to the Occult Orbs?

Mainly because you mentioned tearing into/out of a Reality Marble and the like. Yamato can tear through dimensions, so I suppose what Wade says about that also affects it.

Essentially, with your orbs, you could burst your way out. With Yamato, I could cut my way out.

Although it was Dante the one using it like that in 4, so I guess that if it is a no-go, I can justify it as Vergil not being strong enough to use it like that.
@Wade Garrett
I'm still super confused about the power level here. Deermud and Medoosa are really strong servantos, but they seem obviously above the power level of characters your looking for. Maybe Hassan level or something?

Diarmuid is a guy who stabs things with his spears. He's very good at stabbing, and the "No Healing" and "Break Enchantments" abilities of Gae Buidhe & Gae Dearg are useful, but...that's it.

He has a shot at taking down Saber and might get Berserker if he can no sell Knight of Honor with GB before Lancelot draws Arondight, but everyone else in War 4 will stomp him into the ground.

And when I say "Medusa", I don't mean "Medusa, with a decent Master so she can make effective use of Pegasus and her Mystic Eyes", I mean "Medusa, when she is shackled to Scrublord, King of Scrubs, prophesied to return and lead his Scrub people into the Ever Distant Scrubland."

You know, this guy:
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PLAYER: Numbah 362/Event Horizon

Name: Rachel T. McKenzie (Numbuh 362).

Universe of origin: Codename: Kids Next Door

Race: Human

Occupation: Supreme Leader/ Ex-Spy

  • Supreme Leader of the KND.
    • Rachel's time as Supreme Leader, coupled with her espionage and infiltration experience, has given her a skill with negotiation, leadership, logistics, dealing with bureaucracy and paperwork, politics, lying and lie detection that most adults wouldn't have.
  • Master Spy.
    • Rachel was once the KND's top spy. While her skills are a bit rusty from desk-work, she's still retained enough practice to be effective at sneaking, climbing, hand-to-hand and armed combat, hacking and resisting torture.
  • 2X4 Tech.
    • Rachel is capable of operating most KND hardware, and can perform maintenance on most weapons and manufacture simple ones. Just don't expect any technological innovations from her.
  • Survival Training.
    • Harsh training in harsher climates has taught Rachel how to survive in most environments.
  • Drunk on Soda.
    • On her world, children can get drunk on fizzy, caffeine-laden and sugar-rich soda. Therefore it is banned. Here, on the other hand...
  • A weakness to: Cheesecake.
    • Girl loves cheesecake. Like, seriously, seriously loves the stuff.

Special Abilities:
  • Supreme Leaderness.
    • Rachel's experience as Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door has given her an aura of authority perceptible to other children.
  • Kid-Fu: Sneaky Spy Tricks.
    • The martial arts techniques taught at the Arctic Base are tailored to let operatives take on stronger, and larger foes than they, turning what would normally be a disadvantage into an advantage. For Rachel, his includes some elements of judo for unbalancing opponents and using their weight against them, and acupuncture to target nerves.
  • Tactical assessment.
    • By combining the skills acquired as an intelligence officer with those learnt leading the KND, Rachel can identify weaknesses in enemy formations and hardware.
  • Rusty.
    • Rachel's time behind a desk has not been kind to her spy skills.
  • Bound to the ship.
    • Level ?̯̤̱̚̚?̛̗̎͊̐̒͘͠?̸̶͆̈́̐̇ͧ͋͆̂͏̰̠͇͎̞̣?̶̄̿̆̆̍̃҉̶̬͇͇̫̦̪̱͍̠: I can help you...
  • Edited memories.
    • For better or worse, some of Rachel's memories are missing. This includes most of her service in the KND's black ops Sector S and the transit between the Lacus Timoris Containment Facility and the Nasuverse Moon.
  • Custom S.C.A.M.P.P.:
    • Soup Can And Magnified Photon Phlaser.
    • A version of a fairly standard KND weapon used by black ops agents. Has a longer range, a scope and armor-bypassing capabilities.
  • Bottlecap revolver.:
    • A bottle-revolver loaded with M.A.R.B.L.E.S. (Mustardy Armament Releases Big Loud Explosion)
  • M.U.S.K.E.T. II:
    • Mustard Using Sidearm Kicks Enemy Tail.
    • Non-lethal sidearm that fires mustard at painful speeds.
  • L.U.N.C.H.B.O.C.K.S.:
    • Largely Undercover Nuclear Computer Handles Bologna Or Complicated Komputer Stuff
  • P.I.P.E.R.:
    • Phone In Pipe Emergency Radio.
  • Body armor:
    • Custom protective armour made from scrap metal and kevlar.
  • L.O.C.K.P.I.K.C.
    • Lock Opener Can Keep Plucky Infiltrators Kinda Concealed.
    • A device that can covertly operate locks.

Name: Event Horizon

Universe of origin: Event Horizon.

Species: [UNKNOWN].

Occupation: [UNKNOWN]

Special Abilities:
  • Sensor scan.
    • The Event Horizon carries an advanced suite of sensor equpiment. All the better to see you with.
  • Open Gateway.
    • The Event Horizon can fold space and time via a contained black hole, allowing it to travel to any place in the universe instantly. In theory. In practice, this is really not a good idea.
  • Standard Ion Drive.
    • The typical spaceship drive of the year 2040, can accelerate at 25g.
  • Acceleration tanks.
    • Special tanks the crew must enter to survive the extreme acceleration caused by the ship's engines. They also keep their occupants in stasis, so that they can wait for rescue after an emergency.
  • Gravitational Pulse.
    • A pulse of gravitational energies that can severely damage anything close to the ship.
  • ???????????
    • There's something wrong about this thing. It's alive, and it knows things it shouldn't.

Now, I will patiently wait for the gentlemen in white coats.
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Mainly because you mentioned tearing into/out of a Reality Marble and the like. Yamato can tear through dimensions, so I suppose what Wade says about that also affects it.

Essentially, with your orbs, you could burst your way out. With Yamato, I could cut my way out.

Although it was Dante the one using it like that in 4, so I guess that if it is a no-go, I can justify it as Vergil not being strong enough to use it like that.
Well i'm still waiting on GM confirmation on if it is strong enough to pierce reality marbles but they were able to throw several people out of Gensokyo's barrier (temporarily) and could also if used correctly in a proper ritual possibly collapse the Gensokyo barrier which considering how powerful the Gensokyo barrier is....well you get the idea.

Name: Rachel T. McKenzie (Numbuh 362).

Universe of origin: Codename: Kids Next Door

Race: Human

Occupation: Supreme Leader/ Ex-Spy

  • Supreme Leader of the KND.
    • Rachel's time as Supreme Leader, coupled with her espionage and infiltration experience, has given her a skill with negotiation, leadership, logistics, dealing with bureaucracy and paperwork, politics, lying and lie detection that most adults wouldn't have.
  • Master Spy.
    • Rachel was once the KND's top spy. While her skills are a bit rusty from desk-work, she's still retained enough practice to be effective at sneaking, climbing, hand-to-hand and armed combat, hacking and resisting torture.
  • 2X4 Tech.
    • Rachel is capable of operating most KND hardware, and can perform maintenance on most weapons and manufacture simple ones. Just don't expect any technological innovations from her.
  • Survival Training.
    • Harsh training in harsher climates has taught Rachel how to survive in most environments.
  • Drunk on Soda.
    • On her world, children can get drunk on fizzy, caffeine-laden and sugar-rich soda. Therefore it is banned. Here, on the other hand...
  • A weakness to: Cheesecake.
    • Girl loves cheesecake. Like, seriously, seriously loves the stuff.

Special Abilities:
  • Supreme Leaderness.
    • Rachel's experience as Supreme Leader of the Kids Next Door has given her an aura of authority perceptible to other children.
  • Kid-Fu: Sneaky Spy Tricks.
    • The martial arts techniques taught at the Arctic Base are tailored to let operatives take on stronger, and larger foes than they, turning what would normally be a disadvantage into an advantage. For Rachel, his includes some elements of judo for unbalancing opponents and using their weight against them, and acupuncture to target nerves.
  • Tactical assessment.
    • By combining the skills acquired as an intelligence officer with those learnt leading the KND, Rachel can identify weaknesses in enemy formations and hardware.
  • Rusty.
    • Rachel's time behind a desk has not been kind to her spy skills.
  • Edited memories.
    • For better or worse, a significant stretch of Rachel's memories are now missing. Between entering the Lacus Timoris containment facility to escape G:KND forces and waking up on the bridge of the Event Horizon, she doesn't remember a thing.
  • Bound to the ship.
    • Level ?̯̤̱̚̚?̛̗̎͊̐̒͘͠?̸̶͆̈́̐̇ͧ͋͆̂͏̰̠͇͎̞̣?̶̄̿̆̆̍̃҉̶̬͇͇̫̦̪̱͍̠: I can help you...
  • Custom S.C.A.M.P.P.:
    • Soup Can And Magnified Photon Phlaser.
    • A version of a fairly standard KND weapon used by black ops agents. Has a longer range, a scope and armor-bypassing capabilities.
  • Bottlecap revolver.:
    • A bottle-revolver loaded with M.A.R.B.L.E.S. (Mustardy Armament Releases Big Loud Explosion)
  • M.U.S.K.E.T. II:
    • Mustard Using Sidearm Kicks Enemy Tail.
    • Non-lethal sidearm that fires mustard at painful speeds.
  • L.U.N.C.H.B.O.C.K.S.:
    • Largely Undercover Nuclear Computer Handles Bologna Or Complicated Komputer Stuff
  • P.I.P.E.R.:
    • Phone In Pipe Emergency Radio.
  • Body armor:
    • Custom protective armour made from scrap metal and kevlar.

She's a kid.... but is she also a squid?
@Dalek Ix
I don't think a ship with a warp drive that would be perfectly normal in 40K jumps through the universe via Hell is quite the scale Wade's looking for.
Diarmuid is a guy who stabs things with his spears. He's very good at stabbing, and the "No Healing" and "Break Enchantments" abilities of Gae Buidhe & Gae Dearg are useful, but...that's it.

He has a shot at taking down Saber and might get Berserker if he can no sell Knight of Honor with GB before Lancelot draws Arondight, but everyone else in War 4 will stomp him into the ground.

And when I say "Medusa", I don't mean "Medusa, with a decent Master so she can make effective use of Pegasus and her Mystic Eyes", I mean "Medusa, when she is shackled to Scrublord, King of Scrubs, prophesied to return and lead his Scrub people into the Ever Distant Scrubland."

You know, this guy:
Medusa with Shinji can still use Pegasus once and that annihilates pretty much anybody here considering the thing has a 500 AC resistance(EX magic resistance, needs a NP of A rank to probably kill) and trashes people with its A ranked NP damage charge. Diarmuid is really strong to me, his statline is incredibly above average, he has EoTM to be like Herc and have minor instinct, and it's already stated he beats Cu in a 1 v 1 in Japan. Although servants operate on different basis on everyone here so idk how it translates.
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@Dalek Ix
I don't think a ship with a warp drive that would be perfectly normal in 40K jumps through the universe via Hell is quite the scale Wade's looking for.
@Dalek Ix

"I don't think a ship with a Warp Drive that would be perfectly normal in 40K jumps through the universe via Hell is quite the...


Yamato & Occult Orbs will get you out of an RM, but to collapse one you need Ea level bigatons.
@Dalek Ix

"I don't think a ship with a Warp Drive that would be perfectly normal in 40K jumps through the universe via Hell is quite the...


Yamato & Occult Orbs will get you out of an RM, but to collapse one you need Ea level bigatons.
Well to be fair, a reality marble is just imposing one's world egg onto the current reality of Gaia, like a world within a world. World eggs can be broken in ways that don't require Ea or even all that much firepower in certain cases, but thats for others to figure out I guess.
Yamato & Occult Orbs will get you out of an RM, but to collapse one you need Ea level bigatons.

Eh. Didn't expect more than that, at most. Yamato is no Ea. I just wondered if, in the case Vergil got pulled into one, I could have him go 'Nope', cut through it and walk away.

For extra hilarity, with everyone else just dropping what they are doing to stare.
Well to be fair, a reality marble is just imposing one's world egg onto the current reality of Gaia, like a world within a world. World eggs can be broken in ways that don't require Ea or even all that much firepower in certain cases, but thats for others to figure out I guess.

Well, sure. Destroy the brain of the person projecting the World Egg will break it just fine.

Trying to cut or somehow force your way out of a place without boundaries and Gaia's influence is suppressed... would probably just get you to the same 'place' revealed by Ea's Truth. And I don't think anybody wants to go there.
Eh. Didn't expect more than that, at most. Yamato is no Ea. I just wondered if, in the case Vergil got pulled into one, I could have him go 'Nope', cut through it and walk away.

For extra hilarity, with everyone else just dropping what they are doing to stare.

Trying to cut or somehow force your way out of a place without boundaries and Gaia's influence is suppressed... would probably just get you to the same 'place' revealed by Ea's Truth. And I don't think anybody wants to go there.

...On another note, it might not be such a brilliant idea.

Oh, well. Opening portals was Reboot!Vergil's thing, anyways.
Honestly the easiest way to collapse a reality marble in my opinion is to somehow boot the person creating it out of the reality marble.
...On another note, it might not be such a brilliant idea.

Oh, well. Opening portals was Reboot!Vergil's thing, anyways.

Basically, what came to mind was what happened when holes were broken in Ioinoi Hetairoi before the entire thing had collapsed. Which, while the art style didn't show them the same way as in Hollow Ataraxia, were still supposed to be holes to this*.

*Man, what happened to the translated version of that? How irritating.

Honestly the easiest way to collapse a reality marble in my opinion is to somehow boot the person creating it out of the reality marble.

Can you even do that? It's not like it's an alternate dimension, not exactly... their mind and energy is continuously generating it. You can't really push someone out of it when that universe is defined by them being at the center of it. It'd just move with them, and since you're inside it, you move with it.

I think.
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Basically, what came to mind was what happened when holes were broken in Ioinoi Hetairoi before the entire thing had collapsed. Which, while the art style didn't show them the same way as in Hollow Ataraxia, were still supposed to be holes to this*.

*Man, what happened to the translated version of that? How irritating.

Can you even do that? It's not like it's an alternate dimension, not exactly... their mind and energy is continuously generating it.You can't really push someone out of it when that universe is defined by them being at the center of it. It'd just move with them, and since you're inside it, you move with it.

I think.
I'm honestly not sure, it might have the effect of essentially making the reality marble reform around them upon exiting causing everyone else to be outside of the new reality marble.
Well, sure. Destroy the brain of the person projecting the World Egg will break it just fine.

Trying to cut or somehow force your way out of a place without boundaries and Gaia's influence is suppressed... would probably just get you to the same 'place' revealed by Ea's Truth. And I don't think anybody wants to go there.
Relatively recent stuff gives another plausible solution to crush a world egg that isnt defined by killing the user, but yeah most definitely you can end a rm that way.

In regards to beeaking out, I dont think you move outside of gaia since gaia is the reality around the world egg. You would get booted back to gaian reality imo.
Basically, what came to mind was what happened when holes were broken in Ioinoi Hetairoi before the entire thing had collapsed. Which, while the art style didn't show them the same way as in Hollow Ataraxia, were still supposed to be holes to this*.

*Man, what happened to the translated version of that? How irritating.

Can you even do that? It's not like it's an alternate dimension, not exactly... their mind and energy is continuously generating it. You can't really push someone out of it when that universe is defined by them being at the center of it. It'd just move with them, and since you're inside it, you move with it.

I think.

Pretty sure this is the one I've been using.

*ollies out*
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