She / Her
The year is 1994. The place is Fuyuki City.

A confrontation on a scale hardly imaginable to the people of this city is coming, and it will reap it's bloody toll on this land.

A fierce struggle between seven mighty powers is threatening to spill destruction and madness upon it's streets, as it happened many times before; cold, insane logic of the warring heptad will drive them to the highest levels of callous cruelty as they attempt to grasp their desires.

The seven great Powers and their Masters will fight in the name of peace, power, love, eldritch secrets, and shallow amusement in a Fourth Holy Grail War.

Seven resurrected heroes are summoned to battle each other in order to grasp a Wish, any wish they can imagine; but their struggle will be in vain, as they are fated to be ritualistically killed in a grand battle royale for the purpose of accumulating enough magical energy to make the very wish they struggled to reach into reality.

Such majestic and barbaric rituals however, rarely go in accordance to the plans of their creators, and that is even more so the case due to the involvement of the Heroes summoned. Greatest of humanity are unpredictable and powerful, and even the mighty leash Magi wrapped around their they souls is far from absolute.

And thanks to you, this war is going to be even more chaotic than any other. The vile will of things unknown, the malfunction of the Grail, the strange anomaly, or your own purpose and will drove you here, and here you will struggle against those who desire you harm, seek allies, and discover the secrets of this War - or will die, trying.


...An acidic, vile voice interrupts whatever trail of thought you had.

The soft movement and gentle sounds of a rumbling motor slowly rouse you awake. It takes a little bit of effort to wake up completely; and the first few seconds are full of confused incomprehension as you try to figure out how you got on a bus.

...The mystery of your appearance here aside, you found yourself in a pretty nice bus. The chair is clean and comfortable enough to sleep in as the back of the chair in front of you, there is a blanket thrown over you, and it seems what there is some sort of a drink on the armrest.

And none of that explains how you actually...

"There is a maiden."

"And that maiden really, really wants to die; yesterday. That is a pretty good thing too, because if she doesn't bad things are going to happen. But there is a problem with that, purely technical one, because she is a useless little thing – and that is where you are coming in. Not that you are much better."

As the voice speaks, your eyelids feel heavy, and the strength is drained from your limbs. Everything about this presence feels like poison and malice, and as it continues to speak, every word is a whip lashing your mind.

"Your job is to ensure what she gets on with dying already, it taking way too long. Solve the technical problems, and proceed with murdering her in whatever way takes your fancy; Destroy Ciel, or you will regret it. Frankly, you aren't really suitable for the job, but you just need to..."

The voice stops in the middle of the sentence, as you start hearing muted screams of range and sounds of flesh tearing apart.

"Well, we are out of time. Tough luck."

With that, presence vanishes, and you jerk back into the land of living, and as you do, the source of the screams becomes much more clear. In the window to your left, there is a gigantic lovecraftian beast, covered with bleeding gashes and injures; it is running, its tentacles and other limbs you don't know the name of haphazardly pulling it forward and a great speed; despite it's strange physique, you can sense the desperation, the need to get away from its pursuer who is quickly gaining on it.

It's hard to call the second figure anything but a ghost rider; a an armored, demonic knight on a fantastic, warped motorcycle follows the beast through the air like a crimson comet of malevolent energy; the sword in hand, they not so much drive as they fly, quickly shortening the distance between him and their prey.

And with a quickly growing horror you realize what both of them are straight on the collision course with your bus. One. Tw...

"-Die, Gilles, you piece of Fil-"

The screech of metal is deafening; the impact, disorienting, as it's force throws you out of the seats and through the window out of the bus; you feel almost like gravity relinquished it's grasp on you for a moment, only to jerk you back with a vengeance; in a long moment of adrenaline-fueled slowed time, you see both the creature and the knight pursuing it run through the metal corpse of your bus like it isn't even there, carelessly destroying the vehicle by the force of their passage.
Then you slam against and through something metallic and hit the ground painfully a moment later, while the bus continues to tumble forward like a paper model thrown aside by a petulant child.

No normal human could survive this kind of impact, but you do.

As you lie on the asphalt, feeling slightly alive, you see the final of the chase which broken into your life like a wrecking ball, interrupting your nice, calm ride on a bus; the pursuing knight cripples the beasts with repeated blows, the aura blazing around them still. There the murderous intent is clear, their victory is clear as it looks like beast is incapable of retaliating in any way - but then their victim almost splits in two it as it swallows him entirely, too quickly for the knight to react, too big to defend himself properly with a sword. The lovecraftian beast stands still, for a moment. Injured and crippled, it wobbles in place, before carefully trying to walk toward you...

...And then, it explodes, bursting apart like a insect which tried to contain a storm; the sound erupting energy and the roaring winds make it feel like you are in the middle of a nuclear explosion. A pillar of crimson magical energy extends into the sky, and amongst the ruined remains of the beast, you see its source; a metal figure, holding a beam what seems to look like a fountain of magical energy in their hands.

It takes a few moments for the light to extinguish itself. The knight looks jerkily looks around, never turning toward you, and seems to take a deep breath.

"One down, six to go. " the figure speaks aloud, the signs of pain evident in their voice, and then just... vanishes into nothing, leaving you alone near a wreckage of a bus on an unfamiliar street in the middle of city you don't know.

The street you find yourself seems to be relatively urban, with tall buildings surrounding you; aside from the wreckage of the bus, there are surprisingly few cars around you, and what you see seems to have been hastily abandoned. Close by, you see what looks like a train-station. Further ahead, in the distance you see a tall building with letters "HYATT" emblazoned on it, and... Oh.

It looks like a small comet is going to slam into it in a few moments.


Countless stars glimmer beneath you, an aspect of the Dragon King, soar through the dimensional sea. Innumerable world's light the way in the darkness, so close, and yet so very far apart; never to touch one another, yet always aware of their presence. A grand orchestra of chaos, made real by your simple observation.

However, there is only one world that was of any import. The world the King of Summons had imparted a part of its essence, you, too. It is a world that stood on the precipice of annihilation, where not even the heroes of ancient times could hope to stand against the coming darkness.

The task of protecting the world was entreated to you. Yet there was still an order that needed to be maintained. To preserve this world order, you transform yourself into the most numerous species on the planet. Taking the shape of the humans, you prepare to gently enter the world, leaf into a pool of water.

But not everything is as it seems. As you begin the transition, you smash into some kind of… turbulence. All of a sudden, five billion eyes lock onto you as your body is pushed and pulled to and fro. You crash through the dimensional barrier, slowly dragged through as you fight to regain control of the situation.

All of a sudden you see it, the Skyline of Fuyuki City. In the distance, a plane approaches for landing, and below you are the city lights, as dazzling as the dimension sea. A thousand colors rush to great you as the citizens below go on with their lives, a magnificent sight to behold!

If only you weren't about to crash into the roof of one of Fuyuki's many skyscrapers. With a tremendous boom, you smash straight through the roof of the building, concrete, insulation, steel, and tiling as you bodily bypass the roof and top floor. Windows burst from your passage as you tumble deeper into the building.

Until, finally, you come to a halt. Your body landing with a dull thud, and squarely upon the black and gold sheets of a king sized bed. The room around you filled with spectacular opulence, even if the floor is covered in bits of rubble and glass shards.

There's a pause, and finally the coup de grace springs as a loud shrill emanates from above. A rapidly beating noise that grates at your ears and demands your attention, the fire alarm most likely.

"See, Think, Learn,"

You hear the fatherly voice of your heavenly counterpart. The whole of your being rumbles from across the dimensional sea in a distorted, garbled mess.

"Investigate the Holy Grail War,"

And then you are left with naught but the shrill of the alarm, and the surprisingly comfortable bed you lay upon.


You find yourself standing upon wings of metal, the roar and hiss of an engine beneath and to the side of your body as you brave the unbelievable wind pressure of flight. Below you, off to the side of the jet, there was nothing but great darkness. But tiny specs of light gathered over the horizon, like tiny embers of a great flame.

How you got there is a mystery even to yourself. Your last few memories before waking up half shoved into the jet engine of the turbine were blurry, though your subsequent self-rescue less so. Strangely, nobody seemed to notice the girl clinging desperately to the right wing of the plane. Perhaps… perhaps they were hit by a spell of some kind!

Slowly, you began to get a grip on things. As you adjusted to the wind threatening to push you into the ocean, you slowly became a bit more confident in your movements, and soon after ready to attempt the standing position you are in now.

It was a bit worrying that you had no contact with your compatriots in Chaldea, but the lack of sudden threats was a mild relief.

And finally, after what seems like an eternity of staring into nothing, you finally see some signs of civilization. Across the horizon those tiny specs of light spread out into hundreds upon hundreds of different colors from all different kinds of places. From skyscrapers, down to lowly city lights, all are equally represented as the plane approaches the city with all the grace a flying hunk of metal can muster.

And then, from the ground, a familiar blast of light erupted forth. Soaring through the air, barely missing your ride as it hurtled towards the empty ocean, cloud split in two as the beam travels and dissipates into nothing.

Your ride harshly turns an aerial dodge worthy of legend as it barely avoids bisection. Your grip on your portion of wing goes down to the knuckle as you narrowly avoid plummeting into the frigid water below. Or onto the pavement as it so happened.

Before you have a chance to even question the nature of the attack, a kingly voice rings in your mind.

"A great man lingers in this city, though his pride blinds him. He can change things for the better if given the opportunity. Yet a monster wander's the streets at night, and threatens to safety of all. And so I give this task to you, knight of the shield. Protect the magus Kayneth, until the monster Uryuu has fallen."

The occupants of the plane all panic as the pilot roughly fights for control and you cling still as the words pulse through your brain, and ponder as your pilot begins making headway towards the landing strip.


You find yourself face first with shiny wood, or so it looked. As you push yourself off, it's fairly evident that this 'wood' is nothing of the sort. It is far too shiny, with a grain that appears painted on no less. You found yourself seated in some kind of elaborate torture device, trapped with the 'table' in front of you and a most uncomfortable 'chair' behind that jabs into your royal backside.

Your only relief is that whoever was in charge of your torture was incompetent enough to leave the device open for escape. Also fortunate, was that in spite of being surrounded by a dozen of similar torturous devices, you happen to be the only occupant of the room. Good! That saves you the trouble of needing to rescue your subjects.

Still, the location of your torture is a… interesting one at least. Save for the skeleton in the corner, the room was quite cheerful, even in the dark. Full of healthy plants, decorations, and even somewhat crude drawings, extremely crude drawings. Actually they are all unbelievably bad.

Although there is a strange 'notice' in the center of the pack, hidden among the worst drawings you have ever seen. Something about 'stranger danger', and to remain in groups of three or more, or to always be with an adult.

There isn't a lot of time to ponder the meaning behind these words. A markedly timid voice breaks into your mind.

"Oh… uh.. hello your majesty. I need your help! A man named Kayneth wanders this city, and will bring nothing but death and suffering onto the innocent if someone can't stop him! U.Unn, if you could stop him, that'd be nice…"


It's a strange feeling, coming back to life. You distinctly recall the snake hunter's scythe slicing through your neck, separating flesh and tendon and bone as the Greek hero Perseus neatly decapitated your monstrous form. And the encroaching darkness that fell upon your vision as a curtain as your life came to its miserable end.

Yet here you are, standing in an empty house as you come to grips with the information you've obtained. A thick layer of dust and dirt clings to every surface of the room, pots and pans thrown wherever in an act of sacrilege against housekeepers. The occasional bug crawls or flies from crevices in the corners of the ceiling or windows. Though for all you know, the owners are simply messy. The smell wafting in from the living room painted a picture of absolute delight. The tasty scent of pork, cooked just right. Fit for a king, if you had to judge.

The year is 1994. From the abyss of death, you have summoned from the Throne of Heroes to participate in the Holy Grail War. The land you're currently in is Japan, and you are in Fuyuki City.

Information flooded into your brain, bringing you 'up to speed' with this modern culture. It's just enough that you can function in this new society, if nothing else you know how to ask for directions. More importantly, you were all too aware of just what you have been summoned to do.

As Servant Rider, you were expected to fight others that have been summoned from the Throne of Heroes in a grand tournament of sorts. The winner would receive the blessing of the Holy Grail, and with it, one wish of near unlimited power.

But there is something else. A girlish voice speaks softly in your mind with a voice laced with venom and fervor as she compels you to do her bidding.

"Oh goddess, who walks among mere mortals once more. There is a woman who has arrived from another world. Her life be as a vortex of suffering that engulfs all that surround her. Kill this so called 'holy warrior' and spare the world some unneeded despair when the skinwalker finds her."

"Maybe you could try and do something useful for once. Do that instead of spending your entire worthless life eating your sisters."

The voice fades, and you're left alone once more. The sound of the night life echo's from the outdoors, beckoning you. And yet there's perhaps something still left in the house. As tiny red flecks dot the hard wooden floors and you can't help but notice a congregation of flies in the corner of the next room, just beyond a broken in door.

@God and the Snake

It is a rather small area, where you find yourself. Stone on three sides and glass on the forth, your movement is somewhat confined, if you didn't want to break the glass.

Stretching out long ways is an option, but the logs and small plants around you would make that uncomfortable. To say nothing about the snakes that are wrapping around your limbs. They seem rather comfortable where they are, and would rather you not move.

"Oh, now this is ironic, isn't it?"

A voice comes from nowhere, speaking into your mind.

"I was looking for a protector, and find you instead? How amusing. Ah, nevertheless, you have an important duty."

One of the longer snakes takes a moment to coil around your neck. It seems rather proud of itself.

"The one known as 'Medusa' has a task I would like to see fulfilled, but may face difficulty in accomplishing it. Protect them for me, would you not? At least until this 'Archer' is dead..."

And with that, the voice fades.


The world is crimson.

The great light floods the world, blinding you for an instant, but quickly fades. Even without it, the crimson blood spraying the walls of the ruined alleyway paints the world red indeed.

All around you are corpses, broken bodies of men and women, even a few children. Some of the men bear tattooed marks, but it's impossible to tell in most cases.

A sad sight, isn't it?

A story of sorts can be seen, going through the wreckage. Most of the bodies likely didn't see their death coming, killed in the initial impact. Some weapons scattered around, daggers and even a gun, show that some people present tried to fight back, though the lack of a scent of gunpowder shows they weren't successful.

"Alas, such a tragedy is to be expected, with a Monster like that present."

The bodies of the children are closest to the exit, hinting that they had tried to run. By the way they were on their backs, it was seemed as if they were pulled back, escape in their reach when they were slaughtered.

"Those present would combat the threat, if they knew of it. Alas, considering the chaos that is to come, some monsters may slip under the radar"

One corpse is slumped against a wall, close to you. It's the most upright of them all, unnaturally so.

"Destroy Roa. You shouldn't have to be told to hunt him, but knowing he is in the city should shorten your hunt"

All at once, the corpses open their eyes.

@Dalek Ix

The crash of steel upon steel, the shouting of men as they battle for the most righteous cause, these things surround you as you fight shoulder to shoulder with your fellows. The wicked soldiers of the Lombard League may have deterred you at Alessandria, but defeat has only strengthened your resolve. Where others worried and despaired at the news from Henry, the so call lion, You merely prepared yourself for greater glory in the name of your King. Frederick Barbarossa desired to bring all of Italy to heel, and you shall see it done!

Of course, not everything had gone to plan. A minor setback to be sure. Hooves thundered across the battlefield as Imperial cavalry met with the forces of Lombard, smashing their ranks asunder with righteous fury. Your heart soared as the enemy was ruthlessly driven away, and your comrades were free to turn their attention upon the infantry. Included in their number was the "Company of Death", but even they were pressed to fight against your numbers.

But somehow, someway, the Lombard League has managed to turn the tides. Through what was no doubt sorcery, they managed to reinforce their knights after being routed from the field by your cavalry. They came in from nowhere, and smashed into your rear lines. Frederick was thrown from his horse as the assault came from two sides, slaying many of your comrades and nearly you as well. Many of your fellows even began calling for a retreat.

You, however, must simply know whether or not your liege was alive. You fight your way through their numbers, hewing through flesh and bone and smashing their armor asunder with your psychic power.

Finally, you reach the last place anyone had seen of Frederick Barbarossa. Delirious and buried under the body of his horse, the man struggled for breath. In a lull between the fighting, you heft the horse off of the body of your liege, witnessing the broken body of the man beneath. You knew then, that this could not be his end. And with a solemn prayer you focus your power onto the man, wishing his body anew. Just as the Lombard return to face you, you use your power to fling the man far from the battlefield, his body vanishing into thin air in a flash.

As you prepare to face the rest of the Lombard League's knights by yourself, the world itself shrinks in your vision. The helmets of the enemy jerk back, and freeze as black slowly encompasses everything. Spiraling into nothingness, the battlefield passes from the world, and you find yourself stranded and alone in a cold, dark, void.

But only for a second

You blink and find yourself face first in the dirt, your body collapsed on the ground. You hear the gentle lapping of waves, and look up in wonder. A lake, covers your vision. Pristine, and beautiful, as little lightning bugs dance across the surface. All around you, the sound of the night life flourishes completely undeterred by your sudden appearance.

"Ah, there you are."

A voice speaks from within the depths of the lake. Neither male nor female, the androgynous voice resounds in your skull with great authority, but bears also surprisingly gentle.

"I have saved your life, Dame Valerie. For that battlefield was indeed to be your last. I have a great need of you. You, who have served someone for all your life, must now serve another. At least, temporarily. A noble seeks to win a war for a most holy object. His life will be in danger at every turn, and his pride does him no favors. That is why I need you. Protect this noble magus. Protect Kayneth, until the Lancer falls."

And then the voice is quite, and you're left at the banks of the lake. Completely and utterly alone.


You wake up. It's not a pleasant, slow awakening of the start of the weekend.

And neither it is an unpleasant but familiar awakening by an alarm clock, as no pressing realization of the need to hurry up anywhere, neither an annoying noise tries to drags you out of the bed.

No, you because something painfully pokes you in the ribs. You twitch away from the unpleasant sensation, only to hit something with your everything, stumble – how did you manage to fall asleep while standing, you wonder for a long, strange moment - and painfully fall on some sort of hard surface; a mountain of items, follows you, impacting your body like a shower of hail, holding your down...

...Until the pressure lessens, and the moment later, you hear a heavenly voice.

"A man derides entertainment from the suffering of others. For that purpose, he made an infernal act with a creature which shed it body behind like an empty shell. No mundane opposition can overcome their union.

Destroy Uryuu."

As voice finishes speaking, the painful pressure returns, renewed, increasing ever further, until the surface you were plastered against starts giving to the pressure in with a shudder and screech of breaking wood and metal and...

...and you painfully fall out of the tight, suffocating closet you were locked in. The door you were heavily leaning onto flaps wide open with a sound which can only mean a broken lock, while a literal forest of brooms follows you down to the floor, almost exploding out of the space too small to such a great number of cleaning appliances.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Why these are so heavy, anyway?

As you slowly crawl out of the pile of brooms, and get a chance to look around, you realize what it looks you are in some sort of a school... But the specific locations elude you. It's nighttime, the corridor you fell into is unfamiliar.

Nearby is a window; you do not recognize the landscape you see in it. Directly in front of you is a fairly typical schoolyard, and away from you are the lights of the unknown city you never saw before.

You almost turn away, until a bright, expanding pillar of crimson light-energy shines far away in the distance, tall and bright enough to eclipse any structure, any building nearby - and the shockwave of the distant explosion rattles the windows moments later.


Your back aches as you pull yourself up from a fitful rest. A harsh light blares at you from above, penetrating even your tightly shut eyelids. You place your arm in front of your eyes, blocking out the light as you try to resituate yourself. Yet returns to peaceful slumber isn't in the plans of the universe, as a sudden howl and rush of wind blows a wind and a blasts noise into your ears and shocks you into an upright position.

Suddenly, everything rushes towards you at once. The sight of the grungy ceiling, the strange metal monstrosity that lurked just in front of you, the silvery light that illuminated the area like a glowering overseer. This place definitely isn't your room.

At your back was a great tiled wall, and along the wall dotted a strange black post. Inside of the post was a great many dates and times. There, off to the right of the post is another one. But this one seems to be carrying some kind of map. A brief scan of this paper brought your attention to a bright arrow, with the words "You are here" listed above some place called "Shinto".

And then you hear it, a voice that penetrates your mind with ease as you attempt to get your bearings.

"They say the blood of Genos flows through your veins. Very good! That means you're excellent at slaying Demons. You'll need those skills in the future, and it makes your task much easier. A man eater walks the streets of this city, but don't mistake me. I don't need you to kill her. For you see, your task is not one of extermination, but protection. Protect the Assassin until the Gorgon Medusa falls. Do this, and I shall reward you spectacularly. Maybe even bring that brother of yours back to life."

Before you can ask any questions, there's a great rumbling from up above. Dust falls from the ceiling, the strange underground tunnel that you've awakened in shakes like an earthquake, the black information pillar falls over and so do many of the… art pieces that hang from the wall.


There's a loud clattering as a steep metal pole barrels down onto the floor, smashing its pointed tip into the ground with a tremendous thud. Where the top crashed into the ground is a chip that mars the spotless checkered floor. As you rise up from your knelt position, how did you even get underneath all of those clothes anyhow? You find yourself greeted by the stares of an old man and his wife. A large gated door half shut as they look upon your form from the other side.

"A Goddess? Ha!"

A wicked voice jests from the shadows, no from the very depths of your soul. Its words etched upon your soul like a hatchet burying into a mighty oak.

"Human's don't need an outdated old bat like you, but you know what? I think you might have one last use, before you get put down like old yeller. Aren't you glad? Even someone as pathetic as you can be part of something great!"

You feel a chill running down your spine as the voice lets out a cruel laugh, which echo's deep inside your mind like the most cavernous cave upon the isle.

"And what a task it shall be. You see, your sister's murderer is in town, probably trying to keep your sister from eating you again. Anyhow, He's probably going to get into some kind of fight sooner or later, and I need you to make sure he doesn't die. Yeah, yeah, I know. You're not that great at fighting. But listen, listen. You seem to be pretty good with people. So maybe you could keep him out of trouble, at least until… oh… let's say this Archer fellow bites it.

Yeah, that's about right. Protect Perseus until Archer falls. Oh, and if you see your sister. Do us all a favor and maybe try not to be a complete and utter bitch yeah?"

You release a breath as the presence fades away. Barely a minute passed, but it felt like it had been droning on for hours. You stand up, and find yourself confronted by a figure speaking in a hurried tone. Shouting at you as he grabs you by the shoulder in your shocked state.

@Wade Garrett

he sight of the cross is not a strange one to you. Nor, in deed, is the sight of crosses laid row upon row. As you stand between the gravestones that stretch across a quite plain, you wonder whose bright idea it was to summon you in such a place. Though it isn't too surprising that you were, at the very least summoned by a rather well cared for church. Indeed, on a second look it appeared as though everything from the church to the gravestones was something that was well taken care of.

You acclimate to the information sent by the Holy Grail well enough, stoically bearing the sudden surge of information as language, and knowledge of certain modern conventions is displayed to you in half a second. The year was 1994, over four hundred years after your death and subsequent ascension to the Throne of Heroes.

Yet where was your summoner, you see neither hide nor hair of them and ponder for a moment where they might have run off to.

And then a thousand voices spoke in unison. Their voice like an angelic choir, as big as the sea, rang from the sky above and spoke into your very soul.

"Listen, our earthly messenger, for yours is a task of great importance. There is a woman of great importance that you must protect. But her path is fraught with danger; the devil will seek to destroy her, and all that surrounds her. A thousand years of darkness will spread across the land if she is felled before her task is complete. And so I ask this, my child. Protect Maiya until the Berserker falls."
Last edited:

The world is crimson.

The great light floods the world, blinding you for an instant, but quickly fades. Even without it, the crimson blood spraying the walls of the ruined alleyway paints the world red indeed.

All around you are corpses, broken bodies of men and women, even a few children. Some of the men bear tattooed marks, but it's impossible to tell in most cases.

Something is wrong. Not the scene, which while terrible is easily explicable. But something is wrong with her. She can't remember how she came to this spot. She knows everything about her past, but the events leading up to this are a complete blank.

'This is...'

The feeling of wrongness intensifies as something began to speak inside her head. Something unfamiliar.

A sad sight, isn't it?

A story of sorts can be seen, going through the wreckage. Most of the bodies likely didn't see their death coming, killed in the initial impact. Some weapons scattered around, daggers and even a gun, show that some people present tried to fight back, though the lack of a scent of gunpowder shows they weren't successful.

"Alas, such a tragedy is to be expected, with a Monster like that present."

The scene was entirely familiar. A Dead Apostle had attacked, or sent some of its puppets upon them, or perhaps even sent a successful Vampire that was still bound to its parent. Whatever the case, the result would be the same in the end. They would all become Deads, or in a rare case, a Ghoul.

It wouldn't be much longer before they rose. She'd have to...

'Why am I here?!'

She remembered things. She could remember things that she was absolutely certain had happened to her, and others that she was absolutely certain did not. Or...

The bodies of the children are closest to the exit, hinting that they had tried to run. By the way they were on their backs, it was seemed as if they were pulled back, escape in their reach when they were slaughtered.

"Those present would combat the threat, if they knew of it. Alas, considering the chaos that is to come, some monsters may slip under the radar"

One corpse is slumped against a wall, close to you. It's the most upright of them all, unnaturally so.

Something cold settled into her stomach. This was the same as always, but it was also different. She'd never felt this way before when confronted with this scene. She could view it completely dispassionately, as simple clean-up to force out the parent Dead Apostle by cutting off the energy supply they siphoned from their familiars feeding. Not this time. What had happened here was horrible, and whatever caused it needed to die as soon as possible. That came from the memories that she was sure weren't hers. Maybe. She felt completely confused. One of the memory and experience sets was much longer than the other, but the shorter one felt richer, in some way she couldn't quite describe.

That one, the one slumped over, would be the most likely to become a Ghoul... or perhaps it was the perpetrator, a younger Vampire that had caused this directly on its masters orders. Either way, she'd destroy it first. The idea of getting information out of it was less important than the possibility of it getting away and staying a new source of infection once she destroyed the controlling parent.

"Destroy Roa. You shouldn't have to be told to hunt him, but knowing he is in the city should shorten your hunt"

All at once, the corpses open their eyes.

Something snapped within me. I felt... more whole. The dissonance between 'me' and 'me' was fading. I'm definitely Arcueid Brunestud, but I'm not sure who Arcueid Brunestud really is. I'll figure that out later.

I move, fingers transforming into claws, and the space between me and the slumped up corpse vanishing as if it never existed, with a single swipe, I should be able toi scatter it completely, and then move to obliterate the rest of these former unfortunates who have become simple puppets in the space of a few instants.

There's a loud clattering as a steep metal pole barrels down onto the floor, smashing its pointed tip into the ground with a tremendous thud. Where the top crashed into the ground is a chip that mars the spotless checkered floor. As you rise up from your knelt position, how did you even get underneath all of those clothes anyhow? You find yourself greeted by the stares of an old man and his wife. A large gated door half shut as they look upon your form from the other side.
There is a brief feeling of vertigo, nausea, and I feel myself falling forwards. Something soft and light falls onto me- many things. They were still soft, but while light individually, the weight added up when you considered the amount covering me.

Well, it was still really light though.

Pawing desperately at the linens and such covering me, I manage to extricate myself from their threaded embrace. My head was hurting, a fog seemed to fill my mind. What was going on...?

"A Goddess? Ha!"

A wicked voice jests from the shadows, no from the very depths of your soul. Its words etched upon your soul like a hatchet burying into a mighty oak.
I freeze. The voice I heard, along with sounding positively nefarious, also hurt.

I lift one of my hand to my face. Rubbing it over my eyes and then clutching my forehead, I fight the urge to start retching.

I wasn't sure there was anything but acid in my stomach right now anyway.

"Human's don't need an outdated old bat like you, but you know what? I think you might have one last use, before you get put down like old yeller. Aren't you glad? Even someone as pathetic as you can be part of something great!"

You feel a chill running down your spine as the voice lets out a cruel laugh, which echo's deep inside your mind like the most cavernous cave upon the isle.

"And what a task it shall be. You see, your sister's murderer is in town, probably trying to keep your sister from eating you again. Anyhow, He's probably going to get into some kind of fight sooner or later, and I need you to make sure he doesn't die. Yeah, yeah, I know. You're not that great at fighting. But listen, listen. You seem to be pretty good with people. So maybe you could keep him out of trouble, at least until… oh… let's say this Archer fellow bites it.

Yeah, that's about right. Protect Perseus until Archer falls. Oh, and if you see your sister. Do us all a favor and maybe try not to be a complete and utter bitch yeah?"
I don't understand.

I don't understand.

My head hurts. My head hurts. My head hurts...!

Clutching my head in both hands as that awful, horrid, wretched, voice mocks me, I try to hold back my screams.

I'm only partially successful.

Groaning loudly, I try to force myself to think.

I don't understand. What's happening? What does it want?

I don't know what it's talking about.


My face twists into a snarl as I think about that name. Why? I don't know why, but a feeling of loathing wells up in me at the mere thought of that name.

I don't know Perseus, why would I react like this?

I don't understand.

Well, that isn't true. I do know Perseus- if we're talking about the Greek hero, slayer of the Gorgon and rescuer of Andromeda.

That is, I know of him.

I've never met him.

But at the same time, as I ponder his existence, an ugly feeling wells up in my chest.

I want to vomit.

It hurts, it hurts.

I don't understand.

I hate him.

I don't know what's going on.

You release a breath as the presence fades away. Barely a minute passed, but it felt like it had been droning on for hours. You stand up, and find yourself confronted by a figure speaking in a hurried tone. Shouting at you as he grabs you by the shoulder in your shocked state.
I snap to attention suddenly. The vile... thing that was in my head had faded away, and now I was being grabbed. I seemed to have stood up at some point.

I look at him numbly. Uncomprehending.

He was saying something.

What? I don't understand. What are you saying?

Hey, I don't understand!

Taking a sharp, shaky breath to try to upset my steadily quickening breathing, I look at the man touching me, and something seems to click in my head. The fog seems to clear for a single moment, as I steady myself and shout...!

'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're saying! Since I don't get it...'

You blink and find yourself face first in the dirt, your body collapsed on the ground. You hear the gentle lapping of waves, and look up in wonder. A lake, covers your vision. Pristine, and beautiful, as little lightning bugs dance across the surface. All around you, the sound of the night life flourishes completely undeterred by your sudden appearance.

"Ah, there you are."

A voice speaks from within the depths of the lake. Neither male nor female, the androgynous voice resounds in your skull with great authority, but bears also surprisingly gentle.

"I have saved your life, Dame Valerie. For that battlefield was indeed to be your last. I have a great need of you. You, who have served someone for all your life, must now serve another. At least, temporarily. A noble seeks to win a war for a most holy object. His life will be in danger at every turn, and his pride does him no favors. That is why I need you. Protect this noble magus. Protect Kayneth, until the Lancer falls."

And then the voice is quiet, and you're left at the banks of the lake. Completely and utterly alone.

For a moment all I can do is lie there, staring at the lake before me in incomprehension.

And how else was I expected to react? One moment, I was in the battlefield, ready to fight and die. And the next... I was here. Safe, and alone. The terror and excitement of battle are leaving me, slowing my heart from it's war-drum beat to something more sedate, and letting me know just how taxing the fight had been...

... But I am a knight. Dame Valerie von Brandenburg, the right hand of Emperor Barbarossa. I still have strength left... and even if I didn't, there are more dignified positions to recover it from than lying in the sand.

I get to my feet and stand tall, brushing dirt and sand from my armour. My right hand still clutches my sword, so I return it to its sheath, the blade sliding home with a quiet noise. And, though there is nobody here... I keep one hand on the pommel.

Now... to find this Kayneth. Is he near? Far?

In danger?

Sighing, I close my eyes... and open my mind.
I....uhhh..what? What was I doing again? I remembered reading a book on my bed, I think? Or was I up late watching some of those late night shows with the guys again? Man, I need to stop doing that, my sleeping schedule was shot up to high heaven.

Ughhhhh. Now my head's beginning to throb in pain because of lack of sleep. Swell.

I raised a hand to my forehead, and started rubbing it in the vain attempt to stop the pain. It didn't really click into my mind that my hand suddenly seemed smaller until I felt metal bits rubbing across my skin.

I paused and blinked, taking in the sight of my hand and the pretty, dangling jewelry adorned over it.

Wait, what?

...An acidic, vile voice interrupts whatever trail of thought you had.

The soft movement and gentle sounds of a rumbling motor slowly rouse you awake. It takes a little bit of effort to wake up completely; and the first few seconds are full of confused incomprehension as you try to figure out how you got on a bus.

...The mystery of your appearance here aside, you found yourself in a pretty nice bus. The chair is clean and comfortable enough to sleep in as the back of the chair in front of you, there is a blanket thrown over you, and it seems what there is some sort of a drink on the armrest.

And none of that explains how you actually...
Where...where the hell am I?!

How? What? When? Where? Why? Who? What the fuck?

That's not my hand. That's not my hand. That's not my hand. That's not my hand!

Shit, shit, shit, this can't be happening.

No, no way in hell.
"There is a maiden."

"And that maiden really, really wants to die; yesterday. That is a pretty good thing too, because if she doesn't bad things are going to happen. But there is a problem with that, purely technical one, because she is a useless little thing – and that is where you are coming in. Not that you are much better."

As the voice speaks, your eyelids feel heavy, and the strength is drained from your limbs. Everything about this presence feels like poison and malice, and as it continues to speak, every word is a whip lashing your mind.

"Your job is to ensure what she gets on with dying already, it taking way too long. Solve the technical problems, and proceed with murdering her in whatever way takes your fancy; Destroy Ciel, or you will regret it. Frankly, you aren't really suitable for the job, but you just need to..."

The voice stops in the middle of the sentence, as you start hearing muted screams of range and sounds of flesh tearing apart.

"Well, we are out of time. Tough luck."
I groaned in pain as the headache intensified. My raised hand sagged limply over my forehead, refusing to budge an inch. No matter how much I tried to will it to move, it just won't respond properly. Just twitching like some dead rat.

And what the hell do you mean I have to 'Destroy Ciel'?

Like hell I'm doing that. What did that voice take me for? Some violent serial killer? Hah, get ready to be disappointed then, 'cause I ain't going to get my hands dirtied on some vague threat.


But then again, that voice was making me sick just listening to it. But still, that thing was just asking too much out of me. No, no, no, I'm no murderer, I won't do i-

With that, presence vanishes, and you jerk back into the land of living, and as you do, the source of the screams becomes much more clear. In the window to your left, there is a gigantic lovecraftian beast, covered with bleeding gashes and injures; it is running, its tentacles and other limbs you don't know the name of haphazardly pulling it forward and a great speed; despite it's strange physique, you can sense the desperation, the need to get away from its pursuer who is quickly gaining on it.

It's hard to call the second figure anything but a ghost rider; a an armored, demonic knight on a fantastic, warped motorcycle follows the beast through the air like a crimson comet of malevolent energy; the sword in hand, they not so much drive as they fly, quickly shortening the distance between him and their prey.

And with a quickly growing horror you realize what both of them are straight on the collision course with your bus. One. Tw...

"-Die, Gilles, you piece of Fil-"
What. The. Fuck.

I've seen enough Japanese cartoons to know where this was going. I quickly moved my now functioning arms to the armrests, trying to hold myself in the chair. Gritting my teeth in anticipation of the impending crash.

Was this how it was going to end? Dying in an automobile accident in...some strange body, with some hentai tentacle monster thing heading right at me?

Oh God, what did I do to deserve this? Was it all those Harambe memes I posted? Or was it all those low effort posts I made on that one site? Please, let me live. I promised to stop with the Harambe and shitposting. I really meant it. I promised to change my lazy way if I ever make it out of this alive.


Oh God, I'm so boned.


Wait. I think I'm getting one of those so-called 'life flashing before my eyes just as I'm about to die' moment.

Shit! I'm too young and too pretty to die!

The screech of metal is deafening; the impact, disorienting, as it's force throws you out of the seats and through the window out of the bus; you feel almost like gravity relinquished it's grasp on you for a moment, only to jerk you back with a vengeance; in a long moment of adrenaline-fueled slowed time, you see both the creature and the knight pursuing it run through the metal corpse of your bus like it isn't even there, carelessly destroying the vehicle by the force of their passage.
Then you slam against and through something metallic and hit the ground painfully a moment later, while the bus continues to tumble forward like a paper model thrown aside by a petulant child.

No normal human could survive this kind of impact, but you do.
Wait. I'm alive? I'm alive! Oh thank you God, thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I will change my way from now on. I will my life more fruitfully from now on. No more shitposting on the Internet. No more Pepes. No more reaction gifs.

And most importantly, no more Harambe.

I was so happy to be alive that I could just kiss the ground!

... But I won't.
As you lie on the asphalt, feeling slightly alive, you see the final of the chase which broken into your life like a wrecking ball, interrupting your nice, calm ride on a bus; the pursuing knight cripples the beasts with repeated blows, the aura blazing around them still. There the murderous intent is clear, their victory is clear as it looks like beast is incapable of retaliating in any way - but then their victim almost splits in two it as it swallows him entirely, too quickly for the knight to react, too big to defend himself properly with a sword. The lovecraftian beast stands still, for a moment. Injured and crippled, it wobbles in place, before carefully trying to walk toward you...
Because it wasn't over just yet. Oh shit. I need to run.

I don't care that the hentai tentacle monster thing was about to drop dead at any moment. I ain't going to stay around long enough for it to touch me. Disgusting.

Come on legs. Do what you do best, and run! Move it! Why won't you move already!

Curses. Where's Medusa when you need her?

...And then, it explodes, bursting apart like a insect which tried to contain a storm; the sound erupting energy and the roaring winds make it feel like you are in the middle of a nuclear explosion. A pillar of crimson magical energy extends into the sky, and amongst the ruined remains of the beast, you see its source; a metal figure, holding a beam what seems to look like a fountain of magical energy in their hands.

It takes a few moments for the light to extinguish itself. The knight looks jerkily looks around, never turning toward you, and seems to take a deep breath.

"One down, six to go. " the figure speaks aloud, the signs of pain evident in their voice, and then just... vanishes into nothing, leaving you alone near a wreckage of a bus on an unfamiliar street in the middle of city you don't know.
Oh thank God, that's over with. Thought I just jumped from the frying pan and into the fire there. If I can't even handle a half dead hentai monster, I doubt I could handle whatever that knight thing was.

Bless my lucky star that it didn't notice me. And just disappeared into the ether...? Wait....Gilles.....tentacles....disappearing knight......large beam of red light...come on, come on. It's at the back of my mind. It's right there! It's on the tip of my tongue.

So, what was it...?!
The street you find yourself seems to be relatively urban, with tall buildings surrounding you; aside from the wreckage of the bus, there are surprisingly few cars around you, and what you see seems to have been hastily abandoned. Close by, you see what looks like a train-station. Further ahead, in the distance you see a tall building with letters "HYATT" emblazoned on it, and... Oh.

It looks like a small comet is going to slam into it in a few moments.

Well, that explained everything. The moment my eyes gazed upon the "HYATT" sign, I understood everything.

I'm utterly and thoroughly fucked. On sooooooo many levels.

However, before I could go on and have a freakout after just what happened, I walked towards to one of the empty cars. I needed to confirm something before I can go on any further. My body just doesn't feel right. The hands were too small, arms too thin. And the way I'm walking was way off. And not to mention, my feet were throbbing with every steps.

As I stepped up to a car's window, I took in everything my reflection had to offer. My eyes widened in panic and other emotions that I could describe best as 'oh fuck'. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I was a midget with purple twin-tails. And that everything I was seeing was all wrong from what I remembered my appearance was.

Tch. I still looked childish as always. The price to pay for beauty I supposed.

....No, I'm not going to blame Zelretch. The poor wizard-vampire already had it bad enough with all those fanfic writers using him as a shitty plot device. So, instead. I'm pinning this on that damned Gilgamesh fanboy that introduced me to Katanagatari, and went on about how it's my future. Goddammit, I'm blaming my transformation into a 'waifu' on that smug bastard. Well, at least I'm not actually the main heroine of that series. That would be a little too much on the nose.

Fuck, I needed some levity to calm my heart rate down. And that meteor crashing down into the hotel wasn't making it any better.

But at least that made my choice so much easier.

Time to book it to the train station, and hoped that the knight did their duties and Gilles was off dead somewhere.

Well, if worse comes to worse, at least my running speed had been increased dramatically, even if I'm running in heel. So there's that silver lining I supposed.

Humph. If only I have a helpful underling like dear little sis to carry me everywhere right now. That would certainly be lovely.

Countless stars glimmer beneath you, an aspect of the Dragon King, soar through the dimensional sea. Innumerable world's light the way in the darkness, so close, and yet so very far apart; never to touch one another, yet always aware of their presence. A grand orchestra of chaos, made real by your simple observation.

However, there is only one world that was of any import. The world the King of Summons had imparted a part of its essence, you, too. It is a world that stood on the precipice of annihilation, where not even the heroes of ancient times could hope to stand against the coming darkness.

The task of protecting the world was entreated to you. Yet there was still an order that needed to be maintained. To preserve this world order, you transform yourself into the most numerous species on the planet. Taking the shape of the humans, you prepare to gently enter the world, leaf into a pool of water.

But not everything is as it seems. As you begin the transition, you smash into some kind of… turbulence. All of a sudden, five billion eyes lock onto you as your body is pushed and pulled to and fro. You crash through the dimensional barrier, slowly dragged through as you fight to regain control of the situation.

All of a sudden you see it, the Skyline of Fuyuki City. In the distance, a plane approaches for landing, and below you are the city lights, as dazzling as the dimension sea. A thousand colors rush to great you as the citizens below go on with their lives, a magnificent sight to behold!

If only you weren't about to crash into the roof of one of Fuyuki's many skyscrapers. With a tremendous boom, you smash straight through the roof of the building, concrete, insulation, steel, and tiling as you bodily bypass the roof and top floor. Windows burst from your passage as you tumble deeper into the building.

Until, finally, you come to a halt. Your body landing with a dull thud, and squarely upon the black and gold sheets of a king sized bed. The room around you filled with spectacular opulence, even if the floor is covered in bits of rubble and glass shards.

There's a pause, and finally the coup de grace springs as a loud shrill emanates from above. A rapidly beating noise that grates at your ears and demands your attention, the fire alarm most likely.

"See, Think, Learn,"

You hear the fatherly voice of your heavenly counterpart. The whole of your being rumbles from across the dimensional sea in a distorted, garbled mess.

"Investigate the Holy Grail War,"

And then you are left with naught but the shrill of the alarm, and the surprisingly comfortable bed you lay upon.

The blare of a fire alarm was the first thing that she heard. While she understood the idea behind a alarm, it seemed that the mortal form of Bahamut would never truly be able to tolerate their existence. If it weren't for the fact that the alarm was hidden from her view, it would not have remained in the mortal world much longer.

A groan escaped her throat as thoughts pieced themselves together. The alarms purpose was to warn of fire. She smelled fire, of course, but humans used it to cook. She certainly didn't smell much more then that. That raised other ideas in her head, but then, fire wasn't much of a bother to her anyway.

With a catlike stretch, the human form of the King of Dragons crawled from bed and stared out the window. There didn't seem to be any large clouds. She had long enough to deal with what humans considered mandatory practices.

It was a oddity, to be sure. But there was work to be done. A strange happening to investigate. Humans had born on the cusp of godhood again, and likely weren't ready for the final step. They had fairly consistently proven not ready, if nothing else.

The mind still bore scars of that.

With a hum and a shuffle of clothes, the door clicked open and a pair of headphones began blaring at full power. First thing was first, though. Food. What amazing delicacies had humans come up with this time?

If the building burned down, so what? She didn't keep many important things anyway.
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The place between, for the souls numbered among neither the damned nor the sanctified, where they reside until, by toil and trial, the Lord sifts the the sin from within them.

For her, it is an endless dream of memories. An endless parade of battles fought, of struggles against beasts and Magi with flesh and steel and against kings and nations with a quill and ink. Of youth in her father's house, studying the holy Word, her life played out over and over and over....

And always the one memory. Sharper and clearer than all the rest.

".....oh, forgive me sister! The boy, he was fussy..."

"It is of no matter, child." She smiles at the younger woman, addressing who she believes to be a simple sister of the Church. An understandable error, given that she has discarded all her trappings and regalia, content to wander the palace in the garb of a simple cleric. And it is...pleasant, not to be looked upon as if her every pronouncement echoes with the power of Jesu Himself.

And she cannot be upset with the harried looking noblewoman, desperately bouncing her bawling babe on her hip. No, there are times for soft words, and this is one such.

"May I, little mother? I have some experience with children, and you seem to have mislaid your nurses..."

"Oh thank y...I mean, yes, certainly, sister."

Dear, sweet Mary...she is not sure the girl ever quite forgave her for their first meeting, when she later found out just who the scar faced Church agent she'd set to playing with her son was...

You deserved better. I should have done more. Done things differently. All the lives she bettered. All the evils she struck down. All the souls she sheltered and guided and protected...and the one I remember most clearly is the one I could not save.

Perhaps that is why she lingers here. The will of God is the will of God. To countermand it, to rail against it is to walk the sinner's path. And yet...

"...oh, forgive me sister! The boy, he was fussy..."

The sight of the cross is not a strange one to you. Nor, in deed, is the sight of crosses laid row upon row. As you stand between the gravestones that stretch across a quite plain, you wonder whose bright idea it was to summon you in such a place. Though it isn't too surprising that you were, at the very least summoned by a rather well cared for church. Indeed, on a second look it appeared as though everything from the church to the gravestones was something that was well taken care of.

You acclimate to the information sent by the Holy Grail well enough, stoically bearing the sudden surge of information as language, and knowledge of certain modern conventions is displayed to you in half a second. The year was 1994, over four hundred years after your death and subsequent ascension to the Throne of Heroes.

Yet where was your summoner, you see neither hide nor hair of them and ponder for a moment where they might have run off to.

And then a thousand voices spoke in unison. Their voice like an angelic choir, as big as the sea, rang from the sky above and spoke into your very soul.

"Listen, our earthly messenger, for yours is a task of great importance. There is a woman of great importance that you must protect. But her path is fraught with danger; the devil will seek to destroy her, and all that surrounds her. A thousand years of darkness will spread across the land if she is felled before her task is complete. And so I ask this, my child. Protect Maiya until the Berserker falls."

This is not right.

Lancer placed a hand on one of the grave markers, thrown by the bizarre circumstances she is confronted with. Summoned by no mortal hand, charged with...

And then she laughs. Softly, mocking her own momentary confusion. Bizarre? Say rather, miraculous. And then she kneels, going to her knees in the dew and damp as she offers a prayer of thanksgiving, asking for the fortitude to perform the task the Father has charged her with.

The woman kneeling in the graveyard wears a loose fitting shirt and trousers of white, with a black cloak flung over her shoulders. It is something like the garb of a Dominican monk, but tailored to allow freedom of movement in ways flowing robes would not. To those who are knowledgeable in such matters, her clothing marks her as a true Hound of God, an agent of divine punishment, ancestor of those who today style themselves "Executors".

The face beneath her cloak's cowl is leathery and lined from the sun, a scar beginning over her right eye and sliding down her cheek. She is certainly not a young woman, her weathered features and dark hair shot with grey (verging on grey shot with dark) make that clear, but younger than when her mortal life ended.

Her features have the cast of a fanatic, a zealot, far more suited to scowls than smiles, but they have not been entirely untouched by softer emotions, marks of love and laughter mingling with those wrath and woe have worn into her face.

Protect Maiya.

Another young woman hounded by Satan and his agents. A chance to make amends for her past failings. And perhaps...?

Lancer sets the thought aside with a jerk of her head, rising to her feet as she makes the sign of a cross. With a careful tread she leaves the graveyard, noting with approval the signs of care and concern spent in tending the grounds. Soon enough, she reaches the entrance to this house of God and raps sharply on its front door.
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It's a strange feeling, coming back to life. You distinctly recall the snake hunter's scythe slicing through your neck, separating flesh and tendon and bone as the Greek hero Perseus neatly decapitated your monstrous form. And the encroaching darkness that fell upon your vision as a curtain as your life came to its miserable end.

Rider's head was a hazy fog and her body wasn't much better. She could hardly stand up straight, and her limbs held little strength. As soon as she began wondering where she was the answers bombarded her like a tsunami of frozen shards carving into her skull.

Yet here you are, standing in an empty house as you come to grips with the information you've obtained. A thick layer of dust and dirt clings to every surface of the room, pots and pans thrown wherever in an act of sacrilege against housekeepers. The occasional bug crawls or flies from crevices in the corners of the ceiling or windows. Though for all you know, the owners are simply messy. The smell wafting in from the living room painted a picture of absolute delight. The tasty scent of pork, cooked just right. Fit for a king, if you had to judge.

The year is 1994. From the abyss of death, you have summoned from the Throne of Heroes to participate in the Holy Grail War. The land you're currently in is Japan, and you are in Fuyuki City.

Information flooded into your brain, bringing you 'up to speed' with this modern culture. It's just enough that you can function in this new society, if nothing else you know how to ask for directions. More importantly, you were all too aware of just what you have been summoned to do.

As Servant Rider, you were expected to fight others that have been summoned from the Throne of Heroes in a grand tournament of sorts. The winner would receive the blessing of the Holy Grail, and with it, one wish of near unlimited power.

The time. The year. The location. The setting.

The last thing she remembered was experimenting with Eco-mode to lessen the strain on her Master, back in the Emiya household. Back in 2004. She shouldn't be here. This shouldn't even be possible, but in the infinite kaleidoscope, someone had decided her karma was shit. Not that there weren't enough reasons or justifications, but Rider wasn't concerned for herself. She never was. Instead, she was worried about Sakura and Shiro.

But there is something else. A girlish voice speaks softly in your mind with a voice laced with venom and fervor as she compels you to do her bidding.

"Oh goddess, who walks among mere mortals once more. There is a woman who has arrived from another world. Her life be as a vortex of suffering that engulfs all that surround her. Kill this so called 'holy warrior' and spare the world some unneeded despair when the skinwalker finds her."

"Maybe you could try and do something useful for once. Do that instead of spending your entire worthless life eating your sisters."

Having a voice project into her head was a little unsettling, but their barb was even less so. Still, the sarcasm dredged up unpleasant memories. While she cared little for a stranger's opinion, Rider's guilt was more than capable of crafting up her own personal hell of judgement. The blood on her hands, the stain on her soul would never go away.

As she shook the mental cobwebs, Rider began examining her surroundings. Dwelling on the past could wait till later. It wasn't as if she was likely to see her sisters anytime soon.

The voice fades, and you're left alone once more. The sound of the night life echo's from the outdoors, beckoning you. And yet there's perhaps something still left in the house. As tiny red flecks dot the hard wooden floors and you can't help but notice a congregation of flies in the corner of the next room, just beyond a broken in door.

To someone who had bathed themselves in violence and bloodshed, Rider would never mistake that scent, nor the repugnant decay.

She quickly transformed from a child less than a foot high into her true form, ready for battle. The lack of light did little to hinder her. Most of Rider's life was spent in a world of darkness.

Rider's senses reached through the broken slats, and once she didn't sense any immediate danger, she opened the door leading to the next room.

Was she worried about the danger? Of course. But she'd rather confirm the source than worry about "shadows." The unknown monster under the bed was scarier than something you could see and quantify.

You wake up. It's not a pleasant, slow awakening of the start of the weekend.

And neither it is an unpleasant but familiar awakening by an alarm clock, as no pressing realization of the need to hurry up anywhere, neither an annoying noise tries to drags you out of the bed.

No, you because something painfully pokes you in the ribs. You twitch away from the unpleasant sensation, only to hit something with your everything, stumble – how did you manage to fall asleep while standing, you wonder for a long, strange moment - and painfully fall on some sort of hard surface; a mountain of items, follows you, impacting your body like a shower of hail, holding your down...
"Arrgghh" Sumireko groaned as the pleasant embrace of sleep left her with a sharp jolt to her sensitive ribs. She'd been having such a great time too~, Reimu had been hosting another party at the shrine and the food was so good with Mokou and Sakuya starting a cooking battle to see who could make the best Yakitori (Sumireko thought Mokou's spicy version was the best).

Now instead of enjoying delicious grilled meat she was here...wherever here she'd been sleeping while standing up (not all that strange for her, although she preferred the occasional ceiling nap, aren't psychic powers amazing?) and was now being crushed between a pile of junk and a hard place making it the third worse wake up she'd had since her visits to Gensokyo began.
...Until the pressure lessens, and the moment later, you hear a heavenly voice.

"A man derides entertainment from the suffering of others. For that purpose, he made an infernal act with a creature which shed it body behind like an empty shell. No mundane opposition can overcome their union.

Destroy Uryuu."

As voice finishes speaking, the painful pressure returns, renewed, increasing ever further, until the surface you were plastered against starts giving to the pressure in with a shudder and screech of breaking wood and metal and...
Okay add heavenly voices in her head to the situation, did Kaguya sabotage Mokou's cooking by throwing some of Eirin's shady drugs into the spices? templates like that are forbidden. Besides the description was so vague, that matched like half the Youkai she knew and many more that she didn't!! At least give her a picture mysterious voice that may or may not be a Lunarian drug induced hallucination!!

At least it relieved the pressure on her-NOPE!! It's back. Okay time to flex her powers and escape this situation-

...and you painfully fall out of the tight, suffocating closet you were locked in. The door you were heavily leaning onto flaps wide open with a sound which can only mean a broken lock, while a literal forest of brooms follows you down to the floor, almost exploding out of the space too small to such a great number of cleaning appliances.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch. Why these are so heavy, anyway?

As you slowly crawl out of the pile of brooms, and get a chance to look around, you realize what it looks you are in some sort of a school... But the specific locations elude you. It's nighttime, the corridor you fell into is unfamiliar.
-but before she could do anything the closet burst open sending her tumbling to the ground followed by enough brooms to supply the Scarlet Devil Mansion's maids for a month, they ever were the extra thick kind that didn't break as easily.

"Oww" she groan as she crawled out from her wooden prison, a quick flex of telekinetic power throwing all the brooms back into the closet and slamming the door shut, allowing her to get her first look at the place she's found herself in. It looked like a school and even if she'd taken to sleeping as often as possible during her time there she was certain it wasn't her school which ruled out someone putting her in there as a prank which still leaves the question where is she?
Nearby is a window; you do not recognize the landscape you see in it. Directly in front of you is a fairly typical schoolyard, and away from you are the lights of the unknown city you never saw before.

You almost turn away, until a bright, expanding pillar of crimson light-energy shines far away in the distance, tall and bright enough to eclipse any structure, any building nearby - and the shockwave of the distant explosion rattles the windows moments later.
Looking out the window the mystery only deepened, the city looked nothing like the one where she lived (not enough skyscrapers) which ruled out someone sticking her sleeping body in a storage closet as a prank...again. Does that make this an incident or a Youkai pranks? Or maybe it's-

Her train of thought was cut off by the pillar of crimson light that rattled the windows even from so far away. Now a normal person would probably think that it was probably dangerous and they should stay away or call the police, however for someone who'd visited Gensokyo daily for a while not Sumireko's response was ...different.

'That looks so cool!!' she thought opening the window 'I have to get closer before it's over' were the thoughts running through her head as she leaped out the window, her powers taking hold so that rather than plummeting to the ground below she began to fly through the air towards the source of the red light with her tablet phone already in position to start taking pictures.
You find yourself face first with shiny wood, or so it looked. As you push yourself off, it's fairly evident that this 'wood' is nothing of the sort. It is far too shiny, with a grain that appears painted on no less. You found yourself seated in some kind of elaborate torture device, trapped with the 'table' in front of you and a most uncomfortable 'chair' behind that jabs into your royal backside.

Your only relief is that whoever was in charge of your torture was incompetent enough to leave the device open for escape. Also fortunate, was that in spite of being surrounded by a dozen of similar torturous devices, you happen to be the only occupant of the room. Good! That saves you the trouble of needing to rescue your subjects.
Well. I can't quite remember my day was supposed to go, but I can safely say that waking up in a torture device wasn't in the plan. First order of buisness: Slip out of its embrace before it can close on me, in case it can be closed remotely. And so it is done, with catlike grace befitting the king. Next, of course, is figuring out what to do from here.

The first step is obvious, at least. As magnificently uncomfortable as it is, I've never seen a torture device like the one I found myself waking up in. Into the gate it goes! Now, then, the room...
Still, the location of your torture is a… interesting one at least. Save for the skeleton in the corner, the room was quite cheerful, even in the dark. Full of healthy plants, decorations, and even somewhat crude drawings, extremely crude drawings. Actually they are all unbelievably bad.

Although there is a strange 'notice' in the center of the pack, hidden among the worst drawings you have ever seen. Something about 'stranger danger', and to remain in groups of three or more, or to always be with an adult.

The size of these torturous devices becomes clear, now. Conditioning children with these contraptions until they give in... Well, I wasn't just going to leave this place whole before, but it does seem a bit worse now. I should probably get started on it now, in fact. A snap of my fingers, and rippling gold appears around me. Blades fly through the air, one to each contraption, and the fake wood and metal is split and crumpled, twenty of the infernal things reduced to small pieces in an instant.

Right, now for the next room. Or for whatever guards the place has, that was pretty noisy. I take a step towards the door, before being interrupted.
There isn't a lot of time to ponder the meaning behind these words. A markedly timid voice breaks into your mind.

"Oh… uh.. hello your majesty. I need your help! A man named Kayneth wanders this city, and will bring nothing but death and suffering onto the innocent if someone can't stop him! U.Unn, if you could stop him, that'd be nice…"
Oh! My first supplicant here, wherever here is! Well, if they're speaking to me in my mind, then naturally, I should think my reply at them rather than reply out loud.

"I can't help but notice I'm not waking up where I went to sleep. Was that your doing?" They could have chosen a better place for it, certainly, but I can't be too mad if it let me find out about this place.
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At your back was a great tiled wall, and along the wall dotted a strange black post. Inside of the post was a great many dates and times. There, off to the right of the post is another one. But this one seems to be carrying some kind of map. A brief scan of this paper brought your attention to a bright arrow, with the words "You are here" listed above some place called "Shinto".
This definitely was not Elena's room.

While she didn't have the benefits of a formal education like the scions of Count McGuire, she was pretty sure that wherever this 'Shinto' was, it was nowhere near Felghana. Hell, she was pretty sure it wasn't even near the Romun Empire's territory. Maybe it wasn't even part of the Erasian or Afrocan Continents! She shuddered involuntarily at that thought. While adventuring was something of a childhood fancy of hers, she had never imagined she'd have reached this far out from home already.

And then you hear it, a voice that penetrates your mind with ease as you attempt to get your bearings.

"They say the blood of Genos flows through your veins. Very good! That means you're excellent at slaying Demons. You'll need those skills in the future, and it makes your task much easier. A man eater walks the streets of this city, but don't mistake me. I don't need you to kill her. For you see, your task is not one of extermination, but protection. Protect the Assassin until the Gorgon Medusa falls. Do this, and I shall reward you spectacularly. Maybe even bring that brother of yours back to life."

Before you can ask any questions, there's a great rumbling from up above. Dust falls from the ceiling, the strange underground tunnel that you've awakened in shakes like an earthquake, the black information pillar falls over and so do many of the… art pieces that hang from the wall.
Medusa was a rather unusual name, and what in the blazes was a Gorgon? Berhardt was a well-traveled man and he had schooled Elena in the many ways of combat and the various dangers of the world as he did Dogi and Chester before her, but the man never talked about this 'Gorgon'. Likewise, her previous forays into Count McGuire's library bore no fruit for this particular mystery.

Still, the voice had mentioned her ancestor and how useful his particular set of gifts were suited for this city, so while Medusa may not be a demon, the other horrors that lurked in this city may not be as lucky.

The earth shook and Elena was taken away from her musings as vague half-remembered memories of Galbalan's last moments replaced them. Still, she had not reacquired her ancestor's sword from the bottom of the ocean by being easily dazed. On instinct, she leapt away from the information pillar with childlike ease as one hand held onto the hilt of Genos' sword.

Mana flowed from the weapon and into her body as she dashed around the underground tunnel towards what she hoped was an exit. If all else failed, the explosive barrier spell she was keeping in reserve until the last moment should prevent her from being crushed by rubble.
My mind is hazy, almost like I'm half-awake in a dream. While I'm standing on...a wall? I can't figure out where I am, other than the man in front of me, Clothed in an archaic form of dress, chalk-white hair falling over one eye. I try to ask what's going on, but no words come out of my mouth.
Do not be afraid. While this is not how I would want to meet, I give what aid I can to you.
Instead, another unfamiliar voice echoes out into my mind.
Many are the trials you shall face shortly. I cannot stay longer than this, but I offer you this advice: You have your ideals. Stay steadfast to what you believe. Until the very end.
As the voice finishes, the haze on my mind increases until I cannot even see in front of me, a frigid wind blowing across my face-

You find yourself standing upon wings of metal, the roar and hiss of an engine beneath and to the side of your body as you brave the unbelievable wind pressure of flight. Below you, off to the side of the jet, there was nothing but great darkness. But tiny specs of light gathered over the horizon, like tiny embers of a great flame.

How you got there is a mystery even to yourself. Your last few memories before waking up half shoved into the jet engine of the turbine were blurry, though your subsequent self-rescue less so. Strangely, nobody seemed to notice the girl clinging desperately to the right wing of the plane. Perhaps… perhaps they were hit by a spell of some kind!

Slowly, you began to get a grip on things. As you adjusted to the wind threatening to push you into the ocean, you slowly became a bit more confident in your movements, and soon after ready to attempt the standing position you are in now.

It was a bit worrying that you had no contact with your compatriots in Chaldea, but the lack of sudden threats was a mild relief.

And finally, after what seems like an eternity of staring into nothing, you finally see some signs of civilization. Across the horizon those tiny specs of light spread out into hundreds upon hundreds of different colors from all different kinds of places. From skyscrapers, down to lowly city lights, all are equally represented as the plane approaches the city with all the grace a flying hunk of metal can muster.

And then, from the ground, a familiar blast of light erupted forth. Soaring through the air, barely missing your ride as it hurtled towards the empty ocean, cloud split in two as the beam travels and dissipates into nothing.

Your ride harshly turns an aerial dodge worthy of legend as it barely avoids bisection. Your grip on your portion of wing goes down to the knuckle as you narrowly avoid plummeting into the frigid water below. Or onto the pavement as it so happened.

Before you have a chance to even question the nature of the attack, a kingly voice rings in your mind.

"A great man lingers in this city, though his pride blinds him. He can change things for the better if given the opportunity. Yet a monster wander's the streets at night, and threatens to safety of all. And so I give this task to you, knight of the shield. Protect the magus Kayneth, until the monster Uryuu has fallen."

The occupants of the plane all panic as the pilot roughly fights for control and you cling still as the words pulse through your brain, and ponder as your pilot begins making headway towards the landing strip.
I returned to wakefulness with a snap and a sudden stumble backwards; not a good thing when you turn out to be on the outside of a plane. I'd barely managed to grab onto something before I finished the tumble off the wing.
Imminent drop into the ocean aside, it was a bit hard not to notice that the hand clinging onto the edge of the plane was apparently armoured. Looking to the other arm would reveal it holding onto a bigass shield, but worrying over either of these could wait until I wasn't in danger.

Given a bit of time, I eventually managed to wedge said bigass shield on to one of the plane's engines, giving me a foothold to leap my other foot back onto the wing. From there, it was just a matter of scrambling the other two limbs, shield in hand, into a lying position on the wing. Hopefully, nobody in the plane is wierded out by this, but while I'm clinging for my life, I've got nothing much to do but wait and try to sort through my hazy memories.
By the time my ride's destination started coming into veiw, I'd managed to work my way up to standing on the wing once more, shield held to my side. While my memories were still fuzzy, I could tell that whatever had happened to me, it had effected my body; no human could survive plane-surfing like I was currently doing; therefore, I had to have turned into something in a completely different level to humanity. A night entry to wherever I was also stymied attempts to identify my location based on the lay of the land; not that my limited geographic experience would've helped with that if I wasn't in England.
As the plane drifted in, any more musing came to a sharp halt as instincts I didn't even know I had screamed, a crimson blade of energy soaring uncomfortably close to the left as the jet made an abrupt vertical tilt.
Excaliblast. A category of beamswords that fire a line of energy at the opponent, most famously wielded by half the Round Table. Hence the term. My more immediate concerns were frantically grabbing at the far tip of the wing as I fell, though.

And as I hung for dear life, a voice echoed in my head. Kayneth...the name is ringing a bell in my head; something to do with a hotel. And while the voice doesn't have good timing at all, maybe I'll actually be able to get some explanations with this Kayneth.

But first, I need to survive my landing. I somehow doubt people on the ground will be happy about a medical cosplayer dangling from the plane, but I have little choice. Once I get close enough to the ground, I'm probably going to led go, set this bigass shield downwards, and take the impact.
@God and the Snake

It is a rather small area, where you find yourself. Stone on three sides and glass on the forth, your movement is somewhat confined, if you didn't want to break the glass.

Stretching out long ways is an option, but the logs and small plants around you would make that uncomfortable. To say nothing about the snakes that are wrapping around your limbs. They seem rather comfortable where they are, and would rather you not move.

"Oh, now this is ironic, isn't it?"

A voice comes from nowhere, speaking into your mind.

"I was looking for a protector, and find you instead? How amusing. Ah, nevertheless, you have an important duty."

One of the longer snakes takes a moment to coil around your neck. It seems rather proud of itself.

"The one known as 'Medusa' has a task I would like to see fulfilled, but may face difficulty in accomplishing it. Protect them for me, would you not? At least until this 'Archer' is dead..."

And with that, the voice fades.

If Perseus understood a single fact, it was that the world was cyclic. Stories repeated - the grandson of a king slew a monster, usurped a king, and assumed his throne. Then that king's grandson slew a monster, wed a king's daughter, and assumed a divine throne. Concepts repeated as well, those same stories and ideas repeated infinitely, over and over, a thousand rebirths by a thousand voices. Life itself repeated, an endless cycle of souls being scrubbed clean in Akasha and being cast into the world, only to return perhaps a scant few decades later.

The world functioned, Perseus was confidant, upon an endlessly repeating chain of cycles that a more ignorant man would refer to as either fate or irony. Thus, when he was dragged, rather roughly, back into the physical world, trapped in a glass outhouse full of snakes, and told to defend to horrible monstrosity he'd slain as a youth, the King-of-Actual-Heroes-And-Not-Arrogant-Blonde-Shits was only mildly irritated rather then outright confused.

And thus, he turned his attention towards more stately matters rather then his newfound reason for living - mainly, how he could escape this horrible snake pit.

After a few moments, he decided that filling a pit full of magical snakes would be quite absurd, and thus astralized himself as a means of escape.
Something is wrong. Not the scene, which while terrible is easily explicable. But something is wrong with her. She can't remember how she came to this spot. She knows everything about her past, but the events leading up to this are a complete blank.

'This is...'

The feeling of wrongness intensifies as something began to speak inside her head. Something unfamiliar.

The scene was entirely familiar. A Dead Apostle had attacked, or sent some of its puppets upon them, or perhaps even sent a successful Vampire that was still bound to its parent. Whatever the case, the result would be the same in the end. They would all become Deads, or in a rare case, a Ghoul.

It wouldn't be much longer before they rose. She'd have to...

'Why am I here?!'

She remembered things. She could remember things that she was absolutely certain had happened to her, and others that she was absolutely certain did not. Or...

Something cold settled into her stomach. This was the same as always, but it was also different. She'd never felt this way before when confronted with this scene. She could view it completely dispassionately, as simple clean-up to force out the parent Dead Apostle by cutting off the energy supply they siphoned from their familiars feeding. Not this time. What had happened here was horrible, and whatever caused it needed to die as soon as possible. That came from the memories that she was sure weren't hers. Maybe. She felt completely confused. One of the memory and experience sets was much longer than the other, but the shorter one felt richer, in some way she couldn't quite describe.

That one, the one slumped over, would be the most likely to become a Ghoul... or perhaps it was the perpetrator, a younger Vampire that had caused this directly on its masters orders. Either way, she'd destroy it first. The idea of getting information out of it was less important than the possibility of it getting away and staying a new source of infection once she destroyed the controlling parent.

Something snapped within me. I felt... more whole. The dissonance between 'me' and 'me' was fading. I'm definitely Arcueid Brunestud, but I'm not sure who Arcueid Brunestud really is. I'll figure that out later.

I move, fingers transforming into claws, and the space between me and the slumped up corpse vanishing as if it never existed, with a single swipe, I should be able toi scatter it completely, and then move to obliterate the rest of these former unfortunates who have become simple puppets in the space of a few instants.

You move. Your form like a ghost as you speed towards the restless dead on the ground, so blurred that your visage is illusory, blurred and almost intangible. The corpse explodes into a meaty slurry as your claws decimate its form like a wrecking ball through a straw house. Thick ropey bits of flesh and sinew dangle on your pristine hands, blood dripping down onto the ground beneath your feet.

Eliminating the now corpses of men, women, and children that surround you is a similarly easy task. Moving like a human sized bullet, you swiftly deal with the walking dead; their dull, dead eyes only having scant few seconds to comprehend the threat in their midst. One quick swipe here, another there, and the bodies of ordinary humans are simply swept away in a tide of violence that threatens to spill out of the relatively contained area of the alleyway.

Your left standing alone in the dark and cold, as not a single corpse is left in any state to so much as twitch in the aftermath of your brutal assault. Even as you wade through a pile of gore, you can't really sense anything unusual about the area. Whoever was responsible for this has long since come and gone, or perhaps is capable of hiding themselves from you.

For a moment all I can do is lie there, staring at the lake before me in incomprehension.

And how else was I expected to react? One moment, I was in the battlefield, ready to fight and die. And the next... I was here. Safe, and alone. The terror and excitement of battle are leaving me, slowing my heart from it's war-drum beat to something more sedate, and letting me know just how taxing the fight had been...

... But I am a knight. Dame Valerie von Brandenburg, the right hand of Emperor Barbarossa. I still have strength left... and even if I didn't, there are more dignified positions to recover it from than lying in the sand.

I get to my feet and stand tall, brushing dirt and sand from my armour. My right hand still clutches my sword, so I return it to its sheath, the blade sliding home with a quiet noise. And, though there is nobody here... I keep one hand on the pommel.

Now... to find this Kayneth. Is he near? Far?

In danger?

Sighing, I close my eyes... and open my mind.

The vision in your mind's eye is awash with an endless sea of golden fog. The future near incomprehensibly blocked from your sight. The flow of time resists your efforts, matching you pound for pound, escalating as you push through the 'fog' blocking your clairvoyance in a way you've never experienced.

However it isn't entirely pointless. As you push further and further, small 'clips' appear in your mind. You see a bronze man standing atop a chariot as it soars through the sky, his features obscured from your vision as he flies at tremendous speeds. A silver-blue light flickers from down below, flying upwards as the Rider narrowly dodges the first volley, a massive explosion buffeting the chariot as he maintains control.

Yet before you could see more, something pushes back against you. A terrifying presence, one of immeasurable scale that you've never ever felt before, and with a great deal of anger toward you and you personally. Whatever was pushing against you before, is absolutely done with gradual escalation. There's a sudden, terrifying surge of energy that rushes towards you.

You jerk back to reality as one final image flies through your mind's eye at lightning speed. There's barely time for you to catch more than a glimpse before it vanishes back into the ethereal fog, and any further attempts to retrieve it lead only to the thing clouding your vision pushing back against your attempts as the golden wisps harden like cement.

You have an answer though. To the east, among an alien city of metal and machinery, there was a man dressed in strange blue robes. His short blond hair swept back as a look of absolute disdain crosses his face. The entire city hidden below him as he looks down from what was easily one of the tallest structures you've ever seen in your life.

The blare of a fire alarm was the first thing that she heard. While she understood the idea behind a alarm, it seemed that the mortal form of Bahamut would never truly be able to tolerate their existence. If it weren't for the fact that the alarm was hidden from her view, it would not have remained in the mortal world much longer.

A groan escaped her throat as thoughts pieced themselves together. The alarms purpose was to warn of fire. She smelled fire, of course, but humans used it to cook. She certainly didn't smell much more then that. That raised other ideas in her head, but then, fire wasn't much of a bother to her anyway.

With a catlike stretch, the human form of the King of Dragons crawled from bed and stared out the window. There didn't seem to be any large clouds. She had long enough to deal with what humans considered mandatory practices.

It was a oddity, to be sure. But there was work to be done. A strange happening to investigate. Humans had born on the cusp of godhood again, and likely weren't ready for the final step. They had fairly consistently proven not ready, if nothing else.

The mind still bore scars of that.

With a hum and a shuffle of clothes, the door clicked open and a pair of headphones began blaring at full power. First thing was first, though. Food. What amazing delicacies had humans come up with this time?

If the building burned down, so what? She didn't keep many important things anyway.

Lured by the thought of the delicacies of the 1990's, you stride out of the door with your headphones blaring out whatever music you desire. You step into the hallway without a care and immediately spot the signs that mark the elevators and the stairwell. Across the hall you see the numbers 2932 etched into the gold colored plate of the oak door. It appears you landed in quite the large building.

A building, it seems, that's owners employ a mage of some talent. Though clearly not up to par with your magnificence, you none the less run straight into some kind of multi layered defense, smashing it apart like a bull through a china shop as you continue along your merry way.

It seems someone doesn't really want you on this floor, or maybe your landing simply activated the defenses. Regardless, what used to be a relatively quiet corridor awakens in frenzy, icky black tendrils emerging from the walls, some kind of ghost crawls across the ceiling, long black hair draping over its face as a guttural croak echoes from within the spirit.

You can feel the presence of other such creatures from down below, along the hum of magic from the floor above and below you, a floor by floor defense that made each floor a gauntlet in and of themselves. Whoever owned this hotel clearly designed it to be an impenetrable fortress.

Too bad it ran into you.

I....uhhh..what? What was I doing again? I remembered reading a book on my bed, I think? Or was I up late watching some of those late night shows with the guys again? Man, I need to stop doing that, my sleeping schedule was shot up to high heaven.

Ughhhhh. Now my head's beginning to throb in pain because of lack of sleep. Swell.

I raised a hand to my forehead, and started rubbing it in the vain attempt to stop the pain. It didn't really click into my mind that my hand suddenly seemed smaller until I felt metal bits rubbing across my skin.

I paused and blinked, taking in the sight of my hand and the pretty, dangling jewelry adorned over it.

Wait, what?

Where...where the hell am I?!

How? What? When? Where? Why? Who? What the fuck?

That's not my hand. That's not my hand. That's not my hand. That's not my hand!

Shit, shit, shit, this can't be happening.

No, no way in hell.

I groaned in pain as the headache intensified. My raised hand sagged limply over my forehead, refusing to budge an inch. No matter how much I tried to will it to move, it just won't respond properly. Just twitching like some dead rat.

And what the hell do you mean I have to 'Destroy Ciel'?

Like hell I'm doing that. What did that voice take me for? Some violent serial killer? Hah, get ready to be disappointed then, 'cause I ain't going to get my hands dirtied on some vague threat.


But then again, that voice was making me sick just listening to it. But still, that thing was just asking too much out of me. No, no, no, I'm no murderer, I won't do i-

What. The. Fuck.

I've seen enough Japanese cartoons to know where this was going. I quickly moved my now functioning arms to the armrests, trying to hold myself in the chair. Gritting my teeth in anticipation of the impending crash.

Was this how it was going to end? Dying in an automobile accident in...some strange body, with some hentai tentacle monster thing heading right at me?

Oh God, what did I do to deserve this? Was it all those Harambe memes I posted? Or was it all those low effort posts I made on that one site? Please, let me live. I promised to stop with the Harambe and shitposting. I really meant it. I promised to change my lazy way if I ever make it out of this alive.


Oh God, I'm so boned.


Wait. I think I'm getting one of those so-called 'life flashing before my eyes just as I'm about to die' moment.

Shit! I'm too young and too pretty to die!

Wait. I'm alive? I'm alive! Oh thank you God, thank you. Thank you. Thank you! I will change my way from now on. I will my life more fruitfully from now on. No more shitposting on the Internet. No more Pepes. No more reaction gifs.

And most importantly, no more Harambe.

I was so happy to be alive that I could just kiss the ground!

... But I won't.

Because it wasn't over just yet. Oh shit. I need to run.

I don't care that the hentai tentacle monster thing was about to drop dead at any moment. I ain't going to stay around long enough for it to touch me. Disgusting.

Come on legs. Do what you do best, and run! Move it! Why won't you move already!

Curses. Where's Medusa when you need her?

Oh thank God, that's over with. Thought I just jumped from the frying pan and into the fire there. If I can't even handle a half dead hentai monster, I doubt I could handle whatever that knight thing was.

Bless my lucky star that it didn't notice me. And just disappeared into the ether...? Wait....Gilles.....tentacles....disappearing knight......large beam of red light...come on, come on. It's at the back of my mind. It's right there! It's on the tip of my tongue.

So, what was it...?!


Well, that explained everything. The moment my eyes gazed upon the "HYATT" sign, I understood everything.

I'm utterly and thoroughly fucked. On sooooooo many levels.

However, before I could go on and have a freakout after just what happened, I walked towards to one of the empty cars. I needed to confirm something before I can go on any further. My body just doesn't feel right. The hands were too small, arms too thin. And the way I'm walking was way off. And not to mention, my feet were throbbing with every steps.

As I stepped up to a car's window, I took in everything my reflection had to offer. My eyes widened in panic and other emotions that I could describe best as 'oh fuck'. Imagine my surprise when I found out that I was a midget with purple twin-tails. And that everything I was seeing was all wrong from what I remembered my appearance was.

Tch. I still looked childish as always. The price to pay for beauty I supposed.

....No, I'm not going to blame Zelretch. The poor wizard-vampire already had it bad enough with all those fanfic writers using him as a shitty plot device. So, instead. I'm pinning this on that damned Gilgamesh fanboy that introduced me to Katanagatari, and went on about how it's my future. Goddammit, I'm blaming my transformation into a 'waifu' on that smug bastard. Well, at least I'm not actually the main heroine of that series. That would be a little too much on the nose.

Fuck, I needed some levity to calm my heart rate down. And that meteor crashing down into the hotel wasn't making it any better.

But at least that made my choice so much easier.

Time to book it to the train station, and hoped that the knight did their duties and Gilles was off dead somewhere.

Well, if worse comes to worse, at least my running speed had been increased dramatically, even if I'm running in heel. So there's that silver lining I supposed.

Humph. If only I have a helpful underling like dear little sis to carry me everywhere right now. That would certainly be lovely.

Running in heels might not be the smartest idea you've ever had. Your feet impact the ground with clicks and clacks as you charge headfirst towards safety, heels digging in as you dash across cold hard pavement. The wreckage swiftly passes beyond your sight as you cross empty intersections and roads, the many skyscrapers and buildings swiftly obscure the carnage that you left behind.

Luckily, there seems to be no chance of you running into the armored knight. Whoever he or she was, they vanished into the night without so much as a how-do-you-do. Thank yourself for small favors.

Unluckily, it seems that there aren't many people out in the streets on the evening of your summoning, or any at all as it turns out. The city streets that you find yourself walking are barren, devoid of anyone who you could even talk to for information. For better or worse, there isn't much in your way as you move through the empty city streets. Occasionally a couple of signs pop out as 'minutely interesting', mostly milk carton 'missing' posters talking about some kid or the other.

Not that it matters, after all. It isn't your problem, right?

Fortunately for you, you finally come across someone who might be able to help you out. Some blond haired girl almost standing right in your path as you leap over a barricade, and run just beyond a subway tunnel.

This definitely was not Elena's room.

While she didn't have the benefits of a formal education like the scions of Count McGuire, she was pretty sure that wherever this 'Shinto' was, it was nowhere near Felghana. Hell, she was pretty sure it wasn't even near the Romun Empire's territory. Maybe it wasn't even part of the Erasian or Afrocan Continents! She shuddered involuntarily at that thought. While adventuring was something of a childhood fancy of hers, she had never imagined she'd have reached this far out from home already.

Medusa was a rather unusual name, and what in the blazes was a Gorgon? Berhardt was a well-traveled man and he had schooled Elena in the many ways of combat and the various dangers of the world as he did Dogi and Chester before her, but the man never talked about this 'Gorgon'. Likewise, her previous forays into Count McGuire's library bore no fruit for this particular mystery.

Still, the voice had mentioned her ancestor and how useful his particular set of gifts were suited for this city, so while Medusa may not be a demon, the other horrors that lurked in this city may not be as lucky.

The earth shook and Elena was taken away from her musings as vague half-remembered memories of Galbalan's last moments replaced them. Still, she had not reacquired her ancestor's sword from the bottom of the ocean by being easily dazed. On instinct, she leapt away from the information pillar with childlike ease as one hand held onto the hilt of Genos' sword.

Mana flowed from the weapon and into her body as she dashed around the underground tunnel towards what she hoped was an exit. If all else failed, the explosive barrier spell she was keeping in reserve until the last moment should prevent her from being crushed by rubble.

Your mad charge out of the tunnel turns out to be somewhat… unnecessary. The rumblings of the earth above you come to a rolling stop as whatever violent shift that had been expected to occur simply died off gently. For all the dust that had been kicked and thrown up, for all that the walls seemed to rattle, ultimately there was relatively little damage done.

Still, it wasn't wasted. You rush up the cold stone stairs, with its handrails rattling from the tremors, and find yourself standing in an altogether foreign, one might even say alien, city. Luckily the area is well lit, and it's easy to see where everything is going. Emerging from the tunnel, the first thing you see is a large glass dome overhead, a line of benches just a short ways beyond. Though you still hear some rumblings, it doesn't seem to be quite the same as it was in the tunnel, and not just because it wasn't shaking the ground. A small car drives up the street, paying no heed to you as it hurries on its way, wheels screeching as it flies through the streets.

More importantly, up overhead you see the last flickers of a dying red light in the horizon. A row of clouds are hewn in what undoubtedly must be its wake, stretching out into the dark blue yonder.

Of course this distraction is the reason why you are 'nearly' ran over by some purple haired tart speeding through the area, moving faster than what you'd expect for someone dressed in such a formal dress, and heels.

My mind is hazy, almost like I'm half-awake in a dream. While I'm standing on...a wall? I can't figure out where I am, other than the man in front of me, Clothed in an archaic form of dress, chalk-white hair falling over one eye. I try to ask what's going on, but no words come out of my mouth.
Do not be afraid. While this is not how I would want to meet, I give what aid I can to you.
Instead, another unfamiliar voice echoes out into my mind.
Many are the trials you shall face shortly. I cannot stay longer than this, but I offer you this advice: You have your ideals. Stay steadfast to what you believe. Until the very end.
As the voice finishes, the haze on my mind increases until I cannot even see in front of me, a frigid wind blowing across my face-

I returned to wakefulness with a snap and a sudden stumble backwards; not a good thing when you turn out to be on the outside of a plane. I'd barely managed to grab onto something before I finished the tumble off the wing.
Imminent drop into the ocean aside, it was a bit hard not to notice that the hand clinging onto the edge of the plane was apparently armoured. Looking to the other arm would reveal it holding onto a bigass shield, but worrying over either of these could wait until I wasn't in danger.

Given a bit of time, I eventually managed to wedge said bigass shield on to one of the plane's engines, giving me a foothold to leap my other foot back onto the wing. From there, it was just a matter of scrambling the other two limbs, shield in hand, into a lying position on the wing. Hopefully, nobody in the plane is wierded out by this, but while I'm clinging for my life, I've got nothing much to do but wait and try to sort through my hazy memories.
By the time my ride's destination started coming into veiw, I'd managed to work my way up to standing on the wing once more, shield held to my side. While my memories were still fuzzy, I could tell that whatever had happened to me, it had effected my body; no human could survive plane-surfing like I was currently doing; therefore, I had to have turned into something in a completely different level to humanity. A night entry to wherever I was also stymied attempts to identify my location based on the lay of the land; not that my limited geographic experience would've helped with that if I wasn't in England.
As the plane drifted in, any more musing came to a sharp halt as instincts I didn't even know I had screamed, a crimson blade of energy soaring uncomfortably close to the left as the jet made an abrupt vertical tilt.
Excaliblast. A category of beamswords that fire a line of energy at the opponent, most famously wielded by half the Round Table. Hence the term. My more immediate concerns were frantically grabbing at the far tip of the wing as I fell, though.

And as I hung for dear life, a voice echoed in my head. Kayneth...the name is ringing a bell in my head; something to do with a hotel. And while the voice doesn't have good timing at all, maybe I'll actually be able to get some explanations with this Kayneth.

But first, I need to survive my landing. I somehow doubt people on the ground will be happy about a medical cosplayer dangling from the plane, but I have little choice. Once I get close enough to the ground, I'm probably going to led go, set this bigass shield downwards, and take the impact.

You're given a breathtaking view of Fuyuki city as you release your hold on the plane. Gorgeous city lights down below create a kaleidoscopic display as you casually fall downwards towards their source. The plane soars overhead, the underbelly of the wing nearly grazing you the second you begin falling. Not that it would have done much even if it had. Your partially spiritual nature would have laughed off such a 'mundane' injury without a problem.

So down you fall, the city coming closer and closer with each passing moment. Even as you do, the colors of the city quickly begin to separate as more and more detail comes into view. Though some perhaps, need less time than others. You can easily see the gigantic hole in the tallest building in the city, smoke billowing from within like a giant chimney.

So there you go, flying downwards, soaring well below the thirty-second floor of the Hyatt hotel with your shield poised to strike the ground were you land. You have but to wait for your opportunity to further brace yourself, giving you well enough opportunities to scout out the general area that you're about to crash land into.

It appears as though you've lucked out in that regard. There is a nice, solid, floor of concrete to land onto. Although luck may be the key word there, as just a few minutes earlier and you would have gone sprawling out into the pitch black ocean.

Of course, such luck cannot possibly go unpunished. For flashes of gold sprinkle all across the concrete jungle that you're about to fall into. A dozen low rumbles, like the sound of thunder, reaches your ears as more and more join golden lights flash into existence, and fade away in the dead of night.

More and more your spiritual senses tell you that, perhaps, letting go of the plane at that exact moment might have been a bad idea. Down, down you go into the battlefield as your uncontrollable freefall demands. You approach the battlefield, shield ready to strike the ground, and sense the incredible presence of two powerful Servants.

From your position, it's hard to get more than a topside view of the battle. A long flowing red cloak and a white robe of some kind, swords on both sides of the fields, though clearly of a different make, and not what's making the terrible racket from down below.

And finally, after all the anticipation, you crash into the concrete barely a couple of meters away from the battlefield proper. The bombastic thundering interrupted by your more spectacular crash as dust and debris goes flying into the air from your landing.

At ground floor, it's a bit easier to tell the Servants apart now. There's a woman in front of you, a golden ornament tied to her wide brimmed hat. Her cloak flows down to her ankles after your interruption of the fight, black hair not too far behind.

And the man on the other side has likewise halted his fight, bronze armor almost gleaming in the moonlight as his sword is held ready. A long white flowing cloak rests at his back, with long red lines running down the shoulder and torso.

If Perseus understood a single fact, it was that the world was cyclic. Stories repeated - the grandson of a king slew a monster, usurped a king, and assumed his throne. Then that king's grandson slew a monster, wed a king's daughter, and assumed a divine throne. Concepts repeated as well, those same stories and ideas repeated infinitely, over and over, a thousand rebirths by a thousand voices. Life itself repeated, an endless cycle of souls being scrubbed clean in Akasha and being cast into the world, only to return perhaps a scant few decades later.

The world functioned, Perseus was confidant, upon an endlessly repeating chain of cycles that a more ignorant man would refer to as either fate or irony. Thus, when he was dragged, rather roughly, back into the physical world, trapped in a glass outhouse full of snakes, and told to defend to horrible monstrosity he'd slain as a youth, the King-of-Actual-Heroes-And-Not-Arrogant-Blonde-Shits was only mildly irritated rather then outright confused.

And thus, he turned his attention towards more stately matters rather then his newfound reason for living - mainly, how he could escape this horrible snake pit.

After a few moments, he decided that filling a pit full of magical snakes would be quite absurd, and thus astralized himself as a means of escape.

The snakes that are absolutely not magical in any way, shape, or form, fall to the ground in a wriggling clump when you become intangible. The poor things look about in 'confusion', before slithering off, mildly put off at the loss of their new cuddle buddy. They'll need to have twice as many mice to make themselves feel better after such a stern rejection, you monster.

The rest of the zoo is, frankly, quiet. All of the animals are in their pens until the morning, the shops are gated and locked, and the only persons who should be on the premises are the zoo security that are unsurprisingly derelict in their duty. And so in the dead of night, your only company may as well be the insects that sing their nightly song.

If only that were actually the case, a minor issue hangs rudely in your face for all the world to see as you make your merry way towards the looming exit of the park. Or perhaps to a massive and elaborate decoration designed to separate a new attraction from the rest of the park, to an intangible ghost it was simply a matter of time before you reached the end of the park, in one direction or another.

But wherever you're heading, there's no denying that lying on the ground in front of you is a monster. And in front of it… is a many tentacle beast reminiscent of starfish. A hundred eyes dot each of the main four tentacles, which write and squirm pathetically as the monster in front of you drives a crackling blade into its center mass. Bits of flesh hacked off and pulled to the side as it gouges into the insides of the beast.

The woman-like monster looks up at you, and there is no doubt that she knows you are there. Her waifish features sag as she stands up from her knelt position. She is dressed in what must have at one point a pure white gown, now stained with the blackened ichor of the beast, and in her hand is the electrically charged knife. She stands on her thin, muscular legs, lifting a massive morning star along with her from its almost imperceptible place just behind the creature she was vivisecting moments ago. She watches you from afar, gauging your reaction. Her lips wordlessly moving as she stands stiff as a post. Her amber eyes, like finest glass, staring directly into your own.
There is a brief feeling of vertigo, nausea, and I feel myself falling forwards. Something soft and light falls onto me- many things. They were still soft, but while light individually, the weight added up when you considered the amount covering me.

Well, it was still really light though.

Pawing desperately at the linens and such covering me, I manage to extricate myself from their threaded embrace. My head was hurting, a fog seemed to fill my mind. What was going on...?

I freeze. The voice I heard, along with sounding positively nefarious, also hurt.

I lift one of my hand to my face. Rubbing it over my eyes and then clutching my forehead, I fight the urge to start retching.

I wasn't sure there was anything but acid in my stomach right now anyway.

I don't understand.

I don't understand.

My head hurts. My head hurts. My head hurts...!

Clutching my head in both hands as that awful, horrid, wretched, voice mocks me, I try to hold back my screams.

I'm only partially successful.

Groaning loudly, I try to force myself to think.

I don't understand. What's happening? What does it want?

I don't know what it's talking about.


My face twists into a snarl as I think about that name. Why? I don't know why, but a feeling of loathing wells up in me at the mere thought of that name.

I don't know Perseus, why would I react like this?

I don't understand.

Well, that isn't true. I do know Perseus- if we're talking about the Greek hero, slayer of the Gorgon and rescuer of Andromeda.

That is, I know of him.

I've never met him.

But at the same time, as I ponder his existence, an ugly feeling wells up in my chest.

I want to vomit.

It hurts, it hurts.

I don't understand.

I hate him.

I don't know what's going on.

I snap to attention suddenly. The vile... thing that was in my head had faded away, and now I was being grabbed. I seemed to have stood up at some point.

I look at him numbly. Uncomprehending.

He was saying something.

What? I don't understand. What are you saying?

Hey, I don't understand!

Taking a sharp, shaky breath to try to upset my steadily quickening breathing, I look at the man touching me, and something seems to click in my head. The fog seems to clear for a single moment, as I steady myself and shout...!

'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about! I don't know what you're saying! Since I don't get it...'


There's something in your voice. It's not just the emotion that you've put behind your earnest shout, but something much more. A power that you've never tapped in your life flows through your body as you scream at the gray haired old man, who looks at you in shock and pulls away from you as the magic reaches his brain.

It takes a second for the command to etch into his brain, but something's wrong. The flesh is willing, but he can't seem to comply. His grey matter pulses sickly, and a loud, strangled, noise is vomited forth as it tries to perform a command without the proper knowledge.

The old man's wife looks at him in concern with the telephone pressing against her ear and knuckles clenching white around the wired device. You can hear her speaking to the police, her aged voice coming in oh-so-clearly now. Like flipping a switch, something fills you with knowledge, and what was once incomprehensible babbling becomes a very, very detailed description of yourself.

And that description quickly silences as the old man collapses to the floor in a heap of agony, clutching at his chest as though a monster lurked within. You can hear his heartbeat speeding up, the medicine controlling his tachycardia less than sufficient to deal with a magically induced heart attack.

The old woman is screaming now, calling for an ambulance. She rushes over towards her husband, trying to calm him even as you hear his heartbeat coming to a sudden stop.

Another fantastic kill for Servant Assassin.


The place between, for the souls numbered among neither the damned nor the sanctified, where they reside until, by toil and trial, the Lord sifts the the sin from within them.

For her, it is an endless dream of memories. An endless parade of battles fought, of struggles against beasts and Magi with flesh and steel and against kings and nations with a quill and ink. Of youth in her father's house, studying the holy Word, her life played out over and over and over....

And always the one memory. Sharper and clearer than all the rest.

".....oh, forgive me sister! The boy, he was fussy..."

"It is of no matter, child." She smiles at the younger woman, addressing who she believes to be a simple sister of the Church. An understandable error, given that she has discarded all her trappings and regalia, content to wander the palace in the garb of a simple cleric. And it is...pleasant, not to be looked upon as if her every pronouncement echoes with the power of Jesu Himself.

And she cannot be upset with the harried looking noblewoman, desperately bouncing her bawling babe on her hip. No, there are times for soft words, and this is one such.

"May I, little mother? I have some experience with children, and you seem to have mislaid your nurses..."

"Oh thank y...I mean, yes, certainly, sister."

Dear, sweet Mary...she is not sure the girl ever quite forgave her for their first meeting, when she later found out just who the scar faced Church agent she'd set to playing with her son was...

You deserved better. I should have done more. Done things differently. All the lives she bettered. All the evils she struck down. All the souls she sheltered and guided and protected...and the one I remember most clearly is the one I could not save.

Perhaps that is why she lingers here. The will of God is the will of God. To countermand it, to rail against it is to walk the sinner's path. And yet...

"...oh, forgive me sister! The boy, he was fussy..."

This is not right.

Lancer placed a hand on one of the grave markers, thrown by the bizarre circumstances she is confronted with. Summoned by no mortal hand, charged with...

And then she laughs. Softly, mocking her own momentary confusion. Bizarre? Say rather, miraculous. And then she kneels, going to her knees in the dew and damp as she offers a prayer of thanksgiving, asking for the fortitude to perform the task the Father has charged her with.

The woman kneeling in the graveyard wears a loose fitting shirt and trousers of white, with a black cloak flung over her shoulders. It is something like the garb of a Dominican monk, but tailored to allow freedom of movement in ways flowing robes would not. To those who are knowledgeable in such matters, her clothing marks her as a true Hound of God, an agent of divine punishment, ancestor of those who today style themselves "Executors".

The face beneath her cloak's cowl is leathery and lined from the sun, a scar beginning over her right eye and sliding down her cheek. She is certainly not a young woman, her weathered features and dark hair shot with grey (verging on grey shot with dark) make that clear, but younger than when her mortal life ended.

Her features have the cast of a fanatic, a zealot, far more suited to scowls than smiles, but they have not been entirely untouched by softer emotions, marks of love and laughter mingling with those wrath and woe have worn into her face.

Protect Maiya.

Another young woman hounded by Satan and his agents. A chance to make amends for her past failings. And perhaps...?

Lancer sets the thought aside with a jerk of her head, rising to her feet as she makes the sign of a cross. With a careful tread she leaves the graveyard, noting with approval the signs of care and concern spent in tending the grounds. Soon enough, she reaches the entrance to this house of God and raps sharply on its front door.

In but moments, a young man opens the door. A large cross rests across his chest, hung by his neck on a smooth ribbon like string. A mop of fine brown hair gives him something of a wild look, though not uncouth.

"Welcome Sister," he says calmly, "to the Holy Church of Fuyuki."

The young man speaks to you as a peer, his tone showing no hint of what may be going through his mind. You can see behind him, somewhat, and see an older gentlemen standing by the pews as the younger takes charge of welcoming their guest.

He stands aside, allowing you safe passage into the church if that was your desire. From the looks he gives you, it seems he might know exactly what you're nature is. If not all of the fine detail. Though you don't see any fear of you, or indeed worry. Perhaps he believes his church is a sanctuary free of any possible violence.

Or maybe there's something else going on here.

Rider's head was a hazy fog and her body wasn't much better. She could hardly stand up straight, and her limbs held little strength. As soon as she began wondering where she was the answers bombarded her like a tsunami of frozen shards carving into her skull.

The time. The year. The location. The setting.

The last thing she remembered was experimenting with Eco-mode to lessen the strain on her Master, back in the Emiya household. Back in 2004. She shouldn't be here. This shouldn't even be possible, but in the infinite kaleidoscope, someone had decided her karma was shit. Not that there weren't enough reasons or justifications, but Rider wasn't concerned for herself. She never was. Instead, she was worried about Sakura and Shiro.

Having a voice project into her head was a little unsettling, but their barb was even less so. Still, the sarcasm dredged up unpleasant memories. While she cared little for a stranger's opinion, Rider's guilt was more than capable of crafting up her own personal hell of judgement. The blood on her hands, the stain on her soul would never go away.

As she shook the mental cobwebs, Rider began examining her surroundings. Dwelling on the past could wait till later. It wasn't as if she was likely to see her sisters anytime soon.

To someone who had bathed themselves in violence and bloodshed, Rider would never mistake that scent, nor the repugnant decay.

She quickly transformed from a child less than a foot high into her true form, ready for battle. The lack of light did little to hinder her. Most of Rider's life was spent in a world of darkness.

Rider's senses reached through the broken slats, and once she didn't sense any immediate danger, she opened the door leading to the next room.

Was she worried about the danger? Of course. But she'd rather confirm the source than worry about "shadows." The unknown monster under the bed was scarier than something you could see and quantify.

No shadows leap out to attack you nor, indeed, does anything of true note come. Everything in this home, beyond the door, seems to indicate that there's absolutely nothing awry. Indeed, whoever it was that lives here must live an astoundingly quiet life. Quiet, though not uneventful it seems. As you come face to face with the picture of a young man with dark, wild hair. Accompanying him appears to be his wife and child.

So why is it that the further you go into this inconspicuous little house, the stronger that nauseous, delicious smell grows? Indeed, it's almost as if you're standing right on top of it. Flies buzz around the room, fattened by some unknown source. They buzz around you, as if contemplating taking a bite out of the stranger that appeared from nowhere.

Indeed, there are so many flies that the furthest wall and floor is absolutely covered in them. A massive wave of black, buzzing beasts, the slightly elevated wood tile nearly completely invisible beneath the swarm.

It looks just small enough to…

Well. I can't quite remember my day was supposed to go, but I can safely say that waking up in a torture device wasn't in the plan. First order of buisness: Slip out of its embrace before it can close on me, in case it can be closed remotely. And so it is done, with catlike grace befitting the king. Next, of course, is figuring out what to do from here.

The first step is obvious, at least. As magnificently uncomfortable as it is, I've never seen a torture device like the one I found myself waking up in. Into the gate it goes! Now, then, the room...


The size of these torturous devices becomes clear, now. Conditioning children with these contraptions until they give in... Well, I wasn't just going to leave this place whole before, but it does seem a bit worse now. I should probably get started on it now, in fact. A snap of my fingers, and rippling gold appears around me. Blades fly through the air, one to each contraption, and the fake wood and metal is split and crumpled, twenty of the infernal things reduced to small pieces in an instant.

Right, now for the next room. Or for whatever guards the place has, that was pretty noisy. I take a step towards the door, before being interrupted.

Oh! My first supplicant here, wherever here is! Well, if they're speaking to me in my mind, then naturally, I should think my reply at them rather than reply out loud.

"I can't help but notice I'm not waking up where I went to sleep. Was that your doing?" They could have chosen a better place for it, certainly, but I can't be too mad if it let me find out about this place.

There's no answer, whatever was talking to you appears to have faded like smoke in a stiff breeze. Speaking of which, there is something of a breeze in these drafty torture / conditioning halls. It should be fairly easy to figure out where it's coming from, even easier once the wooden door off in the corner of the room has been taken care of.

There's not really a whole lot left of the room anymore. The reeducation desks have been shred into unrecognizable pieces thanks to your swift application of your vault. The jagged edges of the fake wood-like substance lay too and fro, splintered into unsubstantial bits and pieces.

It's incredibly quite outside, almost too quiet.

"It's dark out…"

You hear a voice, though not the same one as your supplicant. It's raspy voice is far more sinister, and much, much more physical than the childlike girl that whispered into your mind. This creature's voice seems to emanate from all the dark corners of the room, from the dark places in the building.

Which, needless to say, is most of it, it's night outside, and not a single soul remain who requires the light.

"A kid like you might get eaten."

"Arrgghh" Sumireko groaned as the pleasant embrace of sleep left her with a sharp jolt to her sensitive ribs. She'd been having such a great time too~, Reimu had been hosting another party at the shrine and the food was so good with Mokou and Sakuya starting a cooking battle to see who could make the best Yakitori (Sumireko thought Mokou's spicy version was the best).

Now instead of enjoying delicious grilled meat she was here...wherever here she'd been sleeping while standing up (not all that strange for her, although she preferred the occasional ceiling nap, aren't psychic powers amazing?) and was now being crushed between a pile of junk and a hard place making it the third worse wake up she'd had since her visits to Gensokyo began.

Okay add heavenly voices in her head to the situation, did Kaguya sabotage Mokou's cooking by throwing some of Eirin's shady drugs into the spices? templates like that are forbidden. Besides the description was so vague, that matched like half the Youkai she knew and many more that she didn't!! At least give her a picture mysterious voice that may or may not be a Lunarian drug induced hallucination!!

At least it relieved the pressure on her-NOPE!! It's back. Okay time to flex her powers and escape this situation-

-but before she could do anything the closet burst open sending her tumbling to the ground followed by enough brooms to supply the Scarlet Devil Mansion's maids for a month, they ever were the extra thick kind that didn't break as easily.

"Oww" she groan as she crawled out from her wooden prison, a quick flex of telekinetic power throwing all the brooms back into the closet and slamming the door shut, allowing her to get her first look at the place she's found herself in. It looked like a school and even if she'd taken to sleeping as often as possible during her time there she was certain it wasn't her school which ruled out someone putting her in there as a prank which still leaves the question where is she?

Looking out the window the mystery only deepened, the city looked nothing like the one where she lived (not enough skyscrapers) which ruled out someone sticking her sleeping body in a storage closet as a prank...again. Does that make this an incident or a Youkai pranks? Or maybe it's-

Her train of thought was cut off by the pillar of crimson light that rattled the windows even from so far away. Now a normal person would probably think that it was probably dangerous and they should stay away or call the police, however for someone who'd visited Gensokyo daily for a while not Sumireko's response was ...different.

'That looks so cool!!' she thought opening the window 'I have to get closer before it's over' were the thoughts running through her head as she leaped out the window, her powers taking hold so that rather than plummeting to the ground below she began to fly through the air towards the source of the red light with her tablet phone already in position to start taking pictures.

You soar through the sky snapping pictures of the absolutely massive pillar of crimson light as you fly straight towards it. It holds steady, and is then swung downwards, red light painting everything in same color as it soars through the sky cleaving everything in its path.

Which, strangely, isn't much, though that may just be luck as opposed to any real planning on the users part.

Though the death beam isn't the only thing that's off about the city. Indeed; there are quite a few abnormalities in the city; it's easy to see that even as you're flying through at breakneck speeds. Off in the distance, and a bit overhead, you see an airplane desperately correcting itself as it flies closer to the city. Following the trail left by the glowing red laser, it's apparent that the pilot must have dodged the laser like a stream of bullets from a pesky bug.

At the same time, as you go around an annoying skyscraper blocking your path to the source of the laser, you watch a massive ball of fire go and crash into yet another massive building. Its giant lettering spell the name Hyatt.

So much activity in just one city, it might have seemed downright bizarre if you didn't visited Gensokyo.
There's something in your voice. It's not just the emotion that you've put behind your earnest shout, but something much more. A power that you've never tapped in your life flows through your body as you scream at the gray haired old man, who looks at you in shock and pulls away from you as the magic reaches his brain.

It takes a second for the command to etch into his brain, but something's wrong. The flesh is willing, but he can't seem to comply. His grey matter pulses sickly, and a loud, strangled, noise is vomited forth as it tries to perform a command without the proper knowledge.

The old man's wife looks at him in concern with the telephone pressing against her ear and knuckles clenching white around the wired device. You can hear her speaking to the police, her aged voice coming in oh-so-clearly now. Like flipping a switch, something fills you with knowledge, and what was once incomprehensible babbling becomes a very, very detailed description of yourself.

And that description quickly silences as the old man collapses to the floor in a heap of agony, clutching at his chest as though a monster lurked within. You can hear his heartbeat speeding up, the medicine controlling his tachycardia less than sufficient to deal with a magically induced heart attack.

The old woman is screaming now, calling for an ambulance. She rushes over towards her husband, trying to calm him even as you hear his heartbeat coming to a sudden stop.

Another fantastic kill for Servant Assassin.
I stared in mute horror as the man fell. I clutched my head in sudden pain as images - memories? - flashed through my mind. A room, a woman speaking at the front, a classroom? Diverse students, wearing strange clothes- older. Older than me.

I shook myself free of the images, I had no time to waste right now.

Looking at the man, I mumbled under my breath as I rushed over to him.


I barely noticed how oddly small I seemed as I reached him, placing my hand on his shoulder and turning to the woman.

"Calm down, give me room." I stated, as clearly and calmly as I could. I needed to get through to her despite her panic, or the man was dead.

"You phoned an ambulance, right? Do you know how long they'll take?" I asked as I gently- but firmly, with a strength the old woman couldn't resist, removed her from her husband. Waiting for a response, I glanced around.

"Come on, come on... Is there an AED here? If there is, get it."

In the meantime, I ripped open the man's shirt, and placed my hands over his chest, one over the other. Foggy memories guided my hands as I began to push against his chest, his ribs snapping under the proper application of chest compressions- I hoped. I recalled hearing that they were supposed to do that when you did CPR correctly.

"Don't die on me, come on..."

27 28 29 30...

Was it thirty?

I stopped pumping his chest, and placed my mouth over his and plugged his nose.

Out, in, out, in?

I can't remember. I can't remember.

I switched from breathing to compressions again, falling into the rhythm of what scattered recollections of CPR I had.

I could only hope I could prolong his life long enough for the ambulance to get here. I could only hope I was helping more than I was hurting.

"Don't die, don't die, don't die..."

I could feel tears streaming unhesitatingly from my eyes as I kept performing CPR on the dying man.
In but moments, a young man opens the door. A large cross rests across his chest, hung by his neck on a smooth ribbon like string. A mop of fine brown hair gives him something of a wild look, though not uncouth.

"Welcome Sister," he says calmly, "to the Holy Church of Fuyuki."

The young man speaks to you as a peer, his tone showing no hint of what may be going through his mind. You can see behind him, somewhat, and see an older gentlemen standing by the pews as the younger takes charge of welcoming their guest.

He stands aside, allowing you safe passage into the church if that was your desire. From the looks he gives you, it seems he might know exactly what you're nature is. If not all of the fine detail. Though you don't see any fear of you, or indeed worry. Perhaps he believes his church is a sanctuary free of any possible violence.

Or maybe there's something else going on here.

"In Jesu's name, Brother." Lancer replies. Almost reflexively, she extends her hand that the priest might kiss her signet ring...the ring she is not wearing, and by canon law has no right to, as her mortal life has ended.

"Forgive me. I was formerly of far higher station, and old habits die hard. When they die at all." With those words she proceeds into the Church proper, the comforting sensation of standing upon sanctified ground washing over her senses. "I must speak to the ranking priest of this parish, whichever of you has the honor of holding that position. The Lord has charged me with a task of utmost importance, and I shall require his assistance in carrying it out."
There's no answer, whatever was talking to you appears to have faded like smoke in a stiff breeze. Speaking of which, there is something of a breeze in these drafty torture / conditioning halls. It should be fairly easy to figure out where it's coming from, even easier once the wooden door off in the corner of the room has been taken care of.

There's not really a whole lot left of the room anymore. The reeducation desks have been shred into unrecognizable pieces thanks to your swift application of your vault. The jagged edges of the fake wood-like substance lay too and fro, splintered into unsubstantial bits and pieces.

It's incredibly quite outside, almost too quiet.

"It's dark out…"

You hear a voice, though not the same one as your supplicant. It's raspy voice is far more sinister, and much, much more physical than the childlike girl that whispered into your mind. This creature's voice seems to emanate from all the dark corners of the room, from the dark places in the building.

Which, needless to say, is most of it, it's night outside, and not a single soul remain who requires the light.

"A kid like you might get eaten."
I regard the comments with the same measure of wariness any threat against the king gets. In other words, I mostly ignore them and shoot another blade at the door to shatter it, sending slivers of wood scattering over the floor. I'll put this thing down later, once I make sure there's no innocents still in the building. If it doesn't attack me before then, I'll just burn the place down; something that lives in shadows isn't likely to enjoy fire.

Still, before I start on my way out, I can't help but notice just how dark the room is. Dangerously so, in fact; what if I didn't notice a piece of faux-wood on the floor and stepped on it? That might hurt! So I take a few seconds to rummage around my Gate, eventually bringing out a nice lantern. It casts the shadows away rather well, and I step lightly around anything that looks sharp enough to hurt my feet through my shoes, heading out to the hallway.
Your mad charge out of the tunnel turns out to be somewhat… unnecessary. The rumblings of the earth above you come to a rolling stop as whatever violent shift that had been expected to occur simply died off gently. For all the dust that had been kicked and thrown up, for all that the walls seemed to rattle, ultimately there was relatively little damage done.

Still, it wasn't wasted. You rush up the cold stone stairs, with its handrails rattling from the tremors, and find yourself standing in an altogether foreign, one might even say alien, city. Luckily the area is well lit, and it's easy to see where everything is going. Emerging from the tunnel, the first thing you see is a large glass dome overhead, a line of benches just a short ways beyond. Though you still hear some rumblings, it doesn't seem to be quite the same as it was in the tunnel, and not just because it wasn't shaking the ground. A small car drives up the street, paying no heed to you as it hurries on its way, wheels screeching as it flies through the streets.

More importantly, up overhead you see the last flickers of a dying red light in the horizon. A row of clouds are hewn in what undoubtedly must be its wake, stretching out into the dark blue yonder.

Of course this distraction is the reason why you are 'nearly' ran over by some purple haired tart speeding through the area, moving faster than what you'd expect for someone dressed in such a formal dress, and heels.
Though this place was filled with wonders quite beyond her imagination, in her mind, nothing would ever topple the sight of the sky. Elena smiled, happy to know that some things just never changed no matter the place or time.

Musings about the beauty of nature aside, the residents of this place must be extremely rich in order to afford glass in such a large quantity. Even the Romun Emperors didn't show off this much opulence! What would you even need a Glass Dome for?! Shaking her head at such excess, Elena was torn from her musings when someone, and it was someone, basically ran her over. Working on instinct, her hand shot out in an attempt to grab the purple haired woman's arm as the time she spent up on the mountains helped her regain her balance and footing.
Lured by the thought of the delicacies of the 1990's, you stride out of the door with your headphones blaring out whatever music you desire. You step into the hallway without a care and immediately spot the signs that mark the elevators and the stairwell. Across the hall you see the numbers 2932 etched into the gold colored plate of the oak door. It appears you landed in quite the large building.

A building, it seems, that's owners employ a mage of some talent. Though clearly not up to par with your magnificence, you none the less run straight into some kind of multi layered defense, smashing it apart like a bull through a china shop as you continue along your merry way.

It seems someone doesn't really want you on this floor, or maybe your landing simply activated the defenses. Regardless, what used to be a relatively quiet corridor awakens in frenzy, icky black tendrils emerging from the walls, some kind of ghost crawls across the ceiling, long black hair draping over its face as a guttural croak echoes from within the spirit.

You can feel the presence of other such creatures from down below, along the hum of magic from the floor above and below you, a floor by floor defense that made each floor a gauntlet in and of themselves. Whoever owned this hotel clearly designed it to be an impenetrable fortress.

Too bad it ran into you.

Her voice was quite soft, as the King of Dragons stared for a long moment, her lips twisting into a small snarl. Really, spirits and traps were rather unbecoming of a location in the middle of a city. The fact that she had walked in uninvited hadn't really occurred to her.

"Just go away."

A wave of her hand and a brief whisper under her breath, and the nearest ghost burned away in holy light. Dia. The lowest grade holy spell that only worked on the undead and spirits. There were dozens of them, but burning one should be message enough.

"Stay out of the way."

'Or I'll destroy you.' was left unsaid, as she began to walk forward, her eyes scanning the halls. Where oh where was the person who'd made this mess?
You soar through the sky snapping pictures of the absolutely massive pillar of crimson light as you fly straight towards it. It holds steady, and is then swung downwards, red light painting everything in same color as it soars through the sky cleaving everything in its path.

Which, strangely, isn't much, though that may just be luck as opposed to any real planning on the users part.

Though the death beam isn't the only thing that's off about the city. Indeed; there are quite a few abnormalities in the city; it's easy to see that even as you're flying through at breakneck speeds. Off in the distance, and a bit overhead, you see an airplane desperately correcting itself as it flies closer to the city. Following the trail left by the glowing red laser, it's apparent that the pilot must have dodged the laser like a stream of bullets from a pesky bug.

At the same time, as you go around an annoying skyscraper blocking your path to the source of the laser, you watch a massive ball of fire go and crash into yet another massive building. Its giant lettering spell the name Hyatt.

So much activity in just one city, it might have seemed downright bizarre if you didn't visited Gensokyo.
Suddenly Sumireko found herself with a rather annoying dilemma, does she continue onward to the source of the red light or does she change course and take a look at whatever crashed into that Hyatt building? On one hand she knew that something interesting would be at the source of the Red Light, on the other there was no guarantee that it was still there but on the third mutant even if what crashed into the building was a UFO like she wanted....that wasn't all that interesting to the Esper girl since she did summon one not too long ago.

"Guess i've convinced myself" she muttered as she continued her flight around the building to the source of the Red Laser, "I hope I'm making the right choice, would hate to arrive only to find that they're gone."
The vision in your mind's eye is awash with an endless sea of golden fog. The future near incomprehensibly blocked from your sight. The flow of time resists your efforts, matching you pound for pound, escalating as you push through the 'fog' blocking your clairvoyance in a way you've never experienced.

However it isn't entirely pointless. As you push further and further, small 'clips' appear in your mind. You see a bronze man standing atop a chariot as it soars through the sky, his features obscured from your vision as he flies at tremendous speeds. A silver-blue light flickers from down below, flying upwards as the Rider narrowly dodges the first volley, a massive explosion buffeting the chariot as he maintains control.

Yet before you could see more, something pushes back against you. A terrifying presence, one of immeasurable scale that you've never ever felt before, and with a great deal of anger toward you and you personally. Whatever was pushing against you before, is absolutely done with gradual escalation. There's a sudden, terrifying surge of energy that rushes towards you.

You jerk back to reality as one final image flies through your mind's eye at lightning speed. There's barely time for you to catch more than a glimpse before it vanishes back into the ethereal fog, and any further attempts to retrieve it lead only to the thing clouding your vision pushing back against your attempts as the golden wisps harden like cement.

You have an answer though. To the east, among an alien city of metal and machinery, there was a man dressed in strange blue robes. His short blond hair swept back as a look of absolute disdain crosses his face. The entire city hidden below him as he looks down from what was easily one of the tallest structures you've ever seen in your life.

I cannot help but gasp in awe at the sight of that alien city of glass and wonder. I have my answer... But I still have so many questions.

What is this place... And what creature inhabits the ether that detests me so?

I resolve to keep my mind's sight on the present, at least for now.

East, is it?

Using the stars as my guide, I turn to the east, and start walking. My pace is sedate, and will be untill I have regained my strength enough to risk a Teleport.
Running in heels might not be the smartest idea you've ever had. Your feet impact the ground with clicks and clacks as you charge headfirst towards safety, heels digging in as you dash across cold hard pavement. The wreckage swiftly passes beyond your sight as you cross empty intersections and roads, the many skyscrapers and buildings swiftly obscure the carnage that you left behind.

Luckily, there seems to be no chance of you running into the armored knight. Whoever he or she was, they vanished into the night without so much as a how-do-you-do. Thank yourself for small favors.

Unluckily, it seems that there aren't many people out in the streets on the evening of your summoning, or any at all as it turns out. The city streets that you find yourself walking are barren, devoid of anyone who you could even talk to for information. For better or worse, there isn't much in your way as you move through the empty city streets. Occasionally a couple of signs pop out as 'minutely interesting', mostly milk carton 'missing' posters talking about some kid or the other.

Not that it matters, after all. It isn't your problem, right?

Fortunately for you, you finally come across someone who might be able to help you out. Some blond haired girl almost standing right in your path as you leap over a barricade, and run just beyond a subway tunnel.
Ouch, ouch ouch! How do people even run in this thing? Oh wait, they don't. But then again most people weren't running around in a deserted city full of spooky, scary things. So I should totally feel justified running around like a total idiot. Yup, no needs to be embarrassed, it's not like people watching and judging me right now. So, goddammit Bondo stop thinking too hard about trivialities!

Just keep on running and running and running, until you get out of this godawful city or something. And not try to, and probably hilariously fail at, kill a seemingly immortal being. Run like the wind, Bondo, and never look back! Endure the footpain for now and deal with it later when you're safe and sound. So, just run away and never look back!

Although, all this hair is a hassle, keep getting my face, blocking my visions and stuff. Ughh. I swear if I tripped because of it, I will-
Though this place was filled with wonders quite beyond her imagination, in her mind, nothing would ever topple the sight of the sky. Elena smiled, happy to know that some things just never changed no matter the place or time.

Musings about the beauty of nature aside, the residents of this place must be extremely rich in order to afford glass in such a large quantity. Even the Romun Emperors didn't show off this much opulence! What would you even need a Glass Dome for?! Shaking her head at such excess, Elena was torn from her musings when someone, and it was someone, basically ran her over. Working on instinct, her hand shot out in an attempt to grab the purple haired woman's arm as the time she spent up on the mountains helped her regain her balance and footing.

I exclaimed, totally did not shriek at all.

I stopped on my track, nearly falling over myself because of this sudden physical contact, and barely staying balanced because of these damned heels. If there wasn't anybody grabbing me, I would probably rolled over or something. Damned heels.

"Uhhh.... Hi?" I casually waved at the blonde lady with my free hand. Crap, should've paid more attention instead of getting lost in thoughts. At this rate, my obliviousness was going to be the end of me.

Okay, just be calmed, cool, and collected. It doesn't looked like she's bad news or anything, you've got this Bondo! Just say something cool or insightful or something. Anything, really!

"Nice weather we're having, right?"

Nailed it.
You move. Your form like a ghost as you speed towards the restless dead on the ground, so blurred that your visage is illusory, blurred and almost intangible. The corpse explodes into a meaty slurry as your claws decimate its form like a wrecking ball through a straw house. Thick ropey bits of flesh and sinew dangle on your pristine hands, blood dripping down onto the ground beneath your feet.

Eliminating the now corpses of men, women, and children that surround you is a similarly easy task. Moving like a human sized bullet, you swiftly deal with the walking dead; their dull, dead eyes only having scant few seconds to comprehend the threat in their midst. One quick swipe here, another there, and the bodies of ordinary humans are simply swept away in a tide of violence that threatens to spill out of the relatively contained area of the alleyway.

Your left standing alone in the dark and cold, as not a single corpse is left in any state to so much as twitch in the aftermath of your brutal assault. Even as you wade through a pile of gore, you can't really sense anything unusual about the area. Whoever was responsible for this has long since come and gone, or perhaps is capable of hiding themselves from you.

I flicked my claws once before reshaping my hands into something more human, removing the gore from them. These Deads had been fresh, and they hadn't existed as a animated corpse for long enough to turn to dust after death. Well, she could dispose of them using Marble Phantasm, but hiding the evidence of the supernatural was really more the role of the Church and the Mages Association. It wasn't really relevant to her to mop this up.

I frowned.

On the other hand, if somebody else stumbled into this now disarmed trap, the giant pile of gore would really freak them out, wouldn't it. Some people might even be traumatized by it, if they just wandered in here and saw what looked like a bunch of people who had been murdered by some horror movie villain. And even if it the Association erased thatpersons memories, there would still be the occasional flash of insight to something unexplained; it could give somebody a phobia.

...Maybe I should clean this up.

I concentrate, and invoke the World to focus incredibly hot fire on the the piles of viscera, burning the remains, and only the remains, away. In a few seconds, I'm surrounded by an inferno that wipes this alleyway clean of the of the familiars that had lain in wait. As it dies down, I begin to move out of the alleyway, removing any grime that had accumulated on myself with a less spectacular application of natures power. Once I'm gone, the alley should seem as if there was never anything of interest there at all.

...Well, except for all that soot.

After leaving, I take a look around. I need to get my bearings on the area before deciding on my next move in order to eliminate Roa. It was most likely him that had left that little nest there; he knew better than anyone how to hide his tracks from me at this point, but I'd find him eventually.

I always did.
Although, all this hair is a hassle, keep getting my face, blocking my visions and stuff. Ughh. I swear if I tripped because of it, I will-


I exclaimed, totally did not shriek at all.

I stopped on my track, nearly falling over myself because of this sudden physical contact, and barely staying balanced because of these damned heels. If there wasn't anybody grabbing me, I would probably rolled over or something. Damned heels.

"Uhhh.... Hi?" I casually waved at the blonde lady with my free hand. Crap, should've paid more attention instead of getting lost in thoughts. At this rate, my obliviousness was going to be the end of me.

Okay, just be calmed, cool, and collected. It doesn't looked like she's bad news or anything, you've got this Bondo! Just say something cool or insightful or something. Anything, really!

"Nice weather we're having, right?"

Nailed it.
"Uhm," The first thing that came to Elena's mind, besides a reply to the rather generic conversation starter, was how absolutely different and dare she say, scandalous, the girl's clothes were. Unlike Elena's uniform, hers looked to be that of a high born concubine's with how much skin it revealed. Of course, that didn't matter to the errant Knight, what mattered to her was that this girl was clearly in distress and in need of help judging by how panicked she was. Luckily for her, Elena had a sword that needed using, and a oath that needed keeping.

"Yes, the weather is rather nice here." Elena's tone remained friendly and calm as she let go of the girl's arm. It wouldn't do to be rude after all, and the upper classes didn't tend to look favorably on extended physical contact with their percieved inferiors.

Social status aside, Elena resisted the urge to smile at the fact that she was the one doing the comforting instead of the other way around, and opted for a neutral expression as she continued. "Apologies if I'm intruding on private matters, but I have to inquire as to why you're in such a hurry. It isn't everyday that someone of your station travels alone."