Oath Sign: Breath of the Wild

I mean..

Maybe Cyreni could contact one of the forty some other applicants? :V

At least it's fairly early in the game..
I'll be honest, I've been having a hard time mustering up the will and drive to prod my players harder, mostly because my other game has decided that it is indeed still alive WHOOP LET'S GO DO THINGS NOW, the reacquisition of a job, and a general uptick in RL responsibilities/imminent RL responsibilities. I'll mull over grabbing a replacement for Grue for a bit, I know there's a ton of people who were interested in this but I don't know if they still are, and I don't know if I will have the energy to post for five people plus everyone in SV vs TCB.
I'll be honest, I've been having a hard time mustering up the will and drive to prod my players harder, mostly because my other game has decided that it is indeed still alive WHOOP LET'S GO DO THINGS NOW, the reacquisition of a job, and a general uptick in RL responsibilities/imminent RL responsibilities. I'll mull over grabbing a replacement for Grue for a bit, I know there's a ton of people who were interested in this but I don't know if they still are, and I don't know if I will have the energy to post for five people plus everyone in SV vs TCB.
I'd like to say I'm still interested in this, but if you don't have the energy/time/willpower to post for everyone, it's totally fine.
As I understand, doesn't that happen every single time you start up something other than SV Vs TCB?:V

For some inexplicable reason.

It's a blessing and a curse; as long as I run TCB it's almost guaranteed to be completed eventually, but in the meanwhile I can't consistently run anything else that I want to run.
I'll be honest, I've been having a hard time mustering up the will and drive to prod my players harder, mostly because my other game has decided that it is indeed still alive WHOOP LET'S GO DO THINGS NOW, the reacquisition of a job, and a general uptick in RL responsibilities/imminent RL responsibilities. I'll mull over grabbing a replacement for Grue for a bit, I know there's a ton of people who were interested in this but I don't know if they still are, and I don't know if I will have the energy to post for five people plus everyone in SV vs TCB.
I'm interested!
It may just be the Christmas season, the sudden invasion of relatives and the nasal disease going around, but I've had basically no drive or want to post for this. Unless things suddenly get much less hectic and draining post-season or post-New Year's, Oath Sign: Breath of the Wild is dead. Cause: overly ambitious GM hamstrung by real life and other obligations.
Everyone has, I've just been busy recently IRL and with posting for SV vs TCB, which for an infinitely inexplicable reason, always seems to pick up in pace whenever I try to run a second game. :V
Which is why you made this game in the first place.


It may just be the Christmas season, the sudden invasion of relatives and the nasal disease going around, but I've had basically no drive or want to post for this. Unless things suddenly get much less hectic and draining post-season or post-New Year's, Oath Sign: Breath of the Wild is dead. Cause: overly ambitious GM hamstrung by real life and other obligations.

The ritual sacrifice has been completed, I see. At least it wasn't an MtG game that died this time, maybe somebody else might make another Zelda game.