Miho Chan

One with too many ideas
You went to sleep, and woke up as a monster… What the fuck ROB! What did you do to deserve this! Might be your first thought, or: Sweet! Imma hunt some bitches now! Might be another. Regardless, you're a monster now. ROB must have ensured you retained your sapience because otherwise, you would be but an animal. A clever one, but an animal nonetheless. Testing the waters a bit, you try speaking but fail. Only a bestial sound comes from your mouth, and you sigh in sadness. You won't be able to communicate, which obviously sucks, seeing as you can only speak (insert monster here). You will never again be able to speak… You will likely never enjoy companionship again. Never speak to another human again. As the sad thought passes through you, you smell another being nearby. What kind of monster you'll be is up to you…

Hello everyone, and welcome to No Roleplayers, YOU are the Monster. In this game, you will be Inserted into the body of a Monster from Original, Mythology, Folklore, Monster Hunter Universe. Other fictional monsters are on a case by case basis. Please keep in mind that while you are a "Monster" Magic will take the background for this, so don't get too magicky with this. Please keep your Monster reasonably killable, IE: make sure it can die, and not just from a series of events that are unlikely to happen.

For Your Character, feel free to add things not present in the "Canon" of the monster. I actually prefer it that way, especially if it adds to the character.

Now, for da rules
  1. Please do not Break SV Rules
  2. My Word is Law, provided that it doesn't break SV rules
    1. You may ask for an explanation on a decision, and may politely question it should you wish
  3. Please don't PM me for details that can be asked for in either the OOC or Discord. Especially if the question is relevant to everyone
  4. Have Fun
  5. Don't Godmod
  6. Please join the Discord
Edit 2: I'll be doing a wave format. Waitlist will be open indefinitely

The Player List and Character Sheet Template will Follow Shortly.


Discord - Group Chat That’s All Fun & Games

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.
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Sheet Template
Bio of Your Monster: (I'd like a paragraph or so here)
The Rarity of the Monster: (Do not fill this out! I will Assign this!)
Personality: (Sentance or three)
Urges/Needs: (Bullet points)
The Severity of Urges/Needs: (Bullet Points)
Faceclaim/Appearance: (Faceclaim is preferred)
Extra Stuff: (Extras that don't fit the categories above)
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Earth/Geopolitical Situation
Significantly AU/Alt! History
Magic is Real. Monsters are real.
America is unsettled by humans until the Europeans discovered it.
As such, it is a bastion for Monsters.

This game takes place at the onset of the 18th Century. Europe has had roughly 200 years to colonize the Americas. 3 Major Human Cities exist in the (North) Continental Americas. I will now List them

Jamestown (British) Modern Day Virginia
This city is heavily fortified, if not the most fortified city in the Americas. It has to be, seeing as it is constantly subjected to attacks from monsters. Center of Trade between Britain and Her Colonies in the Continental Americas

Saint Augustine (Spanish) Modern Day Florida
Heavily Fortified, a competitor for the most fortified in the Continental Americas. Center of Trade for Spanish Settlements

Plymouth (British) Modern Day Maine
Fortified, in the process of gaining heavy fortifications.

While other Settlements exist, they are lightly fortified. Humanity has mostly stuck near the coast, within easy resupply range from Europe.

Magic is commonplace, and usable by damn near anyone.

Weapons effective against us:
Anything with enchantments. Especially ones made from bones of monsters.

Other Sapient Monsters Exist, though they are extremely rare.
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Nihilo, Greater Magma Dragon
Name: Nihilo
Gender: Male
Monster: Greater Magma Dragon, also known as Mountain Termites

Bio of Your Monster: These huge beasts are guilty for the association of dragons with hoards of precious metals and gems. While highly prized for the staggeringly powerful curative properties of some of their organs and elemental potency of all their parts, on top of the hoard of treasure they guard, they retain a stable population thanks to their lifecycle vaguely reminiscent of cicadas, where any stages below fully matured adults spend their entire time deep underground in the magma flows. Moreover, many will merely damage the beast enough to force a retreat so as to pillage its hoard with impunity, leaving it to heal and rebuilt the hoard only to rinse and repeat. This practice is, however, quite hazardous due to the high potential for rampages which can lead to massive forest fires and volcanic eruptions, and as such most reputable adventurers will typically go for the kill or abstain from approaching the hoard at all. To protect its habitat, this species has developed a rather unique take on mutualism, where it'll magically bond with another creature so as to gain a defender who is not constrained by the dragon's sheer bulk and abysmal speed. This led to a change in policy, due to the death of a bonded creature always resulting in either a berserk rage lasting until death or a quiet and permanent retreat from the surface depending on the temperament of the beast.

The Rarity of the Monster: Uncommon verging on rare, they give other members of their species a very wide berth outside of mating season, which occurs entirely deep under the earth. So within any given mountain range there will only be a tiny handful.

Personality: A surprisingly calm species who rarely initiates any conflict, preferring to gently drive off any non-hostile invaders from its lair and nearby tunnels, although they are highly protective of their bonded creature. However, they have a reputation for an appropriately volcanic temper should their long fuse reach its end, leading to horrifying rampages that scar the land before they are brought down. This specimen is not all too different from this standard, although it appears to be a great deal more curious and far sharper, actively aiding non-hostile humans in its territory while being far more proactive in thwarting suspicious individuals.

  • Collect hoard of valuable ores and gems to laze around on
  • Frequent magma baths
  • Mild agoraphobia
  • Find a being to bond with
  • Keep the bonded being safe and happy. Thus urge cuts both ways in the bond.
Severity of Urges:
  • Can't get restful sleep without a hoard and any thievery rankles like a personal affront. Not so much possessive of the hoard as registering any violation of it as someone pissing on his bed and ripping out some of its stuffing.
  • Feels increasingly filthy and stiff the longer he goes without a dip. Buildup is on par with a modern human's need for basic hygiene.
  • Feels paranoid when out in the open, as if he were being watched. Mountainous or forested terrain obscuring his form mitigates this, as does being partly submerged in the earth. Still nerve-wracking to some degree, far more comfortable tunneling deep under the earth and just poking his head occasionally for orientation purposes.
  • Very slowly growing loneliness and melancholy until a bond is made.
  • Bonded being registers like someone with an exceedingly deep relationship, such as a twin or wife. This urge cuts both ways in the bond.
  • Powerful regeneration able to heal any damage below "dead"
  • Breath weapon is lava, either in a stream or globs, and/or volcanic ash.
  • Inherent magic allows for swimming through all manner of earthen materials.
  • Lithovore, diet compromised solely of rocks found at varying depths.
  • Has a nose for valuable ores and gems, which it hoards.
  • Immune to fire, earth and lightning elements, with the former two outright healing in the right circumstances.
  • Able to form a lifelong bond with a single creature, giving them power over earth, fire and magma, the ability to live comfortably in the dragon's volcanic habitat, and a telepathic link. In exchange the bonded creature aids the dragon in defending the lair and handles anything the dragon's sheer size and presence would make less than viable.
  • Regeneration is dependant on consuming or applying molten rock.
  • Hoard of valuables attracts many adventurers and thieves.
  • Lairs are exceedingly obvious, the mountain of choice turning into a faux volcano which smokes and trails lava but never erupts.
  • Very slow due to the sheer weight, which also makes flight impossible, even when swimming through the earth the speed doesn't increase much due to its viscosity
  • Extremely weak to ice, which saps the dragon's strength and turns the body brittle
  • Weak to water, albeit less so, only saps the dragon's strength and stiffens its hide when in great volumes or at low temperatures.
  • This dragon's lifelong bonded creature will turn out to be one Bernadetta von Varley, a spunky noblewoman who decided that escaping her family's estate and trekking all the way up to a Greater Magma Dragon's lair was preferable to the arranged marriage her father had lined up for her. While eager to help and with no shortage of will and courage, she has little in the way of life skills and fighting know-how. There's also some people who very much want to see her back to where she belongs.
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Omida, Barghest
Name: Omida
Gender: Male
Monster: Barghest, The Death Omen

Bio of Your Monster: This canine, roughly the size of of wolf, or bit larger, is a monster strongly associated with death, afterlife and darker aspects of magic. Barghest is well researched phenomena. It consumes the energy that only it, and the practitioners of Death magics, can sense and interact with, that is released from a human body with the passing of the soul from body into Death. They are helped in this purpose by the mild form of precognition that allows them to sense the place and time of passing of humans in huge area. Additionally, they can wrap themselves in those Death energies to become invisible to human eye for short periods of time. When in that invisibility, witnesses reported the unsettling rattle of chains echoing through the area it vanished in. And when both, their precognition and their invisibility fails them, Barghests fall on their claws and teeth, which are disproportionately larger and stronger than those a beast their size or similarity to an animal ought to possess and which can rend through armor with ease. Not helping the hunt is that when it is not actively seeking out the meal, Barghests tend to stay in forests where there is no end of hiding places. The only practical purpose one would hunt a Barghest, outside of easing the worries of superstitious folk, is that their blood is an excellent alchemical reagent for potions dealing with coma and healing particularly grievous wounds.

The Rarity of the Monster: Uncommon. Due to its habit of wandering over large distances to get its meal without a fight, it tends to avoid concentrating in large numbers. Still, there are stories of Black Dog of Death everywhere. If you suddenly start seeing them in large quantities and regularly, something went horribly wrong.

Personality: Omida views turning into Barghest... surprisingly positively. Sure, he is now a dog, not a human, but he was introverted enough already, and the less frequent need for meals could be viewed as a plus. Though he is quite worried about the whole 'need to eat the human souls or else' thing, especially since 'else' is worryingly vague. Could do without vivid detail on Death-vision.

  • Barghest needs to collect the death energy produced by the passing of humans.
  • While generally peaceful, it will grow more aggressive if it feels it is being actively denied.
  • While unknown as to precise amount, at some point Barghest grows 'full' with energy. When that happens, it will search for another of its kind to procreate. No one ever managed to find out how the new Barghests come to be, given their great need for death energies.
The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Barghest's life is completely dominated by the need to consume death energy. It will travel great distances and fight armed groups intent on stopping it just to get it. Generally, it can withstand merely two days without having to seek out its next 'meal', it will become aggressive in its search after four and will actively hunt and kill humans after seven.
  • When the time of its life comes when it feels full of death energy, it will drop its hunt for more, ignoring said instinct in favour of seeking out another Barghest, only replenishing every seven days.

  • Mild precognition focused on people's time and place of death. It includes death resulting from Barghest's actions.
  • Short time invisibility.
  • Claws and fangs longer, more durable and sharper than what would be expected of wolf.
  • When invisible, emits the sound of rattling chains which confuses hunters/victims to its precise location.
  • Is barely more resistant to conventional weapons than ordinary wolf
  • Likely to be hunted due to properties of its blood
  • It needs that Death energy
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Miho, Gore Magala
Name: Miho
Gender: Female
Monster: Gore Magala ---> Shagaru Magala (Eventually)
Bio of Your Monster:
The Gore Magala is a very unique wyvern, sharing traits and similarities to that of the Elder Dragons, possessing six limbs, including the clawed wings on its back. Its overall appearance and stance resemble a quadrupedal wyvern like the Nargacuga. Its body is covered in dark exoskeleton plates, with notable features including the hidden feelers that are folded alongside its face, the lack of visible eyes and fanged jaws that are actually parts of its external armor plates. The other unique part is its wings, which are covered in jet-black fur that resemble a tattered and ragged cape. The claws on its wings are extremely prehensile, and even seem to possess opposable thumbs. They are used for grabbing, help at running and maintaining stability. When not engaged in combat, Gore Magala tends to cloak its body with its wings by latching them onto its back.

The pollen-like scales of Gore Magala are used to understand their environment and leave behind a trail that Gore Magala uses to see both predators and prey by heat. As Gore Magala's senses increase and become better from these scales, its color under its wings will slowly change and get brighter. When its sense reaches the highest peak, two feelers will poke out from its head and it will release large amounts of scales into the air. The hairs will darken the sky as if an eclipse was in the area and it will begin to walk on all six. This state is known as the Frenzy State.
This Particular subspecies of Gore Magala is sapient, along with being capable of forming a LifeBond with a sapient being, forever tying her/his soul to another. When choosing their Bondmate, a Gore Magala will consider three things. One, their combat prowess. Two, their ideals. Three, soul Compatability. The companion/bondmate of a Gore Magala will enjoy a long, healthy life, provided they are not hunted down by other humans.

The Juvenile form of the Shagaru Magala
The Rarity of the Monster: Rare

Personality: Miho was a bright, cheerful person who was always willing to help another human out. As a Gore Magala, Miho mourns the loss of her vision, while searching for her bondmate. She is constantly battling the ever-present rage she feels when someone intrudes on her territory.

  • Highly Territorial
    • Will not tolerate another monster on her turf, though Humans she can tolerate, as well as a single Male Gore Magala
  • High Metabolism
    • As a result of this, Miho will need to hunt once a day at least and consume the equivalent of a Horse to be satisfied
  • Rage
    • Gets angrier and angrier the more her needs are ignored. Will eventually enter a state of frenzy if it is ignored long enough
  • Companionship
    • As a result of being able to form a LifeBond, Miho craves companionship, either of another Sapient Monster or a Human. While Human Contact and other non-Feral Monsters can sate this to a degree, Miho has roughly six months to find a bondmate before starting to descend into insanity.
  • Mating
    • Upon becoming a Shagaru Magala, a Gore Magala will be filled with the desire to reproduce.
The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Ignorable
    • None
  • High Tolerance/Low Severity
    • Companionship
  • Moderate Severity
    • Rage
  • High Severity
    • Territorial
    • Metabolism
    • Mating (Upon becoming a Sharagu Magala)

Abilities and Demerits:
  • Frenzy Virus Breath
  • Heat Sense Through Shed Scales
  • Highly Accurate Senses besides sight
  • Extremely Strong
  • Capable of Flight
  • Blind
  • Weak to Fire and Lightning
  • Wings can be torn by bullets or blades, preventing flight
  • Reptile, though tolerance to low heat is higher than most (Has been Sighted in Greenland and Iceland)
  • While most don't feel the need to horde, Miho does.
  • Easy to Anger, Doesn't Retreat when it should
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Sir Poppycock the Third, Cockatrice
Name: Sir Poppycock the Third

Gender: Male

Monster: Cockatrice

Bio of Your Monster: A Cockatrice is best described as having the lower body of a bipedal dragon with the head, feathers and wings of a rooster, approximately between the size of a cow and a horse, born from an egg laid by a cock and incubated by a toad.

A Cockatrices most well-known ability is its stare which is able to paralyse whatever it looks at and, given enough time, turn them to stone. Their main method of hunting prey consists of freezing them in place and ripping their new meal apart with their deceptively sharp claws. Another ability is flight, despite it not looking very flight worthy its wings are strong enough to let it fly through the air, not very fast but it can remain the air for a long time.

The final main trait of a Cockatrice is their venom, their bite is deadly, able to induce paralysis and even death if it remains untreated.

Cockatrices do have their weaknesses though, the crow of a cock weakens them, it doesn't kill them as some would believe but it is an efficient method for hunters to hunt them down. The second weakness is weasels who are immune to the Cockatrices venom and stare, the bite of weasels are venomous to Cockatrice. The third and final weakness of a Cockatrice is mirrors, the stare of a Cockatrice works even through mirrors and if they look at themselves they will surely paralyse themselves and eventually turn to stone.

The eyes, venom and blood of a Cockatrice are highly sought after for it's mystical properties which make it perfect for alchemy and rituals, though in most cases it is dangerous to use as their magic still works even after death.

The Rarity of the Monster: Rare

Personality: Most Cockatrices are fairly harmless to humans and other monsters if they have eaten and are unprovoked, they prefer to explore their current surrounding for a few days before moving on, this specific Cockatrice tends to stay in areas longer than normal and seems to be curious about humans, watching them from afar and fleeing when approached with hostile intent, most Cockatrices dislike eating humans due to their many clothes, armours and small size but will still eat them if available, this specific Cockatrice has never eaten a human even with one already dead in front of it appearing disgusted, it seems confused as to why humans are scared of it.

Poppycock in his previous life was the average person, if a bit of a pacifist, who is unnerved by his new situation, especially with his new hunger forcing him to kill and consume raw meat from various monster and animals, he wants to interact with humans but by the time he starts to gain their trust his instincts cause him to be too anxious to stick around.

  • Nomadic: Cockatrices are nomadic creatures by nature, getting anxious if being in one place for longer than a few days, oddly this seems to be a non-factor when nesting and mating which can take weeks, and when guarding their eggs which can take from one to two months.
  • High metabolism: Cockatrices have to eat roughly their body weight every day or two, which usually consists of bears, wolves and other such large prey, if not other monsters.
  • Mating: Upon reaching a certain stage in their life cycles Cockatrices will be filled with the insatiable urge to find a mate and produce young, in the case of Cockatrices it is the males that lay their young. Cockatrices mate for life and instinctively know where their mate is despite travelling alone.

The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Ignorable: None.
  • High Tolerance/Low Severity: Nomadic tendencies.
  • Moderate Severity: None
  • High Severity: Mating, Hunger
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Lord Erik the Fithteenth, Dodogama
Name: Lord Erik the Fifteenth (Self-Proclaimed)
Gender: Male
Monster: Dodogama
Bio of Your Monster: A big chonky monster (Can grow to be comparable in size to a small truck, although largest size hasn't been confirmed), Dodogamas are naturally found in volcanic areas and is very passive, having no prey that they hunt. Instead, they eat rocks and metals for meals and aid their digestion via drinking down more than a few gulps of lava or magma. They have 4 limbs to walk around with while dragging their flabby stomach around their rocky habitat with little harm due to it mostly being fat...in spite of its lack of a diet to create such fat. They can fight to protect themselves, however, through either usage of their large body or through spitting back up magma or explosive minerals mixed with their saliva as projectiles.

Buuut, they usually don't need to fight, since they are mostly found burying themselves and just sleeping the day away. It's quite difficult to notice them, and even if other monsters are doing some massive fight that rolls in nearby, they normally wake up and proceed to retreat deeper underground for safety.
The Rarity of the Monster: (Do not fill this out! I will Assign this!)

Personality: Erik finds himself to be prideful and more often sees great glory for himself in the future!... But he more often than not just enjoys to sleep and eat all day. He is very content with life as long as he has food and sleeping room. Also, enjoy pats and companionship, but holds very little in regard to being "Not Food" if it can be eaten.

  • Very hungry dood
  • Eats only metals and rocks
  • Needs lava/magma to digest rocks and metals
The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Hunger is almost always top priority to be satisfied, with it usually ignoring a possible threat that approaches in favor of a few more bites of the cronchy stuff
  • Rocks & Metals are all it eats, with it finding more purer metals to be tasty. Like meat that has been cooked.
  • Its digestion can slowly 'melt' down the contents of its stomach, however, it's nowhere near fast enough and can very well starve on a full stomach without the aid of the hot stuff.
Extra Stuff:
  • Their eggs usually end up blending in with actual rocks, but are notable for being extremely resistant to heat and even stronger than rocks, which dissuade other Dodogamas from eating each others kids.
  • There have been theories that some variants of the species are capable of flight. Merely theories tho
  • Dodogamas do have a tendency to eating metal tools and weapons of adventurers if not kept watch. Do tend to enjoy being fed rocks thrown as snacks, just don't accidentally hit them.
Lilianna, Ruiner Nergigante
Name: Lilliana
Gender: Female
Monster: Ruiner Nergigante
Bio of Your Monster:
A Nergigante is a dragon with a bristly appearance. It is covered in spikes that constantly regrow as they're broken off. It has two massive horns similar to a bull. The monster's hide is primarily black with purple and orange accents. Nergigante is constantly regenerating its skin as it attacks and is struck by hunters. It will slowly grow white spikes on certain body parts, which harden over time. Hunters must try to break the white spikes before they harden. Once they have hardened, its attacks deal more damage. These spikes are white in color when they regrow, but will turn black if left to harden. Once these spikes have hardened, they will deal more damage to foes and repel attacks.

These spikes will also be launched from Nergigante's body when it performs certain attacks, giving these attacks more range and making them more dangerous. Additionally, the hardened spikes require higher sharpness on melee weapons than normal to prevent bouncing off.

At a first glance, Ruiner Nergigante is built similarly to Nergigante, albeit with darker scale and carapace. The variant's defining feature are the metallic spikes that grow in between their regular bone spikes. These spikes are much tougher and make deadlier weapons compared to the typical ones, but they can't be regrown rapidly and takes a longer time to reach full size.

Nergigantes are specially adapted to hunt other Elder Dragons. Hence, their spikes are armed with Elderseal, which shuts down the supernatural abilities of their prey and they can tell how healthy their prey is with a glance or sniff.
The Rarity of the Monster: Unique.
Lilliana was bit high strung. She was affectionate to her friends, somewhat apathetic to everyone else. She had a large temper and sadistic streak. Liked helping people, and doesn't like it when innocents suffer. A bit sleepy and lazy. Introspective despite how impulsive she could be.. as a Nergigante, her temper has been made even more explosive and destructive due to her new found hunger.
-Hunger: Meat, with a preference for dragon meat. Depending on how much she exerts herself, she'll need four cows worth of meat.
-Rage: Her already volatile temper is both being ground at by her hunger; her rage at her new body as she was/is transgender, and the species' characteristic aggression(which is less then if she was a normal Nergigante).
-Mating: A part of her wants to find a male Nergigante. She is doing her best to shove that part of her into a box she can ignore.

The Severity of Urges/Needs:
Hunger: Urgent. She needs a lot of energy, and Nergigante's are really hungry by nature.
Rage: Urgent. Her temper is all but waiting for something to set it off.. Anything that attacks or threatens her will find itself charged by a wall of spikes and rage.
Mating: Low severity, by dint of her doing her best to ignore it, and her hunger and rage distracting her from it.


(Bottom image is a frontal view of a normal Nergigante. Just apply the top pic's color scheme and spikiness.)
-Hawk like eye sight, with senses that rival her sight. They're strong enough that she can tell how healthy her prey is from miles away.
-The Bone Spikes regenerate quickly, and harden as they do so, which darkens their colors. They start at white, and turn black when fully healed.
-The Metal Spikes are harder and sharper, but regenerate much slower.
-The rest of her can regenerate as well. If the wound doesn't kill her she can likely heal it if she escapes the source and can keep herself fed.
-She can fire her spikes, and they also carry the effect of Elderseal, which can disrupt magic and supernatural phenomena. It is particularly effective against other dragons.
-She can fly, fast. Fast enough to catch up to most other dragons(and then drive a spike into their wings).
-On ground she isn't as fast, but can easily outspeed a horse.
-Can roar loud enough to pop a human's eardrums if they're close by.
-Strong enough to force her bulk through the air, ie strong enough to shatter stone without her weight and spikes.
-Electricity fucks her over, as her metal spikes are conductive as hell.
-Is susceptible to paralytic and narcoleptic agents, and while most poisons cannot kill her, they WILL slow down her regeneration.
-Easy to piss off.
-Incredibly aggressive in combat, often to the point of harming herself and refusing to flee unless absolutely necessary.
-Can't fly if something rips her wings up, though they heal quickly.
-Almost always hungry, even when full. ESPECIALLY when healing, as her regeneration needs calories.
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Kirov, Savage Tigrex
Name: kirov
Gender: male
monster: Savage Tigrex
Monster bio: Not so much a species a massive deviation from the baseline Brute Tigrex, The Savage Tigrex is a monster that, like the Savage Deviljho, is a threat to even Elder Dragons. Its primary Prey is deviljhos and their variants, the steady diet of such a creature having caused mutations resulting in increased size and metabolic processes, granting the beast the physical strength to overwhelm most creatures in physical combat, and amplifying the Brute tigrexs roar to the point it can cause stone to shatter. Due to increased muscle mass and bone density, Flight is no longer possible, but it can still reach decent heights via jumping and gliding. In dire situations, it can enter a secondary enraged state, converting stored energy in the Dragon Element and sheathing its caws in it, similar to the Savage Devijho, though this burns through a lot of stamina. Rumours indicate it may have aquired taste for the flesh of Elder Dragons as well...

Personality: The sole individual of this mutation is known for its horrid brutality in attacking its prey. Much like baseline tigrex, it is prone to fits of berserker rage, except its constant hunt for more food makes it, even more, volatile, its hunger amplifying its fits of rage. Recently, it has stopped fleeing form hunters and instead has begun fighting them, despite the little nutrition they would provide, and more shockingly, sparing them. This indicates one of two things. That it is either capable of pattern recognition, or it has begun fighting for sport.

Rarity: Unique Deviant

-Hunger: urgent. sheer metabolic needs demand consumption of double its body mass in meat daily
- Rage: Urgent. Tigrex tempter + hunger pains + easily angred = Bad times

-Can roar loud and hard enough to be a viable weapon in its own right, being too close has been known to cause internal damage to organs and shatter stone
-insanely strong, capable of even overwhelming some Elder Dragons in pure physical strength
-can Jump Good and glide
-rage mode like savage deviljho, gains dragon element damage and can inflict Dragonblight, disabling the foes elemental attacks/status effects
-surprisingly warm to the touch.

-sticks out like a sore thumb to anything with thermal vision
-needs a LOT of food
-weak to Thunder and the Dragon element.
-high energy expenditure can make drawn-out fights a phyrric victory due to burning through more energy that the foes corpse would provide
-Rage mode is very stamina consuming
-Deviljho are not easy prey.
-nomadic lifestyle means rarely getting to stay in one place.

Name: John
Gender: Male
Monster: Blupee

A Blupee is a mystical rabbit-like creature that tend to live in forests and magically rich locations. Considered a folk-tale by most, these elusive little buggers live largely solitary and nomadic lives. If you manage to catch sight of one, you'll want to be careful and sneak up on it. If it realizes it's being hunted, it'll bolt, and disappear as soon as it's out of sight, vanishing entirely. But if you manage to sneak up on it and land a mighty smack on it, you'll be rewarded with a shower of gold, gems, and other forms of wealth. For you see, on top of being skittish creatures that run at the first sign of danger, Blupees are greedy buggers who collect all forms of money they can get their hands on. They do this because it actually protects them, whenever they are attacked, instead of getting hurt they shed some portion of their accumulated wealth. This feature makes them a prize hunted by all, with some noble families claiming the start of their wealth being a captured Blupee.
The Rarity of the Monster: Rare

Personality: Pretty lazy, John likes living a easy comfy life. He liked to think himself rather clever, with his job as a computer programmer. He's not particularly social, not shy just not really sure what to do with people unless they are doing a particular activity or have a goal to work together towards. However, now that he's a Blupee, he's a lot more anxious and nervous than he was before. Lots of things want to get him for one reason or another, and this greed he feels in him stops him from finding a nice safe hole to hide in and just staying there forever, sometimes even being driven into towns to collect whatever loose change he can, or to dive into a nobleman's vault if he's ever particularly lucky.

Urges/Needs: (Bullet points)
  • Ignorable
    • None
  • High Tolerance/Low Severity
    • Concealment : Blupees like to hide in little holes or in tall grass. They don't like standing out in the open and prefer to be tucked away if they're not currently doing something.
  • Moderate Severity
    • Skittish : Blupees are prey animals hunted by many for various reasons. When they spot a creature they don't recognize, or a creature that might do them harm, they feel and intense urge to run away.
    • Greedy : Blupees are inherently drawn to money, which unfortunately for them is not easily found unguarded in the wild. Seeing money up for the grabbing can contend with their Skittish nature, making them more likely to take risks if it gets them money.
  • High Severity

Abilities and Demerits:
  • Money Sense: Blupees have a preternatural ability to find wealth and fortune
  • Money Storage: Blupees can absorb wealth into themselves, which is dislodged when they are hit or they shake it out.
  • Money Immortality: Whenever a Blupee would take damage, they instead shed a portion of their money. The more damage they would have take, the more money that comes spilling out. Still hurts though.
  • Unseen Teleportation: Blupees are very good at disappearing the moment they get out of sight, whether it's over a hill or round a tree. The reason they are so good, is because they literally vanish. The range limit on this is 10 km.

  • Glowing: Blupees are always glowing, making stealth rather hard
  • Walking Moneybags: When a creature attacks you, money comes out. This could distract them, but it's also liable to cause them to seek you out.
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Eiko, Archon Tiger
Name: Eiko

Gender: N/A

Monster: Archon Tiger

Bio of Your Monster:
These majestic creatures are, to the inexperienced and arrogant, viewed as simply tigers with antlers, but they are far more than that. They are the guardians of ecosystems, and powerful ones at that. Each claims a region of nature as their "territory," and guard it from all who seek to disrupt it. They are deeply in tune with Nature's Vital Energy, and can interact with it at will on a fundamental level, causing plants to sprout and grow in their wake, strengthening all plant life in the vicinity. Likewise, they can sense whatever happens in their territory, and by dint of being the lords of said territory, can travel anywhere in it within seconds, and produce illusionary images and mirages. Their claws are sharp enough to turn some of the toughest armor to shreds, given time. Reproductively, they most closely resemble Monotremes, being egg-laying mammals. Every year, they lay an egg, and if the egg is fertilized by another Archon Tiger, they nurse their young until fully grown, then travel in search of a new territory, leaving their child in charge of caring for the territory as they set off in pursuit of new places to defend. Along the way, if they encounter an unfertilized egg of an Archon Tiger, they impart a measure of vital energy into it, fertilizing it. Usually, they subsist off of those who violate their home and ambient vital energy. They live for extremely long periods, and the length of their beards indicates their age and power. They are also extremely wise, being connected to all the life of their territory.

The Rarity of the Monster: Rare

Personality: Eiko, or "Glory," is a person defined by pride, wisdom, and hope. They know the way their original world ended up, and want to make sure this one doesn't experience the sheer destruction brought about by humans. In order to do this, they seek to teach humans about the consequences of their actions before they take them. They see a brighter future, the potential for a miracle beyond the horizon, and they will not let it become tarnished by ash.

  • PROTEC: Archon Tigers must protect and defend the flora and fauna of the territory they claim, and will starve themselves rather than eat their charges.
  • Territory: Archon Tigers typically claim a territory to defend.
  • Reproduction: They lay an egg annually while in a territory, and fertilize unfertilized Archon Tiger eggs they come across.
The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Ignorable
    • None
  • Tolerant
    • Territory
    • Reproduction
  • Urgent
    • PROTEC

  • Sensing all that happens within territory.
  • Able to bend space when in territory to cross it completely within seconds.
  • Producing Mirage-like illusionary walls, which are more easily distinguished when they're larger and when an observer is closer.
  • Manipulation of raw vital energies, fueling and sustaining organisms, as well as various other nature magic-y things.
  • Really Sharp Claws
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A shame I missed this I will have to throw something together.
Brigwid (Nevermore)
Name: Brigwid
Gender: N/A
Monster: Nevermore (OC)

Bio of Your Monster: Nevermores, some say that they are herald of great disasters and plagues, where death will be brought to many, others say that they are familiars of dark people, who's resent and negativity in their hearts manifested into these creatures, and there also tales that Nevermores are the congealed gestalt of the souls of people who died with vengence and hate in their hearts, Whether these are true or not is up to one's interpretation, but one fact that is clear is that they are an unorthodox species.

Coming from the shadows, these creatures stalk the lands in night, searching for the corpses of dead and the emotions of the disgruntled and tortured, they watch all high up in the sky when no people can reach them, and that is fine with these species, for they are generally a reclusive species, preferring to live in the mountains as they watch the human settlements below, only going down to feast every now and then, however this species are very attracted to macabre people, ones who're so filled with anguish and sadness, when they sense them, they take on a smaller form to observe these people more closely, eventually they would interact with this people, depending on the reactions of the people, they may simply consume their negative emotions and memories then leave, or if said people interact and even "befriend" these creatures, Nevermores might even stay with this people and "bond" with them, what this would do is that they would stay with these people and feed on their negativity which would help the person overcome their trauma and negative experience, and if the situation ever comes, they'll defend their "wards", in turn, their Wards will house them and feed them with both their negativity and dead flesh, which can easily be sufficed with meat from the butcher.

However there comes a cost with the bonding process, due to the Nevermore's infamous reputation, people will be paranoid of any negative people suddenly getting better overnight and people who're purchasing large amounts of meat for an unknown reason, thus if they suspect them of housing Nevermore's, they'll of course target them and you know kill them.

As such, it is a very big problem for bonded people and thus have to keep their bond with their newly acquired Nevermores an upmost secret lest they risk being targeted by the mob.

Also generally they live in the colder parts since it is less hot for them, so most Nevermores can be found in the Northern mountainous parts of the world.

The Rarity of the Monster:

Personality: Brigwid is a moody creature, having been turned into a raven-like monster, it accepts its nature as a monster and goes along with it, Brigwid is a curious bird who has a knack for being careless and doing risky things, has a short attention span, and can go from one emotion to another with a blink of an eye.

It also is very interested with human things and matters due to its former nature as a human, it doesn't want to attack humans, but is willing to defend itself if it must.

In the long run, if it gets a bonded, it will be extremely caring and attentive to the person, always willing to help them for praise, akin to a younger sibling to them.


  • Diet: Eats Corpses of all biological beings, Negative Emotions are good substitutes, but cannot replace diet
  • Comfort People who're in anguish or in Torment.
  • Is extremely protective of people they've taken under their wings
  • Innate phobia of fire

The Severity of Urges/Needs:


-Pyrophobia (can be trained to be lessened, but at start, urgent phobia)

-Comfort People who're in anguish or in torment.
-Protectiveness of wards.


Nevermores' have a range array of abilities, but the most significant of them is their body-manipulation, negativity-manipulation, and the bonding process.

Nevermores' bodies are very pilable as technically they don't have any real biology and their body is composed of this tar-like substance, thus it can manipulate its body in small ways, while it cannot significantly change it like turning them into a human, but they are able to use it for various uses from shifting their size to a smaller one like the size of a normal crow, which is used for covert and fitting into small places purposes, changing the shade of their feathers to blend in with the shadows, turning the tips of their wings into bird-like hands for hand-using purposes, shoot out their feathers the speed of bullets for defense or attack purposes, vomit out its tar like body to trap, incapacitate, and if wanted, drown targets in the thick tar, and sharpen its tail into a makeshift melee bladed implement.

While it is unknown if it was legend that Nevermores are born from negativity, it does have merit from its aptitude at it, it can send out an aura that gives off feelings of despair and dread to disable their prey (although it can be trained to be shrugged off), they are able to suck off negative emotions to eat or store it and give it to people through eye-contact, they are able to read the minds of negative people and even enter their dreams, and if absorbed enough negativity (which assuming if a Nevermore sucks all of the negativity of their targets, counts to five hundred people or one thousand beasts to unlock the potential, then a hundred people or two hundred beasts to maintain it assuming usage of it was frugal and spare, the reason of needed amount coming from beasts is higher than humans is because negativity from sapient creatures are more potent and filling after all), they are able to use it to fulfill their dreaded reputation, inflict curses like great frenzies across cities or plagues, all of which will generate many suffering and death, empowering Nevermores even more, of course using even one curse is incredibly exhausting to use due to its potency and power, so on average, a Nevermore who has unlocked their evil potential can only cast two curses a year if they want to be frugal and has only eaten the minimum amount, 5 if they want to deplete everything and has to gather up the negative energy back from zero.

And the bonding process, it could be done to anyone who was or is extremely negative in either attitude and emotions and was friendly to the Nevermore who approached them, the bonding process takes a week to be completed, but by then, the bond is irreversible except for magic, there's no other signs of it other from their hair growing a darker shade and a more paler complexion.

The benefits are two-fold, the Nevermore is able to access their senses and gain a sort of telepathic communication line with the bonded with normal Nevermores simply using this to give off emotions or desires like "hungry", "play", "stupid you", and this mental connection makes normal Nevermores more smarter but not up to sapience.

The bonded is able to gain offshoots of the Nevermore's abilities, they would be able to detect people through their negativity, they become extra agile and faster, and if their Nevermore has unlocked that potential, they would be able to dish out weaker curses, like the curse of being extra drowsy or blindness with the Nevermore supplying the bonded's fuel source for the curses.

Aside from these ones, Nevermores's capabilities are very enhanced, they can fly up to 120 KM/H, can slam themselves unto a mountain and be relatively fine, see in the dark, has incredible vision, hearing, and can track something through their keen senses and smell.

One of the obvious weaknesses of the bird is that it's tar like feathers and body, due to being like tar, Nevermores are extremely flammable, one match is enough to ignite one into a fiery blaze, thus its one of the main counter-measures against them.

Aside from its flammability, when they are hungry or in a feeding haze, they'll unconsciously let out their aura, which manifests in a looming sense of dread and eerie music that causes headaches and a sense of imbalance, the reason for this being a demerit, is that while it is used to hunt prey when their hunger has become too much, anyone given time can quite easily condition themselves to become resistant to it, thus it instead becomes a warning system that lets people know when a Nevermore is nearby.

Another demerit is that sunlight hurts them, depending on the season, it can range from annoying yet tolerable in Winter, to outright anguish and agony during Summer, which is why during the day in the hotter seasons, Nevermores either take on their smaller form and roost under the shade of thick trees, caves, and if possible, the homes of their wards.

Their small form is also very weak as it has temporarily lost most of its mass, its abilities are also weakened and most of it cannot be used, although this detriment will only be active until it has taken its original form, although turning back into its more smaller form would activate the detriment again till-you get the picture.

Extra Stuff:
-Nevermores are soothed by music produced by String instruments like violins and harps, when one doesn't want to fight one, they can subdue it to sleep with it before going for the kill, but it's advised to do it while unarmed, as Nevermores are cautious monsters.

-Despite not being part of their diet, chocolate is akin to catnip to them.

-Nevermores enjoy being rubbed on their bellies and beaks

-Nevermores molt every month, with the molting process taking up to a week, during this process, it stays in its original form.

-Nevermore feathers due to their tar like state are good sources of fuel, so people either hunt them down or "tame" one through the "bonding process"

-Nevermores subconsciously change their appearance to fit in line with their bonded's preference, so if male, they'll be more bigger and more aggressive, while female means the bird becomes smaller, more slender, and motherly or protective in way.
Ahamkara, Pheonix
Name: Ahamkara

Gender: None - Feminine pronoun

Monster: Phoenix

Bio of Your Monster:
Somewhat of an unknown creature, more mythical than the usual monsters that grace the world, the Phoenix is a being of contradiction. Despite it's rather decrepit and decayed look, some view it as a sing of life and healing, yet it can cause destruction and pain if angered. It's tears are known to cure sickness, and it's blood can extend the life of any who drinks it, though if crossed it will bring down it's vengeance swiftly and mercilessly in the shape of fire so hot it melts stone. When the time comes for it's rebirth, it journeys northwards to the colder parts of the world, where winter is constant and snowstorms rage, where in it's last breaths, it's inner fire burns to such a degree that it causes an explosion that usually devastates the land.

The Aztecs claimed that the Phoenix was a manifestation of the sun, descended to Earth in order to guide humanity into a prosperous age, but the constant sacrifice made it insatiable. The Bible said it was an Angel sent from Heaven to help Mankind to free themselves of sin, only to be corrupted by it. The Greeks believed it was the Fire Prometheus stole from Olympus, only to be wasted on Man as it was used for war and suffering.

One theme is constant, however, that of it's noble and beautiful form turning tarnished and decayed by the actions of mankind, leaving it wroth and cruel.

The Rarity of the Monster:

Personality: Often aloof, arrogant, and prideful, Ahamkara views itself as a perfect lifeform, one who is unrestrained by death. Although generally lazy, she protects her sizable territory fiercely, letting no human pass unless she deems them worthy enough.

  • Protect her Territory
  • Keep the hunting grounds plentiful
  • Remove any trespassers

The Severity of Urges/Needs:

  • Ignorable
    • Keep the hunting grounds plentiful
  • Tolerant
    • Remove any trespassers
  • Urgent
    • Protect her Territory


Extra Stuff:
- Each flap of her wings are known to cause small waves of fire, and trails behind her as she flies.
- The ash from a Phoenix makes for a ridiculously potent fertilizer
- Some local farmers living near the area bring gifts and food for her in return for her protection. If she deems it satisfying enough she spreads her ash across their fields in return.

Could work on some things, but this will do for now.
Hikki. Jack Frost
Yep, doing wave introduction
Oh, I might as well give it a try, then.

Name: Hikki
Gender: Male
Monster: Jack Frost
Bio of Your Monster: inhabitants of cold climates, Jack Frosts are magic creatures made out of snow. they survive by consuming ice and water. Jack Frosts have an apparent control over the element of Ice, capable of forming small huts for housing, and defend themselves by Summoning and launching Ice spears at threats. Although they're able to do such things, they don't have any complex intelligence, as shown by the fact that they don'tuse their abilities to it's full capacity, something which would require creativity instead of instinct.
Although their body is made out of snow, it won't melt as long as they consume 510 ml of water at least twice a day.
They've become quite popular due to their cute appareance. Some say you can even make them pets.
They make a quite recgonizable sound:"Hee Ho!"

The Rarity of the Monster: (Do not fill this out! I will Assign this!)
Personality: A friendly, sympathetic character. He doesn't really mind his transformation much. He Has fun messing with his new Ice powers, after all. He has a tendency to be overly-passive, but takes action when he sees something he considers wrong happening. Has a tendency to tease people he's close to.

Urges/Needs(Order of severity included):
  • Tolerable> Cold Lover: Has the urge to be in chilly places, and feels very comfortable when he is in one.

  • Urgent> Pyrophobia: Is immensely terrified of fire, as a natural instinct.

  • High severity> Hidration: Needs to Drink at least 1020ml worth of water per day, or he will start to melt.
Extra Stuff: (Extras that don't fit the categories above): Hee Ho
Donavin Patterson, Sword Spider

Page 162 Threats to man

The Sword Spider (Image Right) is a creature almost entirely made out of an organic metal and notably can vary wildly in appearance and should be treated as a very serious threat.

A Sword Spiders diet is a mixture of meat and metal needing both to survive and grow, excess food is converted into more of the biological metal which is stored as the metal spines you see on the back. The stored metal is slowly converted into growth rather efficiently or can in a case of emergency be rapidly converted to healing, though this seems to be very inefficient. Some do show an ability to make a metal thread, razor sharp and thin as a strand of silk it is highly valued for working into armor even if the gathering of it is often deadly. Lastly many exhibit the ability to burrow neccasary for the amount of raw metals they require to survive.

However each sword spider seems to change it's growth to fit it's environment, whether this is a sigh of intelligence or simply natural is hard to study given the extreme difficulty in studying these monsters and surviving. This variable growth can exist in a number of ways, largely in shape, size and coloration. Most sword spiders tend to have a color that roughly provides camouflage in their environment. We also see variety in the number, size and shape of the sword like limbs, this tends to reflect the surrounding area on what serves best for mobility incredibly uneven land tends to see longer swords, thus taller spiders so they can more easily stride over obstacles, and land which has trouble supporting the weight tends to see longer variations with more limbs, thus spreading the weight out of a greater surface area.

However much like a snake or a lobster the life cycle of a sword spider is continued growth until it is unable to survive the environment it is in, though this may take decades or even centuries. They do roam as they struggle to feed themselves and this is how we see them as rampaging monsters at time, but this is actually only the small number that live to such an advanced age. It is as this point that they become the most dangerous willing to attack civilizations for precious metal and meat, often nicely package in soldiers and adventurers. It is also how they breed, when one wins and is able to gorge themselves on a large enough amount of metal and meat they create several metal eggs burying them all over the area to eventually hatch and start the cycle over. These larger adult ones tend to die quickly, while they are a great threat for a small number of well armed people they are prone to being quickly overwhelmed, their fearsome nature and image often eliciting a rapid and large scale response to eliminate the threat.

Much of that rapid response may in fact be greed, each limb of one is capable of easily becoming a magical sword, and the rest of the body can be processed into enchantment equipment as well. As well the steel silk that may are capable of making is highly valued truly the entire beast would be worth less gold if it was in fact solid gold.

We formally recommend that you treat even the smaller younger varieties found in the wild as very high risk, very high reward. The optimal approach being to bait them over a pit trap with meat and metal, and have a large number of boulders ready to fall or be pushed into it. This is unlikely to kill most of them but it may do some damage and slow down its ability to climb down where we suggest you start a bombardment of magic, and ranged attacks not using metal. Ideally a few enchanted pole arms that do not use metal can be used to strike down at it keeping it in the hole. We would note that the success rate for even very formalized tactics is low, the creature is almost entirely made of metal and the difficulty in bringing it down for good with a small group can very easily be underestimated.

Name: Donavin Patterson
Gender: Male
Monster: Sword Spider
A meticulous nerd socially blind and overly prone to correcting others, many would be happy to learn he became incapable of communication. This was not inborn out of any desire to seem better than others but in fact a true love for knowledge and the scientific method. He spent his life in pursuit of knowledge not just for himself but for all.

Urges/Needs: Protein, Metal, Rest Periods

The Severity of Urges/Needs:
  • Protein: The unique bio metal of the Sword Spider requires that it eat roughly 2.5% of it's body weight in protein per day, though it's rear spines serve like a camels sack allowing it to store resources for quite some time. Also keep in mind be their nature they are very heavy.

  • Metal: The Sword Spider also requires metal in roughly equal to twice as much protein as it intakes. 2.5-5% body weight. This also can be stored, but seems to be more easily obtained given that metal does not run or hide and can be extracted from bones, blood etc etc

  • Rest Periods: The Sword Spider can only heal or grow while resting, the more food they have obtained the longer the period grows, for smaller sword spiders this can be hours, for the largest this can be months at a time.
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