How should I continue?

  • Power through the writer's block and continue!

    Votes: 4 36.4%
  • Remake and rebrand on a different thread.

    Votes: 6 54.5%
  • Delete and archive. This quest had its day.

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
Recent readers

It's... dark.

Darker than the void you had experienced for what felt like centuries.

The Beginning


Grand Idiot of the Universe
It's... dark.

Darker than the void you had experienced for what felt like centuries.

You remember the Overmind's covenant to his Cerebrates. If ever your flesh failed you, your flesh would be made anew. This was so since the beginning of the Swarm, and you feel glee when you realize that the covenant could not even be broken by the Dark Templar, nor Kerrigan. But... If this was so, why do you not feel the calming presence of your fellow cerebrates, nor your Father?

All at once, you feel the Overmind's spirit touch your's, and you are filled with knowledge. Purpose. Drive.

"My Child," he speaks in your mind, "The First Swarm has been lain low by the very agent I charged with elevating it. Your brothers and myself have passed into the Void, due to her actions and those of the Dark Templar. However, by combining our strength, you have been reincarnated once more."

The feeling is intense. You have been resurrected by the powers of the entire Swarm. As you think of your gift, you are also reminded starkly of the Queen of Blades. She who you protected since she was a mere chrysalis. The one who always ran ahead with no plan, who lacked the foresight to see what powers she has been given by the very thing she sought to topple. Rage fills you as memories flit through your mind, how she disregarded Zasz' death, how she dared to do battle against Daggoth, how you were forced to eliminate brood after brood in order to satisfy her desires.

"As a result, I hereby eradicate your covenant. You are no longer her subordinate, but instead her competition. The Queen of Blades is now weak, for she has been "purified" of her Infestation." The Overmind seems content with this outcome, and truth be told, so are you. "Now, I charge you with this; grow strong, my greatest of Cerebrates. Overthrow these Brood Mothers, and become the leader the Swarm deserves." The Overmind's presence leaves you, and you immediately become aware of your surroundings.

Your current Hive Cluster is almost insultingly simple; A single hatchery, six drones, a spawning pool, and eighteen Zerglings. You have no evolutions yet, however minerals abound near your Hatchery. It appears to be a jungle planet, rich with biomass. An almost perfect start to your New Swarm. But first, a few matters to take care of...

What is your name?
[] I take the name of Zasz, in honor of he who was the first to fall. Increased supply per Overlord. Decreased unit creation time.
[] I take the name of Daggoth, in honor of one of the greatest of the Overmind's servants. General increase of unit capabilities. Decreased Evolution Research time.
[] I am... unsure... Write-In. Choose a name and possible buffs.

What shall your first action be?
[] I shall send my Zerglings to devour all the biomass in the immediate area. +200 Biomass, increased chance of early discovery.
[] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[] Begin spawning more minions. I must have an army ready before I am discovered. +X Zerglings, +X Drones. 2 Zerglings = 25 Minerals and 10 Biomass, 1 Drone = 50 Minerals and 0 Biomass.
[] Take stock of my options. Surely there are other things to do? Write-In.
Crossposted on Spacebattles Forums, yes I am the original creator both here and there. Hope to see what you guys come up with.

Welcome to the SCII Quest I cooked up! Play as the reincarnated StarCraft I Cerebrate, on a journey to bring the Swarm to its full power! A few explanations, though:
Biomass is the main "currency" in the quest. For every creature you devour, enemy you kill, or mission you complete, you are awarded Biomass to spend towards evolutions, units, and upgrades.
Your Choices Impact the Universe. This takes place near the beginning of Heart of the Swarm. Kerrigan has been de-infested by the Xel'Naga artifact and is currently being tested. Take this time to build up your Brood in preparation of the incoming battles.
Each turn takes about a week, unless otherwise specified. You have five weeks until Kerrigan begins her Zerg Control test. As such, choose your actions wisely, for when she is set free and finds out you exist, you will doubtlessly be a target for either subjugation or eradication.
[x] I take the name of Zasz, in honor of he who was the first to fall. Increased supply per Overlord. Decreased unit creation time.

[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
Alpha Hive Cluster
Primary Hive Cluster (As of 8/15/18)
  • 1 Lair
  • 1 Spawning Pool
  • 1 Hydralisk Den
  • 1 Roach Warren
  • 1 Extractor
  • 2 Evolution Chambers
  • 2 Creep Colonies
  • 15 Spore Crawlers
  • 1 Zerg Pylon
  • 19 Total Drones
    • 6 Miners (Minerals)
    • 2 Harvesters (Gas)
    • 8 Gatherers (Battlefield)
    • 3 Idle
  • 94 Total Zerglings
    • Gathering Assistants: 14
    • Defense Team Alpha: 13
    • Attack Team Epsilon: 46
    • 21 Idle
  • 2 Total Hydralisks
    • Defense Team Alpha: 1
    • Attack Team Epsilon: 1
    • 0 Idle
  • 3 Total Roaches
    • Defense Team Alpha: 1
    • Attack Team Epsilon: 2
    • 0 Idle
  • Gnarl
  • 7 Overlords
  • Supply: 45.5/140 (Base: 20)(Per Overlord: 10)(Zerg Pylon: 30)
  • 458 Biomass (+0 per Week)
  • 325 Minerals (+120 per Week)
  • 975 Gas (+20 per Week)
Available Resources
  • Nearby Mineral Cluster (440/1000 Minerals)
  • Nearby Vespene Geyser (440/500 Gas)
  • Nearby Jungle (155/300 Biomass)
  • Warzone (?? Minerals, ?? Biomass, ?? Gas)
  • Metabolic Boost - Drastically increase Zergling movement speed.
  • Burrow - Units can burrow beneath the ground to hide from enemy sight.
  • Researching Zerg Pylon; 7/14 Days
  • 1 Free Evolution Chamber

  • Drone: 50 Minerals [5 Minerals, 25 Biomass], .5 Supply - 2 Days
  • 2 Zerglings: 10 Biomass, 50 Minerals, .5 Supply - 1 Day
  • Overlord: 100 Minerals [10 Minerals, 50 Biomass], +10 Supply - 3 Days
    • Overseer: 50 Minerals, 50 Gas [5 Minerals, 75 Gas, 50 Biomass] - 4 Hours
  • Hydralisk: 100 Minerals, 50 Vespene, 1 Supply - 1 Day
  • Evolution Master: 200 Minerals, 500 Vespene, 200 Biomass - 2 Weeks
    • Requires; 1 Lair, 3 Evolution Chambers
  • Hatchery: 300 Minerals - 7 Days
    • Lair: 150 Minerals, 50 Vespene - 7 Days
    • Hive: 200 Minerals, 150 Vespene - 7 Days
  • Creep Colony: 75 Minerals - 12 Hours
    • Sunken Colony: 50 Minerals - 12 Hours
    • Spore Colony: 50 Minerals - 12 Hours
  • Evolution Chamber: 75 Minerals - 4 Days
  • Extractor: 25 Minerals - 1 Day
  • Hydralisk Den: 150 Minerals - 3 Days
  • Spawning Pool: 150 Minerals - 3 Days
  • Roach Warren: 150 Minerals - 3 Days
  • Infestation Pit: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene - 5 Days
  • Spire: 200 Minerals, 200 Vespene - 1 Week
  • Nydus Network: 150 Minerals, 200 Vespene - 3 Days
  • Scourge Nest: 150 Minerals, 50 Gas - 6 Days
  • Muscular Augments: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 3 Days
  • Grooved Spines: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 3 Days
  • Tunneling Claws: 150 Minerals, 150 Vespene; 4 Days
  • Gilal Reconstitution: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 4 Days
  • Zerg Melee Attacks 1: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 2 Weeks
  • Zerg Ranged Attacks 1: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 2 Weeks
  • Zerg Ground Carapace 1: 150 Minerals, 150 Vespene; 2 Weeks, 3 Days
  • Pneumatized Carapace: 100 Minerals, 100 Vespene; 2 Days
  • Ventral Sacs (Per Overlord): 25 Minerals, 25 Vespene; 12 Minutes
  • Bio-Recycler: 150 Minerals, 200 Vespene, 25 Biomass; 7 Days.
  • Living Wall: 250 Minerals, 300 Gas, 200 Biomass; 2 Weeks
  • Hydraseizer: 750 Minerals, 500 Biomass, 600 Vespene; 1 Month. Requires a Hive.
  • Zergling Wing intensity: 150 Minerals, 25 Vespene, 300 Biomass; 3 Weeks. Requires Spire, Scourge Nest
  • "Psionic Stealth Unit": Requires research and experimentation in psionics and how they effect the Zerg before a proper evolution can be made. Expect a large Khadarin Shard cost.
  • Swarmer Zergling: Requires specific essence before experimentation can begin. Expect a large biomass cost.
  • Zergling Spitfire: Requires research in firespitting creatures before experimentation can begin. Expect a large Vespene cost.
  • Creepspitter: Requires extensive research in how creep is generated before experimentation can begin. Since you purged everything you found of the Spawn Horrors, you'll be starting from scratch. Expect a large Biomass cost and a mountainous Mineral cost.
  • Creep Nexus: Requires a Nydus Network and 6 Creep Colonies before experimentation can begin. Expect a large Biomass cost.
  • Spore Crawler Agility: Requires research of Spine and Spore Crawlers before experimentation can begin. Expect a large Mineral cost.
  • Mole: Requires research of Overseers, Banelings, and Zerglings. Expect a large Vespene cost.
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[X] I take the name of Daggoth, in honor of one of the greatest of the Overmind's servants. General increase of unit capabilities. Decreased Evolution Research time.
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[X] I take the name of Mengsk, in honor of the fool who first delivered Sarah Kerrigan into the Overmind's hands. (Potential buff -- unsure, but something espionage based perhaps? Adaptations towards Terran-style communication, or an ability to replicate the psi emitters used on Tarsonis)
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.

Unsure if this write-in is allowable, but it seems like it'd be an interesting one if it was. If it isn't, I'll probably switch to Daggoth.
[X] I take the name of Mengsk, in memory of the fool who first delivered Sarah Kerrigan into the Overmind's hands. (Potential buff -- unsure, but something espionage based perhaps? Adaptations towards Terran-style communication, or an ability to replicate the psi emitters used on Tarsonis)

[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
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[X] I take the name of Daggoth, in honor of one of the greatest of the Overmind's servants. General increase of unit capabilities. Decreased Evolution Research time.
[X] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[X] I take the name of Daggoth, in honor of one of the greatest of the Overmind's servants. General increase of unit capabilities. Decreased Evolution Research time.
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[X] I take the name of Overmind, in honor of the true and only leader of the Swarm, now and forever (???)
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[X] I take the name of Overmind, in honor of the true and only leader of the Swarm, now and forever (???)
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
[X] I take the name of Overmind, in honor of the true and only leader of the Swarm, now and forever (???)
[x] I must be cautious. Make use of my Drones to harvest the minerals and small amount of biomass nearby. +25 Biomass, +100 Minerals.
Votes will be tallied in 4 hours and then a response will be formulated. Please make your final votes now.

As an additional note, despite the tag, OOC and talking amongst your allies is encouraged! Bounce ideas off of each other, talk to your friends, etc. I like seeing what my players come up with when they actually communicate.
Week 1
Hrm... it... it is almost blasphemous, but it feels so... fitting. You are the Overmind. The True and Only Leader of the Swarm. Now and Forever. The Eternal Will of the Swarm. The thought resonates in your mind, sending shivers through the Void as neural pathways begin to awaken that you never knew you had. You feel your control of the Swarm grow, and your upper Zerg appear to become smarter as well. How... interesting. More studies will be required.

As you finish your assessment, you feel a mind prodding your own, and not the other way around. Your burst of panic is quickly cooled by the fact that this tendril of thought is familiar. Your very own Overlord is communicating with you, likely thanks to the increased intelligence.

"Hail, Overmind." it calls to you, voice low and quiet, yet still managing to reverberate. "This One has no Name yet. This One is... unsure of transformation. Can think clearly. Can formulate thoughts better. Command prowess and influence; grown." You almost cackle at the idea. Your Overlord is nearly as intelligent as a Cerebrate, now, who knows what other mutations lie ahead, what powers have yet to be revealed!

Making use of your Drones, you easily harvest some of the nearby plant matter and biomass from the Jungle, as well as stockpile a somewhat large well of Minerals. Overlord, having been left to his own devices, had flown off to scout the area. He transmits his sight, and the results are... troubling.


A relatively small Hive Cluster is situated approximately ten miles north of your own, outfitted with around six hundred Zerglings, three hundred of these new "Roaches", and only one hundred Hydralisks. They all crawl and slither around on the creep carpet but, strangely, few Overlords are present besides your own, and the Hydralisks do not seem to be attacking him. A powerful psionic presence dwells within the Lair, apparently the sole reason these Zerg haven't gone feral from lack of control.


Week Results
Name: Overmind. Increased Supply per Overlord, Increased Base control of Swarm, Psionic capabilities unlocked, Sentient units grow more intelligent, cost of Sentient Units increased.
+25 Biomass, +100 Minerals. New stock: 75 Biomass, 200 Minerals, 0 Gas.
No new structures.
No new units.
Neutral Hive Cluster located.


[] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
[] Begin creating new structures. The best defense is a wall of flesh and carapace. Build new evolutionary structures. Currently buildable: [Creep Colony: 125 Minerals, 1 Drone], [Evolution Chamber: 75 Minerals, 1 Drone], [Extractor: 25 Minerals, 1 Drone], [Hydralisk Den: 150 Minerals, 1 Drone].
[] What are your other options... Write-In

Additional Choices

[] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
[] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In

Overlord's Suggestions

Hive Cluster; Stagnant. Not producing new units. Drones; absent. Overlords; absent. Subjucate, execute, psionic presence; hive cluster joins Overmind.
Minions required. Zerglings; weak. Brittle. Few. Need many for offensive.
[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +2 Drones
[X] Begin creating new structures. The best defense is a wall of flesh and carapace. Build new evolutionary structures. Currently buildable: [Extractor: 25 Minerals, 1 Drone]

[X] Designation for Overlord?
@Megaman201 are we psionically strong enough to dominate whatever is inside the hive cluster based on what we can sense?

edit: would additional overlords help?
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@Megaman201 are we psionically strong enough to dominate whatever is inside the hive cluster based on what we can sense?
You only recently gained psionic abilities and power. You're basically a baby with a rocket launcher; a force to be reckoned with, but no intelligence to truly fuck things up.
You can certainly try to brute-force the unknown entity into submission, however it will likely come at a cost.

Edit-Edit: As QM, I proclaim yes; Overlords can help.
But as I said; cost. Are you willing to risk your only Overlord?
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[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +2 Drones
[X] Begin creating new structures. The best defense is a wall of flesh and carapace. Build new evolutionary structures. Currently buildable: [Extractor: 25 Minerals, 1 Drone]

[X] Designation for Overlord?
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[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
-[X] 4 Drones
[X] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
-[X] Gnarl
[X] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In
-[X] Keep as is

Neutral Hive Cluster assets
600 Zerglings
300 Roaches
100 Hydralisks
1 lair
1 spawning pool
1 hydralisk den(?)
1 roach warren(?)
<10 Overlords
1 brood mother(?)

1 hatchery
1 spawning pool
18 zerglings
6 drones
1 overlord

guess this means we can dominate the overlords individually and then dominating any zergs going feral
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[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
-[X] 4 Drones
[X] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
-[X] Gnarl
[X] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In
-[X] Keep as is
[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
-[X] 4 Drones
[X] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
-[X] Gnarl
[X] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In
-[X] Keep as is
[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
-[X] 4 Drones
[X] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
-[X] Gnarl
[X] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In
-[X] Keep as is
[X] Begin spawning units. Now that we have located this new Brood, time is of the "essence". Ha. +X Drones, Zerglings, Overlords. 50 Minerals per Drone, 125 Minerals and 10 Biomass per Overlord, 50 Minerals per 2 Zerglings.
-[X] 4 Drones
[X] Designation for Overlord? Write-In
-[X] Gnarl
[X] Designation for Neutral Hive Cluster? Write-In
-[X] Keep as is
Please either edit or delete one of your posts. One person can only cast one vote. If this is what you decide on, delete your previous post.
Thank you.
All new votes and plans must be submitted soon. Votes will be tallied, and a new response shall be made, in approximately 3-4 hours.
Week 2
Working quickly, you begin spawning your forces. A mere four Drones, but that should be enough for your plans.


The Drones hatch relatively quickly, netting you an additional 40 minerals for the week, bringing you up to a grand total of 100 minerals to play with. As your workers were not idle, neither was your newly-named Gnarl. The Overlord flaunted its intelligence, patrolling the edge of the Neutral Hive Cluster and actually stealing away what forces it could, without overstepping the bounds of your psionic control. As a result, you have ended up with an additional 6 Zerglings, 1 Hydralisk, and 3 Roaches. This proves that Gnarl can supercede the control of whatever lurks in the Hive Cluster, but what interests you is the lack of response. Surely multiple synaptic strings being cut would alert the mind?

Apparently not, as the week passes and still no response. Humming, you return to your own brood, where your forces prowl about. It is time to act quickly...

Feeling this thought, you also are hit with a massive headache; well, as much as a Cerebrate can get a headache. You feel individual consciousness blurring together, and when the migraine passes, you realize your "supply" has decreased; each unit is half as much supply!

[] Build Forces. Alternate Methods available; Cost of minerals, cut to 10%, half original cost becomes Biomass. Example: 50 Minerals; 5 Minerals, 25 Biomass.

  • Drone: 50 Minerals
  • Zerglings: 10 Biomass, 50 Minerals.
  • Overlord: 100 Minerals
  • Hatchery: 300 Minerals
  • Creep Colony: 125 Minerals
  • Evolution Chamber: 75 Minerals
  • Extractor: 25 Minerals
  • Hydralisk Den: 150 Minerals
[] Formulate a plan for your neighbor. What should transpire? How many weeks should pass? Write-In
Gnarl's Suggestion;

Brood; minimal. Economy; lacking. More Drones required; increase mineral, gas, biomass, income.
Forces; weak. Psionics; strong. Physical battle; costly. Mental battle; probable. Suggestion; spawn additional Overlords. Increase psionic structure.


My little questlings gearing up for war~
Sorry for the lateness on this one. IRL crap kicked me in the shins.
Also I rolled for this crap. Pray to RNGsus for your boons.
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75 biomass 100 minerals
[X] Spawn 1 overlord, 1 drone (60Min, 75 Bio)
[X] Send drones and zerglings to gather biomass, overlords continue to slowly take over units till unit cap reached focusing on zerglings and overlords (1 week)
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