Multiverse Theory (Dragon Ball Multi Crossover Roleplay)

Multiverse Theory
The Tournament of Many Worlds was held on a space station. Constructed by the incredibly advanced Tuffles of Universe 1 the edifice had been dimensionally shifted into Universe 2 for the proceedings. Ships of all shapes and sizes swarmed around jostling for access to the various docking bays.
The stadium where the fights were to be held took up an entire segment of the continent sized superstructure. Topped by energy shield that kept the void of space at bay the area was a circular space surrounded by stands full of teeming people, stretching up from the area floor to the energy shields beginning the crowd was massive.

Vendors carried food and drink about among the complex throng of races, ages and cultures. The peoples from across two separate universes were assembled to watch this event.

The area itself was currently a football shield size pool of water around the stadiums ground level at regular intervals around the circle of the area were large doors connected to each other by system of platforms and walkways that formed a ring around that water filled area.

In concert each of the doors opened as the competitors ship's docked into the super structure.Each ship was newly arrived from the competitors universes and would act as the competitors quarters for the duration of the tournament. Through each door came new and interesting figures. Fighters and spectators alike from across timelines had come to take part in this event.

From Universe 5 came two groups: the first lead by a attractive young woman with dark hair dressed in the traditional battle gear of the Saiyan race, to her right was a man in orange gi and behind her two humanoid females. The second group was lead by a female Arconsian clad in a form fitiing red outfit surrounded by a squad of armored soldiers of various races. The two groups kept separate and even to a outsider the tension between the representatives of U5 was obvious.

From Universe 6 came a single figure, green skinned and artificial in nature. The being knows as Brainac examined its surroundings with detached focus taking in everything and saying nothing.

From Universe 2 came two figures, a hulking Namekian and hooded wraith. Each was surrounded by a retinue of their own race.

From Universe 1 came two figures, not competitors but referee's brought in to ensure that the fighters obeyed the rules set down. A fit humanoid male with brown hair and and a blonde female with the ape tail signature of a Saiyan.

Now was a time for discussion between the universes before the matches begun.

Crossover - OOC - Multiverse Theory (Dragon Ball Multi Crossover Roleplay)

1 @Sinsystems
2 @Dovahsith
3 @CV12Hornet
4 @Lazy Coyote
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The trio from Universe 4 disembarked, the pair of competitors in front as their single companion followed closely behind them. One was a old looking human in a black turtleneck and grey pants whilst the other appeared to be cybernetically enhanced, with metal arms exposed and glowing yellow eyes scanning the surroundings almost constantly.

Taking careless steps as a look of almost simplistic wonder upon his face, a bald man in a yellow jumpsuit and white cape followed them down the ramp.

"Hey Genos, they said there would be a free Buffet right?" the visitor asked the cyborg competitor.

"Yes Master. I believe the brochure stated we would be be well looked after. Also the Heroes association is treating this as a God level encounter till proven otherwise and have offered to compensate us for the danger." came the reply in a deferential and respectful tone.

"Cool. Oh, i hope they have seafood." aid the caped baldy.

"I wouldn't mind some noodles" muttered the old man "maybe treating myself with a trip to the mini-bar. I hope the Dojo's finances will stretch that far now i have Charanko taking on the janitor's duties."
From Universe 8's gate came four figures, competitor Nanoha Takamachi in front, followed by her best friends Arisa Bannings and Suzuka Tsukimura, and her Galactic Patrol partner Calatan, a tall, willowy, humanoid being with considerable telekinetic talent. All four scanned the colossal stadium, each seeing different things. Arisa and Suzuka, still not used to the sheer diversity of galactic life, gaped openly at the myriad different species populating the stands. Calatan was eyeing the stadium itself, looking for a sign of how the Tuffles intended to contain what was sure to be a titanic series of clashes.

And Nanoha herself was looking at the competitors. Her eyes lingered on the hooded wraith from Universe 2 and the clearly antagonistic fighters from Universe 5 before settling on the duo from Universe 4. A smile spread over her face, one that Catalan spotted. He shook his head.

"Go talk to the competitors if you want to," he sighed fondly.

"Thanks, but I think I'm going to hold off until all the competitors are here," she said. "Though..." Making a decision, she lifted off the ground and floated over to the two referees.


"Hi!" she greeted as she tapped down next to them. "I'm Nanoha Takamachi! What are your names?"
From universe 7 emerged two beings, one old-looking blue giant wielding a large Bisento as a walking stick and a shirtless man with an orange cowboy hat and a tattoo covering his back, each wildly different in size to one another, with the small one barely coming up to the blue one's knees. The blue giant turned to the smaller one, a raised eyebrow marking his amusement with the situation.

"Ace, next time warn me before entering me in a tournament."

'Ace' grinned up at the blue one, laughing. "C'mon Pops! It'll be fun! Just think of what we can win with this! Anything we wish!"

The Blue Giant smiled fondly at the younger of the two. "Brat, I already have everything I want."

The two continued talking, paying little attention to the other competitors, but occasionally the large one would glance around, making note of all the other competitors.
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From Universe 8's gate came four figures, competitor Nanoha Takamachi in front, followed by her best friends Arisa Bannings and Suzuka Tsukimura, and her Galactic Patrol partner Calatan, a tall, willowy, humanoid being with considerable telekinetic talent. All four scanned the colossal stadium, each seeing different things. Arisa and Suzuka, still not used to the sheer diversity of galactic life, gaped openly at the myriad different species populating the stands. Calatan was eyeing the stadium itself, looking for a sign of how the Tuffles intended to contain what was sure to be a titanic series of clashes.

And Nanoha herself was looking at the competitors. Her eyes lingered on the hooded wraith from Universe 2 and the clearly antagonistic fighters from Universe 5 before settling on the duo from Universe 4. A smile spread over her face, one that Catalan spotted. He shook his head.

"Go talk to the competitors if you want to," he sighed fondly.

"Thanks, but I think I'm going to hold off until all the competitors are here," she said. "Though..." Making a decision, she lifted off the ground and floated over to the two referees.


"Hi!" she greeted as she tapped down next to them. "I'm Nanoha Takamachi! What are your names?"

The young man from Universe 1 took in the sight and slendour of the area. The noise of the crowd and the weight of history in the air were invigorating. To his KI sense it was as if he stood in the heavens, not inaccurate as they were in outer space, surrounded by the celestial fitment. Each life was a star to his perception, many of the civilian spectators were tiny sparks in the void but the spectators shone with impressive brilliance.

'Wow, the Tuffles certainly got an impressive line up for this' he thought. Next to him his partners own KI glowed, a familiar warmth and pull that he had come to cherish for the universe would be a bleaker place without her shining spirit. Judging by the intensity of KI he could detect Alexis was outmatched in pure strength by many of the competitors here but he didn't doubt she would put on an impressive show for her exhibition match. What she lacked in raw power she made up for with smarts and technique.

The referee's sense's picked out the aura of the bald man from Universe 4 and the the blue skinned strongman from Universe 7 and his eyes widened in surprise. Though the fighters, because no one that strong could be anything else, hadn't bared their power the depth and intensity of it was immense.

'Huh those two might be even stronger than I am' the thought was not unwelcome Jaden loved a good challenge but something old and dark snarled within him at the notion. A wordless snarl of challenge and denial echoed in his mind. There was only one in all that was and could be that was equal the Dark insisted. For just a heartbeat the young man's eyes glowed a reptile yellow and his KI gathered itself. But Jaden pushed the raging darkness down, the power retreated and his eyes returned to their normal shade of brown.

You controlled power or you let power control you and Jaden had seen exactly what happened when he let the power within him guide his actions, a mistake he would not make again. He was the one in charge not the darkness that formed the bedrock of his soul. Alexis didn't comment on his reaction he didn't doubt that she had noticed but she trusted him to tell her if there was a problem.

Sensing of the KI of an approaching competitor the two referee's turned to meet the quite pretty woman in white.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Takamachi. I'm Jaden Yuki. Disciple of the Scarab Martial Arts School " he said offering a bow his partner rolled her eyes and stepped forward introducing herself in turn" And I'm Alexis Rhodes also a graduated Disciple of the Scarab School."

Jaden's lip twitched at that, though they both had completed their training at the school some time ago Alexis always felt it necessary to bring up the fact. Jaden was more of the option that you never really stopped learning and growing as a fighter.

"The Tuffles brought us in to referee for the Tournament. Not everyone with the kind of power that warrants an invite has a working sense of ethics or restraint so they thought it a good idea to have someone ready if things got out of hand."
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From Universe 3's gate came a pair of figures, the first being Utsuho Reiuji who was excitedly looking around with all the enthusiasm of a child. The Hell Raven was so excited to be there as not only was it a change of pace from the Hell of Blazing Fires, which had been left in the care of her Best friend Orin while she was gone, but also because Satori-sama had promised her that if she won the tournament they would be able to eat hamburgers once a week....the mere thought of being allowed to indulge in such a luxury weekly was enough to cause her mouth to start salivating.

"Okuu focus, your drooling again." came the caring monotone voice of her Mistress, Satori's third eye allowing her to perfectly understand Utsuho's feelings, which was why a smile spread across Satori's face "I know your excited. So why don't you go make some friends."

"Can I Satori-sama?"

"Go on"

"Yay!!" the Hell Raven cheered as she flew to the nearest Universe gate, right towards Universe 4.

Sensing of the KI of an approaching competitor the two referee's turned to meet the quite pretty woman in white.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss Takamachi. I'm Jaden Yuki. Disciple of the Scarab Martial Arts School " he said offering a bow his partner rolled her eyes and stepped forward introducing herself in turn" And I'm Alexis Rhodes also a graduated Disciple of the Scarab School."

Jaden's lip twitched at that, though they both had completed their training at the school some time ago Alexis always felt it necessary to bring up the fact. Jaden was more of the option that you never really stopped learning and growing as a fighter.

"The Tuffles brought us in to referee for the Tournament. Not everyone with the kind of power that warrants an invite has a working sense of ethics or restraint so they thought it a good idea to have someone ready if things got out of hand."
That made sense; certainly, she'd had to beat plenty of those kinds of people into the ground over the years. Funny how people were so much more reasonable when staring up from the bottom of a crater!

More to the point, Nanoha could absolutely believe they could pull it off. Even relaxed, power rolled off of them in waves. The thought briefly crossed her mind that she might be outclassed here. Briefly. Even if it was true, so what? She'd overcome greater power before.

"I'll be in your care, then," Nanoha said, bowing. "Any advice on who to avoid for now?"

Idly, she noted what appeared to be the last of the competitors enter the arena.
From Universe 3's gate came a pair of figures, the first being Utsuho Reiuji who was excitedly looking around with all the enthusiasm of a child. The Hell Raven was so excited to be there as not only was it a change of pace from the Hell of Blazing Fires, which had been left in the care of her Best friend Orin while she was gone, but also because Satori-sama had promised her that if she won the tournament they would be able to eat hamburgers once a week....the mere thought of being allowed to indulge in such a luxury weekly was enough to cause her mouth to start salivating.

"Okuu focus, your drooling again." came the caring monotone voice of her Mistress, Satori's third eye allowing her to perfectly understand Utsuho's feelings, which was why a smile spread across Satori's face "I know your excited. So why don't you go make some friends."

"Can I Satori-sama?"

"Go on"

"Yay!!" the Hell Raven cheered as she flew to the nearest Universe gate, right towards Universe 4.

Genos's eyes focused on the young girl flying towards him, estimating time till her arrival and calculating appropriate counter measures. He'd taken a loli lightly before and she'd reduced him to scrap before he even knew what hit him. With his new upgrades, that would no longer be a possibility.

As Saitama began to take pictures with his tacky yellow Kodak camera of the surroundings for the slideshow upon their return home, Bang halted mid step to look at the levitating newcomer.

"Hello young one." he greeted her, ignoring Genos's intense frown, his face scrunched up into a smile behind his facial hair. "Are you lost?"
Genos's eyes focused on the young girl flying towards him, estimating time till her arrival and calculating appropriate counter measures. He'd taken a loli lightly before and she'd reduced him to scrap before he even knew what hit him. With his new upgrades, that would no longer be a possibility.

As Saitama began to take pictures with his tacky yellow Kodak camera of the surroundings for the slideshow upon their return home, Bang halted mid step to look at the levitating newcomer.

"Hello young one." he greeted her, ignoring Genos's intense frown, his face scrunched up into a smile behind his facial hair. "Are you lost?"
Utsuho smiled at the nice old man, he smelled different from the old men she usually met in the Hell of Blazing Fires with a lot less anger or screaming. Still the Hell Raven remembered her manners and held out her hand, well she held out her control rod first before quickly realizing her mistake and held out her uncovered hand.

"Hello mister, I'm Utsuho Reiuji and I'm not lost, Satori-sama is right there" she said motioning to her pink hair mistress with her control rod. Like she said standing at a respectful distance away stood Satori who was in observing the proceedings, her third eye moving between the various members of the Universe 4 team.
Utsuho smiled at the nice old man, he smelled different from the old men she usually met in the Hell of Blazing Fires with a lot less anger or screaming. Still the Hell Raven remembered her manners and held out her hand, well she held out her control rod first before quickly realizing her mistake and held out her uncovered hand.

"Hello mister, I'm Utsuho Reiuji and I'm not lost, Satori-sama is right there" she said motioning to her pink hair mistress with her control rod. Like she said standing at a respectful distance away stood Satori who was in observing the proceedings, her third eye moving between the various members of the Universe 4 team.
"I see. Well my name is Bang" he said taking her hand and shaking it. "and my companions are Genos and Saitama." He continued, gesturing to both in turn with his free hand. Genos continued glaring, attempting to calculate her threat level whilst Saitama continued to wind up the camera, giving her a small wave.
"I see. Well my name is Bang" he said taking her hand and shaking it. "and my companions are Genos and Saitama." He continued, gesturing to both in turn with his free hand. Genos continued glaring, attempting to calculate her threat level whilst Saitama continued to wind up the camera, giving her a small wave.
"Nice to meet you Mr Bang" the Raven Girl returning the shake like an enthusiastic child, before quickly getting distracted by looking at Genos. Specifically she was wondering why the strange man was made of metal "Umm Mr Bang why is he made of metal? Humans shouldn't have metal bits in them....right?"

While Utsuho was asking her question Satori approached Genos, her face unreadable even as her Third Eye gazed directly into the Cyborg's skull "I'd suggest you stop analyzing her. Besides the sensors Dr. Kuseno put in you could never understand that girl."
"Nice to meet you Mr Bang" the Raven Girl returning the shake like an enthusiastic child, before quickly getting distracted by looking at Genos. Specifically she was wondering why the strange man was made of metal "Umm Mr Bang why is he made of metal? Humans shouldn't have metal bits in them....right?"

While Utsuho was asking her question Satori approached Genos, her face unreadable even as her Third Eye gazed directly into the Cyborg's skull "I'd suggest you stop analyzing her. Besides the sensors Dr. Kuseno put in you could never understand that girl."
"Not normally no, but Genos here was" Bang began to explain before being interrupted by the cyborg "was given more than sufficient enhancements to fulfil my role as the disciple of Sensei."

"A telepath? Interesting." Genos considered. "Perhaps she might even be reading my thoughts right now...or right now...or right now! What would Sensei do in this situation?"

"I wonder if the bathrooms are built for people?" Saitama wondered to himself, regretting drinking on the flight here.
"Not normally no, but Genos here was" Bang began to explain before being interrupted by the cyborg "was given more than sufficient enhancements to fulfil my role as the disciple of Sensei."
Utsuho looked at Bang and nodded as if she understood what the old man was saying...for about 3 seconds before her face morphed into one of complete confusion "I don't get it."
"A telepath? Interesting." Genos considered. "Perhaps she might even be reading my thoughts right now...or right now...or right now! What would Sensei do in this situation?"

"I wonder if the bathrooms are built for people?" Saitama wondered to himself, regretting drinking on the flight here.
Satori just smiled knowingly at Genos before looking at his Sensei and smiling even more, "Maybe... Good luck in the upcoming Tournament Genos. I look forward to seeing the Beauty of combat beyond your memories."
Utsuho looked at Bang and nodded as if she understood what the old man was saying...for about 3 seconds before her face morphed into one of complete confusion "I don't get it."
"He's more or less a robot now."

"Actually thats a gross oversimplification. Several of my modifications contain organic materials and i still retain some of my original parts." Genos corrected Bang.
Satori just smiled knowingly at Genos before looking at his Sensei and smiling even more, "Maybe... Good luck in the upcoming Tournament Genos. I look forward to seeing the Beauty of combat beyond your memories."
Genos really didn't like her. Saitama on the other hand responded like most Japanese Tourists. With a click of a button, followed by a bright flash of light, he took a picture of the strange foreign woman before moving on, winding up the camera's mechanism for another shot.
That made sense; certainly, she'd had to beat plenty of those kinds of people into the ground over the years. Funny how people were so much more reasonable when staring up from the bottom of a crater!

More to the point, Nanoha could absolutely believe they could pull it off. Even relaxed, power rolled off of them in waves. The thought briefly crossed her mind that she might be outclassed here. Briefly. Even if it was true, so what? She'd overcome greater power before.

"I'll be in your care, then," Nanoha said, bowing. "Any advice on who to avoid for now?"

Idly, she noted what appeared to be the last of the competitors enter the arena.

Jaden smiled at the woman in white. Her eagerness and good spirits were infectious.

"Well I would suggest watching yourself with the fighter from Universe 6. There was a bit of an incident when the Tuffle's ran into him. I don't know all the details but apparently he tried to take over their ship and attacked them. He only stopped when the full-scope of the tournament was made clear."

That incident was enough of a scare for the Tuffles to warn about him in advance of arrival. The others haven't done anything like that yet so he had no real gems of wisdom to offer in-regards to who to watch out for.
Jaden smiled at the woman in white. Her eagerness and good spirits were infectious.

"Well I would suggest watching yourself with the fighter from Universe 6. There was a bit of an incident when the Tuffle's ran into him. I don't know all the details but apparently he tried to take over their ship and attacked them. He only stopped when the full-scope of the tournament was made clear."

That incident was enough of a scare for the Tuffles to warn about him in advance of arrival. The others haven't done anything like that yet so he had no real gems of wisdom to offer in-regards to who to watch out for.
Nanoha glanced over towards Universe 6's box, and shuddered. Artificial beings were nothing new to her experience, but most of them were damn near indistinguishable from organic beings, at least on appearance. This one... he looked artificial, deliberately so. And despite the lack of ki, something about him screamed malice.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said absently. She was looking at the interactions between Universes 3 and 4; the easy friendliness and camaraderie. Universe 2, by contrast, was... stiff. Yes, that was the right word. The kind of people that needed a good fight to loosen up a bit. And she didn't know when the actual tournament would start...

Making her decision, Nanoha lifted off, floating over Universe 2's area and towards Universe 4's, where everyone seemed to have congregated.

@Sinsystems @Dovahsith

"Hi, I'm Nanoha Takamachi!" she announced as she touched down. "I'm the competitor for Universe 8. Ah..." She paused as she realized that all of them were giving off very high ki readings. Especially the bald guy with the camera. It reminded her of an iceberg, somehow. "I'm sorry, but which ones of you are the competitors?"
Nanoha glanced over towards Universe 6's box, and shuddered. Artificial beings were nothing new to her experience, but most of them were damn near indistinguishable from organic beings, at least on appearance. This one... he looked artificial, deliberately so. And despite the lack of ki, something about him screamed malice.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said absently. She was looking at the interactions between Universes 3 and 4; the easy friendliness and camaraderie. Universe 2, by contrast, was... stiff. Yes, that was the right word. The kind of people that needed a good fight to loosen up a bit. And she didn't know when the actual tournament would start...

Making her decision, Nanoha lifted off, floating over Universe 2's area and towards Universe 4's, where everyone seemed to have congregated.

@Sinsystems @Dovahsith

"Hi, I'm Nanoha Takamachi!" she announced as she touched down. "I'm the competitor for Universe 8. Ah..." She paused as she realized that all of them were giving off very high ki readings. Especially the bald guy with the camera. It reminded her of an iceberg, somehow. "I'm sorry, but which ones of you are the competitors?"
"That would be I and Silver Fang here" the cyborg stated, gesturing to the old man next to him.

"Please, call me Bang. You are here for the tournament too?" the wrinkled martial artist asked, thankfully saved from having to explain why Genos needed a new body by the newcomers arrival...who was also a young girl. Was Tatsumaki some kind of universal law?
"He's more or less a robot now."

"Actually thats a gross oversimplification. Several of my modifications contain organic materials and i still retain some of my original parts." Genos corrected Bang.

Genos really didn't like her. Saitama on the other hand responded like most Japanese Tourists. With a click of a button, followed by a bright flash of light, he took a picture of the strange foreign woman before moving on, winding up the camera's mechanism for another shot.
Despite Bang's simplified explanation Utsuho still appeared confused until Satori decided to chime into the conversation, "Okuu he's like a microwave." the pink haired girl said to her pet.

"Ahh I get!!" the Raven Girl said "Like what we have in the kitchen!"

"Yes like that."
Nanoha glanced over towards Universe 6's box, and shuddered. Artificial beings were nothing new to her experience, but most of them were damn near indistinguishable from organic beings, at least on appearance. This one... he looked artificial, deliberately so. And despite the lack of ki, something about him screamed malice.

"I'll keep that in mind," she said absently. She was looking at the interactions between Universes 3 and 4; the easy friendliness and camaraderie. Universe 2, by contrast, was... stiff. Yes, that was the right word. The kind of people that needed a good fight to loosen up a bit. And she didn't know when the actual tournament would start...

Making her decision, Nanoha lifted off, floating over Universe 2's area and towards Universe 4's, where everyone seemed to have congregated.

@Sinsystems @Dovahsith

"Hi, I'm Nanoha Takamachi!" she announced as she touched down. "I'm the competitor for Universe 8. Ah..." She paused as she realized that all of them were giving off very high ki readings. Especially the bald guy with the camera. It reminded her of an iceberg, somehow. "I'm sorry, but which ones of you are the competitors?"
However with the arrival of the contestant for Universe 8 Utsuho's revelation was cut short at the sight of a new friend to be made and, after Satori-sama gave her a nod of permission, the Hell Raven went to greet the new arrival. To Utsuho the girl smelled different than the Old Man and the Toaster-person, they smelled of crashing waves and melted steel respectively, instead she smelled like a Freshly baked cake in a blasted out crater.

"Oh me me!! I'm a competitor, Satori-sama says that I am going to fight...Oh I can't wait!!...oh I'm Utsuho by the way." The Hell Raven said with her usual trademark childish enthusiasm.
Ace had spent a few moments looking around after his conversation with Pops had ended, and his eyes and Ki Sense were drawn to the gathering of several competitors, and he figured that he would go introduce himself, grinning at Whitebeard when he sighed and started walking over to them, already having figured out what Ace had in mind.

As Ace sped past Whitebeard and aproached the group he decided to try and sense them, but he never had been very good at it, so the only thing he managed to get was Strong from them, so it looked like he would just have to see if he could beat them in the tourney.

@Sinsystems @Dovahsith
"Hey! Looks like there's gonna be some interesting competition huh? I'm Ace."

As Ace introduced himself, the blue skinned Whitebeard thudded up behind him, looking down at the other competitors, who barely came up to his thigh, before rumbling out an introduction with a fond grin.

"I apologize if my over-enthusiastic son is bothering you, my name is Edward Newgate, you may call me Whitebeard if you wish, but I do not mind you using my name."
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"That would be I and Silver Fang here" the cyborg stated, gesturing to the old man next to him.

"Please, call me Bang. You are here for the tournament too?" the wrinkled martial artist asked, thankfully saved from having to explain why Genos needed a new body by the newcomers arrival...who was also a young girl. Was Tatsumaki some kind of universal law?
"Pleased to meet you," Nanoha said, bowing. This Bang had the look of a martial artist - specifically, an old-school Earth martial artist. Very interesting. His companion was clearly a cyborg of some kind, though with enough organics to still give off a ki reading.

Best of all, both of them gave her a good feeling, particularly Bang.

However with the arrival of the contestant for Universe 8 Utsuho's revelation was cut short at the sight of a new friend to be made and, after Satori-sama gave her a nod of permission, the Hell Raven went to greet the new arrival. To Utsuho the girl smelled different than the Old Man and the Toaster-person, they smelled of crashing waves and melted steel respectively, instead she smelled like a Freshly baked cake in a blasted out crater.

"Oh me me!! I'm a competitor, Satori-sama says that I am going to fight...Oh I can't wait!!...oh I'm Utsuho by the way." The Hell Raven said with her usual trademark childish enthusiasm.
And then there was the bird-winged young woman with what appeared to be a cannon on her arm. That childish enthusiasm was a joy, frankly. Even Arisa hadn't acted that way in years. The pink-haired girl next to her, then, was this "Satori-sama", and wasn't that name interesting? She didn't look like a Buddhist ascetic...

Oh, whatever. Nanoha would have simply repeated the greeting with Bang, but Utsuho's enthusiasm prompted a more casual response.

"I look forward to seeing you in action, Utsuho," she said.

She was just about to turn away and see if she could move on to another universe's competitors...

@Sinsystems @Dovahsith
"Hey! Looks like there's gonna be some interesting competition huh? I'm Ace."

As Ace introduced himself, the blue skinned Whitebeard thudded up behind him, looking down at the other competitors, who barely came up to his thigh, before rumbling out an introduction with a fond grin.

"I apologize if my over-enthusiastic son is bothering you, my name is Edward Newgate, you may call me Whitebeard if you wish, but I do not mind you using my name."
Only to have Universe 7's competitors introduce themselves. This "Ace" seemed normal enough, but Whitebeard... Nanoha looked up, and then up some more.

"Uh, hi..." she said, just slightly intimidated by his massive bulk.
Lady Darla , Arconsian of the oldest blood, right hand of the Master, elite of the Planet Trade Organisation watched the proceedings with interest. There was power gathered here power fit to break worlds and shape empires, she didn't need her KI sensitive guards paling faces and Drusilla's delighted laughter to know that.

"Oh Grandmommy the noise and thunder, all the little sheep crying for blood and fire its like home and hearth and hate." Darla forced down the urge to block out her mad seer/adopted daughter/aide's ranting. The once Kaioshin was utterly and totally insane but she saw things that others missed, the future and the thoughts in other minds ignoring her words was a recipe for disaster.

"Anyone of interest Dru?" The Arconsian asked her voice honey. Drusilla looked at the contestants and pointed at each in turn offering some choice words.

"Eyes like needles, a whirlpool of steel and stone all cold and so so hungry." The machine man from Universe 6 stared back. Darla tensed, there was something dangerous about the creature and it was looking in her direction with a uncomfortable focus.

"The green king's all soft and singing peace growth, harmony yuck nothing interesting there. But the ooh the Queen of Bones is so much better, she's all shadow and spite. Her heart is a curse that cuts, a poison that eats away. She would be fun to play with." The universe 2 contestants were apparently content to watch and wait.

"The carrion birds is all flame and foolishness, strong like stars burning but she's blind to how high she could soar if she but broke the chains. She's a songbird that could sing in screams and broken worlds if only she would." The openly hungry tone to Drusilla's voice drew Darla's notice so the girl from Universe 3 had potential.

"The toy soldier is the same painting himself in the Bored God's colors marching to war for justice and duty. The old master is like wine aged in sand spreading and eating up what drains him." The universe 4 group were engaged in the group meeting that was starting up.

"The boy burns, love for his little brother, love for his Captain Father, love for the wide world, Saiyan but no pride in the name strong but not a conqueror. The Old man feels his years but pride is in his heart and the world shakes with the weight of his tred." Darla narrowed her eyes at that so the young man next to the hulking Heran was a Saiyan? She had fought their kind before and it would be a pleasure to again kill someone from that accursed race.

Her eyes flicked towards the other contender from her home universe. The saiyan girl, Faith, the one Angelus had taken on as a charity case. Killing her would be even more pleasurable but perhaps the Saiyan boy could give her a warm up.

"The White Devil walks softly and carries very big stick' Drusilla offered something like amusement on her face as she looked at the contender from Universe 8.

Well an interesting line up here. I wonder when the tournament will begin everyone is here so it can't be long now. I'll let them talk it out for now but if I see an opportunity I'll take it.