This is such a clusterfuck. Jophiel and Louise foiled Fouquet's plan in the worst way possible and ended up with dead and wounded children. The worst part is, this is the last thing Fouquet wanted and Jophiel doesn't know that this is basically all his fault.

Don't get me wrong, I'm loving this story. But man, does this whole affair suck.
This version of the Fouquet fight was a clear improvement on the original. Its much more focused this time. All the super random items that Jophiel ran into last time made the whole thing pretty confusing and distracted from the actual important stuff; Louise and her void magic, Jophiel and the Gandalfr runes as well as Derf, bazooka vs rock golem and of course Nuke = Bad.

Speaking of which, great speech there. It did a wonderful job emphasising how dangerous nukes are. The story was well served by dropping stuff like Covenant weaponry and Pokeballs since that could potentially mean that the nuke was the least dangerous thing in the vault. A criminal running around with a nuke is bad, but a criminal getting their hands on a Master Ball containing the god of space and time is way worse.
Well, damn. This has become a huge shitstorm. He and Louise have unknowingly caused this entire tragedy. This will have likely pushed Matilda, who now has a nuke - fully into Reconquista's hands because she now has nowhere left to go. The murder of noble children is not something that is just waved away. Their families will be out for blood. Things are looking pretty bleak.
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Vol. 1 Chapter 13 - A Hero Without Borders
Pre-Story Notes:
Oof, keep getting distracted by shit. Not gonna make any promises, new chapters will come out whenever they come out from now on, I guess.

Chapter 13 - A Hero Without Borders

"What is this?" Jophiel asked as the underground doorway slid open, propelled by the Headmaster's staff.

"The tomb of the man that brought the 'Davy Crockett' to these lands," the elder stated before he started walking into the pitch-black room the moment there was enough room to squeeze through, mumbling a quick chant which caused the end of his staff to light up brilliantly, shining like a fine modern electric lantern.

Jophiel's eyes widened, then he followed without another word.

From what he could see, the tomb was built like a long hall, decorated with fine tapestries and painted stone Norse warriors bearing round shields and one-handed swords. Like soldiers guarding the quarters of an important noble.

Hanging from the ceiling were unlit Magelights... Louise must have accidentally disempowered them when she'd cast dispel.

The air was thick and stale, a fine layer of dust covered everything, but that was the only thing off about the chamber. It was otherwise very well taken care of, almost reverently so. The paint on the walls was unblemished, the brilliantly dyed rugs unfrayed. Clearly, Osmand respected this man a great deal to put so much effort into providing him this tomb under the academy, then going to such lengths to ensure it was so well kept.

It didn't take very long at all to reach the other end of the underground structure, and soon enough, Jophiel laid eyes upon the sole occupant, resting within a lavishly decorated glass casket.

He felt his breath catch in his throat and his heart skip a beat. Osmand's head was reverently lowered, seemingly in prayer, leaving the otherworlder to approach the body in silence.

The colour, the design, the gear… he recognized that uniform. Nearing the casket with held breath, and circling around to get a clear view of the unit patch…

A broken white skull with an eyepatch on a field of black and yellow, bearing an unmistakable name written in the English alphabet, "Militaires Sans Frontières…" Jophiel breathed in disbelief. An MSF trooper… one of Big Boss's men, from Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker.

The Davy Crockett... it looked exactly like the model from the series, but…

With a creased brow, the Canuck took a step back to collect himself. He'd recognized the weapon, but… he had been indeed looking at a genuine piece of Metal Gear technology. He was now looking over the likely magically preserved body of a man that had personally knew and been trained by Big Boss, the Legendary Soldier himself...

"Soldiers Without Borders…?" The Headmaster repeated, lifting his face and giving Jophiel a measured gaze as his grip on the staff in his hand tightened apprehensively. "You recognize this man," the elder wizard declared.

Jophiel simply nodded with wide, unblinking eyes as he continued to stare at the olive-drab garbed man, his features hidden beneath a distinctive black balaclava. He was otherwise missing anything beyond the basic balaclava and combat fatigues.

"...Yes. He's from a…" He wondered how to best put it in a way that wouldn't technically be a lie, but also wouldn't make him come across as completely insane. Something that would make sense to a person of early modern cultural development... "A mythological army, or, what until now I thought to be a mythological army known to my people. One said to have saved the world itself from nuclear armageddon."

The Headmaster's expression was difficult to read for a moment, eventually casting the fallen soldier an unreadable look. "You say these Soldiers Without Borders saved your world from the threat of nuclear weapons… yet he was carrying one such weapon with him. A curious contradiction…"

Indeed, MSF was a paramilitary organization which operated outside of the jurisdiction of international law, had ambitions of building themselves into an extranational nuclear superpower, and hid their operations from the United Nations knowing full well how very criminal their actions were.

A heroic organization they were not. But that was neither here nor there, and Osmand clearly had a great deal of respect for this man to have gone to such lengths to honour him with this tomb. There was little to gain from disillusioning him as to the nature of his saviour.

"He was likely in the middle of a mission to steal the weapon from an irresponsible nation. To dismantle the warhead and ensure it could never be used for its intended purpose," Jophiel offered. "He simply never got the chance to complete his objective, having been… having wound up here."

Osmand was quiet for a spell, staring at the MSF trooper for a moment before closing his eyes and letting out a deep sigh. "Yes, that makes sense. A heroic organization would hardly be content with just allowing such dangerous weapons to exist."

Silence hung between the pair for a few moments before Jophiel noticed, and motioned to the plaque above the glass casket. "What does that say?"

"A hero," Osmand replied simply.

Of course, the soldier's dog tags would have been written in English…

His eyes widened in realization. "He'll have had a necklace bearing a pair of simple metal pendants with writing on them, his identification tags. If you give me access to the casket, I can tell you his name."

The Headmaster nodded and with a wave of his staff the box smoothly opened, granting Jophiel access.

Approaching, Jophiel paused, but quickly suppressed his urge to not touch an entombed body and reached into the trooper's shirt, quickly fishing out his tags.

"Corporal Dmitry Kuznetsov, of Russia." he announced before returning the tags back to their resting place. "Corporal is his military rank, Dmitry his given name, Kuznetsov his family name, Russia the nation of his birth."

Osmand was still, seeming to ruminate on the words before finally speaking aloud. "Corporal Dmitry, I thank you for granting me a second chance at life. I will ensure your name is remembered, and the heroism of your order known."

Jophiel was quietly looking over the man, eventually nodding and closing the lid before moving to step back-

"The chest at the base of his casket," the elder mage started right before the Canadian took a few steps. "It contains the equipment he came with. Take it."

Jophiel turned sharply towards Osmand as his heart skipped a beat. With the revenant way he'd treated Kuznetsov up to that point…

"If Soldiers Without Borders is truly so heroic, he would want you to be as well-armed as you can be for this battle, would he not?" Osmand asked while giving him a quiet stare.

"...Yes, he would," Jophiel allowed. More truthful was that an MSF trooper would probably just want their gear handed off to their nearest ally, but… Jophiel was probably the closest thing to one of those around for, what, several dimensions?

With a nod, he obeyed and moved to open the chest which Osmand audibly unlocked via magic…

And his eyes widened in shock at the sight of a Colt M1911A1 service pistol laying on top of a black plate carrier and heavy metal limb plates, along with three magazines, one of which was visibly fully loaded with seven rounds of .45 ACP.

"Lord Pholus," Osmand interjected again with a lap tap of his staff against the floor. "There will be time for questions and such later, for now, please hurry. Every moment we dally is another Fouquet has the opportunity to create distance from us.

Nodding quietly, Jophiel proceeded to gear up, equipping Kojima-tech military equipment as he prepared to step into battle.


"Armed and ready, eh, Partner?" Derflinger declared appraisingly as Jophiel adjusted the straps holding the rerebraces in place on his upper arm.

"Apparently," the Canuck replied warily.

Amazingly, everything fit. Moreover, everything was fucking heavy. Full-sized rifle bullet-resistant plates which covered the body from the neck down… the entire set had to weigh eighty god damned pounds.

He wasn't sure how useful the M1911 on his thigh, the flashbang grenade on his hip, or the combat knife would be, but… they didn't add that much additional weight altogether, and better to have something and not need it than otherwise.

Luckily, the runes would take care of that when things got heated, if Derflinger was to be believed.

"And you're sure Louise will be fine?" Jophiel asked again worriedly.

Osmand replied again, wearily. "I assure you, Lord Pholus, the young lady merely suffered Soul depletion and will have made a full recovery after a good night's sleep, you needn't worry about her so."

Were it so easy.

At any rate… as the pair approached the pursuit party, all eyes were drawn to Jophiel, understandably enough. A deep black fabric tactical plate carrier with enormously thick full-limb plates which wouldn't look out of place on power armour on his arms and legs in an utterly alien style to their own armour aesthetics…

If he stuck out when he initially arrived with his out-of-place olive drab fatigue jacket, black denim jeans and black hiking boots… well, now he was a fully armoured Hideo Kojima soldier in an early modern fantasy setting.

The lack of a helmet was already driving him up the wall though.

"Armour from my culture," he immediately interjected before questions could be raised from those gathered as he stepped into the crowd. "No time for questions, we've got to catch Fouquet. So what's the plan?"

The tiny albino girl with the massive shepherd's crook staff motioned towards him using said staff before speaking up with absolutely no inflection whatsoever, her face displaying all the raw emotion of a zucchini. "You, ride Sylphid with me. Strongest, powerful magic, best chance against a Square class."

Jophiel's eyebrows cocked in surprise and confusion at that. "Sylphid?" He asked inquisitively as he shifted his weight somewhat.

She redirected her staff to the top of the fortress walls… upon which was perched a large blue six-limbed dragon, staring down upon the gathering with massive solid emerald green eyes glimmering with a curious gleam.

He was expected to ride… a dragon. With no safety measures to speak of. Not even a saddle by the looks of it.

"...Ah," Jophiel started with wide-eyed apprehension. "I… I see."

That would prove utterly terrifying.

He shook his head and turned aside to face Osmand. "I'm sure you intend to join the pursuit, yes?"

"If you intend for me to serve as a suicide distraction, I suppose I could," Osmand began, tiredly playing with his pipe in his free hand. "I used up almost all of my Soul producing magic to hold up the academy main building, and the same applies to all of the school staff save for those in our immediately company Lord Pholus. I will not be able to cast a worthwhile combat spell for twenty-four hours, at minimum, I'm afraid."

He'd mentioned that before… was the Academy building really so architecturally unsound? Just how much did these people rely on magic for the absolute basics of their society?

"...I see," Jophiel began with a displeased sigh. "So, altogether, who's going after Fouquet?"

The actually kind of cute pocket-sized albino girl, Guiche, Kirche, and a few of the armoured guardsmen held their wands, staves, and swords aloft.

"I-I would not dare bring shame to my family name by standing aside while such a grave danger stalks my nation's countryside!" Guiche melodramatically declared as a conveniently timed gust of wind caused his curly golden locks to billow majestically. "You have my wand, Lord Pholus!"

Nobody seemed particularly impressed by his theatrics as Kirche piped up next. "The fires of my burning passion have been stoked, and I'll not sleep through this event like some glorified side-character in a penny dreadful! My flames shall kiss the criminal Fouquet and leave him scorched!" She triumphantly and confidently asserted, making a point to cast a hand through her long, silken parrot red hair as she stood with a hand on her wide hips.

Jophiel simply blinked, however. 'Penny dreadful' was a term that originated in the 19th century United Kingdom- and he should probably not think too hard about Kirche's usage of it and just assume it was the translation magic doing its thing.

The tiny albino girl blinked her red eyes once. "Already said I'll help," she intoned unenthusiastically.

Jophiel blinked right back at her owlishly. This wasn't the sort of behaviour he'd come to expect from nobles. "...I actually have yet to learn your name, miss…?" He began.

"Tabitha," she replied coolly.

A moment passed as he waited for her to finish.

She just stood in silence.

"...Tabitha…?" He pressed, expecting to get a full name out of her.

"Just Tabitha," she replied as she stood in place like a particularly bored mannequin, blinking her large bespectacled doe-like eyes.

"...I see," Jophiel said, not sure what to think of that.

"Miss Tabitha is a Chevalier, Lord Pholus," Osmand interjected with an attention-grabbing wave of his staff and an authoritative, reassuring tone. "Meaning her martial prowess is recognized by the crown itself. You need not worry yourself about her worth as an ally."

The Canuck nodded at the affirmation, and directed his attention to the four guardsmen that were also present.

It took them a moment to realise that he seemed to be expecting something out of them, as the most decorated one jumped when he noticed the attention and elbowed the rest into attentiveness as well.

It took them a moment, and a bit of staring from the gathered nobles for them to share a few looks and gather that they were expected to say something as well.

"...We'll kick his arse!" The shortest one declared, to which the other three nodded and cheered in agreement, raising their spears and swords into the air.

The gathered nobles looked particularly unimpressed by the crass declaration with the exception of Tabitha, who just continued to look bored, but shook it off with an amused grin on Kirche's part.

"...I will also accompany the party," Colbert suddenly, but quietly spoke up from his spot to the side of the party.

All gathered looked surprised by the statement, none quite so much as Osmand, who looked rather taken aback as he quickly shuffled over to the Fire magic teacher.

"Stephen, what's gotten into you?" He asked in a hushed tone as he sequestered Colbert away from the group hurriedly. "You know that you can't-"

He was cut off by distance, leaving the group standing alone, looking among themselves-

"And I thought you looked big to begin with," Kirche started while sidestepping a bit closer to Jophiel with a lecherous smile plastered on her face. "That armour makes you look positively enormous, powerful. I like it…" She purred while batting her long lashes at him.

Jophiel blinked owlishly again, this time at her. "...Why? This armour's actually kind of unpleasantly heavy and cumbersome." He stated in a thoroughly confused tone, adjusting his over-weighted arm as he did so.

Everyone just stopped, and collectively took a moment to turn and look at Jophiel with wide, dumbstruck eyes.

Kirche herself was visibly caught off guard, but seemed to recover quickly enough with her grin redoubling. "Oh, yet you seem to unbothered by the weight of such heroic armour… you must be remarkably strong, strong enough to hold someone up for extended periods while engaging in virile exercise, yes?" The tall exotic Germanian asked with all the subtlety of a charging bull as she leaned over in a way that would give Jophiel a perfect view down her bountiful cleavage.

The gathered men were giving Jophiel envious or resentful looks, until he responded.

"...I see what you're implying," he started, his eyes narrowing almost sensually- "I'm not carrying Fouquet back here when we catch him. One of you can levitate him back." Except he had actually been narrowing them accusingly.

Kirche was flabbergasted, while Guiche and the guardsmen's mouths were simply hanging wide open like fishes out of water.

"...You can't be serious right now," the dusky-skinned woman stated in a disbelieving tone.

"None of you are invalids," Jophiel declared as he crossed his arms in front of his arms defiantly. "And I am no beast of burden. Leash him to the dragon with ropes if need be, but I will not be denigrated in such a manner."

Several moments passed in utter, stupefied silence.

Then Tabitha pointed her crook of a staff directly at Jophiel and declared: "Immune," then pointed it at Kirche and inquired: "or ineffectual?"

Kirche's passion returned in full force, though now directed at the little white-haired girl an entire head shorter than her through gritted teeth. "What did you just say you little-" She started furiously.

Only to be cut off by Osmand stomping back into the circle with his brows knitted in plain fury. "Lord Pholus, Miss Tabitha" he began in a very measured, low tone. "We must have words before you all depart. Now." His tone brooked no argument, and so Jophiel obeyed without missing a beat as he was lead away from the group and Colbert, as did the tiny pale-skinned girl.

"What's the matter?" Jophiel asked in a concerned tone, his fists clenching apprehensively.

"Fouquet is Matilda Longueville," he stated matter-of-factly.

Jophiel's eyes widened as he stared back down at Osmand, his nostrils flaring in-



Osmand's expression fell blank for a moment before he facepalmed at the response. "My secretary," the Headmaster clarified.

It took him another moment to realise who the elder was talking about. "Oh… oh! Oh shit, really? How do you know?"

"Stephen knew," Osmand began again, throwing a particularly venomous glance Colbert's way, the fire teacher standing aside with a thoroughly guilty look on his face. "Intercepted a message she'd sent to her employers two weeks ago…"

It was Jophiel's turn for his mouth to hang open before it snapped shut and he leaned in towards the Headmaster and hissed a response. "What!? Why in God's name didn't he say anything!?"

Osmand took a deep, calming breath before replying. "He intended to capture her in the act himself, for the 'glory' of it," he practically spat the word out. "And as a consequence, were he anyone else I'd turn him in for being an accomplice to all of this, but…"

The elderly wizard looked back to regard Colbert for a moment before continuing.

"Well, simply put…"

"Trustworthy?" Tabitha interjected, giving Colbert a measured stare from beside Jophiel.

"...He was grossly negligent, but not malicious," Osmand explained through gritted teeth. "Plus, considering that… to be blunt, I am uncertain that you two can be trusted to defeat Longueville- Fouquet- the thief," he spat out the term, "without killing her. We need an experienced warrior on the field, one that is proven against fellow Square-classes."

Jophiel cocked an eyebrow at Osmand at that statement. "Firstly, why are you specifying Tabitha and myself? Secondly, Colbert is a Square-class!?" He pressed in shock.

Osmand gave Jophiel a heavily-lidded stare. "Lord Gramont and Lady Augusta are both quite unproven from what I know, and the guardsmen are mere Line-classes. While their aid is appreciated, I don't expect them to serve as much more than support or distractions for yourself, Miss Tabitha, and Stephen against a Square-class… and yes, Lord Jophiel, he is a Square-class-"

"Headmaster!" Colbert interjected with wide, concerned eyes as he damn near leaped out of his skin out of the blue. "Fouquet has spotted Sam, they know we're watching and have started fleeing in earnest!"

"Brimir's raging cock!" Osmand suddenly and furiously declared as he slammed the butt of his staff into the ground angrily. "You three, after Fouquet at once! The others will pursue on droogback immediately!"

As Jophiel sputtered and cursed ineffectually at how the situation just went from bad to worse, Tabitha motioned to the top of the walls, and her big blue dragon easily large enough to hold all three of them comfortably hopped from its perch with a mighty leap and a loud crash.

"Get on," the girl declared as the smooth-scaled beast lowered to the ground, and bopped the dragon on the head with her staff when it moved to return to its full height once she was on. "Stay down, extra passengers."

The dragon protested with a rather unexpectedly adorable high-pitched cry of "Kyuu!" and a disgruntled shake of its head as it remained low on the ground.

"You two go on ahead," Colbert shot at the pair as he moved for the main party. "I will follow with the rest of the group, they will be grossly underpowered for handling a Square-class on their own if Fouquet tricks us and the runners encounter them alone."

Jophiel paused, uncertain about the plan, when Osmand cut in.

"Fine! Just hurry, Sylphid is our only hope of catching the thief before they get away! Move damn it!" The old wizard commanded in a rushed, agitated voice.

Jophiel nodded, and rushed over to the dragon…

The dragon he'd be riding without a seatbelt, saddle, or any kind of noticeable safety measures…

"Get on," Tabitha repeated to Jophiel, bored as ever.

"W-what am I supposed to hang on to?" He asked with much uncertainty.

"Me," she declared matter-of-factly.

That… didn't sound particularly safe-

"Have you gone daft!? Move damn it!" Osmand bellowed out at the back of the Canuck, who was quickly spurred into damn near leaping onto the dragon's back and wrapping his arms around the very slight waist of the girl that was much smaller than him, even more so than Louise.

He'd actually be able to rest his chin on the top of her head if he'd wanted to.

With a jerk of sudden G-forces Jophiel hadn't been expecting, Sylphid launched herself off the ground and into the air with a powerful flap of her massive wings, eliciting a terrified scream from the man as he desperately clung to Tabitha for dear life and his sword laughed at his misfortune quite heartily.

Tabitha, for her part, was really wishing that he'd remained on the ground and that the idiot gloryhound had chosen to fly with her instead as wind whipped around them, her form stuck to her familiar's back with a simple and effective spell while the academy rapidly shrunk beneath them.

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So the guards are actually mages here. Bastards from their language would be my guess and while it makes sense for the guards to be able to use magic since they actually have to be able to fend off anything that could actually threaten a noble... just how many mage guards are actually in the academy?
So the guards are actually mages here. Bastards from their language would be my guess and while it makes sense for the guards to be able to use magic since they actually have to be able to fend off anything that could actually threaten a noble... just how many mage guards are actually in the academy?
I always find it strange for fantasy stories where Authority Equals Asskicking that higher ranked people even have guards.

I mean, aside from being able to yell out while being stomped on, what value do Line level guards even give to a Square ranked Mage? Anyone or anything able to actually give them a fight will steamroll any number of guards.
I always find it strange for fantasy stories where Authority Equals Asskicking that higher ranked people even have guards.

I mean, aside from being able to yell out while being stomped on, what value do Line level guards even give to a Square ranked Mage? Anyone or anything able to actually give them a fight will steamroll any number of guards.
A split second can mean the difference between life and death. The guards aren't there to defeat enemies that can threaten the Square Mage, they're there to function as disposable meat shields that grant their charge a fleeting tactical advantage. 1 second spent killing them is one second the Square can use to finish up the chant for their Hellfire Inferno Deathblade spell before the enemy has a chance to disrupt them.
Or it causes the opponent to spend willpower to dispose of them. More importantly, surprise attacks are a thing and it would let someone of a lower level kill a stronger opponent and guards are there to prevent that. They also let you cover a bigger area and stall until the strong ones get there. More inportantly, they are meatshields and alarm system so thatthe students are not the first ones hit in this case.
But that's the thing. People forget that the guards are, well, people.

Where would they keep getting them? If its clear that guards only exist to be killed to slightly slow down an unstoppable opponent, why would anyone ever volunteer to be a guard?

And why wouldn't assassination magic that can silently kill guards become widespread?

Why wouldn't mages just use alarm spells or summoned monsters? They fill the same niche without sacrificing human lives.
Well, the guards are line mages. That might be fodder against square class but thoseare ultra rare with elite units being usually triangle and those are rare still. As in, one can be damn proud of being a triangle. So it is not like they are fodder, only to thosewho can seriously threaten the strongest ones in a straight fight and one of those attacking is rare.

For alarm magic, FoZ works under elemental magic system so that kind of magic is in the realm of legendary artifacts instead of something your average mage can use. And summoning monsters are either familiars, who you only have one per mage and need a mage of comparable level to control them or just not smart enough.
But that's the thing. People forget that the guards are, well, people.

Where would they keep getting them? If its clear that guards only exist to be killed to slightly slow down an unstoppable opponent, why would anyone ever volunteer to be a guard?
In real life the Secret Service and other high profile bodyguards are as part of their job expected to jump into the path of a bullet and die if it becomes necessary to protect the VIP. A square class mage is in their society the equivalent to what a aircraft carrier or nuclear submarine is in ours, in addition to almost certainly being at least some form of nobility. Finding guards willing to lay down their life in service too them should not be difficult. And the guards are likely very well paid.
But that's the thing. People forget that the guards are, well, people.

Where would they keep getting them? If its clear that guards only exist to be killed to slightly slow down an unstoppable opponent, why would anyone ever volunteer to be a guard?

And why wouldn't assassination magic that can silently kill guards become widespread?

Why wouldn't mages just use alarm spells or summoned monsters? They fill the same niche without sacrificing human lives.
To be fair, a lot of people volunteer for dangerous work for any number of reasons. Even the worst tyrants can find bodies to fill their armies after all, and if it's for good pay? A better social status? Better rights and privileges? For them, their families? Their children? While yes, they're generally expected to die to protect their more powerful cohorts, guards have a lot more jobs than that, such as peacekeeping, providing security, defending the realm from monsters, or even things like patriotism or religious belief, which is a huge thing in this world. Regardless, the risk of death is there, and depending on the circumstances, even extremely likely but... they'll do it. The problem in this question is the wording. They aren't volunteers. They are employed. There's a significant difference.

As for the second and third question: Assassination spells, summoned monsters, alarm magic, all of these things cost power. Even at it's most base, assuming they're all possible, every iota of magic spent assassinating guards and setting alarm spells and summoning monsters is an iota of power not spent killing the mage who can shoot a chunk of the sun at you. Or defending against the spell that shot that chunk of sun at you. Mage guards serve the purpose of preserving the Square's power while defending him from lesser spells or enemy soldiers, so they can do the finger wiggling sun chunk spell over and over again and hopefully more times than the other square mage because if your guy runs out of juice first, your side dies.

And that's not even going into the technical issues or tactics designed to counter said spells and beasties. Nothing exists in a vacuum. A team of mage guards gives a Square spell diversity, as all those guards can cast, each with individual stamina, spell loads, skills and tactics.

There are a lot of reasons, is what I'm saying. The premise here in this case is flawed anyway. Guards don't "only" exist to die in waves against an implacable foe. Even here, the point is made that those guards are there for support. The SI and Colbert and Tabitha are the main line. The guards are expected to defend them with their lives, yes, but those three are there as the unstoppable force. And there's Kirsch and Guiche too. I guess they count somewhere as well.
Vol. 1 Chapter 14 - Click
Pre-Story Notes:
SHIT CHAPTER ALERT: this chapter is gonna fucking suck because I had to force myself to wring this sequence out when I really didn't want to write it in the first place, but I got it the fuck out because it's the only way to move on to the parts I actually want to write. I just wasn't feeling it for some reason.

So yeah, lower your expectations guys. This is me sitting myself down and forcing it for the sake of getting the damned ball rolling again. Sorry in advance.

Incidentally, I'll probably wind up coming back to this chapter and adding in a Colbert/Kirche/Guiche perspective scene or two like I originally planned... y'know, when I'm in the right mindset for it and not having to force myself to write this kind of content, whenever that'll be.

Chapter 14 - Click

Hair whipping around his face, wind screaming in his ears, and dragon thumping beneath him with each flap of its mighty wings; Jophiel clung to the tiny girl like a life preserver as they rocketed outwards over the woods surrounding the Academy, Osmand's tower fading into the distance as they soared.

Absolutely nothing in the way of safety devices aside from the tiny girl in question to keep him from falling off to his untimely death.

Jophiel was really, really regretting not choosing to go after Fouquet on droogback.

To his surprise, the constant buffeting of wind slamming into them was cut short and the air become still despite their forward momentum being maintained.

"Your sword," the tiny albino started. "Is really a spellbreaker?"

"Oy, you insinuating that I'm a liar, girlie!?" The… actually really poorly designed blade called back from the Canuck's hip.

It took a moment for Jophiel to realise that she was probably using wind magic to create a pocket of calm air around them to allow for conversation… smart, and useful.

Also: "Wait, what? The hell's a 'spellbreaker?'" The comparatively gargantuan man asked in confusion.

Tabitha twisted around in Jophiel's arms to give him a blank look, then shifted it to the enormous yataghan on his waist.

"H-hey! It's not like I had the opportunity to rattle off all my abilities to him in the few minutes he used me before getting knocked out in the courtyard!" Derflinger declared defensively.

The little bespectacled girl somehow managed to give the impression of rolling her eyes despite her face remaining entirely deadpan as she faced forwards again. "Explain," she commanded in her dull monotone.

"Er, right," Derflinger started awkwardly. "Partner, listen here, I'm what the locals call a 'spellbreaker!' That means that I can absorb the magic of spells I come into contact with, outright nullifying anything less than a triangle-class if the timing's right!"

Jophiel blinked. That sounded… legitimately, extremely useful. "Jesus Christ, that's amazing! Why didn't you say anything earlier-"

The big blue dragon suddenly twisted and careened off-course into what felt like a momentary free-fall before quickly righting herself right above the treeline, cutting Jophiel off and scaring the shit out of him.

"W-what the fuck-" he shakily started.

"Grapeshot golems," only to be tonelessly cut off by the tiny white-haired girl. "Triangle-class, terminal velocity shot, anti-air, can break dragon scales."

"Kyuu~!" Sylphid cried out in a surprisingly distressed tone.

"Hidden by trees," Tabitha continued as the dragon hovered in place with some difficulty. "Can't see them, too dangerous, need ground support."

Jophiel blinked in surprise. He… wasn't expecting for the Halkegenians to have actual anti-air capabilities, but it made sense if flying mounts were simply a thing that existed. But how in the hell did golems fill that role?

Shaking his head, he noted that he had to focus on the here and now. "The droogs are a fair ways away… how are we supposed to get past the golems if we need-"

"Spellbreaker," she cut him off again.

He blinked in confusion. "What about it-" Jophiel started before he felt the crook of her staff hooking around his neck.

"Will support you from the air," she declared as she yanked hard while the dragon tipped over, sending Jophiel unexpectedly careening over the side.

He barely had time to process the act and begin screaming before he slowed down with remarkable speed, and settled on the ground feet-first no harder than if he'd jumped from a chair.

He wasn't sure if he should shit his pants or not right then and there.

"Wow!" Derflinger barked with laughter. "What a mean lil' cutie, eh partner?"

Shaking his head, Jophiel's eyes began whipping around and scanning the area in a panic. She expected him to fight those fucking things? How?

"Oy, listen up lad!" The sword on his side started. "If those golems are really just triangle-classes, that means I'll be able to devour the magic holding them together like nothing! Just get in close, take a swing, and they'll be down for the count!"

The Canadian felt his entire body tense up at that. "Y-you want me to charge those fucking things-"

"Blunt side!"


"Use my blunt side! Don't swing my fucking edge against stone golems!" The sword demanded.

Blinking, Jophiel shook his head and drew the enormous, heavy, and unwieldy sword, making a point to hold it backwards.

The sword didn't feel functional at all, he had to be honest. Regardless, he had a job to do, apparently.

"Okay…" he started nervously. "Let's get this thing-"

Only to be silenced by what sounded like a massive, extremely pissed off rock tumbler just on the other side of a number of trees he couldn't quite see past, the noise rapidly increasing in volume and-


The sword was cut off by a terrible roar as the trees before Jophiel exploded and he was harshly thrown off his feet by a severe impact, knocking the wind out of his lungs and sending a sharp pain lancing throughout his arm.

He didn't even have the chance to react before it happened.

"Partner! That shot fucking shredded your armour… get the hel up and move you idiot! You won't be able to take another hit like that!" Derflinger agitatedly shouted.

Turning over despite his body's protests and scrambling away, the futuristic heavy plate armour he'd received from the dead MSF trooper basically fell off of his right arm, utterly fucking ruined by the single attack by the golem.

Not to mention the horrid pain his own arm was left in by the attack. He could still move it, but it felt like he'd just

This was way above his pay grade.

Face whipping back as he ran, he spotted the golem itself tracking him. It was tall, at least three metres so, and looked like some kind of tripod with three thick legs of stone holding up a single massive boulder. The boulder itself had what looked like a vortex in the centre of spinning stone debris breaking and flaking off in spin wildly within, rapidly picking up in speed as an awful rumbling came from it…

And it was following Jophiel.

"JESUS FUCKING CHRIST AAAAH-" The Canuck shrieked as he bolted off, his left arm flopping about as he attempted to avoid the terrifying thing's gaze-

A series of thunderclaps resounded from above, and the ground exploded around the golem as if hit by a series of wide anti-material rounds, with one connecting and breaking a large chunk off the automaton.

Tabitha was lobbing wind spears through the canopy, taking blind shots at the golem below.

It quickly shifted its gaze skyward, back to ignoring Jophiel entirely.

"Partner!" Derf started. "Stop fucking around and take that damned thing out! Swing me at it and I'll absorb the magic holding it together, hurry the hell up!"

The Canadian was unsure, finding himself locking up at the prospect of charging at what was basically a fantasy combat mecha…

Derflinger groaned loudly before continuing. "Oh, toss this trash! You need a kick in the ass! Here we go!"

"What are you-" Jophiel began before he was harshly cut off by…

Fear faded.

Anxiety dissolved.

Self-doubt crumbled.

An enemy stood before the Gandalfr.

It would fall.

Jophiel charged, his foot digging into the earth and kicking up a mound of dirt behind him as he rocketed forth, swinging the oversized sword like a child's plaything.

The blunted edge sang as it ran across the body of the anti-air golem, and the great stone creature immediately collapsed into a pile of useless inanimate stone as the man came to a harsh stop metres away, his feet digging into the ground as he did so. It didn't even get the chance to take another shot at Tabitha.

"Ho shit!" Derflinger called it enthusiastically. "Haha, holy shit that was good! You still with me partner?"

"Yes," Jophiel tersely replied, his eyes already scanning for the next threat. "My familiar ability?"

"Yeah, yeah… ha, good to see that this can work without hijacking your body in the process. This'll come in real handy, I tell you what!" The sword sounded positively jubilant. "I'm not even upset that you fucked up the finish on my blade to take that thing out! Ha! So, that being said-"

"Lord Pholus!" A familiar, older voice called out as Colbert rapidly approached him on droogback, noticeably with only Guiche riding alongside. "You are…"

His and Guiche's eyes widened when he gazed upon the mess that used to be one of Fouquet's golems, facing him with plain awe in his eyes.

"I… I see the headmaster's faith was not misplaced…" the bespectacled wizard shook his head before continuing. "We were waylaid by infantry-type golems that cut Lord Gramont and myself off from Lady Augusta and the guardsmen. They are back there a fair ways trying to cut their way towards us, but we aren't sure if they'll reach us in time-"

The older man was cut off as a line of infantry golems tore through a tree wall, advancing upon the trio with mechanical focus as their stone feet dug into the mossy forest ground below.

"A-ah! What is this, such a pathetic showing!" Guiche's voice audibly broke as he made his declaration, raising his wand styled to look like a rose in the air, at which point a small squad of bronze golems with distinctly human shapes clad in full, stylized Valkyrie armour and armed with proper weapons apparated out of the ground, leaving small craters in the spots where they arose, as if…

He was transmuting the soil itself into bronze on the spot. From what Jophiel knew about transmutation in Halkegenia, that was an extremely high-end and demanding spell. Something which as far as he knew a dot-class like Guiche shouldn't have been able to do at all.

"Come, you craven, unartful pebbles! You face Guiche the Bronzesmith! Son of-" His attempt at boasting turned into a high-pitched screech as a stone whizzed past his face and he ducked, burying his face into the scruff of the unamused droog he was riding.

His Valkyries charged and clashed with the stone golems rather dramatically. Remarkably, they were actually holding their own despite being outnumbered.

"Y-you two go on! I shall hold the line here while you apprehend that vile thief!" Guiche declared while righting himself and trying to look proud and majestic atop the hound which looked rather uncertain about the conflict going on not very far away. "Go! These glorified gravel men are no match for my mighty Valkyries!"

Jophiel shared a look with Colbert, then turned and started running towards the other anti-air golems. They'd have to be taken care of for Tabitha to be able to support them properly.

Colbert was hot on his heels, and with luck, they'd be able to catch up with the master thief before it was too late.


Jophiel racked his pistol, loading a .45 round into the chamber and readying it to fire. Colbert rode on ahead while he was taking out the rest of the damned golems keeping Tabitha and her dragon from providing effective air support, and in the distance he could hear the sounds of a pair of square classes dueling each other, great pyroclasms lighting the gaps between trees and earthquakes shaking the ground as he approached.

With Fouquet distracted, he'd be able to end all of this immediately and easily with one shot to the back. He couldn't risk trying to take her alive, not when she had the Davy Crockett in tow. It was too damned risky.

As he approached the battlezone of the two warring mages, Jophiel was glad for whatever magical effect Derflinger had bestowed upon him. Any hesitation he might have felt seemed to be utterly non-existent now, and he wasn't hesitating to do what needed to be done. It was good. There was no margin for error when the target had such a dangerous weapon in hand.

Reaching the edge of the treeline facing out into the clearing Colbert and Fouquet were in, Jophiel noted that it looked like a WW2 battlefield. Great craters, trees turned into standing spires of charcoal, smoke thick in the air and the ground torn asunder…

The power of square-class mages was something to behold.

A quick scan of the eerily still battleground revealed the two magical warriors in question, standing some twenty paces apart, wands outstretched, clothes tattered, burnt, shredded, each looking ready to collapse.

In the few minutes it had taken Jophiel to destroy the anti-air golems, they'd absolutely exhausted each other. Made them tunnel vision on the other.

Indeed, Fouquet was none other than Longueville, Osmand's secretary. Her pretty, dignified eyes locked forward on Colbert, mouth agape and gasping for air as she maintained a shaky bead on the man, Davy Crockett still floating behind her. She was none the wiser that the Canadian was standing well within the effective range of his pistol.


Safety off, round chambered, sights lined up, Jophiel slipped his finger into the trigger of the M1911 and focused. Taking a breath and applying pressure with practised precision…

He pulled the trigger.

A loud click resounded throughout the area, drawing the eyes of both mages to the Canadian's position as nothing happened.

A dud.

Immediately, Jophiel moved to rack the slide and eject the useless cartridge, only to have the gun correct him on the nature of the malfunction with the barrel pointed at the ground a scant few metres ahead of him.

A hangfire.

The sudden report and kick caused him to drop the damned pistol in surprise, eliciting a string of curses from Derflinger as Jophiel flinched back hard at the unexpected discharge.

A mere instant passed, looking down at the pistol which came to a rest on the burnt, smoking grass at his feet with the slide jammed open by the improperly ejected casing. In the next instant he looked up, and was met with a storm of stone pelting him, ravaging him.

Jophiel was blindsided, thrown back into a tree as his senses were knocked out of him for a few moments before it stopped just as quickly as it started, before he could even begin to process what was happening.

He was on his ass, back to the tree breathing heavily, eyes locked forward. It… didn't hurt, not seriously. But…

His breathing was irregular. He couldn't fill his lungs, his left eye refused to focus, and he could feel something warm and wet rapidly flowing from his nose…

Glancing down, he also couldn't help but notice the stone spike sticking a good six inches out of his unarmored arm along with many others that slipped in between the gaps the MSF armour he'd been wearing, which itself had been absolutely FUBAR'd, damaged beyond repair. Only the vest seemed to have survived the assault…

Moments passed, and Tabitha was upon him- wait, when did she get there? Wasn't she riding her dragon?

She was looking him over passively, scanning him like a robot would. A few seconds passed, and she stood, holding her staff aloft and beginning to chant something he couldn't make out despite the translation spell.

His eyelids grew heavy, and his vision began to rapidly lose all focus as he fought to keep his head from falling as he felt himself sagging back into the tree. He couldn't pass out, not now, now when Fouquet was-

"Don't resist," the little albino started. "She's caught."

Jophiel felt a weight lifted off his shoulders at that statement. That was good, very good. If Fouquet was captured, then…

"Listen to the girl, partner! She's doing you a favour!" The might sword asserted, to which she herself nodded in affirmation.

"Stop fighting," Tabitha continued pointing the head of her staff directly at him. "Did good. Now…"

She closed her eyes, a focusing measure he'd picked up on from watching other mages cast spells.


And so he did.

That wasn't so bad. A bit fast at the end though.
Vol. 1 Chapter 15 - Built Upon Sand
Chapter 15 - Built Upon Sand

Jophiel wasn't sure how long he'd been laying in bed until his mind finally spooled up and he became fully conscious again.

Another canvas roof. Medical tent.

The Canuck grimaced at the familiar fabric ceiling, pondering what had brought him back there.

He'd screwed up, probably nearly gotten himself killed… again. Such a fantastic start to his journeys in Halkegenia, huh?

Eventually, he let out a long-suffering sigh, and the silence was broken by the voice of another occupant.

"Have your wits returned to you, Lord Pholus?" Osmand's wispy old voice creaked out from his side.

Turning to face the elderly wizard, Jophiel confirmed that he was slouched in a wooden armchair which looked like it had come from the library. He looked absolutely haggard, which was to be expected given the circumstances.

A moment passed before the brunet responded. "Depends on what you mean," he began. "Evidence suggests that I nearly died again within the timespan of a few hours, so it can be argued that I may have had no wits to begin with."

Osmand hummed contemplatively with his eyes drooping to the floor. "I do not wish to come across as pushy, though I'll have to beg your forgiveness for cutting right to the chase, Lord Pholus." He really looked like he hadn't slept in a week. "We have to get our story straight before leaving this tent."

That was a rather ominous fucking statement if ever Jophiel had heard one.

With what looked to be a great effort, the sagely old man straightened his back as he shifted his gaze to meet Jophiel's.

"For obvious reasons, Stephen cannot be allowed to take credit for the defeat of Fouquet, not that he wishes to claim responsibility at this point, but I digress… Miss Tabitha has made it clear on no uncertain terms that she will not have the accolades for besting the master thief bestowed upon her either, under the unspoken threat of unpleasantries to follow if they're pressed upon her regardless, no less."

Osmand sighed deeply.

"And given that you three were the only ones present that can reasonably claim to have slain The Decaying Earth... which leaves only you."

Jophiel's brows furrowed heavily. "Headmaster," he started, not liking where this was going. "The absolute most that can be attributed to me is serving as a distraction. I don't deserve any credit for… killing Longueville-"

"Fouquet," Osmand interjected.

Jophiel blinked, his lips parting slightly as he cocked a perplexed eyebrow. "What does the distinction matter at this point?" He asked in an exasperated tone.

"Miss Longueville is currently recuperating from the torture Fouquet had put her through under intensive care at the base of the Tower of Fire," the Dumbledore-like figure began. "Seeing as how she was kidnapped by the dastardly man on the walk she'd gone on a few days prior."

Jophiel regarded the old man for several long seconds before slowly shifting his position on the cot and uprighting himself with a small grunt, eyes never leaving Osmand for a moment as he gave him an expectant stare.

"Everybody witnessed you all returning with miss Longueville in tow, and I'd prefer to be able to question her on my own terms. Before she has to be turned over to the authorities in a preferably low-key manner, one which will not call attention to the fact that a master thief had been employed by the school for many months up to this point," he continued matter-of-factly.

Taking the information in, the Canuck sighed after a beat and buried his face in his hands with a grumble. "Fucking cloak and dagger shit…" shaking his head, he rose his eyes towards the archmage again. "Is it really necessary to give me the credit for this? I don't want that kind of attention dumped on me."

Osmand leaned aside, wrinkled eyes arching in mild amusement. "The kind of attention which would be on par with that garnered by teleporting in front of hundreds of credible witnesses?"

...Jophiel had forgotten that had happened.

With a distraught wail, he buried his face back into his palms. "That wasn't me!" He whined through his hands. "I don't know how in the hell that happened, but I swear on all that is good and just that I have no idea how that happened! I shouldn't be getting any credit for that either!"

Staring quietly for a time, Osmand responded with a sigh. "I believe you, Lord Pholus, however that does not change the fact that you performed a manner of magic which is only known of in legend and myth, in front of half the academy at that."

The elderly man withdrew a pipe from his robes, placing the end in his mouth without filling or lighting it, more so out of habit than anything else.

"You are already the talk of the school, Pholus. Escaping some degree of attention is going to be impossible, as that snowball has already began to roll downhill. I apologize for having to add onto that, but it is our only realistic option as it stands."

Growling heavily, Jophiel let his hands fall as his head nearly hung between his legs in frustration with the situation. "Gotta play the hand you've been dealt…"

It was bullshit and he hated it, but they didn't have many, if any other options for handling things.

"Fine, but don't play it up at all. I don't want more attention or recognition beyond the absolute bare minimum I can get away with." The only thing Jophiel could really do without putting himself in bad standing with the Headmaster and who knew who else would be keeping his head down past this point and hoping the attention would blow over.

Osmand nodded his head once as he lightly chewed on the end of his pipe. "I'm glad that we've come to an understanding, and I assure you that I've been doing my best to mitigate the amount of 'damage,' so to speak. But…" he closed his eyes and took a deep, exhausted sigh. "Young mister Gramont and Lady Augusta have been making it a challenge."

"But of course…" Jophiel grumbled as he pushed himself to his feet with some measure of stiffness. He wasn't hurting anywhere, and didn't have any real visible scars on his naked torso… "Where's my gear, by the way?"

"What survived is right there," Osmand pointed towards the back of the tent using his pipe. "That armour was impossibly strong, but most of it could not withstand such a terrible attack by a desperate Square class. The vest itself as well as your shirt and jacket were repaired, though the plating was ruined beyond any hope of restoration."

Approaching the MSF plate carrier resting atop a linen sheet along with the rest of his equipment, Jophiel confirmed that the armour it was bearing earlier was gone, and though expertly mended, it was clear that large holes had been patched and sewn shut all over it.

...Holes which went clear through both sides of the vest.

Jophiel chose to not think too hard about that particular detail as he got dressed, just thankful that his beloved jacket was intact.

The piece of Metal Gear equipment brought his mind back to another very important point, at any rate.

"What of the Davy Crockett?" the Canadian asked simply enough.

"It is currently locked in Corporal Kuznetsov's tomb, behind the strongest seals I could manage. Barring being transported to the royal vault in Bruxelles, that is where it is safest… the 'warhead,' as you called it, has been removed and hidden within a hollow statue of an old Brimiric Vikingr within the same vault. Even if the 'launcher' itself is stolen in the future, it will prove worthless to any would-be thieves as-is."

"...That'll have to do," Jophiel nodded as he finished strapping the vest back on. It still had magazine pouches and the like, so it'd function well enough as just a carrying vest for the time being.

Then his eyes widened once he realised something.

"Osmand, there is nothing between us and potential listeners besides tent fabric-"

"I cast a spell to prevent eavesdroppers from listening to us when I entered the tent, Lord Pholus," Osmand interjected. "If you'll notice, we cannot hear anything outside ourselves."

Jophiel stopped, perked his ears up and listened… Osmand was right. He'd not noticed it beforehand, but the only thing he could hear was Osmand himself. Dead silence dominated the tent otherwise. "...I see. Well then, is there anything else to discuss here?"

"I want you to be there when I interrogate Longueville," the sagely old man declared. "Otherwise, you seem to have recovered well, so I see no reason for us to dwell here further."

With some effort, Osmand rose to his feet and deposited his pipe back into his robes, gesturing to the exit with his staff once he was at his full height.

"Lady leBlanc had been adhered to your side since you returned before I shooed her out. She did not appreciate being separated from you, but we needed to have this talk and she needs to sleep. I imagine that she will tackle you the instant she notices you are hale and hearty again, but that shan't be for a few hours, Founder willing."

"...Thanks for the warning," Jophiel noted with a shrug as he spied Derflinger resting against the wooden frame of the tent, utterly silent. "She… was in the vault when I came to there, wasn't she? How is she?"

Osmand waved his hand dismissively. "The young Lady is fine, there's no need to concern yourself over her wellbeing. She was overstressed and requires some time to sleep, but little else."

Sighing with relief, Jophiel nodded in response as he slotted the M1911 in his vest holster. "Alright… I suppose we'd better get this over and done with then."

"Indeed, let's get going," Osmand agreed as he stepped out of the tent without missing a beat.

Reaching out and grasping the immense greatsword, Jophiel was a tad surprised when it remained silent… did Derflinger sleep? Why would a talking sword need to sleep-

Cutting off his thoughts before he got distracted, he took a hold of the blade in a left handed reverse carry before moving to the tent flap himself. It was time to deal with Longueville.


"The Neo Crusaders!" The pretty brunette woman all but screamed the instant Jophiel stepped into the room they were keeping her in at the base of the Tower of Fire. "I-it was them that made me do it, but I didn't want to and they threatened my family and said they'd kill them all if I didn't and I didn't think the golem was going to get through the walls it shouldn't been able to please I'm sorry I didn't mean for any of this to happen I swear I swear I swear I'm sorry, please don't let them hurt my family!"

Head reared back and eyes as wide as saucers, it took Jophiel a few moments to process that the woman was clearly terrified of him to an outright manic degree. That… took him off guard, considering he'd managed to do precisely jack, shit, and fuck-all to her earlier.

He was legitimately confused as to why she'd be so openly scared of him considering how sad his attempts to stop her had been, but…

He wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth.

As the woman kept blabbering, pressed up into the corner of the room with her arms and legs bound, as if trying to put as much distance between her and the Canadian as she possibly could, he turned to face Osmand. "...I don't think she's lying," he dryly declared.

"I am inclined to agree," the Headmaster nodded. "I don't think I'll need you present for the rest of this discussion, so you may take your leave, Lord Pholus. I shall inform you of anything important once I am complete, for now, do as you will."

Sparing the woman a last glance which seemed to horrify her all the more, Jophiel sighed and about-faced, heading back for the courtyard. He wasn't sure what exactly else he was supposed to do, or whatever…

Then it occurred to him that he'd seen neither hide nor jet-black hair of Siesta since all of this had started.

Louise would still be sleeping according to Osmand, so…

With a resolute nod, Jophiel set out to look for the wayward maid, hoping that she was okay and hadn't been at all hurt in all the chaos…


Stepping into the tent he'd been directed to, Jophiel was relieved to find that Siesta was indeed there, resting on a cot, looking rather out of it, staring off into the distance with a… rag, over her left hand…

His mind immediately shot back to the massive stone fragments that flew into the crowd before he'd gone to challenge Fouquet in the vault personally, a little of the colour draining from his face when he realised just how… blankly Siesta was staring at a fabric wall, right hand resting atop the rag concealing her left almost gingerly…

A few beats passed, and he nervously took a step forward, fearing the worst. "...Siesta?" He quietly started up, fearful that he was about to have confirmation of the worst kind.

The maid slowly turned to regard Jophiel, blinking once at him as her mind seemed to slowly spool up like an old timey computer.

After a few awkward seconds, her eyes suddenly widened and she was up on her feet, sending the rag flying… "J-Jophiel! Thank the Gods, you're okay-!" ...revealing a perfectly intact pair of hands held before a rapidly reddening face as the girl realised she'd just leapt up and started shouting at a noble.

Jophiel felt an intense amount of tension leave his body. He was glad to see that he'd been worrying about nothing. "I'm glad to see you're well, Siesta," he warmly said to the girl. "I was concerned that you might have been struck by debris… it's relieving to see that isn't the case after all."

The biracial girl seemed taken aback by that statement, her features falling blank again for a few instants before her large hazel eyes widened considerably and she took on an even more vibrant crimson hue, directing her gaze firmly downwards as she seemed to lose the will to look Jophiel in the eyes. "O-oh…" she breathed as she nervously wrung her hands together. "I… I see. Y-you are t-too kind to a maid as lowly as I, milord…"

Such an easily flustered girl…

"You seemed a little out of it," Jophiel continued with some concern. "Are you okay?"

Siesta continued to wring her hands as she replied. "I-I'm just tired from helping around the academy grounds, is all. There's no need to be so concerned over me," she continued to assert almost self-consciously.

The Canadian sighed with mild exasperation at the pretty maid's insistence on being so overly humble, but it was hardly the time or place to reprimand her for that, and he had other things to tend to now that he knew she was safe.

"Well, I'm glad that you're okay, but I should go find Louise now. I haven't spoken to her since before I went into the vault, so-" Jophiel found his words catching on his teeth as Siesta's face visibly fell at his words… then rose back up, in what he could only interpret as blatant awe.

"You stood against a living legend, and won. You… you teleported. Like a hero out of the Brimiric legends…" She was… staring at him. Like he was larger than life, something greater than the average man.

Him. Joe from Bumblefuck, Canada, population: less than what attended your high school. The most noteworthy thing about him being his unusual ethnic makeup…

Thanks for this, Kirche, Guiche... Jophiel snidely thought to himself.

"You… you really are amazing, Lord Jophiel. We're lucky to have someone like you willing to stand up for us," the girl continued, an admiring smile finding purchase on her face as she looked up to the brunet. Both literally and figuratively.

He didn't like Siesta looking at him like that.

"Si-" how could he disarm her a bit, make her stop looking at him like some sort of star…? ah, perhaps… "-si," he continued, bestowing a cutesy nickname upon the girl in hopes of levelling the playing field a bit. "Will you be available to talk later? I really should go, but I'd like to spend some time with you once things have calmed down."

Features falling again, she rather quickly switched back to being as red as a tomato and finding the ground at her feet to be the most interesting sight in the world. "U-um… I, I shall see what I can do about making some free time, if it would please milord."

"It would," Jophiel instantly replied before he realised that sounded kind of entitled of him. "If it wouldn't inconvenience you, of course. The last thing I want is to be a bother when you're so busy."

"I-it's no trouble!" She interjected in an almost panicky manner before swiftly redirecting her gaze back to her feet, somehow managing to turn all the redder. "I mean… it would be my pleasure to spend time with you after all this work."

Smiling widely, Jophiel reached out and happily clapped Siesta on the shoulder. "Guess it's a plan then! I'll be looking forward to that, but I really have to go now, so I'll talk to you in a bit Si-si. Don't work yourself too hard in the interim! Later now," he finished, backing off with a cheerful wave.

For her part, Siesta waved back rather demurely, keeping her gaze averted for the most part. That probably couldn't be helped for the time being, but Jophiel would be sure to go out of his way to hammer it into the girl's head that he was just some asshole, not someone she needed to treat super specially or anything.

But, that aside… he really needed to find Louise. Osmand mentioned that she was sleeping, right? That should help with narrowing her location down.

Hopefully she was handling this entire situation gracefully enough.

Vol. 1 Chapter 16 - Brother from another Mother
Pre-Story Notes:
Shorter chapter than usual, but this didn't need to be any longer than it is, and I don't want to stretch chapters out just to meet a minimum word requirement as I used to for RotN. Next chapter should be meatier, probably.

Chapter 16 - Brother from another Mother

It didn't take long to find the fun-sized blonde, curled up in a ball on a couch from the library under a makeshift canvas roof, her breathing somewhat shaky, and her form occasionally shifting, almost restlessly so.

A lone nurse was tending to the impromptu sunshade's other sole occupant. A young girl, a First Form if he had to guess based on her young features. She was also sleeping, and while the nurse visibly… reacted to his arrival, she made a conscious effort to focus on the girl.

Setting Derflinger to rest against the side of the sofa, being as small as she was left plenty of room for Jophiel to sit down on the same seat Louise was resting on. Setting a hand on her shoulder, he felt no small amount of tension leave his body when he felt the warmth of her body through the fabric of her blouse.

The feeling seemed to be mutual, as she immediately ceased fidgeting in her slumber, and seemingly unconsciously inched up against him before letting out a contented breath, her breathing becoming regular and rhythmic as she did so.

She was safe and sound. Knowing that for certain was more relieving than he could describe for some odd reason… the work of the familiar bond, no doubt.

Regardless of why it was happening, he could not deny that he desperately appreciated the soothing sensation that washed over him right then. It did little to dissipate the lingering aches he'd accrued over the course of the night, many of which had been reduced to little more than throbbing surface-level bruises, but it was enough.

He just sat there, hand resting on the tiny shoulder of Louise, long enough for the nurse to finish tending to her current patient and scurry off to help others still in need.

He probably should have followed after her, put in an effort of his own to help around the grounds since he was able-bodied enough to get around without hurting himself… but he felt compelled to remain right there, on Louise's left side, where he belonged.

And so, as the twilight shifted to night, the twin moons shone their alien light upon the grounds, and the night songs of the local birds soon accompanied the chitter-chatter of the school staff still running to-and-fro, tending to the injured as best they could, the Shield kept a vigilant watch over his ward.


A sudden, mildly harsh pressure between his neck and shoulder woke Jophiel with a start, and after an instant, he recognized a familiar mop of strawberry blonde hair pressing into his shoulder, now lit by the morning sun.

Louise had woken before him, and jumped on him by the looks of-

"Jerk…" she grumbled in a shaky voice.

The Canadian blinked owlishly at that. "Huh?"

"You," she began, pressing her face into his shoulder harder, her grip on his jacket and vest tightening significantly. "Stupid, inconsiderate jerk...!"

She was holding onto him, desperately, shoulders trembling as she began to shake her head.

"You… big, stupid, dummy!" She tugged on his clothes angrily, still not revealing her face to him as she did so. "You almost… there was a hole big enough to fit my hand through in your…!"

One of her tiny hands relinquished its hold on his vest and ineffectually pounded on his chest.

"I almost… I almost had nothing again. You nearly left me! You came so close, so close to dying!" She hiccuped, sounding rather upset as she grabbed onto the vest again. "W-what were you thinking, you stupid, idiot, dummy…!"

Jophiel wrapped his arms around the girl, trying to pull her into a comforting hug. "It's okay, I'm back, I'm safe-" he attempted to coo in a soothing tone, only to be sharply cut off.

"It's not okay!" Louise hissed at him, sharply pulling back and glaring at him with rapidly reddening eyes. "You almost died! I almost had to watch you… because of me…!" her little brows furrowed in frustration and anger, speaking through clenched teeth.

She pulled on his clothes as if to near him in a threatening manner.

"You! You promise me, right now, that you'll never endanger yourself like that again! Ever! Swear on everything you hold sacred and holy, everything you hold dear, now!"

He was taken aback by the intensity of her words and voice. Though she was keeping her voice low, an effort which was clearly demanding much of her, it was nonetheless filled with intensely raw emotion which blindsided him.

She was glaring, demanding a response right then and there.


"I promise to do whatever it takes to keep you safe," he eventually, cooly replied.

"That isn't what I-!" She began in a quiet, furious snarl before he firmly gripped her shoulders, holding her in place.

"Don't force me to make a promise both of us know I won't be able to keep if push comes to shove," he said to her, firmly, but gently. "I will protect you, no matter the price I must pay, and that's final."

Jophiel wasn't entirely sure where this was coming from- well, no, that wasn't true. It was without a doubt the doing of the Familiar bond, but he meant what he said with all of his heart regardless.

Though she knew she should have gotten mad at him right then, for a moment, Jophiel reminded Louise all too much of her big sister, Cattleya. She was never as stern as he was being right then, but all the same, the resolute look in his eyes, the sincerity in his voice...

He felt his grip loosen, become less of a hold, and become far more gentle. Comforting. He smiled reassuringly at her. "You are the most important thing in the world, and I will do whatever I must to keep you safe."

...She should have been all the more mad at him, so blatantly ignoring her order such as he was, but…

...At that moment, her heart fluttered, and this big, hairy, stupidly heroic and kindly foreigner… looked to be the big brother she'd never had, but secretly, always wanted.

But still, even so…

She puffed out her cheeks with a huff, and with a defeated pout said, "Idiot…"


"Extended summer break, huh?" Jophiel repeated the words as he tossed more shit into the carriage, pointedly ignoring the open ogling many of the more healthy students and staff members were directing his way since word of what happened had really spread in earnest.

"Interesting way of putting 'the school's too dangerous to occupy, so everyone go home for a few months,' I'd say," Louise dryly replied as she adjusted the belt on her riding pants. "I suppose it's lucky that it isn't an entire year, or we might have actually needed to transfer to a Gallian academy to finish the school year."

The Canuck nodded as he shut the carriage door, dusting off his hands as he did so. "Everything's all packed away. Two days, you say it'll take for us to reach your family's lands?"

"By droogback, yes," the tiny girl replied with a nod, seemingly satisfied with the fit of her leggings. "The faster we get to Bruxelles, the better. I think it'd do us both well to stay off our feet for the better part of the day, considering recent events."

"Fair enough," he agreed as he patted the side of one of the cart hounds, who was happy to receive the pet. "At any rate… a ball held in our honour when the academy opens up again. That'll be… an experience."

Indeed, Osmand promised the group that had pursued Fouquet that he'd host a ball on reopening night on top of recommending a commendation from the queen herself for their accomplishment in slaying such a dangerous and much-wanted criminal.

Not to mention the bounty which had been split between them. It was a pretty decent amount. Chump change compared to what the aluminium cans had earned him, but money was money, he wasn't about to complain about it.

He honestly wasn't really looking forward to that, at any rate. A ball meant dancing and dressing up and shit. Two things the wayward Canadian sucked at. At least Louise, Kirche, and Guiche seemed excited by the idea…

Louise held a finger to her mouth as she pondered something before nodding her head. "I'm going to go double-check Sleipnir's saddlebags. It would be unpleasant if we were to find out that we forgot to pack drinks and snacks to tide us over until we reach the city."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll wait here then," Jophiel said as he took a seat on the step of the carriage, the short girl heading off for the dens.

A few minutes passed, and to his pleasure, a familiar raven-haired maid approached, out of uniform for the first time since he'd arrived.

"Si-si!" He smiled widely as he rose to his feet. "I was hoping to see you before leaving."

The girl smiled demurely at him, "I am glad to see you well, mi- Jophiel," then looked aside with a slightly mournful look on her face. "So… several months is what they're saying it will take for the academy to be fully repaired and deemed safe to inhabit again."

"Yeah," Jophiel nodded, "what do you figure you're gonna do in the interim? I don't imagine they're gonna keep a simple housemaid on for reconstruction efforts."

She shook her head side-to-side, hands crossed in front of her waist modestly. "No, starting tonight I'm going to be heading to Bruxelles to work for my uncle Scarron at the-"

"Charming Faeries Inn?" He interjected, eliciting a surprised look from her. "That's great, Louise and I are going to be spending the night there on our way over to her family land. I suppose that means we'll be seeing each other again in a few hours then, huh?"

Siesta lit up like a Christmas tree at his words, smiling widely in response. "It seems so. I look forward to serving you tonight, master!" she declared with a playful curtsy.

Jophiel's knee-jerk response was to wag his finger at her for the 'master' thing, but then he remembered that Jessica had done the same thing when he'd met her. Must have been a Charming Faeries thing. "Oh, okay then," he managed to chuckle instead. "I'm just looking forward to get to talk to you in a more relaxed environment."

She nodded, smiling cheerfully at him before she took a step back. "Well, I should finish packing my things. Speak to you again tonight, Jophiel!" She declared happily.

"See you in a few!" He shot back with his own smile before she spun on her heel and started back the way she came, a spring in her step which hadn't been there when she'd initially approached.

Siesta was very excited to know that Jophiel was going to be spending the night at her uncle's inn, especially given the information that Jessica had given her in their letters to each other recently, going on and on about the new renovations they were getting ready to work on, turning in the inn into a high-class establishment that even nobles would enjoy being a patron of.

Though, what really stuck in her mind was that one particular detail Jessica had harped on about at length, so proudly and eagerly. The brand new, custom-tailored uniforms that had been produced for all the Faeries to wear on the job.

Moreso, that her cousin had actually remembered her measurements and had a uniform made for Siesta in anticipation for her summer employment there.

Tonight was bound to be fun indeed, the commoner girl thought to herself with an excited grin, practically springing to her own carriage as she did so.

Meanwhile, Louise returned to Jophiel, big giant Saint Bernard padding up behind her, massive tail buffeting behind him as happily as ever.

"Well, our valuables have been loaded up into the carriage proper, and while those won't be leaving for a while still, there is no reason we can't mount up and depart at once if you are up to it," she said to the big Canadian.

"I have no objections," Jophiel replied with a nod. "Sooner we get there, sooner we can relax comfortably."

"My thoughts exactly," Louise agreed. "So, shall we, then?"

In less than a minute, the duo were sitting atop the back of the massive, burly doggo, a still quiet Derflinger strapped onto his side, and they were proceeding to the main gate, past the rubble and emergency tents which were still lying about the academy grounds, many occupied despite the best efforts of the staff.

Jophiel glanced back as they passed through the main gate, and his lips pressed into a thin line as he looked over the academy for what would be the last time for several months. He had only been there a little over two weeks, but he'd managed to grow familiar with it, and seeing the fortress in such a sorry state was…

Well, it was unpleasant, to say the least.

At any rate, he would be glad to get away from the chaos still going on around the place. The crown would have deployed aid already, but they wouldn't arrive for a few hours still.

Jophiel was just looking forward to seeing the academy in one piece again when they returned in a few months.

As Sleipnir proceeded down the trail at a fairly fast trot, they quickly caught up to a carriage which had departed earlier, and as they passed, slowing a bit so as to not excite their cart droogs, Jophiel glanced aside into the carriage and spotted a familiar head of red hair.

Kirche smiled widely, immediately rising up, and leaning out of the open window of the door… and in doing so, basically hanging her tits right out of it, giving a very clear view down her cleavage.

Because of course she did.

"Fare thee well and safe travels to my brave, exotic champion!" the redhead called out, waving to the pair. "And his cute little master too!"

In response, Louise huffed, and spurred Sleipnir to move quicker after all.

"I'll miss you too, my favourite little grumpy-faced doll!" The redhead shouted as they pressed on, her voice already fading into the distance behind them.

Though Jophiel had tried to turn around and at least wave to Kirche, Louise made it difficult when she spurred Sleipnir into a full-on sprint, nearly causing him to fall off entirely.

Though he grumbled and mildly bitched at her for that, Jophiel didn't raise much of a fuss after the giant hound slowed down to a more reasonable canter. Seems it'd take a while for Louise to really warm up to the dusky-skinned bombshell yet.

Regardless, he settled in for a longish ride to Bruxelles.

Hopefully, their summer vacation, such as it was, would prove uneventful compared to his first two weeks on campus had wound up being.
