Making Magick (ZnT/Magicka)

Mashadarof402 said:
It was fortunate for all concerned that the goblin attack that immediately followed before she was able to do more than stare at the mage. Goblins at least, were simple. Crude, horrible little creatures who didn't know any better than to attack their betters. She could understand that. And she didn't need to think very deeply about blasting them with fire and lightning. Or at all really.
Maggat: "Well, duh. They is gobbos. They is inferior to minions in every way."

Igni: "Yeah. Blasting a gobbo with fire no take thinkyness."

Maxy: "If it did, you couldn't do it."

Fettid: "I think that this wizardies is under-is-tim-mate-ing the role of stabbyness in killing gobbos."

Maggat: "We is getting distracted here. We is going to give the wizards here and this story the Minion Seal of Approval. They is realising that big booms is best booms, and that death is but a sleep; it lasts until someone give you good kicking an' tell you to wake up and that you is bein' lazy."

Scyl: "Not a real seal, though. They is only there for hitting with clubs. We no like seals. They can see into your soulie."
04.5: Vinapedia's Quest Markers
This occurred to me just now, and really should have gone on the tail end of the chapter. But what the heck.

Vina not normally do this, but Vina think that maybe some people will be confused about some things. So Vina think maybe if Vina explains some things, people not so confused anymore. Or maybe more confused and drink a lot. Vina do the second thing many times.

Quest Marker

Quest Marker look like big yellow stick with dot on the bottom. Is very hard too, so sometimes can be used as stick. Can also be used to show person is surprised. But Vina think that one is actually blue, not yellow. Is maybe cousin to Quest Marker. Surprise Marker not show up all the time too.

Some people think Quest Marker is silly thing made by silly people because they are too lazy to do things themselves. Is right. But also is wrong. Quest Marker not made by silly people. Is actually magical creature. But not clever like Vina.

Quest Marker always hungry. Eats will and motivation. Makes people lazy. Sometimes when Quest Marker gets really big, prey people not move at all, stay there all day and night. Not even moving when attacked.

But sometimes people don't die too. Even when attacked. Quest Marker is lazy. Does not like to find new prey. So Quest Marker sometimes makes them immortal...


Vina not know how. If Vina know, would not be 1up.

Quest Marker very hard to get rid of. Sometimes people can call for help, get things done. Then quest marker comes off. For little while. Then comes back. Especially when new people arrive. But not old one who fixed problem. Vina think maybe is defense mechanism.

Quest Marker is sneaky.

But maybe not so sneaky against wizards. Because Quest Marker now beating stick. Maybe Pink Wizard use it one day.

*Sees update* It's... it's.... it's ALIVE!

Time for celebration! CHEESE SAUSAGE FOR EVERYONE!!!
I just can't wait for Louise discover more insanity. Hehehehehe! And one day she's going to come back to Halk with the experience... bonus with the wizards.
Archons said:
Well, technically it is mandatory. Humans exist in such realities because their mind cannot grasp such a concept. Sort of like philosophical zombies, only not. Existential zombies? Either way, they would have already achieved CHIM if this were not the case :p

So if Louise becomes infinitely aware of existence in such a way that she achieves CHIM, her mind would have to become fundamentally inhuman, or at least post-human. From an in-universe perspective her thought process would be incomprehensible, thus insane. I think a better description would be a continuity of self through the transition.
How does "without going insane" fit your description?
Me, I'm looking forward to Louise reuniting with Karin. For many, many reasons.

On that note, holy frak the Heavy Wind's returning. What allegations are Karin and Henrietta referring, too, btw? I seem to have forgotten.
linkhyrule5 said:
Me, I'm looking forward to Louise reuniting with Karin. For many, many reasons.

On that note, holy frak the Heavy Wind's returning. What allegations are Karin and Henrietta referring, too, btw? I seem to have forgotten.
What others have said...But also remember that one of Karin's secrets is that she was commoner-born (or mixed-blood, I can't exactly recall). So when you add Louise's inability (canon-wise lowkey but pretty much thrown into the Tristainian spotlight in this story) to general suspicion about the Duchess Valliere's pedigree...

Well, it can be assumed that the Valliere family has its detractors regardless of those factors. It's a constant of politics, and the Vallieres have apparently always been staunch supporters of the royal line which I expect often makes them unpopular.
Voidwalker Zelt said:
What others have said...But also remember that one of Karin's secrets is that she was commoner-born (or mixed-blood, I can't exactly recall). So when you add Louise's inability (canon-wise lowkey but pretty much thrown into the Tristainian spotlight in this story) to general suspicion about the Duchess Valliere's pedigree...

Well, it can be assumed that the Valliere family has its detractors regardless of those factors. It's a constant of politics, and the Vallieres have apparently always been staunch supporters of the royal line which I expect often makes them unpopular.
I think her detractors would tend to think less that she's of mixed blood (though I'm sure there will be a few rumors), than that the Valliere bloodline is jinxed/cursed/poisoned/whatever. I mean, all three daughters have... problems.
Oni said:
I think her detractors would tend to think less that she's of mixed blood (though I'm sure there will be a few rumors), than that the Valliere bloodline is jinxed/cursed/poisoned/whatever. I mean, all three daughters have... problems.
Only two of them have problems.. The third is a bitch.. Which, while annoying, isn't really the same thing as a crippling illness or exploding magic.
It took more than 30 seconds to kill a troll???:confused: What complete scrubs. They should be forced back into first year again!
Water Spray + Cold Spray = Frozen troll
Water+Cold+Rockx3= Frozen death ball
charge up and shoot at troll.
Dead troll.

max time 10 seconds.

And I'm pretty slow with the cycling spells.
Mashadarof402 said:
Remember, she extracted a promise in exchange for rezzing them earlier. Yellow's simply being considerate of it. :p
I tried doing that once while playing with my mates, the entire 'lets stop killing each other for fucks sake'. They refused to do anything but use healing spells and rezzing me because it was funny when I got eaten.

Then thunderstorm came out and the resolution was quickly dropped. Except for the guy using the Tron skin. He can get fucked for spamming it.
Bah. When I cooped with a friend we just chose to all wear Tron robes and spam the shit out of Lightning Bolt. I could cast QFASA Space two to three times per second.
And if that failed (say, there was a ceiling), I reverted to QFASAS. :D