
"Wie zum Teufel sind wir in Tibet gelandet?"

In a realm beyond sight
the sky bleeds red over blue.
There, the Goddesses' delight
faces peril dire and true.

Hyrule was founded by the first Zelda, who was Hylia that had relinquished her divinity to utilize the Triforce against the great moblin Ganon and his tide of darkness. After that trial, only the first for Hyrule, Zelda I took up the mantle of leadership for her scattered creations and founded a city on the isle in Lake Hylia.
Humans flocked to her fledgling state and the first races, such as the Gorons, aided her greatly for the sacrifice of her divinity and what started as a single large city expanded outward. By the time of her death over a century later, Hyrule stretched for a dozens of miles on either side of Lake Hylia and every human deferred to her.
Since then her bloodline has fairly, if sometime eccentrically, ruled Hyrule. At its height it directly held all the plains between the Burning Sands and the Great Forest. The Forest races save for Deku Scrubs, the Death & Fire Mountain Goron, the Sheikah in Kakariko province, and River Zora could be counted as loyal allies or vassal states. Hardy Hylians even trekked to the Snowpeak mountains in the far northwest or sailed to new shores on the western coast of Sapphire Sea to settle new lands.
The Hyrule of today is far from that peak. Two and half decades of war with Ganondorf, the Gerudo, and his endless minions has fractured all of Hyrule's allies save the Forest and broken off both Kakariko and Ordona provinces from the kingdom entirely. But Zelda VI has just been coronated after a peaceful, restorative eight year regency and aims to reunite all of the lands her father gave gave everything to defend.

It will be an arduous task: The Cycle of the Triforce still runs with no Hero of Courage in sight, the Bearer of Wisdom having had her piece used to dubious ends, and the Wielder of Power unaccounted for. Three of Ganondorf's generals still live and his vast forces have simply scattered, leaving danger lurking in every corner of the world. The Gorons will not return to the fold without aid against the flying menace of the Helmaroc King and plans for full payment of the vast debts Hyrule owes them. The River Zora residing in Zora's Domain were crushed by Ganondorf during the war and number maybe ten thousand now in a greatly damaged homeland. The Forest stands with Hyrule, but Arch-Wizzrobes leading undead hordes infest it and it requires dire amounts of aid to relieve a exhausted Great Deku Tree.

Zelda marches to aid the Forest, but Hyrule cannot be everywhere at once. Some able few will have to stand and aid the realm...​

This is a transformation of my Zelda quest, as I was having too much fun building the setting supporting the quest to leave it alone.

I'm looking for one or two players to join three others I've already recruited. This will be play by post, likely with batch rolling and party plans to speed along combat. If we can all set a time slot up, we'll do sessions also. Not first come, first serve.

As the title stats, we're going to be using the 5e ruleset, but with custom races. If someone wishes to be a Zora or Ruto, I'll stat them out. The basic player rules are free. The game will start in Zelda's coronation festival in Castleton, right before Zelda departs for the Forest. Any other questions, just ask.

You can use the standard spread or roll 3 4d6 and drop lowest & 3 3d6 capped at one 16(then 15s).

A detailed mapping of Hyrule is available. Grey for cities, purple for towns, red for Forts, light brown is hills. A big map.

An interactable PDF character sheet.

(Current PCs are a Hylian Fighter of a now reduced noble house, a Kokiri Warlock that is working on their sheet, and a bumbling Kokiri rogue with a most inappropriate fairy.)​
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I'm interested, probably as a Korok Cleric/Druid mix. Are stats done by point buy or rolled? And are unearthed arcana subclasses allowed, specifically the Twilight Druid?
A DnD RP, sounds like fun. I've always wanted to play a Tabletop RPG, but never found a group to play with. Dibs on the Bard
I'm interested, probably as a Korok Cleric/Druid mix. Are stats done by point buy or rolled? And are unearthed arcana subclasses allowed, specifically the Twilight Druid?
I'm interested, probably as a Korok Cleric/Druid mix. Are stats done by point buy or rolled? And are unearthed arcana subclasses allowed, specifically the Twilight Druid?

Knew I forgot something.

You can use the standard spread or roll 3 4d6 and drop lowest & 3 3d6. Capped at one 16(then 15s) and lows as low as you want to go(at least min 8).

UAs allowed as I read them. Twlight Druid looks fine. Let me get that deity list out... Gods and Pantheons

Mystic is a UA no go.
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Knew I forgot something.

You can use the standard spread or roll 3 4d6 and drop lowest & 3 3d6 capped at one 16(then 15s).

UAs allowed as I read them. Twlight Druid looks fine. Let me get that deity list out... Gods and Pantheons

Mystic is a UA no go.
Could you tell me more about the Weeping Raven? It seems the most fitting for an Arcana Cleric/Twilight Druid, but I don't recognize it from LoZ.

The current idea for the character is an Arcana Cleric/Twilight Druid Korok who's left the forest in search of folks to help it in purging the undead and wizzrobes that infest it and endanger the forest people and the great Deku Tree.

Edit: also do you want us to roll in here, or in a rolz room or somewhere else?
erlking threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 4d6h Total: 16
5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1
erlking threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 4d6h Total: 17
6 6 4 4 4 4 3 3
erlking threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: 4d6h Total: 20
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
erlking threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 3d6 Total: 12
6 6 2 2 4 4
erlking threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 3d6 Total: 10
6 6 2 2 2 2
erlking threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: 3d6 Total: 4
1 1 2 2 1 1
erlking threw 5 4-faced dice. Reason: Cleric Gold (5d4)x10 Total: 11
2 2 4 4 1 1 3 3 1 1
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Could you tell me more about the Weeping Raven? It seems the most fitting for an Arcana Cleric/Twilight Druid, but I don't recognize it from LoZ.

The current idea for the character is an Arcana Cleric/Twilight Druid Korok who's left the forest in search of folks to help it in purging the undead and wizzrobes that infest it and endanger the forest people and the great Deku Tree.

Edit: also do you want us to roll in here, or in a rolz room or somewhere else?

The Weeping Raven is Sheikah deity. Once a simple raven turned Wizard familiar, the Raven's master cared for one thing: Finding the truth. Beyond enchanting items for the Sheikah, the wizard relied on his familiar to help them spy on enemies and test their allies from afar. When carried by someone from the Sheikah, it was said to weep when being lied to.

The wizard died eventually, but the Raven lived with much of its master's abilities invested in it. It continues to aid the Sheikah, but only distantly. It lives in the sealed Shadow Temple and will take offerings of secrets or new magic and repay them in kind.

It seeks something and can sometimes be seen flying around the higher levels of the Tower of the Gods.

Your character concept looks good. Rolling here is fine. :)
So looks like that'll leave us with three kokori/koroks and one Hylian then. A very forest focused party. Should be interesting.
Here's Jokul the Korok, I'll be adding background in just a tad, and given Jakul really can't use his starting equipment I rolled for gold and will buy stuff in a bit.
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Where did you get that spread sheet?

Also, I'm thinking about playing a Zora, could you stat one out for me?

Zora mechanics in the sheet now.

River Zora come from Zora's Domain, which was frozen solid near the end of the war by Ganondorf. This unsurprisingly killed most of them. After Ganondorf disappeared, it thawed and they returned to rebuild. Swanmore and the nearby towns aided some, but the Gorons have done the moat to aid in putting their Domain back together. The last living Sage is a River Zora and he works ceaselessly to pass his knowledge onto his people despite his failing health.

River Zora are stiff, with great expectations of etiquette from everyone they meet. They make studious Wizards and devote Clerics to Lord Jabba Jabba.

Ocean Zora come from Windfall Island, where the more free-spirited Zora came to after crossing the Sapphire Sea. There they live with ocean loving Hylians and brave Gorons not afraid of sinking, exploring the largely uncharted Windfall Island. Untold numbers of Merbokin make every foot of shoreline claimed a unending fight.

Before the war with Ganondorf began, he flooded the Sea with great sea minions, cutting it off from the mainland some twenty years ago. They remain despite his disappearance, making the Sea all but unsailable.

Ocean Zora are much more outgoing, loving music and celebrations more then their inland cousins. They make foe entertaining Bards and nimble Fighters.

Lord Jabba Jabba summers in Zora's Domain and winters near Windfall Island.

Are there any significant differences between something the different human types? As in, do Hylians have different stat bonuses or anything compared to the Sheikah or Gerudo?

Also, because I still have these bookmarked, may I recommend these;

The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

. . . That is, if you don't already know about them. Or if you don't need 'em.

Are there any significant differences between something the different human types? As in, do Hylians have different stat bonuses or anything compared to the Sheikah or Gerudo?

Also, because I still have these bookmarked, may I recommend these;

The Homebrewery - NaturalCrit

. . . That is, if you don't already know about them. Or if you don't need 'em.

I've seen them, used some of it. The only difference between humies is appearance and the bottom section.
Working on my character sheet now. Since I've never filled one out before, I might ask you for help Woo.