The Fourth Monado

Long, long ago, two sisters ruled over the magical land of Equestria; one ruled over the day, while the other ruled over the night. The elder of the two, who raised the sun, was beloved by her people, while the younger sister was shunned by the people, who slept through her nights. In her despair, a dark shadow overcame her mind, and the being known as Nightmare Moon was born.

The War of the Twin Sisters, or the War of Heaven as it was sometimes known, tore the world apart. In the end, the elder in an act of desperation used the Elements of Harmony, six powerful magical artifacts, in an effort to purify her sister. She failed; the Nightmare with her sister was banished to the moon, and the Elements lost all their power.

1000 years passed, and the ponies of Equestria slowly forgot about that terrible conflict. And as the thousandth Summer Sun Celebration rolled around, a young unicorn would discover her destiny...

... If a bored ROB hadn't decided to drop a bunch of people in Ponyville that day. But hey, at least things will be more interesting... right?


Welcome everyone, to an incredibly bad idea! It's another Oath Sign!

Now for those unfamiliar with how things work let me educate you! This will be a relatively freeform RP with very few actual mechanics, although there will be a few rolls here and there to decide things that aren't obvious from the outset. For example say your Obi-Wan I won't make you roll to cut off some timberwolf's head or mindtrick a couple random Guardsponies but if you plan to fight a named character then expect rolls to happen.

With that out of the way let's get down to the fun part known as character creation, there aren't many rules for what i'd accept there are going to be certain limitations. First, try to keep your overall power level below or equal to that of an Alicorn. Second, any instant win or invulnerability powers that aren't heavily restricted are getting vetoed right away. Time manipulation powers can be sold to me, with less restrictions, though you will have my eye on you...

Finally this is less of a rule and more of a warning that there are things that will take notice if you start throwing around flashy abilities all willy nilly and I will not hesitate to drop a Nightmare or even Discord himself on your ass if that happens. Not to mention that dozens or so other ways I can think of to kill you in the MLP universe.

Anyway here is the Template for your character sheets, you can be a self insert or not at your own discretion.

Biography (Optional):

Now, have fun! And remember, Friendship is Magic~ *gags*
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Samuel 'Jetstream Sam' Rodrigues - Accepted
Paging @Wade Garrett once more.

Name: Samuel "Jetstream Sam" Rodrigues

Universe: Metal Gear/Cyreni's The Conversion Bureau
Sam wears a CNT exoskeleton that increases physical strength, speed and durability by a huge degree. Strong enough to make you suplex about 60 tonnes of metal with relative ease. Used to be stronger, but has been nerfed for some reason. Durability and speed are boosted to such a level that things like running at 80 km/h, casually deflecting high caliber turret fire from mere meters away and walking off terminal velocity falls are the norm. Hypersonic movement is possible in short bursts called Blade Mode, but this technique is very taxing on the batteries and thus cannot be used for long periodes of time at end. The armour's retractable face mask contains an air filter to keep noxious gasses and the like out as well as protect his glorious face. Incorporates a hammerspace store where rocket launchers, various grenades, cardboard boxes and booze are stored. His right arm is fully cybernetic and carries the same level of power as the exoskeleton.

Sam posses superhumanly quick reflexes, being capable of taking down a group of ten mobster hitmen armed with automatic rifles who had him surrounded with nothing but his sword. This was before he was augmented in any way.

CODEC implant with a link to the optical nerve to allow the user to see who they're talking to. Doubles as a PDA of sorts.

His ancestral heirloom weapon, the Murasama blade, that has been modified by Sam to become a High Frequency katana. Basically a Vibrosword, but without the nasty electricity weakness and with a lot more cutting power and durability. Full explanation on its mechanics here. It is sheathed in a sheath that can fire the sword out with a small explosive charge and trigger, allowing for incredibly fast and deadly Iaido strikes.

Master swordsman and martial artist who practices his family's version of Brazilian kenjutsu: the Rodrigues New Shadow School. This style is based on the Uradachi or Satsujin-Ken, the murdering sword, style, which aims to kill your opponent in the most violent way possible. It further incorporates Iaido, Capoeira and Judo to create an extremely deadly style.

Sam might as well be the god of taunting. With a single quip, smile and arm gesture he was able to incite blind and reckless murderous rage in emotionless machines. With a monologue, he broke down Raiden's mental defenses and reduced him to the twisted masochist his traumatic childhood had turned him in to. If Jetstream Sam wants you mad, you will get mad.

Used to own and run a saloon and can play the guitar in various different styles. Also a decent driver when he isn't drunk.

Simply put, Jetstream Sam is an honourable, well meaning, colossal dick of an adrenaline junkie. His whole life up until he was defeated by Raiden he has done nothing but fight to the death; Sometimes for money, but always for his ideals. Even after he vanished from the public eye and settled down, he craved the excitement of battle. He began to drink that urge away, but starting a saloon to repurpose all that alcohol quickly beat that addiction out of him.
His need for action and the freewheeling personality he developed in his vigilante years have combined together into a very teasing and infuriating man who nonetheless holds true to his ideals of fighting for those who cannot fend for themselves and against the morally corrupt, especially since his involvement with desperado. But these ideals do not stop him from dicking around and breaking the law should it be convenient for him, nor have they changed his might makes right attitude.
Enjoys spaghetti westerns and cheesy Americana a lot, as well as smoking a pipe and taking care of/riding his classic motorcycle.

Sam coughed to get a bit of attention before he began to speak. "Now that almost everyone is here it's indeed time for a full and proper introduction. My name, as most of you already know, is Samuel Rodrigues, codenamed Minuano and commonly referred to as Jetstream Sam. I am a mercenary and since a couple of years a saloon owner. In my teenage years I traveled the world, dispensing justice on lawless madmen, on desperadoes, after my father had been killed and Murasama here stolen" Sam drew Murasama, showing the humming blade off to those gathered. "by one of his former students. I took down most of his drug cartel, killed the bastard and reclaimed Murasama, although he did leave me a permanent souvenir." Sam tapped the scar over his eye.

"Then I became a vigilante of sorts, doing mercenary work whenever I needed money. It was during these years that I came in contact with the [LA-LI-LU-LE-LO!] and Senator Armstrong. Armstrong had lured me to the HQ of his PMC and pitted me against his men as a test to verify my strength. Then, during a 'job interview' with him I managed to beat him after a pretty intense fight... Only for the bastard to stand up again tell me the job was mine. Naturally I cut his arm off, which he reattached after he had used the stump to cut of mine." Sam said with no small amount of spite as he showed off his cybernetic arm.

"After that I lost my way pretty hard. I joined Armstrong's cause, my defeat having made me blind to his methods. His ideals were actually good. They were even about the same as those of Raiden and me. But what set us apart was that he didn't see a thing wrong with picking homeless kids off the street, surgically removing their brains, hooking said brains up to a vr program that simulated the Liberian civil war and implanting those brains into combat cyborg bodies once they had finished training." Sam sighed. "Anyway, that's how I became part of a terrorist organisation that was planning to bring ultimate, social darwinistic freedom to the world by assassinating the president of the US, getting elected for presidency and plunging the world in such a big war that all civilization would be destroyed and could be rebuild 'properly'."

"In the run up to the culmination of the plan, called operation Tecumseh, we encountered a cyborg ninja named Raiden who was assigned to play bodyguard to a president we had decided to murder because Africa was getting a little too peaceful, which was bad for the war economy. We kidnapped the president, I watched him cut up a Metal Gear while listening to some pretty awesome music, dueled him for a bit before stomping the hell out of him and flew into the sunset leaving a dead president and an arm and eyeless ninja behind."

'But during that battle he had said some things with which he reminded me of my old self. I began doubting the plan, and instead of killing everyone at a launch site Raiden was heading for I waited him up and had a rather dramatic duel at sundown with him. He beat me by stabbing me through the guts and thought that was the end of it. It nearly was too! I was dead for several minutes during which I was confronted by all the people I'd ever killed. That was not a fun experience, let me tell you. Luckily I was saved by two Mexicans on a road trip, god knows how they saved me since they refused to tell. I toured with them for a bit until we were back in Mexico again. From there I walked to Rio de Janeiro and reopened the family dojo and a saloon along with it."

"From there on out I have been trying to keep a low profile. Only a few people have managed to find out I wasn't quite as dead as they had thought. All but one are dead now. The one who still lives is a robot wolf with a back mounted rail gun and a chainsaw for a tail. He's a pretty cool guy if you can get past the snarky remarks. He broke into my house one night and dropped my sword off along with a very angry audio log. Turned out Raiden had used my sword to bring Armstrong down and was now fighting a one man war to undo the [LA-LI-LU-LE-LO!]'s work.
And then one night while fighting off some mercenaries who thought it had been a good idea to attack me I was transported here. The rest you were here for my arrival and the rest happens now."

After this introduction speech to the members of Steel Company, Sam went on to cause massive property damage, kill ponies and (un)intentionally drive Miriam Green up the wall with his new ETERNAL HETEROSEXUAL LIFE PARTNER BRO RIVAL Ethan Gower. All was going pretty well, until a Planeswalker pushed him out of a UFO and to yet another universe, which happened to not be his home like the man had said, but instead yet another version of the My Little Pony universe. This time in Equestria itself. He spent some time mucking about on the world he was dropped off on, familiarizing himself with his new universe when all of the sudden Ethan Gower appeared as well.
Now, the disastrously dynamic duo of doom has been set loose on the world, and God only knows how much property damage they'll cause in the name of good times and being colossal dicks this time around.
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Paging @Wade Garrett once more.

Name: Samuel "Jetstream Sam" Rodrigues

Universe: Metal Gear/Cyreni's The Conversion Bureau
Sam wears a CNT exoskeleton that increases physical strength, speed and durability by a huge degree. Used to be strong enough to make you suplex about 500 tonnes of mech, but poor maintainance has severely brought this down. But punching through tank armour and blast doors should still be possible. Durability and speed haven't been affected much, so things like running at 80 km/h and walking off terminal velocity falls are still a thing. High Supersonic movement is possible in short bursts called Blade Mode, but this technique is very taxing on the batteries. The armour's retractable face mask contains an air filter to keep noxious gasses and the like out as well as protect his glorious face. Incorporates a hammerspace store where rocket launchers, various grenades, cardboard boxes and booze are stored. His right arm is fully cybernetic and carries the same level of power as the exoskeleton.

Sam posses superhumanly quick reflexes, being capable of taking down a group of ten mobster hitmen armed with automatic rifles who had him surrounded with nothing but his sword. This was before he was augmented in any way.

CODEC implant with a link to the optical nerve to allow the user to see who they're talking to. Doubles as a PDA of sorts.

His ancestral heirloom weapon, the Murasama blade, that has been modified by Sam to become a High Frequency katana. Basically a Vibrosword, but without the nasty electricity weakness and with a lot more cutting power and durability. Full explanation on its mechanics here. It is sheathed in a sheath that can fire the sword out with a small explosive charge and trigger, allowing for incredibly fast and deadly Iaido strikes.

Master swordsman and martial artist who practices his family's version of Brazilian kenjutsu: the Rodrigues New Shadow School. This style is based on the Uradachi or Satsujin-Ken, the murdering sword, style, which aims to kill your opponent in the most violent way possible. It further incorporates Iaido, Capoeira and Judo to create an extremely deadly style.

Sam might as well be the god of taunting. With a single quip, smile and arm gesture he was able to incite blind and reckless murderous rage in emotionless machines. With a monologue, he broke down Raiden's mental defenses and reduced him to the twisted masochist his traumatic childhood had turned him in to. If Jetstream Sam wants you mad, you will get mad.

Used to own and run a saloon and can play the guitar in various different styles. Also a decent driver when he isn't drunk.

Simply put, Jetstream Sam is an honourable, well meaning, colossal dick of an adrenaline junkie. His whole life up until he was defeated by Raiden he has done nothing but fight to the death; Sometimes for money, but always for his ideals. Even after he vanished from the public eye and settled down, he craved the excitement of battle. He began to drink that urge away, but starting a saloon to repurpose all that alcohol quickly beat that addiction out of him.
His need for action and the freewheeling personality he developed in his vigilante years have combined together into a very teasing and infuriating man who nonetheless holds true to his ideals of fighting for those who cannot fend for themselves and against the morally corrupt, especially since his involvement with desperado. But these ideals do not stop him from dicking around and breaking the law should it be convenient for him, nor have they changed his might makes right attitude.
Enjoys spaghetti westerns and cheesy Americana a lot, as well as smoking a pipe and taking care of/riding his classic motorcycle.

Sam coughed to get a bit of attention before he began to speak. "Now that almost everyone is here it's indeed time for a full and proper introduction. My name, as most of you already know, is Samuel Rodrigues, codenamed Minuano and commonly referred to as Jetstream Sam. I am a mercenary and since a couple of years a saloon owner. In my teenage years I traveled the world, dispensing justice on lawless madmen, on desperadoes, after my father had been killed and Murasama here stolen" Sam drew Murasama, showing the humming blade off to those gathered. "by one of his former students. I took down most of his drug cartel, killed the bastard and reclaimed Murasama, although he did leave me a permanent souvenir." Sam tapped the scar over his eye.

"Then I became a vigilante of sorts, doing mercenary work whenever I needed money. It was during these years that I came in contact with the [LA-LI-LU-LE-LO!] and Senator Armstrong. Armstrong had lured me to the HQ of his PMC and pitted me against his men as a test to verify my strength. Then, during a 'job interview' with him I managed to beat him after a pretty intense fight... Only for the bastard to stand up again tell me the job was mine. Naturally I cut his arm off, which he reattached after he had used the stump to cut of mine." Sam said with no small amount of spite as he showed off his cybernetic arm.

"After that I lost my way pretty hard. I joined Armstrong's cause, my defeat having made me blind to his methods. His ideals were actually good. They were even about the same as those of Raiden and me. But what set us apart was that he didn't see a thing wrong with picking homeless kids off the street, surgically removing their brains, hooking said brains up to a vr program that simulated the Liberian civil war and implanting those brains into combat cyborg bodies once they had finished training." Sam sighed. "Anyway, that's how I became part of a terrorist organisation that was planning to bring ultimate, social darwinistic freedom to the world by assassinating the president of the US, getting elected for presidency and plunging the world in such a big war that all civilization would be destroyed and could be rebuild 'properly'."

"In the run up to the culmination of the plan, called operation Tecumseh, we encountered a cyborg ninja named Raiden who was assigned to play bodyguard to a president we had decided to murder because Africa was getting a little too peaceful, which was bad for the war economy. We kidnapped the president, I watched him cut up a Metal Gear while listening to some pretty awesome music, dueled him for a bit before stomping the hell out of him and flew into the sunset leaving a dead president and an arm and eyeless ninja behind."

'But during that battle he had said some things with which he reminded me of my old self. I began doubting the plan, and instead of killing everyone at a launch site Raiden was heading for I waited him up and had a rather dramatic duel at sundown with him. He beat me by stabbing me through the guts and thought that was the end of it. It nearly was too! I was dead for several minutes during which I was confronted by all the people I'd ever killed. That was not a fun experience, let me tell you. Luckily I was saved by two Mexicans on a road trip, god knows how they saved me since they refused to tell. I toured with them for a bit until we were back in Mexico again. From there I walked to Rio de Janeiro and reopened the family dojo and a saloon along with it."

"From there on out I have been trying to keep a low profile. Only a few people have managed to find out I wasn't quite as dead as they had thought. All but one are dead now. The one who still lives is a robot wolf with a back mounted rail gun and a chainsaw for a tail. He's a pretty cool guy if you can get past the snarky remarks. He broke into my house one night and dropped my sword off along with a very angry audio log. Turned out Raiden had used my sword to bring Armstrong down and was now fighting a one man war to undo the [LA-LI-LU-LE-LO!]'s work.
And then one night while fighting off some mercenaries who thought it had been a good idea to attack me I was transported here. The rest you were here for my arrival and the rest happens now."

After this introduction speech to the members of Steel Company, Sam went on to cause massive property damage, kill ponies and (un)intentionally drive Miriam Green up the wall with his new ETERNAL HETEROSEXUAL LIFE PARTNER BRO RIVAL Ethan Gower. All was going pretty well, until a Planeswalker pushed him out of a UFO and to yet another universe, which happened to not be his home like the man had said, but instead yet another version of the My Little Pony universe. This time in Equestria itself. He spent some time mucking about on the world he was dropped off on, familiarizing himself with his new universe when all of the sudden Ethan Gower appeared as well.
Now, the disastrously dynamic duo of doom has been set loose on the world, and God only knows how much property damage they'll cause in the name of good times and being colossal dicks this time around.
Accepted automatically.
Sumireko Usami - Accepted
Name: Sumireko Usami
Universe: Touhou
  • Psychic Powers: Sumireko is what is known as an esper, meaning that she possesses the ability to use Psychic powers.
    • Telekinesis: Sumireko's main offensive power that allows her to grab, manipulate and throw objects with telekinetic force. Currently strong enough to topple telephone lines and throw steel I-beams at the speed of a tennis ball.
    • Levitation: Using this ability Sumireko can fly at roughly the speed as one would ride a bike.
    • Teleportation: Sumireko's preferred escape method, allows her to teleport herself and items she is holding a short distance within line of sight. Can be used in bursts of 3 before she needs a couple seconds to recharge.
    • Pyrokinesis: One of Sumireko's less practiced abilities, allows her to create small explosions within her line of sight with a snap of her fingers.
    • Occult Laser: The ability to fire a beam of unknown purple occult energy from her hands that can cut a car in half.
    • Astral Projection: One of Sumireko's more recent abilities, allows her to project a copy of herself at any location she knowns regardless of magical barriers when she is sleeping. Ability is not voluntary and activates whenever Sumireko falls asleep.
      • Dream Fantasy Disease: A side effect of gaining her Astral projection, wherever Sumireko's projection appears nearby a bubble known as a Dream Soul will also be created. If these dream souls come into contact with someone they are put to sleep and experience whatever dream Sumireko would of had if she didn't Astral project. Warning!! If Sumireko's projection comes into contact with a bubble it will create a paradox completely destroying her souls, IE she'd be deader than dead.
  • Danmaku: The combat style of Gensokyo, currently Sumireko does not posses the skill to do anything other than brawl style fights and doesn't have any complex bullet patterns. However her basic understanding does allow her to set all of her attacks to Stun thus allowing her to go all out without worrying about killing someone.
  • Items:
    • Obligatory Touhou Hat: A very nice hat with a ribbon that Sumireko wears at all times. Will remain undamaged no matter what happens.
    • Runic Cloak: A Cloak that Sumireko wears with runes written on the inside, has no effect other than looking cool and making the runes scroll inside the cloak.
    • Occultists Smartphone: A regular smartphone with a Pentagram design on the back, has all the functions of a regular smartphone.
    • 3D Printed Gun: A gun made using a 3D printer, allows Sumireko to shoot purple danmaku bullets of Occult Energy.
    • Street Signs: Sumireko's preferred telekinetic weapon that she pulls out of seemingly nowhere, even she doesn't know where they come from.
    • 7 Orbs of the Occult: Created from keystones from 7 wonders of the world the Occult Orbs gather up the ambient power of Urban Legends. Each orb can be used to temporarily supercharge a single ability before it has to take a day to recharge. If all orbs are used together they allow Sumireko to use a Last Word move that either calls down an Orbital Doom Laser or smash through even the strongest of barriers. [Reward Locked]
Personality: Sumireko is a high schooler who possesses a large amount of bravado and confidence in her abilities. Possessing an intense fascination with the world of the occult and supernatural she has recently gained a respect for the people of Gensokyo and is now intent on making friends with those that interest her.
Biography (Optional): Sumireko's story is one that is both fantastic and ordinary at the same time. Born into a normal world she went about her normal life as a normal girl, except she was not normal since she had psychic powers. This resulted in her developing a bit of a superiority complex and purposefully isolating herself from other people her age (which was the original intent of making the secret sealing club as no one would want to join it).

That is until she became aware of the existence of Gensokyo, a world of wonder and fantasy the likes of which she could hardly image. However there was a problem, she could only enter the land of fantasy for a short time and even then only as a shadowy silhouette.

But that never stopped the clever esper and through no small effort, and admittedly some help from the Lunarians although she didn't know about that, she managed to acquire the Urban Legend Orbs and set about creating an incident that would allow her to freely come and go between Gensokyo and the outside world.

Of course nothing is ever simple and over the course of what will come to be known as the Urban Legend in Limbo incident she engaged in Brawl style Danmaku duels with several of Gensokyo's residents, got spirited away by a Tanuki, bullied repeatedly over the course of a night, made friends with an immortal girl with fire powers and in her panic almost caused the destruction of Gensokyo's barrier...so a rather eventful night but at least she gained the ability to fully project herself into Gnesokyo whenever she's sleeping out of it so that's a plus.
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Jack Megiddo - Accepted
*Evil grin*
Name: Jack Megiddo
Species Name: Guilmon X-Antibody
Universe: Digimon
Powers: - Fireball - shoots an explosive fireball from his mouth.
- Rock Breaker - Rams its claws into its target, smashing it to bits.
- Digivolution (Reward Locked) - Can Digivolve to Growlmon X-Antibody,
WarGrowlmon X-Antibody, and Megidramon X-Antibody or Gallantmon X-Antibody in ascending order of power.
- Is a Digimon - Jack is a Digital Monster from the Digimon Tamers universe. This gives him various innate qualities:
- Jack does not need food, water, or air. He can still eat, drink, and breathe, but it is entirely optional, and not doing so will cause growing discomfort and eventually pain but no actual harm.
- Jack can eat anything that isn't actively harmful (poisonous, red-hot, razor-sharp, etc.) and that he can actually fit down his throat with little to no risk of indigestion and convert it entirely to data with no waste.
- Jack is made of data on a basic level. Where organic beings are made of proteins that form DNA, Jack is made of bits (1s and 0s) that form lines of code.
- While in a non-digital world, Digimon have three parts to their body: the core, the shell, and the skin.
- The core is the part that makes them who they are, roughly their brain, soul, mind, etc. all in one. It is a small, very dense and tough sphere located in roughly the center of Jack's mass.
- The shell is the majority of the rest of their body, defining what they look like, their shape and size, etc. This is also entirely superficial. The entirety of it could be destroyed and, while it would be intensely painful, leaving Jack incapable of doing much of anything, it wouldn't kill him and he would eventually regenerate. Similarly, he can regenerate from any wound to his shell given time and data, whether taken raw or converted from something else, like food. The shell, in a real world, takes the form of a wireframe silhouette of the Digimon, though it will likely not be seen because it is covered by:
- The skin, a thin but tough coating of synthesized false proteins that coats a Digimon and acts as a buffer between their data and the outside world. Essentially performs much of the same functions as skin for most organic beings: keep the insides in and the outside out.
- Jack is also a carrier of the X-Antibody. This makes him immune to the X-Virus (Essentially a Digital Black Death with occasional added zombies), makes him stronger, tougher, faster, etc. than average, and seals the Digital Hazard within him.
- If I find anything else, I'll run it by Nathaniel Wolff before adding it.

Personality: Self-Insert. I'll be trying to be nice. Probably.

Let me know if I need to add/clarify anything.

*Walks off muttering "Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions" under my breath.*
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I am tempted to apply, but my knowledge of the setting is largely limited to 'it exists, it involves ponies, and despite appearances it's not aimed at seven year old girls'. How much of a problem would this be?
I am tempted to apply, but my knowledge of the setting is largely limited to 'it exists, it involves ponies, and despite appearances it's not aimed at seven year old girls'. How much of a problem would this be?
None. Absolutely none at all. I'll be explaining shit to you guys as we go along.
*Evil grin*
Name: Jack Megiddo
Species Name: Guilmon X-Antibody
Universe: Digimon
Powers: - Fireball - shoots an explosive fireball from his mouth.
- Rock Breaker - Rams its claws into its target, smashing it to bits.
- Digivolution - Can Digivolve to Growlmon X-Antibody, WarGrowlmon X-Antibody, and Megidramon X-Antibody or Gallantmon X-Antibody in ascending order of power.
Personality: Self-Insert. I'll be trying to be nice. Probably.

Let me know if I need to add/clarify anything.

*Walks off muttering "Digimon, Digital Monsters, Digimon are the champions" under my breath.*
Any and All Digivolution are locked behind the reward wall. Besides that, however, I'll accept it.
I am tempted to apply, but my knowledge of the setting is largely limited to 'it exists, it involves ponies, and despite appearances it's not aimed at seven year old girls'. How much of a problem would this be?

It's totally aimed at seven year old girls, people just like to pretend it isn't.

It's just that Hasbro isn't dumb enough to reject things because the wrong audience is also watching it's show.
Name: Excalibur


Universe: Soul Eater

Powers: Excalibur is the ultimate weapon. Although capable of transforming between his weapon form and his... anthropomorphic anteater?... form at will, by himself his capabilities are limited; only when wielded by another can his true power be unleashed. His powers are as follows:
-Wings of Light: A pair of bright golden wings that Excalibur may use to fly in his weapon form, and that are given to those who wield him. By himself he is merely extremely fast, but when used by another they are capable of flying fast enough that they are effectively constantly flash-stepping (i.e. moving faster than the eye can follow).
-Teleportation: Although he himself cannot use this power, Excalibur's wielders are able to teleport.
-Holy Explosion: Excalibur is capable of creating powerful explosions. When used by himself this requires him to strike his target whilst flying, but when wielded by another they can simply cause those around them to explode for no obvious reason.
-Spacial Cutting: Rather than cutting purely in the realm of the physical, each swing of Excalibur tears through space itself. Not only does this allow him to slice through almost anything, but it also allows him to cut open portals between different locations.
Madness of Rage: Excalibur is the personification of the Madness of Rage. Whilst he himself suffers no particular tendency towards anger, his mere presence easily irritates those around him to extreme frustration. Although admittedly it's possible that this is simply due to his personality, and that he needs nothing else to inspire anger.

Personality: FOOL! Have you not heard? My legend began in the 12th century! I was resting peacefully in my stone, when King Arthur came forth and drew me! Together, we destroyed armies with a single blow! Not just one, but two, or even three every time he swung me! It's only a shame that I had to leave him, for my career as a painter was just beginning. Yes, it was I, not Leonardo who painted the Mona Lisa! I allowed him to take the credit though, for I could not stand the publicity then- I could never have exposed my children to such scrutiny.

FOOL! Have you not heard of Zeus and Churchill? I sired them both, with Joan of Arc. I was the greatest parent, doting on them night and day. If only their mother had lived... I told her to take me. Begged her, pleaded! But she insisted on travelling to Atlantis alone, and never returned... FOOL! That was not my darling, but an imposter that the British used to demoralise their foes! How my great country had fallen, how Arthur mourned their selfish shame.

Ah, but enough of old times. You wish to use me in battle? Very well- FOOL! Rule 134, you must wash your hands before I deign to allow you to hold me. And have you forgotten rule 567- blue hair must be dyed daily!
Awesome. Just one question: what's a reward wall?
Basically, once you achieve a Goal, you get a reward, like, say, a power boost. I'll explain it more when my computer isn't being slow.
Name: Excalibur


Universe: Soul Eater

Powers: Excalibur is the ultimate weapon. Although capable of transforming between his weapon form and his... anthropomorphic anteater?... form at will, by himself his capabilities are limited; only when wielded by another can his true power be unleashed. His powers are as follows:
-Wings of Light: A pair of bright golden wings that Excalibur may use to fly in his weapon form, and that are given to those who wield him. By himself he is merely extremely fast, but when used by another they are capable of flying fast enough that they are effectively constantly flash-stepping (i.e. moving faster than the eye can follow).
-Teleportation: Although he himself cannot use this power, Excalibur's wielders are able to teleport.
-Holy Explosion: Excalibur is capable of creating powerful explosions. When used by himself this requires him to strike his target whilst flying, but when wielded by another they can simply cause those around them to explode for no obvious reason.
-Spacial Cutting: Rather than cutting purely in the realm of the physical, each swing of Excalibur tears through space itself. Not only does this allow him to slice through almost anything, but it also allows him to cut open portals between different locations.
Madness of Rage: Excalibur is the personification of the Madness of Rage. Whilst he himself suffers no particular tendency towards anger, his mere presence easily irritates those around him to extreme frustration. Although admittedly it's possible that this is simply due to his personality, and that he needs nothing else to inspire anger.

Personality: FOOL! Have you not heard? My legend began in the 12th century! I was resting peacefully in my stone, when King Arthur came forth and drew me! Together, we destroyed armies with a single blow! Not just one, but two, or even three every time he swung me! It's only a shame that I had to leave him, for my career as a painter was just beginning. Yes, it was I, not Leonardo who painted the Mona Lisa! I allowed him to take the credit though, for I could not stand the publicity then- I could never have exposed my children to such scrutiny.

FOOL! Have you not heard of Zeus and Churchill? I sired them both, with Joan of Arc. I was the greatest parent, doting on them night and day. If only their mother had lived... I told her to take me. Begged her, pleaded! But she insisted on travelling to Atlantis alone, and never returned... FOOL! That was not my darling, but an imposter that the British used to demoralise their foes! How my great country had fallen, how Arthur mourned their selfish shame.

Ah, but enough of old times. You wish to use me in battle? Very well- FOOL! Rule 134, you must wash your hands before I deign to allow you to hold me. And have you forgotten rule 567- blue hair must be dyed daily!
takeitawaytakeitawaytakeitaway*panicked jibbering*

The only way- the ONLY way- I'll accept this is as a SI with most of the powers reward locked. I'll let you keep the wings.
takeitawaytakeitawaytakeitaway*panicked jibbering*

The only way- the ONLY way- I'll accept this is as a SI with most of the powers reward locked. I'll let you keep the wings.
Awwwwwww... :(

Will probably make a different application, then. Though it'd probably help if I had a rough idea of what level of power an Acorn has.