Mass effect/Stellaris

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A new power steps into the galaxy.


Good Boy
102 S Oak St Lynn, Indiana
He Him His
What kind of race are you?
[ ] Human
-[ ] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)
-[ ] Star Nation of Man(Megacorporation)
-[ ] Terran Empire(Military Dictatorship)

Who are your allies in this Galaxy(Pick 3)
[ ] Federation of Mars(Lithoid)
The F.O.M is a nation on Mars that mostly deals in Buildings.
[ ] Child of the Great Nations(Arachnid)
It's a hive mind of Spiders/Ants/giant bees. They deal in soldiers.
[ ] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
Bob is a Machine Intelligence that builds a Robot of any choice.
[ ] Giver of Life(Plantoid)
An ever growing forest with walking trees and plant life.
[ ] Endless Imperium(Cloned Necroids)
An Undead Clone army ready for war.
[ ] The Great Khan(Bandit Nations)
A few dozen of shifting Clans and Alliances. Following a leader Called the Great Khan.

Capital Home
[ ] Earth
Foundation of the Alliance
[ ] Rotation Home
The Capital is moved every Month
[ ] Centerpoint Station.
A fortress in the middle of Alliance space.
[ ] Gift from the Gods
-[ ] Ringworld(A solar system with a ring around its sun.
-[ ] Dyson Sphere(A hollow Sphere around a star)

The year is 2357. The Alliance has discovered a new Relay. They were attack by a hostile race... The First Contact War has begun!
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Are we only limited to the provided choices, because I like the idea of a rogue servitor trying to get a bunch of citadel bio trophies.

[] Race: Machine
-[] Rogue Servitor

[] Allies: Humans (Humanoid)
-[] Bio Trophies
[] Allies: Giver of Life (Plantoid)
-[] Hopefully future bio trophy.
[] Allies: The Great Khan(Bandit Nations)
-[] Annoying, but we know how to direct them to goals which only minimally damage us.
-[] Regular purchasing of Bio Trophies from them.

[] Capital: Centerpoint Station.
Are we only limited to the provided choices, because I like the idea of a rogue servitor trying to get a bunch of citadel bio trophies.

[] Race: Machine
-[] Rogue Servitor

[] Allies: Humans (Humanoid)
-[] Bio Trophies
[] Allies: Giver of Life (Plantoid)
-[] Hopefully future bio trophy.
[] Allies: The Great Khan(Bandit Nations)
-[] Annoying, but we know how to direct them to goals which only minimally damage us.
-[] Regular purchasing of Bio Trophies from them.

[] Capital: Centerpoint Station.
Yours is interesting choice, My friend.
Darn. Well, then I'll leave it to others to come up with ideas. I barely caught this before sleep. Thread watched.
[x] Bleep you council

[x] Human
-[x] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)

[x] Child of the Great Nations(Arachnid)
It's a hive mind of Spiders/Ants/giant bees. They deal in soldiers.
[x] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
Bob is a Machine Intelligence that builds a Robot of any choice.
[x] Giver of Life(Plantoid)
An ever growing forest with walking trees and plant life.

[x] Gift from the Gods
-Ringworld(A solar system with a ring around its sun.
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[x] Bleep you council

[x] Human
-[x] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)

[x] Child of the Great Nations(Arachnid)
It's a hive mind of Spiders/Ants/giant bees. They deal in soldiers.
[x] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
Bob is a Machine Intelligence that builds a Robot of any choice.
[x] Giver of Life(Plantoid)
An ever growing forest with walking trees and plant life.

[x] Gift from the Gods
-Ringworld(A solar system with a ring around its sun.
-Dyson Sphere(A hollow Sphere around a star)
Sorry for gift from the gods you have to pick either or.
[x] Human
-[x] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)

[x] Child of the Great Nations(Arachnid)
[x] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
[x] Giver of Life(Plantoid)
[x] Gift from the Gods
-[x] Ringworld(A solar system with a ring around its sun.

@revilokcaj666 Are there any advantages or disadvantages to the various Capitals? Because allowing for Ringworlds or Dyson Spheres if there aren't seems... Unbalanced if so? Because they have massive advantages over the others naturally.
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[x] Human
-[x] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)

[x] Child of the Great Nations(Arachnid)
It's a hive mind of Spiders/Ants/giant bees. They deal in soldiers.
[x] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
Bob is a Machine Intelligence that builds a Robot of any choice.
[x] Giver of Life(Plantoid)
An ever growing forest with walking trees and plant life.

@revilokcaj666 Are there any advantages or disadvantages to the various Capitals? Because allowing for Ringworlds or Dyson Spheres if there aren't seems... Unbalanced if so? Because they have massive advantages over the others naturally.
For both its more like you found it and are only living on the surface.
[X] Plan Unlikely Friends.
-[X] United Nations of Earth(Representative Democracy)
[X] Federation of Mars(Lithoid)
[X] B.O.B(Machine/Builder Of Bots)
[X] Endless Imperium(Cloned Necroids)
[X] Centerpoint Station.

If we had a Systemcraft as a capital choice, I might have picked it. As it is, I'd rather have us carve our own path.
Winners: Bleep you council

You stand in the elevator, You can't believe this. A war after a century and a half of peace. "Admiral on deck!" You walk forward and see everyone give you a quick salute. You step up to a holotable... "Bob, you up and running?" "Yes Admiral."

"What's the fleet compilation?"
[ ] Heavy assault: Cruisers(5x) Destroyers(15x) Heavy Cruisers(5x) Super Carrier(The Helping Hand) Dreadnought(Impending Dawn)
[ ] Patrol Fleets: Corvettes(36x) Light Destroyers(25x) Cruisers(3x) Light Carriers(3x) Battleship(Spear of the Alliance)
"And what of our Army? Shanxi is the nearest planet. It's likely under a alien occupation."
Pick 2
[ ] Bobs Army(Thousands of fast deploying Mechs)
[ ] Alliance Marine Infantry(Soldiers, Tanks and Power Armor)
[ ] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
Bob beeps up again, "Sir we entering Shanxi space in three... two... one..." You start to bark orders, "Get me scans, Send out fighters!"
The aliens ship look like.
[ ] Militarize(Turian/easy)
[ ] Junkie(Quarian/Normal)
[ ] Old(Batarians/Hard)
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@revilokcaj666 Just so you know, 'Bleep you Council' had the three allies be Arachnids/Machines/Plantoids. Not Lithoids/Federation of Mars. So unless we have those in addition... Well, I don't think we should have the Crystal Rain Units option?
[X] Plan Dakka Spam
-[X] Heavy assault: Cruisers(5x) Destroyers(15x) Heavy Cruisers(5x) Super Carrier(The Helping Hand) Dreadnought(Impending Dawn)
-[X] Bobs Army(Thousands of fast deploying Mechs)
-[X] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
-[X] Old(Batarians/Hard)

The plan is simple bludgeon their fleet to death and sending a billion army at their landing spots supported by mechs that would come out of nowhere to yeet them.

Edit: Its a shame we dont have lithoid allies since they can literally colonize any planet(excepts gas giants of course) since they are literally rocks that eat minerals and they colonize by slamming a rock into a planet.
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[x] plan death to slavery
-[x] Heavy assault: Cruisers(5x) Destroyers(15x) Heavy Cruisers(5x) Super Carrier(The Helping Hand) Dreadnought(Impending Dawn)
-[x] Alliance Marine Infantry(Soldiers, Tanks and Power Armor)
-[x] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
-[x] Old(Batarians/Hard)
Well someone should go and make one for the patrol fleet.

[X] Plan: Patrol Force
-[X] Patrol Fleets: Corvettes(36x) Light Destroyers(25x) Cruisers(3x) Light Carriers(3x) Battleship(Spear of the Alliance)
-[X] Alliance Marine Infantry(Soldiers, Tanks and Power Armor)
-[X] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
-[X] Junkie(Quarian/Normal)
[X] Plan Misunderstandings Inbound
-[X] Patrol Fleets: Corvettes(36x) Light Destroyers(25x) Cruisers(3x) Light Carriers(3x) Battleship(Spear of the Alliance)
-[X] Bobs Army(Thousands of fast deploying Mechs)
-[X] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
-[X] Old(Batarians/Hard)

Decided to create this vote. It's all about having the Council eventually back up the Batarians and cause... a 'few' problems in future relations. Hence why I chose Patrol Fleet, so we see 'weaker' than we actually are, whilst introducing us to the worst of the Council members in the Batarians and jumping up and down on the Council's worries about the Rachni and Geth.
[X] Plan Misunderstandings Inbound
-[X] Patrol Fleets: Corvettes(36x) Light Destroyers(25x) Cruisers(3x) Light Carriers(3x) Battleship(Spear of the Alliance)
-[X] Bobs Army(Thousands of fast deploying Mechs)
-[X] Swarm Units(Billion strong Armored Warriors)
-[X] Old(Batarians/Hard)

We are going to need to spread out our fleet eventually. Batarians focus more on raiding forces and usually have old surplus ships anyways.