
Patron Librarian
Once again the hand of fate guides our young heroes towards their destinies, unaware of any outside of their story....until now that is. Where once there had been the gentle touch of hope on their hearts and the sense that everything will be alright, now there is only a void for the great being's help was no longer there. There would be no last minute power ups, no surge of power or convenient strokes of luck.

Now they were alone, four stories left to run their course. Whether they end in victory or tragedy are up to them now. So let the flowers bloom brightly to fend off the coming storm for soon they shall wilt away, let the ever ticking clock repeat it's tragic tale until it's hope becomes despair, let the foolish gems fill the cup not knowing what lies inside and let the loyal knights doom the one they care for the most.

It does not matter. No one can be SAVED. In this world it's Kill or be Killed.
But there is a way, you just have to find it.

Current time: Midnight​

@Silvan Eldar
As befitting of a seamstress of your unrivaled talents you awaken in a boutique of some sort, not the highest quality place and not even a single REVOC brand outfit!! But before you can truly get your bearings a voice thunders in your head.

What a wretched creature you are, but perhaps there is a spark of good in your black heart. See this girl?
Well I want you to make it so she becomes friends with this person

You do know what a friend is right?....well it doesn't matter, do this and I'll reward you. Oh and mind controlling them into doing it doesn't count. Hopefully this will have some positive effect on a monster like you.

You awaken sitting against a tree as if you had just stopped for a quick rest. You appear to be at the entrance to some sort of temple nestled at the peak of a small mountain, in the distance you can see what appears to be a city but before you can take it in a soft, soothing voice enters your mind.

Ahh sorry dear, did I wake you? My apologies for doing this but...well I can't really tell you why, it would ruin the story you see. Anyway all I need from you is to get something from this man
It's called a Pip-Boy, do this for me and I'll give you a gift. But I have to go now, have fun!!


@Dai-Gurren Man
You wake up feeling like you just sang concerts, got really drunk at the after parties and then challenged agent 3 to a turf war.....however wherever you are now is certainly not Inkopolis, sure it looks similar but you are sure pretty sure it doesn't have a giant observation tower like you one you are in right now. Doesn't matter though because before you can properly brush the dust from your dress a voice practical screams at you through your communicator.

OHMYGOD!! CALLIE!!! I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN!! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!...............ummm I mean uhhh okay so this is awkward but I sort of need you to destroy this guy
I know it sounds easy's actually really hard.....sorry....but if you do it i'll get you a present!!!............can I still have to autograph?


You awaken in an unfamiliar place, rather than the soothing waters of the spring that you called how instead your bubble was battered by the turbulent waters of the ocean. What is more your body was....different, it was still you but so much more human pokemon, if that made sense. Still as you floated there in your bubble a voice whispered into your mind.

Hello little Mew, sorry about the landing I was aiming for the river but I over shot a bit. Anyway while i'm sure you have many questions, especially in regards to how your body has changed I can't really answer you. But don't worry because I have a task for you making a new friend!! Specifically this girl
I'll even reward you if you do so, but only if you become true friends. Like "I trust you with my life" level of friends ship, well bye!!


With a sharp jolt your mind is shaken from it's unnatural slumber, it appears that while you were unconscious someone had decided to move you to some old run down church and left you lying on one of the pews. But the how and why were still unknown, thankfully the rerecorded telepathic message that began to play in your head would soon answer one of those questions.

RISE AND SHINE!!!....well alright it's the middle of the night, but anyway you have a most enjoyable task ahead of you my dear. For you see in exchange for a special gift you have to go on a date with this lovely lady right here
It's a win/win really, have fun!!


War, war never changes. Even in the capital wasteland it is an inevitable fact of life that if you don't keep your wits about you and expect the unexpected that you'd end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Which is what happened to you, well not the dead part but you are in some sort of gutter in an unfamiliar city. You are just able to make out what looks like a cafe before a noise starts playing in your heart.

So your the leader of these Tunnel Snakes I've heard so much about? You don't look so tough.....tell you what how about a bet if you can take this girl
on the best date of her life then I'll give you a reward, one that you won't find anywhere in the capital wasteland.


You don't know why but when you wake up in the rooftop garden of a hospital you can't help but feel like it was because you figured out some sort of puzzle...but it doesn't matter you are here now and there is a mysterious voice talking to you in your head.

My aren't you a clever girl, to think you almost didn't get in. But being clever alone won't be enough to conquer my next challenge!! See this girl
Make sure she stays alive until this person is dead
You can do this anyway you want, I'll even reward you when the job is done....that is if you are even able to do so, after all you are just an underdeveloped little girl.
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You awaken sitting against a tree as if you had just stopped for a quick rest. You appear to be at the entrance to some sort of temple nestled at the peak of a small mountain, in the distance you can see what appears to be a city but before you can take it in a soft, soothing voice enters your mind.

Ahh sorry dear, did I wake you? My apologies for doing this but...well I can't really tell you why, it would ruin the story you see. Anyway all I need from you is to get something from this man
It's called a Pip-Boy, do this for me and I'll give you a gift. But I have to go now, have fun!!

*Cough* *Cough*

For the one known as Okita Souji, it wasn't, indeed, that be sitting next to a tree. She tried not to make too big a habit of it, but sometimes she needed just a quick rest. Falling asleep next to one, that was a bit more unusual.

Still, when you have mysterious voices in your head, that was when normal stopped. She let out a small sigh.

A Pip-Boy, huh?

She had no idea what that was, but in the end, that probably didn't matter too much. All she'd have to do is invoke her authority as a Shinsengumi and he'd have to turn it over, anyway.

Souji's nose crinkled, as she smelled the tree one more time. No matter how much she wanted to stay still a little longer, though, it was time to get moving. She was at the entrance to what looked like a shrine or temple in the mountains.

No wonder breathing was a little more difficult. She was higher up then she was before...

Just where was she? She didn't recognise the land.

Shrugging, Souji began to walk into the temple. That would probably lead to quicker answers.
War, war never changes. Even in the capital wasteland it is an inevitable fact of life that if you don't keep your wits about you and expect the unexpected that you'd end up dead in a ditch somewhere. Which is what happened to you, well not the dead part but you are in some sort of gutter in an unfamiliar city. You are just able to make out what looks like a cafe before a noise starts playing in your heart.

So your the leader of these Tunnel Snakes I've heard so much about? You don't look so tough.....tell you what how about a bet if you can take this girl
on the best date of her life then I'll give you a reward, one that you won't find anywhere in the capital wasteland.

Butch lets out a raspy groan not unlike the one he had heard from the feral ghouls crawling around the ruins of the once great symbol of America, Washington DC. The Tunnel Snakes leader groggily pushes himself upward from the ground, nursing his head with one hand as he gets up from the ditch.

The hell happened last night?

Let see... He remembered going to one of his friend's bachelor party in Megaton. After meeting and catching up with the others, they went up on a rooftop and taking a drink there. And then... Well, this is rather bizarre. It seems that he can't quite recall what exactly happened after that. All he got from trying to remember are flashes of things that might have happened. Okay, there was a ghoul barber quartet, some Super Mutants in dresses, and a...talking Brahmin and a mirelurk playing the world's saddest song on the world's tiniest violin? The hell?

Yup, that confirms it. Some asshole definitely slipped them something. When he has his hands on the douchebag that spiked his drink, he will definitely show that bastard how sharp a Tunnel Snake's fangs are.

Groggily standing up, Butch massages his forehead. Slowly prying his eyes open from their slumber, he took stock of his surrounding. What he sees does not match his memories. Blinking a couple of time from look at the cement, clearly not ruined from nuclear bombs that were dropped during the Great War. But before he could think more on that, another bizarre thing happens. He is hearing a voice not his own dissing him and an image of a rather nice-looking blond babe with hair drills in a strange outfit.

Huh. So someone or something wanted him to play around with some girl in exchange for something.

Oh shit. Being kidnapped and going on a random adventure was not his thing. That was the other guy's thing. Fine, he will play along for now, and get this over quickly as possible so that he can go find the asshole that spiked his drink back at the Capital Wasteland.

Spotting what appears to be a cafe, Butch fetches a comb from his jacket and ran its plastic teeth through his amazing hair. All the while using his Pip-Boy as a mirror.

After spending some times combing his hair back to its glory, he walked toward the cafe and entering through its door.

Hopefully, someone can give him the deets on where he is. Because clearly this place was untouched by nuclear fire and atomic bombs unlike his home.
With a sharp jolt your mind is shaken from it's unnatural slumber, it appears that while you were unconscious someone had decided to move you to some old run down church and left you lying on one of the pews. But the how and why were still unknown, thankfully the rerecorded telepathic message that began to play in your head would soon answer one of those questions.

RISE AND SHINE!!!....well alright it's the middle of the night, but anyway you have a most enjoyable task ahead of you my dear. For you see in exchange for a special gift you have to go on a date with this lovely lady right here
It's a win/win really, have fun!!

The first thing that occurred to Sion when she awoke was that this wasn't her Director's office that she had fallen asleep in last night. Whoever had the ability to penetrate all of the layers of Atlas' defenses to spirit her away in the middle of the night must be someone of considerable power. Perhaps, they were even more powerful than TATARI.

Her five mental partitions ascertained her current status and options in the blink of an eye.

She was low on supplies, but her key Mystic Codes were still in her possession. This opened up a number of possibilities for her. Unfortunately, all paths led to the same future. She needed to find this brunette and go on a date with her. This would prove difficult if her objective was heterosexual. In that case, should Sion fall back on magecraft? Given her objective's non-human appearance, she might be a supernatural denizen and willing to believe the truth. These were just potential scenarios. Sion would continue to gather information before she came to a solid conclusion.

The dilapidated church might not offer much in the way of comfort, but it was suitable for a workshop. After setting up the basic bounded fields, Sion stepped outside and released her Etherlite. Invisible threads combed through the mundane population searching for Sion's objective or any trace of the Moonlit World.
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Mmn... Not so early... Lemme sleep, water...
...Wait, the water's moving?! Yup, just feeling it on the bubble, this isn't my spring. Well, unless someone found it and started underwater splashing me.
...Nope, eyes open, nothing but water. Hey, this is pretty cool! How'd they get me into the ocean? Um, well, there's no one arou- ah! A leg! A human leg! And it moves with me, whoever it belongs to is almost as good at mimicking as me! I'm still better, though, and I'll show it!


...I'm not transforming. Um... Wait a minute... Just a hunch, but if I wrap my tail around the leg...

I was right, that's my leg! That's my leg? But how can I have my bubble up if I'm transformed? Well, I think that's my bubble... Maybe I should let it down? Yep, that's my bubble! Aw... Now I'm wet... Right, bubble back up, telekinesis the water off, and I fly out of the water to look at my reflection. It's human... but also me? Ooh, I should go find humans, to see if they'd throw pokeballs at me like this!

I fly higher up, looking around to see if there's any land in sight, and-
Hello little Mew, sorry about the landing I was aiming for the river but I over shot a bit. Anyway while i'm sure you have many questions, especially in regards to how your body has changed I can't really answer you. But don't worry because I have a task for you making a new friend!! Specifically this girl
I'll even reward you if you do so, but only if you become true friends. Like "I trust you with my life" level of friends ship, well bye!!
Ooh, psychic person!

"Hey, why can't you answer my questions?"


...Oh right, they can't answer my questions. Um... Well, she's probably near a river, since psychic person wanted me to be in a river and meet her. But that isn't... How'd they teleport me without getting through my bubble? And how'd they change me, only Arceus could do that, I...
...Arceus... Maybe that was it? It's been thoouusands of years since I heard it, I forgot what he sounded like centuries ago... But I shouldn't just assume...

"Um... If you're Arceus, I'm sorry I forgot your voice. But don't worry! Me and her'll be friends in no time!"

Um, right. Land. Look alll around, maybe it'll be there?
Current time: Midnight​

@Silvan Eldar
As befitting of a seamstress of your unrivaled talents you awaken in a boutique of some sort, not the highest quality place and not even a single REVOC brand outfit!! But before you can truly get your bearings a voice thunders in your head.

What a wretched creature you are, but perhaps there is a spark of good in your black heart. See this girl?
Well I want you to make it so she becomes friends with this person

You do know what a friend is right?....well it doesn't matter, do this and I'll reward you. Oh and mind controlling them into doing it doesn't count. Hopefully this will have some positive effect on a monster like you.
'How opinionated.'

It was actually rather humorous when she thought about it. A voice talking in her head, calling her a 'monster'. It was almost as if the voice was judging her.

But that would be silly. After all, if it knew who she was and what she did, then it probably knew the nature of the conflict between the apes and the Life Fibers. Of a race of rebellious cattle to be consumed at their maker's leisure. Such was the fate and purpose of humanity. If there was on thing Nui was certain of, it was that.

So for a voice in her head, whether it just be her subconscious mind or some psychic...thingie, to be claiming such...well, it'd have to be either willfully ignorant or fishing for a reaction.

Regardless of the voice's silliness though, Nui couldn't recall entering the boutique. Nor could she recall getting herself into any situation were she'd end up unconscious here.

In other words, the silly voice was probably responsible in some manner.

Couldn't do much about that though, so Nui turned to the next bit of information; there weren't any REVOC's pieces in the store.

REVOCs held the near entirety of the clothing market world-wide, and functionally all of it in the developed world. For there not to be a single article of REVOCs clothing in a store this well maintained...well, it had some implications Nui wasn't quite comfortable with thinking about much. At least not till she had more not to start getting concerned till she knew she should.

She'd certainly keep the voice's task in mind. But until her worries were proven true, she wasn't going to give much thought to what a silly voice said.

So with that in mind, Nui Harime skipped out of the boutique with a bright smile on her face. Time to see the locale!
You don't know why but when you wake up in the rooftop garden of a hospital you can't help but feel like it was because you figured out some sort of puzzle...but it doesn't matter you are here now and there is a mysterious voice talking to you in your head.

My aren't you a clever girl, to think you almost didn't get in. But being clever alone won't be enough to conquer my next challenge!! See this girl
Make sure she stays alive until this person is dead
You can do this anyway you want, I'll even reward you when the job is done....that is if you are even able to do so, after all you are just an underdeveloped little girl.

Chaika looked around the dark garden, then up at the stars. They were different, wrong. She couldn't remember how she'd gotten here and there were no signs of Toru, Akari, Frederica, or... There was a panicked scrambling as she twisted around, overbalancing and toppling back in to a shrubbery as the heavy case on her back shifted. The girl let out a sigh of relief. Losing her gandr would be terrible, but more important were Father's remains.

She lay there, looking up at the sky while she thought about what the voice had said. Am not a little girl! That...grrr. It wanted her to protect someone, a demi human from the looks of it, but why? Her memory, already riddled with holes and gaps couldn't tell her. She'd fallen asleep in the back of the car and now here she was. Icy fingers of fear gripped her heart at the thought. If something happened, something bad and I've forgotten, if Toru and Akari are...

Chaika shook her head and set her jaw. She was princess of the Gaz Empire, daughter to Arthur Gaz and she had a task already. If this voice knew more she'd have to follow it for now, at least until she knew what had happened to her friends. Maybe it could even help her with her quest!

She rolled over and unstrapped her coffin, beginning to unpack her gun to start trying to find this girl.
@Dai-Gurren Man
You wake up feeling like you just sang concerts, got really drunk at the after parties and then challenged agent 3 to a turf war.....however wherever you are now is certainly not Inkopolis, sure it looks similar but you are sure pretty sure it doesn't have a giant observation tower like you one you are in right now. Doesn't matter though because before you can properly brush the dust from your dress a voice practical screams at you through your communicator.

OHMYGOD!! CALLIE!!! I'M SUCH A HUGE FAN!! CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!!...............ummm I mean uhhh okay so this is awkward but I sort of need you to destroy this guy
I know it sounds easy's actually really hard.....sorry....but if you do it i'll get you a present!!!............can I still have to autograph?

Callie groaned, her head was pounding, her ears ringing, her vision blurred. "Owie" she mumbled under her breath as she rubbed her aching head. She felt terrible, to say that she shoved her head into a Rainmaker, charged it, and pulled the trigger would be an understatement. What was she just doing?

Callie tried to think back, earlier in the morning she was splatting some S-ranked chumps in Tower Control, had a heated argument with Marie after she sassed her live on the news broadcast again and then ate peanut butter to soothe her soul in the afternoon, sorta helped Agent 3 when Octavio escaped his snowglobe prison and kidnapped gramps for the third time this week, and then made preparations to travel to Calamari for a concert in the evening.....Something Callie completely forgotten about until last minute. For short, it was a very hectic day, so Callie wouldn't be surprised if she took a stop at Gillby's and took a few shots before she left for Calamari. Wouldn't she remembered that though?

Callie looked around the place, she seemed to be in some sort of tower, the interior round and circular, much like the one in Inkopolis. Callie wasn't in Inkopolis though, nor was she in Calamari, she could tell that when she looked out the nearest window. She was greeted with a city that went on for miles, illuminated by the light of the crescent moon that hung in the sky above, sure, it may looked almost extremely to the two metropolises, with the large buildings, the loft apartments, how advertisements plastered billboards and giant television screens, and the extremely tall towers that reached for the sky and seemed to pierce the very heavens themselves. However, this city seemed larger than the two, it was larger than any other city Callie has been to aswell. Where was she?

Then came a squealing voice that rang in Callie's ears, so loud that it was surprising that her ears didn't bleed. The voice claimed to be a fan of Callie's and her cousin-sister's work, odd for a fan to kidnap one of the Squid Sisters and place her somewhere that was completely alien to her. It wanted an autograph, naturally, but mainly the voice wanted Callie to splat someone? A vision went through Callie's mind, a seated figure, dressed in ancient clothing and held a sword in his hands, his faced covered by the triangular hat he wore. The voice said there would be a reward if she did just that, so Callie decided to follow the voice's instructions wishes, hoping that there is a large tub of Ink nearby when she does destroy this guy. What did Callie have to fear? The voice said that this task is going to be extremely difficult but Callie was a S+-Ranked player! Taking on this old timer would be a piece of cake! Wait....She doesn't have any weapons, that's a problem.

Callie began to look for a way out of here...Only to trip on something, don't worry, her face broke the fall. Callie turned her head around to see what she tripped on, it was a pink duffle bag that she only noticed now. She looked around the room, completely empty, turning back to the bag, Callie got onto one knee and began to unzip it. Her eyes lit up once she saw the contents within the bag, it was all her Agent gear! The bag contained her three weapons she used to combat the Octarians with when she was on the field, three Ink Vats, her Hero Agent outfit, and even her Agent 2 disguise! Noticing that her idol outfit was slightly dirty and considering the possibility that she may be swarmed by fans if she went out like this, Callie took out her disguise, wore it over her current outfit since it would be weird if she undressed in a public space, and stuffed as much of her tentacles into her beanbag hat as possible. Noticing a crumpled piece of paper on the floor, Callie thought back to the voice. It wanted an autograph if she recalled correctly, since its best to get on this crazed fan's good side, Callie picked up the crumpled paper, dipped one of her fingers into one of the Ink Vats, and wrote "Splat for the stars, kid!" on the paper, along with her signature .

After taking one final look at the city, Callie donned her Agent 2 sunglasses. This was a whole new world to Callie, a whole new adventure! "Alright, I have no idea where I am nor if this voice is only in my mind and that I am going literally insane, this is going to be fun!" With newfound optimism and determination, Callie slung the duffle bag over her shoulder and walked with confidence, looking for a way out of this place.

*Cough* *Cough*

For the one known as Okita Souji, it wasn't, indeed, that be sitting next to a tree. She tried not to make too big a habit of it, but sometimes she needed just a quick rest. Falling asleep next to one, that was a bit more unusual.

Still, when you have mysterious voices in your head, that was when normal stopped. She let out a small sigh.

A Pip-Boy, huh?

She had no idea what that was, but in the end, that probably didn't matter too much. All she'd have to do is invoke her authority as a Shinsengumi and he'd have to turn it over, anyway.

Souji's nose crinkled, as she smelled the tree one more time. No matter how much she wanted to stay still a little longer, though, it was time to get moving. She was at the entrance to what looked like a shrine or temple in the mountains.

No wonder breathing was a little more difficult. She was higher up then she was before...

Just where was she? She didn't recognise the land.

Shrugging, Souji began to walk into the temple. That would probably lead to quicker answers.
Upon passing through the gate you get an amazing view of the temple itself

Unfortunately there appears to be no one around, not unsurprising considering that it was the middle of the night and the place's caretakers were most likely asleep. But you do happen to spy a light coming from one of the windows, perhaps there was someone who could assist you.


Butch lets out a raspy groan not unlike the one he had heard from the feral ghouls crawling around the ruins of the once great symbol of America, Washington DC. The Tunnel Snakes leader groggily pushes himself upward from the ground, nursing his head with one hand as he gets up from the ditch.

The hell happened last night?

Let see... He remembered going to one of his friend's bachelor party in Megaton. After meeting and catching up with the others, they went up on a rooftop and taking a drink there. And then... Well, this is rather bizarre. It seems that he can't quite recall what exactly happened after that. All he got from trying to remember are flashes of things that might have happened. Okay, there was a ghoul barber quartet, some Super Mutants in dresses, and a...talking Brahmin and a mirelurk playing the world's saddest song on the world's tiniest violin? The hell?

Yup, that confirms it. Some asshole definitely slipped them something. When he has his hands on the douchebag that spiked his drink, he will definitely show that bastard how sharp a Tunnel Snake's fangs are.

Groggily standing up, Butch massages his forehead. Slowly prying his eyes open from their slumber, he took stock of his surrounding. What he sees does not match his memories. Blinking a couple of time from look at the cement, clearly not ruined from nuclear bombs that were dropped during the Great War. But before he could think more on that, another bizarre thing happens. He is hearing a voice not his own dissing him and an image of a rather nice-looking blond babe with hair drills in a strange outfit.

Huh. So someone or something wanted him to play around with some girl in exchange for something.

Oh shit. Being kidnapped and going on a random adventure was not his thing. That was the other guy's thing. Fine, he will play along for now, and get this over quickly as possible so that he can go find the asshole that spiked his drink back at the Capital Wasteland.

Spotting what appears to be a cafe, Butch fetches a comb from his jacket and ran its plastic teeth through his amazing hair. All the while using his Pip-Boy as a mirror.

After spending some times combing his hair back to its glory, he walked toward the cafe and entering through its door.

Hopefully, someone can give him the deets on where he is. Because clearly this place was untouched by nuclear fire and atomic bombs unlike his home.
One thing that seemed to remain constant in this unknown city was the fact that humans still needed to sleep, which explained why the Cafe's door was locked when you tried to open it and while you couldn't exactly read the writing on the sign it was obvious that it was closed. But the lock wasn't that strong so it would be pretty easy for you to bypass, assuming of course you wanted to break into the closed Cafe.

Through the windows you could just about make out a counter along with a small display case showing a large number of mouth watering pastries and on the door the word Takamachi Cafe and Bakery could just barely be made out from the light of your Pip-Boy.
The first thing that occurred to Sion when she awoke was that this wasn't her Director's office that she had fallen asleep in last night. Whoever had the ability to penetrate all of the layers of Atlas' defenses to spirit her away in the middle of the night must be someone of considerable power. Perhaps, they were even more powerful than TATARI.

Her five mental partitions ascertained her current status and options in the blink of an eye.

She was low on supplies, but her key Mystic Codes were still in her possession. This opened up a number of possibilities for her. Unfortunately, all paths led to the same future. She needed to find this brunette and go on a date with her. This would prove difficult if her objective was heterosexual. In that case, should Sion fall back on magecraft? Given her objective's non-human appearance, she might be a supernatural denizen and willing to believe the truth. These were just potential scenarios. Sion would continue to gather information before she came to a solid conclusion.

The dilapidated church might not offer much in the way of comfort, but it was suitable for a workshop. After setting up the basic bounded fields, Sion stepped outside and released her Etherlite. Invisible threads combed through the mundane population searching for Sion's objective or any trace of the Moonlit World.
The church has clearly been abandoned for a long time and despite it's general state of disrepair, but surprisingly not vandalized like many abandoned buildings, it didn't take long for you to set up some basic boundary fields. Although if you were planning on turning it into a suitable base you'd need to do something about the massive broken windows that were currently letting in the moonlight.

You did not notice the side door, nor the magic hiding it from your senses or the mind slumbering within.
But that was a job for later, for now your Etherlite were combing the minds of the nearby population for any usable information. While the general location of the church placed it on the outskirts of the city and the time of day limited you findings you were able to get some helpful data. The city you were in was apparently called Uminari Fuyuki, specifically in the section known as Mitakihara town. However before you could get in any more information your threads brushed a mind that could only be described as...insane.

The moment you touched it your senses were overwhelmed by a tidal wave of BLOODKILLMURDERMAIMCUTHERTHROAT that would have driven a normal human insane and made your Etherlites withdraw out of reflex. Something telling you that you do not want to encounter the being who those thoughts belonged to.
Mmn... Not so early... Lemme sleep, water...
...Wait, the water's moving?! Yup, just feeling it on the bubble, this isn't my spring. Well, unless someone found it and started underwater splashing me.
...Nope, eyes open, nothing but water. Hey, this is pretty cool! How'd they get me into the ocean? Um, well, there's no one arou- ah! A leg! A human leg! And it moves with me, whoever it belongs to is almost as good at mimicking as me! I'm still better, though, and I'll show it!


...I'm not transforming. Um... Wait a minute... Just a hunch, but if I wrap my tail around the leg...

I was right, that's my leg! That's my leg? But how can I have my bubble up if I'm transformed? Well, I think that's my bubble... Maybe I should let it down? Yep, that's my bubble! Aw... Now I'm wet... Right, bubble back up, telekinesis the water off, and I fly out of the water to look at my reflection. It's human... but also me? Ooh, I should go find humans, to see if they'd throw pokeballs at me like this!

I fly higher up, looking around to see if there's any land in sight, and-

Ooh, psychic person!

"Hey, why can't you answer my questions?"


...Oh right, they can't answer my questions. Um... Well, she's probably near a river, since psychic person wanted me to be in a river and meet her. But that isn't... How'd they teleport me without getting through my bubble? And how'd they change me, only Arceus could do that, I...
...Arceus... Maybe that was it? It's been thoouusands of years since I heard it, I forgot what he sounded like centuries ago... But I shouldn't just assume...

"Um... If you're Arceus, I'm sorry I forgot your voice. But don't worry! Me and her'll be friends in no time!"

Um, right. Land. Look alll around, maybe it'll be there?
There is nothing only the sounds of the ocean as your bubble pierced the surface. You were greeted by the sight of a large human city, with great towers of glass and metal that rose to touch the sky. Nearby you see the mouth of a river, most likely the one the voice was referring to and just off to the side of it was some sort of dock with big metal boxes stacked on top of each other and ready to be loaded into boats.
The sound of metal on metal rings from the harbor.
'How opinionated.'

It was actually rather humorous when she thought about it. A voice talking in her head, calling her a 'monster'. It was almost as if the voice was judging her.

But that would be silly. After all, if it knew who she was and what she did, then it probably knew the nature of the conflict between the apes and the Life Fibers. Of a race of rebellious cattle to be consumed at their maker's leisure. Such was the fate and purpose of humanity. If there was on thing Nui was certain of, it was that.

So for a voice in her head, whether it just be her subconscious mind or some psychic...thingie, to be claiming such...well, it'd have to be either willfully ignorant or fishing for a reaction.

Regardless of the voice's silliness though, Nui couldn't recall entering the boutique. Nor could she recall getting herself into any situation were she'd end up unconscious here.

In other words, the silly voice was probably responsible in some manner.

Couldn't do much about that though, so Nui turned to the next bit of information; there weren't any REVOC's pieces in the store.

REVOCs held the near entirety of the clothing market world-wide, and functionally all of it in the developed world. For there not to be a single article of REVOCs clothing in a store this well maintained...well, it had some implications Nui wasn't quite comfortable with thinking about much. At least not till she had more not to start getting concerned till she knew she should.

She'd certainly keep the voice's task in mind. But until her worries were proven true, she wasn't going to give much thought to what a silly voice said.

So with that in mind, Nui Harime skipped out of the boutique with a bright smile on her face. Time to see the locale!
Leaving the clothing shop the Nui comes to an empty mall, obviously closed for the night and devoid of people. From the writing on the signs it's rather obvious that you are somewhere in japan or whoever orders those signs is getting his ass fired. But as luck would have it you do manage to detect one person, an overweight night guard who was currently shambling all zombie-like towards a hallway that was clearly sectioned off with big obvious "Under Construction. Keep Out" signs.
Chaika looked around the dark garden, then up at the stars. They were different, wrong. She couldn't remember how she'd gotten here and there were no signs of Toru, Akari, Frederica, or... There was a panicked scrambling as she twisted around, overbalancing and toppling back in to a shrubbery as the heavy case on her back shifted. The girl let out a sigh of relief. Losing her gandr would be terrible, but more important were Father's remains.

She lay there, looking up at the sky while she thought about what the voice had said. Am not a little girl! That...grrr. It wanted her to protect someone, a demi human from the looks of it, but why? Her memory, already riddled with holes and gaps couldn't tell her. She'd fallen asleep in the back of the car and now here she was. Icy fingers of fear gripped her heart at the thought. If something happened, something bad and I've forgotten, if Toru and Akari are...

Chaika shook her head and set her jaw. She was princess of the Gaz Empire, daughter to Arthur Gaz and she had a task already. If this voice knew more she'd have to follow it for now, at least until she knew what had happened to her friends. Maybe it could even help her with her quest!

She rolled over and unstrapped her coffin, beginning to unpack her gun to start trying to find this girl.
As Chaika was unpacking her weapons something strange happened, well strange by ordinary peoples standards at least which was probably the equivalent of tuesday for the princess. But regardless from a patch of open soil in a flowerbed in front of her a small yellow flower seemed to almost pop out of the ground, which while strange only got weirder when the flower turned to look at her with it's smiling face.

"Howdy!! I'm Flowey the flower, your new around here right?

Callie groaned, her head was pounding, her ears ringing, her vision blurred. "Owie" she mumbled under her breath as she rubbed her aching head. She felt terrible, to say that she shoved her head into a Rainmaker, charged it, and pulled the trigger would be an understatement. What was she just doing?

Callie tried to think back, earlier in the morning she was splatting some S-ranked chumps in Tower Control, had a heated argument with Marie after she sassed her live on the news broadcast again and then ate peanut butter to soothe her soul in the afternoon, sorta helped Agent 3 when Octavio escaped his snowglobe prison and kidnapped gramps for the third time this week, and then made preparations to travel to Calamari for a concert in the evening.....Something Callie completely forgotten about until last minute. For short, it was a very hectic day, so Callie wouldn't be surprised if she took a stop at Gillby's and took a few shots before she left for Calamari. Wouldn't she remembered that though?

Callie looked around the place, she seemed to be in some sort of tower, the interior round and circular, much like the one in Inkopolis. Callie wasn't in Inkopolis though, nor was she in Calamari, she could tell that when she looked out the nearest window. She was greeted with a city that went on for miles, illuminated by the light of the crescent moon that hung in the sky above, sure, it may looked almost extremely to the two metropolises, with the large buildings, the loft apartments, how advertisements plastered billboards and giant television screens, and the extremely tall towers that reached for the sky and seemed to pierce the very heavens themselves. However, this city seemed larger than the two, it was larger than any other city Callie has been to aswell. Where was she?

Then came a squealing voice that rang in Callie's ears, so loud that it was surprising that her ears didn't bleed. The voice claimed to be a fan of Callie's and her cousin-sister's work, odd for a fan to kidnap one of the Squid Sisters and place her somewhere that was completely alien to her. It wanted an autograph, naturally, but mainly the voice wanted Callie to splat someone? A vision went through Callie's mind, a seated figure, dressed in ancient clothing and held a sword in his hands, his faced covered by the triangular hat he wore. The voice said there would be a reward if she did just that, so Callie decided to follow the voice's instructions wishes, hoping that there is a large tub of Ink nearby when she does destroy this guy. What did Callie have to fear? The voice said that this task is going to be extremely difficult but Callie was a S+-Ranked player! Taking on this old timer would be a piece of cake! Wait....She doesn't have any weapons, that's a problem.

Callie began to look for a way out of here...Only to trip on something, don't worry, her face broke the fall. Callie turned her head around to see what she tripped on, it was a pink duffle bag that she only noticed now. She looked around the room, completely empty, turning back to the bag, Callie got onto one knee and began to unzip it. Her eyes lit up once she saw the contents within the bag, it was all her Agent gear! The bag contained her three weapons she used to combat the Octarians with when she was on the field, three Ink Vats, her Hero Agent outfit, and even her Agent 2 disguise! Noticing that her idol outfit was slightly dirty and considering the possibility that she may be swarmed by fans if she went out like this, Callie took out her disguise, wore it over her current outfit since it would be weird if she undressed in a public space, and stuffed as much of her tentacles into her beanbag hat as possible. Noticing a crumpled piece of paper on the floor, Callie thought back to the voice. It wanted an autograph if she recalled correctly, since its best to get on this crazed fan's good side, Callie picked up the crumpled paper, dipped one of her fingers into one of the Ink Vats, and wrote "Splat for the stars, kid!" on the paper, along with her signature .

After taking one final look at the city, Callie donned her Agent 2 sunglasses. This was a whole new world to Callie, a whole new adventure! "Alright, I have no idea where I am nor if this voice is only in my mind and that I am going literally insane, this is going to be fun!" With newfound optimism and determination, Callie slung the duffle bag over her shoulder and walked with confidence, looking for a way out of this place.
Literally the moment Callie finished penning the autograph did the paper appear to vanish into thin air leaving behind a large "THANK YOU!!" letter that was made using cut out letters from a magazine...for some reason. Regardless the Idol was faced with a difficult decision for there were only 3 ways to get down from this tower.

1. Take the stairs.
2. Figure out how to survive jumping down to the street below
3. Do the obviously correct thing and take the elevator.

While she was contemplating all of this there was a distinct THUD sound of something landing on the roof, but that wasn't important to the problem at hand and most likely would merely be a side quest.
Souji hummed gently as she examined her sureoundings. Well, she certainly wasn't in Edo anymore.

With a long, even breath she walked towards the lit window, silently hopping up on the sill.

*Knock Knock*
One thing that seemed to remain constant in this unknown city was the fact that humans still needed to sleep, which explained why the Cafe's door was locked when you tried to open it and while you couldn't exactly read the writing on the sign it was obvious that it was closed. But the lock wasn't that strong so it would be pretty easy for you to bypass, assuming of course you wanted to break into the closed Cafe.

Through the windows you could just about make out a counter along with a small display case showing a large number of mouth watering pastries and on the door the word Takamachi Cafe and Bakery could just barely be made out from the light of your Pip-Boy.

Butch tastes the unfamiliar word on his tongue. Rather, it was more of a name than anything. A very unfamiliar name at that too. However, that was not the strangest part.

It was the ineligible, yet familiar scribbles beside that weird name.

Those scribbles... Butch crinkles his eyebrows in concentration. He is sure that he had seen them before. Like back in history classes or something. Like back in history classes...

Suddenly, his eyes shot up. He knows what those scribbles really are now! Those scratches, they way the symbols looked, how it curves and turns. They were Chinese letters!

Swiftly looking sides to sides for any incoming Communist thugs, Butch brings his Pip-Boy to his attention, checking where exactly he is on the map.
But that was a job for later, for now your Etherlite were combing the minds of the nearby population for any usable information. While the general location of the church placed it on the outskirts of the city and the time of day limited you findings you were able to get some helpful data. The city you were in was apparently called Uminari Fuyuki, specifically in the section known as Mitakihara town. However before you could get in any more information your threads brushed a mind that could only be described as...insane.

At least she knew the name of the city and the surrounding layout. Sion was fortunate that this church was isolated from the rest of the populace; it granted her a degree of privacy even without the bounded fields. As the Atlas Alchemist combed through the citizenry's minds, she came across something unexpected.

The moment you touched it your senses were overwhelmed by a tidal wave of BLOODKILLMURDERMAIMCUTHERTHROAT that would have driven a normal human insane and made your Etherlites withdraw out of reflex. Something telling you that you do not want to encounter the being who those thoughts belonged to.

For a moment, Sion was overcome by the other individual's madness, so much so that it caused the young director to stagger as if she had been physically struck. Her lithe arm grabbed the edge of a church pew to steady herself. Luckily, she had thought to insulate her connection. Nonetheless, it was like someone had taken an emotional sledgehammer to her mental bulwark. What in the world was that? A serial killer? A monster? Sion didn't know, but she made sure to mentally map that location. She didn't need anymore trouble, especially in her current state.

As she paused to steady her rapid heartbeat, her free hand slithered it's way up to her throat. She was feeling a little...



The church likely didn't have any refreshments, but they might have tap water at least.

The church has clearly been abandoned for a long time and despite it's general state of disrepair, but surprisingly not vandalized like many abandoned buildings, it didn't take long for you to set up some basic boundary fields. Although if you were planning on turning it into a suitable base you'd need to do something about the massive broken windows that were currently letting in the moonlight.


A suddenly chill caressed Sion's svelte frame.

She should probably do something about those broken windows. For the night, Sion could probably resist the frigid weather with magecraft, but it was a waste of her magical reserves. Best to find a more permanent solution.

As Sion explored the church in detail, she came across something unexpected.

You did not notice the side door, nor the magic hiding it from your senses or the mind slumbering within.

She hadn't noticed it at first, but this door had been magically enchanted to ward off others. Aside from that, there didn't seem to be either defenses or traps. Strange. Had Sion stumbled across another magus' workshop? She extended her Etherlite, examining the magic wards and searching for any residents. The Atlas Alchemist increased her vigilance and bolstered both her mental and spiritual defenses.

Her Etherlite detected an unconscious person. Going by their biorhythm, it seemed like they were only sleeping.

"Pardon my intrusion," Sion spoke in a measured but clear voice. Normally, people didn't like their sleep being interrupted, so she kept her volume lower than usual. Nonetheless, Sion thought the sleeper would take more offense to a trespasser, especially if they were a Magus and this was their Workshop. Despite her good intentions, Sion was already calculating scenarios and considering alternatives.
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There is nothing only the sounds of the ocean as your bubble pierced the surface. You were greeted by the sight of a large human city, with great towers of glass and metal that rose to touch the sky. Nearby you see the mouth of a river, most likely the one the voice was referring to and just off to the side of it was some sort of dock with big metal boxes stacked on top of each other and ready to be loaded into boats.

Well, it's not going anywhere. Plenty of time to spin as I go. I mean, that's not a coast I know! Ooh, wow, I am gonna go ~adventuring~ once me and the samurai lady are friends! Is it just an island, a continent, the whole world?

...Gah, don't think about it now! There's a samurai lady to befriend!
...Well, maybe a little exploring. The harbor's next to the river, so she might be there, right? Hm... To be invisible or not... If I go invisible, people won't point and stare and start sending Pokemon out to battle and throwing pokeballs... But that would be pretty fun... Ooh, or maybe they won't! I'm kinda-human now, so maybe they'll just... um, do something else! Right, decision made, not invisible.
The sound of metal on metal rings from the harbor.
Ah, fighting! Or some weird machine I haven't seen before! Full speed ahead! Oh! Maybe it's Samurai Lady fighting someone! And I can... um... well, maybe not save her, she might not want that... Cheer her on! And maybe help her if she's in trouble and wants help! Yeah! Super Ultra Turbo Sonic Mew go!

And so Mew made her way to the fight at the harbor at full speed.
Leaving the clothing shop the Nui comes to an empty mall, obviously closed for the night and devoid of people. From the writing on the signs it's rather obvious that you are somewhere in japan or whoever orders those signs is getting his ass fired. But as luck would have it you do manage to detect one person, an overweight night guard who was currently shambling all zombie-like towards a hallway that was clearly sectioned off with big obvious "Under Construction. Keep Out" signs.
The sight of even the slightest bit of kanji on the signs was enough to settle her location, geographically at least, in Japan. Given the lack of REVOCs though, it clearly wasn't the Japan of her world. Most any other key difference Nui could have explained away with a coma, but the lack of even a single REVOCs brand shirt, or dress, or even a simple tie or sock was quite beyond what she could accept as being plausible. So clearly, she couldn't be on her world.

Simple, logical. Just the way Nui liked things that would otherwise be rather irritating.

Still, internal monologuing was no reason to stop living life!

So when she saw the odd man, who remind her vaguely of the puppet-like look of those humans given the honor of undergoing mental refitting, she decided that she might as well follow him.

After all, he'd probably lead her to whatever was controlling him, or just someone to talk to. Either way, Nui'd get her information, and maybe even someone to play with! Otherwise she'd just have to find something to vent on...and nothing ever seemed to like being the one to help her with that....weird.
Literally the moment Callie finished penning the autograph did the paper appear to vanish into thin air leaving behind a large "THANK YOU!!" letter that was made using cut out letters from a magazine...for some reason.

As Callie stared at the thank you card and then placed it in the duffle bag. It seems that this supernatural fan is now happy, so that's good.

Regardless the Idol was faced with a difficult decision for there were only 3 ways to get down from this tower.

1. Take the stairs.
2. Figure out how to survive jumping down to the street below
3. Do the obviously correct thing and take the elevator.

Callie then walked around the observation tower, finding a stairwell. She gazed down it to see how far it went, however due to it being midnight, Callie couldn't see the bottom, she could see about half of the stairwell, the rest was covered by a blanket of pitch darkness. "Well that's not an option" Callie sighed, it seemed to be the only option though.

She then noticed a small light, dim but still visible. Curiously, Callie walked towards it. Upon reaching the source, there was a metal door with no knobs of anything besides a small button on the side. An elevator! Callie silently exclaimed, perfect! This is obviously the best choice, much faster than walking down a thousand flights of stairs and much safer than diving off the tower. Lets just hope it doesn't break down and that Callie wouldn't have to stay in it for weeks like that one time.

While she was contemplating all of this there was a distinct THUD sound of something landing on the roof, but that wasn't important to the problem at hand and most likely would merely be a side quest.

Callie was about to press the small button when suddenly a small thud echoed throughout the tower, coming from the roof. Callie paused for a second, and then shrugged it off. It was probably her imagination...Or a dead bird that died mid-flight, hey, you never know. Callie then summoned the elevator, being bathed in the golden light that came from its lights. She then got in it and then pressed another small button inside the elevator to take her to the ground floor.

As the elevator descended and the always annoying elevator music played, Callie began to think about her mission. Okay, she is supposed to splat one guy who was dressed like a fancy aristocrat from the past, that was so unfresh! Perhaps the old timer worked at a history museum, or perhaps he/she was one of those monster hunters, like the ones in those epic vampire novels, you know, the ones where the vampires didn't sparkle and actually drank the Ink from the creatures of the living. No matter what, this relic was one obstacle that prevented Callie from returning home and therefore he/she must be eliminated, even if Callie had to do it a hundred times when the guy/gal repaired him/herself in a giant Ink vat.

For the rest of the time, Callie waited for the elevator to make its way to the ground.
As Chaika was unpacking her weapons something strange happened, well strange by ordinary peoples standards at least which was probably the equivalent of tuesday for the princess. But regardless from a patch of open soil in a flowerbed in front of her a small yellow flower seemed to almost pop out of the ground, which while strange only got weirder when the flower turned to look at her with it's smiling face.

"Howdy!! I'm Flowey the flower, your new around here right?

The girl began carefully slotting the pieces of her rifle together, eyeing the flower with curiosity and a little concern. It wasn't like any magic she'd seen before, but plant familiars (if indeed that's what it was) could only mean this was a wizard's garden. Best to be polite, after all it didn't seem scary, just a little strange. Chaika smiled and nodded at the friendly little flower.

"New, yes! Chaika, Chaika Trabant. Pleased to meet Flowey. Question? Where is here? Waking up, no friends, no memory of travel. Confused, sorry for trespass."
Souji hummed gently as she examined her sureoundings. Well, she certainly wasn't in Edo anymore.

With a long, even breath she walked towards the lit window, silently hopping up on the sill.

*Knock Knock*
Your gentle knocking elicits a surprised THUMP as the room's occupant was obviously startled, you even hear the sound of something shattering, a bit of coughing and a soft "Nooooo!!!" before the window opens revealing the face of a young woman covered in while dust.

She looked a little angry, perhaps it had something to do with the ceramic dust clinging to her cloths. "What is it? Don't you know it's rude to knock on peoples windows in the middle of the night."


Butch tastes the unfamiliar word on his tongue. Rather, it was more of a name than anything. A very unfamiliar name at that too. However, that was not the strangest part.

It was the ineligible, yet familiar scribbles beside that weird name.

Those scribbles... Butch crinkles his eyebrows in concentration. He is sure that he had seen them before. Like back in history classes or something. Like back in history classes...

Suddenly, his eyes shot up. He knows what those scribbles really are now! Those scratches, they way the symbols looked, how it curves and turns. They were Chinese letters!

Swiftly looking sides to sides for any incoming Communist thugs, Butch brings his Pip-Boy to his attention, checking where exactly he is on the map.
Thankfully whatever COMMUNIST force that brought you here has not messed with your Pip-Boy's map

It would appear that you are near some sort of residential area with a large park to the north separating it from the city proper. However while you were looking at your map an ominous feeling crawls down the back of your neck, call it a sixth sense or an instinct honed over the years but one thing is for certain.

You are being watched.
At least she knew the name of the city and the surrounding layout. Sion was fortunate that this church was isolated from the rest of the populace; it granted her a degree of privacy even without the bounded fields. As the Atlas Alchemist combed through the citizenry's minds, she came across something unexpected.

For a moment, Sion was overcome by the other individual's madness, so much so that it caused the young director to stagger as if she had been physically struck. Her lithe arm grabbed the edge of a church pew to steady herself. Luckily, she had thought to insulate her connection. Nonetheless, it was like someone had taken an emotional sledgehammer to her mental bulwark. What in the world was that? A serial killer? A monster? Sion didn't know, but she made sure to mentally map that location. She didn't need anymore trouble, especially in her current state.

As she paused to steady her rapid heartbeat, her free hand slithered it's way up to her throat. She was feeling a little...



The church likely didn't have any refreshments, but they might have tap water at least.

A suddenly chill caressed Sion's svelte frame.

She should probably do something about those broken windows. For the night, Sion could probably resist the frigid weather with magecraft, but it was a waste of her magical reserves. Best to find a more permanent solution.

As Sion explored the church in detail, she came across something unexpected.

She hadn't noticed it at first, but this door had been magically enchanted to ward off others. Aside from that, there didn't seem to be either defenses or traps. Strange. Had Sion stumbled across another magus' workshop? She extended her Etherlite, examining the magic wards and searching for any residents. The Atlas Alchemist increased her vigilance and bolstered both her mental and spiritual defenses.

Her Etherlite detected an unconscious person. Going by their biorhythm, it seemed like they were only sleeping.

"Pardon my intrusion," Sion spoke in a measured but clear voice. Normally, people didn't like their sleep being interrupted, so she kept her volume lower than usual. Nonetheless, Sion thought the sleeper would take more offense to a trespasser, especially if they were a Magus and this was their Workshop. Despite her good intentions, Sion was already calculating scenarios and considering alternatives.
As the moonlight streamed through the now open doorway you get your first good look at the room wasn't as run down as the church itself but the signs of wear and tear were still there. A table that looked like it had been repaired by an amateur, a cupboard hanging on it's hinges and was in the back there was a bed draped in threadbare blankets.

But what really caught your attention was the young girl, about 13 years old if you had to guess, stirring from beneath the sheets.

"Kyoko-neesan? Your home early.." she mumbles rubbing the sleep from her eyes, although for some reason she was sleeping in her nun habit, maybe she just doesn't have any other clothes?

Well, it's not going anywhere. Plenty of time to spin as I go. I mean, that's not a coast I know! Ooh, wow, I am gonna go ~adventuring~ once me and the samurai lady are friends! Is it just an island, a continent, the whole world?

...Gah, don't think about it now! There's a samurai lady to befriend!
...Well, maybe a little exploring. The harbor's next to the river, so she might be there, right? Hm... To be invisible or not... If I go invisible, people won't point and stare and start sending Pokemon out to battle and throwing pokeballs... But that would be pretty fun... Ooh, or maybe they won't! I'm kinda-human now, so maybe they'll just... um, do something else! Right, decision made, not invisible.

Ah, fighting! Or some weird machine I haven't seen before! Full speed ahead! Oh! Maybe it's Samurai Lady fighting someone! And I can... um... well, maybe not save her, she might not want that... Cheer her on! And maybe help her if she's in trouble and wants help! Yeah! Super Ultra Turbo Sonic Mew go!

And so Mew made her way to the fight at the harbor at full speed.
When you arrive at the harbor it becomes rather obvious as to what was happening, a fight. Specifically between two human girls wielding swords, one was a young blonde haired girl wearing white armor and the wielding a sword with a golden hilt
The other was a blue haired girl wearing much lighter cloth and using an almost impractically long sword with extreme skill

But despite the intensity of the battle there didn't appear to be any aura of killing intent around them, in fact it reminded you more of a playful battle between pokemon from back home. It also was obvious that they were saying something to each other but you were too far away to hear it, perhaps if you got a little closer....even if that might reveal your presence to the two girls.
The sight of even the slightest bit of kanji on the signs was enough to settle her location, geographically at least, in Japan. Given the lack of REVOCs though, it clearly wasn't the Japan of her world. Most any other key difference Nui could have explained away with a coma, but the lack of even a single REVOCs brand shirt, or dress, or even a simple tie or sock was quite beyond what she could accept as being plausible. So clearly, she couldn't be on her world.

Simple, logical. Just the way Nui liked things that would otherwise be rather irritating.

Still, internal monologuing was no reason to stop living life!

So when she saw the odd man, who remind her vaguely of the puppet-like look of those humans given the honor of undergoing mental refitting, she decided that she might as well follow him.

After all, he'd probably lead her to whatever was controlling him, or just someone to talk to. Either way, Nui'd get her information, and maybe even someone to play with! Otherwise she'd just have to find something to vent on...and nothing ever seemed to like being the one to help her with that....weird.
You end up following the man into the construction site, his blank eyes and forever smiling face staring vacantly forward as he shambled towards the door marked 'Tool Shed'. In his dazed state the man reached for a set of keys strapped to his belt and unlocked the door, his zombie like hands reaching in only briefly to retrieve a portable circular saw before shambling off to another corner of the construction site.
Oh what is this? Another one so soon, but I haven't finished up the first!!
While you watched the man flipped the tool's switch and the blade began to rotate as the man slowly brought it's edge towards his face. It was obvious that whatever was controlling this person was forcing the man to kill himself in a needlessly violent manner.
All done!! For your marvelous fashion I will kill you myself, you will make such a nice dress.
As Callie stared at the thank you card and then placed it in the duffle bag. It seems that this supernatural fan is now happy, so that's good.

Callie then walked around the observation tower, finding a stairwell. She gazed down it to see how far it went, however due to it being midnight, Callie couldn't see the bottom, she could see about half of the stairwell, the rest was covered by a blanket of pitch darkness. "Well that's not an option" Callie sighed, it seemed to be the only option though.

She then noticed a small light, dim but still visible. Curiously, Callie walked towards it. Upon reaching the source, there was a metal door with no knobs of anything besides a small button on the side. An elevator! Callie silently exclaimed, perfect! This is obviously the best choice, much faster than walking down a thousand flights of stairs and much safer than diving off the tower. Lets just hope it doesn't break down and that Callie wouldn't have to stay in it for weeks like that one time.

Callie was about to press the small button when suddenly a small thud echoed throughout the tower, coming from the roof. Callie paused for a second, and then shrugged it off. It was probably her imagination...Or a dead bird that died mid-flight, hey, you never know. Callie then summoned the elevator, being bathed in the golden light that came from its lights. She then got in it and then pressed another small button inside the elevator to take her to the ground floor.

As the elevator descended and the always annoying elevator music played, Callie began to think about her mission. Okay, she is supposed to splat one guy who was dressed like a fancy aristocrat from the past, that was so unfresh! Perhaps the old timer worked at a history museum, or perhaps he/she was one of those monster hunters, like the ones in those epic vampire novels, you know, the ones where the vampires didn't sparkle and actually drank the Ink from the creatures of the living. No matter what, this relic was one obstacle that prevented Callie from returning home and therefore he/she must be eliminated, even if Callie had to do it a hundred times when the guy/gal repaired him/herself in a giant Ink vat.

For the rest of the time, Callie waited for the elevator to make its way to the ground.
With a DING! the elevator reached the first floor allowing Callie to leave the tower and out onto the streets below. If the squid girl looked up she could see a yellow light leaving the tower's lip and flying off into the distance. But that was unimportant because the idol had other things to do, she needed to find someone and kill them.

But where could she look? There was a convenience store just down the street that seemed open or maybe she could try looking through the alleyways or just wandering around at random. Regardless her choice will certainly lead to some interesting events.
The girl began carefully slotting the pieces of her rifle together, eyeing the flower with curiosity and a little concern. It wasn't like any magic she'd seen before, but plant familiars (if indeed that's what it was) could only mean this was a wizard's garden. Best to be polite, after all it didn't seem scary, just a little strange. Chaika smiled and nodded at the friendly little flower.

"New, yes! Chaika, Chaika Trabant. Pleased to meet Flowey. Question? Where is here? Waking up, no friends, no memory of travel. Confused, sorry for trespass."
"Oh it's alright." the Flower says to Chaika, a smile still plastered on his face "Your in Uminari Fuyuki, it's a nice little city. Although....." his expression drops slightly, sadness evident "...there are a lot of mean people causing problems. I really want to help but i'm just a flower who's trapped in this garden.....unless, miss Chaika could you do me a favor?"
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Your gentle knocking elicits a surprised THUMP as the room's occupant was obviously startled, you even hear the sound of something shattering, a bit of coughing and a soft "Nooooo!!!" before the window opens revealing the face of a young woman covered in while dust.

She looked a little angry, perhaps it had something to do with the ceramic dust clinging to her cloths. "What is it? Don't you know it's rude to knock on peoples windows in the middle of the night."
"Apologies, but I have no idea where here is." Souji answered with a short bow of apology. She did her best to appear remorseful. "May I ask where I am currently located? I think it is safe to assume I'm no longer in Edo anymore."
You end up following the man into the construction site, his blank eyes and forever smiling face staring vacantly forward as he shambled towards the door marked 'Tool Shed'. In his dazed state the man reached for a set of keys strapped to his belt and unlocked the door, his zombie like hands reaching in only briefly to retrieve a portable circular saw before shambling off to another corner of the construction site.
Oh what is this? Another one so soon, but I haven't finished up the first!!
While you watched the man flipped the tool's switch and the blade began to rotate as the man slowly brought it's edge towards his face. It was obvious that whatever was controlling this person was forcing the man to kill himself in a needlessly violent manner.
One moment Nui was gazing at the man with a look of absent curiosity, and the next she was a blur of movement, appearing besides the man before even a single second had passed.

Without even the slightest hint of concern Nui snatched the saw out of the man's hand, crushing it only a moment later. With the immediate threat dealt with, Nui grasped the man around the neck and lifted him into the air.

"Sooo, can you understand what I'm saying?"
Thankfully whatever COMMUNIST force that brought you here has not messed with your Pip-Boy's map

It would appear that you are near some sort of residential area with a large park to the north separating it from the city proper. However while you were looking at your map an ominous feeling crawls down the back of your neck, call it a sixth sense or an instinct honed over the years but one thing is for certain.

You are being watched.
As he was looking over the map, Butch froze. It seems that someone or something is watching him. Most likely some sorts of Chinese watchdog patrolling the city for any dissenters or trespassers.

Throwing a quick glance at his holster to make sure that his handy 10mm was still there, Butch slowly lowers the Pip-Boy.

"Hey! Whoever is out there, get out in the open where I can see you. I don't want any troubles, alright?"

The Tunnel Snakes leader shouted into the darkness all the while hovering his hand over his pistol. Can't be too cautious in enemy's territory.

Hopefully, there is still ammo in there.
With a DING! the elevator reached the first floor allowing Callie to leave the tower and out onto the streets below. If the squid girl looked up she could see a yellow light leaving the tower's lip and flying off into the distance. But that was unimportant because the idol had other things to do, she needed to find someone and kill them.

But where could she look? There was a convenience store just down the street that seemed open or maybe she could try looking through the alleyways or just wandering around at random. Regardless her choice will certainly lead to some interesting events.

Callie looked up at the tower she just came out of, noticing a odd light that flew off the tower, going far until it was a tiny, golden speck in the moon-lit sky. Huh, looked like Callie missed something while she was in the tower, perhaps it was the man/women that she had to fight? Callie thoughts drifted, how will we fight? she thought to herself, judging by his get-up, though extremely outdated and unfresh, makes me thinks he's one of those "dueling" types and spends alot of time in the Battle Dojo. Perhaps we can play a simple game of Turf War? Tower Control? ...Nah, none of the Ranked battles would work with only two squids. Either or, he probably knows knows his stuff!

Callie, now focusing on the world around her, looked around the cityscape. By the looks, she had a few options on where to go, she could either walk around the city, move through the alleyways, or check up on the only building that has it lights on. The alleyways were stuck down pretty quickly, Callie heard of what happens in those dark sections the trafficking and dealing of Super Sea Snails and stolen gear, the modification of said gear, and generally its where the scumest of squids hang out. Wandering the city seemed like it could be a good idea, perhaps by looking around, she could have an idea of where she might be. But in the end, it was the growling of Callie's stomach that decided where to go. No longer being able to ignore how hungry she was, Callie began to walk towards the convenience store, perhaps they'll have free samples of something that could help, it could even have peanut butter in it! Callie could also ask for directions while she's there too! Things are now looking up for the famous singer.
"Oh it's alright." the Flower says to Chaika, a smile still plastered on his face "Your in Uminari Fuyuki, it's a nice little city. Although....." his expression drops slightly, sadness evident "...there are a lot of mean people causing problems. I really want to help but i'm just a flower who's trapped in this garden.....unless, miss Chaika could you do me a favor?"

Chaika kept working, making sure the barrel of the fun was still clean as she moved though the comforting steps of assembly.

"Uminari Fuyuki... Unfamiliar. Flowey's favor, how big? Much work, much purpose already."

It couldn't hurt to hear him out, she'd need friends in this new place and maybe he or whoever made him would be able to help her in return!
Ooh, a fight! Hm... Well, it's not like they're trying to kill each other, so no point trying to interfere. Right, samurai lady might be friends with other samurai la... I need to give her a different name. Swordie? Yeah, that works!

Well, time to get closer, so I get a better view! And so I can hear them! And so I can cheer on Swordie! Go Swordie! Your sword is longer, so you're already winning at swords! Now win the fight!
As the moonlight streamed through the now open doorway you get your first good look at the room wasn't as run down as the church itself but the signs of wear and tear were still there. A table that looked like it had been repaired by an amateur, a cupboard hanging on it's hinges and was in the back there was a bed draped in threadbare blankets.

But what really caught your attention was the young girl, about 13 years old if you had to guess, stirring from beneath the sheets.

"Kyoko-neesan? Your home early.." she mumbles rubbing the sleep from her eyes, although for some reason she was sleeping in her nun habit, maybe she just doesn't have any other clothes?

The young girl didn't look dangerous, but then Sion considered all the dangerous experiments she ran at a younger age. For a Magus, appearances could be deceiving.

"I'm not Kyoko-san," Sion said as she remained by the door. Staying outside would give the impression that she was respecting the owner's threshold, but it also gave a higher chance of escape. "I'm sorry to disturb you. My name is Sion Eltnam Atlasia, and I'm a little lost. Are you a resident of this church?"

Sion stretched out her senses, trying to determine if the girl was a Magus or not. Even without her Etherlite, she should be able to feel the presence of Magic Circuits. Then again, if the other girl was a member of the Church, perhaps she used sacraments instead. Sion had dealt with Executors before; she should be able to sense their methods.
"Apologies, but I have no idea where here is." Souji answered with a short bow of apology. She did her best to appear remorseful. "May I ask where I am currently located? I think it is safe to assume I'm no longer in Edo anymore."
"Edo?" the Woman says confused for a moment, "Oh you mean Tokyo, first time i've heard someone call it my that old name. No you are in Uminari Fuyuki. If you want to get to Tokyo i'd suggest catching a train in the morning" before the woman can continue she stifles a yawn "So if you are done asking questions would you mind letting me get back to work, i'm missing enough sleep as it is..... Souichirou why did you have to work late tonight."
One moment Nui was gazing at the man with a look of absent curiosity, and the next she was a blur of movement, appearing besides the man before even a single second had passed.

Without even the slightest hint of concern Nui snatched the saw out of the man's hand, crushing it only a moment later. With the immediate threat dealt with, Nui grasped the man around the neck and lifted him into the air.

"Sooo, can you understand what I'm saying?"
The man didn't seem to notice or care about your superhuman grip on his neck merely struggling weakly to reach the fragments of the broken saw, his eyes possess my a maniac frenzy that desired only death. As he struggled you noticed a curious mark on his neck, a black tatoo of some indecipherable rune that seemed to bleed menace to your senses.
However before you could do anything else the world erupted in PAIN as five massive needles impaled both you and the man through your chests, it killed him instantly but to you it merely hurt a in more than it should have. Then in the next moment something struck you in the back and sent you flying into a nearby wall, but on the bright side the needles were no longer sticking out of your chest.
It was then that you managed to get a clear sight of your attack and how in the moments you were distracted by the security guard you surroundings have changes. No longer were you in some random construction site instead you were in what looked like how an abstract artist would paint the worlds worst fashion line, all around there were twisted mannequins modeling the tackiest pieces of patchwork you've ever seen and things that looked like scissors with legs. But the thing that took center stage was a being seemingly sewn together from random pieces of fabric into the facsimile of a person only instead of fingers it had giant sewing needles and it's head was a twisted mass of scissors.
As he was looking over the map, Butch froze. It seems that someone or something is watching him. Most likely some sorts of Chinese watchdog patrolling the city for any dissenters or trespassers.

Throwing a quick glance at his holster to make sure that his handy 10mm was still there, Butch slowly lowers the Pip-Boy.

"Hey! Whoever is out there, get out in the open where I can see you. I don't want any troubles, alright?"

The Tunnel Snakes leader shouted into the darkness all the while hovering his hand over his pistol. Can't be too cautious in enemy's territory.

Hopefully, there is still ammo in there.
All seemed quite and to a normal man nothing would seem amiss as you made your declaration. But you were the leader of the Tunnel Snakes and your senses were honed through years of surviving in the nuclear wasteland you called home. It was thanks to these senses that you were able to spot the blue/grey figure on a nearby rooftop watching you before darting away deeper into the city via the rooftops.

But that is not all you see, whether it was by fate or dumb luck you noticed a pair of lights in the sky, one pink and the other red flying around each other reminiscent of two bloat flies in a fight. But it was a damn good thing you did because a bright red orb streaks away from the aerial battle and would have hit you if your reflexes had been even a little worse.

However you didn't get much time to enjoy the light show as the red one brings the pink one down a few blocks away, now you are left with a couple choices. Either you can just leave well enough alone or you could rush towards the landing spot and hopefully see what's going on or you could try and track that thing that was watching you earlier, the choice is yours.
Callie looked up at the tower she just came out of, noticing a odd light that flew off the tower, going far until it was a tiny, golden speck in the moon-lit sky. Huh, looked like Callie missed something while she was in the tower, perhaps it was the man/women that she had to fight? Callie thoughts drifted, how will we fight? she thought to herself, judging by his get-up, though extremely outdated and unfresh, makes me thinks he's one of those "dueling" types and spends alot of time in the Battle Dojo. Perhaps we can play a simple game of Turf War? Tower Control? ...Nah, none of the Ranked battles would work with only two squids. Either or, he probably knows knows his stuff!

Callie, now focusing on the world around her, looked around the cityscape. By the looks, she had a few options on where to go, she could either walk around the city, move through the alleyways, or check up on the only building that has it lights on. The alleyways were stuck down pretty quickly, Callie heard of what happens in those dark sections the trafficking and dealing of Super Sea Snails and stolen gear, the modification of said gear, and generally its where the scumest of squids hang out. Wandering the city seemed like it could be a good idea, perhaps by looking around, she could have an idea of where she might be. But in the end, it was the growling of Callie's stomach that decided where to go. No longer being able to ignore how hungry she was, Callie began to walk towards the convenience store, perhaps they'll have free samples of something that could help, it could even have peanut butter in it! Callie could also ask for directions while she's there too! Things are now looking up for the famous singer.
With a cheer in her step the idol made her way towards the convenience store. It was a normal looking place with the expected sign that managed to toe the line between being bright enough to notice and so bright that it hurt to look at. Inside there was a large selection of cheap food and low cost consumer products.

But upon entering the Squid Girl noticed something that would stop her in her tracks, namely the creature manning the counter.

You also noticed that she looked rather tired and obviously wasn't enjoying working here.
Chaika kept working, making sure the barrel of the fun was still clean as she moved though the comforting steps of assembly.

"Uminari Fuyuki... Unfamiliar. Flowey's favor, how big? Much work, much purpose already."

It couldn't hurt to hear him out, she'd need friends in this new place and maybe he or whoever made him would be able to help her in return!
"Oh it's just a small favor, I just want to help people protect themselves from all those bad people out there. But....there isn't much I can do trapped in this garden." he said looking a bit sad "So could you....dig me up and...plant me in the park nearby, at least then I could do something....even if I might die I can't drag anyone else into this."
Ooh, a fight! Hm... Well, it's not like they're trying to kill each other, so no point trying to interfere. Right, samurai lady might be friends with other samurai la... I need to give her a different name. Swordie? Yeah, that works!

Well, time to get closer, so I get a better view! And so I can hear them! And so I can cheer on Swordie! Go Swordie! Your sword is longer, so you're already winning at swords! Now win the fight!
As you creep closer you managed finally hear what the two warriors are saying to each other, well when they aren't clashing sword because then everything is drowned out by the sound of metal on metal.

"-improving Pendragon, at this rate maybe you might win this one." taunts the blue haired girl as she dodges one of her opponents slashes only to counter with a pommel strike that drove the blonde girl back a few steps.

"With weak strikes like that Kuzuki I think even Mo-" before the girl could finish her sentence she glances around, an action that causes her companion to do the same. It seems that they've sensed your presence and are preparing for the possibility of something attacking them.
The young girl didn't look dangerous, but then Sion considered all the dangerous experiments she ran at a younger age. For a Magus, appearances could be deceiving.

"I'm not Kyoko-san," Sion said as she remained by the door. Staying outside would give the impression that she was respecting the owner's threshold, but it also gave a higher chance of escape. "I'm sorry to disturb you. My name is Sion Eltnam Atlasia, and I'm a little lost. Are you a resident of this church?"

Sion stretched out her senses, trying to determine if the girl was a Magus or not. Even without her Etherlite, she should be able to feel the presence of Magic Circuits. Then again, if the other girl was a member of the Church, perhaps she used sacraments instead. Sion had dealt with Executors before; she should be able to sense their methods.
"Y-yes I live here." she says nervously extracting herself from her bed, as she does so you notice her grabbing something from under her pillow and slipping it into the sleeve of her habit. "You really shouldn't be here, this area isn't open to the public." despite her attempt to maintain a friendly atmosphere you can tell that this girl is afraid of you and seems to be moving to put the damaged table between herself and you.