Chapter 10 – Getting a Familiar
Right now, I wasn't in the mood to undergo the torturous ritual of Body Forging, so before anything, I decided to go home and prepare for the Body Forging ritual mentally and physically.

The Body Forging Ritual could be dangerous and one could suffer severe injuries if the person made some mistake during it or couldn't handle the ritual.

'I should also get a familiar already... this is something that I have been neglecting for a long time already.'

Familiars were pretty similar to the summoned creatures of the Elemental Nations that the Shinobi used. However, the connection between the Familiar and its master was much closer and their bond was many times stronger.

'I should ask mother what the best familiar would be there for me.'

Most of my family members or those of the Main Clan, Divine Lineage and some of the Myriaded Ōtsutsuki with powerful heritage had very powerful familiars.

Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu, as a partial Dragonoid, had the powerful Dragon of the Metal Dragons as his Familiar.

My grandfather had Void Behemoth as Familiar, which was an extremely frightening creature that traveled through the Void in between the worlds and was extremely dangerous.

It could eat planets for snacks; essentially, it was a monster version of Ōtsutsuki 2.0...

Meanwhile, I was flying to my home; I looked around the headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki, which looked like it was cut out from the Xianxia cultivation novel.

The entire Tengoku Planet had several continents and the continent on which the headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was located had the best environment and conditions.

On this continent, only members of the Main Family were allowed to live and Branch Clan Members could enter only with permits from the Elders of the Clan or if they were summoned.

When I returned home, I noticed that my father was absent and only my mother was present right now. As father was head of the Enforcement Hall of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, he was often dealing with paperwork and other things.

"Ohhh... my baby boy is home."

Instantly as my mother felt my presence, she almost crushed me in a bear hug, as she behaved like I was lost in space for several thousand years.

"I am a home mom."

After checking me several times over, she finally let me go as we went into our mansion.

She was a really overprotective parent... compared to my father, who, during his training, almost killed me several times, they were like two different worlds.

"What happened? Are you hurt?"

She asked me when she noticed that I was contemplating about my future, a familiar choice.

"Not hurt, just thinking... I think it is time to choose my familiar finally... I have been putting this away for decades, but right now, I have good strength to enter into a contract with a powerful familiar."

Familiar binding was something that required several conditions and personal strength was one of the most important ones.

"That is indeed an important step...Easiest would be to contract someone from either my or your father's familiar species."

I knew that my father had contracted Three-Eyed Nemean Lion, while my mom had Catopus as her familiar and my grandmother had Cathulhu.

"I doubt that I have the strength to contract some of the Nemean Lions... those are extremely powerful Chakra Beasts and their pride is immeasurable, too much hassle..."

I saw my mother nod to my statement before she took out a small scroll.

"Then I suppose you could try to contract some of the Cathulhu or Catopus species... I myself have Catopus as my familiar and Nyan-Nyan is close to evolving to a true Cathulhu after he devours another few civilizations."

Catopus was, essentially and frankly speaking, some sort of abomination between Cat and Octopus, but they looked extremely cute and adorable.

When I was a kid, I tended to play with my mother's Catopus Nyan-Nyan lot because she wouldn't let me leave home unit I was powerful enough.

Meanwhile, Cathulhus were the Eldritch version of Cats...

Even though they looked like overgrown Catopus, they were frightening entities that could eat entire stars in one go, were master slavers that enslaved countless civilizations and overall were extremely powerful.

Even the weakest Cathulhu was Cosmic Entity and their home was in another Origin World, outside of the Starveil Origin World, where they ruled supreme. Evidently, from what I heard, their species enslaved their whole world, so Cathulhus, Catopuses and Cats reigned as supreme Gods.

"Well... it would be nice to have Catopus as Familiar..."

Indeed such a creature would be best for me... even before my reincarnation, I loved cats and during my childhood, I spent a lot of it with Nyan-Nyan.

"Splendid... I think Meowmeow would be delighted that another Ōtsutsuki Divine got contracted to Catopus; thanks to our Clan alone, at least 30 Catopuses evolved to Cathulhus in a record time."

I saw my mother puff her chest with pride... considering the nature of the Catopus evolution was like and the nature of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was like, we went really well together.

Obviously, we even had an official Covenant of Supreme Cat signed between the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Cathlhu Origin World, which essentially forced the Ōtsutsuki Clan to protect any cats they found and transport them to either their own territory or to the Cathulhu Dimension.

"Now, we need to procure some fishes... Catopuses and Cathulhus alike like food the most, though their favorite food is fish. So it would be most prudent to prepare some of their favorite food after we summon them. Cathulhus live in a different Origin World within our Chaotic Source Dimension and Void is separating our worlds."

The Void was a term for the emptiness in between the Origin Worlds, which is a term for dimension.

Depending on the structure, it could be planetary-based construction like the Starveil Origin World or a Planar-based one like most of the cultivation-based Origin Worlds.

Aside from the Origin Worlds, there existed unique dimensions across the Void, most commonly created by supreme experts, typically Transcendents, which house life.

They were smaller than the Origin Worlds, but some of these unique Dimensions were extremely powerful.

And all of these units existed within one Chaotic Source World.

"We will need to summon some cute little Catopus for you to be your familiar and be sure to groom it to Cathulhu..."

I heard my mother say as I nodded in agreement and we went out to procure some fishes and other types of sea lifeforms.

My mother was very helpful when it came to this because she was something like a Familiar Master in the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Aside from the Catopus Nyan-Nyan, she had contracted several other weaker Catopuses and other breeds of Cats from the Cathulhu Origin World. In truth, she hoarded a small army of fluff and tails that she could call to her help.

While we were going to search for fish for the kitties, I created several Shadow Clones through the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu and ordered them to train in the Kenjutsu, Shinjutsu and racial abilities and Dōjutsu.

When they dispersed, they would transfer their gains to me and thus, I would be able to comprehend and learn almost anything, master countless disciplines very fast; this was essentially a cheat of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.


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Chapter 11 - Munya
Several hours later, we gathered several rare fishes from the oceans on the north pole of the Tengoku Planet and some were from a few aquatic planets around the Southern Cosmic Region of the Starveil Origin World under the rule of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Naturally, these fishes were very powerful creatures; some of them were strong enough to kill Tier 1 Ōtsutsuki with ease, especially the ones from the depths of the Aquadar Planet.

With this done, the last thing was to summon someone from the Cathulhu Origin World who would answer my call and enter into a contract with me and become my familiar.

Naturally, this would be an ordinary procedure, but mom told me a way how to bypass it... and it was relatively simple.

She would summon Nyan-Nyan, who right now has returned to the Cathulhu Origin World and bribe him with fishes and food.

Then we would ask Nyan-Nyan to help us summon some Catopuses with a good potential that would be amicable to enter into Familiar Contract with me.

"Could we start already?"

I asked my mom as she nodded and summoned her Familiar Nyan-Nyan to her side from his home Dimension.

Suddenly within a moment, a small ginger Catopus appeared.

Nyan-Nyan had shining ginger fur and several fluffy tentacles like an octopus, but they were all covered by fur; even though they looked fluffy and cuddly, the tentacles of a Catopus were deadly weapons.

"Why did you summon me, nya? I was resting nya..."

He yawned as he opened his eyes, revealing his yellow eyes as his ears twitched in annoyance and his tail was curling up behind him.

Even to me, it was clear that poor Nyan-Nyan was just woken up as he was resting.

Naturally, Nyan-Nyan was very powerful for a Catopus at Tier 2 and was on the verge of evolving into Cathulhu.

When he evolves, he will reach Tier 4 standard in a split second; most of their power depends on their Evolutions and the specific Laws they comprehended.

Obviously, as mom had Nyan-Nyan as her familiar for several centuries, she instantly knew how to handle grumpy Catopus and showed him a plethora of fishes.

While some of which were extremely powerful and radiating powerful energy.

"Fish nya..."

Instantly Nyan-Nyan disappeared in a flash and started stuffing the fishes with his tentacles and eating one after another while ignoring everything that was happening.

"Why have you summoned me Akiri-nya?"

Nyan-Nyan asked in between as he was eating and mother knew that she had essentially won.

"Little Yakou is getting his familiar and he wants to contract a Catopus... so I was wondering if you could get us some Catopuses that would want to become his Familiar. Naturally, the terms of the contract are the same as with the other Ōtsutsukis..."

I heard mother say while I stayed most of the time silent, as I left everything to her because she was an expert negotiator in this thing.

Seeing the Nyan-Nyan thinking about the thing, he ate one more fish before he started waving his fluffy tentacles.

"That is possible nya... I will contract several kitties, though they are very weak, on the level of stronger mortals though, but with a lot of potential. Direct descendants of mighty Cathulhus."

Nyan-Nyan said as he closed his eyes and started sending messages to the Cathulhu Dimension before; within several seconds, two scrolls fell down from the spatial crack.

"These two would be the most suitable for you nyan..."

Nyan-Nyan then passed two scrolls to me with his tentacles and after that was done, he turned all of his attention to eating the huge horde of fishes and other types of seafood that was brought here for him.

I studied the two summoning scrolls before I dropped a drop of blood on both of them because, in truth, I intended to contract both Catopuses as my familiar fluff forever.

Soon after, two space cracks appeared above the two scrolls and two Catopuses came out of them. They were much smaller than Nyan-Nyan and their appearance was also different.

One of them had white fur with black stripes and orange eyes, while the other Catopus had grey fur with green eyes. In other aspects, aside from the size, they looked very similar to the Nyan-Nyan.

"So this is the Ōtsutsuki that summoned both of us, munya."

Stated the white-furred Catopus as the other one nodded it's head?

"Yes, it is meow... a fine servant for the cult of the almighty Cat and glory to the Cathulhus."

Replied the grey Catopus and as I heard them, I wondered if they were actually members of some weird cult because their speech reminded me of some fanatical worshippers of the Gods.

"Nice to meet you; my name is Ōtsutsuki Yakou, little kitties."

I said as they waved their tentacles in annoyance, probably not liking the addressing them as "little kitties".

"I am Nyanko meow."

The grey Catopus introduced herself and from the name and her elegant stature, I deduced that she was little lady Catopus.

"Nian munya."

And the white Catopus was clearly a male one.

"Why did you summon as Celestial-hooman meow?"

Nyanko asked me as I nodded my head; after what, the two Catopuses ran around me and with their tentacles, they claimed on my body and both of them took place on my shoulders.

Nyanko chose my right shoulder while Nian chose the left one, as they were checking me right and left, deciding if I was good material. For the Catopuses, getting a good master was a way how to speed roll through countless millennia needed for their Ascension and Evolution.

I was Divine Lineage Ōtsutsuki, who reached 2nd-Grade Tier 2 in a short time, so I was very powerful for my age and my potential was outstanding.

"Good one munya, munya!"

I heard Nian shout right to my left eat as his tentacle was gripping my horns and my brows mildly twitched in annoyance.

Most of the Ōtsutsuki members didn't like when their horns were touched.

Actually, this rule also extends to the majority of species that had horns on their head; for some, it was even a so-called erogenous zone, while for others, the horns were a symbol of their strength and pride.

Suddenly I felt two strings of fate establishing between two Catopuses and me as they became my familiars while light particles dispersed around us.

When the Familiar Contract was completed, the cats rushed to the horde of fishes and sealife that were prepared for Nyan-Nyan and started eating. I wasn't surprised at this because all Catopuses and Cathulhus were gluttons and their favorite activity was eating.


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Chapter 12 – 3 Years
3 Years Later

Planet Tengoku of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was as peaceful as ever and because three years timespan was essentially nothing for the Ōtsutsuki Clan where every ordinary Clansmen lived for thousand years and that were those who never ate Chakra Fruit.

After eating the Chakra Fruit, one obtained an endless lifespan essentially, as we could live theoretically forever due to the tremendous strength of our genes that were always regenerating and replicating.

Three years have passed since the moment I contracted Nyanko and Nian as my familiar and two cute Catopuses were developing at a steady speed.

Both of them were spending the majority of their time sleeping or eating.

If they were not sleeping or eating, they were trying to boss me around to bring them some rare food or whatever.

Because they were still relatively young Catopuses, they were still very playful and demanded that I play with them, which I always obliged.

I spent most of my time either training my abilities or practicing the Celestial Chakra Manual to have the best Chakra Control possible.

Because the Ōtsutsuki Clansmen had a tremendous amount of Chakra, the easiest and hardest way to gain more strength was to increase and perfect the Chakra Control. It was hard because perfecting control over Chakra was a very arduous task that required a lot of time.

In my case, a lot of time and a lot of Shadow Clones, I never tested my limit with the Shadow Clones, but I could create hundreds of them with relative ease without feeling tired or anything.

The easy aspect of it was that when someone increased their Chakra Control, it meant that consumption of Chakra for Shinjutsu or any other things was lessened and the potency was increased, meaning increasing the Chakra Control was a fast way to gain strength.

Obviously, with each increase of Chakra Reserves and each Chakra Fruit eaten, one needed to practice the Chakra Control once again because even Low-Grade Chakra Fruit contained a tremendous amount of Chakra.

During the past years, I officially became an Expert within the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu and Dust Release Shiunjutsu, but the most surprising thing and my most important achievement was passing the Master Fūinjutsu Exams.

For that, I needed to go to the Sealing Association within Planet Tengoku, where I got tested and became a certified master of the Fūinjutsu. I have a very good talent for the Fūinjutsu and there were not many masters in the Fūinjutsu in the Clan.

Unfortunately, it appeared that not everything could be solved with the Shadow Clone Shuinjutsu and sometimes even talent was needed. For me, the thing was that I had very strong Affinities for Space-Time.

Affinity for the Space-Time was needed for someone to be proficient with the Fūinjutsu and become higher ranked than Novice.

Simple seals up to the Novice and some of the Adept rank could be learned, even those without affinity for Space-Time.

Today was an important day because I would be finally going to the Elder Ryu for the Body Forging, as I had been pushing it for three years already.

I let the Catopuses sleep because just one hour ago, they had their fill of food...

'If it wasn't for that, I am pretty privileged; just money to feed these two would totally ruin me...'

I thought as I looked at two cute Catopuses that were sleeping peacefully after eating a small horde of fishes that were directly shipped here from an exclusive location and were worth of around one Low-Grade Chakra Fruit...

Fortunately, because the Clan had Covenant with the Cathulhus, the expenses were paid by Clan for the majority and the rest was paid by Clan only for me as I was Crown Prince.

Naturally, when I would depart from the Clan, then it would be up to me and them alone to find food.

Leaving my home, I went directly to the place where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu was performing the Body Forging Ritual because it was in the secluded part of the Headquarters of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Sometimes the Body Forging was carried out on powerful members of the Ōtsutsuki, including Saints and Holy Lords, meaning even Tier 3 and Tier 4 beings underwent the Body Forging here and the residual energy released during the procedure could be really fearsome.

Due to that, the Body Forging was specifically carried in a special location that was strengthened by powerful Fūinjutsu to prevent any damage or losses of life from the side.

When I arrived at the mountain peak where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu had his special area, deep within the mountain that was engraved with countless Fūinjutsu Seals.

The entire place was guarded by several powerful members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan due to the things that were stored within the mountain. In this place, there were countless precious resources used for the Body Tempering procedures.

It didn't take me a long time to find the chambers where the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu was cultivating in a certain sense.

The cultivation system of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, created by Lord Shibai himself, was starting from reaching Tier 2. Even an idiot could reach Tier 2 by eating Chakra Fruits and become a Planetary Level being.

To reach Tier 3, or rather Saint Realm, one needed to perfect his Genetic Code, which was rather easily achievable through eating powerful Chakra Fruits and other methods. The more tricky part was the creation of the Dao Rune based on the Elemental Attribute and the subsequent awakening of the Celestial Spirit.

Once all three conditions were achieved, one would become Saint who could use Incomplete Domain Expansion and Divine Sense. These superior abilities were something that divided ordinary "Mortals" from the higher beings...

Requirements to reach the Holy Lord Realm, the Tier 4 Cosmic Being, were even more arduous and even among the Ōtsutsuki Clan, only a few reached it through Evolutionary Cultivation...

Naturally, those who reached these Tiers by only eating Chakra Fruits were weaker than those who went through Evolutionary Cutlviation because the Evolutionary Cultivation strengthened not only the racial abilities of the Ōtsutsuki Clan but also all other aspects and they obtained new skills.

Frankly speaking, only the people from the powerful Bloodlines among the Celestial Ōtsutsukis or Myriaded Ōtsutsukis of the Main Clan would reach Holy Lord Realm, while others only became ordinary Tier 4 through eating Chakra Fruits.

The process with Chakra Fruits was sometimes more arduous because the number of Chakra Fruits needed was... tremendous, to say at least.

Even though a lot of Tier 4 and higher powerhouses of the Ōtsutsuki were the ones who didn't use Evolutionary Cultivation because the requirements were too harsh.

Though who did use it were the true backbone of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and were typically Elders, Grand Elders, Protectors, Lords or people with some special status.


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Chapter 13 – Body Forging… Again
Ōtsutsuki Ryu was right now in the process of deep cultivation, as he was one of the few Holy Lords of the Ōtsutsuki who were attempting to reach the Empyrean Realm and officially become a Tier 5 Multiversal Entity.

I waited in front of the cultivation chamber of the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu; for sure, the powerful Holy Lord of the Ōtsutsuki Clan felt that I was already waiting for him there. Contrary to me, Kirihara underwent Body Forging already long ago.

She used the token a good time ago while I was training my other abilities. The case of Elemental Nations, from what I heard, was solved directly by the Ancestors, as even one of the sleeping Ancestors was awoken from his slumber and went to observe the Elemental Nations.

I don't know what the higher-ups of the Ōtsutsuki Clan were aware of, but it was important enough to send one of the Paragons to observe over the Elemental Nations, just to be sure...

While I waited here for some time before the doors to the chambers opened and revealed meditating figure of the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu, who had very strong and distinctive Dragonoid features.

Contrary to the ordinary Ōtsutsuki Clansmen, Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu had more like dragon horns over the top of his head and his physique was much more muscular than ordinary Ōtsutsuki Clansmen.

"Are you here for the Body Forging Procedure?"

He asked me when he opened his eyes as I nodded and he motioned me to enter the chambers.

"Your physique is quite good considering the fact that you are essentially a Tier 2 being... considering the strength of your Divine Blood, we will need to apply some stronger resources... I think that I have something perfect for this."

I heard Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu say before he disappeared to the back side of his chambers and brought several vials with him, filled with thick red liquid.

Just from looking at that blood, I felt its tremendous power that was even affecting me as Divine Ōtsutsuki.

"This is the blood of Heavenly Red Dragon that reached the peak of Tier 4; it would do wonders for the body tempering during the Body Forging procedure."

Among the Dragons, Heavenly Dragons were those who reached the standard of Tier 4 Cosmic entity and were one of the most powerful dragons ever.

Blood of Red Dragon that became Heavenly Dragon was a peerless treasure in the Starveil Origin World... considering the fact that the dragons were rare in the Starveil Origin World.

Though there existed some small communities of dragons still living in our Origin World, but they were rare and not many dared to intrude over their territory. All dragons were extremely territorial and they always went for the kill, not to mention they were very easily offended.

I almost gulped from thinking about how painful this would be because the blood of Heavenly Red Dragon was out of my initial expectation... this was a resource that was reserved for Saints to use for Body Forging, not for me...

But at the same time, if I underwent and tempered my physique, then my physical strength would be superior to even many of the Tier 3 Ōtsutsukis and technically speaking, my Chakra Resistance would increase tremendously.

Dragons were famous for inherent and racial energy resistance, energy-based attacks were not working on them well and one needed to have either a superior and very destructive element or the attack must be overwhelmingly strong to overcome the energy resistance of the said dragon.

Ōtsutsuki Clansmen didn't have Chakra Resistance, although we could use our Rinnegans to disperse most of the energy attacks, mainly the Chakra-based ones that were on the same grade as we were or those which were weaker.

Cultivating the Chakra Resistance was something that many of us strived to obtain, but only very few from the Clan obtained even an elemental one. Naturally, any kind of Charka Resistance was tremendously valuable for us because it increased our combat prowess.

Because Chakra was a combination of Physical Energy and Spiritual Energy, it was a very powerful type of energy and having Chakra Resistance equaled to being resistant to some other types of energies that the Ōtsutsuki Clan encountered during its very long existence.

"Sit down in the middle of the sealing formation and we can start."

I heard the Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu as I went down and sat in the middle of a huge kanji letter and soon enough, the entire room lit up as all Fūinjutsu Seals in the room lit up and sealed it perfectly to prevent any accidents.

When he opened the bottle with the sealed blood of the Red Dragon that became Heavenly Dragon, the Fūinjutsu Seal started containing the energy released by the several drops of blood and transferring it into my own body.

The very second it entered my body, the ferocious draconic aura was destroying my tissues, bones and bone marrow while my body was constantly reconstructing itself in real-time.

I grit my teeth to hold the pain back because this was only the start of the procedure, as this was just the residual aura from the few drops of blood.

The real deal would be the blood itself, which I needed to refine personally. Within the next one hour, I completely absorbed the draconic aura released by the blood of Heavenly Red Dragon and I felt that my physical strength increased by approximately 20%.

"Phase 1 of the Body Forging is done... we can proceed to phase 2; I will now fuse the dragon blood with your body."

I heard Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu say as I observed how the dragon blood hovered above me as Elder Ryu pushed the dragon blood to my chest and started the fusion process.

The second it entered my body, I felt tremendous pain because the overwhelming power of the dragon blood and its aggressiveness started destroying my body from the inside.

Though to counter-attack this, my own Divine Blood reacted strongly and started ferociously devouring the dragon blood of the Heavenly Red Dragon.

Naturally, the Divine Lineage of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was far superior to that of Heavenly Red Dragon, so when my bloodline was stirred awake and started devouring the dragon blood.

The powerful and potent energy was being absorbed into my body and my Genetic Code was getting stronger and stronger. My body were destroyed together with every single Cell that broke down, it quickly regenerated and the process started over.

Six hours later, my body underwent several cycles of destruction and regeneration; the Cells got stronger and my physique was at least four to five times stronger than before the Body Forging...

Now I can expand my Chakra Reserves several times over because due to my body getting stronger, it could hold much more Chakra.


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Chapter 14 – Training and…
When the process was finished, I stretched my body a little bit after the Body Forging procedure was completed and I felt stronger than ever. Right now, after such successful Body Forging, I was tempted to go out and test my power.

Maybe I should go to the Outer Regions of the Southern Cosmic Region and Easter Cosmic Region, where the Ōtsutsuki Clan was fighting against the Automatons for control over newly created galaxies that were created from the expansion of the Chaotic Source World.

Because our Chaotic Source World, the Starveil Universe, was very young, it was constantly expanding. Essentially, every few thousand years, it would undergo a wave of expansion, which was unprecedented growth.

"After you have finished, you could go your own way... I have other things to do."

I heard Elder Ōtsutsuki Ryu say as I gave him one low bow before I disappeared from his mountain peak.

The first thing I needed to do was to take a bath to get rid of the impurities and other things that were pushed out from my body during the Body Forging.


Several hours later, I was home alone only with my Catopuses because both of my parents were out of the home.

When I returned home, I found a note that father was dispatched by Grand Elder to the border with Gods, as they found some powerful Gods crossing into our borders.

Meanwhile, my mother was right now hunting down some Psionic Crystals for the Nyan-Nyan as some appeared within the Southern Cosmic Region.

Psionic Energy or Psychic Energy was a special kind of energy that was used by Catopuses or Cathulhus.

Similarly, like the Ōtsutsukis used Chakra, cats had their own.

"Horned-hooman is back, nyan."

I heard the voice of one of my Catopuses; more precisely, it was Nyanko as I saw the grey-furred Catopus crawl here on her tentacles as she woke up.

Compared to Nian, she was a very lively and active one.

"Yes I am back Nyanko..."

I scratched her behind her ear as she purred soundly, happy with the attention that I was giving her.

"Do you want something to eat? And where is Nian?"

Asking her, she motioned with her tentacle to the side where my other Catopus familiar was sleeping soundly.

Nian was an extremely lazy Catopus who only knew how to sleep and eat; contrary to Nyanko, it was an entirely different world.

"Yes hooman, nyan. I want a fish nyan!"

Nyanko shouted as I then went and gave her some fish so she could eat her fill. Seeing Nyanko happily munching on her salmon, I scratched her head and let her eat while I went to the training room to practice my abilities further.

Using the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu, I created several tens of clones of myself and started dividing work between the Clones.

As usual, one group of clones focused on the Celestial Chakra Manual, the second focused on the training in the Kenjtusu, and the last focused on training in the Shinjutsu.

All of these three aspects were crucial because they were base of my power.

Looking at all of the Shadow Clones, I created another few tens of clones and ordered them to train ocular abilities.

With the Dōjutsu of Tensei-Sharingan, my training speed was tremendous; unfortunately, after passing a certain level in most, the effects of the Sharingan's Copy Wheel and Memorizations were diminished greatly.

That seemed from the profoundness of advanced Kenjutsus or Shinjutsus and such things couldn't be copied purely with Dōjutsu alone. Naturally, the Dōjutsu was still very powerful and useful even with the advanced techniques because it sped up learning...

Some of the more profound techniques could take even several years at best and at worse, even a few centuries until one mastered some really profound moves or techniques. Having powerful Dōjutsu could hasten it by even 30% in some cases.

Training with the Dōjutsu was something that every Ōtsutsuki Clansmen did, but depending on the strength of their very own bloodlines, the results and time required for the training varied.

For the Divine Lineage Ōtsutsukis, they would always need to spend centuries mastering even their basic abilities.

This was due to the power that their Dōjutsu contained and in the end, nature was fair and balance was always achieved.

My Shadow Clones divided then themselves into training with the Tensei-Sharingan and in the Senrinjōnegan, mainly the 7 Path Techniques of the Rinnegan aspects. Senrinjōnegan was very hard Dōjutsu to master, even for many of the Divine Lineage members.

From the Senrinjōnegan, I have currently had a good grasp on Threat Detection and Clairvoyance, especially Threat Detection was something that I learned very easily and could detect even the weakest malevolent negative emotions.

Combined with Clairvoyance, I was able to predict the enemy's movements during the fight, something that was a feat even among the Divine Lineage Ōtsutsukis. Combat prediction was rare and the Clansmen that created it among the Divine Lineage could be counted on one hand.

"After this training round, I should go to the Mission Administration and take up some tasks to experience the combat."

During the past centuries since I was born, I never participated in any warfare and during this time, it was the perfect opportunity to fight on the outer rim of the Cosmic Region.

While going to fight against Automatons as my first ever warfare wasn't the best idea, the outer rim was still relatively safe.

"Let's get into it..."


3rd POV, several months later...

Ōtsutsuki Kirihara was right now heading toward the home of her fianceé Ōtsutsuki Yakou; she was pretty pissed up about her finaceé because he missed several of the planned courtship meetings as they were engaged.

Naturally, Kirihara was aware that Yakou was essentially a training maniac and even could be considered a battle maniac who was obsessed with getting stronger and stronger.

For that reason, he was already 2nd Grade Tier 2 and his combat prowess was nothing to scoff at.

Even though the Shadow Clone Shinjutsu could speed up the training tremendously, if someone's talent was zero then no matter how high the multiplication was, the progress would also equal to zero.

'It could have ended much worse... at least Yakou is kind and even though that idiot is dense as a rock, at least he is relatively decent as a person.'

One of the Ōtsutsuki Princess thought to herself because, as it was known, not many of the Ōtsutsuki had such good personalities.

Though as a whole, the psychic state of the Main Family of the Ōtsutsuki, while the personalities of the Branch Clasnmen were... not that savory.

Failed products they were...

"It's Kirihara hooman, munya!"

She heard a cute voice belonging to one of Yakou's familiars who were Catopuses.


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So, the patrons have spoken and the second Love Interest from the Against the Gods Arc would be Jasmine / Xing Tong... With this, I am officially closing the poll for it, as I am nearing the 3rd Arc of the Volume 1, and soon the ATG ARC will begin.

Small Warning: I never read ATG fully only up to chapter 970 or so... though I read shiton of fanfics about it (After some time I found out that I am allergic to typical Xiaxia troupes so I can't read things that contains Face Slapping or arrogant weak young masters which prompted me partially to write this fic)

Second thing, with this being said, I am opening the suggestion for the second love interest from Marvel which would be featured in Volume 2. Please give me your suggestions either on patreon or on discord (not on webnovel as this chapter would be deleted after 48 Hours)

Also, with suggestions, please give me a brief reason why should you character be chosen.

Requirements: Strong Female Characters with room for development or Female Characters with lot of potential.

Note: Not accepting Beings like Lady Death, Phoenix and so on (due to certain reasons in the future it would be impossible). Also not accept useless characters; I want someone who could be featured throughout the entire story and not fall into the backround; those who read the Holy Chronicles know what I speak about.

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Trafford's Workshop | Welcome to the Workshop Reader! | Patreon (Thanks for patrons for supporting me and choosing the second love interest, the poll on the patreon for a second love interest would be opened in July) - PS. check out the Patreon and read ahead 10 chapters ahead!
Chapter 15 – Courting…
She warily looked at the white-furred Catopus because the last time she attempted to pet the creature, she was bitten by it and its tentacles were used like whips.

"Yes, it is... where is your master?"

She asked the Catopus while she took out some treats from her personal dimension and gave it to Nian, who greedily ate everything as he purred loudly because he greatly enjoyed the treats.

"Master is training, munya... If you have some more treats, I will call him for you munya."

Kirihara then nodded at the white-furred Catopus with black stripes as she took out more treats and fed to Nian.

After several minutes after Nian had his fill, he then subsequently disappeared from her view and went to the training room where his horned-hooman was training.

It only took several minutes for Nian to pester the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan enough to quit his training and go to see his fianceé Kirihara. Only after Yakou found out that Kirihara was waiting here for him he remembered that he had a meeting with her that he missed.

Once again...



As I was striding through the halls of the mansion, I felt Nian hopping onto my shoulders as his fluffy tentacles grabbed my shoulder to support himself and my head hurt from the upcoming uncomfortable conversation with my fianceé.

"What is it, Nian?"

I asked my Catopus familiar as I scratched him behind his ear as he purred loudly.

"It is Kirihara, munya... she is waiting for you in the living room, munya."

Nodding my head, I ended my training time as I went to meet my fianceé, who was surely pissed at me for missing our appointment.

When it came to the Divine Lineage of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, there were not many of us, and even from the small number, there were even fewer who were of similar age to me.

"Do you know your mistakes?"

She asked me the very second I entered the living room, though it was typical of hers because she never danced around the topic and always went to the matter. Not wasting any time on the nonsense.


For several decades we have known each other; I knew exactly how to deal with her.

Fortunately enough, she, like many other power-hungry Ōtsutsuki Clansmen, she was very well aware of the importance of strength and understanding of my need to train as hard as possible.

"How was your progress?"

She asked me as I frowned a bit...

Due to the peculiarities of my bloodline, I inherited one of the purest and strongest Divine Bloodlines among the entire Clan in the past tens of thousands of years.

This made my progress with my Dōjutsus, especially the Tensei-Sharingan and, more importantly, Senrinjōnegan, extremely slow even when countless Shadow Clones have been practicing it every day for the past decades and centuries.

Yet, while the progress was extremely slow, the power of my Dōjutsus was unusually powerful even among the Divine Lineage Ōtsutsuki Clansmen.

"Slow as usual, but I have obtained a very good grasp on the Seven Path Techniques... I am right now preparing to obtain perfect control over the God Tree Control Technique for the future."

I said as she hummed something in satisfaction when it came to controlling over the Dōjutsus, she was far ahead of me, but Kirihara was more than seven hundred years old; she was older than me by more than five centuries already.

"And Mangekyou?"

Instantly I grimaced because if there was one thing where I was literarily stuck, it was a further evolution of the Tensei-Sharingan to the Tensei-Magenkyou Sharingan or obtaining the Eternity Version of it.

It was something that was plaguing me for several decades already, but I also understood the fact that not everything could be rushed. Naturally, I refused to take a shortcut by eating some powerful Chakra Fruits for this purpose.

"I am close, very close, but it appears I would need to undergo extreme emotional stimuli to awaken the Mangekyo. Using the Chakra Fruits to awaken the Mangekyo and Eternal one would cut the further progress with my Dōjutsu."

I answered as I sat down next to her while we were talking.

"On another note, where do you want to go for our date?"

I asked as I was not in the mood for further talk about my progress with the Dōjutsus and so on, and probably some relaxation would not be a bad idea.

"I heard that the Planet Aquamarine was finally pacified and is now open for visits... they have the best seafood in the entire Ōtsutsuki Cosmic Region across thousands of Galaxies we control."

Planet Aquamarine was a previously unknown Planet that was found by the Ōtsutsuki Clan in the outskirts territories of the Ōtsutsuki Clan, very close to the Central Cosmic Region.

It was 100% Aquatic world covered by oceans and was home to some really terrifying sea lifeforms.

The strongest recorded reached Tier 4 standard and one of the Grand Elders of the Clan found that there were even far strongest in the depths of the Planet. Because it was Super High Planet, it was enormously huge and thus was home to the most powerful native lifeforms.

The Ōtsutsuki Clan pacified some of them and established several floating cities in there, but what was peculiar was that there were some floating cities belonging to the Evernight High Council.

Among the Starveil Origin World's hegemonial species that each controlled Cosmic Sector, only the Evernight High Council had some sort of alliance with the Ōtsutsuki Clan, mainly due to some history between their founders and Lord Shibai.

Evernight High Council was a coalition of three species of Kindreds, Arachnids and Werewolves.

Not to mention, they were always fighting against the Sage Clan and not allowing them to attack the Ōtsutsuki Clan and the Sage Clan was an extremely powerful faction in the Starveil Origin World.

"Maybe we will hear some interesting rumors from the Northern Cosmic Sector; I heard that the fights between the Sage Clan and Evernight High Council are more intense compared to the past Era."

Sage Clan was a racial clan of Sages from the unique Super High-Level Planet Xia and they were the closest thing to the Cultivators in the Starveil Origin World and they were extremely powerful.

"Are we going with the spaceship or through teleportation?"

I asked, but I knew that Kirihara would want to go with the spaceship so that we could sightsee the space.

While the technological level of the Ōtsutsuki Clan was not that high, we had plenty of spaceships and other things because we bordered the Automatons.

For traveling purposes, it was enough, but most of them were technically useless in direct fight because they lacked the firepower compared to the high-end powerhouses of the supreme civilizations.


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Chapter 16 – Planet Aquamarine
Southern Cosmic Region, Shattered Star Ring Segment, Garton Galaxy, Colton Star Cluster, 98th Star System

Outer space is an endless expanse of darkness that stretches out in all directions. It is filled with countless stars, planets, and other celestial bodies, all of which are suspended in the void by the force of gravity. The stars and planets are surrounded by clouds of gas and dust, which form beautiful and intricate patterns that can be seen from the planets.

The temperature of outer space is extremely cold, with temperatures hovering just above absolute zero. There is no atmosphere in outer space, which means that there is no air to breathe or to transmit sound.

This makes space an incredibly quiet place where even the slightest sound is muted.

When it came to traveling through Outer Space, only Tier 3 Ōtsutsuki Clansmen could travel the Outer Space with their bodies without any protection for an indefinite time. Though at Tier 2, one could spend a few months in Outer Space before one would need to replenish the energy and the space would take its toll.

Despite the lack of air and extreme temperatures, there is still a lot of activity in outer space. The gravity of the celestial bodies in space can cause asteroids and other debris to collide, which can create dazzling displays of light and sound.

There are also powerful bursts of energy that can emanate from stars, which can have a profound impact on the surrounding space.

"No matter how many times I see this, the vastness of space is always so beautiful and mysterious."

I heard Kirihara say as we observed the cosmic storm from the safety of our ship. The spaceship we were using was one of a few Captial Ships of the Ōtsutsuki Clan that was entirely built by the Ōtsutsuki Clan based on Automaton Technology.

It was shaped like a pyramid and had the firepower to kill peak Tier 3 entity with a single shot instantly and even Tier 4s would need to be careful. Unfortunately, there were only a few of these ships and all of them were used only by the highest-ranking members of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

This one which we were using belonged to my parents, so I could borrow it when I needed it if it was parked around Planet Tengoku.

"We would be landing on the planet Aquamarine."

I said as I looked at the azure planet from the commanding deck on the top of a pyramid-like ship.

When viewed from space, the planet is a blue-green orb with swirling white clouds and a glistening ocean covering 100% of its surface. The planet has no visible landmasses, but there are scattered floating cities and floating islands around the planet where people live.

The ocean is a deep, dark blue, with the occasional turquoise shallows near the islands. The water is crystal clear and teeming with life, from the tiniest plankton to the largest sea lifeforms that were tens of kilometers in size.

The water is constantly moving, with strong currents and tides that shape the planet's geography and support a variety of ecosystems.

At the surface, the sun's light creates a shimmering, glittering effect that is breathtaking to behold. The sunlight penetrates the water, creating an underwater world of color and beauty.

There are towering kelp forests that stretch toward the surface, providing a haven for countless fish and invertebrates. Coral reefs form underwater cities, with thousands of species of colorful fish darting among the branches.

[Descending to the Stardragon Floating City in ten minutes.]

The ship's central artificial intelligence sounded as the pyramid-like ship started descending down to the orbit of planet Aquamarine. When I looked over at the Floating City, I took notice that most of the inhabitants were not from the Ōtsutsuki Clan but rather from the Evernight High Council.

There were many Vampires, Werewolves and Arachid Demons walking around.

[The ship has been docked.]


3rd POV

When the ship docked at the Stardragon Floating City, it attracted the attention of almost all the people in the dockyards because anyone could recognize one of the Capital Ships of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

Not to mention, there was even City Lord of the Stardragon City waiting in front of the dockyard waiting for the people in the spaceship. The City Lord of the Stardragon Floating City was a member of the Main Clan who reached Saint Realm but couldn't advance further.

Thus he was transferred to the administrative department and was made the City Lord of one of the Floating Cities on the planet Aquamarine.

The City Lord of the Stardragon Floating City, Ōtsutsuki Leiran, was looking anxiously at the Capital Ship, which belonged to the Juggernaut Category; there were only three of such ships in the entire Ōtsutsuki Clan.

One of them was in the hands of the Head of the Enforcement Hall; another was for the Patriarch and the last one was in the hands of the Grand Elder, Ōtsutsuki Muzan...

Ōtsutsuki Leiran was the only member of the Main Clan with no good talent and was stuck at the Saint Realm for several thousands of years, so in front of these people, he was small as an ant.

When the ship opened and he saw the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Princess Kirihara, he was at the same time relieved and at the same time more nervous that two members of Royalty and Divine Lineage arrived at his turf.

"I humbly welcome you to my small city, Your Highness."

The City Lord quickly hurried with his entourage, which was considering of his wife and children, to greet the newcomers.

His family and servants quickly followed suit and bowed to them because the Divine Lineage members were far above them in terms of the Clan's hierarchy.

'Only Tier 2, but his Chakra is so powerful... and his eyes...'

"City Lord."

Ōtsutsuki Yakou nodded at him as the City Lord made way for the two Divine Lineage members who arrived at his city.

"May I respectfully ask why Your Highnesses arrived at the Stardragon City?"

He asked nervously as Ōtsutsuki Yakou looked at him and the City Lord, despite his far greater strength, could feel his blood boiling in submission as the Crown Prince's three eyes shined brightly.

"This is not an official visit... just for relaxation. I heard from my finaceé that this place is famous for seafood, so we came for dinner."

Crown Prince Ōtsutsuki Yakou answered as the City Lord sighed in relief and motioned the Divine Lineage members to follow after him.

"Of course, of course, Your Highnesses."

While Yakou essentially ignored the City Lord because, for him, it was only another bootlicker that wanted to get into his good graces to get his hands on better resources and materials, to break through the Holy Lord Realm and become one of the Tier 4 entities.

Meanwhile, Kirihara was rather enjoying the worms squirming. She always took some kind of enjoyment when those of lower stature were pissing themselves off with fear when they saw her, but Yakou found it useless.

For him, it was an utter waste of time.


3 chapters till the plot starts...

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Chapter 17 – Stardragon Floating City
After they parted with the City Lord of the Stardragon Floating City, Ōtsutsuki Leiran, Yakou and Kirihara went to some of the most renowned restaurants in the city.

The Stardragon Floating City was bustling with population; countless Ōtsutsuki Clansmen and many races from the Evernight High Council were living there.

Aside from them, there were many vassal species of the Ōtsutsuki Clan living in the Stardragon Floating City or visitors that were from very powerful species from different parts of the Starveil Origin World.

"Where do you want to go?"

Yakou asked tiredly after some time because his fianceé couldn't choose one place to have their dinner; thus they were walking around the center of the city and checking out every place and restaurant on her list.

"I don't know... all the places look good, but I want to go only to the best."

Kirihara stated as she looked at him sternly; Yakou knew that this was her perfectionism taking place.

"Let's go to the Starmoon Restaurant, I like that place and it is closest to our location."

Ōtsutsuki Yakou stated that he was already tired from walking around for nothing and after Kirihara saw his expression that his patience had reached the limit, she nodded and they headed for the Starmoon Restaurant.

It was the best one in the Stardragon Floating City and rated as one of the best on the Planet Aquamarine. The exterior of the Starmoon Restaurant was in the shape of several floor-tall pagoda and was owned by someone from the Demon Species.

"Bring us to the top floor of the restaurant, VIP table."

Yakou ordered the hostess, who was from the Ōtsutsuki Branch Clan, who were typically working in these establishments. Because the Branch Clansmen had low status within the Clan, most of the menial tasks fell on them.

Especially if they wanted to obtain some resources, they needed to buy themselves at extraordinary prices from the Clan. Compared to the Main Clan, the Branch Clan was far more populous and there were tens of thousands of them.

When they were seated at the VIP table, the servants immediately started putting the food on the table, as two Ōtsutsuki Divine Lineage members were observing the Stardragon Floating City from the top floor of the pagoda restaurant.

Because the pagoda building was relatively high, it provided a beautiful view of the Stardragon Floating City.

"Do you have any plans for the near future?"

As they were eating, Kirihara asked him after she took a bit of the fish the servants brought to them.

Yakou nodded because he planned to participate in some battles on the frontline and take some missions to gather Contribution Points.

"I would be heading to the battlefield with the Automatons. I want to test my combat prowess and gather some Contribution."

Within the Ōtsutsuki Clan, even he needed the Contribution Points to exchange for some more precious resources and treasures from the Clan. Naturally, as Divine Lineage Ōtsutsuki Clansmen and grandson of the Patriarch, he had access to the best resources for free.

But even that had its limits and typically lasted until Tier 2; from then on, he would need the Contribution Points to obtain cultivation resources and other treasures he wanted.

Obviously, for Yakou completing some missions and gathering Contribution Points was nothing with his current strength. The Ōtsutsuki Clan was a place of striving and competition between the Clansmen for supremacy and status.

Only the best survived and became the peerless experts that swept through entire galaxies and decided the fate of millions of worlds.


Ōtsutsuki Kirihara hummed because she never went to the front where the Clan clashed against the Automatons.

Aside from the front against the Faith God Alliance, only the Automatons shared the border with the Celestial Ōtsutsuki Clan and Yakou didn't wish to go there with his meager strength.

Regarding the number of high-end experts, the Automatons were clearly far behind the Faith God Alliance as they mainly depended on their overwhelming technological superiority to push the Ōtsutsuki Clan back.

"I will head to the newly found Galactic Segments in the unknown space. Right now, most parts are devoid of high-end Automaton experts, so it should be relatively safe within limits."

Because the Universe was ever expanding and ever-growing, every few tens of thousands of years, the new Galactic Segments were created and contained tens of galaxies, sometimes or sometimes even only a few.

These areas were also termed Unknown Space because it was under no one's control and thus when they appeared, a brutal fight erupted for every single galaxy as it represented resources.

Especially for the Automatons, it was a priceless treasure trove because it contained countless minerals and metals that they desperately needed to produce their overwhelming machine armies.

"When do you plan to depart?"

Kirihara questioned him because, in fact, she planned to join Yakou on the trip and travel together. In the Ōtsutsuki Clan, there was Rule of Two, that the Ōtsutsuki Clansmen always traveled in pairs.

This Rule of Two officially stemmed from the strategy of planting the God Trees, but after some millenias, the Ōtsutsuki Clan spread this Rule to the entire Clan because when it came to the God Tree Planting, it heightened the success rate.

This was not aimed at the sacrificial part, but rather, when they encountered some resistance from native civilization, it was proved that two Clansmen were able to fight the threat way better when only one of them was sent to pacify the native civilization.

"In a few years... I need to master some techniques to obtain even higher combat prowess."

Right now, Yakou was progressing very well with his Kenjutsu and soon he would obtain a certain level of mastery over the way of sword, which would increase his combat prowess tremendously.

Coupled with his Shinjutsus, he was confident to face the endless hordes of machines belonging to the Automatons.

"Then I will join you on the mission. My dad is nagging me to take up some missions to hone my martial arts further."

Kirihara's father was Head of the Martial Hall of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and was the most talented person in martial arts for the past several eras. Naturally, Kirihara inherited a lot of her father's talent in martial arts and thus was always pressured by him to continue in his legacy.

"With our power, there would be not many powerful Automatons who could threaten us."

Automatons were a peculiar civilization within the Starveil Origin World because they were not that powerful individually.

Their destructive capabilities were relatively low and they depended on their numerical superiority and devastating weapons to fight.

Usually, they would incapacitate their opponents with their numbers and traps before they would finish them with some kind of weapon. Still, the Automatons had some really powerful experts among their ranks, but their offensive prowess was lacking.


2 chapters till the plot starts...

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Chapter 18 - Evernight High Council
As they were eating comfortably and enjoying their time together, something that Yakou found on rare occasions, as he spent most if not all of his time training and practicing.

Pursuing his aim to get stronger and become the strongest under the heavens, he noticed a familiar aura entering the floor of the restaurant.

"We have a company..."

Suddenly Yakou muttered as Kirihara raised her brow, looking at him questioningly.

The moment he stated that two people entered the VIP Logue as one of them directly rushed to Yakou.

He was a tall, muscular, fair-skinned body that was covered with large battle scars with a long grey hair and with greyish eyes. He was wearing light brown pants and a red blazer with white fur lining.


Among the three major races that were leading the Evernight High Council, Blood Races, Werewolves and Arachnids, Muzaka Kallikratos was the son of the Werewolf Lord, an ancient being from primordial times.

It was said that the entire Werewolf Tribe were descendants of the Fenrir, a frightening Tier 7 Transcendental Being on the same level as Lord Shibai, if not stronger. Nobody knew what part of the truth was in this, but one was certain that the Werewolf Tribe was very powerful.

"You have finally left the Planet Tengoku Yakou? I thought that you would rot there cultivating like some boring old man."

Muzaka laughed loudly as he slapped Yakou on his back and while both of them were essentially Tier 2, Werewolves were born with tremendously ridiculous physical strength, especially those of Royal Blood that descended from the Fenrir.

"At least I am not causing chaos with my every step."

Yakou first met Muzaka Kallikratos one hundred years ago, during the official visit of the representatives of the Evernight High Council of the Ōtsutsuki Clan.

During that time, Muzaka was already three hundred years old and was already considered the elite High-Level Warrior of the Werewolf Tribe.

Naturally, they fought because Muzaka challenged him to fight, and surprisingly or not, he lost to the Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki Clan because Yakou exploited his weaknesses during the fight spectacularly, especially the fact that Muzaka was rather prone to going berserk.

Still, the two of them became friends after the spar and they met every decade to have their annual spar.

"Lord Muzaka, please keep the decorum on the public."

The second person who came with Muzaka stated, as the Heir of the Werewolf Tribe, frowned slightly.

"What are you, my mother Juraki?"

Juraki was a werewolf with blue eyes and hair. He has a tall and muscular frame while dressing in a long white tunic. His accessories comprise of gold earrings and clips that fasten his bandanna.

"I am sent to keep an eye on you, Lord Muzaka, by your mother; that is the difference."

Yakou knew Juraki was someone from the most prestigious lines among the Werewolf Tribe and was also High-Level Warrior, which was comparable to Tier 2 Ōtsutsuki, who ate Chakra Fruit and awakened his bloodline.

The Werewolf Heir frowned at that but didn't say anything to retort to the attendant that was sent to follow him with the main aim of preventing him from causing him trouble.

"I see that your mother didn't forget about the fiasco within the Dragon Clan."

The Crown Prince of the Ōtsutsuki remarked from the side as Werewolf blanched hearing that statement because the situation with the Dragon Clan caused the Evernight High Council to pay tremendous reparation to the Dragon Clan.

Normally the Dragons were reclusive creatures that lived in their own Origin World in a similar fashion to the Catopuses and Cathulhu. Yet they often traded with some factions from the outside, especially with the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Evernight High Council.

For the Evernight High Council, the Dragon Clan was trading the Dragon Blood for an extraordinary amount of treasures because, for the Blood Races, the blood of the dragon was a priceless treasure that could advance their strength by leaps and bounds.

"Shut up, pale eyes... I have told you several times it was not my fault; if that overgrown lizard didn't send me flying to that building, then nothing would happen."

Yakou just scoffed at his excuse because it was what it was... just a poor excuse.

"You should really work on your alibism better, Muzaka... Who even got the idea of fighting in the vicinity of the transport array."

Several years ago, Muzaka, like the battle maniac he was, got into a scuffle with one of the Dragon Princes and during their fight, Muzaka was shot by a humongous dragon directly to the teleportation array, which was connecting the Starveil Origin World and Dragon Nest.

Naturally, the Evernight High Council, respectively, the Werewolf Tribe, needed to pay for everything and that price was... extraordinary as well.

To the point where the Patriarch of the Tribe was enraged beyond belief at his son for causing such an incident.

"Ts... whatever..."

After exchanging some more pleasantries, they started eating while Werewolf Juraki was standing behind Muzaka and observing his Lord not to create any trouble. Due to his reputation as a troublemaker of the Evernight High Council, which was naturally very well deserved, one could never be sure.

"So what is the Crown Prince of pale eyes scheming today?"

Muzaka asked his friend, who had an unsavory reputation as a schemer among the higher-ups of the Ōtsutsuki Clan and Evernight High Council.

"Departing to the frontline with the Automatons in the Unknown Regions."

Hearing that, the Heir of the Werewolf Tribe raised his brow at that before he came to a decision.

"Then I am going with you."

There was no one more surprised hearing that than his attendant Juraki, but he quickly regained his composure. Going to the Unknown Regions, where the Automatons and Ōtsutsukis fought against each other, was relatively safe because there were not many high-end powerhouses.

"Do what you wish, but for the time being, try to control your instincts to fight everything that moves. We don't want to attract the attention of one of their main intelligences."

Automatons were a rather peculiar civilization that had many secrets and there was the reason why they were not yet conquered or wiped out by their stronger neighbors.

From what Yakou heard from his Elders was that the Automatons were supported by some peerless experts on the peak Tier 6.

Coupled with the other advantages that they had and creative strategies, they were able to resist the Ōtsutsuki Clan or Evernight High Council for a long time. Naturally, for Automatons to win any fight again, they required tremendous manpower and sacrifices.

"I know, I know... my old man already warned me about the dangers behind the Automatons."

As long as the Automatons were not pushed beyond a certain line, their backers won't make a move and would ignore it.


1 chapter till the plot starts...
* Also note: I have decided to replace the Warhammer 40k with Legendary Mechanic after some consideration

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