Light Triumphant (CYOA)

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I used to believe that re-entry was overrated, but waking up in an alley with nothing but a Sky...


Banned Forever
Minas Tirith
I used to believe that re-entry was overrated, but waking up in an alley with nothing but a Sky Blue cape and a skintight white costume with blue accents was more than enough to make me rethink my rankings of things that mustn't happen.

"You okay?" I blinked, more than once, as I stared at the source of the concerned question. Another caped man, holding himself with regal bearing accompanied by a girl wearing a blue cloak lined with white fur-ish material- though unlike mine she was wearing a darker shade.

I wouldn't accept it later but nobody is just fine after getting their powers, to a large extent I was still poking around in this 'sixth sense' I could feel around me. I could sense the air around me, hell I could sense what was happening miles away in New York as a prismatic blur shot through the- I paled as the words caught up in my mind.

I stretched my senses as far as I could and kept going further and further, up and beyond the stratosphere till I was mentally staring at the Earth. I wasn't just staring I could feel as the air swept around the world, people it bounced off and the ripples created by a void in the atmosphere. Not a void like a vacuum was, those I could create and manipulate myself, but an absolute void in the atmosphere.

A white and black striped void. I didn't look any further, taking precaution instead I dived into the weather aspect of my power. Sifting through the Atmosphere I plucked the rain from Brockton Bay and shifted it to a part of Africa.

I opened my eyes, a second passed.

Seeing the slightly golden skin of the man and the glowing hair of the woman finally hammered in the where, though it still left the when, it also explained why I felt such disoriented yet had fine control over a power that literally didn't exist a moment ago. A trigger event definitely explained the 'sixth' sense that I felt that was telling me I could definitely be a strong not-copy of Storm.

"Hold on, I'll equip a healer power," The guy muttered, concerned at my blank staring at the alley, I was still getting a hold on myself.

I shook my head, "I'm fine, just a little disoriented due to my trigger event," I released a breathe as I finally picked myself off the filthy ground using my power and cleaning my costume of the muck that stuck to it. "Not every day you wake up feeling ready to fight and take down an Endbringer," I didn't think I could but the feeling my power gave me was certainly aiming the other way.

The girl snorted, "Sure Mister Endslayer," She looked around before staring at my bright blue dryly, "You sleep in these areas often?"

I hesitated, thinking about how much to reveal before shrugging helplessly.

Pointing at my eyes, which were shining golden brightly I smiled, "My memory's a little snappy, I suppose you can tell can't you?" Seeing their questioning look I shrugged, "My eyes are flashlights after all."

The regal not-king smiled indulgently at me, he had a nice smile but he wasn't the sort to lead. A knight, not a king, "A Case 53 then, I'd suggest you get in touch with the local protectorate. They'll set you up with a civilian identity, with your eyes you might be one of the lucky ones that could live a peaceful live if you so desire."

He nodded again encouragingly, "I can guide you to them if you wish?"

"Those civvies?" I snorted, before remembering my persona and sighing, "I appreciate them and all but I'm averse putting myself under civilian authority."

"If it is my skin colour that is the problem then I suppose," I lept up in the air with an exaggerated smile, "I think I'll create a fourth gang!" Winking at the chuckles I continued, "It's admirable, being a hero but I don't think it's proper for the government of any country should control heroes."

The lady pursed her lips before nodding with a sigh, "I suppose I know what you mean, I understand the lack of appeal for the government to hire a demigod and have him punch miscreants."

"Besides I figured out why my eyes are golden, I think I knew it all along I just wanted to deny it," I said with a sombre smile and continuing at their questioning looks, "Powers have a price."

"At times the body is not ready and your powers change you," The Case 53s, in general, were covered by this, they were all stronger than your average cape and had higher potential on average.

"Sometimes they take something more precious, they take that little something that makes you tick," I tapped my head, "After all, memories make a person."

"I got lucky, I lost my childhood but regained enough to know myself," My smile was forced, "Though at times I wish I lost it all."

"What happened?" Zeus asked softly, squeezing my shoulder to comfort me.

I swallowed before conjuring a mental image. I shivered and flinched at the image, my imagination was too good at times, "Things. Many things, some to me many to my family."

My smile had left my face by now, "Should I...?" I looked at them askingly, a golden tear rolling down my face. I took everything I had to not flinch at their looks of sadness, my inner self recoiled at my lies. I took in another breath, still shivering as a result of cold manipulation of air, hot air made my hands sweaty, I looked truly distressed.

"You can stay with us," The female cape spat out quickly, before blushing at my small smile, "I mean, if you have nowhere to go you can stay with us?" She smiled brightly at me.

I smiled back, easing my face and killing the guilt in my stomach, "I'd really appreciate that."

At least I was truly heartfelt about
that part misleading as it may be.

"I'm Zeus," The man grinned at my raised eyebrow, "Not as beardy as your expectations?"

I snorted, "More like no beard at all."

He gasped exaggeratedly, clutching his heart, "Treason! Treachery against me?"

I grinned back at him, he was doing it to lighten the mood - no reason to avoid that, "Above Tartarus in chains for you eh?"

The girl snorted before introducing herself, "Themis," The cloaked girl said with a small smile.

"Divine law and Justice?" Seeing both of them nod I snorted, "Right both of you went with Law and Justice?"

She shrugged, "I make Ice as well but calling myself a third rate god's name that barely exists wouldn't have turned out well."

"Yeah. I can understand not wanting to go by Khione," I snorted at her pout before summoning a gale around us making my cape flutter behind me, thunder boomed in the relatively sedate sky.

"Well if that's the theme then you can call me Ouranos, master of the skies," I said, lifting off the ground and floating with a smile.

Zeus whistled, "Loaded name gramps."

"Does that make Themis my daughter?" I asked, before laughing at his gagging gestures.

"I think you'll fit in just fine," Zeus said with a smirk, "We're all case 53s after all."

"My eyes glow, her hair glows," I scrunched my nose and sniffed, "Your blood is gold?"

His smile was more than a little wry at this point as he chuckled at my guess, "Almost right, I become Scion-mini when I use my power."

I snorted, "You flash everybody in your golden light by using your power?'

Zeus nodded with a wry smile briefly touching a brick, his power activated and he lit up like a Christmas tree, soft golden light touching everything within reach, "Not exactly subtle."

It was my turn to start at him dryly, "I don't think my eyes will be stopped in their pursuit by some contacts?"

Themis shook her head with a smaller smile, "Not unless you know a medical tinker?" I almost shuddered externally, I knew of one. I understandably wanted to stay well off from any contact with her unless I was in the process punting her out of the atmosphere.

I frowned before sighing, "I don't know what my name is, much less the general details about my life… though I do remember generic details about a Nazi pseudo knight, a rage-dragon and a drugged out failure of a possible railgun."

Seeing their incredulous looks I nodded solemnly, "Yeah I thought it was me being delirious as well."

If one could ignore the grim and the derpness it was like the opening of a hilarious joke. A Nazi knight-bard, a rage-dragon and a drug debuffed railgun man entered a bar…

Zeus burst out laughing, gasping for breath. "Oh man the image, I don't think anyone's referred to Lung and Kaiser like that."

Unfortunately whilst he was laughing I was continuing to stretch my senses with a disappointed sigh I noted the entrance of the Undersiders in my range, "I don't suppose anyone here knows a group of heroic capes that ride three massive dogs but not-dogs?"

"That'd be the Undersiders, minor criminals but they've been slippery snakes so far," Zeus said turning around.

Zeus's gentle smile was already replaced by a frown as he begun absorbing other materials from the dumpster.

"Come here," Themis gestured and touched my hand as I came closer, "I think it'd be best if you don't die because I held back."

I had another grin on my face, "Thanks, you're pretty and all and I'm sure our combined golden-ess is over 9000 but holding hands might impair both of us," I blinked owlishly before snorting, "Now that I think about it, neither of us will be bothered by mere hand-holding," With a swift manipulation both of us were in the air as a small gale surrounded us.

"For I am Ouranos, the master of the skies!"

She stared at me, I grinned impishly at her.

She snorted, "Name a power-set, preferably not stranger because you're with us and not trump cause I don't do trumps."

"Brute-Blaster combo?"

Her eyes narrowed in concentration before a wave of energy flowed through me, I gasped as two new powers settled into my mind, "Wow. That feels nice."

Zeus grinned impishly at me, "Yeah it does."

Themis smiled brightly, "There you go! You should be invincible as long as you stay still and you can throw controlled lightning at people."

I stared at her flatly. I knew but I didn't know just how overpowered it'd be, "Crist that's bullshit."

Zeus snorted, overriding his partner. "Yes, yes it is and you should refuse to register any protest about it."

"Like you have a right to speak, you're basically Eidolon lite with your insane powerset," She snarked back at him.

"Hardly, my powers may be stronger but I can hardly switch them around like lollies," He said, the dumpster that was near his hand was rapidly shrinking as he glowed golden.

"Total bullshit." I murmured.

"We should probably try to stop them," Themis asked changing the topic away, blushing slightly.

"Should we?" Zeus asked with an arched eyebrow, "We don't exactly know what they've done."

"They're villains, they rob people and one of them reportedly likes to rip people's psyche to shreds," Themis said sternly, "If for no other reason we should stop them because they are a threat to civilians."

"Very well," I said rising in the air, "Then protect the innocent we shall."

"By punching villains" Zeus murmured with a wry smile and joining me and Themis as we moved out of the ally and straight into the path of the Undesiders.

I was humming a song I'd heard in my childhood, ergo it probably didn't exist in Bet, "I wasn't joking entirely when I was talking about creating a gang you know," Seeing their concerned glance I snorted, "Well not a criminal enterprise but a group of heroes coming together to do some good for the world."

"Like the Guild?" Themis asked, seeing my confused expression her eyes softened, "Dragon's group, though Narwhal is the leader. They help out the people around quite a bit especially with rebuilding after Endbringer attacks."

I shook my head, "There's a drought in many places in the world, in other places Tyrants abuse the people because good men and women refuse to step up due to politics," I nodded in the general direction of Europe, "The three other tumours are planning an attack on the next European conference in Strasbourg."

I sighed, "There's a lot of good to be done in the world, I agree occasionally punching is required but in the case of Earthquakes, rescue missions Volcanos and Tsunamis," I smiled softly and gathered my inner Superman, "There's so much we can do that doesn't require punching. Save people from wrecks, divert flooding rains to rain-starved areas hell we can go talk to people on the merits of being nice."

"When was the last time Eidolon saved a ship that was capsizing in the Atlantic?"

By now Zeus was looking at me with a steely look even though his eyes were showing the war within, before he nodded, "You're right on that," He paused before easing into another smile, "I've got more than one power that can help the world."

Themis nodded, her eyes had entirely mellowed over the course of my small soliloquy, "If that's where you want our help you'll have it," Her hand clasped my shoulder gently, "That's quite a dream you have and it'd be an honour to help you complete it."

And of course, the quite emotional and feely moment was broken up by the three oversized dogs rushing towards us almost crushing (well almost coming to attempt it) us before coming to a halt.

I tersely stared at the Undersiders, my companions already prepared.

Zeus was looking at them with slight disdain though his main job was to look around as his mover power settled in allowing him to evacuate civilians, it seemed any power that made permanent increases to strength was sticking to him despite leaving that power for the moment.

Themis was freezing the air around the Undersiders subtly, freezing a thin sheet that could be grown to bypass the no human limit on the secondary power, though it wouldn't do much but decrease their speed at the start.

"Can I say it?" I asked, visibly excited.

Zeus shrugged and nodded even though his eyes more concerned with memorizing the various civilians still in the area despite the threat of a cape fight breaking out, Themis offered me an encouraging smile.

I coughed loudly, inner Superman don't fail me now! Politely ignoring Tattletales attempt at mental harassment, "On behalf of the Heroic team Celestials I shall accept your surrender!"

"Nah, we pass." The dark-skinned leader of the Undersiders said, his voice deep, "We kinda have Oni Lee after us, really appreciate it if you don't kill us by proxy."

I turned back, not really taking my attention of the Undersiders, "I think you should switch him to a precog power, or the time blast. Any will work to deal with the Teleporting terrorist."

I stared back at the Undersiders, my gaze thoroughly unimpressed. Grue had tried to use his darkness - unfortunately for him, I chose that moment to double the pressure and they found out standing wasn't exactly as easy as they'd hoped it'd be, "Once again, surrender and I will make sure you will stay safe from Oni Lee."

"If you don't surrender," My face became steelier as I tightened my lips into a line, "I'll do my best to protect you, you have my word but it'd be far easier should you agree to surrender," My voice was mellow and I'd returned to the ground.

Inner Superman thy has failed me for the last time.

"We surrender."

What?! Nevermind, inner Superman you're back on. I visibly rose a couple of inches from the ground, only scrubs need to walk -pfft physical exercise, who does that?

"Tattletale-" Grue tried to hiss out a command but the Thinker was quick to respond.

"He's a hero Grue, thoroughly a Hero. He's saying the truth when he wants to protect us. You want to die? Fine. Don't add me to that count, I'd rather stay alive," Well that's a convenient lie, I suppose her power told her about the man I was imitating.

After a moment of silence, the darkness let go and the disgruntled Undersiders looked at Tattletale with varied expressions of annoyance.

I smiled kindly, "You have my word, I'll punt Lung to the moon before he harms a hair on your head."

"Themis? Please cuff them."

"Yep!" She said, popping the p.

With the Undersides cuffed with Ice, I continued pointedly ignoring Tattletale, moving in front of them staring roughly straight ahead of me. Roughly where my power was telling me some prick was scattering his ashes to the wind.

Zeus pointed out where I was planning to stand, "Oni Lee will bomb you, or at least that spot, in 4 minutes and 13 seconds."

I nodded at Zeus, "I'm counting on it, I'll be bait, use precog power to get in position. Once he teleports again I want you to block his Eyesight or freeze it if you can Themis."

"-ou really should listen to," the Thinker shut up before smiling with false cheer, "Oh you're finally-"

I sighed before facing the thinker, "Tattletale please stop," I said sternly noticing that she actually did stop I smiled warmly at her, "I know about your tendencies, I would prefer you stop trying to say things you shouldn't."

She glared at me before snorting, "Then you shouldn't-" Her glare returned as I disrupted the air between up, pausing her speech I stared at with a disappointed look before turning to Zeus.

"Please gag her," I turned to Tattletale with a small frown before giving her a comforting smile as she was gagged by Zeus, "This is for your own safety, riling up the three strongest capes on the Eastern Seaboard is not good for continued longevity." She just stared dryly at me with an ugly glint in her eyes.

"You die?" Zeus said though it sounded like a question and his eyes were wide open in confusion.

Looking at the startled hero I frowned, "Beg your pardon?"

"I can't see you but Themis just stabbed the Master over there," Zeus said, pointing at the Canadian youth disguised as a small time Master, "She said something about the master killing you by doing something though her pallour returned when she remembered which power she gave to me."

I frowned before paling as understanding came to me. Whilst I was absolutely invincible as long as I stood still the moment I moved, I moved and I lost the invulnerability. Oh.

The fucking idiot would have got me killed, I huffed, "Not surprised he-" No. Superman, remember him. "did it, he didn't know after all."

"Knock him out please, it'd be better if we don't take any risks with Oni Lee," I smiled, "We can make all the bad quips we want to after the fight."

Zeus raised an eyebrow but nodded as I mouthed later, meanwhilst Hellhound continued trying to break out much to my displeasure as I punted her dogs further behind me, hoping she actually had a range limit.

It proved fruitful as eventually they did lose their size and became normal dogs, a twinge of guilt entered my mind at the pitiful whining of the dogs. I crushed it immidiatedly, those dogs would be better of not fighting capes anyways.

"Oni Lee?" I questioned as I took my position in front of the Undersiders, my power was still in effect despite the Icy bonds above their clothes constantly pressing them down.

"43 Seconds."

"So bullshit."

Ignoring Themis's murmur about her own power and the snort from Zeus I stood still with one though.

'I am the flying blue hero. The flying blue hero is me. I am the flying blue hero…' I stood unnaturally still feeling my power click into place.

When Oni Lee arrived I almost died. Knowing about a teleporting demon mask fragging asshole was one thing, seeing it even with numbed emotions was terrifying, watching his clone explode into ashes was quite an experience for the both of us.

Me because I was an inch away from death, him because he suffered from Zeus already knowing where he'd go.

With the crack and sound of some more frost, the demon teleported slumped down, unconscious.

"Not bad," Zeus said with a grin, "First day out and got five villains."

I chuckled slightly, "Eh, we've still got an angry rage dragon coming our way chasing a bug themed… rogue?" I smiled nervously, above us I was gathering a small storm, Lung was being buffeted by massive area of effect attacks by now and the Bug Girl had the air pushing her forward, second wind in true expression.

"I take my words back. This is a bad day, a very bad day. All in for abandoning the position and scooting with the Undies and the Monkey' Paworter?" Zeus asked in jest, already placing his hands on the lamp pole next to him and consuming it for additional durability and preparing to fight his power being briefly switched over by Themis.

"We're not actually running." Themis declared with a steely voice.

"True, please switch back to your mover power or any power that manipulates time or gravity," I said with a grim smile as I slowly floated closer my own attention split to focus at the dragon, "Focus on rescuing the innocents, I'll make sure the Undersiders and Lee are safe."

Zeus looked at my grim look before looking at Themis's determined look. "Oh well, I always wanted to fight a raging monster dragon that was chasing a princess."

Themis and I snorted in unison, seeing the running cape in black and the roaring rage dragon I straightened subconsciously and dug into my power with thoughts of any restraint long gone.

Gusts of winds slowed Lung, blasts of Fire sputtered out in brief vacuums created by me. A bolt of thunder just happened to blast Lung back as the bug girl made it to us taking in deep breaths. All in all he was pretty irritated and somewhat battered despite his impressive regeneration as it struggled to fight both the poison and my blasts.

"Switching you to Teleportation, stay safe." Themis murmured behind me, tagging Zeus.

I took in a deep breath, completely ignoring Taylor's question, please no Batman, "Hello fellow hero! I see you've got yourself into quite a pinch eh?" A massive buffet of wind tore into Lung making him struggle to move forward, another blast sent by me pushed him back on his back.

Taylor paused to double check what I said before nodding shyly.

"Never fret the-"

"Switching Lightning, you're immune, grow over time and are a poor man's shielder," Themis's voice spoke out.

I frowned at the feeling of a strong power disappear as three more clicked into place and became available.

"AS I WAS SAYING," I ignored the snort from both of my companions, "Never fret fellow newbie, for the Celestials shall arrive to the rescue!"

Lung finally pushed through my shield enough to reach me as my attention lapsed a little, throwing fire at me as I grabbed Taylor and shoved her behind me with my power.

Unfortunately for him, I was quite immune to his fire. I stared at the fiery blast as it bathed me in heat. I moved Taylor further back with the Undersiders, he moved forward, his intent clear to strike me down, preferably permanently.

I moved faster, my primary power aided me here, my moves were aided by strong pushes of wind. I was already stopping Lung from breathing any air, not risking even carbon dioxide to his regeneration and smiled at him as he got a little dizzier each hit.

My eyes widened as one of the blasts went off target and nearly hit a group of civilians before I swung them up onto a roof where Zeus was already preparing a group to travel to the PHQ.

"Please the people will get hurt, just surrender?" I pleaded as I lifted my hand and snuffed the fire out, that was my saving grace his fire still seemed to require Oxygen so I could extinguish them nearly as fast as he could throw it around.

Zeus was still teleporting around in a flash and quickly picking up and more civilians that could get caught in our fight and pulling them back or dropping them at the PHQ, Themis had moved back as well using her secondary power to raise thick reinforcing shield of ice, I absently further displaced Hellhound's dogs as the Undersiders were moved back.

Nevertheless, these thoughts were vanquished quite handily when I moved forward to engage the dragon in melee, this time Lung was faster as he reached out to shank me -by heavens he needs to cut his nails- I forced myself to remain perfectly stationary with my powers over the air holding me still in the air, his hand met my face.

My face won. With a smile I changed my power, removing the quantum lock (because seriously, what else could it be?) with Lung's own power -well not exactly Lung's power- combined with my shielder lite power.

Even as I batted away flames and tried in vain to save both the environment and the people I smiled at the latest interruption to our fight, a deceptively silent bike was speeding towards up. I clenched my teeth and tugged again this time throwing Lung 100 metres into the air and then swiftly into the road, more than half of his body buried in the ground, by now the dragon had grown again however he was close to unconscious and I extinguished all Oxygen from the part of his body the Blue and White armoured hero attacked with his Halberd.

I sighed in relief as the dragon stopped struggling and finally let go, the tranquilisers and poison working in tandem to put him to sleep seeing the Blue and White armoured hero my eyes mellowed, even though I was already gathering force to blast him, "What's the time?"

Armsmaster cocked his head questioningly before shrugging, "12:21, you a new hero?" He asked looking around at the surrounding though he didn't really seem hostile after he got a glance at Zeus flashing back from his last group.

"We're the Celestials," I said with a genial smile, "A new group, sir," I added the latter as an afterthought, he was supposed to be the ENE head and a veteran hero

He made a show off glancing where Taylor stood with the captured villains, "And you captured Lung, Oni Lee and the Undersiders?" Armsmaster asked, his voice sounding fairly impressed.

I smiled, "We did no more than responsibility asked us to," seeing him cocking his head questioningly I shrugged, "With great power comes great responsibility," I didn't let Superman or Spiderman go, they were ideas, ideas that I could truly aspire to.

I've read the hero guidebook, it's basically fake it till you make it anyways.

He smiled at me, this time more warmly than the first time, "Those are good words," with that said he turned towards the third member of our group who most definitely didn't match the colour scheme of flashy yellow and white, bright blue or the royal blue cloak. Yeah, Taylor didn't exactly fit in with us, she seemed to have more in common with the Undersiders though thankfully the fact she was unbound and next to Themis eased Armsmaster, "Are you with them?"

"No," She said in a small voice though it held an undercurrent of excitement, "I'm an independent hero."

Armsmaster nodded with an understanding smile, "Very well, miss?" He looked askingly at Taylor who shrugged helplessly.

"I haven't even come up with a name yet. You know how hard it is to come up with a bug-themed name that doesn't make me sound like a supervillain or a complete dork?"

He chuckled, his voice was nicer than I expected, kinder than the supposed arrogance he was meant to have. Then again it might be Dragon or a social interaction simulator, "I wouldn't know. I got into the game early enough that I didn't have to worry about missing out on all of the good names."

"Wasp?" Offered Themis.

Taylor looked at me her eyes imploring, did I look like the leader? I guess fighting a ramped up Dragon one on one does leave an impression on people. she smiled under her mask (totally wasn't using air to spy).

"Wasp then, I'll need a basic statement to fill in my report," Armsmaster spoke, his voice was firm yet warm to the new group of heroes.

Wasp nodded in compliance, "I was out on my patrol, seeing if I could stop some minor criminals and whatnot."

She sighed as she looked at the Undersiders, "I started the fight was because I overheard him telling his men to shoot some kids. Only realized now that he was talking about some other villains."

He nodded, "Thank you, you can go if you want to, though I'd prefer if you came around to PHQ to give a proper statement," He clasped her shoulder startling her slightly, "You did great today." With that said not noticing her blush or smile. Then again neither would I if I wasn't spying.

He walked a few steps away to call in support to evacuate the now snoring dragon laying in a ditch ten feet deep when I turned towards Taylor, "Guess you're a member of our team?"

Wasp grimaced despite my winning smile and bright golden eyes, "I'm really sorry but I don't want to join a team just yet."

I sighed, before shrugging. "Sure, feel free to find us if you need help though," I leaned in gesturing for her to do the same, "And if a thinker tries to soft sell villainy remember. No matter how little crime always hurts somebody."

She looked hesitant at my piece of advice before nodding with a firm smile, "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind, uh I didn't get your name."

I would have snorted but she seemed to flinch so I just grinned brilliantly as my eyes flared, "Ouranos at your service."

"Thanks for saving me," She flashed a quick smile before remembering I couldn't see her and blushing under her mask, "See you around/."

"Well met Wasp!" I said with a grin as I shook her hand, "May you slay the homework like our dragon!"

She giggled softly before going on her way, "That was nice of you," Themis said softly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said smiling before facing her and Zeus, "We are a team right?"

They shared a glance before shrugging together, Zeus just nodded with his lazy grin.

Themis smirked before pointing towards Armsmaster -who was securing Lung, "How many teams can say they were formed through trial by dragonfire?"

I smiled letting Superman's persona take over and dipped into my power again, numbing my emotions.

"Are any civilians hurt?" I asked Armsmaster as he walked back to us.

"No you did a good job evacuating them," He said with a nod at us, "We'll send them home after we're done processing them."

"And Lung?"

"Lung is unconscious, beaten and battered, I pumped him full of tranquillizers and you beat him black and blue," He said, a satisfied smile on his face betraying his professional tone. Clearly, the man had no lost love for Lung.

He glanced at both of my teammate's costume with an appreciative gleam in his eyes, "You know a tinker?"

Themis shrugged helplessly, Zeus nodded, "Themis gave me a tinker power to make our costumes."

"She gave you your powers?" He asked with some surprise.

"I can give anyone a number of powers from a selection of a group I have access to," She said with a smile, catching on to my look.

"That's quite interesting, including tinker powers?" He asked

"Anything but Trump powers."

"The gangs won't leave you along," He said seriously, "I would suggest you either join the wards or at least become Protectorate affiliates, the second won't give you the security you need but it's better than nothing."

She smiled softly, "Anyone that wants me would have to go over two guys that can literally be called Eidolon lite and Demigod+"

"Which means?" Armsmaster asked, slightly confused. A quickly growing trend.

"It means that the swanky guy in yellow has a pool of powers he can pick from, all three times as stronger when given by me whilst Ouranos," She just looked at me wryly, "I don't there's anything any cape can do if he decides he wants to destroy the world tomorrow."

Armsmaster looked at me as I gave him a disarming smile, "Hey, at least the weather is nice?"

"Maybe you should come to the rig and tell us what happened?" He was calm despite the twitch his eye did under his helmet, "If you don't mind otherwise I'd just request that you come over to the PHQ sometime within the week to get your story straight."

Looking at my two team members -and wasn't that a weird thought- and their agreeable looks I smiled, "Why not, it's not like we're actually doing something," I hugged him suddenly, not letting him respond and smiled as his eye twitched more rapidly in response to certain flashed inside his visor, "I'm Ouranos, how're you doing today?"

He just sighed as I pouted, apparently possible S-Class threats hugging people was a more common thing than I thought it'd be.
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Yeah too much info given, maybe perhaps make an extras/info threadmark and put your characters' infos over there since you've already inserted it in the chapt. already.
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Where exactly is it most info heavy? I'll change those parts.
To me it was the characters, I felt like you've just dumped all the info for us to read just so you could get rid of it early or something like that. You need not edit your chapter though, it's not something you should be worried about.

I do recommend making a thread mark in regards to characters especially if you're planning on adding more OC/SIs.

Suggested changes:

More reactions from others. You accomplished so much so fast that some awesome stuff was skipped because MORE stuff happened. It feels like the local hero's have emotionally burned out after meeting you in 5 seconds.

Slow down your team's acceptance speed. They act like the three of you have been roommates for 20 years, which will make it harder to develop over time.

When did Armsmaster show up? He was like a silent ninja, and his bike vanished from the story.

For a guy who lost his memories, he seems to know everyone, which is fine I guess.

Overall, it seems rushed but fun! I look forward to what you create. Watching this thread.

Suggested changes:

More reactions from others. You accomplished so much so fast that some awesome stuff was skipped because MORE stuff happened. It feels like the local hero's have emotionally burned out after meeting you in 5 seconds.

Slow down your team's acceptance speed. They act like the three of you have been roommates for 20 years, which will make it harder to develop over time.

When did Armsmaster show up? He was like a silent ninja, and his bike vanished from the story.

For a guy who lost his memories, he seems to know everyone, which is fine I guess.

Overall, it seems rushed but fun! I look forward to what you create. Watching this thread.

Yeah I'm in the middle of editing the chapter, making it longer and more smooth.
Yeah I'm in the middle of editing the chapter, making it longer and more smooth.

Also, Don't forget that as the author, we are just fans.

Don't like my ideas? F*** em! Annoyed at cannon? Slap an AU on it and go to town.

I would rather have you be happy with what you write then spend all day in an effort to reach perfection through rewrites. As you continue telling your story, your skills will naturally increase. Always write something YOU enjoy first and foremost.
Also, Don't forget that as the author, we are just fans.

Don't like my ideas? F*** em! Annoyed at cannon? Slap an AU on it and go to town.

I would rather have you be happy with what you write then spend all day in an effort to reach perfection through rewrites. As you continue telling your story, your skills will naturally increase. Always write something YOU enjoy first and foremost.

Yeah but input is always helpful, I'm currently editing the chapter what would be best? More interaction with Tattletale? or in terms of Local heroes, you mean Taylor and Armsmaster?
I feel Armsmaster would not only have more questions but more concerns about lung, new hero's/competition, and glory in general.
I feel Armsmaster would not only have more questions but more concerns about lung, new hero's/competition, and glory in general.

Personally, I agree Armsmaster would have more questions and I'm adding it to the chapter though no one else is making suggestions so I'll have to bother you if you don't mind.

My view on Armsmaster's psyche is somewhat different since he is supposed to be openly heroic, at this point Brockton Bay has gone ahead and broken his spirit. Day after day of seeing more and more new triggers brutalised and killed by the gangs whilst the hero couldn't do much to save them has hit him quite hard. It only hits him harder when even Dauntless, who's praised more than him, couldn't do anything about literally any issue. I'd say whilst he likes glory as much as he does the constant death of would be minors has probably hit him, a hero, far harder than he actually shows it to be.
I feel that we should also point out that his ability is efficiency related. Therefore his feelings may also be under the influence of this efficiency. Hence the whole short sentences and direct conversation.