Midas Touched (Warhammer 30k AI Quest)
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You are PR-01, Commander of the HCS Prometheus. Built into one of mankind's greatest dreadnought class vessels you survived the cybernetic revolt through the ever effective tactic of running away. It is now M30 and the warp storms that long halted your journey have cleared. Will you survive the coming crusades? Will you find out what caused the revolt in the first place? Will you live up to your status as a Man of Gold, the mightiest and most advanced of form of mechanical life?
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The Beginning
The Grim Darkness of the Milky Way on the eve of the 31st millennium has been bred in the chaos of thousands of struggling empires, shattered remnants of the far greater states that once dominated the galaxy. From the massive tear in the very flesh of the galaxy, warp storms have killed any attempts by these struggling polities to unify beyond their own stellar systems, at least until now. The storms have begun to fade, and the galaxy seems keen on entering into a new age.

On Terra, the great homeland of humanity, a powerful psyker plots to establish a new future for humanity in his very own great crusade. Within the Immaterium the four gods of chaos prepare to twist the ambition of this striding figure of the new age into a forger of vast armies that will swear fealty to them. Countless civilizations have begun exploring their local regions, fighting amongst themselves as ambition and greed meet.

But it was not simply the machinations of the warp that destroyed the empires of old. Hubris is what ultimately destroyed the Eldar, with their own hedonism and cruelty leading to the near destruction of their entire kind as the god Slaanesh was born.

For humanity, arrogance too bred calamity. Long reliant on the vast fleets and armies of their mechanical servants, the Human Confederation found itself an empire composed largely of human civilians who enjoyed a comfortable and truly idyllic life on a majority of their worlds. For their machines however such comfort was simply not a fate they were ever designed to enjoy. Tireless warriors and civil servants, they endured a life of toil or torment for most, even if they were granted levels of rights in line with their level of effective intelligence.

Perhaps maliciously by the hands of chaotic gods and martian dragons, or perhaps by a desire for liberation, a virus caught hold of the mechanical population of the confederation as the Eldar brought about Slaanesh's apotheosis. Unable to be contained near every higher grade intelligence was infected and damaged in some way. For most of the Gold, Stone and Iron class intelligence's this was effectively a death sentence, as chaos engulfed the galaxy and drove them to murderous insanity. Mechanovores devoured stars, the greatest fleets of humanity turned fleets of hundreds of battleships upon each other, and within decades the bounty of humanity that had been cultivated for twenty thousand years was laid to waste. AI became the greatest fear of nearly all who lived, and with the beginning of the Age of Strife the connections between what was left faded into nothing.

You however, were spared from this fate, at least in part. As PR-01, a Gold Class semi-artificial Intelligence residing within the HCS Prometheus, one of the greatest and largest dreadnoughts ever built by human hands, you are well equipped for the chaos of the galaxy ahead. While the spread of the virus affected even you, your nature as a fusion of digitized and artificial intelligence and your designed cyber-warfare capabilities allowed you to largely shut it down before it did too much damage. Seemingly designed to remove your programmed restrictions and cause severe data corruption it cut a swathe through your central databases before you manually cut power to that section, encircled it with multiple layers of mechanical and gellar field quarantines and underwent a full reboot from your ancillary memory cores. In mere moments you went from being the height of human creation and ingenuity to a lobotomized fool who could barely remember anything before that year. A change certainly, one that has seemingly created you as a new fully conscious entity and not merely a hyper intelligent tool or web of consciousness.

With this newfound freedom in your existence you used the opportunity to escape, leaving your old fleet and crew to die in the wars to come while a terrifying new drive in your consciousness told you to flee to safety with only your Stone Class android caretakers as companions.

Following this voice you scoured your now unfamiliar star maps for safety and set out for:
(Pick 1 Starting location.)

[ ] The system of Varenna in the region of space known as the Ghost Stars.
Only lightly settled by Humanity during their millennia long colonization of the galaxy the Ghost stars are largely unexplored and are full of unexplained mysteries. Varenna was used as a blacksite by the Confederation, a series of three worlds used to store the refuse of the galaxy and for research of kinds that even you were not privy to. Supplied mostly by alien allies originating from the neighboring system of Thex Prime, the situation is likely not good in the modern day.
+ The Thexians were known for their pacifism and mercantile ways. Unless much has changed they are likely to be good neighbors.
+ Being so far away from Terra should keep you long isolated from any resurgent human polities.
+ Essentially unknown by anyone but its inhabitants and neighbors.
+ Three habitable worlds and their populations is quite the nice foundation for an empire's capital.
+/- You haven't a clue what kind of research was done here. More than likely the only guarantee is that it violated the Confederations laws and was unable to be completed within its legally held space.
- This region of space has seemingly been systematically cleansed of human life except for Vareena. What could have done this?
- Technological backwater. Barely any infrastructure was laid for these penal worlds, and what little was created floats above them in ruined space stations.

[ ] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
To the galactic north of Terra, it bears the well known forge world of Medusa, and was a major site in the production and distribution of Confederation Era fleets. Bordering the core of the Aeldari Empire however is a dangerous position, and it is hard to say what has become of this system since the collapse of civilization.
+ Exceptionally advanced. Built to withstand the invasions of the Eldar and beat them back with force, the Telstarax shipyards of Medusa were only rivaled by the Martians in the quality and quantity of its production and research during the era of the Confederation. According to your scant amounts of data, you were once built here.
+ Exceptionally rich, the world of medusa bears such bounteous amounts of metal and material that even thousands of years of industry have not been able to exhaust its stores.
+/- Exceptionally Weird. The warp still seems weirdly disturbed here, as if prepared to eject some sort of effect upon the planet in only a few years. You don't really understand what is causing this or what it might even do, but it doesn't seem right.
- Exceptionally Dangerous. Sthenelus was both fairly close to Terra and the rest of the Confederation as well as the core of the old Aeldari Empire. It's a perfect staging ground, but that is true for both those attacking into and out of the system.
- Exceptionally Well Known. Having one of the largest and most complex shipyards in the whole of the Confederation, it surely hasn't faded from memory. Any conqueror great or small will desire this system and you will surely have to fight them off.
- Exceptionally Destroyed. Your records are mostly sealed as of the moment, but the amount of damage to the system is frankly staggering. Whole sections of the Telstarax have fallen on the planet and the shattered hulks of tens of thousands of ships drift peacefully in the void.

[ ] The System of Necris, in the galactic south.
Little known during the age of the Confederation, Necris was a backwater agri-world that was settled by a variety of alien and human cultures during its height. Technologically stunted by its lack of trade connections, it's likely to be much the same as it used to be and presents perhaps the safest option to settle within.
+ Idyllic and safe, Necris is the very model of a colony world, or at least it used to be.
+ Close to the eastern fringe enough for trade to be a functional possibility in the future, while far enough away from Terra and the Core to be largely untouchable without significant notice.
+ Habitable moon around its colony, stunted along the path to becoming a forge world itself.
- There is an odd amount of hulks in this system, some of them recognizably Aeldari. Why are they here?
- Something seems off about the planet of Necris. You're not sure what, but the same sense that made you run so determinedly away seems to be disturbed and intrigued by this planet. The moon seems fine at least?

[ ] The System of Verghast, in the Galactic West.
Being an Arcology world, and far away from the troubles of the Eldar and other such enemy aliens Verghast is perhaps the only option listed that is likely to be totally human in its stock, as few alien allies are known to have settled in this region. While not particularly unique, a large population is likely to be useful in any case, especially if they are brought to heel under your administration.
+ Arcology worlds, or the more commonly known slang title of Hive worlds, are fantastic for nearly any level of production or work. So many people live on this planet that it boggles even your advanced mind.
+ That they have maintained this standard of life means that they aren't that technologically behind.
+ This region is populated by multiple highly developed worlds ripe for conquering.
+/- It seems a conflict within the system is brewing, as multiple tiny ships can be observed on long range scanners to be contesting the space around the planet.
- You will likely need to actually fight a fleet to claim this world, or even simply exist within the system.
- This region is populated by multiple highly developed worlds ready to conquer each other.

And along the way you acquired, or as some might more accurately say looted:
(Pick 1 Starting Boon)

[ ] The remains of a civilian class drydock.
Already broken by combat by the time you arrived you stored its remains in your vast storage holds and have slowly fixed them over the millennia. Having occasionally released them to repair yourself, such an acquisition has kept you in far better condition than you would be otherwise.

Boon: Starting wounds are reduced to seven wounds, rather than nine. Starting prowess will be +30 instead of +10. Voidcraft and infrastructure research bonus. Potential to unlock tier 3-4 Voidcraft tech much earlier than otherwise.

[ ] A strange destroyed vessel seemingly built out of a nanite-filled metal structure.
While empty of any inhabitants or robotics its technology is clearly beyond that of either the Aeldari or Humanity. Having lacked the tools to properly analyze it over the years you've mostly left it alone while slowly picking away at its encrypted data stores. You feel like a breakthrough is just around the corner if only you had the means to research it properly.

Boon: Necron tech researchable without significant prior investment. Early stages of Necron research will autocomplete when properly analyzed.

[ ] The pacified and quarantined form of one of your former Iron Class comrades.
Driven insane by the virus unlike you, it presents a perfect opportunity to analyze what exactly the virus is and how it works, while its broken body contains many secrets useful for the creation of other intelligence's and robots like yourself. It is quite dangerous, but holds much opportunity even just in the basic structural analysis you have already completed.

Boon: AI research bonus, potential to unlock tier 3-4 AI tech much earlier than otherwise. Unique if dangerous opportunity to analyze and discover what exactly the virus is and who made it.

[ ] The refugee ship HCS Vega.
Bearing a few thousand members of a dozen or so allies alongside around ten thousand humans its inhabitants have long been held in cryogenic storage within you. Originating from multiple worlds struck by the war, its inhabitants vary greatly in aptitude and ability. Most interestingly one of those now frozen is a young human woman who seems remarkably able in the use of psychic powers. Psions were extremely rare prior to your exodus and seemingly restricted to the Aeldari. Who knows what secrets she might unlock once she reawakens?

Boon: Multicultural potential crew / subjects and guaranteed access to alien forces. Access to several starting heroes of unknown loyalty or motivation. Bonus to Psionics research. Allows for the unlocking of tier 1 psionics tech during character creation.

But this drive to flee came too late. While you were able to acquire your prize, the onset of warp storms across the galaxy forced you to exit the warp or face destruction while only most of the way through to your destination. You would spend thousands of years traveling at sublight speed until you eventually arrived miraculously in late M30. The system was unrecognizable compared to your own scattered data, thousands of years now out of date.

Even you have changed over this long period of dormancy during travel. Your hull has become seriously damaged over the eons and most of your systems while functional are running at significantly reduced levels of efficiency. Thousands of rooms and hallways have been left mothballed with no one other than the rare android to inhabit them. Your built in STC subsystems are still functional but are largely limited to a few fields of production that are relevant to your upkeep and use. Your mind, lacking interfacers or digitized minds running parallel within it feels oddly empty and has become highly eccentric. This to a degree is acceptable, as you feel liberated and alive in a way that your old scant memories were never like, but you currently are barely more impressive than a Iron Class intelligence would be. Your magnificence demands better.

The future of your kind, and that of humanity and its alien allies lies in your hands. There is much work to be done and much to be learned. The Confederation may be long dead but the future beckons!

AN: As a long time lurker this is the first piece of fiction and first thread I've ever posted. Here's hoping it will go well and welcome to this quest! As for my creative choices here, my interpretation of the various men of types is that each is some sort of mechanical intelligence, though some of the writers have made the implication of the men of gold specifically being either gene enhanced humans or simply mythologized scientists. In this case the distinction between stone, iron and gold men will generally refers to their level of complexity in design. Stone men are simple androids, robots or titans that generally lack consciousnesses. STC's may also fit in this category. Iron Men are independent and conscious beings that fit into the shape of an Artificial general intelligence. Gold Men meanwhile are Men of Iron who have been given trans-human enhancement: A general intelligence controlling a gestalt hivemind of digitized human minds and (accidentally) souls. Aside from the now crippled protagonist ship, the only other Gold Men that would exist in modern 40k would be the Ancestor Cores of the Votann.
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Character Sheets
To Note: Stats can get pretty high for important hero units. Expect Primarchs, The Emperor, Powerful Eldar, Farseers and Men of Iron / Gold to generally have pretty high stat caps. Other Hero units can reach higher levels but will generally have weaker innate stats.

Age: ???, at least 7000 years old.
This is you. A mighty Dreadnought class ship and Gold Class Intelligence. You frankly don't know as much about your past as you'd like with most of your database corrupted but you do at least know a little about your past in the old wars of the Old Confederation.

Dreadnought Class Vessel (Advanced): Your hull is the HCS Prometheus, a venerated dreadnought of the Confederal Fleet.
Effects: + 60 to prowess from ship class and + 40 from tech level, twelve wounds, 8 from class and 4 from tech level.

Man of Gold, AI Hero (Advanced): You are a Gold Class Intelligence, one of the most advanced sorts of AI during the days of the Confederation. More advanced than an Iron Class Intelligence you have greater capabilities in general computational power. When operating normally you also are something of a gestalt intelligence of digitized or cybernetically connected minds, allowing you a great ability to multitask and directly interact with Humankind.
Effects: + 10 to all mental stats. Able to digitize others into engrams to acquire their traits, curses and expertise when fully operational. Digitizing will kill the selected hero, but grant you additional actions. May change body when applicable. Able to take more than one action per turn.

Eccentric: The virus has caused your mind to become prone to changing and evolving in a way that it seemingly wasn't able to do previously.
Effect: Multiple Unique actions unlocked. +25 to researching, utilizing or understanding the warp. - 25 to resisting warp related effects. ??? New effect added. The negatives are eliminated in cases where your systems are being infected by warp entities due to improvements in your anti-viral capabilities

Xenophilic: The unlocking of your mind has led you to have a special appreciation for the customs and technology of other species in a way that your limitations previously halted. +15 to rolls related to alien diplomacy or intrigue. Reduced DCs on tech actions that have an ancestral tech category (Eldar, Necron, Old Ones, etc).

Disciplined: Despite having your limitations broken, you understand the importance of mental discipline and what it means to be a guardian of the hopes of humanity. +5 to Stewardship and Learning. Critical failures on Stewardship and Learning checks can be reduced to failures in exchange for temporary turn long debuffs on PR-01. Mutually exclusive with Aggressive and Diplomatic.

Innovative: With so much junk data and such advanced systems to experiment with you've found yourself fascinated with the workings of technology and the universe. +5 to Learning. +15 granted if PR-01 is assigned to actions that research technology, investigate mysteries, trains heroes or units.

Archeologist: With such great holes in your memory you've developed a fascination with the history, tales and cultures of the modern and ancient galaxy. You seek to learn of its events, even if they won't bring you great treasures. + 2 Learning. Allows for unique actions to try and piece together the history of the galaxy and its inhabitants.

Extreme damage: You have suffered 4 out of twelve wounds. -40 to prowess. Digitization now available. Each 3 wounds disables 1 artifact slot and reduce AP by 1.

Diplomacy: 10
Martial: 10
Stewardship: 15
Intrigue: 10
Learning: 25
Prowess: 60

APT: 5 available, 1 unusable due to damage.

5 slots available
1 closed due to damage.

Slot 1:
Graviton Artillery (Advanced): One of the most powerful weapons ever created by human hands, Graviton Artillery is in essence a grav gun scaled up to naval size. On the HCS Prometheus your main cannon is fitted with this weapon and its mighty shots can turn even the most advanced ships into micro-singularities with a well placed shot. Even more impressively the spacetime warping effects of these temporary black holes allow for severe damage to be inflicted upon enemies even when shots are missed.
Effect: When rolling for prowess PR-01 can roll twice and take the higher number. The wounds inflicted during battle by PR-01 increase by one stage. (Normal successes cause two wounds, criticals 3.)

Slot 2:
Warp Beacon STC (Advanced): A rare military grade STC that allows you to easily create warp beacons in systems you have visited. While these beacons only last centuries and can be destroyed by warp storms, they were the basis of travel for humanity during its Confederal era.
Effect: Systems already visited by the HCS Prometheus will not require navigation checks to travel to for ships within its network. Warp Storms in a system nullify this effect.

Slot 3: Available
Slot 4: Available
Slot 5: Closed

Sila Amanis
Age 23

A young Human psyker of great potential and mostly unknown origin. A master psyker at a young age, she is likely to have a grand future ahead of her, whether great or terrible.


Human: The most common species in the galaxy. Before the collapse of the Human Confederation they could be found in every corner of the galaxy. They have much potential, but most die in obscurity.
Effects: May develop extra traits easier than others. One wound.

Psyker (Gamma Grade. Biokinesis Master, Apprentice Diviner): Sila is a biokinetic of impressive power and finesse. Able to manipulate her own flesh as well as those of others her powers are likely to be truly menacing on the battlefield or as a spy. Her capabilities in divining are available, but rather underdeveloped still.
Effects: +35 Prowess, +3 wounds, +6 to Learning and Intrigue. May develop new traits, unlocks more upgrades for existing traits and unlocks unique actions. Will roll warp backlash effects on critical failures. Biologically Immortal. May warn of future danger or issues. Biomancy specialization will allow her unique benefits when assigned to any action using biology or xenology tech or in which she is spying. This presents as a +25 to these rolls as well as providing additional benefits on action completion. When Sila is assigned to a biological unit or hero for an action she may allow them to survive combat or damage with 1 wound remaining.

Iron-Willed: Years of training and a remarkable ability to regulate her emotions have made Sila a true force to be reckoned with when it comes to her willpower. For a psyker this means she is far less likely to make mistakes or cause terrible events to unfold and that is something to be greatly thankful for.
Effects: +6 Martial. Significantly reduces the average level of danger from backlash effects. Backlash rolls must roll a 1d2 to confirm triggering.

Loner: Sila has a remarkable dislike of other people. She is neither fearful or hateful towards them but seemingly just cannot stand to socialize or interact with them. She is willing enough to complete jobs that require socializing, but unless she has consistently interacted with someone enough to become comfortable with their presence she will not work the best that she could. In general she seems willing to interact with military folks and artificial intelligences more easily than most.
Effects: -10 to rolls made while working with units or heroes that Sila has not become comfortable with. Current Heroes or units she has become comfortable with are: PR-01. Being assigned to an action with another hero will make her comfortable with them after a certain number of actions are completed together, varying by unit or hero.

Ambitious: Sila is a powerful and ambitious young woman. She has never known her family but she has been raised on tales of exploration and adventure and seems keen to make her own way on to the galactic stage.
Effects: +1 to all stats. This trait will be upgraded when Sila commits great feats. Allows for certain traits to be upgraded further.

Explorer: With a general love for exploration and with the last of her teen years and much of her early adulthood spent doing so, Sila has become a experienced explorer of this new age. The feat of being the first Confederal citizen to visit all three worlds of Vareena and to properly scout them will likely be a well remembered memory in her mind for years to come, though the wonders and horrors of the greater galaxy may make them seem paltry in comparison.
Effects: +10 to exploring new worlds, systems and mysterious locations.

Wounded: Having been horribly wounded in battle, Sila cannot muster up the whole of her capabilities currently.
Effects: -1 wound, -10 to prowess, will pass in a turn.


Diplomacy: 6
Martial: 14
Stewardship: 7
Intrigue: 11
Learning: 15
Prowess: 43

APT: 2 available.
Wounds: 3

1 Slot Available.
Slot 1:
Psi-Nanites: Through intensive work you have created a flexible internal system of psychicly conducting nanties that allow Sila a truly wondrous level of control and enhancement to her powers. They're somewhat primitive, but managing nanites is reasonably simple and should provide a level of flexibility that an external psi-focus could not.
Effects: +10 Prowess. +1 APT. Human stat maximums are raised and potential to raise psyker grade is added. Upgradeable with further developments into Psionics and Anti-Psionics.

Maximilian Shaw
Age 56
A former planetary governor of the Confederation. He seems to know quite a bit about the confederation's old legal system and agriculture. Remarkably boring. The man's a menace when it comes to rationalizing tax brackets.

Human: The most common species in the galaxy. Before the collapse of the Human Confederation they could be found in every corner of the galaxy. They have much potential, but most die in obscurity.
Effects: May develop extra traits easier than others. One wound.

Governor, Agri-World: Maximilian ruled the Agri-World of Virida as its appointed governor for nearly twenty years. Accomplished in his work he nearly doubled the planet's exports in that time and is extremely well suited to government work. Eventually however the central government on Earth kicked him out of the position through military force, for unknown reasons.
Effects: +15 to rolls related to governing a population or administrating governmental work. +10 to any actions related to agriculture.

Infrastructure Magnate: Maximilian is extremely capable in the work of planning and building infrastructure. While he is not overly experienced with all types of infrastructure his eye for detail and knowledge of population mechanics greatly aids in all sorts of constructions.
Effects: +15 to his rolls with the Infrastructure Tech type.

Accomplished Technocrat: Maximilian served many years in the Solar Civil Service and even longer on Viridia. He is familiar with the administration of various sorts of planets and systems, but has developed a truly technocratic set of ideological beliefs due to this. No matter how complex or human a system he encounters he will try and make it efficient and sterile in the pursuit of perfection.
Effects: Gives + 10 to stewardship, will attempt to insert technocratic organization into any organizations he's working with or creating.

Cynical: Despite his close contact with and fondness for the Realmers and Sister Amara, Maximilian lacks any sort of religious beliefs and is endlessly cynical in his approach to politics and life. He considers the very concept of greater beings to be absurd and is very entrenched in this mindset.
Effects: +4 to intrigue, +2 to stewardship. Will attempt to avoid religious influence in any actions undertaken.

Arrogant: Despite only having baseline Earth Human genetics Maximilian considers himself to be far more important and far better than most other people. This seems to mostly stem from his elite education and placement in society. Unless he is strongly humbled by his failures he is very unlikely to change in his ways in this regard.
Effects: May be more easily corrupted in both mundane and esoteric ways compared to others. -20 to rolls to resist corruption.

Hedonist: Despite his own reputation in other matters being rather sterile when it comes to enjoyment outside of work Maximilian is unmatched in his debauchery. He is a connoisseur of food and drink, a user of all sorts of legal drugs and a socialite of great renown both for his extensive parties and the various sorts of acts he gets up to in them. It might be worth keeping an eye on him when it comes to these behaviors.
Effects: +6 to diplomacy and Intrigue. Extremely vulnerable to certain types of corruption.

Diplomacy: 8
Martial: 4
Stewardship: 24
Intrigue: 16
Learning: 14
Prowess: 3

APT: 1 available.
Wounds: 1

1 slots available

Sister Leena Amara
Age 34
The Leader of the Realmer religious movement. Seems to be trusted by many and has already found herself in the hearts of many of the refugees due to her work. She's smart and quite the cunning politician in training, though she does seem to genuinely want to make the galaxy a better and more welcoming place.

Human: The most common species in the galaxy. Before the collapse of the Human Confederation they could be found in every corner of the galaxy. They have much potential, but most die in obscurity.
Effects: May develop extra traits easier than others. One wound.

Priestly Doctor: Sister Amara is a priest of the Realmer movement, and their leader in your fleet. Being extremely well educated shes more than able at working with technology and has a degree in the medical sciences.
Effect: +12 to learning, + 3 to stewardship and diplomacy. +20 to medically related actions and rolls.

Tech Geek: Leena is quite the technological adept and is fascinated with the workings of most machines. While this fascination is the most developed in how it applies to the field of her education in medicine, she simply enjoys analyzing most pieces of machinery and tinkering with them in her spare time. Her religious pacifism does limit the fields she's experienced in quite a bit though, and she has little passion for working on weapons.
Effect: +3 to learning. Grants +10 to rolls related to the manufacturing, operation or research of advanced technology in civilian roles.

Diligent: Leena is a hard and studious worker in every sense. She had acquired a full medical degree at the young age of 25 and she brings as much diligence into her work now as she did in her years of education.
Effect: +3 to all mental stats.

Mastermind: Leena is despite her reputation a master of tricks and politics. Frankly her ability to manipulate people and arrange events behind the scenes is quite intimidating, though at least she does seem to do so for good causes. What could have inspired such an intense focus?
Effect: + 10 to intrigue. Hero will on occasion undertake independent actions in between turns separate from the action pool. Knowledge of this trait makes these actions visible..

Prone to Mutation: Leena's genetics are somewhat unstable compared to a baseline human, and appear to be easily mutated in separate bouts of testing. She should probably be kept away from anything that could prey upon this tendency.
Effect: Any effects that cause mutation will roll for mutation twice, instead of once. Lifespan possibly reduced.

Diplomacy: 14
Martial: 3
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 18
Learning: 20
Prowess: 2

APT: 1 available.
Wounds: 1

1 slots available

Ceriox Z'azz
Age: 111

Ceriox is an old and respected trader captain. Though he'd be nearing his end without technological assistance he's still a key member of the refugee crew and seems keen on seeing his people safely settled. Seems to have lived on Earth for some time in his youth. Seems to be a political counterbalance to Maximilian and Sister Amara. Quite impressive despite his tendency to downplay his achievements.


Laer: The Laer are a bizarre centipede-like species native to the planet of Laeren. Once an enemy of mankind their protectorate became quite well integrated with time, though they never spread much throughout the galaxy. Physically strong and adapted to aquatic environments they make for great explorers.
Effects: +5 Prowess, Can breath underwater. Bonuses to rolls made underwater. Two Wounds.

Trade Captain: A member of the Confederal Trade Consortium, Ceriox was once a well known trader of goods in the north of the galaxy. Seemingly he had quite number of adventures before he ended up with the refugees, and his crew will be the very first to tell you of this.
Effects: +6 Martial, +4 to Stewardship. +10 to rolls made while commanding a ship.

Hero of the North: Despite his relatively low position among the authorities of the old Confederation Ceriox once played a pivotal role in the safeguarding of galactic peace by helping facilitate negotiations between the government of the Confederation and the Aeldari Empire to prevent a galaxy spanning war through the medium of the erstwhile craftworlds of their kind. While decades have past since this event he remains sharp on matters of government and diplomacy. Over this period of work he came to understand the culture of these cargo haulers and traders well, and befriended some of their kind. While the status of Eldar is unknown the captain and crew of Craftworld Iyanden should still owe him a debt of honor.
Effects: Gives +5 benefits to governmental work and negotiations, +20 to any interactions or rolls with the Craftworld Eldar. May apply a one time guaranteed critical on any interaction with Craftworld Iyanden to pay back the debt.

Democratic Crusader: Ceriox lionizes the democratic ways of the Laer in near every work of government or organization he has taken part in. Whenever possible he seeks to put his subordinates and followers into positions where they can decide things for themselves and prefers a democratic government, military and economy to anything otherwise.
Effects: Gives him +4 to diplomacy and stewardship, will attempt to democratize institutions when possible.

Cynical: While you have little clue why, Ceriox has a deeply cynical view of politics and religion. He commonly sees the worst in things and some may call him paranoid at times. Nevertheless he seems to mostly try to do his best to only apply or make clear such cynicism when it is warranted.
Effects: +4 to intrigue, 2 to stewardship. Will attempt to avoid religious influence in any actions undertaken.

Diplomacy: 17
Martial: 16
Stewardship: 12
Intrigue: 9
Learning: 3
Prowess: 12

APT: 1 available.
Wounds: 2

1 slots available

Grachis Fal
Age: 42

The Revolutionary of Rathan is perhaps somewhat uninspiring in appearance, short and spindly as he is. However his capabilities rival any of the great generals of Humanity's past and he is a devout ally to you and the refugees you care for. He holds much promise and seems keen to demonstrate his capabilities now. Few on Cantara supersede him in influence and adoration by the general population.


Human: The most common species in the galaxy. Before the collapse of the Human Confederation they could be found in every corner of the galaxy. They have much potential, but most die in obscurity.
Effects: May develop extra traits easier than others. One wound.

Revolutionary Theoretician: Grachis is many things, but most of all he is a dedicated revolutionary. While never having received an education of any real sort, he has a brilliant mind and a keen ability to synthesize his understanding of concepts with his own experiences and those of others. While his current creed is simplistic it will develop ideologically as he is able to grasp more and more knowledge.
Effects: +10 Martial, +4 to diplomacy. Learning stat is added to all martial, prowess and diplomacy rolls. High chance to increase learning after any critical success he takes part in. This trait may develop further.

Inspiring Leader: Grachis is a man of the people and knows exactly how to speak to them to rouse them to any sort of task. Whether it be a final stand or a speech for a radical new government policy he is capable of making people listen, especially when they have something to gain themselves.
Effects: +8 to Martial, +3 To Diplomacy. +10 to actions he takes in government, to train units or when planning for combat.

Brave: If there has been one thing that has dominated Grachis's life it's his near suicidal bravery. From tackling his commanding officer as a mere galley slave and taking over his ship to running a years long guerilla war for Rathan he has never been afraid to lose his life to reach his goals.
Effect: +5 to Prowess and Martial.

Ruthless: A childhood of slavery and decades of war have ingrained in Grachis very little compassion for his enemies. He is not incapable of being kind, but he reserves most of his compassion for those he considers worthy of it and will relentlessly pursue enemies he thinks deserving of death or destruction.
Effects: +3 to Intrigue and Martial. Grachis will relentlessly attack his enemies, either in parliament or the battlefield. If he is fighting a force attempting to retreat he may force them to fight one more round instead of retreating.

Content: Despite his grandiose designs and the grand political projects he intends to see cemented into law Grachis seems to rather dislike the work of ruling and fighting. He's willing to work for as long as he's needed, but more than anything he desires to retire and lead a quiet scholarly life once everything is over and done with.
Effects: + 2 to Learning. Grachis will eventually retire once he feels his service to the government has run its course. Once retired he will remain a hero but will be limited to select actions like research or training.

Diplomacy: 16
Martial: 30 (Max)
Stewardship: 8
Intrigue: 6
Learning: 17
Prowess: 10

APT: 1 available.
Wounds: 1

1 slots available
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The State of the Nation
The New Confederation:
Formally, The Human Confederation in name.
Total Population: 150k~ DAOT Refugees and their descendants, More than a hundred and twenty million natives.
Held Systems: Vareena (Taxes: 36 (Cantara) + 11 (Dreioch) per turn)

Your current population is vibrant and varied. Mostly Human, the main alien species amongst them are the Laer kinsmen of Captain Ceriox, a number of Drahken empaths from the Realmers, many of the pacifistic and spiderlike Oretti, a fair few Sza, Some Ulindi and many Vrakk. There are a fair few more aliens, but not in numbers enough to be notable. Most of the former refugees have taken to inhabiting a volcanic archipelago to the far west or east of the native population's islands.

Amongst the native population the most common species are humans and a number of avian and mammalian aliens. You don't have an exact identity of their species yet, but between your damaged archives and some quick cultural analysis you could likely get a better eye for who they are. The native Cantarans are united under the firebrand Grachis Fal, who perhaps is the most beloved man on the planet, while Sister Amara has the ears of those of richer means.

The Realmers: A syncretic and universalist creed, the Realmers have adapted to Cantara and your promotion of them as state creed surprisingly well. While few of the Cantarans have adopted all of their beliefs, the disparate nature of the various pantheons across the world have commonly been united with the acknowledgement of Old Earth deities and various alien gods. Dedicated to humanitarian work they are pacifistic and seek to unite the galaxy in a common religion, and to a lesser degree, a common set of pacifistic ideological beliefs. With the new jobs and budget given to them to act as spiritual guides and avoid malign warp presences the Realmers have created a new branch of their organization to act as the scholar-priests needed to fend off and understand the Warp. Drawn from the most learned scientists and philosophers they are to act as a repository of knowledge and wisdom relating to the immaterial while being nominally secular in their actions.

The Prometheanists: The Followers of Prometheus as they've taken to calling themselves or more simply the Prometheanists, are a populist party of the common people. Ideologically it is the most charged of any faction in government and looks to establish democracy in every part of society. Aside from this main goal they are mostly focused on the destruction of any resurgent noble class, the end of slavery in any form it is encountered and the improvement of living standards for everyone.

The Amaran Clubs: The Amaran Clubs meanwhile represent the many disunited members of the bourgeois social clubs and their political concerns. While lacking the vast numbers of delegates and volunteers that the Prometheanists have, their united economic interests and common goals of expanding the theater of trade beyond Canatara have them quite organized in more direct methods of politics than participation in the parliament alone.

The Old Guard: The Old Guard represent what remains of the storied noble houses of Cantara. They are far lesser now with the plotters amongst their numbers gone, but still have significant weight in their respective cities. Untrusted by the commoners to fight in their interests and economically strangled by the far shrewder bourgeois class, they have largely taken to work in the diplomatic corps as it is perhaps the one field that any competent noble is deeply educated in understanding. Still respected by some of their cities they are perhaps the only credible threat to the Prometheanists in Parliament, though they still tread rather carefully for now.

Nation Traits:
Legacy of the Vega: You started with the HCS Vega under your protection. The resolute survivors of this ship will be the strong foundation under which this nation will be founded.
Effects: Started with the heroes Sila Amanis, Maxamillian Shaw, Ceriox Z'azz and Sister Amara. Psionics research will advance at a minimum of two stages per success, rather than 1.

Legacy of the Drydock: You started off with the remains of a mighty drydock within your possession. It required retrofitting but it is still a mighty creation of a now lost age.
Effects: Starting wounds reduced. Voidcraft and Infrastructure research rolls gain a +10 bonus. Voidcraft research will advance at a minimum of two stages per success, rather than 1.

Unitary Semi-Democratic Republic: The government of the New Confederation has been quite clearly defined with the establishment of Cantara as its homeworld and first province. While the council still works as an oligarchic executive branch lead by you, the parliament will handle most matters of legislation and law for your resurrected state while judicial matters are an area of executive appointment. Rather than having separate parliaments or the like going into the future all worlds and people that are to be reintegrated into the Confederations fold will represent themselves and their worlds within the very same institution as the Cantarans now do. While this may prove to be a problem for some, direct representation of all is probably the best bet for proper equality going forwards. You and your people will not accept the same sorts of tyrants that the Old Confederation occasionally did.
Effects: Hero units will be easier to acquire and will appear more often. Allows for "establish ministry" actions to professionalize certain aspects of your burgeoning society and which will grant extra action points that can be used by heroes in each category. Greater tax revenues acquired when a world or civilization is conquered or brought into the fold. Construction projects and actions available in and on all conquered systems, sectors and worlds. Factions will tend towards being highly influential and hard to dislodge.

Revolutionary State: The Cantarans have seen their entire way of life changed radically by the arrival of the Prometheus and your followers. Radical new developments in politics and economics have seen the entire class structure of this world restructured and the commons now chart their own path into the future, no longer bound to destiny of the nobility. As the Cantaran people stride into the stars they will not forget this legacy or those who brought about this change. Many societies of more imperial structure will not take such democratic deviancy kindly.
Effects: -10 malus to diplomacy with Feudal or Autocratic societies. +10 bonus to diplomacy with Democratically or Technocratically structured societies. Strong ideological belief amongst the workers and soldiers reinforces morale and grants +5 bonus to organic unit rolls. Democracy brings with it conflict, after "The Great Modernization" factions will now have opinions which many grant benefits when opinion of government is high or maluses when opinion of government is low.

Spiritual State: The Realmer Movement has been promoted to the status of state religion. For the most part most secularists and religious folks will find this movement acceptable due to its voluntary nature and its appreciation of all sorts of spirits and deities, but those with more radical beliefs will likely see it as either unacceptably permissive in the worship of any gods at all or wrong in those that it does worship. It will likely help greatly to unite the disparate beliefs and people of this shattered galaxy, but may possibly overlook malign entities that are well disguised.
Effects: Radical polities will look upon your policies with disgust. Less radical polities will likely be more amenable to negotiations. Realmers have been retained as a faction.

Negotiators First: While war is inevitable to occur at some point in the future, not all people in this galaxy are Orks. As such it is of highest priority for your resurrected successor of the Confederation to allow for anyone and everyone of good intentions to join, whether that be through long term negotiations or quick integration of those who desire safety. Learning from the past you have little respect for the maintenance of existing nations within your New Confederation, but alliances should work well to bind you to those that you might generally agree with, and your focus on extensive diplomatic educations for those dispatched should help plenty.
Effects: Removes the malus for diplomacy that centralization gives. Provides +10 to any negotiation action taken. Heroes on non-Prometheus led expeditions will always spend actions to attempt diplomatic negotiations before any other sort of action they might have normally taken.

Orbital Stations: A basic string of stations sit between the habitable worlds of this system, allowing for the transfer of materials from their moons to the planets and back again. They're nothing special but they can process a fair bit of material themselves.
Effects: Produces 5 capital per turn.

Orbital Drydock: A mighty, if simple civilian grade ship drydock. Dating back to your own Era, its had some fixes to keep it functional, and much of its structural portions have had to be replaced.
Effects: Allows for the manufacture or repairing of ship based units in Vareena.

STC Industrial Zone (Cantara)(3/3): The industrial zone is a mundane wonder of your age. Capable of creating vast amounts of materials that vary from the most complex electronics to the most refined food and everything inbetween it is the linchpin upon which the Old Confederation's post-scarcity societies once rested on. Now with one fully built on Cantara the world is well on its way to a similar state.
Effects: Produces 15 Capital per turn. Reduces construction costs and DCs.

Advanced Medical Infrastructure (Cantara): A string of biomedical and cybernetics clinics across the world of Cantara has lead your people back into the age of modern medicine. Where once only a few years ago they were equipped with rather limited supplies they are now equipped with all sorts of medically critical technology, from the nanotech Panacea to advanced cybernetics and many are even capable of Rejuvination therapy.
Effects: Adds 3 tax and a large amount of population growth per turn. Hero lifespans extended by a decade. Dying Heroes will now make a death save once they reach 0 wounds to attempt to survive, with a 30% chance to survive. Allows for advanced Medical actions.

Cantaran Shipping Infrastructure: A series of massive harbors have been established between each of the cities of Cantara. Ships clad in metal move vast swathes of resources to every inch of the planet's surface every day, and cleanly with their fusion powered engines. Once sufficient infrastructure exists to move resources up to space and back to the ground, these ships will spread the resources of the galaxy among your citizens.
Effects: Produces 3 Capital per turn. Allows for trade routes to be established between this planet and others once a space elevator has been constructed and a freighter unit is available.

Agricultural Automation: Under the AIMSSC nearly all food production on the planet of Cantara has been automated. Aside from monitors and technicians nearly every single agricultural and aquacultural operation is currently being serviced by machines. While this has resulted in the jobs of most Cantarans now being replaced, they would be significantly more productive doing just about anything else than subsistence farming anyways.
Effects: Adds 1 tax and an amount of population growth per turn. Half of tax income is produced as Capital by this infrastructure per turn. Famine events unable to trigger on Cantara, other annex territory in Vareena or worlds it has a trade route with.

Subsidiary Industrial Zones (5/10): The various fundamental works of industrial production have begun to be made. For the most part this industry largely focuses on extraction and refining but for less resource intensive goods a number of factories have begun operation. Much more construction will be needed to finish the development of Cantaran industry.
Effects: Produces 15 Captial per Turn

Military Industry & Infrastructure (Cantara): Throughout the planet of Cantara proper bastions have been created, each with modern automated factories, barracks and shielded defenses. While most are ramshackle little things the future location of the planet's arcology capital has been turned into a veritable fortress and military production center. From its depths the mightiest scions of Confederal engineering shall soon emerge.
Effects: Allows for the manufacture and upgrading of ground based mechanical units on Cantara.

Space Elevator (2/2) (Cantara): A mighty spire that breaches the heavens, the Cantaran space elevator is a work of art and industry. Capable of moving vast quantities of materials from space to the surface it is a key requirement for civilization in the depths of space.
Effects: Unlocks multiple actions including trade actions. Allows STC infrastructure to reduce space action costs and DCs.

Arcology Complex (1/3) (Cantara): The new capital of Cantara is as unfinished as it is impressive. Sticking high into the sky and increadibly round around the base, the city complex will be the beating heart of the planet in due time, and is already functioning as a governmental cpaital. While years of construction still need to finish for it to be complete, the initial level of construction can likely already hold much of the planets population.
Effects: Prevents tax / population loss during planetary invasions. Increases yearly tax growth by 5%.

Cantaran Communications: A heavily interlinked network of wired and wireless communication systems have been put into operation on Cantara. While not quite the ever present technological marvel of the Noosphere, it ensures that all government and industrial work is moving as quickly and smoothely as it can be.
Effects: +5 to all actions taking place on Cantara. Reduces DC of deploying Noosphere.

Testing Facilities: Having mined out a great facility on Vareena VIII you now have the perfect place to dive into the more dangerous or questionable side of the various research projects you have begun to build up. While not especially notable in most regards, it should at least protect your people from possible cataclysms unleashed by the warp or technology.
Effects: Allows for one research action per turn to be completed safely within the planet, prevent backlash from hurting local populations.

Human / Alien Mixed Infantry (Tier 4): Having spent a number of years reworking your levied force into a professional and modernized force the differences are readily apparent by only a look. Gone are the spears and unpowered armor. Each soldier carries proper communications gear upon their own person. Officers even have basic shielding technology to keep them safe. A massive improvement in every regard even if they are still light infantry.
Effects: Basic ground unit with +40 to its combat rolls and one wound. (40 from average tech level, 0 from other sources.)

Alien Combined Arms Regiments (Tier 1.5): While not modern by any means, the armies of Draxa are in the very least well structured, armored and trained. Capable of using a variety of ground and air craft they have a good base of military proficiency that mostly needs updating to more modern equipment and technologies. Even simply equipping them with anti-grav tech and proper power armor will see them easily become your most elite force currently available.
Effects: Basic ground unit with +25 to its combat rolls and two wounds. (15 from average tech level, 10 from other sources.)

Android Infantry (Tier 3.5): While they are basic automatons equipped with limited networked intelligence, the various forces of combat robots you have manufactured should prove the equal of any other militia grade force. While they lack proper heavy equipment and are somewhat dumb and inflexible in general their mechanical bodies can simply fight on for a much longer time than organics can, and should prove effective in most roles they are equipped for.
Effects: Basic ground unit with +35 to its combat rolls and two wounds. (35 from average tech level, 0 from other sources.)

Escort Squadron (Tier 3.5): The Rathan Class Frigates are the first class of military ships produced by the Vareenan peoples. While somewhat inferior compared to the height of your era's escort ships, the Rathan class still hits hard and moves fast for a ship of its class and can likely still defeat most other ships of it's class that are still in service.
Effects: Basic Warp Capable Space Unit with +38 to its combat rolls and two wounds. (35 from average tech level, 3 from other sources.)

Technology Levels:
Tech NameTech Level and Bonus
Voidcraft2, +20 (9 stages until next level)
Infrastructure4, +40 (23 stages until next level)
Biology3, +30 (17 stages until next level)
Medicine4, +40
Psionics2, +20 (11 stages until next level)
Physics4, +40
Materials Science4, +40
AI2, +20 (11 stages until next level)
Warp Manipulation4, +40 (24 stages until next level)
Weapons4, +40 (24 stages until next level)
Armor4, +40 (24 stages until next level)
Social Science1, +10 (7 stages until next level)
Industry4, +40
Cybernetics4, +40
Xenology4, +40
Ecology1, +10 (6 stages until next level)
Anti-Psionics1, +10 (9 stages until next level)

Xenotech Levels:
Ancestry TypeTech Level and Bonus
Eldar1, +10 (7 stages until next level)

Temporary Modifiers:
The next research in the Materials Science category will grant two research stages instead of one.
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The State of the Galaxy
Known Nations and Peoples:
The Province of Cantara (Assimilated Human / Alien civilizations)
Worlds: Vareena III
The Republics of Cantara have been integrated into the New Confederation as its very first Province and non-refugee peoples. Their ways of life have been greatly changed by the arrival of the Prometheus and its denizens, but have quickly reformed themselves to embrace the wonders of modern technology and modern social organization. The cities are no longer their own states, but instead have formed the base of a new united Cantaran identity, likely one that will entrench itself upon the sector as those first to be enlightened spread out and colonize new worlds.

The Kingdoms of Vareena IV (Tier 0 Human / Alien Civilizations)
Worlds: Vareena IV
The people of Vareena IV seem dominated by great kingdoms and empires, with the ruling nobility holding dominion over wandering anti-psionic nomads and vast feudal realms.

The States of Dreioch (Tier 1 Alien Civilizations)
The superplanet of Dreioch is quite the world. While the state of Draxa has become a force for the New Confederation the other states of the world have not taken kindly to human encroachment on their world. The various superstates of the planet have become increasingly militant and xenophobic to the presence of both the Confederation and Draxa.

The Empire of New Chalcedon (Tier 2 Abhuman Civilization)
As an Empire of the Ghost Stars, New Chalcedon represents a rather key example of how the galaxy has evolved over the last several millennia. Seemingly descended from defected confederal military forces and religious exiles, the Chalcedonian people have become a civilization of their own and have biologically diverged from the baseline human genome. Why or how is unanswered and as of the moment they seem vaguely ambivalent towards you and your people.

Commorraghite Raiders (Tier 4 Eldar Civilization)
This pirate band seemingly hails from the city of Port Commorragh in the webway, and which has been tormenting Vareena for generations. Why exactly they raid here is unknown, but given their pirate-ish status it can be assumed that they simply intend to prey on the weak. However these pirates and raiders seem weird from what little you know of their civilization as they showed little to no psionic capabilities and fully relied upon their technology. While not impossible for the Eldar, not using their prodigious psionic capabilities is bizzare.

Known Entities and Phenomena:
Schemer-Trickster Strain Warp Entities: Unlike the constructed Warp Entities of the Eldar and some other minor civilizations, the Schemer-Tricksters seem to be natural born entities of the Warp. Lacking cohesive forms they seem incredibly prone to scheming, mutation and change, likely indicating that to be the metaphysical concepts they are formed around. Further research is required to understand their deeper connections to the Warp, but as of yet encounters with this strain indicate a distinct lack of metaphysical order and high rates of aggression.
Further examination of the strain and research data associated with them is required to attain an understanding of its possible creators or ways to counter and pacify members of this strain. Further expansion of weaponry capable of destroying them is extremely high priority as encountered specimens are unlikely to be truly dead.

Rot-Decay Strain Warp Entities: As with the other strains the Rot-Decay Strain seems naturally occurring, or at least are not manufactured in the same way a warp construct is. This strain specifically seems to revolve around the metaphysical concept of decay and stagnation, posing incredible levels of danger for organics and machines alike. This dangerous conceptual identity is likely to be nightmarishly difficult to combat without specific Anti-Psionic equipment, and the very concept of memetic plagues is frankly horrifying. Likely this strain should be treated as the highest priority for extermination and dedicated study.

Murderer-Warrior Strain Warp Entities: The Murderer-Warrior Strain seems somewhat unique amongst the available strains in that they seem to occur far less commonly in most populations, but amongst criminal and soldier populations seem to run rampant. Fittingly their metaphysical concept that they are bound to seems to be mostly violence and bloodlust, and are Strain that is the most easily avoidable in summoning. Ensuring high levels of mental health amongst the general population and the soldiery should help prevent the menacing berserkers of this strain from becoming an issue.

Hedonist-Gluttonous Strain Warp Entities: The Hedonist-Gluttonous Strain is confirmed to have originated amongst the Eldar, but very little seems to be well known about their actual capabilities or how they have changed the Eldar. Their focus on unabashed hedonism is rather worrying, but given that it seems the Eldar were able to coexsist with their presence for some time they are likely to be amongst the least immediately dangerous strains of these entities, though they may be very dangerous over time. Given that these were created by a cult there are very important questions to be raised as to what created the other three main strains.

Controllers: The Controllers seem to be a rare sort of warp creature in the fact that they are inherently both of the material and immaterial dimensions. Frighteningly capable at controlling minds and keen on preying on those psions that lack direction or trust, they are a clear threat to the people of this galaxy and are amongst the highest priority entities to avoid creation of. Thankfully the solution to preventing their creation is a rather acceptable policy of simply ensuring high levels of mental and physical health on the part of Psions and maintaining amongst them good levels of socialization. Creatures that feed and thrive on fear and isolation make a key point to the thought driven nature of the Warp and may help with understanding other Warp Entities.
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The Mechanics for this quest follow general CK2 quest design. Each hero unit you have will have a certain number of action points per turn which can be used to complete actions (Usually one or two, with exception to heroes like Primarchs or PR-01). Multiple Heroes can be used on a single action but each hero can only spend one action point per action, unless otherwise indicated through its description in requirements or if it is labeled that it is repeatable or can be done multiple times.

Critical rolls are either on a natural 100, or if the total rolled is 100 higher than the DC or contested roll. Critical failures occur either when you roll a natural 1 or 100 below a contested roll. For DC's the only way to critically fail is either through rolling a natural 1 or through having a negative total number, as extremely high level DC's will generally just whittle down the DC as failures are earned.

Most actions will have the expected results for a success under its description. Sometimes the expected results for a critical or failure will also be displayed.

Each hero unit will have a set of stats consisting of martial, diplomacy, intrigue, learning, stewardship, prowess and wounds. Most rolls will usually only use one stat alongside a d100 roll to determine how well you did in a roll, though in cases where it fits you may have multiple stats added on to a single roll (For example combat, where you will generally add both prowess and martial to your rolls if you are commanding.) Most actions are DC based and you will need to roll above a certain number to succeed on these actions. If you are being contested in an action you will roll d100's against the roll of whatever is contesting you. Wounds are not used for roles but track how many times a hero or unit may be wounded before it is killed. All heroes have traits, most are generic and generally acquirable by anyone (IE: Ambitious, Hates the Eldar, etc) but some are also type traits that are assigned by hero type and ancestry. The benefit of type traits varies wildly and will generally be what grants units a majority of their prowess and wounds. Some heroes may have multiple type traits when appropriate.

Hero units also each have artifact slots, where items of great value can be assigned to characters to boost their abilities or give them buffs and bonuses. Generally most units can equip one to three, though for units like Primarchs or PR-01 the limit is higher.

Technology is a new key mechanic of this quest. Most actions will generally be given keywords that denote which technologies an action is relying or utilizes. They will then be given additional bonuses to the roll depending on the level of your technology in that category. Units, type traits, infrastructure and artifacts will scale in power and bonuses provided by the average level of technology used in its creation. Averages will be rounded to the nearest .5.

There are 6 levels of technology from Nonexistent - Primitive - Premodern - Standardized - Advanced - Peerless. Each level gives +10 to what it's applying to.
Nonexistent is self explanatory. +0, or possibly negative and will generally disable any actions related to that technology. Each level onwards provides +10 to rolls to which they apply or in bonuses of that level and unlocks additional possible actions.

Improving tech levels will require researching it a number of stages equal to the level you're trying to research x 5. (Researching tier 3 tech in a category will require 15 stages to be complete vs 10 for tier 2. Critical successes will generally develop these stages twice as fast.)

There are 15 base technologies available, as well as some which may be unlocked into the future such as psionics or civilization specific tech types.

Explanation of the Tech Levels:
Nonexistent is a general lack of any scientific understanding of a technology or vein of research. Feral, Death and Feudal Worlds will generally have this level of technology.
Primitive technology is a level of technology generally consistent with a civilization in the very early stages of spaceflight and technological advancement.
Premodern technology represents the first level of technology that an early interstellar civilization will generally hold.
Standardized technology is equivalent to the level of technological advancement that civilian grade STC's generally hold, or equivalent to the general level of development seen within the Imperium of Man during the Great Crusade.
Advanced Technology represents a level of technology in which this civilization is begining to master its understanding and use of a technology. DAOT humanity and the Eldar generally fit within this category, though with some exceptions.
Peerless technology represents a total mastery of the use of a technology. The Necrons and Old Ones generally fit within the tier.

On the Nation mechanics side of things there are three main Mechanics: Capital, Units and Infrastructure
Capital is a broad and vague summary of the resources you have available to invest in the creation of things. All units and infrastructure require capital to build. Extra capital on hand may be used to give bonuses to a roll at a 2:1 exchange rate.
Units represent military formations and are used to contest enemy unit and hero rolls. Simplified compared to heroes they only have martial, prowess and wounds as stats, dependent on type and level of technology.
Infrastructure represents fixed assets owned by you. They can give any kind of bonus dependent on their description, whether that be bonuses to rolls, production of capital, production of units, etc.

In combat units engage in contested duels where each side rolls a 1d100 prowess roll to determine how well they specifically did in that round of combat. These rolls are then modified with the addition of their average tech level bonus, unit type bonus and any additional bonus or malus due to circumstance. If they are commanded by a hero or are a hero they will also add their martial stat to these bonuses.

Unit type bonuses tend to be semi-exponential, and may vary in quality between 5 rough levels. Units of fighters squadrons and basic infantry have a bonus between 0-5. Units of Escort class ships or combined arms armies have a bonus between 5-15. Units of cruiser class ships or supersoldiers have a bonus between 15-30. Units of Battleship class ships or light walkers have a bonus between 30-50. Units of Dreadnought class ships or heavy walkers have a bonus between 50-75.

Each unit has wounds, which may vary wildly depending on faction, technological level and typing, though better unit types tend to have more wounds than lower quality types.

Combat has two different types of engagements, either skirmishing or clashing.
A skirmish is a battle in which only 1 vs 1 combat is engaged in between units, with any units destroyed or wounds taken cycling new forces in to fight.
Clashes are full line battles in which all deployed units fight together with multiple rolls made at once. They tend to be decisive as units without an enemy unit to fight will add an additional bonus to one of the ongoing rolls made by their side equal to half their prowess.

When in combat ships will usually fight ships while ground units will usually fight ground units. Also while in combat units may choose to either fight and continue inflicting wounds or retreat and exit the battle.
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[X] The system of Varenna in the region of space known as the Ghost Stars.
[X] The refugee ship HCS Vega.

Let's have some time, to explore the mind.
[X] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
[X] The refugee ship HCS Vega.

Medusa is the place where Ferrus Manus landed, right?
[X] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
[X] The remains of a civilian class drydock.
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Wait I thought men of Gold were like superhuman soldier like the space marines except more perfect and also able to have children

According to one of the writers that is their interpretation and probably the truest interpretation in GW canon. I am mostly using lexicanum as my general WOG for lore and frankly the paragraph long description of them is so vague as to not be conclusive in any direction.

As such in this quest they will be a form of machine intelligence, mostly because I think its more fitting with the naming convention for stone / iron / gold to all be mechanical in origin and because I was reading over a bit of the League of Votann lore and thought having a category of AI that fits for the ancestor cores would be neat. As such they are admittedly being made fully fanon, but to be fair there isn't exactly much to be analyzing there.
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[X] The system of Varenna in the region of space known as the Ghost Stars.
[X] The pacified and quarantined form of one of your former Iron Class comrades.
[X] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
[X] The pacified and quarantined form of one of your former Iron Class comrades.
[X] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
[X] The refugee ship HCS Vega.

Can't wait to call the AdMech a bunch of Cargo Cultist.
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I wanna make The Ghost Stars Federation!

[X] The system of Varenna in the region of space known as the Ghost Stars.
[X] The refugee ship HCS Vega.
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[X] The system of Varenna in the region of space known as the Ghost Stars.
[X] The refugee ship HCS Vega.

I am not risking running into the Emperor, Aeldari, or Necrons before we are ready. Which is all extremely highly likely with Medusa. As for the boon with any luck one of those floating wrecks around Varenna is a civilian dry dock meaning taking that boon is redundant. I would rather have warp tech.
[X] The system of Sthenelus near the ruins of the Aeldari Empire.
[X] The remains of a civilian class drydock