It's the two of us no matter where we go

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Kazuma and Aqua end up in Midgard unfortunately for everybody else their arrival changes a few things


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Kazuma and Aqua landed on the wooden with a loud thump, they had just defeated the Demon King and were being sent back to earth, but then the two of them changed their minds and so the portal malfunctioned and sent them here wherever here was.

"Owl," Aqua said as she began to stand up and began to look around.

'Hey, who the hell are you!" a man with that had blue skin, a red unkempt beard, and a nasty expression said to her.

Aqua gracefully placed her right hand on her chest and her left on her hip before answering the dwarf.

"I'm the Goddess Aqua and who might you be?" she said to the dwarf.

She watched as the dwarf's eyes widened and he swallowed hard when he heard her answer, but before he could say anything else Kazuma had to get involved.

'Sorry for showing up here, but the portal malfunctioned and we ended up here." Kazuma said to the dwarf who just nodded.

"Well why didn't you just say so, let me take a look at that portal of yours and you two can be on your way." the dwarf said as he began to look at the symbols that their portal had burned into the wooden floor.

"I see, you two were going to Midgard but you changed directions halfway."

'You're lucky that you weren't just torn apart and sent to all of the nine realms." the dwarf said to them as he began to do something to the rune.

'Kazuma! Aqua Sempai!" the two of them heard Eris calling to them.

"There was an error with the portal so you're stuck wherever you are until we can fix what went wrong, but don't worry even if the two of you are sent to different worlds we can still bring you back when we fix the portal." Eris said to them before her voice was completely gone.

With nothing else to do the pair began to look around and they soon found that they were standing on what could only be called a giant tree house, while they weren't inside they were on the porch that was being held up by the branches of the tree.

After a few minutes, the dwarf stood up and walked up to Aqua.

'I have to admit that I can fix it." he quickly raised his hands as if he was afraid that Aqua would do something to him.

"Well I can't fix it yet, you see it's foreign magic so I need to study it first and then I can fix it." he said to Aqua.

"Don't worry about it, our friends are doing what they can already, so you don't have to be so scared," Kazuma said to the dwarf who just looked at him.

"Fine but if you still want t go to Midgard I can open a door for you, only that I haven't gotten all of the bugs out yet." the dwarf answered him, but his voice lacked the respectful tone it had from when he spoke to Aqua.

The blue man walked towards what looked like a wooden door and he used some kind of wooden rock? to cast a spell, the door opened but something was wrong, it flashed with power before it briefly showed one place and then switched to another.

'Well I did tell you that I haven't gotten all of the bugs out yet." the dwarf said to them as the locations that the door showed changed over and over again.

Kazuma placed his hand on the wooden floor and marked the dwarf's treehouse as one of his permanent locations, this way if he and Aqua ever needed to get back they would be able to come back without any problems.

"Thanks, but can you tell us your name." Kazuma said to the dwarf.

'Oh, it's not a problem, there's no need for me to tell you my name it's not like we will be seeing each other again." the blue man said to Kazuma.

Aqua and Kazum looked at each other before shrugging and instinctively holding onto one another before they threw themselves into the opened door.

"Would you look at that they made it." Brok said to himself as he watched the pair enter Midgard.

'Who was that don't tell me that you let them use that thing?" His brother Sindri said to him as he watched the portal leading to Midgard close.

"Fine I won't tell you, after all, you saw them go in didn't you?" Brok answered his brother before signaling to his brother to follow him towards the burn marks on their porch, but by the time they arrived all of the magick and runes were gone.


The first thing they noticed was that they were falling, the next thing they noticed was that it was cold and the last thing they noticed was that they were about to hit somebody.

Aqua landed on top of a boy while Kazuma felt his dodge and evasion kills flare when the man he was about to land on threw a punch at him and because he avoided it, the man's punch ended up hitting the woman that was behind him.

The pair of dogs pulling the sled growled but kept on doing their job as the man and woman fought, not knowing what to do and knowing that they weren't a part of this fight, Kazuma grabbed Aqua and used the pair's distraction to jump off the sled and into the woods.

From a nearby tree, they watched as the man and woman fought, and for a brief moment, Kazuma noted that the boy's eyes were looking at Aqua and Kazuma couldn't help but smile when he saw how red the boy's face was.

"So any idea where we're at?" Kazuma asked Aqua as the pair looked at the snow cover lands.

'I have good news and I have ad news."

'The good news is that we're on earth, the bad news is that it's not our earth, and it's about to die." Aqua said to Kazuma who stared at her.

"How?" Kazuma aksed Aqua.

'Beats me, but." she said to him before she pointed at what looked like a sea of ghosts flying towards them.

"Sacred purification!" Aqua yelled as she purified the spirits of the dead that were on earth and for whatever reason, weren't in hell or being judged.

"Okay, so what now?" Kazuma asked himself as he used his far-sight and snipe skills to look for anything that might show hints that people lived nearby.

Unfortunately, the only signs that he could find were in the same direction where the people they had just left were going.

With no other options, the pair jumped off the tree and began to walk toward wherever they were going, and after what felt like hours they finally arrived at what looked like a fence that was made out of wood.

As Kazuma was about to touch the fence he felt his hand bounce off some kind of barrier, he tried to touch it again, but the same thing happened no matter what he died.

As usual Aqua boasted that she could do what he couldn't but the barrier kept her from even going near the wooden fence, the two of them tried to go around and just walk pt the fence but the barrier seemed to be protecting something.

"That's it I'm breaking it!" Aqua declared and Kazuma was forced to pull her away, they had just arrived here and it wouldn't help them if they started making enemies.

"So do you feel anything or can you see anything that will help us not freeze tonight?" Kazuma said to Aqua who had not stopped complaining since he dragged her away from the barrier.

"There's some smoke coming from over there," Aqua said to him as she pointed at the black smoke in the distance.

The smoke wasn't too far away so they began to run towards the location where the smoke was coming from and they soon found the fire where it was coming from, unfortunately, they didn't find a town but they did find a woman making herself something to eat.

Kazuma held Aqua's shoulder, they didn't know if the woman was friends with the people they had encountered earlier, but Aqua managed to escape his grip and carelessly walked towards the woman.

'Hie, I'm Aqua and" Aqua said to the woman before vines began to grow around her and trapped her before she could do or say anything else.

"I don't know who you are." The woman said to Aqua as she drew a sword and walked towards her.

'Kazuma!" Aqua screamed, and Kazuma could feel the fear in her voice.

In what normal people would call a matter of seconds Kazuma ran towards the woman and avoided the vines and plants that tried to attack him, he used his bind skill to use his wires to trap the woman but she avoided his attack.

The woman was unnaturally fast and so the two of them fought each other, the woman swung her sword or used magic and her plants to either hurt or trap him, while Kazuma avoided the woman's sword and plants while using his other skills to avoid or counter the woman's spells.

The woman finally managed to hit him and knock him to the ground and as she placed her foot on his chest and was about to stab him with her sword, Kazuma grabbed her leg and smirked before saying.

"Drain touch."

The woman screamed in agony as her strength and power were forcefully stolen and Kazuma could see the vines holding Aqua wither as the woman landed next to him.

"For a goddess to be beaten by a Human." Aqua said to the woman as she crossed her arms and looked down at her.

"Seal" Aqua said as she placed a seal on the woman.

"What did you do?" Kazuma said to her.

"I just made it so that she can't attack us anymore." Aqua answered him before she turned her attention back to the fallen goddess.

"Okay listen up, I the goddess Aqua have defeated you so now you belong to him."

"Hey, I beat her you didn't." Kazuma said to Aqua who just ignored him.

"There for by the rules of heaven and it doesn't matter if it's not your heaven, you now belong to us." she lied and Kazuma felt the power he had stolen leaving him before the woman stood up with rage and charge at them.

Unfortunately for the mad woman, she immediately lost her balance and hit herself with the hilt of the sword.
Interesting intro.

Okay, just to clarify, our duo have ended up in the GOWverse during the events of Ragnarok, right?
"That was odd." Kazuma said as he looked at the unconscious woman.

"Well yeah, she lost all of her luck." Aqua said to him.

"The rule of the bind I cast on her takes away a person's luck when they attack the people that beat them." Aqua explained to Kazuma.

"So it was just blind luck that knocked herself out." Kazuma murmured as he knelt and began to carry the unconscious woman, being adventurers meant that even if they had used up most of their equipment, they still had some things with them.

And that meant that they still had their sleeping bags with them.

"So you said that she was a goddess, does that mean that you know who she is?" Kazuma asked Aqua who had started eating the woman's lunch.

The two of them stared at each other before Aqua handed Kazuma a piece of meat, considering that the woman was unconscious and couldn't eat her food, he figured that there was no point in it going to waste so he joined Aqua and began to eat.

"She's Freya you know Odin's wife, the Nors mythology Gods." Aqua answered him in between bites.

"Waite, isn't she supposed to be really strong?" Kazuma asked her after he swallowed

"Yeah, but she's weak now for some reason, and she doesn't have her wings, so maybe that's why the Valkeries aren't with her right now." Aqua said to him.

The two of them soon began to hear a moan coming from Freya and watched as her eyes widened with anger when she saw them eating her food.

"You!" Freya screamed as she quickly stood up and hit her foot on a nearby rock.

"First you attack me and then you curse me!" she yelled as she held her injured foot.

"Yeah, you're the one that attacked us," Kazuma said to her.

"And by the rules of Heaven, since we beat you you belong to us." Aqua said to Freya who could only glare at her.

"Here." Kazuma said to Freya as he handed her a handful of ribs and Freya could only glare at the young man, before taking the piece of meat and biting into it, to think that she would be eating something that this man had stolen from her, this Human that should have been kneeling and worshiping her.

Freya's mind stopped as the realization hit her, she had never seen the goddess in front of her and the young woman had repeatedly said even if it's not your Heaven, then that meant that she, no that they knew of a way to travel between realms.

Not just the nine realms but the different realms of the gods that ruled over Earth, which meant that they were from another pantheon and were completely unaware of the events that they had stumbled into.

Maybe she could use the pair in her quest for revenge, or maybe she could figure out a way of making her enemies deal with each other, but first, she had to figure out what were the limits of the curse that the goddess had placed upon her.

"So how about you tell us where the nearest village is." Kazuma said to her.

"There aren't any, most of the Human settlements are gone and those that are left either belong to madmen or those that have so little that they can barely spare anything for themselves," Freya answered him.

Both Kazuma and Aqua turned their heads to the sky and admired the stars that were making their presence known even if the sun was just starting to go down.

"What are you thinking, Santa clause and" Kazuma began to ask Aqua who quickly stood up and pointed to the sky.

"Santa Aqua or aqua Santa.... and Skum Zuma the stealer of gifts." Aqua declared as she began to cast a spell that helped her find all of the remaining Humans in Midgard.

Freya looked at Aqua with a confused expression and before she could say anything Kazuma began to explain to her what was going on.

"Where we come from, there was this guy that flew around the world giving gifts to everyone, it only happened once every winter, but it was enough."

"And since you said that there are only bandits and people that hardly have anything, we figured that he doesn't exist here."

"Sowe just have to give people a reason to hope for tomorrow." Kazuma said to Freya as he stood up and began to walk towards Aqua who was starting to glow brightly.

As Aqua's blue energy began to grow she felt the touch of foreign magic and found that Kazuma was holding onto one of her shoulders.

She could feel the other four goddesses' presence within Kazuma, but she ignored them as she continued to focus on her spell.

Her blue light began to grow until it was bright enough to be considered a miniature star, Aqua could feel that something was wrong, there was no reason for her spell to be drawing so much power and yet it felt as if her spell was searching for humans in more than one realm.

She began to draw power from the world around her as the spell had grown out of her control and she was finally forced to rely on the other goddesses' energies for help.

The spell flew into the sky before colliding with something and flying away.

Kazuma quickly grabbed Aqua as she fell unconscious, whatever she had just done had drained her of so much power that it made her fall unconscious.

He knew that the light show they had just caused could be seen by everyone so he used his lurk skill and his hiding skill before he jumped into the nearby forest.

Freya tried to understand what she had just seen, as she began to ask herself several questions.

"Was she still their prisoner?"

"What was the spell that the unskilled woman tried to cast?"

"Should she run considering that the light of the woman's spell would surely draw attention to her?" these questions amongst others passed through Freyas mind, before she quickly picked up her things and left to find a better place to hide.

In the nearby trees, Kazuma sat perfectly still, as he watched the light of the sun completely fade and even as he shivered from the cold he didn't dare light a fire ad it was when his resolve was about to fail him.

Just as he was about to use his flame skill to start a fire, that he saw a giant man slam into the campsite and begin to look around.

Kazuma held his breath and prayed that the man couldn't sense his magic or hear Aqua's breathing and sense her presence.

Kazuma felt his heart nearly stop as he felt his eyes meet with the man's and he felt as if he was a cornered rabbit that was about to be eaten by a dragon.

Kazuma let out a breath and gasped for air when the man finally left, he only began to move after several hours passed.

"It was like if I was looking at another Demonking." Kazuma said to himself as he carried Aqua towards a cave.
Atreus stared at the snowflakes falling slowly onto the ground and vanishing into the pile that covered the forest floor, he had left home again.

It wasn't that he was running away or acting out, but he needed some time to do something that wasn't training or hunting.

As he walked past the various ruin that he and his father had seen during their travels he began t remember the woman that had crashed into him, he couldn't help but feel his lips form a smile as he remembered how soft her skin felt.

He had never seen a girl that was his age or close to his age before, so even if he wanted to back then he didn't know what to say to her, so he was forced to watch as her partner carried her into the forest.

"Something happened ?" Sindri said to him as he appeared out of nowhere like he usually does.

"No why would you say that." Atreus said to the dwarf who just smirked at him.

"Ummmm, I see you met a girl." Sindri said to him as he acted as if he was studying his face.

"It's that obvious?" Atreus asked the dwarf as they began to walk together, they didn't have a destination, these walks were just something they did to pass the time and enjoy themselves.

"Yep, it's written all over you, so what happened?" Sindri asked him.

'Yesterday, Freya attacked us and some kind of portal opened and two people fell out of it, one was a man and the other was a woman." Atreus said to Sindri as he remembered Aqua's eyes.

"I know how it sounds but everything was confusing, so I don't know how it all happened." he added.


"So where are we headed today?" Sindri asked him.

"There was a beam of energy yesterday, I'm trying to find a trace of it but," Atreus said to Sindri but he stopped talking when he noticed that was a fire in the cave.

The pair quickly hid behind the rocks and they began to peek through the edge hoping that whoever it was didn't hear or see them.

"Hey, it's too late for an ambush and I could hear the two of you talking." Kazuma said to them as he yelled at them.
"I didn't think that there were any Humans nearby." Sindri said to Atreus as they hid behind the mountain\ rocks.

"There aren't at least there shouldn't be.' Atreus answered Sindri.

The two of them looked at each other before they both nodded and decided that it was better that they turned around and didn't go near the man, it wasn't that they were scared of him.

The man must have just come here to hide from the cold last night and besides what could he do to them, he was a Human and they were a god and a Dwarf, two beings that could easily.

Atreus and Sindri felt something wrap around them before they both looked down and found that a pair of wires had wrapped themselves around them.

The next thing they knew the man that should have been in the cave, was standing next to them and they were on the ground unable to move.

"You know normally I would have just let you go, but we've been running into people that aren't as nice as me." Kazuma said to them before he looked at Sindri and then at Atreus.

"Are you a Dwarf?" Kazuma asked Sindri who just glared at him.

"You know I have a name, how would you like it if I tied you up and said, are you a Human?" Sindri said to Kazuma who just smiled at the Dwarf's words.

"Sorry sir, but I just assumed that the dwarves of this world were all blue, but I guess I was wrong." Kazuma said to Sindri as he began to untie him and then help him to his feet.

"That was racist, but no, you probably met my brother, So how about you untie the boy and we can talk while we're all standing up." indri said to Kazuma who just looked at Atreus.

"You know I want to, but he's going to attack me the moment that I untie him." Kazuma said to Sindri as he sensed Atreuses hostility towards him.

Atreus began to take a couple of deep breaths after he heard the man's words and he began to feel the burning anger inside of him begin to calm down, it was starting to take over again.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, the man had been right about not untying him.

The moment that he calmed his rage, was the moment that he felt the man's hands on his back and the wire loosens before it move away from him until he was suddenly pulled to his feet.

"Sorry about the rough treatment, but a friend of mine is sleeping right now, and as I said, we have been running into people that just attacked us as soon as they saw us." Kazuma said to Sindri who nodded before he patted Atreus on the back.

There was no reason for either of them to bother, the two men, even if they were the only other people that didn't try to rob them or kill them whom they had met on Midgard.

Kazuma watched the pair walk away and he followed them until he was sure that they wouldn't be able to sense anything when he was sure that they were gone and that he was alone he teleported back to Aqua's side.

He placed one hand on her forehead and another on the ground before he said.

"Drain touch."

For whatever reason, the earth was covered in magic, he should have cared, about why or how it had happened, but he didn't the only thing he cared about was helping Aqua wake up.

Whatever spell she had used had done something that it shouldn't have and it nearly killed her.

He silently told himself, that when she woke up they would leave the cave and find somewhere safe until Eris could fix the gate, and take them home.

Until then he would keep draining the excess magic from the world and feeding it to Aqua.

Unbeknownst to him, Freya could feel the seal bend - weaken-strengthen- break, and reform itself over and over again, she was forced to trace the magic feeding the spell back to its source until she found the two that had cursed her.

She was forced to watch as Human tried to restore the Goddesses' energies until the blue-haired goddess opened her eyes.

Freya could only watch with anger, as her opportunity of ambushing and get her revenge on the pair passed and envy, because no one hugged her the same way that the two were hugging each other.
New Skills\ New Form
Goddesses blessing
This skill was given to Kazuma by Aqua when she noticed that Kazumas skills weren't going to be enough and he needed more power if he was going to survive.

This skill allows Kazuma to activate whatever abilities the other goddesses grant their followers.

Unfortunately, because Kazuma was only their follower\ friend for a little bit of time, he isn't able to freely activate them and needs a way of powering these skills.

He can power these skills with almost anything, as long as it has magic or something similar to it.
Rage of the fallen Hero.
These were the skills that Kazuma gained during his brief time Wiz- Vanir and several other monsters and devils when they helped him level up.

Normally he could never access these skills as they are only meant for demons and monsters to use, but he can use them if he loses all hope and loses himself in anger.

He is only able to use this when he has completely given into blood lust, as in this state he is no different from a monster, and as such only Aqua can bring him back, as she is the only one that he sees as a friend when he is in this state.

Kazuma does not lose any of his intelligence, but he does lose any healing skills that he was once able to use as he is no longer a being of good.
Aqua found herself in a place she hadn't been in a long time, she found herself in her old home the lower heaven, it was the place that her pantheon lived in before all of the gods moved to the higher realm.

She could feel Kazuma feeding her the magic of the foreign world she was in, it was so familiar and yet it was entirely alien to her.

She smiled as she walked through the halls of her old home, and she stopped walking when she found herself looking at her infant form crawling from one room into another.

She tried to follow her infant self but found that she was unable to do so as the room she was in suddenly split itself and she witnessed the downfall of another pantheon as it was invaded by the old gods of that realm, that earth.

She briefly wondered what was going on when she found that there was someone who shouldn't be in the palace sitting on one of the Emperor's chairs.

"Pandora\ Hope you're going to get in trouble." she said to the apparition.

"You are a god, but not one of the Gods of this world and at the same time, I can feel that you already exist in the world." Pandora\ Hope answered her.

"So it's going to be one of those situations." Aqua said to herself as she looked at the Apparition, Aqua raised her hand and slapped the apparition.

"Yeah, that's not how this is going to work now what's going on?" Aqua asked Pandora.

"Your presence in the world has changed a lot of things and now the gods are aware that you are here, but they can sense another, a champion that shouldn't exist." Pandora\ Hope answered her as she held her cheek.

"Okay that one thing, but why are you here?" she asked Pandora\ Hope.

"You're strange, you are a god, but you have hope." Pandora said to Aqua as the image of Kazuma entered her mind.

"the hope you feel isn't the kind that I've seen before or the kind that now exists but one that I have never seen before." Pandora said to Aqua as the image of Kratos, the Humans that live and died as well as the images of the dead and the dying passed before her eyes.

"What you hope for is the past, a past that has to come."

"You hope for." Pandora\ Hope aid to Aqua as Aqua's infant self crawled into the room before she went to Pandora\ Hope and raised her hands so that the apparition could carry her.

"You hope for this child and the one that has yet to be born to meet, just as you met him." Pandora said to Aqua who just smirked.

"He's useless without me, and come on it was fun." Aqua answered Pandora\ Hope, as she remembered the adventures that she had with her friends.

"To think that a Goddess would allow herself to be." Athena appeared behind Aua but before she could say anything else Aqua punched her and forced the goddess to cover her mouth.

"I was wondering when you would show up." Aqua said to Athena.

"It's always the same thing, you're forced to remember the past and then two people show up one is good and the other one is bad." Aqua said to Athena who glared at her.

"I came here to offer my aid, but for this, I will enjoy watching you fall into despair." Athena said to Aqua before she vanished.

"Big woop." Aqua said as she watched Athena vanish.

She turned and walked towards her infant self.

"It's going to be hard at first, you're going to cry and sometimes it's going to hurt, but every day had something new, if it wasn't a person that I hadn't seen before, it was a new rock or skill."

"I won't tell you what happens, but don't be too serious because what fun is life if things are always serious?" Aqua said to her infant self as she felt her consciousness being pulled back to the waking world.

The last thing she saw was her parents entering the room and wondering how her infant self had gotten on the emperor's chair.

Aqua opened her eyes and found herself being held by Kazma who was still draining the energy from the world around them, she smiled it was always when he thought that no one was looking that he acted like this.

Normally he would act as if he didn't care what happened to her or their friends, but whenever they were in trouble he was always the first one to try and help them even when they said that they didn't want his help.

She grabbed Kazumas hand and said "Hey."

"Hey." Kazuma answered her, as they both smiled at each other.

The sound of a crow or maybe it was a raven made her look up and while her mortal eyes saw a bird her true eyes saw something completely different.

Her stomach twisted at the sight of the tormented soul, she wanted to free the child but if she did then something else would attack them before they could fight off the crazy woman that they had met the day before.

"She's awake you know." the woman said to Kazuma as she walked up to them.

"Yeah, I know." Kazuma answered the woman, as he silently began to chant a spell, and activated one of his skills.

The woman raised her hands but she continued to walk toward them.

"I'm curious, I've seen many gods in my time some were worshiped, some were feard and others hated, but you care about her, not as a lover but as a friend." the woman said to Kazuma but stopped walking when Kazuma created a fireball.

"I'm sorry for attacking you, but one can't trust anyone these days, I'm Freya." Freya introduced herself to Kazuma.

"Kazuma don't trust her." Aqua said to Kazuma as she stood up and immediately felt light-headed, this earth's magic was still being changed to the one of her earth and her heaven.

Both goddesses looked at each other before Freya stood up and walked towards Aqua, they both glared at each other before they both exhaled and silently agreed to move on, it was pointless for them to hold a grudge as neither of them knew anything about the other and they didn't care about each other.
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You think I'm her kid
Kazuma gasped for air as he tried to catch his breath, the day had started so well, it was a bright and sunny day, the kind of day that made him either stay inside and not leave his room or just pass the time in town just watching the people pass him by.

Of course, that meant that he was bored, so he decided to see what everyone else was doing, and as usual, Meguming had gone off to do her usual explosions for the day and Aqua was hiding something from him.

Normally this wouldn't have been out of the ordinary, but the fact that Wiz was with her and was acting equally as suspicious made him try and stop Aqua from buying something that was only going to cause trouble for him.

"Alright what did you buy," Kazuma said to Aqua who hid something behind her back

"What do you mean I didn't buy anything," Aqua said to him

Kazuma turned to look at Wiz who was doing everything she could to not make eye contact with him.

"Wiz, what did you sell her?' He asked Wiz who turned away and pretended that she didn't hear him.

Kazuma looked at Wiz and briefly considered leaving the two of them alone, the fact that Wiz was acting this way meant that she was probably behind on her rent and needed to make money fast and so she managed to get Aqua to buy something expensive from her.

He decided that since it was Wiz and she normally didn't mean to cause problems for anyone, so against his better judgment he decided that he wouldn't make Aqua give it back, but he was still curious so he just lowered his head and raised his hand.

'Steal" Kazuma said causing Wiz to immediately scream and slap him before he could see what he managed to get.

"Look I won't make you give it back, I'm bored so can I see what you bought," Kazuma said to Aqua who turned to look at Wiz who eagerly nodded.

"It's a world sphere, if I flip the switch a portal to another world opens," Aqua said to Kazuma

Kazuma felt his instincts screaming the sphere was dangerous, the fact that Wiz was selling the thing plus the fact that Aqua was the one that bought it screamed of problems.

"Look it works like this" Wiz said to him as she flipped the switch and opened a portal behind him, Kazuma was instantly sucked into the portal before he could do anything

Kazuma didn't think about anything as he drifted down the long tunnel that he was currently falling through, after all, it had been his fault.

It was because he was bored that he decided to see what everyone else was doing, and he could have just left the two idiots alone to deal with the sphere and it would have been them, that were falling through the tunnel, but no he just had to see what Wiz sold to Aqua.

He began to feel the cold air on his back and he soon noticed that he was falling faster and the tunnel was getting smaller.

Then he found himself falling from the sky, he would have normally panicked, but not this time, after all, all of this was his fault.

He should have just left Aqua and Wiz alone.

What happened next was a mixture of pure dumb luck and... no it was just dumb luck.

He ended up hitting one of the giant trees, falling off a couple of its giant branches, hitting a tiger, and bouncing off a gorilla's back before he hit the ground.

"Where am I?" Kazuma said to himself as he looked around, he knew that it was some kind of forest but he didn't recognize it

He soon began to hear a pair of loud grows and roars and the only reason he managed to dodge the gorilla and tiger that were fighting each other was because of his evasion skill.

The two animals were giant even compared to the ones he had seen before and because Aqua wasn't in this world yet, he decided that it was better to run away before he died.

He walked for what felt like hours, but after a while, he gave up and decided to climb up a tree and use his clairvoyance to see if there were any towns or villages near y.

He found one but it was far from his location meaning that he was going to have t rely on his skills and whatever weapons he had on him.

Living in Eris's world made him constantly carry around his adventurer gear so he had nearly everything that he needed, the problem would be if he ran into anyone a lot more powerful than he was and had time to spare.

He was forced to use the create trap skill to catch and kill whatever weak animals he found when he got hungry.

After collecting whatever dry wood he found he used tinder to start a fire and cook the animals after gutting them and taking off their fur or feathers.

He used to create water to drink water whenever he got thirsty and both his escape and evasion skills helped him avoid any people or animals that wanted to hurt him.

He finally managed to reach the town and found it was nothing more than a bunch of ruins, he was about to leave when he heard what sounded like a piglet.

He wasn't hungry right now and that meant that he would be hungry later so he decided to catch the thing so he could eat it later.

He got closer and close to the piglet's sound, but when he saw the thing he found that it was wearing a red shirt and pearls around its neck, meaning that it was someone's pet.

Kazuma decided that it was better if he left it alone.

This was the middle of nowhere and if there were people around that meant that they weren't planning anything good, but before he could leave he felt something hit the back of his neck and the world went dark.


Far from this world Aqua and Wiz looked at the timmer on the sphere, the sphere would pull Kazuma back when it hit zero.

Normally this wouldn't be a problem, and that was the case except for one thing, the sphere wouldn't bring a person back if they died in the world and Kazuma died a lot.


Tsunade and Shizune looked at the kid that had managed to sneak up on them, well he didn't sneak up on them but he was trying to catch Tonton, but that was equally as bad.

No one tried to eat their friends and got away with it.

"So did you find anything?" Tsunade asked Shizune who was looking through everything that Kazuma had on him.

"Nothing, everything that he has is worn out and he doesn't have a headband. I think he was just lost" Shizune answered her as she looked down at Kazuma

"No wonder he tried to eat Tonton, well we can't just leave the kid here," Tsunade said to Shizune as picked Kazuma up and tossed him on her shoulder before quickly heading towards a nearby village.

When she arrived she gently laid Kazuma on a patch of grass and Shizune who had caught up to them put all of Kazumas things next to him.

"You'll thank me later," Tsunade said to Kazuma as she silently promised herself to come back and check upon him.

Kids like him didn't live long outside of any of the cities and villages, so the best thing she could do was leave him in a village that had friendly people in it.

Kazuma opened his eyes when he was sure that the two crazy women were gone, he managed to wake up when the blond one was carrying him, but considering how fast she was moving, he decide to play dead.

Especially after noticing something that completely threw him off.

All of this time, he had seen plants- fruits- bugs, and animals that were bigger than they should be, but he was completely wrong.

It was only when he noticed how small his hand was when compared to the blond woman's back that he realized that he was younger now, a lot younger and that was bad.

He quickly grabbed his things and began to look for anything that could show him his reflection, he soon found what he was looking for and then he nearly felt his heart stop, he was seven years old again.

"Oh I am going to get them back for this" Kazuma said to himself as he started to walk away from the village

He soon left the village behind and when he found a tree that looked safe enough to sleep under, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

He never knew when a group of men found him or when they carried him back to the village. but when he opened his eyes he found himself in a house filled with people.

"Sure why not, they look friendly enough," Kazuma said to himself before laying back down and going back to sleep
Kazuma's head hurt, he had spent two weeks in the village and despite it being mostly peaceful it had been full of headaches for him.

At first, he thought, hey I'm a little kid again might as well enjoy it, after all this wasn't his first time traveling from one world to another. sure the fact that he was a little kid again was new but that was just something small.

He still had all of his skills and if he needed to get away he could just teleport back to the spot where he arrived and go in another direction, that way no one would ever find him.

The thing was that he was okay living here for now if only there hadn't been so many problems that came up one after another.

The problems started when one of the kids sprained his leg and the adults couldn't get anyone to heal him and the nearest doctor was in another town.

So he just walked up to the kid and used his heal skill on him, it wasn't much but after repeatedly using the skill on the kid he was good as new again.

Unfortunately, because he used a lot of mana he began o feel light-headed.

So to keep himself from passing out he used drain touch to drain the mana from the air around him to everyone watching him he looked as if he was perfectly fine.

None of this was a problem or would have been a problem had a word about him healing the kid not spread, he couldn't heal things like broken arms and legs, or regrow lost limbs.

What he could do was fix burns and hear cuts no matter how deep or old they were.

Then there was the issue about the village's well drying up, and considering that it wasn't just the town that needed the water, he decided that since the people had fed him he would pay them back.

It took him all day and he had to keep draining the mana around him but when he was done the well was full of water, just to make sure that it didn't dry up anytime soon he used freeze to make chunks of ice that would melt in the future.

"Kazuma can you hear me," Kazuma heard Wiz say to him, but her words were coming from the inside of his head

"Hey, when are you guys going to get me out of here?" Kazuma said to Wiz

"About that, you see the sphere has a timmer and it barely allowed us to talk to you," Wiz said to him but she sounded hesitant about it

"What's going on?" Kazuma said to Wiz

"You see you can't come back unless the timer ends and our worlds are separated by time" Wiz answered him

"So that's why I'm back to being a little kid," Kazuma said to Wiz

'Your a little kid" Wiz said to him but she sounded genuinely surprised

'Forget about that, how is our time separated" he said to Wiz

"I don't know, you've only been gone for two minutes how longs has it been for you?" Wiz asked him

Kazuma stayed silent it wasn't something he couldn't handle but it wasn't something that he liked either.

"So how long am I stuck here?" Kazuma asked Wiz

"...You don't want to know" Wiz answered him, as she turned to look at Aqua who was already packing her things

Kazuma wanted to force Wiz to tell him but considering that Wiz didn't want to tell him one of two things were happening.

One he was going to be stuck here for a while or two Aqua and by extension, Meguming and Darkness were getting their things ready for a long vacation.

"Okay just call me again if you can do anything else, like send me help or I don't know anything," Kazuma said to Wiz before he turned his attention to the people in the village.

He got up ad walked to one of the adults.

"I'm leaving," Kazuma said to the woman that had been taking care of him and the other kids the woman instantly froze when she heard him say that.

The woman couldn't believe her ears ever since the princess had left him he had been a blessing to not just her village but all of the nearby villages.

No one doubted that he was related to Tsunade somehow and she was more than happy that Tsunade had chosen her to take care of him.

"Why don't you like it here?" she asked Kazuma who just looked around as if he could see something she couldn't.

"No all of you are nice but it's time for me to leave, you know I want to see everything" Kazuma answered the woman

He didn't lie to her after all if what Wiz told him was true then he would probably spend months or years in this world so he might as well see it before he left.

The woman was about to say something else when a man jumped down from one of the trees, Kazuma didn't say anything as his enemy detection skill activated.


Tsunade and Shizune returned to the village that they had left the kid in, they had left to see if anyone knew if someone had lost a kid or if he was just another orphan that was abandoned by who knows who.

They looked all around and found that no one knew about a kid that looked like the one they found, while there were a few missing kids, neither of them knew where to find any of them.

So they decided to go back to the village where they left the brown-haired boy and see what he could tell them.

They stopped moving when they found that the entire village had changed, they were craters everywhere and a couple of rock statues that weren't any taller than a ten-year-old.

A lot of the houses had holes in them, but none of the people looked injured or scared.

"What happened here?" Tsunade asked one of the villagers and she began to feel her head start to hurt.
Kazma opened his eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the hot sun on his face, he had learned a lot in his recent journey.

For one traveling alone wasn't just dangerous it was boring if there wasn't an animal that wanted to eat him, it was a plant that wanted to eat him, and if it wasn't either of those it was the endless silence.

He never knew how much he would miss Aqua's laud, no that was it, aqua was laud, no matter where she went there was noise.

There was noise here, but it was the kind of noise that put a person to sleep.

Sometimes while he was walking or forced to jump from one tree branch onto another, he found himself imagining her humming to herself carelessly.

If she wasn't doing that, she would stray away from the path they were on to look at something that caught her interest.

It was at those times that he realized that he had ended up yelling at someone that wasn't there.

"Would you look at that, if it isn't the person we've been looking for." a man says to him as he shows Kazuma a headband.

"Yeah, I don't know what that means, so bye." Kazuma says to the man who stares at him as he walks past him.

'Hold it there little guy, your mom paid us to bring you back to the village." the man says to him as he shows Kazuma a picture of the blond woman that left him in the village.

'Yeah, that's not my mom." Kazuma says to the ma who looks at him for a long moment.

"Waite, stop walking. I mean we were already paid, so how about you tell us your side of the story and maybe we can just say that we didn't find you." the man says to him as he takes out a small notebook that he opens and looks at Kazuma.

"Okay, I only met her, you know what I don't know when it was, but it wasn't long." Kazuma says to the man as he tells him everything except that he fell from the sky through a hole in reality.

"So it's one of those situations." the man says to him as he puts the notebook away and scratches his head.

"So what do we do now!?" the man says to someone that Kazuma can't see, but he can sense.

With a loud thump, a woman lands behind him and Kazuma turns to see a woman with long red hair who looked at him with cold eyes.

"What do you mean, we were hired to bring him back." the woman says to the man before she turns her eye back to Kazuma.

'Listen, kid, this is our job, so how I'll make you a deal."

"We were hired to bring you back, but we weren't hired to keep you there. So this is the deal, you can stay with me and if you want to leave I'll get you out of there."

"That way we don't have to give the money back and you can go wherever you were planning to go." she says to him.

"You know I could just run away." Kazuma says to the woman, as he prepares to teleport.

"And we would follow you, tie you up and bring you back, even if it takes us months or years."

"Do you want that?" she says to him as she lowers herself to his height, Kazuma can feel the woman's eyes as she looks into his.

"Two conditions, I want to learn some of your magic and even if you are paid to keep me there you have to help me escape because this is our deal." he says to her as he lifts his hand and waits for her to shake it with hers.

The woman grins and grabs his hand before she shakes it.

She quickly picks him up and before Kazuma even has a chance to say or think of anything he finds himself moving at a speed that would have broken his bones.

The woman that was carrying him must have been able to use some kind of skill or spell that made it possible for him not to feel the pressure placed on his body and before he knew it, he was looking at the edge of the forest.

As he looked at the desert that was on the other side of the forest Kazuma knew that the man had lied to him.

"You lied to me man." he said to the man that told him that the blond woman had hired him and the red-haired woman that was carrying him at the moment.

"I guess you will try to escape now?" the redhead says to him.

"No, you said that you were hired, but not who hired you. So you didn't lie." Kazuma answers the woman and he can see her lips make a smile.

"Don't forget we made a deal." Kazuma says to her as she jumps into the desert and begins to move faster than she moved while in the forest.
Kazuma bit into the strange giant slug that was given to him by what he could only call a maid, the houses here are all made of clay or some kind of rock.

It's not surprising considering that it's the desert and water is something that's everywhere, so when he drank what the woman had given him he just used his skill and made himself some more.

"I see, so according to him, she just found him." he heard someone say to the woman and her team as she told her boss what he said to her.

"Normally I wouldn't pay you, I did want her son, but it neither was my nor your mistake." the man says to the woman as the sound of a bag filled with coins reaches his ears.

'Take him, if he isn't her son, then he has no place here." the man says to the woman who doesn't take long to walk out.

"I'm surprised they gave you so much to drink." the woman says to him.

"Want some?" Kazuma asks her and he sees both her and her two teammates smirk.

"Looks like you drank it all." the liar says to him.

Kazuma looks at the clay cup and fills t with water, before handing it to her again, he watches as the woman quickly drinks it before graving him by the hand and pulling him out of the building.

"Did anyone see you do it?" she says to him as she forces him to hide behind the building.

"What?" Kazuma asks her.

"Did anyone see you make water without using any hand seals?" she says to him with a cold yet angry voice.

"No, they just gave me the giant worms and left me alone," he answers her.

"This isn't good." the third member of the women's team says as he looks at Kazuma.

"This doesn't prove anything." the woman says to her teammate.

"Kid what's your name?' she asks him.

'Kazuma, so why is it bad that I show people that I can make water/" he asks her.

The woman exhales and rubs her forehead. "Because that means that you can use water jut."

'I can use every element, I mean it's not hard, but the only things I can do is small things." he interrupts her.

Kazuma makes a small flame appear on his finger, before making the flame go away and opening his hand to make a gust of wind blow.

'That's it." he says to her but he immediately thinks that maybe he made a mistake showing them the skills that he can use.

"First are you sure that Tsunade, the blond woman with the big chest isn't your mom?" the liar asks him.

"No, I know who my mom and dad are or were." Kazuma says to the liar who rubs the back of his head.

"Kid you're going to be with us for a while." the third member says to him as he interrupts their conversation as he looks around.

"The shadows here are starting to move." he says to everyone before grabbing Kazumas hand and leading him somewhere that Kazuma doesn't know.

"Kid, from now on your one of us, so don't use those things in front of anyone." he says to Kazuma, but his words sound more like a warning than a threat.

"Some people just need to know that you can make a spark and blame you for a fire, that you were nowhere near."

"I don't have to tell you how valuable water is here." he says o Kazuma.

Kazuma doesn't say anything for a long time and he only starts to ask the only thing that matters t him when they reach what looks like some kind of apartment building.

'So how long until I can leave?" he asks them and the three look at each other.

"I'll tell you, but it's going to be a while, so until then, I'll teach you a couple of tricks." the redhead says to him as she leads him inside.