Vote tally - Monster Marriage Quest

Scheduled vote count started by Ghoul King on Aug 7, 2024 at 3:51 PM, finished with 22 posts and 8 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Ghoul King
Monster Marriage Quest
Post #1264
Post #1285


  • [x] politely seeking information
    [x] politely seeking information
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll take this cautiously, but be nice about it; have them drop their weapons and get the Gatekeeper to collect said weapons. Have the Gatekeeper discreetly (mentally) point to you who are the ones with Burner worms, and then have your forces back off a short distance, while still encircling the group. Then ask questions. Why are these Commoners willing to surrender? If you let them go, what will they do? What are their plans more generally, and what's the context you're missing?
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll ask questions at metaphorical swordpoint before even considering accepting their surrender. Petra already came worryingly close to killing you, and you're unconvinced of their honesty with all that the Common Lands have done to Caras' territory.
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]You'll accept their surrender, disarm them, have the Workers arrange to tie them up somehow, and move on; you can figure out what to do with this bunch later.
    [x] pointedly seeking information
    -[x]Try to kill most of the Burner Worms by having a Suncrawler attack them. Whatever happens would be informative, and you're okay with risking losing a Suncrawler to make sure you don't have these Burner Worms about.
    -[x]Have the Workers assemble something to contain a few of the Burner Worms, and see if you can bring them home with you later. Maybe direct Burner Worm access will make it easier to figure out a cure? Or maybe they'll burn your carriage down on the way home...
    -[x]You'll ask questions at metaphorical swordpoint before even considering accepting their surrender. Petra already came worryingly close to killing you, and you're unconvinced of their honesty with all that the Common Lands have done to Caras' territory.
    --[x] why are their people coming into dominator lands and selling bread infested with burner worm eggs?
    --[x] how should a big mess of burner worms be cleaned up?
    --[x] how many of them have burner worms inside them?
    --[x] do they know anything about lightning monsters that live in storms?
    -[x]You'll accept their surrender, disarm them, have the Workers arrange to tie them up somehow, and move on; you can figure out what to do with this bunch later.
    [x] pointedly seeking information