Into the Void (Stellaris,Empire)

You've only seen it from orbit, so it's hard to tell. Most of it looks quite smashed, as well as covered under thick layers of ice . Also, having not much atmosphere makes it a basically uninhabitable place.
We appear to already live in arcologies, so it's not that big of a change to live in dome cities under ice... right?
The hives you live in are, though wonders of modern engineering, certainly not self sufficient facilities. For food and mineral production, they're completely dependent on the fields and mines that surround them. In essence, the hive structure forms the core of an economical unit. Peripheral installations near the hive (like fields and mines) feed material into the core (the hive). The hive in turn sustains the periphery. Each can not exist without the other.

In addition, the hive architecture itself is completely unsuited for vacuum operation. Tremendous amount of engineering effort has gone into ensuring an easy transfer of air through the hive to keep it livable. For the vast majority of their needs, they don't rely on artificial lifesupport systems, but on passive natural solutions.
For the vast majority of their needs, they don't rely on artificial lifesupport systems, but on passive natural solutions.
Does this mean that we are inexperienced with artificial life support systems?
With internal food production? (e.g./i.e. hydroponics) (obviously you can't produce minerals inside a city)

What does our food look like, anyways? Slightly more geometric plants? Or do we still use lipids just like... god, I don't even know. Graphene-smooth sheets of hydrocarbon-like icicles that stick and cling together?

If silicon can replicate cells walls and etc. the siliconoid variant of plants is probably as sinusoid as the carbon variant. Possibly with different leaf forms if we rely on transpiration, however. Not needing to worry about water conservation would be helpful in expanding the variety of leaf shapes, though heat dispersal would still be a concern...
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[X] [Fleet] Investigate anomaly (3 energy , needs exploration ship)
[X] [Fleet] Build Science Vessel ( cost 2 material, 1 energy)