Oath Sign: Implausible Land of Demons


Fantasy Seal
7 heroes....

Countless Youkai...

A world in peril...

And a whole lot of bullets.

What could possibly go wrong?

Oath Sign: Implausible Land of Demons

This is a roleplay set in the land of Gensokyo, a wonderful, odd land full of monstrous creatures who have the bodies of little girls. Well, closer to teenage and adult girls, but still. These creatures are called Youkai, and depending on varying reports, they eat humans. Sometimes. Maybe, maybe not.

Still, something's wrong in Gensokyo - the little slice of paradise in the Japanese mountains. The humans and the Youkai who live there are in unrest for some reason. Some spirit, maybe.

Naturally, this means that some malevolent enemy beyond both Youkai and human comprehension has decided to stir things up by putting a bunch of schmucks in Gensokyo.


Anyway, this RP is an Oath Sign, SIs are both equally accepted and equally not, you can submit characters who are from the series, but the characters who exist there will be there already, and basically don't be an asshole to the other players. Arguments will be settled in PMs because no-one wants to see all that. Also, people may die. Maybe.

Anyway, just make your own sheet, and I'll accept 7. Just make sure not to submit someone like Akuseru Sutaadusto in his original form, or for those out of the loop, no Donut Steels; and don't submit characters as powerful Zelretch. Both for the purpose of the game, and for your own sakes. You really don't wanna piss off the big guys in this world.

Also, you'll each get an objective. Or something.

gimme a bit, I'll slap something together.

So, just for clarification, what if it's an actual character that you put together for a game that was never actually played?

I've got a Mute!Ninja!Magical girl!Senjougahara (that's literally the shorthand of her concept) that I made a long while back for @Divider's Magical Burst game, would that be acceptable?

Here's a Link
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Take three.

Name: Sir Jecht
Occupation: Bodyguard, formerly a Blitzball celebrity and apoclyptic whale kaiju

Powers and Abilities:

Jecht Beam: A beam type attack that can either be shot from the eyes and petrify its target, or be fired from a sphere conjured in front of the body, which is rather destructive and raises Jecht's physical strength.

Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III: A blitzball technique and Jecht's signature move. Every night people came to see if he'd ever perform mark I or II, but those have never existed. The technique is quite simple, but obviously difficult to manage. First, the player would kick the ball, hitting either a post or an opposing defender, then it comes back, the player would punch it into another player and it would fly up, the player jumps up after it, and spins fast to gain momentum and kicks it. Considering Jecht's great physical strength, you can imagine the wallop behind this move.

Ultimate Jecht Shot: Essentially the Sublimely Magnificent Jecht Shot Mark III, but performed with a relatively small meteor that has been punched apart into four pieces. Only usable when in Aeon Form.

Jecht punch: Jecht's punches can create explosions. How? Pure and concentrated manliness, probably.

Blitzball player: "You can drown in water? That's news to me."

Braska's Final Aeon: Though reborn, Jecht has retained his powers as an Aeon and can transform into a form reminiscent of that form to give himself a massive power increase, increasing all physical parameters by a good amount and granting unlimited stamina. Sustained use in not advisable, as he might revert to the mindless state he was in as the Final Aeon and eventually turn into the Final Aeon again and start forming Sin around it.

Sin's Talon; a stupidly big sword that Jecht can still wield with ease one handed. Holds no special powers aside from scaling up in size and weight with its wielder's power, essentially always making it a xbawks hueg slab of metal.

Jecht is surly, arrogant and a bully. He frequently refers to himself as "The Great Jecht" (Jecht-sama in the Japanese releases, giving himself a respectful, in this case arrogant, honorific), and is known to Spira as "Sir Jecht" for being a famous guardian. Jecht considers himself the best blitzball player there is and loves fame and glamour, asking Braska several times if there will be celebratory events on their pilgrimage. Jecht's career hit a slump when he began drinking, and it was rumored he was going to retire, though he was quick to deny this and claimed he could quit drinking if he chose. Jecht used to be emotionally abusive to Tidus, giving him the nickname "crybaby", and otherwise brushing him off or berating him.
Although he is and always will be a stubborn and brash man Jecht has matured a lot during his travel with Braska and Auron. He gave up drinking for good when he attacked a Shoopuf when he was roaring drunk and accepted his responsibilities, both towards Braska and the world by becoming Sin and to Tidus by sending Auron to watch over and care for him since he couldn't do so himself anymore.

Despite his numerous flaws, Jecht is a good man at heart. He criticizes Tidus in the hope of encouraging him to try harder and disprove him. Jecht does love Tidus, but struggles expressing it: a sentimental message to Tidus on a sphere is cut off with Jecht mumbling, "Remember, you're my son. And... well, uh... never mind. I'm no good at these things". A flashback shows Jecht telling Braska andAuron his dream is to train Tidus into a star blitzball player like himself.

Jecht enjoys the "Hymn of the Fayth," and is well-loved by his fans to the extent of a blitzball tournament in dream Zanarkand being named in his honor. When the party learns about the Chocobo Eater and Tidus says they must help because "it's the right thing to do", Auron laughs and explains Jecht used to say the same thing, which ended up causing problems for the group.

"Jecht's Real Story" from Final Fantasy X Ultimania Omega elaborates on his personality. He had been criticised as hating practice, yet he made frequent training trips out to sea. Jecht may have been concealing how hard he trained, preferring to appear "naturally talented". His claims of being the best could have also risen from a personality wherein he couldn't maintain his confidence without bragging. The memory of Tidus in Jecht's mind remains as that of a 7-year-old boy. Jecht continues to cherish that image of a son who needs protection, and dreams of him growing up. Fragments of Jecht's feelings can be seen from the illusions which occur whenever Tidus comes into contact with Sin's toxin.

Once again physical parameters have been kept deliberately vague so the GM can decide the level of power he has access to.
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Name: Tachikawa Ayumu / Mahou Kunoichi Gaku Ayu
Occupation: Schoolgirl / Mahou Shoujo

Mahou Shoujo Costume:
The image above is the base, but with more ruffles around the sleeves, and the vest becomes more corset-like. Her hair is secured with a large, dark blue bow.

Powers and Abilities:

Mahou Shoujo: Empowered with magic by otherworldly creatures to hunt dangerous monsters crafted from the darkness in people's hearts, The Mahou Shoujo is made to be stronger, faster, and more resilient, so they can keep up with and compete with the superhuman abominations that threaten their world. Able to leap a small building in a single bound, able to run faster than a well-trained athlete, more powerful than a mid-sized truck.

Magical Element "School Stationary": Each Mahou Shoujo has an "Element", a power/concept/focus that defines what their magic can do (to an extent) and how that power manifests. Ayu's element is "School Stationary" which gives her an amazing amount of control of anything that could be classified as "School supplies" or "Stationary". This includes, but is not limited to; Pencils, Pens, Ink, Paper, Protractors, Rulers, T-squares, Quills, Erasers, Blotters, etc. If you would expect to use it on a desk, there's a reasonable chance it counts. These items can be manipulated to increase their viability in combat, such as modified rulers as swords or daggers, pencils and pens into throwing weapons or staves, erasers and sheets of paper used as shields, etc.

Element Generation: Along with her element comes the ability to manifest it in the physical world, this ability is actualized in Ayu being able to pull, drop, or materialize anything that could be affected by her powers from any fold, shadow, or crease in her outfit without a visible source.

Kunoichi: Ayu's particular enhancements as a Mahou Shoujo manifested into a skillset of stealth and ambush. She is supernaturally fast, silent, and graceful.

None inherent, though she is afforded a variety of equipment through the manipulation of her powers.

Ayu was born mute, unable to make the slightest sound. Her parents were happy just that she was born, and had only minor troubles acclimating to their child's disability. Her parents drew in all the closer during her baby years, leaving her to grow up definitely feeling loved, but a bit crowded as her parents kept close to make sure they noticed when she needed something.

It was just a bit stifling once she turned ten, and by twelve she was beginning to think she wouldn't get any space at all in her life. She retreated from her family, even as they continued to struggle with being close to her. She knows her parents love her, but due to her disability, she didn't make many friends due to others not hearing her or being able to understand her.

When she was approached by the Tsukaima, she was offered a chance to change her fate, and gain a voice of her own.

She often makes use of her new powers to manifest small notebooks, signs or sheets of paper that are already marked with whatever it is she wishes to say at the moment.

Good Listener: Because she is mute, and unable to speak, Ayumu has an easier time really listening to things around her. When people speak to her, she finds it easier to hear what they are really trying to say...

Easily Overlooked: ...Unfortunately, due to this same cirumstances, she finds it harder to approach people, and make her presence known. If you aren't paying attention directly to her, Ayumu kind of fades into the background, and while she hates that it also gives her breathing room when she's feeling overwhelmed and crowded.

Masterful Calligraphy: Ayumu learned to write at a young age, that being the only viable form of communication that was readily available. As a result, she has been writing since she could hold a pen/brush/crayon and knows how to use them well.

Origami Skillz: Sometimes to get a note noticed, you have to make it beautiful, and sometimes you have to wing it at their head. Ayumu can fold her notes to do either or both.
Name: Cryptosporidium

Gender: Male

Age: N/A due to cloning.

Series of origin: Destroy All Humans!


Personality: Crypto is largely amoral, aggressive, and prefers to take the most direct route possible. He is only subtle when whoever he's working with requires it. He does actually care about people who are close allies.

Powers and Abilities:
Psychokinesis: Various mental powers used by Furons, but abilities aside from mind reading takes up energy.. Powers include:
Brain extract: Forcing peoples head to explode, but leaves the brain stem intact.
Mind Reading: Can be used to also replenish psychic energy.
Hypnosis: Primarily used to make people go to sleep, or act as a distraction. Can be used for other tasks.
Free Love: Makes anyone in the immediate area start dancing, and ignore what is happening around them.
PK: The ability to grab and throw objects telekinetically. Largest item that can be grabbed is a tank.
Transmogrify: Breaks down items into ammunition for weapons.
Bodysnatch: The ability to essentially shove his body into another person's, and take control of it. Limited to only using psychokinesis abilities.

All of Crypto's weapons seem to transform into the next.
Zap-O-Matic: Fires a burst of electricity that chains between three targets. It can recharge itself. Also useful for powering things up.
Disintegrator Ray: Fires balls of white hot plasma that can turn the average person into ash with about three shots.
Ion Detonator: Launches an ion grenade that can be either remotely detonated, or explodes ten seconds after being launched. It has a radius of 6 feet, and disintegrates anyone who is within blast radius.
Anal Probe: A gun that fires a rod that extracts human DNA. In effect, it makes anyone hit by it in the correct area run around, screaming in pain, before their heads explode.
Dislocator: Fires an energy that attaches to a target as it moves in the air in random directions, and possibly the ground and as many walls and items as possible before flying into the air and vanishing. Can also be used on heavy items and vehicles, but requires more disks attached to move faster. It can launch and leave out 4 discs at a time. It regenerates the discs.
Meteor Strike: Summons three meteors and a small moon that are large enough to level an office building to the location of a launched beacon. It can only hold five at a time.
Jet pack: Lasts 15 seconds before needing to cool down. Has a maximum height of two stories.
Personal shield: Can be broken with sustained fire from assault rifles, but can also take a hit from a tank, and not be broken. Takes 5 seconds to start recharging.
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Hmmmm, land of monster girls? I think I know just the person to play as.

Callie Cuttlefish (AKA Best Squid, AKA Better Than Marie)

Universe: Splatoon


You're a squid now!- Callie can turn into a squid at any time of the day. When in Squid form, she can swim in Ink or similar liquids at great speed, making getting to and fro much easier.

Release the Kraken!- At certain times, Callie can turn into a Kraken, a giant squid, for a certain period of time. In this form Callie is invincible against any attacks directed towards her and, unlike her regular squid form, can attack enemies using her sharp exterior as a weapon.

Bombs Away!- Callie can chuck an total of 20 bombs for a period of time. There are three bombs she can choose from:

  • Splat Bombs- Your basic explosives. Upon throwing, Splat Bombs will detonate after a small period of time. These bombs are the jack of all trades and is adaptable for any situation.
  • Suction Bombs- Very similar to Splat Bombs except for the fact that Suction Bombs will stick to any surface they land on, be it stone, wood, dirt, or metal. Very useful for driving out enemies in fortified positions and hiding places.
  • Burst Bombs- Unlike the Splat and Suction Bombs, Burst Bombs will detonate instantly when the touch someone or something. Burst Bombs are good in close quarters for its explosive radius is smaller than the other two bombs and can eliminate an enemy quickly at point-blank range.
Tactical Inkstrike Inbound!- Callie can summon and Inkstrike to use against her enemies. An Inkstrike is a missile that can be fired via remote control. An Inkstrike has the radius of a boxing ring and anyone caught in the radius will most likely kill them unless they are more durable than the average human.

The Killer Wail- Callie can summon a Killer Wail to the battlefield. A Killer Wail is a machine that emits a high pitch noise at a very far distance and is a beam of some sort which can be deadly. Killer Wails are the most useful when on the defensive but can also be used on the offensive.

This is my Boomstick!- Callie can summon a Inkzooka for a brief period of time. An Inkzooka is a weapon similar to a rocket launcher or bazooka except that it fire mini tornadoes made out of ink. These tornadoes can even by pass certain obstacles and can hit enemies at long distances, making it extremely useful against long range enemies such as archers or snipers.

A squid's best friend- Callie can create a Bubbler to protect herself. A Bubbler is a shield that surrounds the host and in unbreakable. There are very few things that can break through a Bubbler.

The Invisible Eye: Callie can activate an Echolocator for a small period of time. An Echolocator reveals the locations of hostile beings in the radius, which is quite large. The Echolocator is extremely useful in areas in hard-seeing places and against large groups of hostiles.

Upon using any of these powers, it will have a cool down time of 3 days-1 week.


Charmer- Callie is one charismatic squid, makes sense since she is a pop star that every Inkling knows. With this she can convince people to think the way she thinks and can get them to do favors for her.

Singer: As one of the most well known and loved music artist in her world, it's quite obvious that Callie is an excellent singer. Her gift for singing was given to her at birth, same goes for Marie. In her early years, she and Marie won Inkopolis' first Youth Folk-Singing Contest which would kickstart her career as a singer.

Humorous: Callie at some times can be seen to be quite humorous, much like her cousin. She seems to be quite fond of puns and uses them from time to time, much to the annoyance of Marie. Callie also considers herself a Boke, or funny/silly person.

Personality: Callie is a very energetic and excitable person, very different to her mellow cousin, Marie. Callie has also shown to be a caring person and always seems optimistic, making it very rare to see her in a bad mood, visibly atleast. Callie is always open to trying new things that gets her eye. For what she likes, Callie has been shown enjoy: Cats, Rock Music, Rice, Lemon Tea, Marshmallows, Rollercoasters, The North Pole, and Peanut Butter.


Hero Shot Replica
Hero Charger Replica
Hero Roller Replica
Hero Agent uniform
Her Agent 1 Outfit (Right)

If you want, I can make a background aswell.
Not sure if it'll get accepted, but I can try.

Name: Sakata Gintoki

Gender: Male

Universe: Gintama


Immense Strength: He can destroy enormous pieces of machinery or drive his blunt bokuto through a man's skull with ease.

Tremendous Endurance: One of Gintoki's defining traits is his extreme level of physical endurance. Gintoki fights without consideration for his life a majority of the time and, while this gives him the ability to fight without limits, is also a testament to how little Gintoki values his own life. Coupled with his incredibly high pain tolerance, this makes him an incredibly fearsome fighter. Has defeated dozens of enemies even after being wounded repeatedly and after massive blood loss.

Agility: Gintoki is incredibly nimble, capable of matching the agility of the ninjas. In addition, his reflexes (while often downplayed for comedic purposes) are great, and he is capable of dodging, deflecting, or in some instances, throwing back knives, arrows and similar projectiles.

When Gintoki is particularly enraged, his speed and reflexes reach absurd heights, allowing him to perform such feats as shattering a sword in mid-swing with his teeth or closing meters of distance between himself and his target in a fraction of a second.

Master Swordsmanship Specialist: Gintoki's swordsmanship is rough, but far from unrefined. He tends to wield even full-length katanas one-handed, with fairly wide but quick chops.

Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant: As part of his brawler-like fighting style, Gintoki regularly uses his fists and kicks in combat. As such, he is far less bothered by being caught unarmed than most other swordsmen in the series. While his bokuto is usually used to deliver the final blow against an opponent, many of his most consistent, damaging attacks are kicks delivered to the torso.

Combat Intuition: Gintoki is noticeably skilled in terms of battlefield tactics, likely due to his extensive experience. He is capable of developing adaptive strategies as he fights, often within seconds, and knows exactly what to look for in an opponent's fighting style to create openings for himself.

Weapon Expertise: While Gintoki vastly prefers to make use of his swordsmanship in combat, he is well-versed in the use of many types of weapons, from naginatas and kunai to senbon and explosives. Likely due to his training as a samurai and time spent on the battlefield, he is able to incorporate the use of almost anything he finds in a fight, and frequently catches his opponents off-guard by using his surroundings against them.

Spiritual Affinity: Gintoki can see and communicate with spirits. However, this ability has failed to manifest on a few occasions and likely simply applies to specific types of spirits.


Besides his Bokuto/Bokken and clothes, he has nothing.


Gintoki is one of the few survivors of the Kansei Purge, and a former participant in the Joui War. The inability to protect his friends during the Joui War still haunts him, as well as having to kill his teacher and adoptive father, Yoshida Shoyou, leaving him with regret and guilt. Due to this, he tends to be very protective of his friends, and will throw away his life for theirs if need be. His past dictates the way he is and how he acts. Is willing to risk his life for anyone, and is extremely caring towards his friends.

Extremely Lazy: Generally doesn't want to do any hard work, and because of this, remains in a state of poverty. If someone gives him a job however.....

Dedicated: Even though he tends to be lazy most of the time, if someone asks him to do a job for them and he accepts, he will attempt to help them to the best of his ability. He might not do it in the most orthodox way....

Immense Charisma: Despite his negative traits, Gintoki has a huge amount of charisma and will has made many friends over his life. He has a tendency to make those around him feel more... alive, even with his terrible jokes and deadpan statements.

Terrified of Ghosts: Gintoki is extremely frightened of ghosts, but will usually deny their existence so that he doesn't look like a coward.
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Name: Zero/(Me)

Gender: Male

Universe: Mega Man Zero/SI(can be dropped)


Reploid: Zero is a Reploid, an Autonomous Android that can operate on its own. As such, he's faster, stronger and more durable than normal humans(due to being mostly made of metal).
Swordsman: Zero is very good at using his Z-Saber, and is an acknowledged swords master. There are few Reploids he has ever encountered that are his equal in this field of combat. Now if only that kid would listen when he told him to move over...
Marksman: Zero has an... embarrassing history with guns. In his old body, he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from five paces. However, with the introduction of his beautiful Buster Pistol in his new body, he's gotten... better. The kid's still better at shooting things, though.
Strategist: Zero may be known for rushing into things head-first, but that doesn't mean he isn't observant or stupid. He's very good at finding the weakness of his opponent, and taking advantage of it when they overextend.
Charge: Zero can push energy into his weapons in a process known as 'Charging'. Doing this enhances their destructive power, and in the case of the Shield Boomerang lets him throw it like a boomerang laser buzzsaw.
Dash: This ability lets Zero boost his speed over short distances. It's surprisingly useful.
EX-Skills: When Zero defeats a Reploid on his level, he gains a technique/attack that is based off of what that Reploid can do. Currently, he has twelve EX-Skills. He can only activate one EX-Skill per weapon, except on the Z-Saber.
  1. Reflect Laser(Buster): The Buster fires a piercing bolt of energy when fully charged, that bounces off of walls and ceilings. Required: No Elemental Chip.
  2. Burst Shot(Buster): A small, explosive fireball that covers whatever it hits in multiple small explosions. Requires the Fire Chip to use.
  3. V-Shot(Buster): Spits the basic projectile into two shots that spread in a 'V' shape. Requires Thunder Chip to use.
  4. Blizzard Arrow(Buster): Creates a small white orb that shoots three icicles in a staggered pattern. Requires Ice Chip to use.
  5. Gale Attack/Reppuugeki(Saber): Instead of swinging when he dashes, he thrusts forward and impales the opponent on his blade. This attack is fast and powerful, but gives him tunnel vision when using.
  6. Split Heavens/Tenretsujin(Saber): A non-elemental rising upward strike that becomes a flaming attack with the Flame Chip equipped. Gives him some air time, as well.
  7. Saber Smash/Rakusaiga(Saber): The typical ariel downward thrust. If the Thunder Chip is equipped, it becomes an electric attack that creates two sparks in contact.
  8. Throw Blade/Zaneidan(Saber): Launches a shockwave in a pointed fold. With the Ice Chip equipped, the shockwave is larger, freezes targets on contact and travels further.
  9. 1000 Slash(Recoil Rod): A barrage of thrusts with the Recoil Rod, so fast and powerful that they seem to create multiple rods.
  10. Soul Launcher(Recoil Rod): When the fully-charged rod is fired upwards, it fires an energy projectile that splits into four pieces and comes crashing down to cause damage. With the Flame Chip equipped, the pieces burn on the ground for a short while.
  11. Shield Sweep(Shield Boomerang): Charged Shield Boomerang shots will roll along the ground, before going back to Zero. Leaves trail of sparks if the Thunder Chip is equipped.
  12. Orbit Shield(Shield Boomerang): Charged Shield Boomerang shots will orbit Zero for a short time before veering off and then returning to him like normal. Makes 4 revolutions by default, 6 if the Ice Chip is equipped.
Glitch In The Matrix: So, the funny thing is... Zero's here, but at the same time... I'm kinda controlling the body instead. And I have no idea what I'm doing, or how to do most of the stuff this body can do, so... SOMEONE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HELP ME!(Yes, it's a shitty SI thing, and I am willing to drop it at the first opportunity. I'm just putting it here because it's funny.)


He has his Z-Saber, Buster Pistol, Recoil Rod(Knocks back targets with full charge, and can be used to launch Zero into the air), Shield Boomerang(an energy shield that can be thrown at full charge) and four E-Tanks. He also has a number of Chips which can be equipped for varying effects. He can only have one equipped in each slot(Head, Body and Foot) at a time.
  • Auto Charge(Head): When Equipped, the weapon he holds will charge automatically.
  • Auto Recover(Head): When Equipped, standing still will restore his energy and repair him. The process takes a short period of time to activate, however, and if he moves the chip shuts down. It also doesn't repair him very quickly.
  • Quick Charge(Head): When Equipped, his weapons will charge faster.
  • Ice(Body): Changes attack to Ice-type element. Allows Charged attacks to deal Ice-type damage. Enhances some EX-Skills.
  • Thunder(Body): Changes attack to Lightning-type element. Allows Charged attacks to deal Lightning-type damage. Enhances some EX-Skills.
  • Fire(Body): Changes attack to Fire-type element. Allows Charged attacks to deal Fire-type damage. Enhances some EX-Skills.
  • Light(Body): Lightens his frame and makes him less heavy, allowing him to move over crumbling terrain and quicksand safer and easier. However, he takes more damage when using this.
  • Absorber(Body): Absorbs inertia and force, allowing him to tank hits without getting knocked back. Has a limit, though, and a big enough attack can knock him back.
  • Spike(Foot): Gives traction on slippery surfaces, allowing him to move on them without sliding around.
  • Quick(Foot): Increases his running speed.
  • Double Jump(Foot): Somehow lets Zero turn the air under his feet into a platform to jump again once. Probably works using the same tech that hover capsules use.
  • Shadow Dash(Foot): When he dashes, he phases through enemy attacks. Useful, but increases the amount of time between dashes.
  • Frog(Foot): This Chip lets Zero slow the speed he slides down walls.
  • Splash Jump(Foot): This lets him get traction off of water tension, and jump off of the surface of water with precise timing.
  • Ultima(Foot): All the effects of the Foot Chips, combined into one package.

Zero is a calm and focused sort of person. He doesn't let people get to him, and is very protective of his friends. He doesn't see himself as a hero, though; he just does what he thinks is right.

Let's just say... six fails in a row. One critfail.
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Name: Alduin

Universe: The Elder Scroll Universe.


Firstborn of Akatosh:
Alduin is the first dragon, essentially an angel in The Elder Scroll world. Aside from what you may expect from being a dragon, Alduin is also immortal in a sense; Although his body can falter and die, his soul will linger onto it for eternity, waiting for someone to regenerate his physical form. The only way to truly put him down is to completely destroy his soul, which, for a being that is the embodiment of the destructive nature of time, is rather difficult.

To elaborate, he is a concept given physical form. To remove him, time itself must stop destroying things. Killing Alduin is the same as killing the color blue.

After his transition, Alduin was reduced to a small girl; render closer to mortality than he would like to admit. He is now vulnerable to things such as hunger, thirst and human biology.

The Thu'um: The language of dragons. The Thu'um is a type of name magic that evokes concepts via combining draconic words with the user's own grasp of that concept. The Thu'um potential is vast, and poweful users can manipulate time to some extent, call down rains of meteors, turn intangible, or control souls and life force. The Thu'um is dependent on the mind more than on the body, so his new form did not effect his millenium long prowess that much.

New Thu'um can be created by combining knowledge with words. An example of this is Dragonrend. The Nords managed to combine their understanding or mortality with the existing words in draconic vocabulary (which the dragons themselves have no understanding of), creating a Thu'um that imbue the idea of being mortal and finite into its victim.

Known Thu'um: These Thu'um have been showed in game and would be logical to assume that Alduin should know of them. This does not include Shouts that can potentially be put together .

Animal Allegiance, Ran Miir Tar: Call out to the minds of all beasts nearby, and command them to come to the speaker's aid.

Aura Whisper, Laas Yah Nir: Grant the speaker the ability to detect the presences of all nearby creatures, be they livings, undeads, extra-planar, or machines.

Battle Fury, Mid Vur Shaan: Imbue nearby allies with great speed.

Become Ethereal, Feim Zi Gron: Does exactly what it says. The speaker cannot affect the world or be affected.

Bend Will, Goh Hav Dov: Enslave the mind of the target.

Call Dragon: Not really a shout per se, but more of a nature of the dragon themselves. Should someone who is familiar with the name of one dragon and Shout their name, they will be compelled to come, sometime even breaking through planar barrier to do so.

Clear Skies, Lok Vah Koor: Completely clear the skies off all weather effect and return it to its calm state.

Cyclone, Ven Gar Noos: Summon a powerful cyclone.

Disarm, Zuun Hal Viik: Disarms everyone caught by commanding the weapons themselves to leave the hand.

Dismay, Faas Ru Mar: Imbue the concept of fear into the mind of its victim, capable of terrifying even things that should not feel fear.

Drain Vitality, Gan Laan Has: Cause the victims' strength, magical power, and lifeforce to leech out from their bodies.

Dragon Aspect, Muul Qah Diiv: Calling on his inner dragon, Alduin gains immense strength, durability, and can Shout multiple time in succession.

Elemental Fury, Su Grah Dun: Grant the speaker exeptional speed.

Fire Breath, Yol Toor Shul: Breath a massive gout of searing flames.

Frost Breath, Fo Krah Diin: Icy equilavent of the above.

Ice Form, Iiz Slen Nus: Cause ice to instantly form over all target caught, freezing them solid.

Marked for Death, Kri Lun Aus: Curse the target, causing them to lose resistance and take damage every second for sixty second. The loss of resistance is pernament and stackable. I have no idea how to phrase this properly. In Skyrim term, it give a pernament -75 resistance each second for 60 second, up to a total of -4500 pernament penalty to armor. This is in a game where an resistance rating of 2000+ can only be achieved via excessive exploiting.

The penalty cannot be removed, at least, not be any method available to the Divines (testing in game shown that all divine blessings cannot remove MoD).

Soul Tear, Ri Vas Zool: Rip at the victims' souls, slowly ripping it out and dealing heavy damage in the process. If the target is killed by this, the soul maybe captured with the appropriate vessel. Furthermore, they will rise as zomebies under the speaker's control

Slow Time, Tid Klo Ul: Command time itself to slow down. Everything is affected by this with the exception of the speaker, who is only marginally slowed.

Storm Call, Strun Bah Qo: Call in a devastating thunderstorm.

Throw Voice, Zul Mey Gut: Magic ventriloquism

Unrelenting Force, Fus Roh Dah: Direct magical application of force prove that Physics is awesome. Powerful user can literally shouts the flesh off oponent' bones

Whirlwind Sprint, Wuld Nah Kest: Propel the speaker in straight line, knocking aside everything in their way.

Devour Soul, Zii Los Di Du: Rip away the soul of a weaken being, instantly killing it and absorbing its soul.

Meteor Storm, Unknown Words: Call down a rain of flaming meteors from the skies. This shout is powerful enough to reduce a small city to rubble in less than an hour.

Reanimate Dragon, Slen Tiid Vo: Despite its name, the words used in the Shout, alongside with the lore on dragons, suggested that what it does is mending the flesh by rewinding time.

Soul Fog, Ven Mul Riik: Create a spectral mist that confuse souls

Spectral Clone, Fiik Lo Sah: Creates an illusory copy of the speaker.

Harbinger of the End:
Alduin is essentially the celestial mailman, and his package is the Apocalyspe. As long as he is acting within his designated sphere (delivering the end of the world on schedule), he is, for all intent and purpose, unstoppable. On the other hands, acting outside of bound mean that his power is greatly reduced. This has led to his many defeats before.
All dragons are driven by a natural urge to destroy, to dominate, to assert themselves. Alduin, however, is megalomania itself. He despises all mortals, seeing them as just cosmic playthings to amuse his whim. Although having been around since time itself, Alduin can also be considered incredibly childish and brash, without much foresight or strategic thinking and an unfallible tendecy to stroke his own ego.

Despite this, he is a dragon at heart, and he held great respect for all who is capable of matching him in combat, be it mortal or divine.
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