IOU a College Degree (GURPS) (IOU)

You turn and you find Mr. Long quite gone, along with the AI and your former surroundings.

(I will try to use Bold to direct your attention the fact that I am narrating or doing my mini mod duties)

(Every one roll Perception or whatever else you think is viable to notice things around you, if any of your senses are higher or lower please note that. Also roll IQ or whatever else is viable for the map. Please note the skill levels as I do not have your sheets.)

"Bribery, then Food? Mayhap we will pass WUSE as we navigate"

"I am more than fine," I smile at Sybile. "Where to first?"
" Main Building, then Library, then Mephisto Hall, then whereever the Medics are, then... Wuse and Housing?" I look at the others....
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: perception roll Total: 9
1 1 3 3 5 5
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: int roll Total: 12
4 4 3 3 5 5
" Main Building, then Library, then Mephisto Hall, then whereever the Medics are, then... Wuse and Housing?" I look at the others....

"Sounds good, I think." I paused, wracking my brains, "Ugh, well, the medical school here I think is a part of COUP for some ungodly reason." Probably literally, knowing this place. "And the health center is right nearby, so if we need to sign up for the school's medical program, we should stop there too."
Hakazin threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: PER 15 Total: 7
1 1 5 5 1 1
Hakazin threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: IQ 14 w/Eidetic Memory Total: 11
3 3 4 4 4 4
"Sounds good, I think." I paused, wracking my brains, "Ugh, well, the medical school here I think is a part of COUP for some ungodly reason." Probably literally, knowing this place. "And the health center is right nearby, so if we need to sign up for the school's medical program, we should stop there too."

(I did say everyone roll Perception and IQ. Hakazin, as you are a fox boy please also note what your other senses are at if they are diferent)
((Ok, time for my first dice throwing))

((Maya has Int and perception both at 14, and no applicable bonuses if I am reading this correctly. She is not wearing her nightvision glasses currently, but it would probably only help in the darkness or when specially searching for something using magnification))
chinger threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 9
1 1 4 4 4 4
chinger threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Int Total: 11
4 4 5 5 2 2
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Estro apparently dropped....

(Can't fully blame them... Okay, @Unimaginative feel free to chime in and roll)

You are no longer where you were. Wonderland is gone on a quest to find herselves, and you stand in the shadow of the Clocktower. It stretches up to reach the sky, bloody brick and bone white mortar topped with a digital display. It gongs the time ∞:⊸. The shadow stretches out like an accusing finger towards a stone courtyard. You can vaguely see a statue in the middle, and it curls and coils something familiar in @Hakazin's stomach, to @chinger tower and statue loom like dragons, there is something there, something sublime, perhaps, and you just met one of them.

You have orientation, the main building is to the North, the Pent to the South. Past the Pent there is a blue tower, it is vaguely familiar to all but @chinger. The tower is not on the Map.

Westward is a building that hurts the eyes, black and white and gray and it twists upon itself, an Escher made three dimensional. Eastward is something more comfortable to look at, a beautiful building with Corinthian pillars.

The Library, the Map says.

There are no Windows, furtively whispers your hindbrains.*

Unevenly spread around the tower is the Main Building, scalloping and hood mouldings on the steep roofs, lancet windows, and murderholes.

There's a brass plaque with an internal map of the internals, it is not helpful, though @Hakazin can recognize some of it. Most of it though are squibbles and crawls curving and right turns that crawl over the brass and seem to move out of the corner of your eye. In the stone beneath a thoughtful soul has scratched out Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate**

*In the pitch of a scream
(Except for me, I didn't roll well enough to notice)

**(Yes, I know, you guys probably know it, or look it up. You need to make a literature roll, or know a romantic language. You can look it up on your phones but you must rp it, if it's not in character for you to care, then don't look it up)
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(Can't fully blame them... Okay, @Unimaginative feel free to chime in and roll)

You are no longer where you were. Wonderland is gone on a quest to find herselves, and you stand in the shadow of the Clocktower. It stretches up to reach the sky, bloody brick and bone white mortar topped with a digital display. It gongs the time ∞:⊸. The shadow stretches out like an accusing finger towards a stone courtyard. You can vaguely see a statue in the middle, and it curls and coils something familiar in @Hakazin's stomach, to @chinger tower and statue loom like dragons, there is something there, something sublime, perhaps, and you just met one of them.

You have orientation, the main building is to the North, the Pent to the South. Past the Pent there is a blue tower, it is vaguely familiar to all but @chinger. The tower is not on the Map.

Westward is a building that hurts the eyes, black and white and gray and it twists upon itself, an Escher made three dimensional. Eastward is something more comfortable to look at, a beautiful building with Corinthian pillars.

The Library, the Map says.

There are no Windows, furtively whispers your hindbrains.*

Unevenly spread around the tower is the Main Building, scalloping and hood mouldings on the steep roofs, lancet windows, and murderholes.

There's a brass plaque with an internal map of the internals, it is not helpful, though @Hakazin can recognize some of it. Most of it though are squibbles and crawls curving and right turns that crawl over the brass and seem to move out of the corner of your eye. In the stone beneath a thoughtful soul has scratched out Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate**

*In the pitch of a scream
(Except for me, I didn't roll well enough to notice)

**(Yes, I know, you guys probably know it, or look it up. You need to make a literature roll, or know a romantic language. You can look it up on your phones but you must rp it, if it's not in character for you to care, then don't look it up)[/spoiler]
"Gentlebeings and compatriots" I say in an slightly confused voice as I digest the many, many things subtly or not so-subtly off on the campus...
(Did the presence of a nearby Burroughs drive mask them, somehow?)
"Lets us not be too flabbergasted or taken off our beat by the quite obvious fact that who so ever build this campus must have been an illegitimate love-child of Esher and Lovecraft... let us go and get ourselves finally admitted to this madhouse"
A deep intake of air, then I raise my hand and point
Hector shrugged at the others antics and yawns. He hadn't slept well on the ride over.

(Holy.... why can't I roll this good in D&D?)
Unimaginative threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 15
6 6 3 3 6 6
Unimaginative threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Int Total: 15
6 6 6 6 3 3
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Hector shrugged at the others antics and yawns. He hadn't slept well on the ride over.

(Holy.... why can't I roll this good in D&D?)

(Well, if you roll badly in D&D, you've continued the trend here.)

(Hector's IQ and Perception are both 13. You are supposed to roll UNDER that.)

(Rolling high in GURPS is bad. Rolling 18's is VERY bad.)

(One more week of Physical Therapy, then I get to go back to work next Monday. But I get to do therapy for a while yet, as it is going to take time to work everything out with my shoulder. VERY annoying.)
(Well, if you roll badly in D&D, you've continued the trend here.)

(Hector's IQ and Perception are both 13. You are supposed to roll UNDER that.)

(Rolling high in GURPS is bad. Rolling 18's is VERY bad.)

(One more week of Physical Therapy, then I get to go back to work next Monday. But I get to do therapy for a while yet, as it is going to take time to work everything out with my shoulder. VERY annoying.)

(I know that already, no need to remind me. I was just commenting on the fact that while they suck for GURPS, for D&D my rolls would be killer for character creation or if I was rolling damage.)
(I know that already, no need to remind me. I was just commenting on the fact that while they suck for GURPS, for D&D my rolls would be killer for character creation or if I was rolling damage.)

([glances around at the black-and-orange motif] What the... Oh right. Halloween.)

(But actually, that wasn't for your clarification. That was for Nemi's benefit as she doesn't have your character sheet. Plus I wanted to get the news out about my about-to-end physical therapy.)

(But this is why I really need to sit on my hands currently and let Nemi run things. You guys are already about to smack me. I need to calm down.)
Hector shrugged at the others antics and yawns. He hadn't slept well on the ride over.

(Holy.... why can't I roll this good in D&D?)

There are a lot of rectangular buildings on the map, and open spaces. And the map doesn't say what styles the buildings are. You think you're near Slocum building in the college of metaphysics, but you don't see the Botany tree anywhere.

(And from Above)

Still, Sybille leads the way up to the Slocum/Main building. It's labled as the Main Building, which is a delightful enlightenment to @Unimaginative.

There's a brass plaque with a map of the internals, it is not helpful, though @Hakazin can recognize some of it. Most of it though are squibbles and crawls curving and right turns that crawl over the brass and seem to move out of the corner of your eye. In the stone beneath a thoughtful soul has scratched out Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate1​

Perhaps this gives you pause​

Upon entering the Main Building you find yourself in a pentagonal foyer with four hallways awaiting you, the wall angles seem wrong somehow. It's stately, dark wood and dark marble, black with grey'd veins that almost seem to spell something out. Almost.

Despite entering from the south, the four passages are labelled, North, South, East, and West. They...don't seem to curve..? Ah No, there are crossings. It is fine. It's fine.
It's not fine
Where shall you go?​

1: (Yes, I know, you guys probably know it, or look it up. You need to make a literature roll, or know a romantic language. You can look it up on your phones but you must rp it, if it's not in character for you to care, then don't look it up)

(Navigating the Main Building:​
  • RP who is going first down a passageway, this matters.​
  • You can move twice.​
  • Declare Direction.​
  • The first move takes you to a junction rather like the one you are in now.
    • This means that you may have two passages with the same direction label.
  • The leader rolls 3d6 for the first move
    • If any 1s are rolled the junction is hollow and instead there is a dark pit with metal catwalks going around it to the doors you need, and a fire escape like stairs down
    • If any 6s are rolled there is a Fire escape stairs going upwards
    • You can have both
  • On a critical Success (3 or 4) or a Critical Failure (17 or 18) You meet someonething and cannot proceed until I jump in​
  • After your second move​
  • If you have applicable skills, like Survival or Navigation Outer gates, you can roll that too.​
  • After the second move (ping me in case I loose track of y'all) I will tell you where you have arrived.​

Feel free to narrate your surroundings so long as it's tasteful and Neo Gothic(catholic chapel and cathedral style), I will notify you when you've entered new surroundings.

There are a lot of rectangular buildings on the map, and open spaces. And the map doesn't say what styles the buildings are. You think you're near Slocum building in the college of metaphysics, but you don't see the Botany tree anywhere.

(And from Above)

Still, Sybille leads the way up to the Slocum/Main building. It's labled as the Main Building, which is a delightful enlightenment to @Unimaginative.

There's a brass plaque with a map of the internals, it is not helpful, though @Hakazin can recognize some of it. Most of it though are squibbles and crawls curving and right turns that crawl over the brass and seem to move out of the corner of your eye. In the stone beneath a thoughtful soul has scratched out Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch'entrate1​

Perhaps this gives you pause​

Upon entering the Main Building you find yourself in a pentagonal foyer with four hallways awaiting you, the wall angles seem wrong somehow. It's stately, dark wood and dark marble, black with grey'd veins that almost seem to spell something out. Almost.

Despite entering from the south, the four passages are labelled, North, South, East, and West. They...don't seem to curve..? Ah No, there are crossings. It is fine. It's fine.
It's not fine
Where shall you go?​

1: (Yes, I know, you guys probably know it, or look it up. You need to make a literature roll, or know a romantic language. You can look it up on your phones but you must rp it, if it's not in character for you to care, then don't look it up)

(Navigating the Main Building:​
  • RP who is going first down a passageway, this matters.​
  • You can move twice.​
  • Declare Direction.​
  • The first move takes you to a junction rather like the one you are in now.​
    • This means that you may have two passages with the same direction label.
  • The leader rolls 3d6 for the first move​
    • If any 1s are rolled the junction is hollow and instead there is a dark pit with metal catwalks going around it to the doors you need, and a fire escape like stairs down
    • If any 6s are rolled there is a Fire escape stairs going upwards
    • You can have both
  • On a critical Success (3 or 4) or a Critical Failure (17 or 18) You meet someonething and cannot proceed until I jump in​
  • After your second move​
  • If you have applicable skills, like Survival or Navigation Outer gates, you can roll that too.​
  • After the second move (ping me in case I loose track of y'all) I will tell you where you have arrived.​

Feel free to narrate your surroundings so long as it's tasteful and Neo Gothic(catholic chapel and cathedral style), I will notify you when you've entered new surroundings.

Looking at the scratchedmessage, I groan.
"Either there are terrible, terrible jokers around or.. no. I refuse to take this as anything oyher than a badjoke."
I enter the building, shale my head at the faux non-euclidean corridors and go for,ward, starting to shout "Hel-lo! HEL-LO, FRESHTHINGS IN NEED OF GUIDANCE HEREZ! Will pay for native guides!"
Looking at the scratchedmessage, I groan.
"Either there are terrible, terrible jokers around or.. no. I refuse to take this as anything oyher than a badjoke."
I enter the building, shale my head at the faux non-euclidean corridors and go for,ward, starting to shout "Hel-lo! HEL-LO, FRESHTHINGS IN NEED OF GUIDANCE HEREZ! Will pay for native guides!"

(Oh, I didn't know you had Italian on your sheet. Or one of the language advantages that let you read it?)

There are very very keen ears about, and a few people look your way. Some hopeful but more suspicious.

But, someone does approach, she's tall and thin, and something about her reminds you of Sam. She's cuter though, with glasses and great hair that is nearly down to her knees. She also has a long arm for protection. "Hiyyaaaa! So what's this I hear about money?"
"You're new Froshes?"
"Parents rich?"

"Or you here on"

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(Oh, I didn't know you had Italian on your sheet. Or one of the language advantages that let you read it?)

There are very very keen ears about, and a few people look your way. Some hopeful but more suspicious.

But, someone does approach, she's tall and thin, and something about her reminds you of Sam. She's cuter though, with glasses and great hair that is nearly down to her knees. She also has a long arm for protection. "Hiyyaaaa! So what's this I hear about money?"
"You're new Froshes?"
"Parents rich?"

"Or you here on"


Huh. That was terrifyingly familiar INTERESTING. Now what was appropriate in this situation? I paused, breathing in and out to try to calm myself, and then it came to me.

"Ah, yes. Bluffing. Which I'm bad at." Oh well. I stuck my hand up and waved to get the armed and mildly worrying student's attention, and then attempted to dodge the question. "Well, er, I wouldn't qualify my parents as rich exactly, I mean, dad runs a bar for goodness sake, but mom makes quite a bit from government work and some investments so I'd guess we were well off. I'm not an expert, I mean, er, um..." Great. Now think I had her attention.

(So, roll failed, and Easy to Read gives +4 to any roll she makes to see through it. This is gonna be fun.)
Hakazin threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Fast-Talk (Default of IQ-5) 9 Total: 10
3 3 2 2 5 5
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(Oh, I didn't know you had Italian on your sheet. Or one of the language advantages that let you read it?)

There are very very keen ears about, and a few people look your way. Some hopeful but more suspicious.

But, someone does approach, she's tall and thin, and something about her reminds you of Sam. She's cuter though, with glasses and great hair that is nearly down to her knees. She also has a long arm for protection. "Hiyyaaaa! So what's this I hear about money?"
"You're new Froshes?"
"Parents rich?"

"Or you here on"

(No, but I recognized the quote from Dante from a translated text.)
(Oh, I didn't know you had Italian on your sheet. Or one of the language advantages that let you read it?)

There are very very keen ears about, and a few people look your way. Some hopeful but more suspicious.

But, someone does approach, she's tall and thin, and something about her reminds you of Sam. She's cuter though, with glasses and great hair that is nearly down to her knees. She also has a long arm for protection. "Hiyyaaaa! So what's this I hear about money?"
"You're new Froshes?"
"Parents rich?"

"Or you here on"

I sigh at.. is this some kind of oni or Oger girl...
Normally, I would run like blazes. But... we are Frosh. Therefore, we are exempt from most kinds of violence.
"Nope, stipendiate, fully covered stipendiate, but not rich, Miss. On the other hans, willing to pay a sane fee if you show us to admission. Deal?"
"Also, about money....Is there somewhere there universal currency exchange? Because I don't see any credstick readers, and that's all I've got"

((Maya is probably poor in GURPS terms - she is from better part of gangland and have compulsive carousing - but every penny help))
(No, but I recognized the quote from Dante from a translated text.)

(Ah, so you have Literature or something like that on your sheet? Dante's poem is famous so I'm inclined to allow it.)

((Maya is probably poor in GURPS terms - she is from better part of gangland and have compulsive carousing - but every penny help))

(Possibly not, as TL goes up so to does starting Wealth, TL 10 is 50k, TL 8 is 20k. If you want to get technical, each GURP$ Buck is the purchasing power of a loaf of bread.)

(Anyways, I think we count ourselves as two wealth levels down from what we 'really' are for IoU terms, further more, if an altered wealth level, or Debt isn't on your sheet you have the money.)

(Just waiting on @Unimaginative )
NemiTheNen threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: vs IQ Total: 3
3 3

Huh. That was terrifyingly familiar INTERESTING. Now what was appropriate in this situation? I paused, breathing in and out to try to calm myself, and then it came to me.

"Ah, yes. Bluffing. Which I'm bad at." Oh well. I stuck my hand up and waved to get the armed and mildly worrying student's attention, and then attempted to dodge the question. "Well, er, I wouldn't qualify my parents as rich exactly, I mean, dad runs a bar for goodness sake, but mom makes quite a bit from government work and some investments so I'd guess we were well off. I'm not an expert, I mean, er, um..." Great. Now think I had her attention.

(So, roll failed, and Easy to Read gives +4 to any roll she makes to see through it. This is gonna be fun.)

She puts her hands on her hips and bends forward to grin in your face. All of you get a better look at her gun, not as old fashioned as you might have thought at first, though it's oddly rustic looking, aged brass rings evenly spaced down the barrel to hold it firmly to the stock. The small leather knapsack on her back jingles with amunition. "Bars are fun, yes? Wheeling and dealing with the goverment. Good money in that, gets you known in the right circles. Happy you're here?"

I sigh at.. is this some kind of oni or Oger girl...
Normally, I would run like blazes. But... we are Frosh. Therefore, we are exempt from most kinds of violence.
"Nope, stipendiate, fully covered stipendiate, but not rich, Miss. On the other hans, willing to pay a sane fee if you show us to admission. Deal?"

She turns to Sybille, body still but neck rotating smoothly at you. She grins more. No, more. More. "Wowie, someone loves you but good. Name's Lauren," She sticks her hand out to you like the Devil, and straightens up. "Call me Rain. Sophmore. How sane a fee are we talking? Organization dues don't pay themselves."

"Also, about money....Is there somewhere there universal currency exchange? Because I don't see any credstick readers, and that's all I've got"

"Money's the universal language. That and violence. Trust me, sweetheart, no one is going to make it hard for you to give them money."

Sam smiles and tries to get Rain to agree to let her borrow her skills.

"Sorry, sweetheart, kinda Psinull," She tugs at her backpack. "Whatcha need it for?"


A short conversation later and Sam has some major advice.

(Credsticks are accepted everywhere cards are.)

(Start coming up with class names everyone! I'll put some canon suggestions into the OOC thread. Everyone has Orientation, so you need 3 more to be full time. Remember, the more classes you have, the more Improvement Through Study skill points you'll net at the end of the semester (providing you get a pasing grade) but the more penalties you will have to project rolls due to lack of time. I have a decent system in mind, however I cannot explain it on SV ever, even if I had finished the article)
NemiTheNen threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: +5 vs Foxy Total: 12
1 1 5 5 6 6
NemiTheNen threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: vs IQ Total: 11
5 5 1 1 5 5
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She puts her hands on her hips and bends forward to grin in your face. All of you get a better look at her gun, not as old fashioned as you might have thought at first, though it's oddly rustic looking, aged brass rings evenly spaced down the barrel to hold it firmly to the stock. The small leather knapsack on her back jingles with amunition. "Bars are fun, yes? Wheeling and dealing with the goverment. Good money in that, gets you known in the right circles. Happy you're here?"

She turns to Sybille, body still but neck rotating smoothly at you. She grins more. No, more. More. "Wowie, someone loves you but good. Name's Lauren," She sticks her hand out to you like the Devil, and straightens up. "Call me Rain. Sophmore. How sane a fee are we talking? Organization dues don't pay themselves."

"Money's the universal language. That and violence. Trust me, sweetheart, no one is going to make it hard for you to give them money."

Sam smiles and tries to get Rain to agree to let her borrow her skills.

"Sorry, sweetheart, kinda Psinull," She tugs at her backpack. "Whatcha need it for?"


A short conversation later and Sam has some major advice.

(Credsticks are accepted everywhere cards are.)

(Start coming up with class names everyone! I'll put some canon suggestions into the OOC thread. Everyone has Orientation, so you need 3 more to be full time. Remember, the more classes you have, the more Improvement Through Study skill points you'll net at the end of the semester (providing you get a pasing grade) but the more penalties you will have to project rolls due to lack of time. I have a decent system in mind, however I cannot explain it on SV ever, even if I had finished the article)
"As sane as things in this madhouse run by inmates can get, Lauren..."
I shake her 'hand' and smile inoffensively.
Sailor Midgard threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: perception roll Total: 7
5 5 1 1 1 1
She puts her hands on her hips and bends forward to grin in your face. All of you get a better look at her gun, not as old fashioned as you might have thought at first, though it's oddly rustic looking, aged brass rings evenly spaced down the barrel to hold it firmly to the stock. The small leather knapsack on her back jingles with amunition. "Bars are fun, yes? Wheeling and dealing with the goverment. Good money in that, gets you known in the right circles. Happy you're here?"

"Uh, yeah! Place seems pretty cool..." I drifted off, considering the other part of her sentence. Now that I thought about it, Dad's bar was basically a standard meeting-place for a number of less-than-retired vets, Mom included, and I was pretty sure that a few people who frequented worked for one of the alphabet soup agencies. Some enterprising soul could probably get a number of good ins with the feds there if he worked at it... Hell, maybe someone already was.

(Should we post class lists for our characters once we get the information IC, or post it in the OOC thread once we finish working on it? I'd assume that the book-listed requirement of 12-18 credit hours also applies here?)
Hakazin threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception 15 Total: 8
1 1 3 3 4 4
(Should we post class lists for our characters once we get the information IC, or post it in the OOC thread once we finish working on it? I'd assume that the book-listed requirement of 12-18 credit hours also applies here?)

(Put it in the OOC thread for confirmation, then you can put it here once it becomes 'canon.' We'll tell you how many hours they are worth)
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