In Fine, Solum Est Tibi (A Quest in Rome, During The Fall of the Republic)

We should probably start teaching ourselves about law and administration when we have the opportunity. With an Intelligence stat like ours it shouldn't be that hard to learn.
Military, Charisma and Intelligence being so high makes us a literal genius. The only thing I really think we need to focus on improving is our understanding of Logistics. That seems like something we will need if we are going to plan large scale military operations.
We need to raise our Subterfuge, because we can't count on our spymaster to keep us safe all the time, and 7 Subterfuge isn't high enough to keep us safe from schemers, as it is one of the stronger avenues they can use against us.
Lacking Subterfuge is a problem, but we've got this huge blind spot covering multiple skills related to any sort of management of large numbers of people outside of active combat. If we want to be a leader, fixing that has to be priority one.
I feel like in the short term we are going to have to work on maintaining and expanding our retinue in order to cover our weaknesses. Put that Charisma to work.
You have but one problem with that.

You have the Sulla/Marian civil war coming your way.

And business for weapons and steel will be very good.

Or you can do other things, like trying to make a profit with your villa.
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Military, Charisma and Intelligence being so high makes us a literal genius. The only thing I really think we need to focus on improving is our understanding of Logistics. That seems like something we will need if we are going to plan large scale military operations.
On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, Marius *spit* has made our task somewhat easier by splitting up the baggage train among the legionaires.

Lacking Subterfuge is a problem, but we've got this huge blind spot covering multiple skills related to any sort of management of large numbers of people outside of active combat. If we want to be a leader, fixing that has to be priority one.
This is far more of a problem. Men we can lead, govern, or daunt, but we will struggle with the administration of things. If we intend to remake the Roman state, in whole or in part (which is itself struggling with the administration of things, with its urban institutions ill-suited to a provincial empire), we will need to redress this flaw within ourselves.
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Wait, are we the idealist that has grand dreams but can't figure out how to pay for it?

We should focus in administration. Subterfuge we can delegate, but not understanding how admin works is how money gets embezzeled.
Wait, are we the idealist that has grand dreams but can't figure out how to pay for it?
You can play her that way if you want. Or you can be an insufferable genius who knows she's that damn good but lacks the money to pay for it all.

Also, one thing to say:

This turn, most likely, will be all about the Villa, and how you want to do things.

And what you plan to do of course?
Oh great lets go and learn about this money thing. Never actually bought anything always let the slaves handle that. It has somehting to do with those useless metal pieces right?
Actually her father handled most of the purchasing, our MC only ever reaped the benefits of sound financial decisions.
Oh great lets go and learn about this money thing. Never actually bought anything always let the slaves handle that. It has somehting to do with those useless metal pieces right?
To be fair, our Education Skill is very good. That may help us learn stuff more quickly. I assume we have the theoretical Knowledge to most things down, but utterly lack practical expertise.
Good news, your slaves will make sure we don't burn anything down.
I am now imagining an entire company of slave escorts following and preceding her around the villa, moving things out of her way, sliding furniture so it's where it needs to be when she randomly decides to sit down, carrying torches from 3 meters away while extinguishing any none slave held fires in the general direction she's heading, and a bizarre pulley system involving straps in the villa's bath so she can't slip and hit her head trying to get out of the tub.
I know it's more complicated then this but this absolutely looks like

The Gods: "And you shall have only one child, a daughter"

Our Father: "Nope, I have a son."

The Gods: "That's not how this works"

Our Father: *Puts armor on a child* "Try and stop me"