IOU a College Degree (GURPS) (IOU)

((Probably nothing to add at this point. Will think about courses later))

Doing a perception roll
chinger threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 8
1 1 6 6 1 1
(GDI, my post was eaten)

"As sane as things in this madhouse run by inmates can get, Lauren..."
I shake her 'hand' and smile inoffensively.

Her hand tightens fractionally, ratcheting up1​, her grin fixed in place. "Rain," She corrects you in a gentle voice. "As in I make it."2​

She laughs then, bright and cheery and puts her arm around your neck shoulders in a friendly manner. "We're all friendly here though, aren't we, sti̸pęn͟d͘at̷e? I tell you what, how about you pay me, oh just a little out of pocket of that sweet sweet c̕olleg͞e̢ ͏c̕ash on the regular and I help you guys out on the regular. Little tutoring, little guiding, little body guarding."3​

"Uh, yeah! Place seems pretty cool..." I drifted off, considering the other part of her sentence. Now that I thought about it, Dad's bar was basically a standard meeting-place for a number of less-than-retired vets, Mom included, and I was pretty sure that a few people who frequented worked for one of the alphabet soup agencies. Some enterprising soul could probably get a number of good ins with the feds there if he worked at it... Hell, maybe someone already was.

"Freshthing's getting the hang of things," she crowed. "Maybe he won't be eaten by the Tunnel Rats this semester!"

((Probably nothing to add at this point. Will think about courses later))

Doing a perception roll

Per Results:

Two girls pop gum and talk loudly. "So, uhm, how was Orientation?"

"It was okay, not as good as COUP's you know. It was like, you know, Orientation. How's your sister?"

"I gave little miss honor roll a tour, because Mom would have killed me if I didn't. Would you believe she got Orientation mixed up? She went to Orientation instead of Orientation!"

(It's very confusing)

1: ST Roll: She's a little limp wristed
2: Intimidation Roll: Yet still terrifying
3: Taking this up incurs -1 point in Debt for something of an ally in Rain in the form of a Hireling, you can choose to pay her moe. As we're not really tracking money this means that everyone will be a little short some money once a semester per level of debt as a nuisance effect (Bribes are slightly penalized or something like that) Players may choose to invoke it to avoid problems later down the line
NemiTheNen threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Rain vs 10 Total: 14
6 6 3 3 5 5
NemiTheNen threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Rain vs 13 Intimidation Total: 11
4 4 3 3 4 4
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(GDI, my post was eaten)

Her hand tightens fractionally, ratcheting up1​, her grin fixed in place. "Rain," She corrects you in a gentle voice. "As in I make it."2​

She laughs then, bright and cheery and puts her arm around your neck shoulders in a friendly manner. "We're all friendly here though, aren't we, sti̸pęn͟d͘at̷e? I tell you what, how about you pay me, oh just a little out of pocket of that sweet sweet c̕olleg͞e̢ ͏c̕ash on the regular and I help you guys out on the regular. Little tutoring, little guiding, little body guarding."3​

"Freshthing's getting the hang of things," she crowed. "Maybe he won't be eaten by the Tunnel Rats this semester!"

Per Results:

Two girls pop gum and talk loudly. "So, uhm, how was Orientation?"

"It was okay, not as good as COUP's you know. It was like, you know, Orientation. How's your sister?"

"I gave little miss honor roll a tour, because Mom would have killed me if I didn't. Would you believe she got Orientation mixed up? She went to Orientation instead of Orientation!"

(It's very confusing)

1: ST Roll: She's a little limp wristed
2: Intimidation Roll: Yet still terrifying
3: Taking this up incurs -1 point in Debt for something of an ally in Rain. As we're not really tracking money this means that everyone will be a little short some money once a semester as a nuisance effect (Bribes are slightly penalized or something like that) Players may choose to invoke it to avoid problems later down the line
"Sorry, Rain... I think we take it...say"
Some things click and rattle in the Babbage engine that is my brain.
If this were an old cartoon, a lightbulb might flash.
"So, you make it rain. Are you in any way-mwtaphorical, metaphysical or biolological- related to Raiden no Kami, his two brothers or their servants?"
"Sorry, Rain... I think we take it...say"
Some things click and rattle in the Babbage engine that is my brain.
If this were an old cartoon, a lightbulb might flash.
"So, you make it rain. Are you in any way-mwtaphorical, metaphysical or biolological- related to Raiden no Kami, his two brothers or their servants?"

She gives you a flat look, then shugs in a way that has her long rifle moving in a small circle, "I'm getting an MnM degree." She then seems to realize just how fresh you are, "Troubleshooting in COUP's College of Opiothugry, what do you think?"
She gives you a flat look, then shugs in a way that has her long rifle moving in a small circle, "I'm getting an MnM degree." She then seems to realize just how fresh you are, "Troubleshooting in COUP's College of Opiothugry, what do you think?"
"That my knowledge of the greek language is by far not extensive enough to get your reference.At all."
She gives you a flat look, then shugs in a way that has her long rifle moving in a small circle, "I'm getting an MnM degree." She then seems to realize just how fresh you are, "Troubleshooting in COUP's College of Opiothugry, what do you think?"

"...Drugs?" I said in confusion, "There's a-" I stopped myself, pausing to rest my forehead on the palm of my hand. "Nevermind. Of course there is. I at least hope that it's focused on medical applications or something."
"What's wrong with nonmedicine drug use?" - Maya looks perplexed

I stared at Maya, forcing myself not to launch into a lecture. "Do... you want the long answer, or the short one? 'Cause the long is gonna take a while, and knowing this place, we'd get interrupted and side-tracked before I even got to the bastard who's the source of most of my problems."
"That my knowledge of the greek language is by far not extensive enough to get your reference.At all."

"Well it's--"

"...Drugs?" I said in confusion, "There's a-" I stopped myself, pausing to rest my forehead on the palm of my hand. "Nevermind. Of course there is. I at least hope that it's focused on medical applications or something."

Rain's face changes, confusion morphing to astonishment, realization to delight. "So that's how it got the nickname. I guess getting hit in the head does have a sedative effect. It's really Oplo, Opio is just a campus joke, like the PE majors calling short fused WUSE students Wussies. Only with less retaliatory murder. Just as well, I can't pay myself to do a hit."

"What's wrong with nonmedicine drug use?" - Maya looks perplexed

I stared at Maya, forcing myself not to launch into a lecture. "Do... you want the long answer, or the short one? 'Cause the long is gonna take a while, and knowing this place, we'd get interrupted and side-tracked before I even got to the bastard who's the source of most of my problems."

"Oh man you're not going to be happy here foxy!" Rain lunges across and scoops Maya's head in her arm, friendly, but perhaps threatening a noogie. "You going into the Recreational Biochemistry Department? Man, you're going to be a hoot, a popular one. I like things that make my eyes better, and people pay out the nose for study aides. But what I hear is that working on brainwashing and deprograming drugs is always popular with the teachers though, you gunna do it?"
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"Oh man you're not going to be happy here foxy!" Rain lunges across and scoops Maya's head in her arm, friendly, but perhaps threatening a noogie. "You going into the Recreational Biochemistry Department? Man, you're going to be a hoot, a popular one. I like things that make my eyes better, and people pay out the nose for study aides. But what I hear is that working on brainwashing and deprograming drugs is always popular with the teachers though, you gunna do it?"

Oh what the hell. I breathed in through my teeth in frustration, and then let it out in a sigh. "Ugh. I'm going to have to make sure nobody tries to harvest my brain, aren't I?" Exaggeration, admittedly, but I'd heard enough horror stories that... well. "Better safe than sorry, I suppose."
Oh what the hell. I breathed in through my teeth in frustration, and then let it out in a sigh. "Ugh. I'm going to have to make sure nobody tries to harvest my brain, aren't I?" Exaggeration, admittedly, but I'd heard enough horror stories that... well. "Better safe than sorry, I suppose."

"Oh don't worry my fine furred friend, the Health Center will have you resurrected in a day-unless it's a busy day, then you have to take a number. Besides," and she practically dances closer to you. "I'll protect you. Included in the fee."
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(Happy Thanksgiving Day to everyone who celebrates it.)

(Hope this picks up again. I assume your temp GM is busy with work once more. If that is the case, I can be coaxed into starting a Side Quest that takes place after your characters are students at IOU.)
"H-Hey!" I prevented myself from tripping via Rain yanking my arm, and composed myself. "I can follow, no need to pull..." I muttered. Now, to try to memorize the layout of this place...
"H-Hey!" I prevented myself from tripping via Rain yanking my arm, and composed myself. "I can follow, no need to pull..." I muttered. Now, to try to memorize the layout of this place...

((Nem casts true resurection. Let's hope the AOE doesn't fail))

"Really? Because you weren't!"

Looking down the halls is strange, it almost feels like you're looking through a very subtle fish eye lens.

The marble, and molding, the brass and glit--it's obvious where the tuition is going
Maya fastened her temp to not being pulled so much

"While we are at it - is there any nonawful nightclubs on campus or students have to go somewhere outside?"
Maya fastened her temp to not being pulled so much

"While we are at it - is there any nonawful nightclubs on campus or students have to go somewhere outside?"

"Depends on what you call a nightclub, and nonawful. Everyone goes to Pancho's Sanza's. The food is cheap, big portions, and good or the gun. It costs money but it's safer than the Cafeteria. Parties are thrown in various out of the way locations by students all the time, some are pretty constant. But you need an invite to get in. Me? I like the Underground, it's mostly COUP students on account of culling the Tunnel Rats."

(Pissed off people by doing too much. Now I think everyone is pissed by me doing too little.)