
Patron Librarian
Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion. Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the Alliance and Horde has all but evaporated. The Drums of War thunder once again.

And yet this time something is different, sparks that should not be have come to being upon this war torn world. But do they bring Ruin or Salvation? Only time will tell.

Greetings everyone, it has been awhile since I tried an Oath Sign and I want to take another shot at running one of these games. As such I am starting this Oath Sign set within the World of Warcraft, specifically during Classic. Now unlike the previous times I tried this I am going into this one with a bit of a plan in mind so everything should run smoothly.

Now for those of you who don't know how an Oath Sign works, it's mostly a Freeform RP where you play as a character be they from a fictional work or an OC if you put in enough effort. Now you can either play as that character directly having been dumped in the world or you can play as yourself being Self inserted into the character as you are dumped, it's all up to you. Now unlike last time I won't be using my arbitrary dice rolls as that brought was too much randomness into the last ones, as such I won't be using them with the exception of instances where I can't truly decide how well something would work. After you are dropped into the world you are assigned a goal to ignore or complete, along with another thing I have in mind which I will keep secret for now.

With that out of the way lets move on to the fun part of Oath Sign, the character creation process, simply fill out the template below adding as much or as little detail as you'd like. I won't restrict players in what they choose but there are some ground rules you have to follow​
  1. No characters with "I Win Button" level bullshit powers, for instance Homura Akemi with her time stop. On that note any time manipulation abilities are going to be severely limited and even if you have them expect the Bronze Dragons to take notice.​
  2. No characters strong enough to solo an army or defeat a fortress single handed with sheer brute strength. In general your character's max combat power at the start can't exceed that of characters like Illidan Stormrage or Jaina Proudmore.​
  3. No Warcraft characters that exist within the current timeline (alive or dead), this is mostly because such characters would give a player a major leg up with the potential political influences and the like. Not to mention it would be a headache for the GM to manage.​
Appearance: (Description or Picture)
Personality and Life Philosophy:

I will be choosing 6 characters, based on the quality of their sheets and generally how fun I think having them will be.

Finally I should mention that in an effort to keep the RP moving I will be attempting to keep to a weekly schedule, as such there will be a deadline of a week after the last GM post for players to keep to and if a player fails to meet the deadline twice in a row without prior warning I will probably be forced to kill them off and let another applicant take their place.

So without further ado lets begin!

IC Thread
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Teams and Objectives
  1. Rebekka von Kruger-Messinghof (@always_confused ) DEAD, Faithful Orchid (@Azrael ) and Aeresia (@Narcissist ) as Team Mistaken Alignment
    • Free the Druids of the Fang from their Nightmare.
  2. Alice (@Unlucky Bibliophile ) MIA, Zorian Kazinski (@Magnive) and Patchouli (@Terran Imperium ) as Team Marisa's Harem.
    • Find the source of the Worgen Curse within Silverpine Forest and tame the beast within.
  3. Professor Cyrus Albright (@Space Jawa ) and Ramza Beoulve (@Megaolix ) as Team JRPG Protagonist.
    • Resolve the situation with the Defias Brotherhood within Westfall.
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I only know of World of Warcraft by virtue of wikiwalking and forum osmosis. (the only WC games I played are III and its expansion). Is that fine?

How much effort level required to clear the bar for using an OC? What if want to SI myself into the OC?

I may recycle character from other RPs. I hope you don't mind?

I only know of World of Warcraft by virtue of wikiwalking and forum osmosis. (the only WC games I played are III and its expansion). Is that fine?

How much effort level required to clear the bar for using an OC? What if want to SI myself into the OC?

I may recycle character from other RPs. I hope you don't mind?
That level should be enough, if you have any questions OOC I am more than happy to explain and beyond that it's fine. Honestly WC3 level knowledge ia more than enough.

If you use an OC I'm going to require a relatively detailed backstory and list of abilities, mostly because I won't have as much of a frame of reference for things. Also SI into an OC is fine.

I don't really care all that much of the character is recycled, so long as it follows the other rules.
Is it okay for me to play as any of the spider man's from the various comics? or are there any exception I should worry about?
Didn't think Warcraft would get an Oath Sign game.

There a specific time during vanilla this is starting?
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? @Glint, why the funny rating?

Anyway, I think I would be using a character I once submitted for highschool hijinks game ... in Exalted's First Age Shogunate. Partly because I'm lazy and this already there ;) (may need some more detailing on backstory but I can do that) , partly because that's game only ended up last a while :(
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What defines as unacceptable for a character, in the sense of breaking armies alone or fortresses with ease hero units or bosses like Diablo, Raynor, Apollyon, and a Goliath (Evolve).

I'm thinking about an Ork warboss, or Daedra as additional examples
I know almost nothing about Warcraft. Sign me up!
Is it okay for me to play as any of the spider man's from the various comics? or are there any exception I should worry about?
I think that would mostly be permissible, just keep in mind that you won't have an infinite number of supplies like web fluid and unlike New York there isn't a hardware store to get stuff from.
Didn't think Warcraft would get an Oath Sign game.

There a specific time during vanilla this is starting?
It's during Vanilla, mostly because there are enough plot lines going about that I can more easily draw upon them for the game.
What defines as unacceptable for a character, in the sense of breaking armies alone or fortresses with ease hero units or bosses like Diablo, Raynor, Apollyon, and a Goliath (Evolve).

I'm thinking about an Ork warboss, or Daedra as additional examples
Basically if you can take on the Stormwind Garrison without any difficulty then it's not allowed. So Raynor would be allowed, an Ork Warboss would be allowed although no spore reproduction and the Daedra would depend.