IOU a College Degree (GURPS) (IOU)

Which edition is that?
GURPS Lite is for 4th Edition. It's the 5% of the rules that you use 95% of the time, because most of the bulk of the books are taken up with equipment lists, setting information, and rules for doing very specific things, like creating new medical drugs. Or dealing with radiation poisoning. Or the interaction between different kinds of super-powers. Or in the case of Mysteries, a full page detailing the decomposition of a human body over the course of a year.
GURPS Lite is for 4th Edition. It's the 5% of the rules that you use 95% of the time, because most of the bulk of the books are taken up with equipment lists, setting information, and rules for doing very specific things, like creating new medical drugs. Or dealing with radiation poisoning. Or the interaction between different kinds of super-powers. Or in the case of Mysteries, a full page detailing the decomposition of a human body over the course of a year.
The motto of GURPS was always exacting reasearch .
Lets see.
By training a librarian (perhaps in the vein of Miyazaki Nodoka from Negima crossed with Yomiko Readman)
Eidetic memory, magery or psi, cute and friendly, lots of skills you do not always expect ("crouching nerd, hidden badass" , so to speak...)
Disadvantages, mhm... Shortsightedness, compulsive reader, ruprophabia , very mild shyness (optional quitk level) animal lover, t-toraller, very protective of books ....

You get the idea?

You've been reading my fanfiction haven't you? I happen to like Nodoka, and I have read enough R.O.D. to know who Yomiko is.

Did you mean rhypophobia? Abnormal disgust at the act of defecation, feces, or filth? That's only a five point Disadvantage. Works though.

Also, toraller? I tried typing that in Google. It suggested trailers.

By shortsightedness do you mean nearsighted, or impulsive? Two very different things that came to my mind when I read that.
Character Creation Example, part 1
Lets see.
By training a librarian (perhaps in the vein of Miyazaki Nodoka from Negima crossed with Yomiko Readman)
Eidetic memory, magery or psi, cute and friendly, lots of skills you do not always expect ("crouching nerd, hidden badass" , so to speak...)
Disadvantages, mhm... Shortsightedness, compulsive reader, ruprophabia , very mild shyness (optional quitk level) animal lover, t-toraller, very protective of books ....

You get the idea?

So, let's get this started.

For the purposes of this, I am going to use the 4th edition rules. If we decide to use 3rd edition, some of the point values change, obviously.

First thing that is obvious is that of the four stats: ST (Strength), DX (Dexterity), IQ (Intelligence), and HT (Health, or Hit Points)

I said I wanted a minimum of 14 for IQ, so raising that from the start of 10 to 14 costs 80 points. BUT, it also raises Willpower and Perception to 14 as well.

Physical Skills use DX as a base, while Mental Skills use IQ. Obviously I want characters with potential for lots of skills.

Which is why the base is 150 points. It allows you to get your basic attributes set higher depending on what type of character you want to run.


Advantages next. We want plenty of Moe Appeal, so let's make her Cute, or at least Attractive. 4 points.

Eidetic Memory is 5 points. 4th edition really changed Eidetic Memory. 3rd edition would cost 60 points, BUT you got Mental Skills a LOT cheaper.

Total thus far? 89 points.


Disadvantages next. I'll give you 75 points for those.

Bad Sight (Nearsighted) is 25 points. But Glasses Girls are cute.

Phobia (fear of filth (Rhypophobia) (12 or less) is only worth 5 points, as it rarely comes up. So you all know, you are allowed only ONE phobia.

Shyness (Mild) is worth 5 points. We don't want to give this character crippling shyness. Bad for Moe.

But all of that gives us 30 points BACK to use for other things. 59 points used out of 150.


Quirks. This is always where I get headaches. Just trying to give all of the characters something that sets them apart from each other.

Teetotaler? Alcohol Intolerance is worth 1 point.

58 points for now.
The motto of GURPS was always exacting reasearch .
To the point that 4th Edition Biotech was praised by people doing cutting-edge research or teaching when it came out, that High-Tech essentially had a chapter devoted to the history of medical equipment.
I know but how can we plan a character without knowing all that?
Get GURPS Lite, which is free, about 30 pages, and contains all the important rules.
Character Creation Example, part 2
Alright, after a brief PM to Sailor Midgard, I have more I can work on.

Returning to Quirks, I add in Allergy (Cigarette smoke) which just means she hates the smell of it. No real effect on gameplay.

Adding in Dislikes Liars and Dislikes Very Cold Weather help define her personality, and throwing in Broad Minded helps establish this character as a bookworm. Which is good, and maxes out the number of Quirks we can have. for a total of 5.

54 points total now.

See how this works? Points spent for Disadvantages and Quirks GIVE you points back to spend on Skills, Advantages, and Attributes.


Skills can also be used to help define our character's personality. Let me give you an example.

This character loves reading. I mean LOVES reading. Let's add in another Disadvantage: Compulsive Behavior (Reading) (12 or less) for 5 points.

If we want, we can make that worse, but let's not do that for now. 12 or less is normal, and should not bite us in the backside too badly.

Skills: Literature and Research are obvious skills. One point for each gives us Literature at 12 and Research at 13. Not bad for a basic starting character.

Just so everyone understands, all Skills use 3d6. Just roll UNDER the target number, which may have modifiers depending on difficulty.

Let's have a little fun here and give her one point in Acting and Performance. The Shyness Disadvantage lowers those by one to 12 each. But now we can say that our character sometimes acts out the more dramatic parts she reads about in her books.

One point in Merchant allows our bookworm to haggle over the price of the used books she buys, but again her Shyness lowers that to a 12.

Detect Lies and Lip Reading are Perception Skills, and one point for both gives us a 12 and a 13 respectively.


Back to our Attributes, I note that a 10 in Strength might be a bit high for our Shy Librarian type. Let's reduce that to an 8 to get back 20 points.

Total points used out of 150: 31.
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I know but how can we plan a character without knowing all that?

If you are interested in playing, you can give me general guidelines and I can create the character. Just like I am doing for Sailor Midgard now.

But your character I can PM to you, instead of showing everyone what you want. Just in case you want to be something secretive that you don't want the other players to know about.
If you are interested in playing, you can give me general guidelines and I can create the character. Just like I am doing for Sailor Midgard now.

But your character I can PM to you, instead of showing everyone what you want. Just in case you want to be something secretive that you don't want the other players to know about.

I don't care if they see it but if we are going to need to make it step by step it's better if we do it in PM.
The Black Ops character, in text form
For the curious, the main reason I have GURPS Character Assistant is because the number crunching does get to you after a while.

Especially if you try to make pre-made characters for a Black Ops game and try to convert everything from 3rd to 4th edition.

This is a BASE Science Op character, worth 750 (I think) points in 3rd edition, with room to add 50 more points of customization.

Worth a little more in 4th edition. Stats are the same as 3rd edition. Editing a little for readability.


Name: Science Op
Race: Human
Attributes [420]
ST 14 [40]
DX 14 [80]
IQ 20 [200]
HT 16 [60]
HP 14
Will 25 [25]
Per 23 [15]
FP 16
Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d
Basic Speed 7.5
Basic Move 7
Ground Move 7
Water Move 1.4

Social Background
TL: 8 [0]

Cultural Familiarities:

Languages: AMESLAN (Native/None) [3]; English (Native) [0]; German (Native) [6]; Japanese (Native) [6]; Persian (Native) [6]; Russian (Native) [6].

Advantages [287]
Combat Reflexes [15]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Patrons ((The Company)) (3) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 15 or less; Highly Accessible; Secret; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power; Special Abilities: possesses equipment from a greater TL) [210]
Very Fit [15]
Zeroed [10]

Disadvantages [-50]
Duty (The Company) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]
Secret (The Company) (Possible Death) [-30]

Skills [190]

Acting IQ/A - IQ+0 20 [2] (Skill Name (Acting), Attribute it is based from/Difficulty to learn (IQ?A), Level purchased at (IQ+0), Skill Level (20), Points spent (2)

Animal Handling (Equines) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Anthropology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+1 21 [8]
Area Knowledge (Earth) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Armoury/TL8 (Heavy Weapons) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Astronomy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Bicycling DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Bioengineering/TL8 (Tissue Engineering) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Biology/TL8 (Hostile Terrestrial) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Boating/TL8 (Large Powerboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Bow DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Boxing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Climbing DX/A - DX+0 14 [2]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Crossbow DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Dancing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Detect Lies Per/H - Per-2 21 [1]
Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Tracked) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Medical) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Sensors) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Electrical) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Gasoline Engine) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Gambling IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Games (Chess) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Geology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) DX/E - DX+1 15 [1]
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) DX/E - DX+4 18 [8]
History (Modern) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Judo DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Karate DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Knife DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Leadership IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Literature IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Mechanic/TL8 (Helicopter) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mind Block Will/A - Will-1 24 [1]
Naturalist (Earth) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Navigation/TL8 (Land) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per-1 22 [1]
Parachuting/TL8 DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Philosophy (General) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physician/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physics/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ+0 20 [8]
Physiology/TL8 (Brainsucker) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physiology/TL8 (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Physiology/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Piloting/TL8 (Helicopter) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Piloting/TL8 (Light Airplane) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Poetry IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Psychology (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Public Speaking IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Rapier DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Running HT/A - HT-1 15 [1]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Savoir-Faire (Mafia) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Military) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Scuba/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Shortsword DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Skating HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Skiing HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Spear DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Stealth DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 16 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Teaching IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Throwing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 15 [4]
Writing IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Stats [420] Ads [287] Disads [-50] Quirks [0] Skills [190] = Total [847]
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For the curious, the main reason I have GURPS Character Assistant is because the number crunching does get to you after a while.

Especially if you try to make pre-made characters for a Black Ops game and try to convert everything from 3rd to 4th edition.

This is a BASE Science Op character, worth 750 (I think) points in 3rd edition, with room to add 50 more points of customization.

Worth a little more in 4th edition. Stats are the same as 3rd edition.


Name: Science Op
Race: Human
Attributes [420]
ST 14 [40]
DX 14 [80]
IQ 20 [200]
HT 16 [60]
HP 14
Will 25 [25]
Per 23 [15]
FP 16
Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d
Basic Speed 7.5
Basic Move 7
Ground Move 7
Water Move 1.4
Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities:
Languages: AMESLAN (Native/None) [3]; English (Native) [0]; German (Native) [6]; Japanese (Native) [6]; Persian (Native) [6]; Russian (Native) [6].
Advantages [287]
Combat Reflexes [15]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Patrons ((The Company)) (3) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 15 or less; Highly Accessible; Secret; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power; Special Abilities: possesses equipment from a greater TL) [210]
Very Fit [15]
Zeroed [10]
Disadvantages [-50]
Duty (The Company) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]
Secret (The Company) (Possible Death) [-30]
Skills [190]
Acting IQ/A - IQ+0 20 [2]
Animal Handling (Equines) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Anthropology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+1 21 [8]
Area Knowledge (Earth) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Armoury/TL8 (Heavy Weapons) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Astronomy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Bicycling DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Bioengineering/TL8 (Tissue Engineering) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Biology/TL8 (Hostile Terrestrial) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Boating/TL8 (Large Powerboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Bow DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Boxing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Climbing DX/A - DX+0 14 [2]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Crossbow DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Dancing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Detect Lies Per/H - Per-2 21 [1]
Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Tracked) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Medical) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Sensors) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Electrical) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Gasoline Engine) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Gambling IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Games (Chess) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Geology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) DX/E - DX+1 15 [1]
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) DX/E - DX+4 18 [8]
History (Modern) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Judo DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Karate DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Knife DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Leadership IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Literature IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Mechanic/TL8 (Helicopter) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mind Block Will/A - Will-1 24 [1]
Naturalist (Earth) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Navigation/TL8 (Land) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per-1 22 [1]
Parachuting/TL8 DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Philosophy (General) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physician/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physics/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ+0 20 [8]
Physiology/TL8 (Brainsucker) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physiology/TL8 (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Physiology/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Piloting/TL8 (Helicopter) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Piloting/TL8 (Light Airplane) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Poetry IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Psychology (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Public Speaking IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Rapier DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Running HT/A - HT-1 15 [1]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Savoir-Faire (Mafia) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Military) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Scuba/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Shortsword DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Skating HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Skiing HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Spear DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Stealth DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 16 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Teaching IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Throwing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 15 [4]
Writing IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Stats [420] Ads [287] Disads [-50] Quirks [0] Skills [190] = Total [847]
That's a lot of skills
For the curious, the main reason I have GURPS Character Assistant is because the number crunching does get to you after a while.

Especially if you try to make pre-made characters for a Black Ops game and try to convert everything from 3rd to 4th edition.

This is a BASE Science Op character, worth 750 (I think) points in 3rd edition, with room to add 50 more points of customization.

Worth a little more in 4th edition. Stats are the same as 3rd edition.


Name: Science Op
Race: Human
Attributes [420]
ST 14 [40]
DX 14 [80]
IQ 20 [200]
HT 16 [60]
HP 14
Will 25 [25]
Per 23 [15]
FP 16
Basic Lift 39
Damage 1d/2d
Basic Speed 7.5
Basic Move 7
Ground Move 7
Water Move 1.4
Social Background
TL: 8 [0]
Cultural Familiarities:
Languages: AMESLAN (Native/None) [3]; English (Native) [0]; German (Native) [6]; Japanese (Native) [6]; Persian (Native) [6]; Russian (Native) [6].
Advantages [287]
Combat Reflexes [15]
High Pain Threshold [10]
Patrons ((The Company)) (3) (Equipment: more than starting wealth; 15 or less; Highly Accessible; Secret; Special Abilities: extensive social or political power; Special Abilities: possesses equipment from a greater TL) [210]
Very Fit [15]
Zeroed [10]
Disadvantages [-50]
Duty (The Company) (15 or less (almost always)) (Extremely Hazardous) [-20]
Secret (The Company) (Possible Death) [-30]
Skills [190]
Acting IQ/A - IQ+0 20 [2]
Animal Handling (Equines) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Anthropology (Human) IQ/H - IQ+1 21 [8]
Area Knowledge (Earth) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Armoury/TL8 (Heavy Weapons) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Armoury/TL8 (Small Arms) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Astronomy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Bicycling DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Bioengineering/TL8 (Tissue Engineering) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Biology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Biology/TL8 (Hostile Terrestrial) IQ/VH - IQ-2 18 [2]
Boating/TL8 (Large Powerboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Boating/TL8 (Motorboat) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Bow DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Boxing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Chemistry/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Climbing DX/A - DX+0 14 [2]
Computer Operation/TL8 IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Computer Programming/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Crossbow DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Dancing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Detect Lies Per/H - Per-2 21 [1]
Diplomacy IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Automobile) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Driving/TL8 (Motorcycle) DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Driving/TL8 (Tracked) DX/A - DX+2 16 [4]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Communications) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Medical) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Security) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Operation/TL8 (Sensors) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Electronics Repair/TL8 (Computers) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Electrical) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Engineer/TL8 (Gasoline Engine) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Explosives/TL8 (Demolition) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Fast-Talk IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Gambling IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Games (Chess) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Geology/TL8 (Earthlike) IQ/H - IQ+0 20 [4]
Gunner/TL8 (Machine Gun) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Grenade Launcher) DX/E - DX+1 15 [1]
Guns/TL8 (Pistol) DX/E - DX+4 18 [12]
Guns/TL8 (Rifle) DX/E - DX+4 18 [8]
History (Modern) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Judo DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Karate DX/H - DX+1 15 [8]
Knife DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Leadership IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Literature IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mathematics/TL8 (Applied) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Mechanic/TL8 (Automobile) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Mechanic/TL8 (Helicopter) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Metallurgy/TL8 IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Mind Block Will/A - Will-1 24 [1]
Naturalist (Earth) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Navigation/TL8 (Land) IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Observation Per/A - Per-1 22 [1]
Parachuting/TL8 DX/E - DX+0 14 [1]
Philosophy (General) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physician/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physics/TL8 IQ/VH - IQ+0 20 [8]
Physiology/TL8 (Brainsucker) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Physiology/TL8 (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Physiology/TL8 (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Piloting/TL8 (Helicopter) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Piloting/TL8 (Light Airplane) DX/A - DX+2 16 [6]
Poetry IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Psychology (Grey) IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Psychology (Human) IQ/H - IQ-1 19 [2]
Public Speaking IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Rapier DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Research/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Running HT/A - HT-1 15 [1]
Savoir-Faire (High Society) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Savoir-Faire (Mafia) IQ/E - IQ+0 20 [1]
Savoir-Faire (Military) IQ/E - IQ+2 22 [4]
Scuba/TL8 IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Shortsword DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Skating HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Skiing HT/H - HT-2 14 [1]
Spear DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Stealth DX/A - DX+1 15 [1]
Streetwise IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Swimming HT/E - HT+0 16 [1]
Tactics IQ/H - IQ-2 18 [1]
Teaching IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Throwing DX/A - DX-1 13 [1]
Wrestling DX/A - DX+1 15 [4]
Writing IQ/A - IQ-1 19 [1]
Stats [420] Ads [287] Disads [-50] Quirks [0] Skills [190] = Total [847]
To be fair, its Black Ops. So, insanely skilled super agents.
That's a lot of skills

For good reason. Even with all of those skills, you might still die because the monsters in that game were that MEAN!

By the way, I edited that post a little to make it easier to read and to help explain a few things.
Last edited:
Character Creation Example, part 3
Sailor Midgard said:
Wepon, hm, anything that works with being fast and lithe.
Stregthwise she is nit a wonderkid.
Sooo... fencing or something, plus martial arts and stick or staff?
Basics of firearms.
Weapon skill, hm... good enough, but not an expert. Perhaps picked it up via Martial arts package.

Fast and lithe? Time to increase that Dexterity score. 80 points makes that a 14.

Now then, lets go with Judo as our Martial Art. 12 points gets us a 16, which is not bad. It would be an 18 if not for the Nearsightedness.

Throw in a few Techniques to go with the Judo at no cost, just to see what happens...

Arm Lock (Judo) gets a point added to raise it to 17.
Choke Hold (Judo) is at a 14 with no points.
Feint (Judo) is at 16 with no points.
Finger Lock (Judo) is at 14 with no points, but I needed to use a point on Arm Lock to get Finger Lock. Which is why Arm Lock cost a point.
Ground Fighting (Judo) is at 12 with no points.
Finally, Sweeping Kick (Judo) is at 13 with no points.

Improving Judo improves all of those.


I can't help but think I am missing something.

Oh right. Language. You can't be illiterate here.

Ok, you COULD, but I am not allowing that.

Lets go with German and English, both at Native skill. Since our bookworm is from Germany originally, she gets German for free. English will cost her 6 points to read and write with it though. But Native means fully fluent in that language.

In 3rd edition, you only needed one point to be fully fluent. As someone pointed out to me years ago, if you had a high enough IQ score, you could put one point in German, one point in Diplomacy, and thus have a better-than-even chance of convincing Hitler to surrender.

As a GM, that just puts the pressure on me to keep you from getting to Hitler in the first place. :evil:

But at the moment, we have 129 points spent. 21 to go.


Basics of firearms. Hmmm. I can't imagine our Shy Librarian having a gun. So let's give her something that would probably not stand out very much at all.

A small leather strap with some cord on each end. Looks almost decorative.

But as anyone who knows History can attest, Slings HURT.

12 points in Sling gives you a level of 16. Same as Judo. Range penalties increase though, with the Nearsightedness again. But still worth it I think.

With 9 points remaining, let's give her a home.

Area Knowledge (Hamburg) for a point to give us a hometown. Level 14 might be useful if we find ourselves there. Might not be useful, but I usually stress that characters need a home of some sort.

8 points. Now all there is left is some fine details. Add more points to Research, Detect Lies, or Literature? Refine a Technique? Or add yet another Skill or two?

Decisions, decisions.
Fast and lithe? Time to increase that Dexterity score. 80 points makes that a 14.

Now then, lets go with Judo as our Martial Art. 12 points gets us a 16, which is not bad. It would be an 18 if not for the Nearsightedness.

Throw in a few Techniques to go with the Judo at no cost, just to see what happens...

Arm Lock (Judo) gets a point added to raise it to 17.
Choke Hold (Judo) is at a 14 with no points.
Feint (Judo) is at 16 with no points.
Finger Lock (Judo) is at 14 with no points, but I needed to use a point on Arm Lock to get Finger Lock. Which is why Arm Lock cost a point.
Ground Fighting (Judo) is at 12 with no points.
Finally, Sweeping Kick (Judo) is at 13 with no points.

Improving Judo improves all of those.


I can't help but think I am missing something.

Oh right. Language. You can't be illiterate here.

Ok, you COULD, but I am not allowing that.

Lets go with German and English, both at Native skill. Since our bookworm is from Germany originally, she gets German for free. English will cost her 6 points to read and write with it though. But Native means fully fluent in that language.

In 3rd edition, you only needed one point to be fully fluent. As someone pointed out to me years ago, if you had a high enough IQ score, you could put one point in German, one point in Diplomacy, and thus have a better-than-even chance of convincing Hitler to surrender.

As a GM, that just puts the pressure on me to keep you from getting to Hitler in the first place. :evil:

But at the moment, we have 129 points spent. 21 to go.


Basics of firearms. Hmmm. I can't imagine our Shy Librarian having a gun. So let's give her something that would probably not stand out very much at all.

A small leather strap with some cord on each end. Looks almost decorative.

But as anyone who knows History can attest, Slings HURT.

12 points in Sling gives you a level of 16. Same as Judo. Range penalties increase though, with the Nearsightedness again. But still worth it I think.

With 9 points remaining, let's give her a home.

Area Knowledge (Hamburg) for a point to give us a hometown. Level 14 might be useful if we find ourselves there. Might not be useful, but I usually stress that characters need a home of some sort.

8 points. Now all there is left is some fine details. Add more points to Research, Detect Lies, or Literature? Refine a Technique? Or add yet another Skill or two?

Decisions, decisions.
How much is basic magery? I am willing to go down a point on dex for it.... and a couple of simple spells.
Or make her an Body control only Chimage.
Found an ancient text about it, studied it for sheer curiosity.. oh! Curriosity disadvantage , mild!
How much is basic magery? I am willing to go down a point on dex for it.... and a couple of simple spells.
Or make her an Body control only Chimage.
Found an ancient text about it, studied it for sheer curiosity.. oh! Curriosity disadvantage , mild!

Curious is, in this case, already covered by the Compulsive Behavior (Reading). Curious would make her curious about everything.


Magery 0 costs 5 points. You need that to even try for higher levels of Magery. Magery costs 10 points per level. Higher Magery means Spells are easier to cast.

15 points for Magery 0 and Magery 1. Minus 5 for Curious. Leaves you two points over.

Cutting DX back to 13 gives you 18 points to spend on Spells and such. Run with that.

Could take off the Curious if you want? Although GMs do like a character that will start the adventure off by poking their nose where it does not belong. :evil::whistle: