Intro, Rules and stuff


Title Incoming. Please Hold.
Somewhere else.
Alright, let's start at the beginning, one last time. You know how this goes: Some big bad is causing trouble under Manhattan, building a machine that's supposed to connect between universes and might just wind up destroying the world. Naturally, our hero, Peter Parker, goes to stop the light-show, there's some fighting, some banter, some more fighting and Spider-Man winds up falling into the unstable singularity/wormhole/thingamajig. Next thing you know, a bunch of weird Spider-Men/Woman/Whatevers have popped in for a visit. Now they need to work together, find a way home, beat the bad guys, and maybe, just maybe, learn that friendship was the real treasure all along. You've seen the movie, you get the picture.

Except this time? All the Spider-Men/Woman/Whatevers are you.

Well, not actually you, not unless you do a Self-Insert thing, which I supposed you could, but that's not what I meant and... You know what? Nevermind.

Hey guys, what's up? I'm RexHeller and welcome to Joining the Spider-Verse, a Spider-Man RP I'll be running. It's my first time taking the reins on this sort of thing, so bear with me. The basic idea here is the same as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but we'll be using a Universe that I've created and you'll be playing Spider characters that you create. That's right, no playing canon characters here, it's OCs all the way down. That's not to say that you can't take an existing character and twist them a bit, like doing "Peter Parker but a Demi-God from Greek Mythology" for example, but you can't just play as 616!Spider-Man or any other official character. I want to see some creativity in here people, c'mon! Things will be PvE as much as I can help it and things will be purely narrative, with no dice rolling at all.

The rules will be fairly standard, but let's list them out so that nobody is unclear on anything. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend, after all.

  1. The GM, that is to say me, has final authority on anything. Feel free to discuss things that you feel are unfair or mistakes, but at the end of the day, my word is law.
  2. All of SV's rules apply, naturally.
  3. Respect your fellow players. This is meant to be a fun, happy place where everybody can tell a story they'll enjoy creating. Try to keep it that way... or else.
  4. Don't God-Mod. This means no controlling the actions of other players or NPCs, and acting within the limits of your character.
  5. Not exactly a hard and fast rule, but try to be consistently active in the IC. Exceptions can be made if stuff comes up in suddenly real life, but if you know that you might have a hard time posting frequently, maaaaaybe think twice about applying.
  6. All players must display competent-at-least ability at creative writing. This is probably just something to keep in mind at application time, but if you somehow get in and your writing quality suddenly and brutally drops, I might just kick you out.
Now than, with that out of the way, here's how to apply. Since this will be a PvE, collaborative experience, there's no need to hide your abilities from one another. As such, all applications will be posted in this thread, not sent to my by PM or anything like that. It's a lot easier to write a decent post if you know what other characters look like and are capable of, even if it's only out of character. And here is the character sheet you'll all be using.

Superhero Name:
Real Name:

Experience Level: No, not like a video game. I just want a vague estimate of how long your character's been doing the whole 'Superhero' thing. The rankings are 'Noob' (literally got their powers a few days ago at most,) 'Street-Level' (Months to a few years range, deals mostly with mundane crime, maybe a few C-and-B-list Supervillains,) 'Pro' (Been at this for years, regularly deals with Supervillains, saved the city several times now,) and 'Seen-It-All' (Dealt with world, possibly even unvierse-level threats, has dealt with pretty much everything ever). Please use those rankings, maybe with a bit of expansion if you want.

Appearance: Include both a description of your Character's look and a design for your costume. A written description is fine, but if you feel confident drawing something, I encourage you to give it a go. You can use a canon spider-suit as a base for your costume, but try to put your own spin on it and don't just rip something off wholesale.

General Abilities: Since we're running a pure narrative quest here, there's no need to use hard numbers here. Just a general idea is fine, so we're using four rankings to get a rough idea of where your character sits on the main powers. The ranks are None, Weak, Amazing and Spectacular, from lowest to highest. To present a standard to measure yourselves against, 616!Spider-man from the comics has Amazing in all his powers. Please note that having None in Strength or Speed doesn't mean that your an invalid, it means that you don't have any enhancements in those areas and you're at a human baseline.

Strength: How much you can lift, how hard you punch and so on.
Speed: How fast you can move, as well as your reaction speed.
Stickiness: How much you stick to things.
Spider-Sense: How powerful your spider-sense is, including things of how specific and how far in advance the warnings are.
Webbing: How strong, stretchy and durable your webbing is.

Special Abilities: Any super powers you have that aren't part of the standard Spidey package, like Miles Morales' invisibility and Venom Blasts. They still need to be somewhat spider-based though, so keep that in mind.

Background/Personality: You may make these separate sections or mix them together, so long as you paint a decent picture of your character and what makes them interesting.

One thing that isn't necessary but I highly recommend is writing a little snippet around your character. This could be their origin story done quick, a day-in-the-life montage or something else. This does three things for you. It shows that your excited about the RP and that you have a good grasp on your character, and it also allows me to judge the quality level of your writing. So it's not a requirement, but it'll probably help you get in.

I want about 5-6 players for the game, which is less than some RP's I've seen, but it feels like the right amount of people to me. Enough to let a variety of people to play, but not so many that you have trouble keeping track of everyone.

Applications will be open for probably a week. Maybe more, Maybe less depending on various factors. Once I've selected who gets in, I'll set up the IC thread and give the players a Discord link where they can chat and I can nag them to post.

If anyone has any questions or needs anything clarified, feel free to ask me.
Alright, let's start at the beginning, one last time. You know how this goes: Some big bad is causing trouble under Manhattan, building a machine that's supposed to connect between universes and might just wind up destroying the world. Naturally, our hero, Peter Parker, goes to stop the light-show, there's some fighting, some banter, some more fighting and Spider-Man winds up falling into the unstable singularity/wormhole/thingamajig. Next thing you know, a bunch of weird Spider-Men/Woman/Whatevers have popped in for a visit. Now they need to work together, find a way home, beat the bad guys, and maybe, just maybe, learn that friendship was the real treasure all along. You've seen the movie, you get the picture.

Except this time? All the Spider-Men/Woman/Whatevers are you.

Well, not actually you, not unless you do a Self-Insert thing, which I supposed you could, but that's not what I meant and... You know what? Nevermind.

Hey guys, what's up? I'm RexHeller and welcome to Joining the Spider-Verse, a Spider-Man RP I'll be running. It's my first time taking the reins on this sort of thing, so bear with me. The basic idea here is the same as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, but we'll be using a Universe that I've created and you'll be playing Spider characters that you create. That's right, no playing canon characters here, it's OCs all the way down. That's not to say that you can't take an existing character and twist them a bit, like doing "Peter Parker but a Demi-God from Greek Mythology" for example, but you can't just play as 616!Spider-Man or any other official character. I want to see some creativity in here people, c'mon! Things will be PvE as much as I can help it and things will be purely narrative, with no dice rolling at all.

The rules will be fairly standard, but let's list them out so that nobody is unclear on anything. A vague disclaimer is nobody's friend, after all.

The GM, that is to say me, has final authority on anything. Feel free to discuss things that you feel are unfair or mistakes, but at the end of the day, my word is law.
All of SV's rules apply, naturally.
Respect your fellow players. This is meant to be a fun, happy place where everybody can tell a story they'll enjoy creating. Try to keep it that way... or else.
Don't God-Mod. This means no controlling the actions of other players or NPCs, and acting within the limits of your character.
Not exactly a hard and fast rule, but try to be consistently active in the IC. Exceptions can be made if stuff comes up in suddenly real life, but if you know that you might have a hard time posting frequently, maaaaaybe think twice about applying.
All players must display competent-at-least ability at creative writing. This is probably just something to keep in mind at application time, but if you somehow get in and your writing quality suddenly and brutally drops, I might just kick you out.
Now than, with that out of the way, here's how to apply. Since this will be a PvE, collaborative experience, there's no need to hide your abilities from one another. As such, all applications will be posted in this thread, not sent to my by PM or anything like that. It's a lot easier to write a decent post if you know what other characters look like and are capable of, even if it's only out of character. And here is the character sheet you'll all be using.

Superhero Name:
Real Name:

Experience Level: No, not like a video game. I just want a vague estimate of how long your character's been doing the whole 'Superhero' thing. The rankings are 'Noob' (literally got their powers a few days ago at most,) 'Street-Level' (Months to a few years range, deals mostly with mundane crime, maybe a few C-and-B-list Supervillains,) 'Pro' (Been at this for years, regularly deals with Supervillains, saved the city several times now,) and 'Seen-It-All' (Dealt with world, possibly even unvierse-level threats, has dealt with pretty much everything ever). Please use those rankings, maybe with a bit of expansion if you want.

Appearance: Include both a description of your Character's look and a design for your costume. A written description is fine, but if you feel confident drawing something, I encourage you to give it a go. You can use a canon spider-suit as a base for your costume, but try to put your own spin on it and don't just rip something off wholesale.

General Abilities: Since we're running a pure narrative quest here, there's no need to use hard numbers here. Just a general idea is fine, so we're using four rankings to get a rough idea of where your character sits on the main powers. The ranks are None, Weak, Amazing and Spectacular, from lowest to highest. To present a standard to measure yourselves against, 616!Spider-man from the comics has Amazing in all his powers. Please note that having None in Strength or Speed doesn't mean that your an invalid, it means that you don't have any enhancements in those areas and you're at a human baseline.

Strength: How much you can lift, how hard you punch and so on.
Speed: How fast you can move, as well as your reaction speed.
Stickiness: How much you stick to things.
Spider-Sense: How powerful your spider-sense is, including things of how specific and how far in advance the warnings are.
Webbing: How strong, stretchy and durable your webbing is.

Special Abilities: Any super powers you have that aren't part of the standard Spidey package, like Miles Morales' invisibility and Venom Blasts. They still need to be somewhat spider-based though, so keep that in mind.

Background/Personality: You may make these separate sections or mix them together, so long as you paint a decent picture of your character and what makes them interesting.

One thing that isn't necessary but I highly recommend is writing a little snippet around your character. This could be their origin story done quick, a day-in-the-life montage or something else. This does three things for you. It shows that your excited about the RP and that you have a good grasp on your character, and it also allows me to judge the quality level of your writing. So it's not a requirement, but it'll probably help you get in.

I want about 5-6 players for the game, which is less than some RP's I've seen, but it feels like the right amount of people to me. Enough to let a variety of people to play, but not so many that you have trouble keeping track of everyone.

Applications will be open for probably a week. Maybe more, Maybe less depending on various factors. Once I've selected who gets in, I'll set up the IC thread and give the players a Discord link where they can chat and I can nag them to post.

If anyone has any questions or needs anything clarified, feel free to ask me.

Gonna join this, need to ask about power limitations first

Edit: thinking of using a stand, like being Pete And offloading spider powers to his guardian.

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Binding Bound
Lurio Spindel entry!
Superhero Name: Binding Bound
Real Name: Lurio Spindel
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Experience: Street-Level+, dealing with people who are attempting to kidnap Aria on a semi-regular basis is good training.
Lurio has olive toned skin, dark Auburn hair, and green eyes. He tends to wear plain shirts and jeans that are splattered with paint, and black sneakers, and he wears a pair of top rim glasses without any prescription. His costume is a black body stocking with white accents at the joints, a green spider logo on his chest, and no feet, a black mask with eight glossy, greenish-black lenses, and gloves made to match his feet (with advanced artificial tarsal hooks).
Standard Skills
Strength: Amazing
Speed: Weak
Stickiness: Spectacular*
Spider-Sense: Spectacular†
Webbing: Amazing‡
* His feet are a natural power, his gloves are artificial, but just as good
† Baseline Amazing, enhanced by smart Lenses and pocket proximity sensor designed by Aria.
‡ Since his gloves have artificial setae, he can't use the classic horns gesture to shoot web, he does an open handed claw gesture towards his web target instead.
Special Abilities
Leap: Spectacular
Due to the fact that the spider he got bitten by was a jumping spider, he can jump up to 275 feet, and from running he can jump up to 660 feet of distance. He can also reliably orient himself to jump onto any surface.​
Charm: Weak
Jumping Spiders are adorable, and Lurio managed to gain some of this charm; his eyes are a bit bigger, a bit brighter, a bit more expressive, and generally people are more likely to trust him.​
Smart Lenses: Weak
In addition to the proximity function enhancing his spider sense, his Smart Lenses allow Lurio stable contact with Aria while out in the field, and provide him with night vision, heat vision, and Ultra-Violet vision as needed. He also has a pair of smart glasses for when he's not in costume that don't have the vision enhancements.​
Lurio Spindel was just in his freshman year when a trip to Lycos Labs went strange. He was accompanied home by a rather cute spider, and for a time he kept him as a pet, often painting portraits of him. One day, however, the spider bit him, and then died. It took some time after that, but he noticed his reflexes getting much better, his jump growing by leaps and bounds, pun intended, his lifting capacity growing in order of magnitude, and, oddly enough, his shoes becoming more difficult to remove. It was this last issue, and the setae that had formed on his feet, that told him that he had Superpowers. With what resources he had, and allies at his disposal, he put together a costume and has taken to fighting crime throughout the Greater Boston Area. His web shooter wasn't actually his own invention, but that of his partner Aria Weber, who does a great deal of his tech for him, including his gloves, shooters, and the three types of vision he has installed in his primary eye lenses. She doesn't do field work yet, but she's working on a suit that will put her on similar standing to him. It's not ready yety though, and without him there, villains will be trying to kidnap her for their own nefarious ends. He lives with his mother Erica alone, and helps support the family with his paintings, which sell for moderately high prices.
Lurio is a charming young individual with a wide social group, ranging from the artists, to the theatre kids, to the science nerds, all while maintaining his generally popular status. His grades aren't fantastic, but he has a decent average, and he maintains a daily exercize routine on the way to school. With the development of his spider powers, he has since added his patrols in the evening to this routine, and uses them to find new subjects to paint.

Lurio doesn't make true friends easily, moreso making acquaintances, but he's strongly devoted to what friends he has, almost to the point of obsession, and anyone who messes with Aria... well, they regret it pretty quickly.
Rogues Gallery
Real Name: Sid Lycos
Abilities: Dark Wolf has Spectacular super strength and super speed through the power of genetic manipulation. That being said, his primary ability is his scientific knowledge and general intelligence. He doesn't actually like going out in the field for his villainy, instead preferring to send out henchmen to get extra resources for his inventing/experimenting. When he does go out it's usually because he's pissed at Lurio. He stole Aria's wall stick tech, and uses that when he's in public, in part to ruin Bound's reputation.
Real Name: Kyle Latrielle
Abilities: Crawler has many, many extra legs, and potent venom, along with significant strength. He does not have a humanoid form, and resents Lycos Labs for ruining his life, and seeks a cure for his form. Dark Wolf told him that if he eliminated Binding Bound, he would return him to human.
Real Name: Janet van Dyne
Motivation: One of the more scrupulous, but not squeaky clean, industrial corporations hired the Wasp to deal with Binding Bound, as he's had to... Deal with them, as they had attempted to forcefully recruit Aria. This near criminal behavior has convinced The Wasp that he needs to be taken down.
A Mighty Leap, A New Perspective

Lurio Spindel looked at the large stack of platforms in front of him, nearly ten feet tall, and at the marked rope, with a knot at every ten feet as well. Feeling his nerves getting to him somewhat at the apparently daunting tasks in front of him, he took a stance, and leaped over the platforms.


... Why am I not hurting?

Indeed, Lurio had not hit his head on the rafters of the gymnasium, but instead had landed bare feet first. Somehow. The world also was upside-down. Somehow.
Also unfortunately, there was now a large web of cracks in the gym floor, and a solid dent in the girder he landed on.

It took some getting adjusted, but Lurio eventually got used to the fact that he could walk upside-down with no issue... Now if only he could easily right himself while climbing, and manage his jump strength.
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Superhero Name: Bonecrusher II

Real Name: Bader Barker

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Experience Level:

Seen it all, World Heavyweight champ for a reason


On the left

His body is muscular

He dons a cape

The Mask stays on, it was made for him from his master in Mexico.

General Abilities:

BB is peak human like Captain America (obtained through diet) while his stand is like 616 Spider-Man. However those with normal 5 human senses cannot perceive and interact with his imaginary friend (but his friend can interact with them just fine). Webbing dissolves at will, and Bader can interact with it just fine.


BB can knock out and incapacitate humanoid targets with his wrestling moves. Can suplex 2 people at the same time.

Stand is 616 tier


BB can move faster than the (baseline) eye can see and aimdodge.

Stand is 616 tier


BB is a good grappler and once he gets his hooks in its difficult to escape.

Stand is 616 tier


BB knows when people are in trouble in his range of vision.

Stand is 616 tier


BB is an expert in using Ring rope and improvised variations.

Stand is 616 tier

Special Abilities:

BB's wrestling skills have long surpassed the boundary of humans.

Spider-Stand [Itsy Bitsy], or tag team partner.


In his world he stopped the burglar by tripping him and his Uncle lived. However since he loved the glitz and glam he became a wrestler instead since his competitors saw talent in him. Thus he donned his mask and trained under the man he beats to become the best Face inside and outside the ring!

Sometime before his first match his imaginary friend was bitten by an imaginary radioactive spider. He comes from a strange world where wrestling IS real and Keyfabe is serious business.


It was another day for Bonecrusher II when he walks out to continue his exercise but there seems to be trouble in the bank. Five armed men entered the premises and he followed from the other side of the street, no alarm is raised yet but he knows what is about to take place and his Imaginary Friend moves in to secure the area.

The jabroni with the green mask is about to make his demand but was interrupted by the awe inspiring, gravity defying, hand shaking hero of the Ring! He comes in announced, and as they point their guns at him BB cuts them a promo!

Like a face from the attitude era he details how he is about to slap them upside the head and beat them up before stabilising their injuries, something about how they should have considered a career in the service industry instead.

As the bank teller screamed the first punch was thrown and down goes the green mask, somehow unable to dodge the telegraphed punch as if he was held in place by a super-strong force. Four behind him worried as they reaimed their guns only for the shots to miss, as if moved by invisible strand. The shotgun mook was caught flat footed when he realised that he was breathing in a dropkick instead of oxygen.

With three people left they started to move, one dropped his gun to surrender, another went to the door only to leave the bank unconscious through BB's clothesline. BB looked at the last one and gave him a chance to quit.

"There is no need to fight, in fact I will not hit you if you give up right now."

Five minutes after the cops went in and the janitor told them that one of their tables broke because a masked maniac used it to power bomb another masked maniac.

  • Inspired by El Santo
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Just a quick question before I start working on my character sheet: I can rework a canon character - Silk - to suit my tastes better, right?
I suck at RP's but my OC is free to use if anyone wants them?
Superhero Name: Sea-Spider (not good at names, blurted this out and then ran away into the water, unsure how to change it)
Real Name: Bob.
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Experience: Street level.
mostly preventing drownings and stuff near the piers.
saved the city from a very angry shark person who wanted to get revenge for pollution.
managed to talk them down after a bit and they left.
the fight didnt reach the shore.

More Spidery than usual...
multiple arms, claws on the tips of fingers, multiple eyes that can see in the dark, and fangs.

General Abilities:
Strength: Can lift 10times the weight of their body, punch hard enough to go through metal.
claws make it more of a pierce though.

Speed: Faster than the average human, reaction time is pretty good.

Stickiness: not as sticky as Spiderman. Needs to concentrate to stick to stuff.

Spider-Sense: Normal type of spider sense, bit above average, but nothing to boast about

able to make webs that can trap oxygen inside. as well as filter oxygen from the water (real diving bell spiders can do that as well)
Relativly not as durable as normal webbing, but stretchy and strong.

Special Abilities:
Hydrokenisis, but not that much practice with it.
Small chitin covering.
Has a fondness for fish and seafood, no cooking necessary. (he doesnt get any side effects from eating them raw, and its easier than starting a fire underwater.)
can breath underwater but doesnt know it yet.

Very good life saver, but due to appearance, tends to use their hydrokenesis and air bubbles to do the saving from afar.
most crime related thing they have done is steal a large fish from a fisherman, and that was because there werent many fish around...
homeless from before he got his powers (a rather nasty conga line of events) , but made a small home at the bottom of a large lake/the bay.
Superhero Name: SPIDER MAN
Real Name: DRM-S2no.07 SPIDER MAN
Gender: Masculine Programming
Age: 3 (Active)

Experience Level: Street-Level (Most his experience comes from when DR. DOOM tried to use him to take over the world, but he occasionally helps fight crime here and there when needed.)

Appearance: SPIDER MAN is a three-foot tall robot with a humanoid appearance that incorporates spider-like elements and a red and blue color scheme. Has a round and friendly design, with a face that's surprisingly expressive for a robot. Arms and legs are humanoid, with four additional spider-like legs on his back.

General Abilities:
Strength: Amazing (Robot strength designed to imitate that of a spider)
Speed: Weak (Enhanced robot speed)
Stickiness: Spectacular (All but impossible to un-stick him from something unless he wants to be unstuck from it)
Spider-Sense: Weak (Has a radar and motion-tracking system that allows him a basic idea of where things around him are.)
Webbing: Spectacular (About as strong, stretchy, and durable as it comes)

Special Abilities: SPIDER MAN's web powers boil down to three basic abilities:
1) Web Line - Use for mobility or latching on to stuff from a distance.
2) Web Shot - Small, sticky balls of webbing.
3) Web Bomb - A larger ball of webbing that will stick to a surface then explode either after a set time limit or on command, covering an area with a sticky, restraining substance.

Background/Personality: In the year 196X, DR. RICHARDS built eight ROBOT MASTERS, prototype marvels of engineering designed to benefit mankind. However, his partner-turned-rival DR. DOOM stole these ROBOT MASTERS and reprogrammed them to help him take over the world, including SPIDER MAN. Fortunately for the world, DR. RICHARDS had three robots that DR. DOOM had disregarded and ignored - INVISIBLE WOMAN, ROCK MAN, and FLAME MAN. Together, they saved the world and restored the hijacked ROBOT MASTERS to their intended purpose.

Originally built and designed to help study Insects and other wildlife, SPIDER MAN now also occasionally aids DR. RICHARDS and his other robots in fighting crime and saving the world whenever it is threatened by evil.
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Superhero Name: Huntsman
Real Name: Parker
Gender: N/A
Age: Sixteen

Experience Level: Street-Level. Huntsman has only been active for two years, and his understanding of magic and his skill at gadgetry is such that he's only particularly comfortable taking out smaller raider bands, and only after a lot of prep-work. Against larger raider groups, genuine warlords, or monsters, he generally sticks to playing support, acting as a spy and gathering intel.

Appearance: Huntsman's costume isn't so much a costume as it is his normal, dirt brown duster used to help keep out the elements (as well as carry all his tools), well worn at this point, a pair of grimy boots that have waded through all manner of toxic crap, and some pants and a shirt that haven't been washed since they were made. The only things that would be typical in a costume are his mask, a simply grey thing used to keep his enemies from identifying him in case they sought revenge, that may, at one point, have belonged to a real superhero, its eyes having long since been replaced by a set of magicked goggles to help prevent dust and toxic pollution from getting into Huntsmans eye, and a bright red scarf in pristine condition that once belonged to Ben, Parkers former caretaker, and a single, bright blue amulet hanging from his neck.

General Abilities:

Strength: None
Speed: Spectacular
Stickiness: Weak.
Spider-Sense: Amazing
Webbing: None

Special Abilities:

Shapeshifting: Huntsman can, at will, turn into a spider. A very, very SMALL, hard to track spider. Typically, Huntsman uses this power to spy on his targets and gather intelligence, as well as, on occasion, sneak into places.

Paralytic Blasts: Huntsman can also let loose bright green blasts of energy that, when impacting something, cause mild paralysis. How effective these blasts are depend on the target: particularly strong humans can require many, many blasts to take down, while weaker ones only require one or two.

Summon Spider: Huntsman can, given a minute, summon several very large spiders to fight for him, each formed out of spectral energy. The size of a small dog, these creatures will attack on Huntsmans command, and not rest until his target is incapacitated or they're destroyed. When Huntsman no longer needs them, they disperse, fading away.

Huntsman was born in the ruins of New York. Some time during the 60's, during America's cold war with Latveria, a nuclear war broke out, and each nation and their allies released their arsenal, reducing the planet to ash. Afterwards, what remained of humanity was lead by various Warlords: those gifted with superhuman powers, whether strength, speed, flight, or even just superhuman skill. Before the three minute war, some of these Warlords had been villains, and most heinous ones at that. Others...

Others had been heroes, driven to darkness by the apocalypse, either forced into madness, or else corrupted by the choices they had to make after. For the average person, those without powers, conditions degraded: forced into labor, these normals were worked to the bone by their masters, and if they resisted, they were executed. Those that weren't were instead forced into the jagged wilderness between settlements, forced to wander the decaying city, at the mercy of the raider bands, insane solitary superbeings, or even horrible monsters created as experiments by the warlords.

Parker was born in one of these settlements: led by the Godpin, a Warlord known for his raw strength and cunning who had endeavored to set up a cult of personality revolving around himself, creating the Grand Church of the Godpin. Parker had been raised by Ben and May, who adopted the child when his parents were murdered. Growing up, Peter took delight in sneaking out of the settlement to go scavenging, a policy which was against the commandments of the Godpin. When he was, inevitably, caught, his caretaker Ben took the fall, and was executed for defying the will of the Godpin, while May and Parker were exiled.

This, for a time, broke Parker: in despair he and his aunt wandered around the city, waiting for death to claim him. However, that was not fates intention: eventually, he happened upon an old abandoned building. In it was a skeleton, garbed in a strange costume, its colors long since faded. Next to it was a strange blue stone, glowing bright. Touching it, Parkers mind was assailed with visions, visions of strange things, events from the past and present, things that could be, would be, and could never be.

Blacking out, when he awoke, Parker discovered to his dismay that May was gone. Leaving to find her, he noted that the blue stone was still in his hand. Going to throw it away, he left the building, looking for her, only to happen upon her and several others being accosted by raiders. Panicking, Parker looked for any method, any at all, to save her...

Only for his palm to brush against a familiar blue stone. In that instant, Parker began to move faster, jump higher, and from his palms emanated brilliant green lights that put the raiders in convulsions.

Barely managing to down them, Parker was thanked by those he had saved, who believed he was part of the Defenders, a underground rebellion movement looking to overthrow the warlords and bring peace to the land, comprised of both normal humans, and enhanced ones that had deemed the Warlords immoral. It was in that moment Parker knew what he had to do, how he could get revenge for Ben, and redemption for his mistake.

Fashioning the magical stone into an amulet, he joined the Defenders, doing his best to aid them in their mission to bring down the Warlords, to stop the raiders, and bring justice to a forsaken land. From then on, he became the Huntsman, using the magic of the amulet to fuel his abilities, developing more and better spells he could use to help turn the tide in the conflict.

Personality: Huntsman attempts to come off as calm and collected. Attempts. Underneath, and when he takes his mask off, he's a mess of anxiety and panic, coming off as timid and cowardly, but when he dons his gear, its almost as if the former scavenger becomes a different person, his focus and clarity increasing as he homes in on his current goal. Part of this is to intimidate his enemies: by showing no fear, he hopes to increase their own, and reassure and inspire his allies.

So, basically a Fallout!Spiderman whose powers come from a magic amulet instead of super-genetics. Aesthetically, I envision him as a much more grungy, hobo-ified version of Spiderman-Noire. He focuses more on being quick, sneaky, and avoiding getting in close, with the summon spiders being a *very* recently developed spell he designed because he recognized that when he engaged more than one person at a time, or fought a superhuman, things got really messy, really fast.

Personality-wise, what I was going for was a person who, in-uniform, could be extremely cool under pressure...but out of uniform was a scared, traumatized kid trying to make up for (what he sees as) an unforgivable mistake.
So what happens if he loses the amulet?
And how long do the summoned spiders last?
Lurio Spindel entry!
Superhero Name: Binding Bound
Real Name: Lurio Spindel
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Experience: Street-Level+, dealing with people who are attempting to kidnap Aria on a semi-regular basis is good training.
Lurio has olive toned skin, dark Auburn hair, and green eyes. He tends to wear plain shirts and jeans that are splattered with paint, and black sneakers, and he wears a pair of top rim glasses without any prescription. His costume is a black body stocking with white accents at the joints, a green spider logo on his chest, and no feet, a black mask with eight glossy, greenish-black lenses, and gloves made to match his feet (with advanced artificial tarsal hooks).
Standard Skills
Strength: Amazing
Speed: Weak
Stickiness: Spectacular*
Spider-Sense: Spectacular†
Webbing: Amazing‡
* His feet are a natural power, his gloves are artificial, but just as good
† Baseline Amazing, enhanced by smart Lenses and pocket proximity sensor designed by Aria.
‡ Since his gloves have hooks, he can't use the classic horns gesture to shoot web, he does an open handed claw gesture towards his web target instead.
Special Abilities
Leap: Spectacular
Due to the fact that the spider he got bitten by was a jumping spider, he can jump up to 275 feet, and from running he can jump up to 660 feet of distance. He can also reliably orient himself to jump onto any surface.​
Charm: Weak
Jumping Spiders are adorable, and Lurio managed to gain some of this charm; his eyes are a bit bigger, a bit brighter, a bit more expressive, and generally people are more likely to trust him.​
Smart Lenses: Weak
In addition to the proximity function enhancing his spider sense, his Smart Lenses allow Lurio stable contact with Aria while out in the field, and provide him with night vision, heat vision, and infra-red vision as needed. He also has a pair of smart glasses for when he's not in costume that don't have the vision enhancements.​
Lurio Spindel was just in his freshman year when a trip to Sateily Labs went strange. He was accompanied home by a rather cute spider, and for a time he kept him as a pet, often painting portraits of him. One day, however, the spider bit him, and then died. It took some time after that, but he noticed his reflexes getting much better, his jump growing by leaps and bounds, pun intended, his lifting capacity growing in order of magnitude, and, oddly enough, his shoes becoming more difficult to remove. It was this last issue, and the tarsal hooks that had formed on his feet, that told him that he had Superpowers. With what resources he had, and allies at his disposal, he put together a costume and has taken to fighting crime throughout the Greater Boston Area. His web shooter wasn't actually his own invention, but that of his partner Aria Weber, who does a great deal of his tech for him, including his gloves, shooters, and the three types of vision he has installed in his primary eye lenses. She doesn't do field work yet, but she's working on a suit that will put her on similar standing to him, and she's crossed the rift as well. He lives with his mother Erica alone, and helps support the family with his paintings, which sell for moderately high prices.
Lurio is a charming young individual with a wide social group, ranging from the artists, to the theatre kids, to the science nerds, all while maintaining his generally popular status. His grades aren't fantastic, but he has a decent average, and he maintains a daily exercize routine on the way to school. With the development of his spider powers, he has since added his patrols in the evening to this routine, and uses them to find new subjects to paint.
Already gave my feed back mostly in the plotbunny thread, but it's definitely a good sheet.

I have ideas, but I'm not sure which to use...
If you write up all of them, I'll tell you which I think is best.
Just a quick question before I start working on my character sheet: I can rework a canon character - Silk - to suit my tastes better, right?
Depends on how far you're going to go. If it's just some personality tweaks a la fix fic, then no. But if you make enough changes, or one change big enough, that she's distinct from 616!Silk, go for it.
Superhero Name: SPIDER MAN
Gender: Masculine Programming
Age: 5 (Active)

Experience Level: Street-Level (Most his experience comes from when DR. DOOM tried to use him to take over the world, but he occasionally helps fight crime here and there when needed.)

Appearance: SPIDER MAN is a three-foot tall robot with a humanoid appearance that incorporates spider-like elements and a red and blue color scheme. Has a round and friendly design, with a face that's surprisingly expressive for a robot. Arms and legs are humanoid, with four additional spider-like legs on his back.

General Abilities:
Strength: Amazing (Robot strength designed to imitate that of a spider)
Speed: Weak (Enhanced robot speed)
Stickiness: Spectacular (All but impossible to un-stick him from something unless he wants to be unstuck from it)
Spider-Sense: Weak (Has a radar and motion-tracking system that allows him a basic idea of where things around him are.)
Webbing: Spectacular (About as strong, stretchy, and durable as it comes)

Special Abilities: SPIDER MAN's web powers boil down to three basic abilities:
1) Web Line - Use for mobility or latching on to stuff from a distance.
2) Web Shot - Small, sticky balls of webbing.
3) Web Bomb - A larger ball of webbing that will stick to a surface then explode either after a set time limit or on command, covering an area with a sticky, restraining substance.

Background/Personality: In the year 196X, DR. RICHARDS built eight ROBOT MASTERS, prototype marvels of engineering designed to benefit mankind. However, his partner-turned-rival DR. DOOM stole these ROBOT MASTERS and reprogrammed them to help him take over the world, including SPIDER MAN. Fortunately for the world, DR. RICHARDS had three robots that DR. DOOM had disregarded and ignored - INVISIBLE WOMAN, ROCK MAN, and FLAME MAN. Together, they saved the world and restored the hijacked ROBOT MASTERS to their intended purpose.

Originally built and designed to help study Insects and other wildlife, SPIDER MAN now also occasionally aids DR. RICHARDS and his other robots in fighting crime and saving the world whenever it is threatened by evil.
Nice, I like it. I'm kinda surprised that there hasn't been a SPIDER MAN in the actual games yet, but at the same time, I can see Capcom not wanting to get into trouble with Marvel.
Superhero Name: Huntsman
Real Name: Parker
Gender: N/A
Age: Sixteen

Experience Level: Street-Level. Huntsman has only been active for two years, and his understanding of magic and his skill at gadgetry is such that he's only particularly comfortable taking out smaller raider bands, and only after a lot of prep-work. Against larger raider groups, genuine warlords, or monsters, he generally sticks to playing support, acting as a spy and gathering intel.

Appearance: Huntsman's costume isn't so much a costume as it is his normal, dirt brown duster used to help keep out the elements (as well as carry all his tools), well worn at this point, a pair of grimy boots that have waded through all manner of toxic crap, and some pants and a shirt that haven't been washed since they were made. The only things that would be typical in a costume are his mask, a simply grey thing used to keep his enemies from identifying him in case they sought revenge, that may, at one point, have belonged to a real superhero, its eyes having long since been replaced by a set of magicked goggles to help prevent dust and toxic pollution from getting into Huntsmans eye, and a bright red scarf in pristine condition that once belonged to Ben, Parkers former caretaker, and a single, bright blue amulet hanging from his neck.

General Abilities:

Strength: None
Speed: Spectacular
Stickiness: Weak.
Spider-Sense: Amazing
Webbing: None

Special Abilities:

Shapeshifting: Huntsman can, at will, turn into a spider. A very, very SMALL, hard to track spider. Typically, Huntsman uses this power to spy on his targets and gather intelligence, as well as, on occasion, sneak into places.

Paralytic Blasts: Huntsman can also let loose bright green blasts of energy that, when impacting something, cause mild paralysis. How effective these blasts are depend on the target: particularly strong humans can require many, many blasts to take down, while weaker ones only require one or two.

Summon Spider: Huntsman can, given a minute, summon several very large spiders to fight for him, each formed out of spectral energy. The size of a small dog, these creatures will attack on Huntsmans command, and not rest until his target is incapacitated or they're destroyed. When Huntsman no longer needs them, they disperse, fading away.

Huntsman was born in the ruins of New York. Some time during the 60's, during America's cold war with Latveria, a nuclear war broke out, and each nation and their allies released their arsenal, reducing the planet to ash. Afterwards, what remained of humanity was lead by various Warlords: those gifted with superhuman powers, whether strength, speed, flight, or even just superhuman skill. Before the three minute war, some of these Warlords had been villains, and most heinous ones at that. Others...

Others had been heroes, driven to darkness by the apocalypse, either forced into madness, or else corrupted by the choices they had to make after. For the average person, those without powers, conditions degraded: forced into labor, these normals were worked to the bone by their masters, and if they resisted, they were executed. Those that weren't were instead forced into the jagged wilderness between settlements, forced to wander the decaying city, at the mercy of the raider bands, insane solitary superbeings, or even horrible monsters created as experiments by the warlords.

Parker was born in one of these settlements: led by the Godpin, a Warlord known for his raw strength and cunning who had endeavored to set up a cult of personality revolving around himself, creating the Grand Church of the Godpin. Parker had been raised by Ben and May, who adopted the child when his parents were murdered. Growing up, Peter took delight in sneaking out of the settlement to go scavenging, a policy which was against the commandments of the Godpin. When he was, inevitably, caught, his caretaker Ben took the fall, and was executed for defying the will of the Godpin, while May and Parker were exiled.

This, for a time, broke Parker: in despair he and his aunt wandered around the city, waiting for death to claim him. However, that was not fates intention: eventually, he happened upon an old abandoned building. In it was a skeleton, garbed in a strange costume, its colors long since faded. Next to it was a strange blue stone, glowing bright. Touching it, Parkers mind was assailed with visions, visions of strange things, events from the past and present, things that could be, would be, and could never be.

Blacking out, when he awoke, Parker discovered to his dismay that May was gone. Leaving to find her, he noted that the blue stone was still in his hand. Going to throw it away, he left the building, looking for her, only to happen upon her and several others being accosted by raiders. Panicking, Parker looked for any method, any at all, to save her...

Only for his palm to brush against a familiar blue stone. In that instant, Parker began to move faster, jump higher, and from his palms emanated brilliant green lights that put the raiders in convulsions.

Barely managing to down them, Parker was thanked by those he had saved, who believed he was part of the Defenders, a underground rebellion movement looking to overthrow the warlords and bring peace to the land, comprised of both normal humans, and enhanced ones that had deemed the Warlords immoral. It was in that moment Parker knew what he had to do, how he could get revenge for Ben, and redemption for his mistake.

Fashioning the magical stone into an amulet, he joined the Defenders, doing his best to aid them in their mission to bring down the Warlords, to stop the raiders, and bring justice to a forsaken land. From then on, he became the Huntsman, using the magic of the amulet to fuel his abilities, developing more and better spells he could use to help turn the tide in the conflict.

Personality: Huntsman attempts to come off as calm and collected. Attempts. Underneath, and when he takes his mask off, he's a mess of anxiety and panic, coming off as timid and cowardly, but when he dons his gear, its almost as if the former scavenger becomes a different person, his focus and clarity increasing as he homes in on his current goal. Part of this is to intimidate his enemies: by showing no fear, he hopes to increase their own, and reassure and inspire his allies.

So, basically a Fallout!Spiderman whose powers come from a magic amulet instead of super-genetics. Aesthetically, I envision him as a much more grungy, hobo-ified version of Spiderman-Noire. He focuses more on being quick, sneaky, and avoiding getting in close, with the summon spiders being a *very* recently developed spell he designed because he recognized that when he engaged more than one person at a time, or fought a superhuman, things got really messy, really fast.

Personality-wise, what I was going for was a person who, in-uniform, could be extremely cool under pressure...but out of uniform was a scared, traumatized kid trying to make up for (what he sees as) an unforgivable mistake.
A very different style of Spider-Man. I like it, it stands out. Huntsman is a rather generic name though. And I'm guessing "Godpin" is Apocalypse!Kingpin?
So what happens if he loses the amulet?
And how long do the summoned spiders last?

It eventually returns to him. Time varies: could be a few minutes, could be a day or two, once was an entire week. Until it returns, though, his powers are massively weakened: his general abilities drop to zero and he loses all his spells.

As for the summoned spiders, basically until he dismisses them or they get destroyed (which isn't hard, mind: they're mostly meant to serve as disposable chaff or else help him gang up on singular bad guys).

A very different style of Spider-Man. I like it, it stands out. Huntsman is a rather generic name though. And I'm guessing "Godpin" is Apocalypse!Kingpin?

Its a reference to the huntsman spider, and a reference to how he focuses on being sneaky, "hunting" his target. Tho TBH if I hear a better suggestion I'm 100% willing to swap it out.

And yeah, Godpin is Kingpin hopped up on absolute power and mutagenic radiation: I figure that while still generally super cunning, his sanity has deteriorated somewhat, manifesting as extreme megalomania.
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As for the summoned spiders, basically until he dismisses them or they get destroyed (which isn't hard, mind: they're mostly meant to serve as disposable chaff or else help him gang up on singular bad guys).
What about using them to carry stuff?
Or have him summon enough that they can merge together into a big spider made of smaller spiders?
Could you give some examples of the varying levels of stickiness? Also, would it be possible for someone to channel chi/ki energy (maybe with help from a spider-totem?) as their spider-power origin?
Name: Mikimoto Shinju / Jorogumo
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Totem: (TBA)
Source: Magical
Personality: Shinju is normally quiet and diffident, polite to a fault, and maybe a little lacking in self-confidence, although she also has a whimsical, playful, perhaps childish side. But when her powers manifest she becomes forceful, outgoing and even aggressive.
Web-weaving - Jorogumo produces silk that can form webs, lines or other forms. The silk is stronger weight for weight than steel cable, but very soft and flexible.
Venom - slow-acting paralytic venom
Talons - very sharp, and also a venom vector
Pheromones - sweet-scented strands of silk (that she can weave into fabrics, e.g. handkerchiefs) that affect the emotional state of those exposed to them. Most commonly attraction, but also apathy or aggression.
Equipment: Tools of the trade
Not sure about rping but thought i would give creating a character a try.

Superhero Name: Silk-Slinger
Real Name: Josh Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Experience Level: 'Street-Level'

Appearance: Tall, thin with back hair and cleanly shaven. Has a slight tan. Costume- Typical spider-man costume though with a cow boy jacket and holsters on them and the spider-man costume being a darker colour.

General Abilities:

Strength: Weak
Speed: Amazing
Stickiness: Amazing
Spider-Sense: Weak
Webbing: Spectacular

Special Abilities: Webbing manipulation-Can manipulate the qualities of the web he slings as his webslingers are natural. When he strengthen one quality of his web he weakens another one i.e Can make his webs more durable but at the cost of either stickiness or how stretchy it is.

Background/Personality: Living in an old town in Texas, Josh lived a normal life until a field trip to a near by government facility gave him spider powers after being bitten by a spider. At first not sure what to do with his new found powers he lived life normally until a gang moved into his town an caused chaos. When caught in the middle of a shoot-out between the police and the gang, he decided enough was enough and with a make shift costume went out to help the police defeat the gang with his web shooting abilities. Afterwards, realizing he could use his power's to help people he put together a proper costume and started going out as the infamous silk-slinger.
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Already gave my feed back mostly in the plotbunny thread, but it's definitely a good sheet.
I'm actually thinking about inserting a small character flaw, as he's going to be out of contact with Circe, he's going to be freaking out about both not being able to get Intel from her, and her risk of being kidnapped.
Name: Mikimoto Shinju / Jorogumo
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Totem: (TBA)
Source: Magical
Personality: Shinju is normally quiet and diffident, polite to a fault, and maybe a little lacking in self-confidence, although she also has a whimsical, playful, perhaps childish side. But when her powers manifest she becomes forceful, outgoing and even aggressive.
Web-weaving - Jorogumo produces silk that can form webs, lines or other forms. The silk is stronger weight for weight than steel cable, but very soft and flexible.
Venom - slow-acting paralytic venom
Talons - very sharp, and also a venom vector
Pheromones - sweet-scented strands of silk (that she can weave into fabrics, e.g. handkerchiefs) that affect the emotional state of those exposed to them. Most commonly attraction, but also apathy or aggression.
Equipment: Tools of the trade
This doesn't actually fit the character sheet format.

Superhero Name: Spider-Shroud, proud successor to the Guardian-Spider
Real Name: Faridah Lian-Parker
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Experience Level: Street Level
Appearance: 6'0'' and as the picture above depicts. Crime-Fighting costume is slap-dash. Something like this, colors are darker and more muted.
General Abilities:
  • Strength: Spectacular
  • Speed: Spectacular
  • Stickiness: Weak
  • Spider-Sense: Amazing
  • Webbing: Weak
Special Abilities:
  • Chi Powers: Faridah's powers stem from the teachings of the Spider-Clan and are based on the application of one's inner-energy (Chi). Her power far exceeds that most chi-fighters thanks to her also being the Avatar of the clan's guardian totem. Her webbing, for instance, are ranged manifestations of her Chi.
  • Veteran Fighter: Faridah was a highly skilled fighter even before she gained her powers, being trained extensively by her family and having fought off surprise attacks by 'lone wolves' from other clans.
Personality: Though reserved and slow to warm to others, thanks to the events that befell her family, Faridah strives to be the best individual that she can. This means more than just beating up criminals and calling it a day. It means actually interacting with the citizens when she can and even cooperating with the law when necessary. In that sense, when she does open up, she reveals herself to be a friendly and caring friend, if one prone to taking the bullet for others, to the point some might suspect a death-wish.

The Spider-Clan Dojo! A small, hole in the wall Dojo in a seedy and poor part of the city run by a friendly old woman and her nephew and adopted niece. Such is all that remains of a once vaunted martial-arts clan and secret society. May Parker initially taught her nephew, Peter and her niece, Faridah martial arts as a way of cultivating discipline and for self-defense in a rough neighborhood. The times of secret underground tournaments where clan representatives faced off against each other was long past and the elderly master had no intention of ever returning to those times.

Peter decided to moonlight as a vigilante, protecting the neighborhood and his family from criminals using his skills and chi-powers for the greater good. For a time, his efforts sufficed and the neighborhood slowly began to pick itself back up, until a powerful mob boss known as 'the Chameleon' fought back with his army of thugs. Peter, in his guise as the Guardian-Spider, took the fight directly to the Chameleon. It was then that he discovered the Chameleon was the head of the Chameleon-Clan, a rival martial arts clan that had made it their life goal to eliminate the Spider-Clan entirely. Peter barely escaped with his life, but this was a ruse to as the Chameleon followed him. The young Peter heroically sacrificed himself in order to give his sister and aunt time to escape.

May Parker escaped with her niece in tow. Aunt May wanted to move to another place and start a new life, but Faridah was furious with grief and wanted revenge and wouldn't be talked out of it. Putting her all in mastery the techniques of the Spider-Clan, deaf to all other advice, she eventually went on a rampage in the old neighborhood, looking for the Chameleon and beating down his soldiers, even killing several, until finally he revealed himself. It was a trap and despite her natural skill and mastery of the martial arts, Faridah was overwhelmed and held hostage.

Aunt May came to her rescue and accepted the offer of a duel with the Chameleon, despite pleas from Faridah to escape. Despite the seeming difference in power, Aunt May put up a good effort, to the shock of the Chameleon. He finally put an end to her life but seeing the death of her last family allowed Faridah to finally awaken as the avatar of her clan's totem. With her new powers, she easily broke free of her bonds and savagely beat down every member of the Chameleon-Clan present, including the Chameleon himself. Before she could land the final, killing blow she was confronted by a vision of her family that pleaded not to go down that darker path. Emotions warred within her, but finally the last remaining member of the Spider-Clan gave the Chameleon up to the authorities.

Realizing that with great powers came great responsibility, Faridah decided to pick up where Peter had left, as the Spider-Shroud. Until one fateful day...


12 targets, all armed, 12 seconds. Lets do it. Pushing myself to my limit, I blitz the targets, disabling each even as I dodge their fire. It's easy enough, with the new speed afforded to me as the avatar of the Spider-Clan, I'm faster than I even thought possible with Chi-augmentation. Done. Rather nicely, if I say so mys-


My cheery mood is promptly crushed by the red buzzer, signaling failure on my part. "I got all the targets within the time limit, Sensei Frank." I argue, as the training room resets itself and the walls retract to reveal my teacher, with a frown on their face. "Yes you did, Faridah. But take a look at targets 10 through 12." I look at the data and grimace. I see what they mean. Targets 1 through 9 are disabled, but 10 and 11 are crippled and 12 is dead. "Your raw strength, speed and skill are all spectacular, considering the threats you deal with. The issue is that when a fight gets more intense and you fight with your instincts, you still hit like before this entire avatar thing." I nod my head in understanding. I get what the Whizzer (the 2nd) is saying. Most of my training and experience has been from before I became the avatar of my clan.

"Very well, sensei. Again?" "You know I keep telling you not to call me that." "As you say, sensei." I reply with a deadpan expression. Frank sighs, though with a slight smile, and shakes his head as he restarts the sim. "Just for that, I'm increasing the stakes. 12 seconds, 15 targets. Go!"
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Could you give some examples of the varying levels of stickiness? Also, would it be possible for someone to channel chi/ki energy (maybe with help from a spider-totem?) as their spider-power origin?
Amazing Stickiness is pretty much the same as 616!Spider-Man's: let's you stick to any surface, helps keep your grip on stuff, etc. Weak Stickiness would be things like not actually being strong enough for you to stick to walls, or having it be uncontrollable, or other factors that make it harder to use. Spectacular Stickiness could just be a stronger stick, like how Kaine could rip the skin off people's faces with his stick-em powers, or it might be additional 'sticky' powers, like being able to stick things to your back as well as your hands for feet.

As for a Chi!Spider, I was gonna say that it was totally fine, but it looks like you went a head anyway. :V
Not sure about rping but thought i would give creating a character a try.

Superhero Name: Silk-Slinger
Real Name: Josh Jones
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Experience Level: 'Street-Level'

Appearance: Tall, thin with back hair and cleanly shaven. Has a slight tan. Costume- Typical spider-man costume though with a cow boy jacket and holsters on them and the spider-man costume being a darker colour.

General Abilities:

Strength: Weak
Speed: Amazing
Stickiness: Amazing
Spider-Sense: Weak
Webbing: Spectacular

Special Abilities: Webbing manipulation-Can manipulate the qualities of the web he slings as his webslingers are natural. When he strengthen one quality of his web he weakens another one i.e Can make his webs more durable but at the cost of either stickiness or how stretchy it is.

Background/Personality: Living in an old town in Texas, Josh lived a normal life until a field trip to a near by government facility gave him spider powers after being bitten by a spider. At first not sure what to do with his new found powers he lived life normally until a gang moved into his town an caused chaos. When caught in the middle of a shoot-out between the police and the gang, he decided enough was enough and with a make shift costume went out to help the police defeat the gang with his web shooting abilities. Afterwards, realizing he could use his power's to help people he put together a proper costume and started going out as the infamous silk-slinger.
A rather bare bones entry. There's not anything wrong with it, but to be honest, it's not a strong submission.
Copy-pasted from the equivalent thread on SB - I'm going to edit it to suit when I have time.
There's an equivalent thread on SB? Is someone copying my idea?! Ooooh...

Also, I haven't actually read through your character yet because of the formatting. I'll give it a read when it's in the proper lay out but not before.

Superhero Name: Spider-Shroud, proud successor to the Guardian-Spider
Real Name: Faridah Lian-Parker
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Experience Level: Street Level
Appearance: 6'0'' and as the picture above depicts. Crime-Fighting costume is slap-dash. Something like this, colors are darker and more muted.
General Abilities:
  • Strength: Spectacular
  • Speed: Spectacular
  • Stickiness: Weak
  • Spider-Sense: Amazing
  • Webbing: Weak
Special Abilities:
  • Chi Powers: Faridah's powers stem from the teachings of the Spider-Clan and are based on the application of one's inner-energy (Chi). Her power far exceeds that most chi-fighters thanks to her also being the Avatar of the clan's guardian totem. Her webbing, for instance, are ranged manifestations of her Chi.
  • Veteran Fighter: Faridah was a highly skilled fighter even before she gained her powers, being trained extensively by her family and having fought off surprise attacks by 'lone wolves' from other clans.
Personality: Though reserved and slow to warm to others, thanks to the events that befell her family, Faridah strives to be the best individual that she can. This means more than just beating up criminals and calling it a day. It means actually interacting with the citizens when she can and even cooperating with the law when necessary. In that sense, when she does open up, she reveals herself to be a friendly and caring friend, if one prone to taking the bullet for others, to the point some might suspect a death-wish.

The Spider-Clan Dojo! A small, hole in the wall Dojo in a seedy and poor part of the city run by a friendly old woman and her nephew and adopted niece. Such is all that remains of a once vaunted martial-arts clan and secret society. May Parker initially taught her nephew, Peter and her niece, Faridah martial arts as a way of cultivating discipline and for self-defense in a rough neighborhood. The times of secret underground tournaments where clan representatives faced off against each other was long past and the elderly master had no intention of ever returning to those times.

Peter decided to moonlight as a vigilante, protecting the neighborhood and his family from criminals using his skills and chi-powers for the greater good. For a time, his efforts sufficed and the neighborhood slowly began to pick itself back up, until a powerful mob boss known as 'the Chameleon' fought back with his army of thugs. Peter, in his guise as the Guardian-Spider, took the fight directly to the Chameleon. It was then that he discovered the Chameleon was the head of the Chameleon-Clan, a rival martial arts clan that had made it their life goal to eliminate the Spider-Clan entirely. Peter barely escaped with his life, but this was a ruse to as the Chameleon followed him. The young Peter heroically sacrificed himself in order to give his sister and aunt time to escape.

May Parker escaped with her niece in tow. Aunt May wanted to move to another place and start a new life, but Faridah was furious with grief and wanted revenge and wouldn't be talked out of it. Putting her all in mastery the techniques of the Spider-Clan, deaf to all other advice, she eventually went on a rampage in the old neighborhood, looking for the Chameleon and beating down his soldiers, even killing several, until finally he revealed himself. It was a trap and despite her natural skill and mastery of the martial arts, Faridah was overwhelmed and held hostage.

Aunt May came to her rescue and accepted the offer of a duel with the Chameleon, despite pleas from Faridah to escape. Despite the seeming difference in power, Aunt May put up a good effort, to the shock of the Chameleon. He finally put an end to her life but seeing the death of her last family allowed Faridah to finally awaken as the avatar of her clan's totem. With her new powers, she easily broke free of her bonds and savagely beat down every member of the Chameleon-Clan present, including the Chameleon himself. Before she could land the final, killing blow she was confronted by a vision of her family that pleaded not to go down that darker path. Emotions warred within her, but finally the last remaining member of the Spider-Clan gave the Chameleon up to the authorities.

Realizing that with great powers came great responsibility, Faridah decided to pick up where Peter had left, as the Spider-Shroud. Until one fateful day...


Hope that works. Thinking about what to write for the Snippet. I'll add that in later.
Good sheet. Very good. I'm looking forward to that snippet.
Superhero Name: Scarlet Weaver
Real Name: Lilliana Donie
Gender: Female
Age: 18ish
Experience Level: 'Street-Level' She's been a superhero for a couple months now, and has crossed paths with two super villains, as well as some minor fae who pissed off her patron. The first super villain was The Fly, a former scientist, now a crazy acid-spewing fly man with a teleport gun who is obsessed with eating dead things. The second is her world's version of Doctor Octopus, a (female) biomancer who's stated goal is to make Cthulhu and take over the world. Closet she's gotten is a bunch of fish-men who can shrug off bullets. Nothing supernatural about them. Just scales as tough as iron and they can carry twice their body weight.


What? She likes Gothic Lolita
Her costume resembles a hooded red dress, that could more accurately be called a skirt. On top of the skirt she has a black corset to help keep it in place. Under the skirt she wears red formfitting pants. She also wears white gloves and high-heels. Her black mask calls to mind a spider, and covers her face while leaving her mouth exposed so she can eat while in costume. The silver lenses of the mask seem to be made of the same stuff as one way glass. On her corset is her symbol, a red spider, with eight curved legs. Due to the magical nature of her costume, she can switch between it and her normal clothes, which appears to her as a magical girl-like transform sequence, with her as the magical girl. Is instant from a outside perspective.

General Abilities:
Strength: None. Normal strength. She relies on the power her speed gives her attacks to take down her foes.

Speed: Spectacular. She's fast, fast enough to move across large rooms faster then most people can see.

Stickiness: None. She doesn't stick to things.

Spider-Sense: Spectacular. Her spider-sense is basically pre-cognition. Her sense warns her of big dangers that are days ahead, as well as giving her info on danger that is threatening her a couple moments from now. Such as what it is and where it is.

Webbing: Amazing. Her scarlet webbing is sticker then the webbing of 616, though it's balanced by the fact it's magical in nature, and so iron and silver cuts through it like a knife through butter. She summons it with a small series of quick hand gestures needed to cast the spell.

Special Abilities:
-Spider Shadow Summoning: Her shadow acts as a portal to the Shadow-Web, home of her patron, the spider fae known as Lolth. Hence, using her shadow Scarlet Weaver can summon the limbs of her patron(who has Spectacular in every stat) to attack her foes. Lolth's limbs are mainly used to throw things around or to rip open things that need to be ripped open. However iron burns her patron to the touch, which makes her upset with SW. As well, it takes a spoken incantation to summon her patron's limbs, which means she needs to be able to talk, and a moment or five to speak. And if her shadow is too small or non-existent? No summoning.

-Shadow Spider Form: Drawing on her patron's power, SW can turn herself into a red and white spider the size of a backpack. While it does increase her Strength and Stickiness to Amazing, and grants her a bite that lulls her target into unconsciousness, it does have drawbacks. She cannot speak while transformed, iron burns her, and if she does not focus, her patron's presence acts like a beacon, calling her into the Shadow-Web, where she would likely find herself never leaving her patron's side, at least not as herself.

A trans-girl from New England, Lilliana met her patron in a dream. Lolth, a ancient fae who was once queen of a now all but extinct court of fae known as the "Spider Court". It was she who drew the girl's dreaming mind into her prison and domain, the Shadow-Web, and offered a deal. Serve me, and in return I will give you the power needed to both serve me and protect those you love, and I will grant you the body you where denied by your birth.

After arguing out any loop-holes that could threaten her or those she cared for, Lilliana agreed to the deal. The next day, she awoke to find her body had been changed. And even though her past was the same, no-one in her family or the government(which included the school system) raised any concerns about her new body in regards to her identity or how she got it. Then, Lilliana did what any fan of super heroes who got super powers would do. She fought crime and helped people, all while helping out her patron when needed. This usually involved beating the crap out of some fae that pissed Lolth off, or entertaining her patron, who seems quite lonely at times.

Personality: Introverted and impulsive, Lilliana comes off as a shy girl with a massive temper. Which is true, yet most people just happen to not notice her sadism. She's kind when it comes to the people she cares about, and when she catches herself or takes her time, she's quite clever. Doesn't give a damn about social crap, but tries to be polite to keep people from getting upset at her. Can be very vulgar when pissed. Is quite cocky as a result of her powers.
My idea core idea was Magical Girl Spider Bayonetta. Then I made it a SI. Well. A alternate version of me. I wish I met Lolth...