Multiverse Theory (Dragon Ball Multi Crossover Roleplay)

Introduction and Rules
Multiverse Theory (Dragon Ball Multi-Crossover Roleplay)

So as I longtime fan of Read DBM - Dragon Ball Multiverse I have decided to take a shot at writing a RP with a similar premise. The concept of this RP is a Crossover/Fusion derived tournament story with a focus on interaction and narrative. The IC story is that a group of sufficiently advanced aliens have found a way to travel between timelines and now are staging a tournament of fighters from across the multiverse.

The primary conceit of this is that each universe contacted is a fusion between DBZ and another setting. The primary story of the crossover setting is retold using Dragon Ball mechanics, races and concepts. Players can submit a setting and characters from that setting to participate in the tournament. I will choose a number of these submissions and then open the IC thread so the tournament and character interaction can begin.

To be clear on what I am looking for: Harry Potter gets picked up by the PTO , is trained by Vegeta, one-shots Voldemort, gets a harem etc is not what I want to see. Something like Dumbledore as Kami/The Guardian of Earth with Voldemort filling the role of Demon King Piccolo and the wizarding community retold as KI users/martial artists is far more appropriate.

Any setting (source medium) is allowed. Your characters could come from a Bleach Fusion where the Kaio Shins, after the rampage of Majin Buu, organised and expanded their operation into something resembling the Gotei 13, allowing for say Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihon as Kaio Shin competitors. Or you could do a Metal Gear fusion with Raiden as a DBZ style Android/Cyborg and so on. The possibilities are endless.

Here are some key points of rules and world building that I will be using for this RP

  1. Standard site regulations are in effect.
  2. This is a tournament; characters are going to die or be otherwise eliminated in some capacity. Do not get salty in the OOC over this.
  3. If you intend to leave the RP, be sure to notify the GM beforehand and work something out regarding how you intend to have your character/s exit the stage. Prolonged or unexplained absences will result in your character/s being relinquished to GM control.
  4. Be reasonable and polite when dealing with other players; unwarranted caustic and/or condescending behaviour will get you kicked from the RP.
  5. All character applications will be submitted via PM to @toxinvictory .
  6. Players can submit multiple characters from a single universe. The limit is two fighters and as many spectators as players feel like. But please note that you have to write these characters perspectives. So only submit what you feel comfortable managing.
  7. You will be expected to exercise some writing skills in this RP. If the GM has trouble understanding what you're writing, you won't get in.
  8. For the purpose of this RP I am placing Super Saiyan 3 as the absolute pinnacle of Saiyan transformations. Achieving it places the wielder in the highest category of strength. But it cannot be obtained easily, canonically only Goku (and a freak fusion) was able to unlocked it properly and only then via training in the afterlife where the limits of a mortal body were absent.
  9. Character builds can utilize any race seen in Dragon Ball, DBZ or Dragon Ball GT. Namekian, Saiyan, Human, Heran, Arcosian, Kaio Shin etc.
  10. Due to the inconsistency of power depiction Broly style Legendary Super Saiyan's will not be accepted as player characters. Likewise Majin Buu derived fighters are not allowed due to the narrative difficulty of countering the ability to regenerate on the sub-molecular level.
  11. Making myself a minority I actually like Dragon Ball GT and am happy to include stuff from it so if players want to make use of: Shadow Dragons, mind controlling alien bio-weapons, Machine Mutants etc they can.
  12. For this RP I consider Super Saiyan 4 a viable transformation but there are some adjustments. Super Saiyan Primate as it will be called (credit to @Bob's Beard for the name) is the result of a SS capable individual combining that state with the Oozaru/Great Ape Transformation and learning to control the result. It is a way to rise to the next level of power and does not require SS3 to be unlocked. So a character that has mastered base SS can rise to the level of SS2 via gaining Super Saiyan Primate and a SS2 level can rise to the strength tier of SS3 via it. As I am placing SS3 tier as the highest tier of strength a Saiyan character can achieve SS Primate can at its highest level only be used as a substitute for SS3 not a level above it.
  13. Planet Busting: Yes I know Roshi blew up the moon in Dragon Ball and Piccolo did it again in the Saiyan Saga but I also know that Freeza in his final form had to use a specialized technique that took time to blow up Namek and "has enough power to blow up the planet" is used as a benchmark for strong attacks later in series. So I am saying for the purposes of this RP that outright Death Star scale planet destruction requires at least Freeza tier strength.
Now since Power Levels are a topic of heated debate that I want to avoid I have created a ranking system for characters to place their characters on.

  • Skilled Combatant: You possess power and skill worthy of notice among the fighters of your world. This is the level of: original Dragon Ball Fighters.
  • World Champion: You are among the best a single world can put forward in fighting power. This the power level of: Kami, the end of Saiyan Saga Era Z Fighters including Kaio-Ken capable Goku.
  • Interstellar Veteran: You are a notable fighter on the scale of the wider universe. You have fought on numerous worlds and honed your skills to an impressive degree. This is the level of: Zarbon, The Ginyu Force, Namek Saga Goku/Vegeta (Pre Freeza fight).
  • Galactic Icon: You are an oddity possessing power far beyond what most mortals can dream of. A being out of myth and infamy whose name echoes through the wider universe. This is level of Final Form Freeza, Cooler, and Super Saiyans.
  • Legendary Master: You are on the very rare few whose power surpasses legends and encroaches on the domain of divine. This is the level of: the Supreme Kai's, full power Android 17/18 and Cell Saga Piccolo.
  • Universal Terror: You are one of the terrifying oddities that has gained power beyond that wielded by the highest of gods. There not been many of this level before you. This is the level of: Perfect Cell, Dabura, Bojack and Super Saiyan 2's.
  • The Strongest: You are the most powerful being in your universe a fighter of incomparable quality. In the history of a given universe perhaps only one other has reached this level before you. This is level of: Majin Buu and Super Saiyan 3 Goku.

I am happy to use characters anywhere on the spectrum for this RP but I will ask that players justify their character's strength via circumstances. Character templates for fighters is as follows.

Power Rank:
Unique Features/Abilities/Techniques:

List of Universes/Players

Universe 1: Organizer Origin
Universe 2: Tournament Setting
Universe 3: Touhou Crossover
Universe 4: One Punch Man Crossover
Universe 5: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel Crossover
Universe 6: DC Comics Crossover
Universe 7: One Piece Crossover
Last edited: RP where various Touhou characters are perfectly valid within the power scale....yay!! Now I just need to decide if I want to be the Nuclear Power Hell Raven who throws around miniature stars or the Immortal Girl with the Phoenix motiff or the Drunk Loli who can great small earthquakes by punching the ground.
@toxinvictory for the character I have planned I'm going to be needing to divide their melee and ranged combat abilities since in terms of melee combat she isn't all that impressive outside of some special abilities (laser blade and surrounding herself in nuclear fire) but in terms of ranged combat she is pretty insane (due to throw around mini-suns like they were candy). That is doable right?
@toxinvictory for the character I have planned I'm going to be needing to divide their melee and ranged combat abilities since in terms of melee combat she isn't all that impressive outside of some special abilities (laser blade and surrounding herself in nuclear fire) but in terms of ranged combat she is pretty insane (due to throw around mini-suns like they were candy). That is doable right?

Your crossover character can have such a division of specialties. Plenty of DB characters have multiple attacks and fighting styles.

I'm going out on a limb and say that The Caped Baldy is out of the question.

Since Saitama's whole concept is OP to the point of making combat pointless then yeah I would say he's not a viable choice as is. You could use Genos and say Tatsumaki for example as fighters instead with everyone's favorite Caped Baldy as a spectator.
Universe 3 Contender: Utsuho Reiuji
Utsuho Reiuji
Okuu to her friends

Species: Hell Raven

History: A Hell Raven of the Former Hell of Blazing Fires, which was abandoned due to Hell having to relocate to alleviate overcrowding, and the pet to Satori Komeiji. For many years she helped her master manage what remained of the abandoned afterlife, but the fires of Hell had gone out and what remained was just a shadow of it's former self.

It was then that a God from the world above approached the Hell Raven and offered her the power to relight those flames and restore the Hell of Blazing Fires to it's former glory. It was a deal that she gladly accepted if it held the chance to bring her mistress happiness, thus she consumed the corpse of Yatagarasu and gained it's power....the power to reignite the fires of Hell itself.

Of course being a birdbrain she didn't really think everything through and caused an Incident (mostly because she was trying to blow the top off of Old Hell), but in the end everything worked out and she helps manage the Hell of Blazing Fires for her mistress and maintain the reactor held within.

Personality: Utsuho is best described as a childish, not too bright girl who has occasional bouts of megalomania due to her power. While she isn't a saint by any respects she mainly acts in the interests of those she cares about like her Master Satori or her friend Rin, but due to her lack of intelligence she doesn't think her plans through all that often.
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Utsuho Reiuji
Okuu to her friends

Species: Hell Raven

History: A Hell Raven of the Former Hell of Blazing Fires, which was abandoned due to Hell having to relocate to alleviate overcrowding, and the pet to Satori Komeiji. For many years she helped her master manage what remained of the abandoned afterlife, but the fires of Hell had gone out and what remained was just a shadow of it's former self.

It was then that a God from the world above approached the Hell Raven and offered her the power to relight those flames and restore the Hell of Blazing Fires to it's former glory. It was a deal that she gladly accepted if it held the chance to bring her mistress happiness, thus she consumed the corpse of Yatagarasu and gained it's power....the power to reignite the fires of Hell itself.

Of course being a birdbrain she didn't really think everything through and caused an Incident (mostly because she was trying to blow the top off of Old Hell), but in the end everything worked out and she helps manage the Hell of Blazing Fires for her mistress and maintain the reactor held within.

Personality: Utsuho is best described as a childish, not too bright girl who has occasional bouts of megalomania due to her power. While she isn't a saint by any respects she mainly acts in the interests of those she cares about like her Master Satori or her friend Rin, but due to her lack of intelligence she doesn't think her plans through all that often.

Power Rank:​
  • Melee Combat (Skilled Combatant): As a Yokai Utsuho is naturally stronger than most humans and is able to keep up with most combatants using natural skill alone. However she lacks anything in the form of practiced techniques in melee combat beyond what the basics and a couple tricks.​
  • Ranged Combat (Universal Terror): Wielding the power of the Yatagarasu Utsuho is in essences a living star, able to create miniature suns with ease and fill the sky with a nigh endless number of blazing projectiles that range in size from fist sized spheres to massive orbs. With her Control rod (the device on her arm) she can channel this power into terrifying blasts and if she so chooses create a miniature sun that will drag her foes to a fiery grave.​

Unique Features/Abilities/Techniques:​
  • The Power of Yatagarasu, the Black Sun!: Once a simple Hell Crow Utsuho has devoured the body of Yatagarasu and gained the power of a god. With this power she can freely manipulate the power of nuclear fusion, an unlimited energy that can reach the hottest possible temperatures of the natural world, the Sun itself (This also allows the stars she creates to possess their own gravitational pull). Utilizing this power Utsuho can perform a number of techniques (beyond simply filling the sky with blazing projectiles) such as but not limited to;​
    • Firing a Laser from her control rod to blast her foe or create a blade of fiery energy.
    • Wreath herself in nuclear fire, although this technique requires precision which prevents Utsuho from using any other technique.
    • Creating miniature suns which either rapidly burn out or explode, sometimes they even have strong gravitational pulls that will drag her foe into them.
    • Simply make a massive explosion occur around herself.
  • Hell Crow Physiology: Utsuho is a hell crow from the Hell of Blazing Fires, meaning that she possess the ability to fly under her own power and is nigh immune to all but the most extreme of heat based attacks. Also she can transform to and from her Raven form and her primary food source is human corpses.
  • Birdbrain filled with Nuclear Physics: Utsuho isn't the most intelligent being out there and what is there is filled with knowledge of nuclear fusion. She can tell someone exactly how a nuclear reactor works and the scientific process behind it but she won't be able to figure out how a computer works.
Example of Utsuho fighting:

Nice to see the first complete character sheet for the game. Great work.

But could you please re-send via PM so we can discuss your character/world-building in private?
Okay with some modifications I can confirm that @Sinsystems will be taking a spot in the tournament. Her characters backstory has been modified a bit but the gist is the same.

I hope that this will be the first of many such interesting characters to join the fray.
you know, I'm actually having trouble finding characters I want to play as who are strong enough for this game.
you know, I'm actually having trouble finding characters I want to play as who are strong enough for this game.
The trick is finding someone who has a good specialty or some tricks that can even the odds. After all Roshi isn't all that strong and yet he participated in the tournament in canon and had a pretty good showing for it.
you know, I'm actually having trouble finding characters I want to play as who are strong enough for this game.

The thing to remember is that this is a fusion game and the universe being fused with is Dragon Ball. So think through that fusion and how it effects your chosen setting/character.

Take say Star Trek and replace the phasers with training in KI blasts, the Klingons with Saiyans and you get a ton of viable characters.

Ignore for a second inherent power levels and think what settings are you personally a fan of?
The trick is finding someone who has a good specialty or some tricks that can even the odds. After all Roshi isn't all that strong and yet he participated in the tournament in canon and had a pretty good showing for it.
Thing is maybe ten percent of the characters I like and would want to play can even reach World Champion, in ANY way...

That being said, I think I just thought of someone.
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The thing to remember is that this is a fusion game and the universe being fused with is Dragon Ball. So think through that fusion and how it effects your chosen setting/character.

Take say Star Trek and replace the phasers with training in KI blasts, the Klingons with Saiyans and you get a ton of viable characters.

Ignore for a second inherent power levels and think what settings are you personally a fan of?
well that opened up some options.

The problem is figuring out how to make that work for said settings in a way that doesn't feel innately wrong to do. Hmm... I'm going to have to look through things
Are characters restricted to non-DB characters influenced by a DB crossover or could we play something like Raditz who was abducted from the PTO and trained as a soldier for another faction?
I have a couple of questions.

-first, I admit I have trouble reconciling the option of having the possibility to pick up DBZ races combined with characters from another verse entirely. I mean, in some cases it's not too difficult, like androids or kaioshins, where I can think of a few that fit the bill, but what would, in your mind, be an appropriate saiyan or namekian, for instance?
-second, since this is a tournament, is there any reason to not aim toward the highest power level possible? Is it conceivable that a character at the level of "skilled combatant" wouldn't be eliminated instantly?
I have a couple of questions.

Always happy to answer questions.

-first, I admit I have trouble reconciling the option of having the possibility to pick up DBZ races combined with characters from another verse entirely. I mean, in some cases it's not too difficult, like androids or kaioshins, where I can think of a few that fit the bill, but what would, in your mind, be an appropriate saiyan or namekian, for instance?

Well for example say you wanted to do Code Geass retold using DB concepts. One way of handling such a crossover would be to have the Britannia Empire as a expansionist Saiayn race that didn't get recruited by the PTO. The Japanese characters would be humans whose world was subjugated by the Saiyan conquerors.

Replace giant robots with KI techniques, DB style martial arts and you have the potential for some fun characters. Saiyan Lelouch/Zero as a spectator/adviser to say Saiyan-Human hybrid Kallen and/or martial artist Suzaku springs to mind.

An example of a Namekian could be a Doctor Who Crossover. Say that the Namek's used the Dragon Balls to give themselves multiple lives, advnced their culture and technology to the highest levels and generally become the top race in the universe. Down the line one Namek bored with the stuffy and arrogant society of his people decided to steal a living ship and go off to explore the universe. Eventually said Namek became known as the Doctor.

Thats just an example.

-second, since this is a tournament, is there any reason to not aim toward the highest power level possible? Is it conceivable that a character at the level of "skilled combatant" wouldn't be eliminated instantly?

Well as I said you both have to justify your characters strength via circumstances and I do accept characters from anywhere on the spectrum. Having a way to rank power without the controversy of Power Levels was the intent.
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Universe 5 Contenders: Darla and Faith/Universe 6 Contender: Brainiac
Well so far we have @Sinsystems , @Dovahsith , @Insufficient Dakka confirmed and @Lazy Coyote (just waiting to confirm some worldbuilding details with them) not far behind and @CV12Hornet working on a promising submission.

I said before that I would put forward some characters to fill the ranks of the tournamant so without further ado here's two dangerous ladies from Universe 5

(Credit to RamArtwork on DeviantArt for the picture.)

Species: Arcosian

History: In the universe designated 5 the PTO rules a significant portion of inhabited space. At the very top of this pyramid of misery and exploitation the Arcosian's live in luxury and decadence there every whim supplied no matter how horrific. The cream of this foul crop is the Lady Darla, beautiful, deadly, cruel and wielding considerable power.

The beloved daughter of the nameless Master to whom all within the PTO answer Darla lost her fathers favor for a time when she took the non Arcosian Angelus as a lover/partner. Together they were the scourge of North Galaxy, tormenting, looting, destroying and with a passion and savagery that shocked even her kin.

After decades of depravity and bloodshed something happened, the now infamous Angelus disapeared and Darla returned to her fathers circle of trust. What happened to her lover is a secret Darla will not speak of to anyone and those who ask tend to come to very bad ends. Darla is the right hand of the Master and the public face of the PTO.

Personality: Cruel, manipulative and seductive these words describe Darla well. She enjoys decadence and luxury but is by no means soft. She values ability and skill highly. Practical and cunning Darla knows how to push an enemies buttons with words just as well as she knows how to break them with her fists. Darla is ultimately loyal to those she values (Angelus and The Master) but regards her own life and safety as paramount.

Power Rank: Galactic Icon

Unique Features/Abilities/Techniques: SPOILERS

(Credit to shonemitsu on DeviantArt for artwork.

Species: Saiyan

History: The PTO broke and slaughtered the Saiyans of Universe 5 long ago leaving the survivors scattered to the winds. Due to their tenacity and natural ability as fighters the last few Saiyans gained allies with resistance groups that opposed PTO rule.

Faith Lehane was born to one such bloodline. But she did not know her significance until late in her life. Raised by non Saiyans who feared the PTO's attention her tail was removed soon after birth and she was not told of her heritage. Eventually the truth came out and a teenage Faith was taken in by a anti-PTO group. She was trained in the art of combat and showed a natural flair for the role. Then it all went wrong.

Faith was introduced to a resistance cell that already had a Saiyan member, one Buffy Summers. Due to a number of factors Faith became disillusioned with the resistance's efforts and increasingly felt that her power as a Saiyan gave her the right to do as she wished without consequence. This culminated in Faith leaving the struggle against the PTO and taking work as a enforcer for a prominent crime lord. In this role Faith turned against her former allies, murdered the innocent and worked with the cruel.

Eventually the crime lord who she had come to see as a father figure was slain and Faith fell apart. Self destructing in a mix of grief, self loathing and resentment she attempted to goad a former ally into killing her. Instead her would be executioner gave her mercy and helped her work to atone for her actions.

Faith now acts as independent operator opposing evil and injustice where she sees it. The man who she tried to kill once and who in the end forgave her is her constant shadow, companion and guide.

Personality: Faith is complex. She once acted on impulse and desire but has come to dislike that aspect of herself even if she isn't wholly over it. She is quick to joke and flirt but rarely takes it further than that these days. She has deep seated issues about her self worth and a great deal of guilt about her past actions. She enjoys a good fight.

Power Rank: Galactic Icon

Unique Features/Abilities/Techniques: SPOILERS

Edit: Just editing this in since I don't want to double post, @Insufficient Dakka is confirmed a slot with Brainiac of Universe 6.
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