You're given a breathtaking view of Fuyuki city as you release your hold on the plane. Gorgeous city lights down below create a kaleidoscopic display as you casually fall downwards towards their source. The plane soars overhead, the underbelly of the wing nearly grazing you the second you begin falling. Not that it would have done much even if it had. Your partially spiritual nature would have laughed off such a 'mundane' injury without a problem.
My near-eviskeration by the plane swiftly reveals how bad an idea this was. Why the hell did I jump off before it landed?! And why am I still holding on to that hugeass shield-wait, no, that's actually useful for surviving Bad Decisions.
So down you fall, the city coming closer and closer with each passing moment. Even as you do, the colors of the city quickly begin to separate as more and more detail comes into view. Though some perhaps, need less time than others. You can easily see the gigantic hole in the tallest building in the city, smoke billowing from within like a giant chimney.
By the time that the city below started resolving itself to my view, I had at least positioned the bigass shield to be flat directly below me. While this was still a spectacularly bad idea, I'd at least be going slower when I hit the-aaaand what the hell happened to that building?! That hole's too hole-y to be from the earlier Excaliblast, so what the hell caused it?
So there you go, flying downwards, soaring well below the thirty-second floor of the Hyatt hotel with your shield poised to strike the ground were you land. You have but to wait for your opportunity to further brace yourself, giving you well enough opportunities to scout out the general area that you're about to crash land into.

It appears as though you've lucked out in that regard. There is a nice, solid, floor of concrete to land onto. Although luck may be the key word there, as just a few minutes earlier and you would have gone sprawling out into the pitch black ocean.

Of course, such luck cannot possibly go unpunished. For flashes of gold sprinkle all across the concrete jungle that you're about to fall into. A dozen low rumbles, like the sound of thunder, reaches your ears as more and more join golden lights flash into existence, and fade away in the dead of night.

More and more your spiritual senses tell you that, perhaps, letting go of the plane at that exact moment might have been a bad idea. Down, down you go into the battlefield as your uncontrollable freefall demands. You approach the battlefield, shield ready to strike the ground, and sense the incredible presence of two powerful Servants.

From your position, it's hard to get more than a topside view of the battle. A long flowing red cloak and a white robe of some kind, swords on both sides of the fields, though clearly of a different make, and not what's making the terrible racket from down below.
As my trajectory started to reach the ground, senses I didn't even know I'd gained started blaring at me. For a normal human, they'd barely register on them. For those actively blaring their allegiance to the Moonlit World, they'd at least notice them nearby. But these new senses were telling me that whatever was down there, it was on a completely different level to a normal human.

To what memory I have, there's only one thing that could match the readings of these Saint Graphs. Namely Heroic Spirits. Where the hell have I dropped in?
And finally, after all the anticipation, you crash into the concrete barely a couple of meters away from the battlefield proper. The bombastic thundering interrupted by your more spectacular crash as dust and debris goes flying into the air from your landing.

At ground floor, it's a bit easier to tell the Servants apart now. There's a woman in front of you, a golden ornament tied to her wide brimmed hat. Her cloak flows down to her ankles after your interruption of the fight, black hair not too far behind.

And the man on the other side has likewise halted his fight, bronze armor almost gleaming in the moonlight as his sword is held ready. A long white flowing cloak rests at his back, with long red lines running down the shoulder and torso.
I...I think I just survived that. I just survived jumping off a plane in flight. Whatever put me in armour apparently made me tough enough to withstand terminal velocity. Holy shit. I think the adrenaline rush is getting to me.
...Aaand now I notice that I've apparently divebomed into a battle. While an immediate guess would place them as a Saber/Berserker and a Caster, I have pretty much no idea who exactly they're supposed to be. I should probably reassure them I mean no trouble, because I do not want to be fighting right now.
...This'll end well.
The snakes that are absolutely not magical in any way, shape, or form, fall to the ground in a wriggling clump when you become intangible. The poor things look about in 'confusion', before slithering off, mildly put off at the loss of their new cuddle buddy. They'll need to have twice as many mice to make themselves feel better after such a stern rejection, you monster.

The rest of the zoo is, frankly, quiet. All of the animals are in their pens until the morning, the shops are gated and locked, and the only persons who should be on the premises are the zoo security that are unsurprisingly derelict in their duty. And so in the dead of night, your only company may as well be the insects that sing their nightly song.

If only that were actually the case, a minor issue hangs rudely in your face for all the world to see as you make your merry way towards the looming exit of the park. Or perhaps to a massive and elaborate decoration designed to separate a new attraction from the rest of the park, to an intangible ghost it was simply a matter of time before you reached the end of the park, in one direction or another.

But wherever you're heading, there's no denying that lying on the ground in front of you is a monster. And in front of it… is a many tentacle beast reminiscent of starfish. A hundred eyes dot each of the main four tentacles, which write and squirm pathetically as the monster in front of you drives a crackling blade into its center mass. Bits of flesh hacked off and pulled to the side as it gouges into the insides of the beast.

The woman-like monster looks up at you, and there is no doubt that she knows you are there. Her waifish features sag as she stands up from her knelt position. She is dressed in what must have at one point a pure white gown, now stained with the blackened ichor of the beast, and in her hand is the electrically charged knife. She stands on her thin, muscular legs, lifting a massive morning star along with her from its almost imperceptible place just behind the creature she was vivisecting moments ago. She watches you from afar, gauging your reaction. Her lips wordlessly moving as she stands stiff as a post. Her amber eyes, like finest glass, staring directly into your own.

Perseus phases into reality, an easy smile on his face. Harpe is by his side, but he doesn't draw it: Why bother? A monster she might be, but he doubted that he or anyone else would much care for the beast she'd torn apart.

He glances upwards. "The moon is beautiful tonight, isn't it? A lovely night for a walk. And it seems," he nods to the corpse,"a good one for hunting strays as well. Who forgot to put their dog in the kennel?"

The thing was undoubtedly some familiar or another: No creature like it existed naturally in this day and age, the Grail told him.
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