Konosuba, the basket of bounty, and the three guardians

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Kazuma worked hard to free Eris and Aqua, unfortunately, their new lives won't be as easy as they thought


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
The sounds of a hammer hitting an unknown material could be heard throughout the realm, the sound was something that those who heard it swore sounded familiar but failed to know what it was.

Those who had the means to travel into this realm searched as far as they could, but no matter where they looked they failed to find where the sound was coming from.

Soon the people of the various realms learned to live with the noise, and the sound became something that gave birth to legends, as heroes and scholars alike went to search for the being that never seemed to tire.

The days became months and months turned to decades until one morning a child spoke about a man with short brown hair, who wore a green cape, that was lined with gold on its edges.

The man's green eyes shined with a mixture of joy and pain, as he hammered at something, but his hands didn't hold a hammer, they held something ancient and made of purity.

the children spoke about how the man's tears fell onto a pair of sleeping women, one who had long blue hair and the other who had long grey hair.

They spoke about the many beings that floated around the man and how some tried to stop him from working by hurting him, while others played tricks, danced, and did all sorts of things to distract him.

Still, the man worked.

Priests, paladins, magicians, and even some wizards used their spells to recreate the dream, while others simply waited for the children to sleep again and cast a spell so that they could see what the children dreamt.

They soon heard the voices of countless people calling to their gods, but their prayers fell on deaf ears.

Still, the man worked.

Every time he hit something with the thing that no one could describe, a sound echoed through the realms, it was a sound that all beings both living and dead knew, but only those that were present when the first beings were created knew what it was.

Over and over again the man struck the forces together, sometimes his tears would mix with the objects and sometimes they wouldn't.

the man worked despite the many beings that tried to distract him.

Magians, wizards, and scholars alike tried to reach the man, some tried to contact him and ask him why he was doing what he was doing, while others wanted the power that he controlled.

Amongst the common people, there were those who both feared and were simply curious as to where the man was and it was they who heard the answer.

The man was in a place where no god could reach while they lived and he was trying to bring a pair of goddesses back to life.

The gods spoke of a pair of mischievous goddesses who spent whatever free time they had amongst the humans who worshiped them, they played, drank, and acted as mortals despite not ever being it.

The man was their champion, he was someone who had been blessed not just the two sleeping goddesses but several others, and a pair of demonic Arch Dukes had allied themselves with him.

Those that heard their god's words were shocked to learn, that the beings that tormented the man, weren't evil but the blessings of the other goddesses and devils who wanted him to look at their master with the same devotion that he had for the sleeping women.

Word about the lost champion who worked tirelessly for the goddesses who no one remembered continued to spread, some wondered if the man had been a smith or an artificer, and others wondered about the other goddesses that had blessed him.

Then they heard it, the sound of something ancient something that they all knew, but never had a word for, they just knew that it had happened.

The various realms fell silent and even the gods who knew the secrets that mortals and fay alike wished to know didn't know why the sound had stopped.

Some were afraid. After all, the sound was something that comforted them because nothing bad had happened since it had started, while others hadn't known a time when the sound didn't exist.

Again the scholars, wizards, magicians, priests, and paladins prayed and cast their spells, but they found nothing.

Some wondered if the man had given up or if he had failed to revive the goddesses.

Others wondered if he had fallen prey to the creatures that tormented him, or if something else had gotten to him.

In a village at the edge of civilization, a boy dropped the orange that he was supposed to bring home, it wasn't anything special, but it was his and he didn't want to lose it.

The boy chased the orange that stopped at a pair of brown boots, he watched as a man with short brown hair, whose green eyes seemed to glitter with the sun's light picked it up.

He wasn't able to breathe when he saw the man's green cape, whose edges were lined with gold.

"Here." the man said to him, as he handed him the orange.

"No wonder you dropped it." he heard a woman say and his eyes widened with disbelief as a woman with long blue hair said to him. Her eyes were as blue as the sky and her light skin and thin figure made her look like a princess.

The woman reached into her sleeve and pulled out a basket. Here this should help." she said to him.

"Hmmm, just one orange for a basket that size." another woman said before the basket filled itself with all sorts of fruits.

"There you go." another woman with long grey hair said to him.

He could only watch as the woman's light gray eyes seemed to change color, they went from light grey to light brown, to purple before going back to grey.

"Hurry home," she said to him before the three of them walked away.

The boy watched as they walked away, he knew that he had to say something but he did not know what.

'I'm glad you're not crying anymore mister!" he yelled at Kazuma

'Thanks." Kazuma answered him as he waved goodbye before both Eris and Aqua hugged him with one arm each.

"Mom!" the boy shouted over and over again as he ran home, desperate to tell his mother what had happened.

His voice was so loud that it made the rest of the village worry and soon a crowd had gathered around his house to listen to what frightened him so much.

'I saw them Mom!" he shouted and when his mother fearfully asked who he had seen he should he the basket filled with fruit before he told her who he had met.

Afraid that her son had stolen the basket, she grabbed his hand and took him back t the market. She ignored the crowd and told the fruit sellers to take back what her son had stolen.

The people did what they were told, but no matter how much fruit they took, there was always more.

A traveling priest who had heard and seen everything advised the people to put the basket in the local church so that it could be protected, because if the basket did hold an endless amount of food, then there would be no end to those who would want to steal it.

Far from the village Kazuma, Aqua, and Eris walked down the dirt road, none of them said anything they were just happy to be free again.

The gods had punished them, but the punishment wasn't permanent, and so they were free to travel the world.

"So what do you girls want to do now?" Kazuma asks the two goddesses.

"Well I am Half Human and Half Goddess, so the answer is yes." Eris says to Kazuma.

'Okay but what are you saying yes to?" Kazuma asks Eris.

'Dis you forget, you said that you would marry me, now take responsibility.' eris says to him before she starts to run away.

'Kazuma you are supposed to take care of me! So I always come first!" Aqua shouted at him before she ran after Eris.

Kazuma smiled took a deep breath and ran after the par, none of them were aware of the chain of events that they had set in motion.