In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

3.4 Battle of Theodosia Part 4: A New Event
3.4 Battle of Theodosia Part 4: A New Event

A Reminder of What the Roll bonuses are:

Roman Legion: +60

Greek Defenders:0

Claudia's Sappers: +23
You took a moment to think about what to do next, and then back to your men. Despite being all mostly unscathed, the injuries that they had taken were relatively minor, with one having a slash across his eye. A few had a few slashes that were not deep enough to be life-threatening. But they were not like you. They were tired, and pushing deeper into the territory, without a way to escape.

Taking stock of the situation, you realized that, despite the initial success, you would not survive the push.

At least not with everyone here alive. And these men will survive. Your objective would be completed.

But no one would die.

Not on your watch.

"Can everyone move?" You asked as you examined the injured men who were getting patched up with what little medical supplies had been gathered, mostly bandages and some wine to keep their spirits and strength.

"Yes!" They all replied though a few voices were evidently weaker than others.

"Then get in formation, and the Gods will Guide us!" You shouted. "To the Gate!" You pointed your blade at the nearest gatehouse. The only way that you could see that the enemy army could escape into the city.

They would not escape.

The Mass:

You all moved in defensive stances, moving slowly and watching each other's back, moving with as much haste as you could. But it was slow.

Very slow. Every step was like trying to get through the mud after a heavy storm.

Greek Attack: 77
Sappers Defense: 63

You were going to lose men every moment that you kept moving like this. Death was coming for everyone.

Claudia Defense: 678

But not when you lead these men.

They would survive, and you would conquer.

Every step when a man fell, to nearly getting killed by a greek Spear, you were there, blocking them with the shield, and their life would be ended soon enough.

You did it, for all seventy men, including Pip.

You did not consider this war.

You considered, saving them all, a chore. A dutiful one, that you did without question, and worry. After all, they were your responsibility. No one would die if you were having anything to say about it.

And then, you reached the gate, and the fighting came to a lull. The gate was still open.

And your allies would soon be upon you all, to smite them down with the fury of a thousand suns.

Severus POV

You growled as the little Tribune kept on fighting in his little position, keeping the enemy engaged as he had rescued you.

It was embarrassing, that this fresh-faced boy with no experience rescuing you. You were growing careless in your old age. Perhaps you had not been focused enough on the cavalry advantage to cause these men to rout.

You must have forgotten what your father told you long ago… or was it your mother, you didn't know, but the words were the same. "Never attack a cornered beast, for it is willing to die to escape."

And these Greeks were fighting like Demons from the underworld.

But that only meant they would die tired. He shook his head and looked out into the distance.

And saw the Scythians waiting in the wings. A clear sign from above that the flank was coming to destroy the Greek rear and flanks.

The Change:

That was when you saw the banners.

The Banners black.

Not the Red that was needed as the signal for their charge, for your men to brace.

No… They planned to kill everyone. And they were making sure you would be trapped.

"Caeser!" He shouted to his tribune as the Greeks and Romans stopped. Fear gripping their hearts, as Twenty thousand Cavalry. "Get to the CITY! Disengage fighting and run to the city!"

They did not have much time or they would all die.

Mars be dammed!

The Greeks, even with the fighting, realized that their army was not the problem anymore.

And at this moment, they may be your only hope.

Bacchus POV


You couldn't move. You couldn't walk. You couldn't even feel your legs despite every effort you did to move.

Instead, your eyes moved to the blood on your hands. And the spear that was lodged in your back. You knew something was off, but you couldn't make things out.

Then you realized where you were, on a horse. The back of a horse. You turned your head to the Barbarian that was there. A Scythians.

There was a hole that you thought was your memory, you didn't even know what was going on.

You just remembered your orders to get to your allies. There was a horse. There was a scream.

Then there was nothing.

And things were horrible, and the pain… you couldn't really feel anything, and you felt so tired that, it was almost impossible to think.

Then the Barbarian spoke. In… Greek? Yes it was greek, you could speak greek "They promised us a hundred for every head of Romans. This roman has got to be worth at least two hundred, look at how he is dressed."

"Why bother, they will all be dead soon, and soon the city will be returned to our people, just as planned." The-

You then realized the colors the Barbarians were wearing. There was… There was.

The Scythian allies? The one that the Legate vouched for? That Claudia couched for? "Why?" you moaned.

"Fuck he's awake!" One shouted as your hand found a blade. A Dagger, that balanced… a throwing knife!

Saving One's Self: 79 vs 55

The first died of a stab in the throat. You couldn't move much, and your legs felt like heavy stones, but your arms and upper body moved fine! Your captor fell off with you, and you tumbled to the ground of the horse, his body breaking your fall as the Horse.

And then you felt pain again, a cracking pain to your back as a spear or arrow, broke, and pushed deeper into your body.

The other, couldn't shock overcame him, as he drew his sword. "You scum!"

He rode far away, as you propped yourself up against the corpse of the man who had moments before been alive.

You removed the Knife and realized you were going to die. You would not beat a mounted man on horseback with a knife.

Not with this pain, not with not being able to move.

Not being able to do anything but throw.

You moved, closer to a tree, and took aim, taking out the blade and twirling it in your hand, as you took several deep breaths. He was going to come with a spear.

That meant things will be different. But not difficult.

You counted down.


You had only a moment to think, and you thought of your mother. Your mother deserved so much more than a crippled son.


The spear point was your target, the knife would do the rest.


You prayed to Mars that this would work.

And you threw the blade, letting fortune guide it.

Something was wrong. The Greeks were fleeing towards the city, and so were your comrades.

"Your orders Claudia?" Pip demanded, as your men had been busy fortifying the gatehouse.

What do you do?:

[]Write in
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In case you couldn't tell.

Things have changed rapidally.

And not in a good way.
Well so much for being allies and all the effort we did before to get them as allies. They remember their heroes alright.
Really? After a 5 explosive crits the Loyalty of the Stichans can change with a simple low roll?

Sorry @Magoose but that is bullshit
Remember, this is Severus' POV.

Not yours.

As for what they are doing.

Well You'll see when Baachus gets to the actual Scythian camp.

Not the people who are ridding towards the lines like devils.
Well so much for being allies and all the effort we did before to get them as allies. They remember their heroes alright.
All I will say is this:

You haven't seen the one roll that matters in this entire battle.

The Legates roll.

And what he did.
Alright, fuck this.

We are killing EVERYONE.

Also, Jesus...erm, Jupiter above, this really IS the perfect setup for an Unbiased History of Rome Story. The Barbarians stab us in the back first chance they get because they are Always Chaotic Evil.
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WHAT!? They seriously turned Traitor now!? WTF Mag!?
...Since you all are so impatient, I'll show you what the Legate did.

Since obviously, you don't trust me at all with where I left things off.

You are not in command. Hell, you don't even have a full view of the battle.

But here, since you obviously can't fucking wait for me to end this cliffhanger, have it!

This is roll one... of 5 that is up against the Scythian commander who wants to murder his men.

Let it be known that this drunk isn't above shit like tricking his own men to winning.
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Remember, this is Severus' POV.

Not yours.

As for what they are doing.

Well You'll see when Baachus gets to the actual Scythian camp.

Not the people who are ridding towards the lines like devils.

All I will say is this:

You haven't seen the one roll that matters in this entire battle.

The Legates roll.

And what he did.

All I heard is we are killing these traitors who happen to claim to remember their heroes and our Legate for probably something stupid.