Fran finds a window, but nothing outside is as it should be. A truly macabre Halloween festival kicks off with heads decapitated and muted screams of the damned as little creatures made from misshapen parts, eyeballs on wrists and shoulders, teeth too big for their mouths and jut out in from above and below. What's more, the outside is one giant stretch of flat land, with no end in sight nor any dips in elevation. Everything outside is made of some strange material, almost liquid in the way that it spreads beneath the translucent feet of the monsters that wonder about the empty plane of existence, but not quite so as it returns to its original position.

Much too thick too, more like a goop than a liquid.

The house seems to be crying, or maybe there's someone really, really loud in here with you.

Fran rested her elbows on the window frame, plunked her chin on her fists. and stared out at the eldritch landscape and its denizens for a while. It was certainly different, but she could never live here. Far too flat, she'd go crazy with missing the mountains and forests that surrounded the lab. Actually, come to think of it some of the creatures outside reminded her a bit of those that dwelt in the darkness of the wood.

She sighed, this lonely introspection wasn't good for her. She needed company.

Fran weighed her options. It looked like they were having fun outside, meandering through the goop covering the ground. Maybe it'd be like walking on a sea of gelatin, that would be an experience! Imagining herself frolicking around with the cute little creatures brought a smile to her face. On the other hand the sound of crying was beginning to concern her. If someone was in trouble she really ought to help or at least see what was the matter. Not everything could be about money and bettering mankind, sometimes you needed a good deed here and there to make up for the little mistakes along the way.

Yes, that was it. She'd help this sad person, and hopefully find out more about this odd world that would be her temporary home.

She pinched the bridge of her nose. Hopefully temporary. The atmosphere just wasn't right, and it didn't feel like the sort of thing you could fix with a simple lung transplant.

"Um, excuse me? Helloooo. Whoever's crying, do you need help? I'm a doctor, and my name is Fran Madaraki. Please, don't be afraid!"

She started wandering the halls, trying to find the source.
Right, didn't like that, didja? The once and future King of Thugs thought with a smirk, as the creature recoiled from the stool slamming into it. Today's not your day then, mate, because that's just me getting warmed up....

And then everyone in the bar turned towards him with murder in their eyes.

"Bloody hell..."

First one in is a young lady launching herself his way with a flying kick, which he evades with a simple side step that's why you keep your feet on the ground, missy, can't adjust once you start hopping around in the air and bugger bugger bugger moooooob!

With impressive agility for a man his size, Speedwagon shucked off several grasping hands, blocked another punch, felt a sudden pressure on his shin as a toothless dog tried to gum his leg off, and then he was loose, free to vault onto the bar, commence running along it kicking glasses and bottles out of his way it's controlling them can't just lay into these blighters damn and blast and then free to have his legs taken out from under him by a spinning hook kick from the same woman who'd first attacked him.

Speedwagon hit the top of the bar hard, shattering several glasses, shards slicing through his suit coat and through his back, and he immediately rolled off behind the bar, barely avoiding an axe kick that left cracks in the wood where his head had been.

He landed on his hands and knees on the bartender's side and came up swinging, bugger not laying into them! burying his fist in the woman's midsection as she jumped up on the bar to come after him, sending her toppling backwards....a very short distance, onto the head and shoulders of the drooling crowd that was rushing towards him like a bloody tidal wave, scrambling over the wooden counter, and then somebody tossed him a beating stick.

He didn't question where it came from, didn't even try to look in the direction, just grabbed it, noted vaguely that it was an unusually high quality beating stick, probably some posh toff's, and then he was fully occupied walloping arms and heads.

"Won't even fight me yourself, eh? Don't have the stomach for it?" He shouted desperately, taunting the lurching form all the way at the back of the crowd, just come in where I can reach you, you...

But it was having none of that, content to burble and blubber, his arms and shoulders were burning from the effort already, well then, if this is how I'm going out, have something to remember me by!

One hand let go off his cudgel and rose to the brim of his hat, as if he were going to tip it to a lady...and with a flick of his wrist he sent it sailing over the head's of the frenzied mob, rising almost up to the ceiling in a lazy arc...and then plunging downwards to bury itself in the center of the thing's back, the razor blades hidden in the brim carving into the creature's flesh.
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And so our brave hero stumbles about the streets of the Mitakihara City, the bright lights of downtown doing little to ease the darkness of night. Passersby give him wide berth as they avoid the dripping Yakuza thug that wandered into town. Even other thugs give the sword holding man some room, twirling knives as they watch him go by.

Kamina finds himself in a strangely wide area of town. There must be hundreds of people around him, with great advertisements and moving pictures plastered all around him on the many buildings.

Kamina, having never seen the wonders of such a large city before, was awed. Screens, constructions, vehicles, people everywhere. Hustle and bustle, though it all seemed to dim and quiet when he drew near. What was most impressive, to him, was that none of it looked like it had been cobbled together out of military technology; rather, all of it looked like it was made entirely for its own purpose. Did that mean they'd done it? Had they finally created a peaceful world to live in? His chest swelled with pride at the thought. Leaving the village with only two guys and a tiny mech, nobody would have thought anything like this would be possible.

As he walked, though, scanning the great buildings that towered above him, he couldn't help but think back and reminisce. He'd promised Simon they'd get to the moon, some day, hadn't he? Ha... it was funny. With all this, that dream didn't sound that far off. Maybe even farther... No, definitely, they'd get farther than that. He had to keep looking ahead, even if he wasn't sure he could see the path.

@Wade Garrett

He would have been fairly content to continue wandering, but a particularly loud ruckus stood out as he passed it. That was odd. Usually everyone went mysteriously silent when he got close. He opened the door and--

There was a loud crash. As he looked into the building he found an angry mob of people swarming a well-dressed gentleman, a lot of broken glass and busted furniture, and the vile smell of alcohol, bile and blood.

Oh. There was also that horrifying not-quite-human monster thing in the corner.

Now, when most sane men encounter such a sight, a veritable smorgasbord of violence and what appeared to be an eldritch creature beyond human understanding, the usual response is to leave, or failing that, to grab the man being beat upon and then leave, with all due haste.

Kamina was not most sane men. So instead of turning tail to flee, he instead took a running start towards the mob.

"Who the hell do you think I am..."

Both feet left the ground.


Heroic feet met barfly face at high speeds, launching the poor sap well past his intended target and away from the lone brawler in the center of the horde.

Kamina rolled upon impact with the ground and took advantage of the momentum of the battle to nail someone, hard, with a left hook.

"Taking on the world, bowler-hat? I like your style!"
The city is very uniform, even with the occasional odd mishmash piece of architecture. Eavesdropping on conversations nets her the name of the city, Mitakihara.

All the while a curious little creature follows her. Nobody else seems to see the weird combination of a bunny rabbit and a cat with beady red eyes. It opens its mouth to speak…

And suddenly finds itself lying limp with a large bullet in its head. The culprit being a raven haired young woman, several buildings away, using a sniper rifle of some kind.

Weiss walked along with feigned confidence, drawing on all of those lessons that she had been given before coming to Beacon. It was her sole refuge, the one thing she had that could keep her from breaking down under the stress of the situation that she found herself. Not that such things mattered when she was merely walking down the street, but it mattered to her, and that was what counted.

Of course, she also managed to ignore the strange looks that she might get for the clothes she was wearing, as well as the presence of Myrtenaster. That merely reaffirmed what she was doing, and she walked along with her head held high, to leave the best impression with these strangers that she could. She'd probably never see them again, but a Schnee was always mindful of public perception.

As she headed further into the city, she was able to catch some things from conversations nearby. Specifically, she now had the name of the city. Mitakihara. It sat strange on her tongue, not even close to being a name she had heard before, though she had heard people with similar names. But definitely no cities. It was odd then, but it merely served to further confirm what had been told to her already, that this was not her world.


Having been moving along innocently, the gunshot and the sound of a bullet hitting flesh took Weiss by surprise, and she reacted out of well honed instinct first, rolling to the side and drawing Myrtenaster, ready for whatever attack came next. The lack of another shot was as confusing, but she didn't have time to think about that as she focused on her situation.

Obviously, she hadn't been shot. Her Aura was the same as before, and she would have felt it if she had been. So what had been hit? SHe quickly scanned the area and lighted upon a....well, it looked like a white animal, some mix between a bunny and a cat. Or it had, until it had been shot in the head. Her heart ached for the being, totally not because she thought that it must have been cute or something.

With that realized, she turned to figuring out what had done it. The mass of people made it unlikely that it had been from street level, and the direction that the cat-bunny had been shot from indicated where the bullet had come. Her gaze flew to the buildings that way and settled into determination. She didn't know what the threat was, but shooting a defenseless animal or no reason ,was something she would not allow to stand.

A flick of her wrist brought a glowing Glyph to light beneath her, growing and spinning in place, and she readied Myrtenaster before she was launched into the air. More innate control of her Semblance allowed her to create more Glyphs in midair, platforms that she used to jump from one to another as she headed upwards, careful to not move in a straight line so as to not give the shooter a clean shot.

Landing on the roof of the building, Weiss twirled Myrtenaster and stabbed downwards, which would send a line of ice streaking towards the shooter, with the intent of freezing her in place. If that worked, then Weiss could get some answers.
The halls of the school are very empty, the students having left hours ago. The school halls wind and twist awkwardly, as if designed by some madman for the sake of torturing new students, but finally you manage to find your way to a stairwell. The door is strangely unlocked, and you open the door to an unfamiliar city.

It took me a couple minutes couple minutes to come down from my little freak out which just happened to be the amount of time it took me to walk to the school roof (No thanks to the confusing layout of this damned school!!)...okay she didn't exactly walk more floated because when you have the ability to fly and there was no one around why wouldn't you save your legs the trouble of climbing a few flights of stairs?

But now that she had calmed down and had a relatively good view of the city she could actually get to the important things like finding a store to fix her internet connection!!....and figuring out how she got here and who those people she had seen in her vision were...but internet first.

Thankfully she already had a plan.

Flexing her psychic might the High School girl flew up just high enough to catch sight of some nearby pedestrians, specifically a blonde haired girl walking down the street with girl wearing a strange looking outfit, from there all she had to do was float down to the sidewalk...well specifically into a deserted alleyway didn't want to be seen after all.

@Nanimani @Itaywex

"Excuse me!!" Sumireko said walking out of the alleyway her cloak folded and tucked under her arms like a blanket "But I'm kind of lost do you know where the nearest mall is?" she asked with a smile.
Two blurs race across the city. Sparks fly from their confrontation like tiny fireworks, ignored by everyone except Kira. Two figures, both girls much like the one he was instructed to save, weave a web of destruction through the city top as their expeditious battle explodes rooves.

Keeping an eye on the two superhuman girls fought, Kira kept at a safe distance, and tried to stay out of sight. While that meant sticking to the rooftops as well, he could at least stay hidden behind air conditioning units. In addition, their focus being kept on each other made it more easy for them to overlook a mostly normal looking man. He kept ⌈​Killer Queen⌋​ as translucent as possible, only partially manifested. It definitely reduced the Stands power, but it made it harder to view. If seen, it would definitely a draw more attention than him, after all.

'Hm. In all likelihood, both the animal-eared brunette and the blond girl both have superhuman abilities like these two.'

That made his current job a fair bit harder to complete, but he still trusted his Stands ability to erase them. While faster than humans, they were much, much slower than ⌈​Killer Queen⌋​, and all it needed to obtain victory was a simple touch. Still, how did they even have such abilities? Where had they come from? He knew from his father that there were abilities like his, and there was the possibility of becoming a ghost after death, but these seemed to be physical and superhuman in and of themselves. They were also girls from junior high ages, which made it even more troubling. For some reason, the red one looked familiar.
'Kyouko Sakura.'
Red and Blue Oni alike pause their battle for a moment. The spear wielding girl in red seems disheveled, panting with her spear resting against her shoulder. The other appears to be wearing anime's idea of a nun outfit, white with blue trimming down the middle of the arms and torso. Both their clothing seems to be in immaculate condition regardless, although the blue haired girl's veil seems to be in slight disarray.

Part of him wondered why they were wearing such strange outfits, but another part dismissed the thought as silly. If they wore those outfits ina fight, perhaps they were necessary for doing so? Idly, he had one of his Stands partially manifested arms dig a small piece of rock out of the roof, the concrete offering no resistance to the ghostly entity's fingers, and had the Stand keep hold out of it. A projectile bomb may be helpful, and if he didn't want to waste time getting an easy one after he was already targeted. If that occurred.

Red seems to ready her spear again while Blue simply flips to a different page in her book. Definitely not the good book though, as it flashes with power and suddenly one Blue Oni becomes seven as a magic symbol drops down over her like a magic Xerox.

'Generating copies of herself. I wonder if they're like the real thing, or mere illusion?'

He supposed he could interfere at this point, but he didn't see the purpose of doing so. How would even be able to tell whether helping the right one? It wasn't like he knew how either related to the other he was ordered to save in return for something or the blonde one. He entertained the thought of simply walking out there and asking whether they knew a brown haired girl with animal ears, a black cat thing with scarves, or a blonde girl with hair curled into twin ribbons, but that may make him a target.

So, he waited, watched, and listened. Hopefully he could learn more.
His hat hit the bastard thing right between what would have been the shoulder blades on a person, and Speedwagon smirked as it recoiled, hunching in on itself in obvious pain.

And then it screamed.

That was the closest he could come to describing it, as all the creatures mouths opened and it vomited...some kind of crackling, wasn't even noise, it was in his ears and his thoughts, like razor blades inside his head. He felt a trickle of blood run down his nose, and then, blessedly, it stopped, skittering even farther away from him with his hat still lodged in its back.

Then the mob surged forward, with a violence and fury that made its earlier efforts look like a game of tiddlywinks, and he was swinging his stick, lashing out with elbows and fists, even butting with his head, don't let'em over the bar you're dead if you do bloody hell they just keep coming...!

There was a loud crash. As he looked into the building he found an angry mob of people swarming a well-dressed gentleman, a lot of broken glass and busted furniture, and the vile smell of alcohol, bile and blood.

Oh. There was also that horrifying not-quite-human monster thing in the corner.

Now, when most sane men encounter such a sight, a veritable smorgasbord of violence and what appeared to be an eldritch creature beyond human understanding, the usual response is to leave, or failing that, to grab the man being beat upon and then leave, with all due haste.

Kamina was not most sane men. So instead of turning tail to flee, he instead took a running start towards the mob.

"Who the hell do you think I am..."

Both feet left the ground.


Heroic feet met barfly face at high speeds, launching the poor sap well past his intended target and away from the lone brawler in the center of the horde.

Kamina rolled upon impact with the ground and took advantage of the momentum of the battle to nail someone, hard, with a left hook.

"Taking on the world, bowler-hat? I like your style!"

And then some nutter with no shirt and novelty shades crashed into the back of the crowd like a cannonball.

"EASY! EASY!" Speedwagon shouted to the newcomer, "They're just people, the bloody monster's controlling'em!" He fitted his actions to his words, altering the trajectory of his newly obtained shillelagh to hit a woman in the ribs instead of the head same high kicking bird from before doesn't she know when to give up?

"If we can kill that, that...whatever the hell it is, maybe OH BUGGER!"

Positioned behind the bar, Speedwagon could take a quick look out into the street. The street which was fast filling up with men, women, and even children, many of them holding some sort of improvised weapon and all of them with their faces contorted in the same blank eyed rage as the bar goers.
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Rochelle suddenly felt like something unnatural was moving towards her direction. It wasn't like a magical girl or a witch, it was different...

And then a girl came out of an alleyway, and Rochelle understood that what she was feeling was coming from her. No- from around her.
She also remembered the girl's face from the vision that the weird voice showed her after she woke up, Rochelle was supposed to take something from this girl.

All in all, she was pretty confused.

"Excuse me!!" Sumireko said walking out of the alleyway her cloak folded and tucked under her arms like a blanket "But I'm kind of lost do you know where the nearest mall is?" she asked with a smile.
Well, answering her question was easy enough and would buy Rochelle enough time to think what to say.

"Hwee dohn't exhaktly nohw, buht the rehsidehnntahl," She had troubles pronouncing the long world, "dihsrict is ther. Ahnd it shuld havh mahlls" And she pointed north, back towards where she and the blonde kid came from.

"Baht... Hwhat ahr hyu?" Rochelle tilted her head in confusion. The girl in front of her clearly wasn't human (or at least was connected very closely to some supernatural objects), but she most certainly didn't have a witch inside her, so what was she?
Rochelle was about to ask her name, but if she is the king and everyone is supposed to know her...

Rochelle rubbed the back of her head, "Hwee wahrn't in thees wohrld fohr ah lohng tihme, cahn hyu tehll uhs hyuor nahme?" She asked sheepishly.
Gilgamesh opened her mouth... But just before the first syllable passed her lips, she stopped herself, a sly grin growing on her face as her walk got just a bit faster, moving slightly ahead of Rochelle.

"Nope~! That'd be just a bit too easy, don't you think? Do some research, libraries exist for a reason, you know?"

Flexing her psychic might the High School girl flew up just high enough to catch sight of some nearby pedestrians, specifically a blonde haired girl walking down the street with girl wearing a strange looking outfit, from there all she had to do was float down to the sidewalk...well specifically into a deserted alleyway didn't want to be seen after all.
Ahead of her, in the sky, was a shape a good bit larger than a bird. Taking her attention from the girl behind her for an bit, she focused on it... Another girl. Flying in the air. In daytime. Oh dear, was there no masquerade?

Hum, casually flying... Decently powerful, for a modern mage, at least. Could she be the Second Owner?

As she came closer, Gilgamesh sensed multiple magical presences, in the alley the girl landed in. Hum... They feel harmless, but... Wrong. Whatever they are, they're not something that was in her treasury. So what...?
"Excuse me!!" Sumireko said walking out of the alleyway her cloak folded and tucked under her arms like a blanket "But I'm kind of lost do you know where the nearest mall is?" she asked with a smile.
Gilgamesh greeted the new arrival with a bright smile, slowing to a halt about six feet from her. She leaned forward, heels just slightly off the ground, examining her face.

"You too?"

She leans back, a small frown laying the base for a (Fake) bemused expression.

"But, you know, it shouldn't bee too hard to find one with your bird's-eye-view, Onee-san..."

"Hwee dohn't exhaktly nohw, buht the rehsidehnntahl," She had troubles pronouncing the long world, "dihsrict is ther. Ahnd it shuld havh mahlls" And she pointed north, back towards where she and the blonde kid came from.
Hum... Knows what malls are, but not exactly where, probably because she doesn't visit them...
"Baht... Hwhat ahr hyu?" Rochelle tilted her head in confusion. The girl in front of her clearly wasn't human (or at least was connected very closely to some supernatural objects), but she most certainly didn't have a witch inside her, so what was she?
Gilgamesh raised one singular eyebrow.

"She looks human to me. You think you need your eyes checked, miss? I'm curious about the invisible magic things around her, myself. Maybe that's what you're sensing?"
Rochelle suddenly felt like something unnatural was moving towards her direction. It wasn't like a magical girl or a witch, it was different...

And then a girl came out of an alleyway, and Rochelle understood that what she was feeling was coming from her. No- from around her.
She also remembered the girl's face from the vision that the weird voice showed her after she woke up, Rochelle was supposed to take something from this girl.

All in all, she was pretty confused.

Well, answering her question was easy enough and would buy Rochelle enough time to think what to say.

"Hwee dohn't exhaktly nohw, buht the rehsidehnntahl," She had troubles pronouncing the long world, "dihsrict is ther. Ahnd it shuld havh mahlls" And she pointed north, back towards where she and the blonde kid came from.
Sumireko smiled barely resisting the urge to squee at the girl's cute way of talking, with that lisp of hers she reminded her of one of those internet idols she'd seen while searching the net for urban legends.

"Well there might be one but wandering the residential district doesn't really suite me." she said with a shrug
Ahead of her, in the sky, was a shape a good bit larger than a bird. Taking her attention from the girl behind her for an bit, she focused on it... Another girl. Flying in the air. In daytime. Oh dear, was there no masquerade?

Hum, casually flying... Decently powerful, for a modern mage, at least. Could she be the Second Owner?

As she came closer, Gilgamesh sensed multiple magical presences, in the alley the girl landed in. Hum... They feel harmless, but... Wrong. Whatever they are, they're not something that was in her treasury. So what...?

Gilgamesh greeted the new arrival with a bright smile, slowing to a halt about six feet from her. She leaned forward, heels just slightly off the ground, examining her face.

"You too?"

She leans back, a small frown laying the base for a (Fake) bemused expression.

"But, you know, it shouldn't bee too hard to find one with your bird's-eye-view, Onee-san..."
Sumireko couldn't resist a giggle at the little blonde girl's comment, it felt so nice being called Onee-san and she had always wanted a little sister. Still it seemed the girl was also rather insecure about her height, maybe she just doesn't like being a cute little Loli?

"Hehe yeah sort of got lost when I arrived." She said rubbing the back of her head. "You wouldn't believe how similar it is to lose your way, I spare it's like they designed it that way." bending down to look Gil in the eye she smiled "and height doesn't really make much difference, we're only a little bit apart and your still growing." she continued giving Gil a pat on the head.
"Baht... Hwhat ahr hyu?" Rochelle tilted her head in confusion. The girl in front of her clearly wasn't human (or at least was connected very closely to some supernatural objects), but she most certainly didn't have a witch inside her, so what was she?
Hum... Knows what malls are, but not exactly where, probably because she doesn't visit them...

Gilgamesh raised one singular eyebrow.

"She looks human to me. You think you need your eyes checked, miss? I'm curious about the invisible magic things around her, myself. Maybe that's what you're sensing?"
However her train of thought was completely derailed by they said next.

'Huh...they can sense the Occult Orbs? and if they're talking about magic so casually that means...'

As the mental gears began to turn a almost lunatic smile appeared on Sumireko's face, these were the first non-gensokyo people who were connected to the supernatural. While she certainly loved her visits to Gensokyo the Esper had always wished to find someone outside of Gensokyo that she could talk about the Occult without hiding anything.

Which was probably why her hands were suddenly on the black haired girl's shoulders "You know about magic!! Are you a Youkai? Magician? Witch?..." she asked before catching herself and letting go "Ahh sorry got ahead of myself there."
Gilgamesh opened her mouth... But just before the first syllable passed her lips, she stopped herself, a sly grin growing on her face as her walk got just a bit faster, moving slightly ahead of Rochelle.

"Nope~! That'd be just a bit too easy, don't you think? Do some research, libraries exist for a reason, you know?"
Well... If she was a king than it would make sense that her name would appear in books. Rochelle wasn't sure that she will actually have much time to read, but it didn't look like the blonde girl was going to tell Rochelle her name, so Rochelle decided to drop the subject.

"She looks human to me. You think you need your eyes checked, miss? I'm curious about the invisible magic things around her, myself. Maybe that's what you're sensing?"
Rochelle nodded, she was still a bit confused about what were the magical-

Wait, how did the girl-king notice them?
She looked at Gilgamesh and blinked in confusion. Sure, she seemed odd, but she didn't look like something that isn't a human...

Which was probably why her hands were suddenly on the black haired girl's shoulders
"Buwah?" Rochelle wasn't ready for the sudden contact and almost jumped back.

"You know about magic!! Are you a Youkai? Magician? Witch?..." she asked before catching herself and letting go "Ahh sorry got ahead of myself there."
Rochelle concluded that despite her enthusiasm the not-magical-girl-girl didn't mean to harm her, and was just curious.

It took Rochelle few moments to regain her composure, but then she smiled and pointed at herself with a thumb, "Hwee ahr a gi-ahnt spy-dahr!"
After few moments she remembered that she should probably tell them her name, "Hwee ahr alsoh cahlled Rochelle."
It's hard to hear over the crowd of people, but whomever lives in this ridiculous building seems to have become the target of terrorists or some such. Break ins, threatening notes, and most recently a case of 'almost arson' that had been stopped by a good Samaritan.
It was uncomfortable to move so close to such a giant crowd - she wasn't sure if she ever saw so many people in one place - but for a moment, her curiosity to the better of her. As she moved closer, the reason of the congregation become obvious. It was to be expected, in hindsight.

"Poor people." Sadly, there was nothing she could really do to help them. Right?..

No, just walking away felt a bit wrong. Maybe, there is at least an insignifcant something she could do?

"...More green is always good, right?" She mumbled, somewhat indecisively, and called upon her ability; the invisible force which resided in green readily lunged, as she herself stepped away from the crowd.

Beautiful golden flowers bloomed across the garden, invisible to the people surrounding; an insignificant sacrifice of life force which will be returned more than a hundredfold; destined to live barely a moment, but shine greatly as they do, before erupting with raw golden light energy as they die.

In a flash of barely noticible solar energies, the flowers bloomed and withered one after another, releasing their amplified life energy into the garden; which gave her companion a whole lot of fuel to do things with.

The gentle tree florishes, growing quickly to match the height of the house; the grass turns from a gentle patch of green into a veritable human sized wall of green. But this exercise of supernatural power has other consequences.

The thing Yuuka forgot to account for - there was an crowd of people what was surrounding the house; a crowd of people for whom such things were weird, dangerous and supernatural. And as they begun to react to the sudden changes, she realised with quiet horror what growing a small forest around this house might have not the brighest idea she ever had.

"...I believe, this is my cue to flee."

While leaving the unruly-looking giant flora unattended rankles her slightly, it's better than becoming a centre of attention, she reasons and quickly attempts to left the premises, without attracting too much attention.
"Well there might be one but wandering the residential district doesn't really suite me." she said with a shrug

Sumireko couldn't resist a giggle at the little blonde girl's comment, it felt so nice being called Onee-san and she had always wanted a little sister. Still it seemed the girl was also rather insecure about her height, maybe she just doesn't like being a cute little Loli?

"Hehe yeah sort of got lost when I arrived." She said rubbing the back of her head. "You wouldn't believe how similar it is to lose your way, I spare it's like they designed it that way." bending down to look Gil in the eye she smiled "and height doesn't really make much difference, we're only a little bit apart and your still growing." she continued giving Gil a pat on the head.
Gilgamesh closed an eyebrow as the pat moved hair over it. Not the most dignified appearance, but what does it matter?

"You... aren't the brightest, are you, Onee-san?"

The air behind her rippled, a subtle effect, but obviously magical to someone who noticed it.
As the mental gears began to turn a almost lunatic smile appeared on Sumireko's face, these were the first non-gensokyo people who were connected to the supernatural.
Gilgamesh backed away slowly, moving just a bit further away from the girl than the nonhuman she was traveling with. Just gonna watch the two of them.
Gilgamesh closed an eyebrow as the pat moved hair over it. Not the most dignified appearance, but what does it matter?

"You... aren't the brightest, are you, Onee-san?"

The air behind her rippled, a subtle effect, but obviously magical to someone who noticed it.
Gilgamesh backed away slowly, moving just a bit further away from the girl than the nonhuman she was traveling with. Just gonna watch the two of them.
Sumireko blinked, did she just see the air ripple behind the blonde girl? No probably just her imagination, after all she had just been teleported to random city and managed to run into two people who were actually aware of the supernatural AND lived outside of Gensokyo...that or her glasses need a clean, they do have that nasty tendency to get full of dust when she does flying.
Well... If she was a king than it would make sense that her name would appear in books. Rochelle wasn't sure that she will actually have much time to read, but it didn't look like the blonde girl was going to tell Rochelle her name, so Rochelle decided to drop the subject.

Rochelle nodded, she was still a bit confused about what were the magical-

Wait, how did the girl-king notice them?
She looked at Gilgamesh and blinked in confusion. Sure, she seemed odd, but she didn't look like something that isn't a human...

"Buwah?" Rochelle wasn't ready for the sudden contact and almost jumped back.

Rochelle concluded that despite her enthusiasm the not-magical-girl-girl didn't mean to harm her, and was just curious.

It took Rochelle few moments to regain her composure, but then she smiled and pointed at herself with a thumb, "Hwee ahr a gi-ahnt spy-dahr!"
After few moments she remembered that she should probably tell them her name, "Hwee ahr alsoh cahlled Rochelle."
Gi-ahnt spy-dahr?....oh she means a giant spider!! Ahh that made sense. Sumireko nodded knowingly "Ahh so your a Jorougumo or maybe a Tsuchigumo?" she said with a smile. "Well it's a pleasure to meet you Rochelle and allow me to introduce myself."

With a dramatic flourish the highschool girl managed to dawn her cloak and with a touch of psychic power make it flow behind her as if in a strong wind "I'm Sumireko Usami, Higashifukami High Secret Sealing Club's First President!!"