Konosuba an everyday life in an average world

Yukino watched s Aqua and Kazuma walked home they had said their goodbyes to Hachiman and his family before they went home to change and get ready for school, yet Yukino couldn't help but notice both Kazuma's and especially Aqua's hesitation to go home.

The three of them walked to the bus stop and it picked them up like Yukino imagined it normally did, yet the moment the bus managed to drop them off at the stop they were supposed to get off at.

Both Aqua and Kazuma began to slow down.

Yukino was about to ask Kazuma what was wrong when a muscular man walked out of the apartment building, they lived in.

"Kazuma, I've been waiting for you. Yesterday a woman entered your room, I don't know who she is, but she is still inside" the man said to Kazuma.

"Thanks" Kazuma answered the man, but his voice didn't sound like the voice of the Kazuma Yukino was so use to hearing.

"Hey, can I ask you for a favor?" Kazuma said to the large man

"Sure" the man answered Kazuma.

"Can you let Yukino stay over at your place for a couple of hours?" Kazuma said to the man as he turned to look at Yukino.

Yukino wanted to argue with Kazuma, but when she saw the worried expression on his face, she instinctively turned to look at Aqua and she found her with a soft smile.

Normally Yukino would have said no to Kazuma, after all, he had asked someone to take her without asking for her approval, but something else was going on and she knew that it must have been bad because both Aqua and Kazuma were acting completely different than they usually did.

'I can just go to school" Yukino said to Kazuma and the large man who looked at each other.

"Yeah, its probably better if you do" Kazuma answered Yukino

Yukino turned around and began to walk back to the bus stop, she was already late so this time she would have to jump the wall without Kazuma and Aqua's help.

yet even as she left her friends behind, she couldn't help but worry.

'Do you need some help, I mean, I'm a big guy and I have some friends" the man began to say to Kazuma, but Kazuma stopped him from talking.

"No, this stays in the family, so you don't have to get involved," Kazuma said to the man, he used the same set of words he heard actors use in old mafia movies, hoping that his neighbor would stay away.

"I see"

"My wife, couldn't sleep or eat because of the pain, your remedies helped her"

"I watched her cry in pain every day, Aqua Kazuma, just scream and the boys will help you guys in what you need"

"No questions asked, and no one will talk about it ever again," the man said to Aqua who just closed her eyes and gave him a sad smile.

'We have to do this alone" Kazuma said to the man as they entered the building and left him behind.

The man watched the pair disappear into the building and took out his cellphone, he heard it ring once, twice, and then he heard a woman answered him.

"Is this Emilia, yes you sad to call you if Kazuma and Aqua acted suspiciously or something happened" he said to Hero Emilia.

Aqua and Kazuma walked into the same building they had walked into dozens of times before, but the hallway now seemed darker, and the stairs seemed to grow as they walked.

The feeling inside of the building had completely changed, like if some sort of cloud had covered whatever joy the building's inhabitants brought into the building and as a result, it was nothing more than a quiet empty building.

their footsteps echoed as they walked and despite the ever-growing presence of something dangerous waiting for them at the top, Kazuma and Aqua walked without missing a step.

No children were playing in the halls, no elderly passing the time, the sounds of men and women loudly talking was gone now and as they walked they finally stood in front of their room, the door itself twisted and turned as chaotic power flowed through it.

Aqua stepped in front of Kazuma and allowed her godly energy to flow, forcing the chaos into some form of order, regardless Aqua herself was a goddess of chaotic order, and as a result the chaos of her mother's godly power only calmed slightly.

Yet from the corner of her eye, Aqua could see the frightened expressions of her neighbors looking at her through slightly opened doors.

No civilization succeded without confronting chaos with order and if that didn't work it needed a different kind of chaos to alter the first chaos, so if she was going to be able to beat her mother, aqua knew she had no choice but to work together with Kazuma.

She reached out to open the door and she jumped when she found Kazuma gripping the doorknob with her.

The two of them were about to turn the knob when the door opened and they were met with the warm smile of her mother.
Kazuma couldn't move the woman in front of him was beautiful, her face was clean without any flaws, her eyes- nose - lips chin, and ears all seemed unnaturally placed.

They weren't in the wrong place far from it, but human faces have flaws, a person either has a big nose, crooked teeth, or thick eyebrows.

Yet the woman in front of him was perfect in every way.

She had a thin yet filled figure, so she wasn't skinny or fat, so he could see every curve in her body, through the clothes she wore.

Kazuma looked at the woman and she smiled at him seductively, he didn't know when but the woman had her right hand on his chin.

"Now, now boy. You're married to my daughter, but if you still want I won't be a concubine so you'll have to make her the second woman" Adrestia said to Kazuma

"Kazuma" Kazuma heard Aqua's voice and he could feel the cool nature of her powers flowing through him and his eyes widened as he realized that the woman had somehow taken control of him.

Kazuma looks around and finds himself inside his apartment, he was shocked to find not only a couch, a carpet, and a couple of new appliances inside both the kitchen and the living room.

Adrestia let out a small giggle before stepping away from Kazuma.

"First I hear that this man steals you away and takes you on an adventure around the world"

"Then when you come back, I hear that not only did you fail to finish your job successfully, but at the same time you somehow succeded"

"Normally I would have punished you for humiliating us," Adrestia said to Aqua, as she walked up to her daughter.

"All of that I could forgive," Adrestia said to Aqua, her voice could be heard outside of her room.

Yukino walked into the hallway and as she reached the floor where her room was in, she could hear Adrestias's voice.

"Give me one reason, why I shouldn't take you back and lock you away for failing us, like this!"

"I don't care for your failure, but I care for the fact that you allowed a meer peasant to speak to you in such a way" Yukino felt a chill run down her spine as she listened to Afrestias voice, it wasn't loud nor was it angry, but it felt as if it cut through her very soul.

"Mother," Aqua said to Adrestia and for a moment Yukino couldn't hear a thing

"Don't call me mother your failure"

"To think that my own daughter would allow herself to be brought so low!" Adrestia yelled and Yukino felt herself fall to her knees in terror the woman's voice alone was hurting her in a way she never thought possible.

Yukino felt a pair of hands grave he rand she found a woman with long red hair wearing a business suit holding her.

"Get her out of here," Hero Emilia said to Sato Maou

"Drain touch!" Kazuma screamed as he tried to absorb a wave of energy that Adrestia let out, it wasn't an attack, it was the woman's power simply being le out from her lack of control.

"Buff, buff" Aqua screamed as she tried to strengthen Kazuma because she couldn't directly attack her mother.

"You dare to raise your hand to me," Adrestia said to Kazuma before she turned to look at Aqua.

"To think that you wouldn't even defend yourself when your partner is in danger," Adrestia said to Aqua

"How should I punish you," Adrestia said to aqua.

"Bind" Kazuma screamed and the old wires and ropes that he brought with him when he arrived on earth.

Adrestia didn't even notice the attempt to stop her, she simply continued to walk forward.

The door to the room suddenly swung open as Emilia called upon her holy energies and attacked the goddess of chaos, yet before she could reach Adrestia the goddess simply waved her hand and threw the hero into the next room.

Kazuma summoned tinder and activated his flame skill, while at the same time combining them with the boost of power that Aqua had given him.

The resulting explosion was only contained because Adrtisa didn't want to rebuild the building after she punished Aqua.

On the first floor, Maou laid Yukino on a bench, and he could feel his magical energy grow as he felt the fear of the people inside of the building flowing through him.

He could feel himself regaining his original form until he no longer resembled his human form, he jumped onto the second floor and ran towards the Kazumas room.

"To think that my daughter could be so weak," Adrestia said to Aqua as she graved her by the throat and picked her up.

"You allowed a woman who was the practice girl for your mate to speak to you in such a matter"

"You spared all of those that insulted your children, in that other world"

"However," Adresta said to Aquaas she neared her daughter's face.

"The one thing I can't forgive you for is that you spared those women who gave you such filth as offerings" Adrestias voice was now filled with malice.

Adrestia raised her hand and clocked Maou's sword before throwing him at Kazuma who was chanting, however before Maou landed on Kazuma, Kazuma managed to let out a single explosion spell at its weakest level.

Adrestia instantly graved the explosion spell and held it in her hand, the spell was cutting into her hand, and Adrestia turned t look at Kazuma who was smiling.

"Explosion," Kazuma said as he detonated the spell.

"Now" Emila screamed and Maou quickly rose to his feet as the two of them charged at Adrestia before letting off their own versions of the explosion spell.

Yet when the smoke cleared Adrestia stood unmoved.

Her clothes were in tatters and her hair was slightly burned, while her hand was bleeding it was already healing.

"Your punishment was to be sent to earth until your time on it ends"

"Then let's end it now, and as punishment for humiliating us as you have you will lose your position as a goddess on earth and I will take over it"

Adrestia looked into Aqua's eyes, and showed her what she planned to do, Aqua couldn't move or a thing as her mother's powers completely overwhelmed her, it wasn't that her mother was a lot more powerful than her at the moment.

Far from it, her mother was on equal grounds to her, unfortunately, Aqua knew that her mother's experience with her powers completely dwarfed her own.

"Kazuma," Aqua thought to herself as she saw her mothers and aiming at her heart.

"Teleport" Kazuma screamed as he ran towards Aqua and graved her.

The two of them found themselves inside the throne room of the Goddes Eris, unfortunately for them, Adrestia had been brought along with them and she was still holding onto Aquas throat.

She was a second away from killing Aqua when her hand froze, something greater had taken control of the goddess.

Aqua and Kazuma found themselves standing inside of their apartment and the two of them hugged each other, neither of them knew what had happened they just knew that some miracle had happened and they were both alive.

Emilia and Maou began to repair the apartment erased the memories of the people who had seen everything.

In the realm of the gods, Adrstia smiled, her human form had been destroyed, but she now understood why her daughter chose Kazuma out of every human male on the planet.

She was now forced to wait until she could go back to earth again, she now had another plan, Aqua needed to be punished of that there was little doubt, but there are different forms of punishment.

She began to laugh even as the chains were placed on her and her throne room was locked behind the angels that had been ordered to keep watch over her.
Yukino opened her eyes and she was surprised to see Hachiman's worried face looking down at her, she quickly got up and she was shocked to see that a lot of people were standing around her.

"Hey," Hachiman said to her, as the lights of ambulances shined behind him

"I told you, we're fine she heard Kazuma say to someone and she found him along with a man she had never seen before, Kazuma was having his hand bandaged, while the man had his entire head wrapped.

"So you don't know who broke into your apartment?" the police officer that was speaking to Kazuma asked him

"No" Aqua answered the man, but her eyes looked past the police officer and met the eyes of a large man who was wearing a white shirt.

The man closed his eyes, lowered his head, and walked away.

"Hey," Kazuma said to Hachiman as the two met each other's eyes.

"What happened," Hachiman asked Kazuma with a worried voice.

"Not much someone broke into our apartment, but Maou and I took care of it, Yukino was knocked out during the incident so we had to carry her down here"

"I guess the neighbors heard everything and called the police," Kazuma said to Hachiman.

"So are the two of you, staying here," Hachiman asked Kazuma his voice was now filled with concern for the two's safety.

"Don't worry about it, well be fine" Kazuma said to Hachima, but he stopped smiling when aqua gave him a slight shove.

"Hey Hachiman," Kazuma said to Hachiman before grabbing his hand and pulling him closer.

"Can you let Yukino stay over for a couple of days while we deal with everything?" he said to Hachiman.
Kazuma sat next to Aqua she hadn't moved much since her mother no since that monster attacked her.

The police had questioned the two of them as well as their neighbors who only told the police what little they knew, as for Maou and Emilia, they both left before the police showed up.

"Hey, remember when we first met, how you sat on that chair of your eating from a bag of potato chips," Kazuma said to Aqua with a smile on his face

"I can still remember how you looked before that"

"At first you looked like how everyone imagines a goddess would be, then you started acting a little bit more like who you are," he said to her as he pace his arm around her

"Kazuma, am I a failure as a goddess?" aqua asked him, but she didn't bother to turn to look at him

"No" he answered her as he hugged her tightly.

"|Aqua remember how bad things were in Erise's world, the Destroyer, the crazy dragons and the Evil Gods we had to fight"

"We only managed to beat them because you were there with us," Kazuma said to her, he felt Aquas place her head on his shoulder

"It was your request that brought Megumin to us, it was you who kept bringing me back to life and it was because of you that we all met," he said to her

Kazuma could hear Aqua sniff as she tried to hold back her tears.

"But, everyone says I'm useless, that I'm a failure," Aqua said to him as she repeated the things everyone called her when they were angry at her.

"Your, not a failure, a failure couldn't have cured everyone in the city when the plague hit"

"A failure wouldn't have been able to seal the demon kings power long enough for us to hurt him," Kazuma said to her, as he tried to remind her of all of the times she was more than useful



"You stink at cheering people up," Aqua said to him, before returning his hug and pulling him to the bed.

They held each other, there was no point or reason for either of them t do or say anything because they were just glad they made it out alive
Yukino held herself tightly no wonder Aqua smiled so brightly, she tried not to cry but she could still remember the woman's words and how familiar they were.

The woman's voice was just as cold - filled with malice and at the same time uncaring, it reminded her of her mother.

She had heard what happened next, how Kazuma and Aqua fought back, she couldn't understand anything either of them or what the woman shouted back, but she could hear the sounds of people fighting.

She understood now.

Aqua could smile because she had someone she could always rely on, she had Kazuma, but she wasn't Aqua, no she was Yukino and unlike Aqua she didn't have anyone that could save her.

Yukino felt someone sit on the bed next to her.

"I brought you some tea" Hachiman said to her

"My mom says you can stay here for as long as you need and I can get used to sleeping on the couch," he said to her

"Yukio didn't want him to see her crying, so she just buried herself under the covers, but when she saw Hachiman's hand she did something she normally wouldn't have ever done.

Just this once, she just wanted to preen, that for once there was someone there, for no other reason than they wanted to be there for her.

So she risked losing what was left of herself and reached for Hachimanshand.

She expected him to pull away, or to say something, but instead, he just tightened his grip and held her hand.

Neither of them said anything, partly because they didn't know what to say or do in this situation and partly because neither of them knew how a man and a woman held hands.

Were they supposed to put the fingers between each other to continue doing what they were doing?

Should Hachiman lie on the bed and join Yukino or was Yukino supposed to stop hiding and hug Hachiman?

"My mom wanted me to get married," Yukino said to Hachiman

"I refused because I didn't want to get sold, if I married him our families would join and our wealth would grow"

"When I refused, I was kicked out of the family and told to survive on my own. That's why I'm living with Aqua and Kazuma" she added

Hachiman didn't know what to say, so he did the only thing that occurred to him he tightened his grip lightly and listened to Yukino tell her story.

He didn't question why she told him everything while she hid under the covers, he guessed it was some kind of defense mechanism, that Yukino was using to make herself feel safe.

He listened to Yukino talk about her sister and how amazing she was and the disappointment Yukinos mother always reminded her that she was.

"Let's try and get some sleep," Hachiman said to Yukino.

He didn't bother trying to leave the room, not because Yukino didn't seem to want to let go of his hand, but because he didn't know if he should leave Yukino alone.

As the hours passed Hachiman's mom walked out of her room and when she saw that her son wasn't sleeping on the sofa, she feared\ hoped for the worst\ best.

As she walked to Hachiman's room, she found Komachi, her daughter peeking through the door.

Her heart rased and she quickly pulled the door open, but she never expected what she found.

Hachiman was sleeping on the floor, and Yukino was sleeping on the bed, neither of them was close enough to the other for something to happen between them, but her eyes were locked on the hands of the pair.

Despite being asleep the two of them were still holding hands.
Yukino opened her eyes and as the memory of what had happened last night came to her, she quietly tried to sneak out of Hachiman's room.

She didn't know why exactly she felt the need to hide from him at the moment she just knew that she couldn't look at him, unfortunately, Hachiman was already gone and Yukinofelt herself blush.

He had seen her while she was asleep.

She reached for the doorknob but it opened before she could touch it standing there he was standing in front of her.

Yukino didn't understand why she felt the need to use her hands to hide her unbrushed hair, she turned slightly so that Hachiman couldn't see how she looked right now.

"We're going to be late," Hachiman said to her

"Do you want to take a shower here ordo you want to go home and do what you have to do" he said to her.

"I'll go home" she answered him

The house was quiet and judging by the dirty dishes in the sink both Hachiman's mom and little sister had already left.

"My mom made something for you to eat, we're going to be late anyway so you should eat," Hachiman said to her as he led her into the kitchen.

Yukino wanted to refuse she had already burdened them with when she asked them to allow her to stay when she had just met Hachiman's mom, not to mention the fact that she had made him listen to her story.

They sat together in awkward silence while she ate and neither of them said anything, even as they walked to the bus stop and rode the bus before walking into Kasumas and Aqua's apartment.

Yukino knocked on the door but no one answered, perhaps the two of them had gone to school despite what had happened.

"I thought I heard someone knocking," the neighbor said as he stood in front of his apartment.

"They went to the store and left a message for you, go without us," the neighbor said to her before handing her the key to the apartment.

Both Yukino and Hachimanlooked at the muscle cover man for a moment before she took the key.

"You got some stuff going on in your life don't you girl. That's why you're here living with them," he said to her, it was more of a statement than a question.

"Those two they haven't been here for long, but those of us that bothered to get know them, we know they're good people" he said to her as he handed both her and Hachiman card

"If anything happens call me, my friends, and I won't ask questions and none of you will owe us anything"

"I still owe hose two for helping my wife," he said to them before he walked back into his apartment

For a brief moment, Yukino caught a glimpse of a woman playing happily with her children, who despite being fast on their feet struggled to stay on their feet.
Yukino opened the door and to her surprise, the apartment was completely unharmed, there wasn't any damage anywhere.

There weren't any signs that anything had happened.

Yukino felt as if she was standing inside of a reflection of herself, so much has happened and yet no one that looked at it, that looked at her could see it.

"I'll get ready," Yukino said to Hachiman before she walked into her room and it was amazing just how painful it was to see the empty room.

This apartment was her, just a pretty farse for everyone to see, while the reality was that just like this room she didn't have anything that she could call her own.

For a moment she stood in her room before walking towards her bags and finding a spare uniform, she wanted to take a shower but they were already late, and if she was honest.

She didn't know if Hachiman would try and do something while they were alone.

Unlike Aqua she didn't have any experience with the real world, and from the stories, Aqua shared with her, it was common for Kazuma and every other guy to try something with a woman they found attractive.

Yukino began to change but listened closely to whatever movements came from the other room.

"Could she resists him?"

"Would she resist him and did she want to resist him" she tasked herself silently as she change cloths

Yukino opened the door to her room and found Haciman looking through what looked like a picture book.

"What's that?" she asked Hachiman as she walked up to him

"Pic tures of Aqua and Kazuma" Hachiman snwerd herbefore he spotd at on of the pitures.

Yukino couldn't believe her eyes, both Aqua and Kazuma were standing with a large group of muscular men and behind them was a sign that said we finished in record time.

"I think they were building the wall behind them," Hachiman said to her before he pointed at another picture

There was a woman not too much older than herself, but her chest was a lot bigger, judging by her long blond hair and light skin.

The woman was either American or European and she was wearing what looked like a Victorian-style dress.

Another picture showed the same woman dressed n what looked like knight armor, then there was a picture of a young girl that wore a red dress with a witch's hat and eye patch.

"Don't they resemble the people, Kazuma and Aqua talk about when they think no ones around," Hachiman said to her

Yukino graved the picture book and closed it, this was important to the two of them so she would ask any questions.

"We have to go to school," she said to Hachiman
The first thing she noticed was the cold wind blowing on her face and making her hair move along with it.

"Where am I?" she said to herself but there was no answer, there wasn't anyone here, and where ever here was it was nothing but an empty field.

So we began to walk and enjoyed the solitude, but before she knew it the peaceful world that she had found herself in, became a nightmare.

A pack of wolves suddenly appeared in the distance and she tried to run as fast as she could, she found that they had already reached her, she tried to scream but she wasn't able to.

She watched as the massive best ran up to her with their fang-coved mouth wide open ready to tear her apart.

Fujin Yukishita gasped for air as she woke up from the nap she had taken.

"What an awful nightmare," she said to herself as looked around and found the papers she had been reading before she had fallen asleep

"I need some coffee," Fujin said to herself before she picked up another bunch of papers and began to separate them into two groups, those that could help her family business and social position grow and those that couldn't.

Her daughters were a problem, it was unfortunate that she hadn't been able to give birth to a son and now she had no choice but to look for someone that came from another family to inherit her family's business.

Fujin felt as if someone had placed their hands on her shoulders before she heard someone whisper something to her, but after looking for anyone that might have been in the room with her she found that she was alone.

For a brief moment, she allowed herself to stop thinking like a businesswoman and think as the mother that she was, but after letting a breath of frustration out, she went back to being the person she was.

She picked up another group of papers and found a picture of someone that was clearly beneath her in social status and wealth next to it was another group of papers this time showing a young man with dead yes.

Both men were lacking in everything and she was about to throw both stacks of papers away until she realized that the paper she held in her hands, were the names and details of the two men her daughter had recently gotten close to.

Fujin began to read the papers and she wasn't impressed by either of the two, had she been anyone else she would have dismissed both men, but she wasn't anyone else and that meant that she could see what others couldn't.

This Hachiman came from a family that was nowhere near her social status but in a couple of generations, his family might be able to reach the minimum requirements t least be considered for something somewhat important.

Kazuma was nothing and came from nothing.

He was for the lack of better words an ordinary person, someone from a small town who had a somewhat rocky relationship with his parents and was a complete social outcast.

Both men mirrored each other, while Kazuma had spent his days locked away in his room, Hachiman had kept himself alienated from everyone else, neither bothered to get involved with the world around them.

This is what anyone would see if they just looked at the surface.

She moved one page to another and found what was underneath pictures of Kazuma jumping from one roof to another with a muscular man, that shared his appearance.

The muscular man was clearly Kazumas father.

This meant that the time Kazuma had spent supposedly locked away in his room was but a story made up to cover up his training.

Hachiman was no different, the young man had displayed an athletic ability that shouldn't have been possible, judging by the pictures that she was looking at.

She put the papers down and used her cellphone to look at several videos that the lower classes posted on the internet and she found herself raising an eyebrow.

Again she felt a pressure on her shoulders and she remembered her oldest daughter.

It was hard finding someone that she could manipulate to her liking, as any mother should.

After all, even if her eldest did end up marrying someone, she needed a certain level of control over them.

She felt something whispering to her, but the voice that she heard was her own, perhaps she was just tired and believed that her thoughts were coming from someone else.

"Yes that could work," she said to herself as she looked at the pictures of her daughters and the two young men.

She knew that the plans that she was forming would have to change as things changed but as long as nothing major happened then she could accept stagnating her business for a short time.

She just needed a male to be born and she would immediately begin to mold him to inherit everything.

In the realm of the gods, Adrestia smiled mortals were always so easy to manipulate.

She had left several fragments of herself behind each one was at the same level of power that she was, when she met Aqua face to face, unlike certain gods and goddesses she could control several avatars at once, and so she was securing a foothold on earth.

"Mortals are so easy to manipulate " Adrestia repeated to herself.
[Change ]

"What does it mean to be a person?" Yukino listened to the teacher say she read something from the book that she held in her hand.

"Do we act like one person when we are alone and do we act like someone else when we are surrounded by people?" the teacher said as she looked around

To her the answer was obvious, no one was the same person ever, people changed regardless of the situation.

She had seen it all her life, people acted one way when they were home and another when they were surrounded by a group of people.

The school was a miniature version of this.

Those that were wealthy looked down on those that weren't, and those that were popular separated themselves from those that weren't.

She knew that even if those that had a certain social status were friends with those that didn't share their position that those above would avoid being seen by those they knew.

Waite, did she truly believe that now?

Ever since she was a little girl she had always existed in a separate place from everyone else and yet somehow she found herself drifting between worlds.

She could reach out and grab ahold of the self-loathing world that Hachiman lived in, or step into the place that only delinquents like Kodaka knew.

Then there was the new world that had opened itself to her.

No, it was as if someone had heard her crying out for help and a pair of hands pulled her into a world that she never knew existed.

Hachiman- Aqua, and Kazuma were always the same people regardless of who they interacted with.

So what did that mean about her?
The sound of the bell ringing told her that it was lunch time and so she grabbed her things and waited for Hikigaya to so that they could eat together, like before she got inline and sat down quietly, and like before Hikigaya sat in front of her.

Followed by Kodaka and the two girls that were usually with him.

Everything seemed so normal, but it wasn't.

Before there was anyone around her, she had woken up alone, ate alone, and spent her time alone, what was normal for most people was completely alien to her, and yet she finds herself surrounded by people.

None of them wanted anything from her, if anything she had only taken from Aqua- Kazuma, and Hikigaya.

She had seen the three enter the school before anyone even knew about them and she remembers wondering how it must feel to have someone reaching out to you when you need help.

Like how Kazuma and Aqua did when Hachiman needed help jumping over the wall.

A wall, that word could mean so many things, even now even though she had people around her there was an invisible wall that separated her from everyone a wall that no one could understand.

A wall.

"You're an embarrassment to the family!" the voice of the woman that had attacked Aqua entered her mind and it mixed itself with her mother's voice.

Yukino remembered how the woman mentioned all of Aqua's shortcomings and she remembered how her mother constantly demanded her to do better and never congratulated her for doing good in anything.

"What you are at the top of your class. Of course, you would be, after all, you are my daughter"

"Now go study I have things to do" was the only thing that her mother ever said to her

Yukino wished that she could be like her sister and be able to break free from her chains, but she was constantly being pulled down into the bottom of a dark chasm with no one to help her.

And yet there was a warm presence that entered her mind.

The bell rang and Yukino pulled herself away from her thoughts, she had eaten all of her lunch without even realizing it, and by the way, Hikigaya was looking at her it was clear that he knew that she wasn't at her best at the moment.

The rest of the day passed by quickly, it was like a dream that wasn't worth remembering, she remembered everything about the lessons but she didn't bother to remember anything that happened dor, anyone, around her.

Yukino was about to sit down and wait for the bus but Hikigaya invited her over so they could pass some time together.

They said their goodbyes to Kodaka and walked to Hachiman's house, but as they walked they soon found themselves hearing a familiar pair of voices.

"Come one come all, see the great Aqua!" Kazuma yelled as he tried to get people's attention

Aqua moved her in the air and somehow made it seem as if water bubbles formed around her in the shat that a rainbow would usually take.

The water bubbles burst open but instead of water falling onto Aqua or the children that had gathered to see the show, different colored smoke that formed a rainbow appeared.

Yukino felt her eyes meet with Aqua's and the young woman's smile only grew.

"Ah, my asistant is hre!" Aqua declared as she jumped over the crowd of children, made a summersault, and landed perfectly next to her.

The children- parents, and others that had gathered to see the show began to clap ad cheer at what they had just seen.

For a brief moment Yukino saw a hand made of blue light reaching out to her even in the darkness that surrounded her, she grabbed ahold of Aquas's hand and she felt herself being pulled away from the abyss she had learned to call home.

Yukino could hear the sounds of her chains shaking with the laughter of the children as she was pulled closer to them and she felt her chains try to pull her back to the darkness, but as the children's voices grew she felt her chains shatter.

"Now my friend needs a little encouragement," Kazuma said to the kids as he pointed at Hachiman

"Now how should w do this, do I disappear and pull him here or do we make him disappear and reappear here?" Kazuma asked for the children

"Bring him here!" all of the children said together

"Okay then," Kazuma said to the kids before handing two of them a flattened cardboard box that looked big enough for a person to fit in if they were sitting down.

"Can you kids take this to him?" Kazuma said to the children who eagerly did what he told them to.

Hachiman took the box and opened it before stepping into it and closing the top.

He didn't need anyone to tell him what to do after all it was a box and this was a magic show, so what else was she supposed to do.

Yukino watched as Kazuma picked up another flattened box and made it take shape before showing everyone that it was empty, then he closed it.

"Okay kids I need some help for the magic to work, so on the count of three everyone scream teleport," Kazuma said to the kids as they all eagerly waited for him to start counting

"One- two three"

"Teleport!" all of the kids said all at once and Yukino felt her eye widen when Kazuma opened the box and Hikigaya stepped out

She wasn't the only one confused as one of the parents opened the other box and found that it was empty.

Yukino soon found herself listening to both the sounds of the children and their parents laughing as she helped Aqua perform.

One of the tricks had her hold onto two empty paper cups as Aqua filled them with colored water, the cups soon overflowed but the water that poured from the cups was different colors from the one Aqua had poured into them.

"Hey can you act as if you are telling someone to get up," Aqua said to her before she turned around and looked at the crowd.

"Now everyone we need to clean up this mess so let's look for some buckets," Aqua said to the crowd before she turned around and acted as if she was looking for the buckets

Yukino watched as Kazuma joined her and Hikigaya walked up to her.

"Why do we need buckets?" Hachiman asked her

Yukino understood tt this was all part of the act and so out of pure instinct, she turned and looked at the puddles of water.

'Okay all of you get up it's time to go" she said to the puddles and watched in amazement as the puddles took form and humanoid shapes stood in front of her before walking towards a nearby bucket and juping into it.

"Hey, you picked up the mess," Kazuma said to them as Aqua threw the water in the buckets at the kids, and as the kids tried to cover themselves, they soon cheered as the water turned into birds that flew away.

"Alright everybody let's hear it for the great Aqua" Kazuma said to the crowd who immediately began to cheer Aqua's name.

"And let's show our thanks to our assistants," Kazuma said to everyone as the children cheered.

They all soon found themselves sitting on a bench after the crowd had left.

'Thanks for helping us out" Kazuma said to them

"So this was what you were doing all day?" Higigaya asked Kazuma

"Yep, we needed to blow off some steam and it worked," Kazuma said to Hachoman as he pointed at Aqua who had left them behind and was now coming back with a pair of ice cream cones.

"Here," Aqua said to Yukino as she handed her one
Aqua being a magician on this earth will net her million if their careful and the minimum use of magic for people to believe those are actually props
Kazuma gasped for air as he tried to see anything around him, again he had been separated from the rest of his party and he stood alone blind to everything and everyone around him.

He could feel the water rolling down his head and drip onto his clothes, it wasn't even raining but the air was so wet that he was completely soaked.

The enemy had figured out that Aqua could remove any curse and so they concentrated their attacks on her.

Everyone in town fought with everything they had, as they tried to protect her but in the end, the enemy had managed to kidnap her.

It didn't take long for every adventurer available to join in the attack, they allowed the dumb goddess for helping them or someone they cared about.

Even Wiz who Aqua always bullied had joined in the rescue mission and Wiz had even taken her old adventurer name back and started calling herself the Ice Witch again.

Kazuma could hear the sounds of his footsteps every time he moved forward, the terrain alone was a problem, it was hard to move here and all of the insects and random monsters that lived in the area only served o defend the enemy's base.

Kazuma could feel something moving around his feet, so he stopped walking until it moved past him, there was no point in wasting energy on some random monster.

He hadn't heard anyone scream, or any signs of giant ice walls or explosions going off so everyone was avoiding having to fight anything yet.

It was only when the mist cleared that Kazuma could finally see the danger he was in every time he felt something slithering on the ground, it wasn't because of a different monster was moving near him.

N, the things that he had felt move were the roots of a tree monster that somehow could control the weather.

His enemy detection suddenly flared warning him to get away from the ground, but it was too late and Kazuma felt himself being thrown across the wetland.

He closed his eyes and barely managed to dodge a massive crocodile, Kazuma had no choice but to dodge and evade one attack after another, even as he heard the people he had grown to call friends to scream all around him.

It was only when Wiz managed to freeze the entire area while avoiding the adventurers that he finally managed to catch his breath and as the priests began to heal the injured it was then that they saw her.

Aqua was inside a cocoon made of dark magic.

"They're sealing her!" Darkness screamed

There was no point in holding back anymore so Kazuma ordered their spell casters to attack with everything they had, while at the same time those that could teleport grabbed anyone they could and attacked the enemy first, everyone else would have to charge in.

They didn't even have time to otic what hit them, the moment they had teleported into the enemies base, they were immediately attacked.

Ye before the enemy could do any damage to them, the mage's attacks began to land, and even as the bombardment was happening all around them both the adventurers and monsters fought each other without caring for the bombardment.

Kazuma ran towards Aqua's cacoon and tried everything from potions- magic items, he even praised and insulted Aqua, but the cacoon soon completely healed itself and he was forced to watch her die.

Kazuma closed his eyes and allowed the curse side of every goddess and demon- archduke and lich to flow through him, he wouldn't hold back anymore.

They all deserved to die and he would make sure that they suffered before they died.

No longer was he the thief that robbed from corrupted nobles, nor was he the millionaire adventure, no h was vengeance and nothing else.

Kazuma grabbed the monsters one by one and he began to kill them, he didn't know what e did or how he did it, but who cared as long as they died.

Kazuma felt himself being thrown to the ground again, as an explosion broke the cocoon Aqua was sealed in, and Kazuma began to cry as he watched Aqua open her eyes.


"Kazuma!' he heard Darkness and Meguming calling to him desperately trying to bring him back

"Kazuma wake up, were going to be late" Aqua said to him as he opened his eyes and he found Aqua looking at him with a worried expression

He didn't say anything, he just enjoyed seeing the goddess in front of him.

"Quit dreaming let's go" Aqua said to him as she got out of bed and walked out of the room
Yukino watched as Aqua walked out of her room, she had already made herself breakfast and even served both Aqua and Kazuma something to eat.

It wasn't much, nothing more than scrambled egg sandwiches, that way even if they had no choice but to run to the bus stop, her two friends could still get something to eat.

Yukino could feel herself begin to blush as Kazuma walked out of his room, and he wasn't wearing his shirt, but as he turned around and walked towards his computer her feelings changed.

Kazuma was someone that had gone through many things in his life, she knew that because of how the skin on his back was.

There weren't any scars, none that she could see, but she had studied and learned enough to know when someone had gone through trauma in their lives because of an injury, but Kazuma's body didn't just show signs of one injury, there were several.

Kazuma turned to look at her, as the smell of the hot food reached him and when Yukio felt his eyes meet hers, she suddenly felt as if they were worlds apart despite being in the same room.

Kazuma was someone that ad experienced life to its fullest, while she was nothing more than a bird taught to dance in its cage

"Moring" Kazuma said to her

'Morning" she said to him
Yukino closed her eyes for a brief moment she wouldn't be able to do her club activities again, how could she after all she had an interview to do.

As usual Kazuma and Aqua were in their little world and everyone else was in this one.

Everyone except for her.

She felt herself smile, as a thought briefly entered her mind, Was this how Hachiman feels, if so then maybe she was overthinking things and making them look harder than what they truly were.

Lots of people that were her age had either lost their families or were thrown out by their parents and forced to learn to live on their own.

The only difference between them and her was that Aqua had welcomed her with open arms.

So she took a deep breath and began t put her things in her bag when the bell rang announcing that school had ended for the day.

When she was done she began to look around hoping to find either Hachiman or Aqua waiting for her but neither of them was inside the classroom, so she decided that they must have been in the hallway and she immediately saw the two of them when she stepped out of it.

"So today's the big day!" Aqua said to her

Yukino couldn't help but feel all of her doubts and worries leave her every time Aqua spoke to her, it was strange Aqua hadn't done anything out of the ordinary, and yet every time she spoke or looked at her with those bright blue eyes Yukino couldn't help but feel at ease.

"So where did Kazuma go?" Hachiman asked Aqua

"Oh, he had to go to the editor and hand in the other part of the books he wrote" Aqua answered Hachiman as if what she had just said was meaningless.

Yukino was about to point out that maybe Aqua should have gone with him considering how she was the one that could make so many amazing drawings, but before she could say anything Aqua began to talk again.

"He said that I should go with you because he needs to talk t his dad about something" Aqua added before briefly looking down.

Emilia and Mao could feel the mixture of tainted sacred energy, they had tracked it down to a warehouse that was just at the edge of downtown, not wanting to attract any unnecessary attention they decided to walk in through the front door.

Unsurprisingly they didn't find anyone inside, but then they felt their blood run cold when they turned on the lights.

What they found inside the warehouse was a miniature version of a world gate.

Granted the gate was still half the size of the warehouse, but it didn't change the fact that someone was building a machine that could open portals to other worlds.

Without hesitation, both Emilia and Mao destroyed the machine and immediately called their friends to begin searching for the rest of the gates.

No one in their right minds ever built just one gate, after all, they were easy to destroy.
As the group of friends went their separate ways none of them noticed that Kazuma had completely disappeared, in any other situation he would have accompanied them to the bus stop and someone would have picked him up at home.

This time was different, the editor, or maybe he was the owner of the publishing company was in the school again, but this time the man didn't have time to talk to Kazuma so he just had Kazuma leave his book on a table before telling him to leave.

Normally Kazuma would have complained about how rude the man was and he would have shouted it loud enough that the man could have heard it through the door or said whatever he was thinking to the man himself.

This time however wasn't normal, instead, Kazuma closed his eyes and did something he hadn't done since he had come back.

"Teleport," Kazuma said before vanishing from his spot.

"Shit," his editor said as he realized what he had just done but when he opened the classroom door he found that Kazuma was nowhere to be seen.

Kazuma stood in front of his parent's house and opened the door, but after walking around for a bit he found that no one was home.

It was still awkward for him to be here, especially after how his dad had kicked him out, even if they had forgiven each other, the scars were still there.

It didn't matter he hadn't come home to talk to his dad, at least not yet, he opened the door to his old room and opened the closet, then he kicked the wall inside of the closet as hard as he could.

The wall fell revealing a secret room, he had found this room when he was six, he didn't remember what he was doing back then but the point remained that he had found the hidden room.

The room was filled with all sorts of trophies and things from past tournaments, but he didn't care about any of those, no what he had come back for was the only thing in the room that didn't belong in it.

It was a single metal spike that was connected to a chain.

Kazuma grabbed the chain and just as it had done all of those years ago, the chain wrapped itself around his arm.

Back, then he had pretended to be a ninja and acted as if the spike and chain would fly toward his enemies like in the games.

He was both shocked and excited when they had done just that, but they had torn through one of the sets of clothes that were in the room.

Not wanting to get into trouble he put the chain back in its place and forgot about it.

"And now I have it again," Kazuma said to himself

Kazuma could feel his hand becoming hotter and hotter as the chain began to do something, then he felt it, his mana was being drained into the chain.

"Well two can play it that way," Kazuma said t the weapon as he began to drain its magic into himself, the weapon sensed that Kazuma was doing something to it and began to drain more of his mana.

The two fought each other for control and before either of them knew it, they were both exhausted, but in the end, Kazuma had won, and the chain stopped trying to steal his magic.

Now all that was left was to see where he stood in comparison to everyone else.
Kazuma walked out of his parent's house after putting the wall back in its place, he didn't know why his heart was heavy.

No that wasn't right, he knew why it was heavy, but he didn't know why.

Why was there a magic weapon in his house?

Why did his parent's house have a secret room?

Did his parents and grandparents know about it? and if they knew then why hadn't anyone ever bothered to tell him bout it?

Kauma looked around and when he was sure that no one was around to see him jump, he jumped onto the roof of one of the houses.

Right now all of the men are either working or getting out of work, while the kids and teens are either helping in the fields- studying or doing whatever their clubs do.

Some of them were probably working so that meant that he had enough time to look around before anyone saw him.

Most of the elders and housewives were busy either working in the fields or helping with the chores at home so the chances that anyone would catch him were low.

Kazuma jumped from one roof onto another until he finally left his old town behind, he wasn't happy about seeing the old training field but he needed some answers.

Kazuma didn't ever want to say it but he was afraid of what he would find, he passed the small patch of trees that had a field where he used to train with his dad and he found his answer.

He didn't even have to enter the training grounds, he could already feel the magic in the air strengthening him.

He closed his eyes and tried to sense anyone that might be an enemy and when he didn't sense anyone he began to walk into the field, but he used lurk to keep himself hidden from view.

There were several small sheds where the adults kept things and so he went into every one of them, most of what he found was exactly what he expected.

Who had magic, who didn't, who had talent, and who didn't.

It was in the final shed that he found his answer, he had suspected that his dad had magic, after all his dad had kept up with him when they roof jumped together.

This entire time he had just believed or forced himself to believe that his dad did parkour along with his usual training, but that wasn't what he cared about.

No, what he cared about was the old piece o paper that he held in his hands, Kazuma wanted to cry, but at the same time, he couldn't his chest just hurt too much.

Written on the piece of paper were the names of the town's elders along with his dad's name, it all made sense now.

Kazuma Sato, no magic, Sakura Yuming Magic, must be separated, match found.

Kazuma teleported back to his apartment sat down on the couch and closed his eye, he wondered if his mom knew about it, he wondered if she had agreed with the elder's decision.

He wondered if his grandparents were in on it.

After he had fought Ad=restia, he began to wonder if she was willing to hurt Aqua then what were his parents willing to do to him.

Unfortunately, he found his answer.

Kazuma could feel his tears begin to roll down his ears, but he didn't care, he didn't cry like people usually did, no he cried silently and painfully.

He diced that it was better if he didn't see his parents again for a while, at least until he cleared his mind unless he said or did something that he might or might not regret.
"Kazuma your back, guess what" Aqua cheerfully said to him but she stopped talking when she noticed that he was crying.

Kazuma heard her walking toward him before she hugged him.

" What happened?" she asked him and he began to tell her everything that he had just done.

Aqua didn't say anything she just removed the chain from his hand and teleported it away, Kazuma didn't have the strength to ask her why she had done such a thing after all they needed to get stronger, he needed to get stronger.

"Okay, we don't need their tools, if they think you're weak let them think you're weak. Besides, when did you ever have to be the strongest in the group" Aqua said to him as she tried to cheer him up.

"Come on I have someone that will cheer you right up," Aqua said to him as she placed a thumb over his eyes and wiped his tears away.

She quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him towards Yukinos room.

It was there that he found Yukino wearing a black dress, that had a short skirt, she wore a thin white vest over the top part of the dress to top it all off, Yukino had her hair tied in pigtails.

Kazuma let out a whistle and Yukino looked at him with a shocked expression, she probably didn't expect Aqua to drag him to her room, but she quickly got over it and gave him a warm smile.

"So you got the job," Kazuma said to Yukino who just nodded to him.

"So what do you think?" Yukino asked him before giving a small turn

"You look good," he said to her before he noticed that Aqua was looking at him with a pair of puffy cheeks.

Kazuma didn't bother saying anything to her, instead, he just placed a hand on Aqua's head and brought her closer to him, Aqua didn't look at him as she was shocked that he did this.

As Kazuma held Aqua Yukino felt herself becoming envious of Aqua, and she wondered if she would ever have anyone do the same for her.