We're waiting on Genrikh to be back for Jericho and the dragon is a bit too strong for us at the moment, so I would like to organize the Fungal Watchtower next time I get a chance to play.

Ilyana is going to sink 1000 gold into trying to set up a theatre within Chesed. This will hopefully be functioning as a Guild Hall as noted in the DMG, and she hopes to collect works of Sheolim theatre as well as plays from beyond the Barzahk to put on, perform, and adapt.
Friends! This Friday, at 8pm GMT (that's European time, adjust accordingly) I aim to run an Exploration session.

Current roster is @Crumplepunch, @Scia, @IcePickLobotomy, @Revlid and I think @Drachyench?

If this works for you, please sound off.

I have two routes to propose, courtesy of Crumple's pathing skills. One is longer and one is shorter. If you feel like going somewhere else, feel free to suggest an alternative path, but I need a decision by tomorrow so I can ask Havoc for the materials:

A tentatively 16-days expedition out of Kadi, exploring the area to the northeast of Tif'Eret. The lower red line is subject to adjustments; part of the goal is finally mapping out the shoreline of Lake Isonzo.

A nine-days expedition out of Joppa, into the jungle.

Take your pick!
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The northern expedition sounds good to me.

Also note that the time estimate is subject to change because we don't know the terrain. At least some of it is going to be swampland, so we should probably avoid mounts.
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If you need a level 6 shadows monk for anything give me a ring. *has the withdrawals*
I have no strong preference to either and can make the time. That said since people want to force feed Sam levels I'd suggest the north path as the south would work better for Joash.
I vote for this alternative 18-day Chokman Highlands-focused plan, courtesy of @Crumplepunch

However, I should also note the existence of the far superior OPERATION SURF HOME, which will just straight-up bring us to the middle of the map.

It will take 10 days land travel + 3 days boating on Lake Isonzo + however long the river is.
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As said, no strong opinions involving the northern path. That reiterated...

Path 1) Reduced risk (good for group including low levels), reduced reward (bad for group with potential alts and people lagging 3-4 behind front runners), dubious pathing projection (since it depends based on the shoreline).

Path 2) High risk (chance of party wipe), higher reward (good for catching up in levels), stable path (less work for DM & Havoc).

Path 3) ??? (Fuck it, we're doing it live).
Let it forever be known that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Judgement Wheel Level 2:

You can sacrifice a spell slot to 'rev' the Wheel, turning all your smite dice into d10s for 1 minute, it radiates light as a Sun Blade (Toggle-able at will), when you hit an enemy while it's glowing you can transfer the glow to that enemy for 1d10 rounds.
Replication Network: Slivers et al - Conducted By Gideon Ackermann, Head Physician And Researcher Of The Cryptoxenobiology Department, Sixth Branch


My earlier work with the Slivers is of course a matter of semi-public record. More recently, on the very same expedition in which I aided in the marking of a gith cloning facility my associates and I were able to recover no less than five intact Sliver specimens for my research. Let the record show that they were... adequate. Even if Ashab Mrak-Caw is an illiterate and altogether too nosy, I am fully aware that there is a difference between intelligence and education. There are worse choices for my liaison with the Seekers. In any case, with so many live specimens of both mutated and 'pure' strain, my work can begin in earnest.

Day 2

these fucking monstrosities are going to eat me out of

I must make arrangements for more sustainable housing for the specimens.

Day 6

I have conclusively proven and proven again my conclusions earlier drawn from deceased subjects. Naturally I probed at their network, only to be rebuffed. This was not entirely unexpected, Replication magic not quite working the same as those schools more familiar to Faerunians, but there was something about the sensation itself that seemed familiar. The difficulty inherent in this undertaking, of course, is that once I drain my powers for the day I have no recourse but to wait for another dawn. No matter - I have all the time I need.

Day 15

It was an agonising wait for the research materials I requested from Joppa, but worth my while in the end. The spell itself is not at fault. It is something inherent in me, in all people. Something that the Rephaim lack for theirs has already been obliterated. The barrier I feel during my tests is the same one that ensconced my soul during the Tar attack. No wonder they came together so easily - it is akin to taking on a symbiotic infection when your immune system has already been demolished. The problem this poses to the future of my work is self-evident.

Day 22

An immediate solution presents itself. If the wall around my soul is what prevents the effects from taking, I can turn it into a gatehouse instead. Opening and closing it as I please in order to steal away and Replicate what I desire. This is, of course, a stopgap method before whomsoever is reading this report begins to soil themselves. The spell itself is not even done, I merely need some kind of theory that works in order to base my subsequent work on.

Consider the Slivers. They freely work this dangerous magic with their own bodies, and despite very close proximity to the Rephaim they are not insane, merely domesticated. This immediately suggests that they evolved some sort of inherent defence against mutations they perceive as 'negative', and a robust one at that - a portcullis rather than an open door, sieving away that which could destroy them.

Day 27

I have come as far as I can with the tools at my disposal. I can begin my work on the 'base' spell in earnest almost immediately, but I will not be so idle as to leave it there. I need more research materials. Despite my best efforts I have not been able to force the unchanged Slivers to spontaneously generate their own mutations, so it appears that they come only from natural quirks of birth or are bestowed by a Sliver Queen. While I will not hold my breath for the chance, access to a Sliver Queen would be certain to accelerate things. To consider another angle, anyone worth their position knows that pre-calamity Sheol was rich in knowledge and application of Replication - when in doubt, seek out he who encountered your problem first, and see where they succeeded. More fieldwork lies in store for me.

Day 30

I have finished collecting my report with all the relevant diagrams, data points and citations - and more importantly, made arrangements for the Slivers. I will not risk life and limb traversing the darkest depths of the Plateau only to return to nothing because someone forgot to feed them or lock the door. Perhaps I should consider domesticating them at some stage, if nothing else then for convenience's sake once I am ready to copy their abilities. Hm.

Make the elf do it.

Date of Submission: 17 Nightal​
E: Apparently we can't delete our own posts anymore so...
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Ilyana gives Mrak-Caw both the Froghemoth Eye Scrying Focus and Qatiran's Amethyst and requests that he attempt to scry on her. Feel free to ask Tenfold about that at any time and fill him in on what Mrak-Caw sees should he suceed on scrying.
All right guys. Let's get this Guestploration off the ground.

I have mentioned before my desire to run a guest session. We had some delays, but now I have a route, fully-rolled encounters, and several prospective players.

The schedule is: either tomorrow, Friday 8pm GMT, if enough people can get their stuff in order by then, or any day between Christmas and New Year's.

This is the scheduled route:

You will be scouting out the Yesod region, getting close to the node itself. The dots on the above route are a bit inaccurate - with everyone mounted on horses, the route will take a total of 15 days.

I recommend against using alts, and suggest bringing potions. The previous Yesod explorators learned of a mind-affecting effect in the region close to the node, although they did not get close enough to come under its effect.

This will be either one extra-length session, or two shorter sessions, depending how much progress is made in the early stretch of the mission.
Skill Proficiency Get
Persuasion (120 Downtime Days, Comfortable Lifestyle) = 240 GP, 120 DD
42 Vaxammar's Old Irregular Flasks (6 each of Thunder, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Necrotic, Poison, Acid) = 2100 gp
Total Cost: 2340 GP, 120 DD

Remaining Dosh and Downtime: 1048 GP, 0 DD
@Havocfett Presuming mount movement speed adjusts Narrative Travel Speed accordingly, a projected path / plan for Sunday's exploration (with rough rest locations marked via dots).

Approximate plan is to depart from Alexandrion in a counter-clockwise motion with a party entirely mounted on steeds at least 50' in move speed. Movement will be the usual 7hr normal pace 1hr gallop. We will (unless @Revlid , @Rook , or @DissMech prefer otherwise) travel during Daylight hours, moving South towards the Plateau's edge then hug it to the East. Once we hit the South-East edge we will travel north until we have filled the last little strip near New Hebron, restocking our water supplies after that and turning West for Alexandrion.

Current plan does not include a Sled (for supplies) or Scout hireling (for Survival / Desert Navigation aid), but if anyone wants either / both I have no issue contributing to the fees. Likewise I will delete and replace my prior accounting post with a more accurate one when I get home. Note that the current map assumes - with a 50' base movement - an average 21 miles / day (42 base, halved from terrain).

A better path link.
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Purchases, accounting, and general miscellanea in preparation for Sunday's exploration run:
+ Homunculus Steed (150gp); Chest (5gp, secured within Cart); Lock (10gp). (165gp total)
+ Wagon (35gp, transferred from Consociation Inventory) (35gp total)
+ Barrels x6 (10gp, one leftover from Sarai run) filled with Water; 20 Days of Rations (10gp); Riding Saddle (0gp, transferred from Consociation Inventory); Hunting Traps x8 (40gp); Bucket (5cp); (50.05gp total)
+ 10 Candles (1sp); Blanket (5sp); 5 Parchment Sheets (5sp); Flask (2cp); 13 Days of Rations (65sp); Tent (2gp); Spyglass (20gp); 50' Rope, Silk (10gp); 4 Potions of Healing (100gp); Jug (2cp) filled with 10lbs of Salt (5sp); Tinderbox (5sp); Cartographer's Tools (15gp). (155gp, 6sp, 4cp total)
+ Spear (1gp)

Total Cost: -416gp, 6sp, 9cp
Sam's Account After Deductions: 86gp, 3sp, 1cp

We will be bringing both Qatiran's old Homunculus Steed and Sam's freshly brought one to pull the wagon. The wagon will both serve as Sam's (fairly uncomfortable) ride and to carry the lion's share of our consumable supplies during the exploration run (pulled by two Homunculus Steeds, carry volume should become a concern long before carry weight). I'm a bit pressed on dosh so I can't cover for everyone's full rations or their steeds' feed, but I'm putting 20 days worth of non-Sam rations on the cart and any excess Feed or Rations will ideally join Sam's on the cart (since worst case scenario we can carry ~2 days worth on ourselves at a given time and just head due north for the Barrowlands if things go terribly wrong, the cart + barrels + combined food coming to less than 100GP of losses if abandoned in a hurry).

EDIT: Updated purchases for the journey.

EDITED: One last edit of purchases, also bringing the Lantern of Revealing along.
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10 days feed (5 sp), 10 days rations (5 gp), Tent (2 gp), Bedroll (1 gp), Waterskin (2 sp), Silk rope (10 gp), 4 potions of healing (100 gp)

Total Cost: 118 gp, 7 sp

Total remaining cash: 2657 gp 3 sp
I'm dealing with a resurgence of psychological issues i thought I had handled and so am not really going to be able to run for a while, especially considering how intensive the Sheol campaign is. I'll tell you guys when I'm feeling well enough to pick it up.
I'm dealing with a resurgence of psychological issues i thought I had handled and so am not really going to be able to run for a while, especially considering how intensive the Sheol campaign is. I'll tell you guys when I'm feeling well enough to pick it up.
Self-Care comes first. Do take care Havoc.