It's really no burden. I'd claim writers block, but that would be a lie. I've been writing tons of stuff. A Time Looping SI told from a canon characters point of view, more Princess Bluebell stuff(Mostly fluff, cans and can'ts) Almost finished rewriting all 50 premade chapters for my Worm thing so I can be lazy with writing that when I get around to finishing those rewrites.

Meanwhile I'm grabbing ideas for this left and right. They go into the big folder full of assorted RP stuff. Sometimes I'll have an idea pop into my head when I'm not at home that I have to write down on a pad.

but yeah, looking at what I've got. It'll be Tuesday.
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It's really no burden. I'd claim writers block, but that would be a lie. I've been writing tons of stuff. A Time Looping SI told from a canon characters point of view, more Princess Bluebell stuff(Mostly fluff, cans and can'ts) Almost finished rewriting all 50 premade chapters for my Worm thing so I can be lazy with writing that when I get around to finishing those rewrites.

Meanwhile I'm grabbing ideas for this left and right. They go into the big folder full of assorted RP stuff. Sometimes I'll have an idea pop into my head when I'm not at home that I have to write down on a pad.

but yeah, looking at what I've got. It'll be Tuesday.
Oh no, wasn't glaring at you.
You're not who I'm waiting on.
Speedwagon and Kamina are being what Road House would have been like if it was an anime.

(I'm Sam Elliott, he's Patrick Swayze.)
Great! Well, here goes!

Name: Sunset Shimmer
Universe: My Little Pony (With few alterations)
  • Unicorn Magic: Despite not being a Unicorn anymore, Sunset is still capable of executing Magic Spells, though they're not as effective when she was a Unicorn. Also needs a magical focus of sort in replacement of her horn—in this case, a homemade blasting rod of sort. Spells include basic telekinesis, cruel and outright violations of the Law of Physics, and many more. Sunset is most talented in Fire Magic. And Explosions. Combustions. Lots, and lots of Explosions.
  • Dark Magic: When revealed of the Mirror, Sunset self-taught herself on the Darker and Questionable side of Magic. She's capable of brain-washing, mind-control, geasses, and basic violations of free will. And is not afraid to use them when necessary. [Effectiveness depends on the victim's Will/willingness. Using Dark Magic may, or may not affect your personality]
  • Magical Knowledge: Though preferring a more direct method on handling magic, Sunset Shimmer still used to be Princess Celestia's Apprentice, and as such, she is well-versed and knowledagble in almost every sort of magic.

Personality: Temperamental, ambitious, confident, and Anti-social, Sunset seeks for power to add into her artillery for a purpose she herself don't know. Despite this, Sunset is filled with regrets from the many choices she took in her past. The damning of all being her rash actions and responds toward her Mother figure, and Mentor which caused her to be stripped from her Apprenticeship status. And her impulsive decision of spite wherein she entered The Mirror.

Likes Magic, the sun, fire, and explosions. Good at playing guitar, and generally prefers doing a more direct methods when dealing with troubles. Or Magic.
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May I join this thread?

If yes, is it ok for me to roleplay as Sayaka from Sayaka Quest? She will be a separate character from the Sayaka who is already present.

Tentative character sheet:

Name: Sayaka Miki

Appearance: Armored Sayaka from Sayaka Quest (It's a drawing from Moiderah. I don't know if it is okay for me to use it.)

Universe: PMMM (Sayaka Quest)

1. Armored Form: Via trial and error, Sayaka has learned how to magically alter her attire. She is capable of donning a suit of blue plated armor complete with a scarf, a kite shield and a three - eyed helmet. The armor costs magic to summon, and does not hinder her mobility.

2. Rending Blade: In preparation for the battle against Walpurgisnacht, Sayaka trained to use magical attacks. She is capable of infusing her swords with magic, increasing their cutting and piercing power.

3. Swordsmanship: Sayaka mastered the way of the sword via hunting witches and training with Kyouko. She is also capable of shooting swords from the hilt at her enemies, but she is not "diet Mami".

4. Explosive Blades: Sayaka is able to fire explosive swords at her enemies. They cannot penetrate through armor, however.

5. Healing Hands: Sayaka's wish was to heal Kyousuke's hand. This manifested in her ability to rapidly heal herself and others. She was the team medic and has lost and regained her limbs many times during her career.

6. Musical Boost: Sayaka had a crush on Kyousuke, a violinist. She is also a fan of classical music. This manifested in her ability to use musical platforms to increase her speed and mobility.

7. Puella Magi: She has all the benefits and drawbacks of making a contract with Kyubey.

Personality: Sayaka is a Paladin who has been through many battles, trials and tribulations. She is usually aggressive in battle and protective of her friends. She knows about the dark side of being a Puella Magi, and considers killing Witches as a way of putting the former Magical Girls out of their misery. She was rejected by Kyousuke, but she eventually found forbidden love with Kyouko. Although she brings hope to others, she considers herself an idiot for all of her mistakes and failures. She is also afraid of spiders.
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Is this still open? If so, here's my sheet.

Raichu- Elise
Character sheet layout:
Username: Theburper
Age: 16
Gender: F
Avatar: Raichu Gijinka
Group Size: 1
Universe of Origin: Pokemon
Powers and Abilities:
Electricity control: Controls electricity.
Thunderbolt: A small lightning strike is called on a foe.
Thunder: A huge lightning strike is called at a foe. Becomes sure-hit if it's raining.
Volt switch: The user cloaks in lightning and charges at a foe before returning to the start point.
Electroball: A ball of lightning is summoned and hurled at a foe.
Thunder punch: A punch Attack infused with the power of lightning.
Rain dance: Causes it to rain.
Gear: Light ball: Increases Attack.
Personality: Very emotional on all ends of the spectrum.
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*Throws Sayaka from aforementioned Quest at Rochelle*

I see nothing going wrong here.
It would be very awkward if SQ Sayaka has the objective of killing canon Sayaka / Kyouko / Oktavia / Ophelia or protecting Rochelle.

I wonder how Rochelle can convince Sayaka that she is not hostile...
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