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A variety of fan fiction snippets have accumulated on my hard drive over the years, and many of them have been lying for more than a decade, so I decided that it was time to publish at least some part of them.

So, in this thread I will periodically publish pieces from my snippets with the hope that maybe one day I will try to finish them, or maybe someone will like my ideas and they will write their own or continue my work on their own
A variety of fan fiction snippets have accumulated on my hard drive over the years, and many of them have been lying for more than a decade, so I decided that it was time to publish at least some part of them.

So, in this thread I will periodically publish pieces from my snippets with the hope that maybe one day I will try to finish them, or maybe someone will like my ideas and they will write their own or continue my work on their own


[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero
- Chapter 0. Death Is Only The Beginning.
- Chapter 1. A story that starts again.
- Chapter 2. Platform 9 and 3/4.

[HP/NGE] The Gospel of the Wizard.
- Prologue.

[Naruto/FSN] Grail and Fox.
- Prologue.
Last edited:
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 0. Death Is Only The Beginning.
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 0. Death Is Only The Beginning.

Louise, standing on top of a flat hill, frantically tried to catch her breath. The past two hours were the hardest challenge in her life — two hours of non-stop battle with the superior forces of the Reconquista's minions, holding back their advance and winning precious minutes letting civilians and the last few remnants of Queen Henrietta's personal guard to evacuate. Buying time so that the last ship on board which was the one for whom she decided to take this desperate act — her dearly beloved and dear (it's not that she ever openly admitted this to him), familiar Saito Hiraga. But it was for his sake and for the sake of her friends that Louise was ready to sacrifice her life so that their life would continue. So that they are safe and alive. Despite the fact that she was not destined to be with them, despite the fact that her death would sadden them to the core, but there was simply no other way. Because only she who is able to delay the enemy long enough, giving them the opportunity to escape. Perhaps Saito will hate Louise for her selfish decision to go into battle alone, maybe he will grieve and suffer, but most importantly he will be alive and that was enough for her.

Saito - her sweet, sometimes annoying and perverted familiar, his image gave her strength to move forward, fight like never before, giving the best of her not for one hundred, but for one hundred thousand percent, to the last drop of strength. After all, in less than six months he became the most important person in her life, the closest and dearest, the one who would never betray or abandon her. Yes, there were scandals and quarrels between them, and sometimes they simply did not understand each other or hurt one another. But they were together, he was always there, ready to appear at the last moment to save Louise from her own mistakes. And now it was her turn to save him.

Louise smiled woefully and raised her eyes to the sky looked at the two constant companions of her home world - two moons shining brightly in the sky, illuminating the dusk valley with her light. The two moons - blue and pink - were so similar to Saito and Louise, always with each other, inseparably following one another. But today everything will be different. Today, this resemblance between them will disappear once and forever. Today they saw each other for the last time, and she couldn't even say goodbye to him. Oh, Saito, her dear familiar, stupid Saito, he thought that he could deceive her, outwit the one that survived among all the intrigues of the court aristocracy. Dummy. Sleeping pills in a glass of wine, how banal and naive. It was simple enough to get ahead of him until he took the glasses, and ask him to close his eyes for a moment, for a "kiss", and then replace his glass with hers. He didn't even realize anything. What a dumbass. So gullible and naive. But still, Louise hoped that this stupid cow maid with huge tits would help him, wouldn't let him plunge into the depths of despair. It's good that she's next to him right now. He will be happy with Siesta, it will be easier for him. He won't have to worry about the undercover fight among courtiers and aristocrats. He will not have to endure Louise's mother. He will not have to be embarrassed of her mediocrity in magic in front of others. Yes it will be much better. For everyone. And still, a lonely tear rolled down Louise's cheek, followed by another and another.

Louise sniffled, wiped her tears with her sleeves and looked around. Behind her, the entire surface of the earth was filled with craters from explosions and the chaotically scattered bodies of dead Reconquista's soldiers lay around, those who were unfortunate enough to encounter her in an unequal battle. Still, a simple swordsman or a spearman is not able to withstand a real aristocrat magician, even if so inferior as she was, although even that was enough for them. It is a pity that even these few hundred defeated enemies were only a small part of that huge army that now stood in front of her, filling the valley from the foot of the hill to the forest itself. Seventy thousand soldiers, mercenaries, and possessed. And among them, hundreds of far from the weakest magicians, against any of which Louise would hardly have lasted more than a couple of minutes. Seventy thousand enemies against one Louise. An unequal battle in which she was destined to die, because under no circumstances was Louise going to surrender to them. She knew too well how such a future could end for her, and it would be better to have the most terrible death than such a captivity. Therefore, she had only one option, one last spell from the Brimir's Prayer Book - The Last Chance Spell. It's strength should have been enough to obliterate all the enemies in front of her from the face of the earth, even the price of such a spell was not so high for her situation, just one human life. Her life. In exchange for her life, the spell will create the greatest explosion this world has ever seen. One spell that will save thousands, maybe even millions of innocent lives. Just one short spell. Louise sniffled and wiped her face again from treacherous tears. A sad smile lit up her face and then she opened the Brimir's Prayer Book and began to read a spell.

"By the Power of the Void, by My Will, by My Soul, I, Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière demand this world to accept the pact between life and death, let the Worlds Abyss answer me, let the fabric of the universe be torn, let the Light of Creation be poured into the world and swallow me, destroying my enemies before me, so be it! EXPLOSIVE EXCHANGE!!!"

And at that moment her consciousness went out and Louise did not see how her whole body shone with an unbearable radiance, illuminating everything around, flooding with white light and the hill on which she stood, and the valley filled with Reconquista troops and even touching the forest in which enemy observers were hiding. And when the light died out, it left only scorched earth and ashes in the place of what was previously knights, magicians and just scum who fought on the side of the enemy. And Queen Henrietta's people fleeing far away from the floating island of Albion on their flying ships could see behind them on the horizon a white flash brighter than a thousand suns, illuminating the beginning of a new world, a turning point in the history of the land of Halkegenia, a world in which Louise Françoise le Blanc will not be the wife of Saito Chevalier de Hiraga des Ornière the Ondine Knight, and their joint adventures and stories will never happen.

Their story is over, but that does not mean that another story is over too. Seeking an answer to Louise's fate, Saito will visit Albion once more and will meet the beautiful Tiffania Westwood de Albion, half-elf whose past is closely intertwined with many people previously met by Saito. She will become his faithful friend and companion, and together with her and his personal servant Siesta they will experience many adventures, become heroes, receive knightly titles and ultimately save the whole world from its destruction.

Saito will live a long life surrounded by friends, his dear and beloved. And he will name his first daughter in honor of his heroic late mistress, Louise. And despite the fact that Louise saw through his deception and knocked him out, saved his life, sacrificing herself for his salvation, he will never forget it and she will forever remain in his heart a person dear to him, and he will often remember those short moments of their joint adventures that forever changed him and his life.

Queen Henrietta will name in Louise honor the day of public holiday and the highest government award for courage and valor, and the lands of her family will forever be exempt from fees and taxes.
In Gallia, by order of Queen Charlotte, a monument will be erected in her honor, and she will be posthumously awarded the title of knight.
Louise's sister Eleanore will write a book about her life and a series of children's stories about the heroic sorceress who confronts evil.
Her second sister, Cattleya, will never marry and will be happy to take care of the children and grandchildren of both her sister Eleanore and the children and grandchildren of Louise's former familiar until the end of her days.

Louise's mother Karin will leave her post in the army and devote herself to teaching junior courses at the Tristain Academy of Magic.
Guiche and Montmorency will marry and in honor of Louise they will call a garden in their family estate, in which delicately pink roses with a color matching the color of Louise's hair will be specially bred.
And all her friends and acquaintances will live long and happy lives, exactly as Louise dreamed of and together they will gather every year on the very hill in Albion, where their dear friend and beloved Louise gave her life. And let her name be famous for centuries, illuminating in the hearts of people the greatest concept of duty and honor and the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of their people, friends, loved ones and relatives.

"Let us honor the memory of Louise Francoise - the Holy Savior and Protector of all the innocent! Be Glorious and Rest in Peace Louise!"


"What?" flashed through Louise's head. "Where am I?"

Louise could not move her hand or foot, her body was completely powerless. She tried to take a breath, but the lungs did not obey, nor did she suffocate. She tried to open her eyes, but even those failed her, remaining tightly shut. Everything was unusually strange. And it seemed to her as if she were in some kind of cocoon, because from all sides she was surrounded by strange wet warmth and softness, and her hearing was filled with a loud, repeating sound - 'tum-tum, tum-tum'. Louise tried to scream, but made no sound. Suddenly, the softness around her body began to move, pulsating, cringing. And for several hours it did not stop. And then the wetness began to feel less and almost disappeared, and the crown of the head became slightly cool and soon after that softness began to push it, squeezing Louise through a narrow channel somewhere in the direction of coolness, until finally she was completely pushed out.

There were voices around, strange loud voices, their speech was so familiar and at the same time not. As if they were speaking in a warped variation of Albionese. Louise tried to concentrate and make out what was happening and finally she understood the meaning of their words.

"Congratulations! You have a strong healthy girl!" Said one hoarse female voice.
"Dear! We have a daughter! Daughter!" A joyful and tired female voice was heard.
"Honey! I'm so happy!" Answered her a happy male voice. "What name will we give her?"
"We'll call her..." At that moment there was a loud slap and Louise felt a burning pain from a slap spread across her buttock. Unable to tolerate this, Louise roared loudly, filling the nursery with her newborn crying voice.
[HP/NGE] The Gospel of the Wizard. Prologue.
[HP/NGE] The Gospel of the Wizard. Prologue.

They say that our universe is infinite, and that in its vast expanses there is room for even the most incredible and impossible things. They also say that our universe is only one of countless diverse and different realities. But, again, they claim that each of the realities has a lot of its similarities, variations, thereby all these theories give rise to the idea of a multiverse, chaotic cluster of worlds, non-stop moving along the stream of space and time. This flow is uneven, random, spasmodic, its movement is unpredictable and sometimes leads to a mixture of worlds or their parts in a collision with each other, giving rise to new, unprecedented opportunities and probabilities.


He was not afraid to die. Severus resigned himself to his mortality a long time ago, in the early years of his service to the Dark Lord. He knew that sooner or later the moment would come when his usefulness would be surpassed by the problems associated with him, and then the denouement would come instantly. He had no illusions about the all-forgiveness of Voldemort, but still hoped that his espionage in favor of Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix would allow him to survive the self-proclaimed Lord of Fates. To his deep regret, this did not happen - the very moment came when his death for the Dark Lord was more profitable than his services, and in a sudden strike Nagini dealt him a mortal blow with her poisonous teeth. Then followed painful minutes of dying from the poison, for which he managed to convey the necessary memories to this unbearable boy Potter, and then darkness came.

Afterlife was not what he expected it to be — it was not Heaven, not Hell, and not even a banal Nothingness, it was a completely different experience, one that he could not imagine before. Suddenly, Severus found himself standing in the middle of a white-light ephemeral copy of the platform nine and three quarters of Kings Cross Station, the same from which all the young wizards of England went to study to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on September's first of every year, but unlike the original it was deserted and there was no one else besides him. Although no, he was not alone here.

"Severus, my boy" from behind sounded a voice familiar to him from his early youth - the voice of the greatest wizard of our time - the voice of Albus Dumbledore.
"Albus," Snape said in surprise, turning to his voice. "Least of anyone else in my Afterlife I expected to meet you."
"Well, why did you think so? After all, both of us have already died, so our meeting was quite possible."
"But why are you meeting me here and not, um, Death? And why does my Afterlife look so much like the platform of Kings Cross Station?"
"Oh Severus, it's all pretty simple. You see, your death is not quite final. And this place only symbolizes the starting point in your new future."
"What does it mean not final ?! I'm still alive ?!" exclaimed Potioneer. "Then why am I here?"
"No, my boy, to my great regret, you are really dead, but this does not mean that your life journey is over, because your adventure is far from complete and therefore I was asked to take you further."
"What in the name of Merlin is going on?! I died! I have fulfilled my duty to you and this damned boy Potter, don't you think that I've done enough already?! Why can't I get well-deserved peace?!"
"I am very sorry, Severus, unfortunately your situation was much more complicated than I could have imagined. During your lifetime, you yourself managed to not only swear an oath to protect and protect Harry, but you also had the Life Debt to his father James."
"What?! When did I manage to become indebted to this bastard?"
"Please, Severus, don't be angry. You probably remember how, in your fifth year of study, following Sirius's words, you decided to go to the Shrieking Shack to witness the moment when Remus Lupin turned into his wolf form, and this almost led to infection with lycanthropy, and it could very likely result in severe injuries or even death."
"Yes, I remember that day well," Snape answered in a drooping voice.
"Great, then you should also remember that it was James who saved you, though, he wasn't obligated to do this."
"But then his friend would be kicked out of Hogwarts, and Lupin would be killed as a dangerous dark creature!"
"Perhaps, but it is not guaranteed that would have happened. You probably now understand that all this was connected with politics and that your position in the social hierarchy was different from that of Sirius and James. After all, even I, having been titled with so many ranks and having a significant weight in politics could not even dream to outweigh the summary will of the school board and the heads of powerful aristocratic families."
"They would get away with it," reluctantly agreed Snape, well aware that Potter and Black's parents would protect them from such a fate.
"Exactly. But despite the fact that James could easily do nothing, he still decided to save you, which obliged you to him with the Life Debt."
"I get it," Severus muttered through his clenched teeth.
"And so you now have an unfulfilled Life Debt and an unfulfilled oath to protect Harry."
"Wait a minute, Albus, but I protected him! I withheld important information from the Dark Lord, I personally saved him many times."
"Yes, that was so, and you almost fulfilled your oath, only you unintentionally violated it at the very end. But this, I believe, is my fault."
"What are you talking about?" Severus was seriously surprised.
"You promised me to convey our conversation with you to Harry, in which I told you about the need for a sacrificial death from Harry to fulfill the prophecy."
"But Albus, you yourself said that otherwise it would not have been possible to get rid of the last Horcrux of Voldemort," said Snape.
"Yes, and it is my fault. I did not realize that your promise to protect Harry carries magical powers and therefore involuntarily doomed you to fall into the current situation - Harry sacrificed himself before you left the world of living."
"So Harry died, my oath was broken, and now I will be punished for this? But, Albus, if the boy is dead, then what about Voldemort? Who will stop him now ?!"
"Yes, Harry's death prevented the fulfillment of your oath, but don't worry, it was also a necessary part to the Prophecy and it itself protected the boy and brought him back to life!" smiled at Dumbledore. "And, as promised in the prophecy, he managed to defeat Voldemort, finally stopping his nightmarish plans. Besides, I would not call your position a punishment, rather it is a new opportunity, a chance."
"What the hell, Old Man?! You yourself said that I violated the magic oath and my debt! Magic does not forgive the violation of vows!"
"Yes, usually it is, but some people asked for a leniency for you. And so, your punishment has been changed."
"They asked for me? Who? Who could ask for me ?!"
"Mother?! She was here?!"
"And not just her, Lily too."
"Oh no, why Lily, how could she forgive me? Do you want me to believe that she could forgive me for everything I did? For the death of her and James, for the suffering and death of her son?"
"And yet she forgave. Lily always had a big heart, full of love, care and compassion. She always tried to see good in people, to look for light, in the darkness of human souls."
"I do not believe it. It simply cannot be! Why, then, she refused to forgive me during her lifetime?"
"During her life, she did not know the reasons why you were so eager to study the Dark Arts, and only in her death the truth was revealed to her. Yes, Severus, she saw your life, your hardships and sufferings, your willingness to protect her son, and your sacrifice for the common good. She acknowledged her own wrongness and the fallacy of her judgment on you. And I hope you can forgive her for that."
"Lily. It was always for her sake. And I never hated her, anyone but her!" a tear rolled down Snape's cheek. "Can ... Can I see her?"
"Sorry my boy, it's not within my power," Dumbledore shook his head. "Despite the fact that your punishment has been changed, its conditions make it now impossible for you to meet anyone of them in your afterlife. Neither they nor I will ever know what fate will be truly prepared for you, since your punishment will lead you away from us. "
"My punishment will be exile? Eternal loneliness? Far from all of you ?!" what he heard greatly overwhelmed the potion master.
"No, Severus, you're mistaken, I said that this is a new chance and a new opportunity. By the powers that be, it was decided to allow your life to continue, but beyond the veil of our world. You will be given a chance to rebirth, an opportunity to start all over again, but without us and without our ability to follow you. You will be born again, set off on a new adventure. And we all hope that you can finally find your own happiness. "
"So I can never again see neither Lily nor my mother?"
"I don't know, Severus, the universe is endless and unpredictable, and there is still an eternity ahead of us. Therefore, I ask you to at least once listen to the advice of the old wizard - take this chance and make your new life unforgettable."
"I don't know, Albus," the potioner said mournfully. "This is not at all what I expected from my death."
"And I understand you perfectly, but Life is always ready to present us with unexpected surprises. You just need to learn how to accept them."
"Alright Albus, I get it." Severus smiled slightly and looked up at Dumbledore. "I do not promise that I will manage in a new life, that I will be able to follow your advice, but I will try. I do not want the efforts of my mother and Lily to be in vain."
"That's fine, my boy, I'm sure that you will succeed! After all, do you remember what is most important in magic?"
"Intention, confidence, and will are the three cornerstones is the basics of any spell."
"That's right. And here's your ride." And behind Snape's back, a ghostly copy of the Hogwarts Express stopped almost silently, but with only one passenger carriage, which immediately opened its doors toward the platform.
"And why am I not surprised," the potion grinned.
"You have to go, Severus, your path is waiting for you."
"Thank you, Albus. Thank you for being here." Severus hugged Dumbledore in a kindred way.
"It's nothing, Severus, and now it's time to go and I wish that luck and love would always accompany you!" Dumbledore hugged him back.
"Thank you, Albus, thank you and goodbye!" Severus practically jumped up onto the steps of the carriage and walked inside it.

The steam engine blew a whistle and began to pick up speed - faster and faster, until it finally disappeared into a dense veil of bright white fog leaving the old wizard alone.
And the smiling ghost of Albus Dumbledore stood for a moment on the platform, and then disappeared.


Severus expected everything from his new life, he could become a rich man, he could turn out to be a beggar, or he could just be an ordinary person, and he wasn't surprised that in his rebirth he turned out to be a very ordinary boy living in a small town on the seashore. Up to three years, he practically did not realize himself and his life flashed before his eyes in a series of bright bursts of images and scenes that could not be remembered and mixed in his memory into a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. The first more or less clear memory was the sudden disappearance of his new mother from his life, and then the equally sudden change of residence from the urban environment of a large city to a typical one-story house in a small coastal town. Severus tried to grasp his own consciousness in this whirlwind of events, but his still too young brain simply could not contain the mind of an adult, and he had to spend the first years of his new life as an involuntary passenger in the body of a growing child, not having the opportunity to have any influence on what was happening, and without even being able to clearly understand his surroundings.

And then, all of a sudden, it was all over, and at the age of six, in one beautiful sunny morning, he woke up fully understanding who he was and where he was. And this realization surprised him to a large extent: the New World turned out to be different, completely different, even he was different now - no longer an Englishman of Irish-German origin, but a purebred Japanese living somewhere in Shizuoka Prefecture on the Japanese archipelago. Now his name was Shinji Ikari and he lived with his uncle, who was both his teacher and guardian simultaneously. But the new name amused Severus a lot, since, together with understanding the Japanese language, he simultaneously recognized the multiple meanings of the same words, in particular, he learned that the semantic meaning of his new name meant to a large extent the practical same as his former name Severus. The universe definitely loved playing jokes like that, but at least his last name had nothing to do with the old. Severus had nothing to complain about, and he was quite happy with his new name. But with his new family was a completely different matter. His own father refused to raise him, being constantly busy with his career, being the head of a large international organization and considered it unnecessary and pointless to pay attention to his own son. His new mother died under very strange circumstances when he was just over three years old, and his relatives did not want to discuss the reasons for her premature death, and although this fact sometimes angered the reborn wizard, it didn't bother him much, since in his previous life he already had a real mother, whose love and care to a large extent helped him survive his difficult youth, and he learned to live independently from his father long before entering Hogwarts.

The new life was relatively calm and even the Third World War, which recently ended in the new world, did not complicate the early years of new youth of the former potions master. Still, Severus was surprised to learn about what happened about a year before his birth - a global cataclysm called the Second Impact, which almost led to the end of the world. The catastrophe destroyed four fifths of the living species on the planet and two billion people, and later led to a new world war for the remnants of untouched land and resources, whose victims were at least another billion people. Almost half of the world's population died in these terrifying events, and the world is still trying to recover from its consequences. However, if you do not pay attention to the red sea water, deserted streets and the small number of remaining wildlife, then life was good and he even find some good in the new life.

The adult consciousness of the former teacher of Hogwarts prevented him from making friends among his peers, but a higher level of intelligence allowed him to almost instantly become the best student in elementary and then middle school, making classmates to genuinely envy his talents for knowledge and even generating some fame among children. This fame quickly became the reason for his isolation from less successful children in school, who jealously envied Severus and tried to avoid him. But Severus was little worried about this, because in his past life he never received attention and friendship from his peers either, and besides, he preferred solitude than spending time with childs. And he was even glad that he did not have to waste time with a crowd of overly energetic teenagers, and they, in turn, did not stop him from spending time reading books in the library or at the school reading club, of which Severus became a member almost from the first day after admission to middle school.

School years for Severus flew almost unnoticed, completely drowning in the stream of school everyday life or absorbed in the hours spent reading any books he could find. The former potion master could easily boast that he had read almost all the books in the local library or club, even those that were in English, German and French, which he had learned perfectly in his previous life, so that he could hardly have been surprised or excited by something new. And everything was unchanged until one day an event happened that almost drove him crazy.

This happened at the beginning of the fifth, penultimate year of primary school. That Saturday, as usual, after completing all the lessons, Severus arrived at the library to get a few random fiction books, which are usually numerous in extra-curricular reading sections at the school library anywhere in the world, so that he has something to read on the weekend. Having glanced through the shelves with fiction, the look of the former potions master suddenly caught on a pile of four books with English titles lying on the very top of the shelf closest to the window. The books looked practically unused, and only the very yellowed edges of the sheets indicated that these books were obviously lying on the shelf for a long time, and a slight dust coating already clearly said that no one had taken the books out for a long time. Although all this was typical of many similar books, the title of this obvious series of works made Severus's heart skip a beat and involuntarily hold his breath.

"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone"
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets"
"Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban"
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire"

With trembling hands from nervous tension, he removed the books from the shelf and with a quick step went to the librarian's desk to write them out as soon as possible, because these books were obviously book artifacts alien to this place. He didn't even notice how he left the school grounds, how he reached home and how he managed to find himself at his writing desk, because his head was completely occupied with only one thought - "It just can't be, it's unbelievable, but it was a fact."

Reading book after book, swallowing whole pages of text, as if in insanity he was trying to plunge into the plot of books and trying to understand how the story of events that he personally had the misfortune of witnessing, could appear in books found in the school library of his new world. It was madness, but the fact remained. Everything described really happened and even more than that, he was able to discover the details of some stories previously unknown to him. For example, now he couldn't decide whether he must admire or must curse Miss Hermione Granger, this damned know-it-all from Gryffindor, for stealing the ingredients and successfully brewing a Polyjuice potion on the second year, in the girl's toilet on the third floor of Hogwarts. Or how he should feel about Harry Potter, whose life in his aunt's house was not very different from Severus's difficult childhood.

Four books, covering the plot of the first four years of education at the school of magic of one young chosen one, written with attention to what was happening without hiding and without embellishment. Severus just didn't know what to think. How this, previously unknown to him, English writer, J.K. Rowling, was able to find out what happened to him in his home world? Is she, like him, an involuntary guest of this new world? Can she be someone he personally knows? Maybe she's even someone from the inseparable Golden Trio? Although unlikely she is Potter or Weasley. Maybe she was a Granger?

The books haunted him for a week and their plot, which was suddenly interrupted at the end of the fourth year of Harry Potter's studies, led to suggest the existence of at least three more books in the series. Because Hogwarts was a seven-year school. But none were found in the school or city libraries or in any of the bookstores. Neither his peers, nor teachers, nor librarians knew whether there was a sequel or maybe even other books from this author. Then Severus could only contact the publisher by making an international call to the USA and ask them directly.

And here the greatest grief overtook him. Unfortunately, it turned out that these four books were the last reissue of this series, published shortly before the Second Impact, there were no new books and were not expected for one rather prosaic reason - Madame Rowling was one of the millions who died among the inhabitants of England in a huge tsunami caused by the Second Impact. And, as far as the publisher knew, there were no drafts of unreleased Harry Potter books. His only link to the past was broken.

What happened left a strong impact on the reborn wizard, he took these books from the library several times over the course of the year, re-reading them again and again, and again, and again, until it finally turned out that he had remembered all four books up to the last letter.

But the existence of these books instilled in the soul of the former potionser the belief that magic can exist in this world, and even if his experiments conducted years earlier did not yield any results, this did not deny the possibility that he was either a squib or really just a muggle. And when at the beginning of the sixth year of elementary school it was announced that all graduates would go to Kyoto for Golden Week, then only for years the trained patience allowed him to keep inside almost Gryffindor joy from the opportunity to visit a city that was one of the oldest magical centers of his past world, and which he himself visited in the years of his being a Hogwarts potion teacher.

Then followed the terrible days of waiting for the trip, exhausting hours on the train and bus, and now he has arrived in Kyoto. Another hour to settle problems with registering students at the hotel, then four hours of compulsory excursion to local tourist routes and they were finally released for a free walk around the city. Severus himself was amazed at how much patience and perseverance turned out to be in him, and how he didn't break into a run towards his desired goal. And he soon needed patience again. He spent almost an hour to get to one inconspicuous alley and another ten minutes to walk along a winding abandoned looking street that led him to the place he needed: Mahou Ichiba - the magical area of old Kyoto, largest shopping district of magical Japan. Or in this case, the place where he was supposed to be. But in reality there were only old abandoned buildings that were identical to the original ones from his native world, unfortunately completely empty, and even the rest of the day spent looking for any hints of the presence of magic here was completely in vain. There was either no magic at all, or the local magic carefully concealed itself from Severus. And to continue the search was absolutely pointless. Yes, and there are much more productive activities than grieve over something that maybe doesn't even exist in this world. And if magic existed here, then Severus could now completely be deprived of it, and this should be taken for granted, as a completely logical punishment for a broken magic oath in his previous life.

Severus Snape, or Shinji Ikari now, all that was left was to live your new life, try to enjoy it and follow the last advice of Albus Dumbledore - to make your new life an unforgettable adventure!

And the magic of the new world only smirked slightly and continued to follow with interest the life of its new beloved hero.
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 1. A story that starts again.
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 1. A story that starts again.

In her new life, Louise grew up as a slightly detached child, her past life experience prevented her from fully joining the company of her peers, making their hobbies, games and entertainment uninteresting for her, which is why she preferred to spend all her free time with her new parents or among books.

The new world was strikingly different from the previous one - there were neither magicians, nor a real aristocracy (well, she could not call aristocrats people who hold titles only for status, one that did not particularly affect anything), there weren't magical animals or others intelligent species, even elves did not exist here. Well, at least Louise was glad for that. This cruel and insanely strong magical creatures that were a threat to humanity in her homeworld were simply absent in this new world. But despite the fact that there were infinitely many differences, the similarities were also enough. At the age of five, her parents took her to the local library for the first time, and after gaining access to the encyclopedias of this world, she was much amazed that even the map of this world partially coincides with the map of Halkegenia. The German Democratic Republic took the place of the Empire of Germany, Gallia was called France, Belgium replaced Tristain and Great Britain in place of the flying island of Albion - which was now her new homeland. In the new world, everything was based on science and technology - cities, factories, machines, ships and even books were created without the slightest involvement of magic, although sometimes their capabilities and miracles even exceeded those created by magic in Louise's native world.

Take for example a device called a "TV" - a wooden box with a glass wall filled with strange metal and ceramic fixtures, was able to show very realistic moving images and accompany all this with sound, allowing you to watch scene plays and performances, events from various parts of the world as if you were personally there and observe them with your own eyes. It was like real magic! But, as her new father explained to Louise, all this was only an achievement of science and was created by the work of thousands of workers of the British company Deccacolour. Or, as another example, airplanes - huge machines made of steel, capable of flying in the sky faster and higher than any dragon or air ship in Halkegenia could. When Louise and her parents went to France for the first time on an annual summer vacation and visiting relatives, she was amazed at the comfort and smoothness of the flight of this strange machine, similar to the oversized Dragon's Raiment, that her former familiar Saito used during the battle with Reconquista army. But Saito's machine wasn't as nearly as beautiful and magnificent as this work of art and technology. Louise simply fell in love with this flying miracle and spent the whole flight staring at the porthole with a delightful look.But there were also self-moving carriages - buses and cars, self-propelled sea and river vessels and boats, small rooms called "elevators", capable of raising and lowering their passengers to great heights in a matter of minutes. Or an incredible means of communication - a "telephone", allowing you to hear your interlocutor from the other end of the world, as if he is standing next to you and talking in your ear.Well, all sorts of everyday home conveniences like shower rooms, a refrigerator, a coffee machine (although her parents did not allow her to drink coffee often, but Louise cherished these rare moments), incredibly comfortable and beautiful clothes and bedding. And a really huge variety of delicious dishes and sweets (which Louise's parents did not allow her to eat more often than she would like, but still). Life in the new world seemed like a real fairy tale.

Louise was incredibly lucky with her new family, because she could be born in complete poverty or live with a cruel kin who would keep you in the cupboard under the stairs, starve you, and make you work like a slave. But her new parents weren't like that. First, they loved Louise, who was their only child. Secondly, they took care of her and protected her in every way. Thirdly, they were quite wealthy people, even if they were far less wealthy than her former de Vallière family, but Louise had nothing to complain about because her wardrobe was quite diverse (and the local clothes were much more beautiful and more comfortable than those in Halkegenia), they were always ready to buy her a new book, and at the same time they were never forced to do anything and they never demand anything from her. No, Louise did not grow up a spoiled child, because at the time of her rebirth, she was almost 17 Halkenegenian years old (and the year in Halkegenia lasted 384 days) or almost 18 Earth years old, so she behaved obediently and responsibly, always following the rules of behavior and was respectful towards to her parents and those around her. The "Rule of Steel", driven tightly into her by her first mother Karin, unconsciously forced Louise to behave herself, which sometimes quite surprised both parents and caretakers in kindergarten, and, later, even teachers at school, since she never participated in any childish pranks and carefully avoided breaking any rules, preferring to spend time reading somewhere in a secluded corner or in the school library away from noisy schoolchildren.

At first, the teachers considered her an introvert, but after talking with her they quickly realized that the girl was not only incredibly smart and knowledgeable, but her style of speech and communication skills contrasted strikingly with that of her peers, as if she was not a elementary school student, but at least a freshman from college, which explained her problems with communicating with her peers, because it was difficult for children to maintain complex conversations on the topic of science and technology with Louise, and she simply quickly got bored with a discussion of a new children's television series, comics and toys. Louise was above that, and besides, she was consciously much older than them. But with all this, Louise never allow any of her peers any attempts of insulting or bullying her go unpunished, because she had enough of this attitude back in the Magic Academy of Tristain and always responded to this with a more sarcastic answer that invariably caused tears from the offender and he or she ran away from Louise, leaving her a winner in their verbal confrontation. It usually didn't come to physical violence, but even in this Louise was much more prepared than childrens around her.

Even in a past life, from a young age, Louise was trained in fencing by Karin herself, since her mother believed that all her children must be as trained and seasoned warriors as she herself. And although Louise was not a brilliant fencer or possessor of big fists, the girl had the dexterity and skills to survive in difficult situations. And even though the new body lacked muscle memory and the fitness of the previous body, but a well-thought-out approach to combat, the ability to think tactically, the speed and flexibility gained in the gymnastics courses that Louise attended from the age of four, allowed her to emerge victorious from any fight, although she never left without her own bruises. As a result, attempts to insult or beat Louise quickly stopped, as the children realized that avoiding Louise was much easier than being her adversary. All this led to the fact that the overwhelming majority of time Louise spent alone far from the rest of the children, with no real chance to make friends or even make good acquaintances.

Louise lived with her parents in England in the small town of Colchester in the northeast of London near the east coast of the island. They lived in a two-story house built of brown brick and surrounded on all sides by a dense fence of privet, creating the illusion of privacy and isolation, which Louise liked very much, because in the warm seasons it was possible to spend time in the backyard under their shade, comfortably sitting on a sun lounger while reading another big science book. The new parents trusted Louise in every possible way, and could with good conscience go to work and be sure that upon their return the house would stand, Louise would be safe and sound, and even fed, as she had learned to heat food in the microwave oven earlier than she could clearly speak.

The time spent alone, Louise devoted herself to a deeper study of the world around her from books and TV shows, and the opportunity to secretly just sit on her bed and cry, remembering her old life, friends, family and... Saito. She had long ago come to an agreement with herself about her feelings for him and that they would never be together again. And she missed him and even his perverted behavior. In a new life, she lacked a close friend like him. But besides him there was still someone else to remember. Her sister Cattleya, who was weakened by a long and serious illness, her strict sister Eleanor, the harsh but fair mother Karin and her soft, with a warm smile father - Duke de la Vallière. She even remembered the not so hated Kirche and the stoic Tabitha, the scandalous Montmorency and the womanizer Guiche, her beloved friend - Princess Henrietta, and of course that stupid cow - Siesta the maid.

The first days of her new life, when Louise realized that she had left her world forever and ended up in a new world, were the most difficult for her. She could not hold back her tears and wept day and night, forcing her new parents to worry, who could not understand the reason why their newborn daughter is constantly crying. Perhaps this would go on, but Louise finally calmed down and pulled herself together. She accepted a new life as payment for her last spell, which was bound to stop the Reconquista army. Louise completely forbade herself to believe even in the potential possibility that this was not enough, because then her life and sacrifice would have been wasted. No, Louise was sure that everything worked out and that her friends, relatives and loved ones would live happily and completely safe, and now she had to live a new life in a new environment.

When Louise was three years old and she finally was able to confidently move around the house herself, then the first thing she did was she found a mirror to examine her new body. In the end, what she saw at the same time both pleased and afflicted her. Now she no longer had her beautiful blond hair with a light strawberry tint, instead she was now a brunette with still short childs hair, and her eyes now were brown, but overall that was acceptable. And if you believe that the daughter inherits the appearance of the mother, then her future was quite promising in terms of female beauty, which she lacked quite a lot in her past life.

Louise's biggest disappointment with the new life was that there was no magic in the new world. At all. Parents and caretakers in the kindergarten, though diligently avoided directly answering her questions about magic, starting to tell tales about princesses, unicorns and dragons, but Louise quickly realized that there was no real magic in the world, and when she was able to learn the local alphabet and figure it out in the linguistic differences between Albion and local English, nothing could stop young Louise from receiving information from books. And the answer found in the books was cruel - magic does not exist here. Absolutely. It was overwhelming. For the one who spent most of her life striving to become a powerful magician, the complete lack of magic was simply a shock. After all, her dream was now completely unattainable. And this means that as a magician she is now truly a Zero. Of course, Louise tried to do exercises from a previous life on the development of the magic core, but pretty quickly realized that they were meaningless and that Louise was not a magician. Although sometimes various oddities happened around her, like furniture moving slightly from its places; traffic light suddenly switching from green to yellow and back to green or a doll's dress that turned from blue to pink, but critically thinking about it Louise came to the conclusion that it was just a matter of poor-quality dye on the fabric, a failure in the traffic light electronics and strong vibration of the house from passing truck.

In the end, after a long and serious thought, Louise decided that science would become a new life goal. If she was not destined to become the greatest magician, then she simply must become the greatest scientist. She will discover a new medicine (not like there was a shortage of them), invent a new source of energy (and again there were a lot of different ones), or she will come up with a way to reach the moon (which was just one) or other planets (and there were just a lot of them). It was a worthy goal, and Louise strove for it with confidence and purpose.

Her grades at school have always been the best and from year to year she took first places in the lists of the best students. She won all kinds of children's science contests, and the number of books she read was so incredible that for the sake of new information she now had to go to London libraries. She personally began to correspond with prominent British scientists (who still perceived her as a child, but often answered her with a reply letter) and tried to always be up to date with the latest discoveries and inventions. That is why her house now looked like a branch of the British Royal Library, and her room looked like a carefully organized archive of letters and notes.

All this led to the fact that her successes and achievements were noticed by local journalists and Louise more than once was honored to be invited to a TV show dedicated to young children's talents as a guest or a local celebrity. Newspaper and children's magazine articles were written about her and Louise herself was twice awarded by the British Scientific Community as a young child prodigy whose bright future will certainly become the guiding star for British science. Or maybe not.


Today was the nineteenth of September one thousand nine hundred and ninety and on that day Louise celebrated her eleventh birthday. The celebration was held in the usual small family event. They never invited guests, since Louise did not have any friends, and that evening only she and her parents were at the table. On the table was a large cream cake with fresh strawberries, which had been brought by my father in the morning from one of the best pastry shops in London, on the coach in the living room there were thick volumes of encyclopedias neatly packed in wrapping paper that the parents decided to gift her this year, and the room was filled with warmth and care of the holiday.

"And now, dear, make a wish and blow out all the candles!" her father recited enthusiastically.
"But dad, all these wish-making is stupid, you know that I don't believe in them," Louise frowned, who was always embarrassed by this childish pretense towards her.
"It may be stupid, but wish is important, and making a wish you give magic a chance to fulfill it!" no less joyfully than the father said her mother.
"Oh, magic, that's fiction! I'm not four years old and I know that magic doesn't exist!" Louise was indignant, but still, something inside her seemed to whisper to her to listen to the advice of her parents. "Oh well! I wish ..." Louise wondered what she wanted. She had books, and she would read new ones in the library or her parents would buy her as soon as possible. In school, too, everything was fine. Her wonderful, almost perfect memory, sharp mind and attentiveness helped her in her scientific pursuit of knowledge. Then what to wish for? Maybe ... friends? "I wish ..." what would I wish for? "I wish ..." she did not even know. The magic? Oh, what a stupid thing. What is she, a child or something, to dream of magic? "I wish ..." to hell! If only she could change everything. The ability to decide your own future and achieve what you want. All she needs is ... Magic ?!

Louise herself did not notice how she suddenly took in full lungs of air and extinguished all the candles with one powerful blow.

"It was stupid" Louise said quietly.
"And what did you wish, my child?" her father asked.
"Nothing. All this is nonsense..."

Louise did not have time to continue her thought because at this very moment the doorbell of the house persistently rang three times.

"Hmm, and who may that be?" Louise's mother got up from her chair and went to open the door.

When the door opened Louise saw the strangest woman she had to meet in her life. She was a tall and thin old lady with a stern face and piercing eyes. She was dressed in a long green robes tightly framing her figure, and on her head was a green, in the color of a robes, pointed hat with brims.

"Who are you?" Louise's mother asked a stranger.
"Is this Abbot Road, house number 3?"
"Yes, but ..."
"My name is Minerva McGonagall and I have a letter for your daughter."
"A letter? Please forgive me, but you look somehow odd to be a postman."
"I'm just sent from our school to deliver a letter to you and explain everything to you and your daughter. Can I come in?"
"Ah, yes, of course," Louise's mother let the woman into the house, and then strange woman pulled a parchment envelope from under the lapel of her robes and handed it to Louise.

Louise examined the strange letter with genuine interest. A yellowish parchment paper envelope sealed with purple sealing wax, decorated with a coat of arms depicting a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake, and in the middle - a large letter "H" and on the coat of arms were ornate inscriptions. She hasn't seen anything like it since her last life. And on the envelope itself was hand written text - "Miss Hermione Granger, Essex, Colchester, Abbot Road, 3, room under the roof". The address was written in emerald green ink, and there was no stamp on the envelope.

In anticipation of not even knowing what, Louise, with trembling hands, opened the envelope and pulled out the letter itself:


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Ms. Granger!

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

Yours sincerely, Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress.

"Is this some kind of joke? If so, then it's not funny!" said slightly angry Louise, lowering the letter.
"I assure you, Miss Granger, that this letter is not a joke, and you really are a witch!" the woman said in a confident dry tone.
"Witch? Magic school ?! Are you out of your mind ?!" cried Louise, and her face turned red with indignation. For a long time no one had so mocked her and she definitely did not like this joke. "Am I that stupid toddler to believe in such stupidity? Magic does not exist!"
"Oh, Miss Granger, I assure you that you are completely wrong," Louise's father already wanted to say something to the woman when she with a flick of her hand pulled a brown-black pointer-like wand from her sleeve and waved it toward the standing hanger, turning it into a palm tree.

Louise took her breath away, she stood neither alive nor dead and did not know what to think. Her whole life has just been turned upside down, reviving forgotten hopes and hurting old wounds in her soul. When she had already accepted that there was no magic in this world, that she was no longer a magician, this woman came and showed how Louise was wrong that she gave up so early. Tears streamed down Louise's cheeks and her lower lip quivered.

"Go away immediately! I don't know how you did this trick, but you made our daughter cry on her own birthday! Shame on you!" her mother immediately jumped up to protect her daughter.
"Please mom!" Louise grabbed her mother's arm, stopping her. "Mom, she is not to blame. I am. Oh gods ..."
"Honey, what are you ..."
"Mom is all right, it's from joy, I just could not restrain myself. I always, always wanted to be a magician, but I didn't even believe that it was possible, and now..." said Louise through tears.
"Please, young child, there is no place for tears. I never thought that someone would have such a strong reaction to the fact that he or she is a wizard or a witch."
"You don't understand, just don't understand how important this is for me," Louise answered, wiping her tears in a trembling voice.
"Important? What are you talking about?" worried her mother.
"But what if I fail, if I cant make it work?" ignoring the mother's concern, Louise asked the woman.
"What are you talking about, child? Of course you can do it! If you hadn't had magic, then Hogwarts would not send you a letter. Such letters come only to those who will surely become a wizard or a witch. So don't worry, you definitely have this talent and you just need to develop it."
"Thank you, thank you so much!" Tears again flowed from Louise's eyes, but her face was joyful and she grinned.
"It's nothing, Miss Granger. I will be back tomorrow and we, together with your parents and you, will go to Diagon Alley to make the necessary purchases for the school."
"And if we do not want to send our daughter to this school?" said Louise's father, but when he saw the stunned and unbelieving expression on Louise's face directed at him, he immediately faltered. "Although it is up to Hermione to decide."
"Of course I want! Dad, mom, please let me!" said Louise in an imploring tone.
"Well, if you really want this, then how can we refuse you?" said Louise's mother smiling.
"Thank you! Thank you! Dad, mom, you are the best parents in the world! And this is the best birthday !!!" Louise hastened to hug her father and then mother tightly.
"Well then it's decided. Tomorrow I will visit you right after breakfast. The day is long, so be ready for it. And you, Miss Granger, I highly recommend getting enough sleep, because I know that children often cannot fall asleep from the joy of knowing that they have become wizard or witch. And one last thing - Please do not to tell anyone about my visit. Although magic exists in our world, it is protected by secrecy and it is forbidden to talk about it. I wish you a good evening and Happy Birthday to you, Miss Granger!" With these words, Deputy Director Minerva McGonagall withdrew and soon disappeared from sight.
"I have magic!!!" Louise cried joyfully, and her parents exchanged understanding glances.


Shopping trip to Diagon Alley became for Louise one of the warmest memories of her new life. The magic just captivated everything around, and the atmosphere of the shopping district and the people in it reminded her of the capital of Tristain from a past life. As if she returned to her homeland again, albeit briefly. Louise for the first time in a long time was truly sincerely happy. The first thing they did was visit to Gringotts Bank, where they exchanged British pounds for magical galleons, sickles and knuts. Then they bought robes that were required to be worn by Hogwarts students, which Louise personally did not like, because the local robes were not as comfortable as her casual clothes. Then there was a trip to the local branch of paradise of any bibliophile - the Florish and Blotts shop, where, in addition to the required first-year books, several more charms books were bought, and a Hogwarts history book, and books recommended by Mrs. McGonagall about a certain Harry Potter (which, in Louise's eyes, were just third-rate fictional trash) and some reference materials on magical creatures, plants and potions. Louise would like to buy everything in the store, but the money from her parents was far from endless, so she bought a reasonable minimum. And then, then there was the purchase of the most important thing for any wizard - a magical wand.

The shop where magic wands were sold was located in a small battered building on the far edge from all other establishments. The entrance above it was decorated with a sign with faded gold letters "The Ollivander Family - producers of magic wands from 382 BC" from which all the gilding was almost gone. And in the middle of the dusty window on a faded purple pillow as an example of goods lay a single wand. It was in this place that Louise was to buy her first magic wand in this world.

"Good afternoon," as soon as they went inside, a quiet voice was heard and an elderly man appeared in front of them, and from his large almost colorless eyes came a strange, moonlight glow that cut through the store darkness.
"Hello," squeaked Louise.
"Ah, Minerva McGonagall, the fir and dragon's heartstring, 9.5 inches, tough, good for transfiguration and protection. I see you still use it."
"Of course, Mr. Ollivander, although you tell me this every time I come to you with another freshman."
"Yes, yes, of course. I'm getting old, but my eyes aren't letting me down," the old man stared at Louise and grunted something. "I see that you came to pick your first magic wand."
"Yes sir," Louise answered.
"But you are mistaken in this," and before Louise could ask, he continued. "It's not the wizard who chooses the wand, but the wand who chooses the wizard," he said meaningly. "Well, let's get started. Which of the hands do you prefer to use?"
"Uh? Right?"
"Interesting," the old man grunted and went to the rack with wands.

The next hour and a half became insanely tiring for Louise. They tried hundreds of different wands, all were of different design, shape, color and material. Some felt cold, some overly felt hot or even burning, some felt spiky, others just slipped out, and one even shocked her. But finally, her torment ended and the next wand in her hand became slightly warm and felt like a continuation of herself.

"Grapevine and dragon's heartstring, ten and three quarters, galling, good for enchantment. Well, wave her, see what you get."

Louise obeyed and waved her wand, and from the tip of which a wave of multi-colored wave immediately flown.

"Excellent! That would be 7 galleons."

In the end, Louise didn't even remember how they bought cauldrons for potions, a telescope, scales and various trifles, her whole mind was occupied by a magic wand and her impatient desire to get home as soon as possible to try different spells. And just before going home, Professor McGonagall handed her a train ticket, and explained to her and her parents how to get to platforms 9 and 3/4, and then said that she would look forward to see Louise on September 1st, which would come in almost a year from now.

For the remainder of the year, Louise would had to finish fifth grade at her school (not that it was any kind of difficulty), arrange an examination for a new grades in the next summers for each subsequent year, practically memorize all purchased books on magic, practice some spells that are for her greatest joy worked as expected, even if not on the first try, but now no one would have dared call her Louise the Zero, because she could do magic, and this was most important thing in the world!

Louise was in paradise. Or maybe not.
Well, that was a bit unexpected... Louise as Hermione? Or maybe it makes sense... ANyways, great story(s) and hope to see more!
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 2. Platform 9 and 3/4.
[FOZ/HP] Start from Zero. Chapter 2. Platform 9 and 3/4.

The Grangers family arrived at Kings Cross Station an hour before the train departure, they would have arrived a little later, almost to the departure, but their only daughter Hermione did not want to wait any longer than was necessary and tried her best to bring closer the moment of her departure to the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry "Hogwarts". Moreover, judging by the slightly noticeable dark spots under her eyes, she did not get enough sleep that night because she could not fall asleep from an overabundance of emotions filling her soul and impatient expectation of the cherished day. But finally, they arrived to the station and now walked quickly along the station towards platform number nine, where next to the transition to the tenth platform was a secret passage to platform nine and three quarters. The platform with which the Hogwarts Express departed towards Wales at 11 o'clock on September 1st. And somewhere there, in the hilly expanses of Scotland, the magical school "Hogwarts" was located.

"Mom, Dad, we need to hurry," Louise said with a trembling voice.
"Hermione, dear, where are you in such a hurry? It's almost an hour before the train leaves," complained Louise's father, trying to catch his breath from running on the platform.
"But I still need to find my carriage and then a free compartment in it! What if I don't get a seat, and then I have to go standing all the way to school, and this is an eight-hour journey!" Louise was indignant.
"Well, don't worry so much, dear, of course there will be free compartments, no one will force the children to such an exhausting journey without the opportunity to even sit down," hastened to assure her daughter Louise's mother.

Louise stopped for a moment, sighed noisily, and with new tenacity hastily headed for her destination. And her parents looked at each other, shrugged, and hurried off after their impatient daughter.

But on the way to the hidden passage to the platform 9 and 3/4, the Granger family was blocked by a sudden appearence of extremely strangely dressed red-haired family, who argued very loudly among themselves.

"I promise you, Arthur, if because of your sluggishness we miss the appearance of the boy, you will sleep on the couch in the living room until Ronald returns in the summer from school!" a large red-haired woman spoke in a very loud and angry voice, holding tightly with her left hand a red-haired girl dressed in a nightgown, while managing with her right hand to give a slap to one of the red-haired twin boys, who in an undertone tried to frighten their younger brother with a promise to bring a huge spider and put it on to his bed.
"But Molly, dear, you have to understand, the planning meeting at the Ministry dragged on and on, because today is the September 1st and we were busy checking documents of muggle-born freshmen families. You know they as always put everything off to the last moment and I had to sit until we finished!" made excuses the red-haired man.
"Again with your excuses! Probably hung out again with Parson in the confiscated goods warehouse. I know too well your addiction to Muggle things!" the woman threatened him with a finger.

Stopping due to an unexpected obstacle in her path, Louise cast an extremely displeased look at the red-haired family. Their untidy and rashly dressed-up appearance caused a storm of indignation from a well-educated girl, giving rise to a call for immediate punishment and humiliation. But she still restrained herself and decided not to express what she thinks about both their behavior and their style in dress.

"I'm sorry, please let us go through, we are in a hurry!" Louise said loudly and clearly in a cold with aristocratic superiority tone. Forcing the woman who had already switched to lecturing the redhead twins to shut up in surprise and look full of bewildered look at Louise.
"What is it again, child? I'm sorry I didn't hear you," the woman was taken aback.
"You heard me perfectly. But I'll repeat - we are in a hurry, so deign to clear the road!" Louise said with even more arrogant and unyielding tone.
"Ah, yes, of course, please come in. Boys, step aside, we are obstructing the lady," the woman answered in an surprised tone.
"And please hurry!" Louise answered impatiently, wanting to continue her way as soon as possible.

But before they could even retreat a couple of dozen steps, she heard a red-haired woman behind her say barely audibly: "Look at this bitch, aristocratic scum, and why Dumble..." Perhaps she wanted to continue her insult, but Louise stopped, slowly turned in her direction and cast a glance at the woman, which silently promised possible hellish torment or cruel death, causing woman to startle and shut up immediately, dropping her eyes to the floor. And Louise, clicking her tongue, continued her way.

Louise's parents, having caught up with her at the passage, hastened to inquire about such a sudden change in the behavior of their daughter.

"Hermione, dear, can you enlighten your mom and dad with the reasons for this behavior in relation to this woman?"
"Yes, Mione, we honestly did not expect this from you," said Louise's father in chagrin.
"Mom, dad, I believe that you paid attention to how you were dressed and how these redheads behaved?"
"Well, their choice of clothes is certainly very strange, but that's not the reason to behave this way!"
"Oh, mother, look, this woman has five children who not only wore rags and completely unmatched clothes, but they didn't combed their hair, and one didn't washed his face and even had dirt on his nose, and at the same time they behaved in an extremely rude manner, arguing loudly among themselves right in front of passerby, and even mentioned the muggleborns to the non-magical population. And by her appearance and reaction, it immediately became clear that she was accustomed to consider herself the highest authority and that the last word should always be hers. If I politely addressed her, then most likely she would not only not try to step aside, freeing us a passage, but she would also wrote me off, saying that she was very busy arguing with her husband and that we should wait until they finished their quarrel. The book on psychology says that against such unrestrained people only representation of oneself from a position of strength and authority will help, it disturbs the familiar style of behavior of people around them in relation to them, and forces them to retreat in order to gather their thoughts. But it is important that the contact is fleeting and does not get out of the chosen pattern of behavior until the very end."
"I did not know that our own Freud was growing in our family," grinned Louise's father.
"Darling, but probably there was some better way?"
"Oh," Louise sighed sadly. "Unfortunately, such people do not understand otherwise. And I sincerely hope that we will not have to interact with them anymore. Mom, dad, please forget about it, we were late because of these redheads, and I still have to look for a compartment."

Passing onto platforms 9 and 3/4 turned out to be surprisingly simple - an opaque barrier imitating brickwork, in place of the arch between the columns of the ninth and tenth platforms, carefully concealed its existence from the Muggles, forcing those to keep some distance from the nonexistent wall and at the same time distracting their attention from wizards passing through the barrier. Louise's parents too were subjected to this effect for a moment, but the young witch quickly realized what was the reason for her parents' altered behavior, who suddenly stopped near the barrier, and taking them by the arms went to a hidden platform.

There, she saw the natural magical chaos - something constantly fluttered, flew, meowed and croaked, and dozens of young wizards and their attendants constantly moved along the platform, who, like her, were pushing a luggage cart loaded with their own things in front of them. The atmosphere of the enchanted part of Kings Cross Station was filled with the sounds of birds chirping, snatches of conversations of departing passengers and their family members, the mechanical noise of a steam engine of a locomotive, the clang of couplings and the grunt of springs of railway cars, of an old railway passenger train standing at the platform, which was painted in glossy red paint with yellow stripes, and was attached to a real steam locomotive full of steam and coal exhaust, similar to those that were around the world sixty to seventy years ago.

Louise herself saw such trains only in photos in encyclopedias, as well as in documentary television programs telling about the railways of the United Kingdom, and now one of them will take her to a magical school located somewhere in Scotland. And so, Louise with a look of admiration examined the train, already mentally imagining how she would ride it on the way to Hogwarts, and from these fantasies her desire for a speedy departure only intensified. And heartily saying goodbye to her parents, promising to write letters to them more often, she hurried to get into the car and went in search of a free compartment.
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Well, Molly Weasley seems to have gotten instructions on "guiding" Harry Potter from Dumbledore, so I just assumed... Just can't wait for the interaction between Harry and Louise.
[Naruto/FSN] Grail and Fox. Prologue
This snip was born as a study of the idea of how the Nine-Tailed demon fox Kurama could behave if he were unlucky to be reborn into the body of Shirou from FSN.

[Naruto/FSN] Grail and Fox. Prologue

Wzzz-jing! Wzzz-jing! Scrrrrratch! Dzang!

In the late evening dusk, the loud noises of a fight flooded the school parking lot, playing the melody of a merciless battle.

Two warriors - one in red-black armor and the other, dressed in a tight-fitting blue suit, fought among themselves a battle for life and death. With perfected, verified movements, they circled in a deadly dance, with each blow bringing the battle closer to the end.

No matter how she convinced herself otherwise, but the young magician Rin Tohsaka was not ready for such a sudden start to her direct participation in the Fifth Holy Grail War. After all, not even a day has passed since she, after a slightly unsuccessful ritual, summoned the mysterious Hero as her Servant, and who was now obliged to fight on her side until the very end - whether it was victory in the war or defeat and death in battle with one of the enemy Masters and their Servants.

And so Rin was completely unprepared for the first magical battle in her life, she did not expect her participation in war to begin so soon, right in front of her own school. But when a warrior in blue tights suddenly appeared in front of her and summoned his Noble Phantasm - a red spear filled with hatred, and then immediately attacked her on the spot, only the timely manifestation of her Servant Archer from the astral form saved the girl from imminent death.

But so far, the battle between the two warriors has been going on for quite some time, and to be honest, it began to annoy Rin. She didn't want to stick around in such an open space for God knows how much longer before the outcome of the battle becomes obvious, and with every minute the probability that some random passer-by will become an involuntary witness to what is happening, like, for example, this schoolboy with red-red hair, which was now hiding behind one of the cars.

"For heaven's sake!" Rin hissed through her teeth. "What the hell is he doing here so late ?!"
"Oh! I see we now have spectators, well, Archer, how do you like this?" grinned the warrior in blue.
"This idiot!" growled Archer, without looking away from his opponent.
"I apologize, but we will have to end our battle some other time," the warrior in blue said sincerely.
"What?!" exclaimed Rin in surprise.
"We have a witness here, I'll have to take care of him, so please excuse me, this is urgent."

Rin didn't even have time to answer when the warrior in blue unexpectedly started to run towards the car behind which the schoolboy had previously been hiding, but the boy, apparently realizing that he was in trouble, had already left his hiding place and now he was fleeing to the east wing of the school, and he was running so fast that even Olympic athletes could envy him. But this did not stop the warrior in blue, and so he rushed after him.

"Damn! Archer! We need to stop him!" shouted Rin to Archer.
"Why? This pervert in a blue leotards will catch up and kill him without our help, so we don't even have to worry about it."
"Exactly, he will kill him! I cannot allow this!"
"Oh? And can you tell me why?" mischievousдн grinned the gray-haired warrior.
"Because ... Because ..." Rin felt that her face treacherously heated for an moment, but she immediately restrained herself. "We need to save him and that's it! This is an order! So do it! And do not make me spend a command spell on this order."
"Ha! Well, if you insist," Archer answered her with a considerable share of sarcasm in his voice, but nevertheless he hastened to obey her order and, with all his speed, followed after his adversary.
"Oh god, please let him stay alive. Please be alive." Rin's voice was barely audible and trembled with worry.

Rin didn't want any random passerby to die because of her negligence, she didn't want anyone to die at all. Indeed, despite the fact that she came from an ancient well-known family of hereditary magicians, Rin was different from all of her ancestors, and most other magicians too, because she remained a kind-hearted person in the deepness of her soul. And only if she could, she would have forbidden this stupid rule requiring the killing of all witnesses of the secret war for the Holy Grail. After all, it is not necessary to kill when you can simply erase their memories. But she could not set the rules, and so she could do little if another Master or Servant decided to apply them in such a case. But in this case, the fact that the student running away from the warrior in blue was not some random witness, no, to her chagrin this witness turned out to be the one to whom she least wanted harm or death - it was Shirou Emiya, with his always disheveled look, unkempt dark-red hair sticking out in all directions and tattooed lines on his face that looked like a cat's wiskers.

Of course, the guy's character left much to be desired, and his speech was always full of jests and insults, but Rin couldn't help herself - since she saw him for the first time at the ceremony of entering Homurahara High School, almost three years ago, he hasn't left her thoughts and his image was regular in her girlish fantasies. By himself, he was not a handsome or sociable type, and indeed was a rather nasty person with aggressive manners and the behavior of a typical school Yankee, but she could not throw him out of her heart. But nevertheless, she also did not dare to confess her own feelings, waiting for the right moment, and, unfortunately, such a moment never came, and he always managed to say something offensive to her, thereby completely knocking down her whole romantic mood.

In the last year of high school, he was placed in the same class with her, becoming closer to her physically, but spiritually their relationship was still far from ideal. And as soon as they spoke, he always began to make insulting jokes and comments regarding her femininity, her figure, or just her character. While almost any other guy from school idolized her, and Rin was a school idol in fact, Shirou did not give a damn about her and any conversation they had instantly went to a mutual quarrel. Although it must be admitted that she, too, quick for a remark and always answered to him with criticism of his sloppy appearance and his extremely modest academic success.

Shirou never shone in his studies, was not successful in sports, and had no progress in communicating with his peers. And his only friends were student council president Ryuudo Issei, who, for some reason, was always extremely polite and sometimes even flattering to Shirou, and Matou Shinji, the number one playboy, leecher and womanizer in the whole school, with whom Shirou was always ready to discuss femine charms of school girls or taunt the male half of the school population. But, unlike Shinji, Shiro was not popular among schoolgirls, and because of his impudence and rudeness, no one wanted to go on a date with him, and so he couldn't boast of his experience with them.

Well, and of course there was Sakura - Shinji's adoptive sister, but she almost never talked to Shiro, and besides, she seemed a little afraid of him, although she often went to his house to help with housework and cooking, which was inexplicable and strange, because their mutual conversations were rarely longer than a couple of words, in fact he practically ignored her existence. Rin was even jealous of Sakura at first, but finding out the details of their relationship and situation on Emiya's estate, she immediately rejected these thoughts once and for all. After all, Shiro never spent time alone with Sakura anywhere outside his house, and Fujimura Taiga and Shiro's father were constantly present in the house, both of which would hardly allow any intimate relationship between teenagers. And Sakura always returned home right after their dinner together. Well, Rin also had something else to do with Sakura herself, but this thoughts Rin suppressed in every way, since she did not want to open the barely healed wounds on her soul.

And now, Rin, worried about the fate of the boy, ran along the school corridors after the Archer. Who followed the trail of an elusive adversary and his doomed victim. But after running another flight of stairs, Rin nearly crashed into the back of Archer, who was standing in the doorway leading to the school roof.

"Archer? Why did you stop?" said Rin in alarm.
"Master, it seems going further now is pointless."
"What do you mean, Archer?" Rin said in a trembling voice. She wanted to clarify, but the Servant stepping aside revealed a terrifying picture to her gaze.

The girl's heart sank in her chest and from a nightmarish sight her mind became dull. What she was most afraid of, what she did not want, the worst thing happened. Shirou Emiya was dead.

In the center of his chest was a huge, bloody, penetrating wound, and in place of his heart there were now only scraps of meat and blood flowed from a hole in a thick stream. The warrior in blue tights fulfilled his threat and pierced Shirou's body through with his Cursed Spear, leaving latter to die from terrible pain and great blood loss.

Rin tried to rush to the boy's body, but Archer stopped her, grabbing her arm.

"Let me go!"
"Master, he's dead, it's over."
"No, let me go! You don't understand!"
"Rin, listen, he can't survive with such injuries, we can't help him anymore!"
"No! No !!! Nooo !!!!" Rin jerked her hand and twisted out of Archer's grip, rushing back to Shirou's body and kneeling before him.

Rin panickedly began to examine the wound on Shirou's chest, not noticing that her own knees were already drowning in his blood. Her thoughts darted through her head with manic persistence, sorting through all the possible spells and charms that could be useful to her now. But with every moment, she became increasingly aware that nothing in her magical knowledge could restore life to a dead person. Despair almost captured her, when she suddenly noticed that his half-closed eyes were still trying to move. Rin was rejoicing. He was still alive, which means she can still save him!

"He is alive! He is still alive! I was right!" Rin shouted to Archer.

The girl tore off a necklace with rubies from her neck and put it in the hand of a dying boy. Yes, it was extremely reckless, which she would probably regret more than once, and spending the enchanted rubies so early at the beginning of the Holy Grail war would surely come back to her at the most inopportune moment, but she decided it would be later, and now it's important to save Shirou.

Clutching his right hand with a necklace, Rin read out the restorative spell aloud. For a second, nothing happened, but immediately his body lit up with a golden glow and the bloodstained pieces inside his chest stirred and began to tighten together, restoring a broken heart, lungs and pectoral muscles. And Shirou's huge pool of blood sparkled with a golden glow, and then small red-yellow sparkles began to rise into the air and flow into the his body. A second passed, another and the wound completely disappeared, and only a school uniform hole in the center of the chest and on the back hinted at an earlier injury. And when the guy's chest heaved and fell from the first breath he took, Rin was finally able to relax. She did it! She saved him.

"Master, I still think that it was a waste of priceless rubies on such a jerk like him. Why did you do it, master?"
"I ... I ..." Rin couldn't find the answer. "I just could not do otherwise! I cannot let a random person die because of my fault. If we moved the battle towards the forest, no one would've noticed us."
"That's how it is. Okay, so be it. I will assume that this was precisely the case" smirked Archer.
"What do you mean?!" demanded girl.
"Nothing, master. I just suggested that we should leave here soon, before he wakes up and starts asking inappropriate questions."
"Y-yes, you're right. Come."

Archer smirked once more and hurriedly went to the door, while Rin paused for a moment, casting a last look at the not-yet-recovered boy, and then left the school's roof in a hurried manner. And only after leaving the school, having traveled most of the way and being almost already at his house, Rin had a disturbing thought.

"Yes, master?"
"This warrior in blue, he would not leave the unfinished business, right?"
"Most likely, master."
"DAMN IT ALL!" Rin shouted loudly.
"I didn't save him to be killed again! Archer, we need to go back right now!"
"As you wish, master," Archer said in frustration.

But when they returned to school and went up to the roof, they certainly did not find Shirou in the same place, so they had only one thing left - to follow him back to his house.


A/N. This is the only snip I wrote on this idea, although I originally wanted to write a long story on how Shirou-Kurama summoned Kushina Uzumaki as an assassin and together they win the war for the Holy Grail, but at the same time with AU elements, because the nine-tailed fox somehow saved Sakura a long time ago, Shirou father is still alive, although very ill and bedridden, and Shinji is not as much as a bastard as in the canon.