Legacy Of The Wizard

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Got this idea from a video game title in under six seconds.

Legacy Of the Wizard

We are the...
Got this idea from a video game title in under six seconds.

Legacy Of the Wizard

We are the first of a long line of wizards in our family down through the ages. We may or may not become the world's greatest Archmage in the first generation. One thing is non negotiable, our family line of wizards will build from a tiny little coven, if you will of a few members right down to a great clatn full of the world's greatest magic users. We have to survive the first few life times first though. This is an ancient world which is transitioning between the Bronze Age and Iron Age, we need to be smart and quick witted if we are to survive. As we build our legacy over thousands of years, we will see nations and kings rise and fall.

What is our sex? Male or Female?
What is our name? Remember we are in a Fantasy World. Every name has a perk or perks to it.
What is our age? Anywhere from thirteen to seventy five will do.
Are we good or evil?
What is our current status in life? Anywhere from "street level", to "majestic".
What is our education level? Academy? Village elder? Master and apprentice? Royal Court?
What is our most outstanding mental trait? Cleverness, wisdom, or intelligence?

All of these are write ins before the quest properly even starts.
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[X] Sex: Female
[X] Name: Duplicia Cloverfield
[X] Age: 14
[X] Alignment: Good
[X] Status: Noble
[X] Education: Academy
[X] Mental Trait: Cleverness
I think if we are too be the first of our family line, we should be self-taught. Makes it more impressive in my opinion than just growing from the well established fundamentals of magic.
I think if we are too be the first of our family line, we should be self-taught. Makes it more impressive in my opinion than just growing from the well established fundamentals of magic.

I didn't cover every option we have in the OP. Yes, Self Taught would be very interesting.
[X] Sex: Female
[X] Name: Duplicia Cloverfield
[X] Age: 14
[X] Alignment: Good
[X] Status: Noble
[X] Education: Self Taught
[X] Mental Trait: Cleverness
[X} Sex: Female
[X] Name: Hilda Sigurdsdottir
[X] Age: 15
[X] Alignment: Neutral
[X] Status: Noble
[X] Education: Self Taught
[X] Mental Trait: Cleverness
[X] Sex: Male
[X] Name: Eiren Darkwynd
[X] Age: 15
[X] Alignment: Neutral Good
[X] Status: Commoner
[X] Education: Self Taught
[X] Mental Trait: Intelligence
[X] Sex: Male
[X] Name: Eiren Darkwynd
[X] Age: 15
[X] Alignment: Neutral
[X] Status: Squire
[X] Education: Apprentice
[X] Mental Trait: Cleverness

Ooh, I want to be a Swordmage!
[X] Sex: Male
[X] Name: Eiren Darkwynd
[X] Age: 15
[X] Alignment: Neutral Good
[X] Status: Commoner
[X] Education: Self Taught
[X] Mental Trait: Intelligence
Turn 1

[X] Male
[X] Eiren Darkwynd
[X] 15 years old
[X] Neutral Good
[X] Noble Status
[X] Self Taught
[X] Cleverness

Turn 1

You are Eiren Darkwynd, of course, with a name like Darkwynd, you're sure to reap the benefits of obvious capacity. You are officially powerful enough to be a modestly above average adult wizard, and you're only fifteen years old. You have also been taught in the sciences of history, alchemy, astronomy, illusions, medicine, philosophy and mathematics. In order to teach yourself enough magic to know anything other than cantrips and entry level spells, you have been learning since your thirteenth year in this world. As a Noble you have tons of books at your disposal. The first books ever printed, actually, and an equally heavy number of scrolls. As a young person you are extremely intelligent. You are also wise beyond your years in the ways of philosophy and social observations, however, your true strength of mind comes from your quick wits.

You've mastered spells which are little more than modestly strong enchantments; freezing opponents with a spoken word by paralyzing the nervous system, healing lethal wounds in seconds, curing diseases with a wave of the hand, summoning balls of electrical energy discharges called plasma bolts, raising an obscuring mist from the air and conjuring reflective images of your own person. You also know how to summon a guardian. Different from familiar spirits, guardians are an improvement over familiars, and are an extension of your own will, capable of minor magics of their own, which you can soon discover by your own pjerogative.

Your absolutely strongest spells however, are actually potent beyond that of nearly anyone of your young age can use. You can animate the dead during the night and times of darkness, you can conjure more powerful electrical discharges of lightning bolts, and summon bursts of wind strong enough to throw horses for dozens of meters. Lastly, you know the magical way of understanding and speaking in any and all languages fluently.

Unfortunately your ability to combine your unusually quick mastery of magics, illusion, alchemy, and medicine together have made you enemies throughout the High Kingdom. You discover through your studies that you have been poisoned. Fortunately you have a long time until you are dead yet, and you are keeping the poison's effects at bay as long as you can through your enchantments.

But who did it?

1) Your best friend. (Give a name).
2) Your lover! (Give a name).
3) Your jealous family member (Name and relative type).
4) Your aristocratic rivals, the (Names?)
5) A total stranger! (name and motive, a life story isn't needed)

And Why?

1) Jealousy!
2) A love triangle!
3) Revenge! (You don't know why)
4) Revenge! (Explain)
5) Greed!
6) Blackmail! (Explain!)

What are you gonna do?

1) Kill him! (Assassinate)
2) Kill him! (murder and flee)
3) Duel him! (Or her)
4) Try to negotiate?
5) Curse him or her! (Explain, and I will explain if it's in your power)
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[X] Plan All in the Family
Who - Your stepmother
Why - She didn't want her own son to grow in your shadow (And your genius casts a large shadow)
Negotiate - Have their treachery revealed
[X] Plan: Glittering Gold
-[X] Your Lover: Isabela di Caliona
-[X] Greed
-[X] Curse her: For her toxic tongue and poisonous intentions, she shall never be able to properly speak again (permanent stutter and heavy lisp)

@Janus Is my curse okay?
[X] Plan: Glittering Gold
-[X] Your Lover: Isabela di Caliona
-[X] Greed
-[X] Curse her: For her toxic tongue and poisonous intentions, she shall never be able to properly speak again (permanent stutter and heavy lisp)
Information Turn 2
[X] Plan: Glittering Gold
-[X] Your Lover: Isabela di Caliona
-[X] Greed
-[X] Curse her: For her toxic tongue and poisonous intentions, she shall never be able to properly speak again (permanent stutter and heavy lisp)

"How dare you accuse me!"
Isabela di Caliona screams. "I saw you do everything in my scrying crystal. It cost a fortune, but it revealed everything. You put had servants pour evil into my food, you even lined the toilet seats with poisonous exotic substances. I should be dead, and I would be if not for my magic!"
Isabela laughs. "I would make a good Lady. I deserve so much MORE!" She states, as if matter of factly. "I am your better, my family are and have always been High Born! Yours have only been little lords for two generations! You're little more than apes!"
"Isabela di Caliona. For your toxic tongue and poisonous intentions, you shall never be able to properly speak again." She attempts to speak with venomous words against you, then she recoils in horror. She has been cursed.

((You have made an enemy. Well sort of already had one, but yeah, you could kill her, or something.))

So with that out of the way, at the moment at least, you have a moment to yourself. You could accrue a new lover. Get married, have children. Or you could focus on your work. Due to accruing new enemies, you should probably not dilly dally in the game of life, or you could lose yours. Isabela di Caliona is beautiful, unable to speak properly, but she is still very intelligent. She could be a dangerous enemy if you aren't careful. Without a constant stream of poison filling you at every waking moment, you buy the antidote, as expensive as it is, and it nearly puts you out on the street.

You manage to find time to learn more about your Guardian. It's a powerful familiar like monster you can fashion into your own image. Do you want a clone, or some kind of monstrous servant? It could even be a plant, inanimate object or animal. Benefits depend on the form you choose for it.

1) Focus on your work. In this world, there are five kinds of magic. True Naming can do nearly all purposes but requires material components and the spoken word to use spells.

Enchantment causes improvements, changes and illusionary spells. Good for changing enemies into frogs, healing fatal wounds, etcetera. A working knowledge of alchemy is usually the only price to pay for Enchantment.

Witchcraft is good for raising the dead to serve you, although you can do that in a limited way right now without it, in addition to manipulating natural phenomenon to increase your prestige, fertility, etcetera. It always comes with a price however.

Wizardry manipulates energy and elemental properties for spell casting. It could also summon Elementals just as much as manipulate energy for particular spells.

1) Work on all four Magic Schools. (The following options have you studying only one magic school for the next time period)
2) Get a family. You're still young, and you could get some heirs of your own.
3) Try to accrue a fortune to recover your lost prestige.
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[x] 3) Try to accrue a fortune to recover your lost prestige.

First money and prestige. And after heirs.
[X] 1) Work on all four Magic Schools. (The following options have you studying only one magic school for the next time period)

Why get waifu when you can summon your own.
[x] 3) Try to accrue a fortune to recover your lost prestige.

Wow Janus, did you write the chapter in fragments? Last I checked, there was only the very first two paragraphs.
[x] 3) Try to accrue a fortune to recover your lost prestige.
"Eiryen." The old man states your name. "The Kingdom has need of you. I have need of an apprentice. You are still young enough to adopt a mentor. Lessons begin in three months, by order of the King."
The Court advisor to the King, the Court Wizard, Borya admires your status as a self-taught wizard and as such demands that you join the Wizard's Court to the Kingdom of Lyonese. Your Kingdom is currently the only nation in the region that uses Iron and Steel. One of the jobs that Borya gives you is the enchantment of steel weapons for the soldiers. You learn how to enchant weapons with magical properties, and thus you are earning a reputation as a teen prodigy throughout the little empire. However, the King is demanding that you infuse arrows and other weapons with your necromantic powers to raise an army of the dead. You fear this will anger the gods. What do you do?

((You receive a vast fortune three times as large as the one you lost, in addition to the second highest paying job in the country.))

1) Respectfully and politely refuse, stating religious reasons. (The gods would be offended).
2) Flee the country.
3) Do as you are told.