Liþrasir's Lament (Original Pathfinder Dungeon)


Trust and verify.
Hello all, and welcome to the running train wreck that is my Pathfinder For Scrubs game. Because it's an original setting since I don't know Pathfinder Lore as well as I should, this means I have to reskin any dungeon I grab for my players when Dungeon Time comes around.

Then I realize because there's a shitload of interest in Pathfinder and only one person who's got any idea what they're doing, I have a nine man group.

Well, good thing there's nine for mortal men doomed to die and all that.

In all seriousness though, this dungeon is gonna look like a hot mess, partially because it is a hot mess. There's no common theme to the monsters, there's no sanity and logic to the treasure hordes, there's no real hints to the puzzles, nadie. A lot of this is intentional, to give the GM (me) more wiggle room in handling the players. Some of it is an artifact of being done on the quick. Either way, if anyone wants to include suggestions to improve it, feel free.

Some statistics for the discerning reader
-For 6/9 of the players, this is their first Pathfinder game
-A full 3/9 of the party are arcane spellcasters
-The party is universally Level 4
-5/9 of the party can use offensive fire spells.
-0/9 of the party understand tactics.
-This is the GM's second time running a Pathfinder campaign.
-The average session is three and a half to four hours.
-The battle maps are done in whiteboard and marker.
Room 1
Room 1

Manticore, Poisonous
AC: 17 Touch: 11 HP: 69 Init: +3
Attacks: Bite +10(1d8+5+se) 2x Claws +10(2d4+5+se)
Ranged Attacks: 4x Spikes +8 (1d6+5+se)
Speed: 30ft ground, 50ft fly
Special Attacks: Poison Cloud, Venom Breath
Abilities: Detect Anti-Poison, Se (Poison, save dc19 Fort, 1d2 Con dmg), Poison Cloud (Save dc19 Fort, 1d3 Str dmg & Sicken, 10ft radius from creature) Toxic Flesh (Se on Touch/Natural Weapon hit), Venom Breath (1d4 round recharge, Save dc19 Fort, 1d6 Int and Wis dmg & confused)

Manticore Rider (Level 5 Human Fighter)
AC: 19 Touch: 13 HP: 52 Init: +3
Attacks: Glaive +10(1d10+4, Reach)
Ranged Attacks: Javelins +8 (1d6+4)
Speed: 25ft ground
Abilities/Feats: Mounted Combat, Ride-By Attack, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Weapon Focus (Glaive), Spirited Charge

Room Layout: A 30ft by 80ft open hall 20ft tall.

Enemy Tactics: The Manticore and Rider will engage first with yelling and insults. They're not open to negotiation- the party will need to kill them to progress. A Detect Alignment will detect Chaotic Good, a Sense Motive will detect a need to protect whatever lies behind the double doors to his rear. Once battle is joined, the first round will be spent using missile attacks to go for any obvious spellcasters, while the next round will be spent with a great flying leap attack to get behind the party and continue going after the squishies. Once this is done, the Manticore and Rider will engage in melee and not disengage until dead, repositioning to avoid flanking or other effects every other round.

Loot: There is no treasure except the rider's scale mail and weapons along with a amulet of poison immunity.

Connecting Rooms: L2, Outside

On Return: A small allied NPC delegation will be keeping the room as a safe point for the Adventurers after they clear it out, giving them a place to rest and heal. They offer some small food and drink, but no other major assistance.

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Room 2
Room 2

Wolverine x5
AC: 14 Touch: 12 HP: 25
Attacks: 2x Claws +4(1d6+2) Bite +4(1d6+4)
Speed: 30ft Ground, 10ft Burrow

Room Layout: 10ft x 10ft with a chest in the center and a few wall torches.

Enemy Tactics: The wolverines are in the chest. A DC 25 Perception check hears a faint growling snores from inside. A DC 15 Disable Device check opens the chest, at which point the Wolverines get a suprise round if they're not detected. Fight continues as normally from there.

Loot: 3d6 platinum coins.