I'm going to have to be the hero aren't I

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Kazuma is punished by Heaven for breaking the rules and so he's sent to another version of earth, unfortunately, it's not as safe as his version of earth.

Bleach, Konosuba crossover


If you want peace, then you must prepare for war.
Kazuma hit his head on the wall over and over again while at the same time cursing his luck.

Heaven had sent him here after he and his friends had defeated the demon king, according to them it was his punishment for breaking the reincarnation cycle.

Not because Aqua kept on bringing him back to life, or because he had successfully stolen Aqua from Heaven when he chose her as his cheat item, no it was because he had figured out how to enter Eris's throne room while he was still alive.

Luckily for him, the King of Heaven interfered and forced every other god and goddess to give him what they called a slap on the wrist because he had managed to kill what was once believed to be an unbeatable opponent.

And as a result, he was dropped into another version of earth, unfortunately for him as he was falling to the ground a portal opened beneath him and he fell into it just a giant monster wearing a white mask walked out of it.

And now he finds himself here, trapped inside a giant labyrinth with no way of knowing how to get out.

A cold and deep howl that echoes through the tunnel forces him to stop hitting his head on the wall and so he's forced to start walking again.

If it wasn't for the sphere of light that his flare skill creates he would be completely blind here, even if he used his enemy detection skill and dark vision skill along with his snipe skill.

Hell, he was still using those three skills to avoid the monsters that lived in the tunnels, and if it wasn't for his dodge skill that forced him to turn and walk in another direction than the one that he had wanted to go in he would have been eaten along time ago.

"Where am I?" he asks himself as none of his skills activate anymore, so he knows that he's not in danger at the moment.

As he sits down to get some rest and catch his breath, he lowers his head but forces himself to raise his head and look for something, anything that he can use.

It doesn't matter if its a stick or a ball of dirt, he doesn't know what he will use it for or why he's looking for it, he just wants to find something anything that isn't a monster or white sand and white rocks like the ones that he has been seeing ever since he fell into this place.

He can't help but smile when he sees what looks like a white pillar that has blue light coming out of it, as he stands up and walks closer to it he notices that there are several burn marks covering the pillar and the walls beyond it.

Because none of his skills have activated he knows that it's safe for him to walk down the tunnel even if it's pitch black and there's a faint blue light at the end of it.

As he walks into the dark tunnel his flare skill begins to flicker as if something was draining the magic from it, but he manages to make it to the end of the tunnel just as the light from his skill dies.

The blue light from the end of the tunnel begins to glow brightly as the wall in front of him starts to move away from him revealing what looks like a giant white room, that has what looks like tables that are made of blue light.

Normally he would know better than to walk into what looks like an abandoned laboratory but considering that his only other option is the tunnels that are filled with monsters he decides to go in.

As he walks closer to the tables made of blue light he hears the wall behind him cover the only exit.

"Greate." he says to himself as he starts to look at the things that are on the table.

Normally he would either be excited by what he just found or worried that if he touches any of them then an alarm or a defense system will activate, but he's too tired and hungry to care.

The first thing that he picks up is a pair of disks that don't seem to do anything, so he puts them into his pocket.

Next to them is a bow, but there aren't any arrows for it, so he moves on and he finds what looks like an instruction manual, unfortunately, the moment that he touches it turns into dust.

The blue light that made the tables begins to fade until the tables are completely gone, now there's nothing in the room but him.

The ceiling begins to open and he doesn't question the fact that stairs start to come down, he just starts to walk and as he leaves the room he finds that he is walking into a desert.

"Well at least I'm not surrounded by monsters anymore." he says to himself as he looks at the starless sky and smiles at the full moon.

He starts to walk again but considering that he hasn't had anything to eat or drink he begins to run out of energy and collapses on the desert floor.

"Drain touch." says to himself as he hopes to gain some power from the ground beneath him.

His skill begins to flare and pull the desert sands towards him as it turns them into power for him to use, as more and more of the white sand is crushed and turned into energy for him to use he begins to feel his hunger and thirst vanish.

Kazuma can't help but smile as his exhaustion finally catches up to him, but he doesn't care anymore as he falls into a deep sleep.

Kazuma begins to wake up, he doesn't know how long he has been asleep but considering that the moon is still up and there are no signs of the sun yet, he knows that he couldn't have been asleep for too long.

With nothing else to do, he begins to walk again but after what felt like hours he finally stops walking and looks at the full moon, he knows now that there isn't a sun in this world, because the moon hasn't moved.

"So this is my life now." Kazuma says to himself as he sits down and looks at the bow that he found in that room.

He pulls on the strings and pretends to fire an arrow, but he is surprised to see that the strings on the bow begin to glow green and when he lets go of them a green arrow is fired into the distance.

He doesn't bother to wait and see what happens when the arrow he just fired land, instead he quickly gets back up and starts to run away and it's out of pure luck that he runs into another portal that a monster is using to leave the desert.

He blinks as he realizes that he's standing in what looks like a town, but he doesn't know if this is the earth or another world, but he decides that it doesn't matter as it's better than where he just escaped from.
2 One more time but at least I'm not alone
As he walks deeper into the town he can't help but stop and look at his reflection, he lets out a small laugh as he sees that he was somehow de-aged.

He's back to the same age that he had died and that can only mean one thing, it's going to be hell for him to find a job because he sure all hell isn't going back to the nightmare that was school.

Granted school isn't considered a hell or nightmare by most people but it was for him and he has no intention of going back there again.

His enemy detection skill warns him that something that can and will hurt him is nearby and as he looks up he sees a woman wearing something that samurais would wear.

The strange thing is that she's floating in the sky and they would have mistaken her for a guy, if he hadn't spent so much time with Chris he wouldn't be able to tell that she was a girl because of how flat-chested she is and how short her hair is.

He watches as the flying woman draws her sword and flies towards what looks like a giant spider that has a white mask for a head.

"Not my problem.' he says to himself as he ignores the sound of battle and continues with his life, he has better things to do, like finding a place to live and figuring out how he's going to live.

As the day passes he's forced to find an alley that he can hide in and closes his eyes, he can't help but smile as he listens to the dogs barking in the distance and the sounds of crickets.

"Yeah this is better." he says to himself as he remembers the howls that he would hear in that other world.

"You shouldn't sleep here." he hears someone say to him, and by the sound of her voice, he knows that it's a woman.

"Why not? I'm not blocking the entrance and I'm not bothering anyone." he answers her but he doesn't bother to open his eyes to look at her.

He begins to feel himself falling asleep when he hears someone else start to talk.

"So any idea how we are even here?" another woman asks the first one.

"No, but it has something to do with him, otherwise why would we have woken next to him?" the first woman answers the second one.

Kazuma opens his eyes he found himself looking at a pair of women both of them had light skin but one of them had long black hair, and the other one had long way by light brown hair.

"Whatever this is can it wait until tomorrow, I've had a lot to deal with?" he asks the two women who just nod at him.

The next day he finds himself doing the same thing as the day before, which is looking for a job or a place that will let him stay for a day or two, unfortunately, he now has a pair of women following him where ever he goes and worst of all no one else can see either of them.

"So how long are the two of you going to be following me?" he asks the two women.

"Don't know, maybe until we know why we're here." the brown-haired woman answers him.

"Perhaps we should stop walking and introduce ourselves, considering that we will be following you for a while." the black-haired woman says to him.

Kazuma stops walking and turns to look at the two women.

"I'm Sato Kazuma and I'm or was an Adventurer." he introduces himself to the two women.

"I am Kanae Katagiri." the black-haired woman introduces herself to him, as she bows her head to him.

"My name is Masaki Kurosaki." the brown-haired woman introduces himself to him as she waves at him, her white dress is an exact copy of the black dress that the woman next to her is wearing.

"So do either of you know anyone or a place that I can stay in, I mean I don't mind sleeping outside again but it gets boring after a while," he asks the two women.

Masaki and Kanae look at each other and they both immediately dismiss the first person that they think about, then they both nod as they decide to on the only person that can help the three of them at the moment.

"Yes, there is a person that can help you and maybe us." Kanae says to Kazuma as she points in the direction that he needs to go

The three of them soon find themselves standing in front of a large building and the sign in front of it reads Karakura Hospital.

"Okay, so why am I here, I mean I'm not hurt and I don have any money on me right now?" Kazuma asks them and both women start to giggle.

"Yeah, they're going to get along just fine." Masaki says to Kanae who just smiles and nods.

"Go inside and tell the receptionist to call Ryūken Ishida, tell her to tell him that if he hasn't eaten the celery then he will be in trouble." Kanae says to Kazuma.

Kazuma just turns and looks at the black-haired woman, but what options does he have, after all, he hasn't eaten anything and he would honestly be happy just to have a place to sit down that isn't made of concrete.

As he walks in he feels the cool air of the air conditioner and as he walks toward the receptionist he notices that the woman's attention is completely on him.

'Hie, I'm here to see Ryūken Ishida, can you please tell him that if he hasn't eaten the celery then he will be in trouble."

"He will know what that means." Kazuma says to the receptionist who stares at him for a moment before she picks up her phone and repeats what he just said to her.

After a few minutes, a man wearing a white doctor's coat, who has white almost silver hair and glasses steps out of an elevator and walks towards him.

"Yeah so I'm guessing you're Ryūken Ishida?' he asks the white\ grey-haired man who just nods.

"Come on you can tell me everything while we go to my office." Ryūken says to Kazuma as he leads Kazuma to the elevator that for some reason hasn't closed yet.

The moment that the elevator closes Kazuma immediately says the only thing that makes sense to him.

"Kanae Katagiri is standing next to me, she's the one that told me to come to look for you."

"And considering that she's friends or at the very least act's friendly with Masaki Kurosaki I think you should know that Masaki is standing next to me too." Kazuma says to Ryūken who doesn't react to his words.

The elevator stops and as the door opens Kazuma notices that he's now standing in front of an office, there wasn't anything like a hallway or another door that led to said hallway, meaning that the elevator was the only way in and out of the room.

Even before Ryūken steps into the office, he starts to take off his coat before he turns and glares at Kazuma.

'Tell me everything." he demands.

Kazuma just looks at the man before telling him everything that has happened to him ever since he arrived in this universe, everything except for the fact that he didn't exist before and that the reason he was falling was that the gods had literally dropped him into the world.

Ryūken rubbed his eyes before he signaled to Kazuma to place the things that he found on his desk.

Kazuma did what the man asked him to do and he watched as the man picked up the bow before putting it back on the desk but it was when the man picked up one of the disks that he noticed the man's eyes widen.

The man then picked up the other disk and he began to laugh but there were teas falling from his eyes at the same time.

"Can you still see them?" Ryūken asks Kazuma who just points at the two women.

"I'll need some time to study the disks, just leave this one with me and keep the other one with you maybe you can find a way to use it while I'm studying the other one." Ryūken says to Kazuma as he begins to write something down.

"This is the address of an apartment building that I use when I'm doing something that I normally wouldn't do, use it."

" I'll pay for everything, but you need to go back to school, I'll figure out how to forge your papers but I won't allow anyone that has any connection to me to be on the streets and have no future because they didn't go to school." Ryūken says to Kazuma as the sound of Kazuma's stomach growing fills the room.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet before handing Kazuma a handful of money.

"Buy yourself something to eat." he says to Kazuma.

As Ryūken watches Kazuma leave he closes his eyes and squeezes the disk that he's holding.

'So do you think he has a connection to the king?" he asks Kanae.

'I don't know, but he can see me and Masaki without the disks, so maybe we were imprinted on him because of them." Kanae answers her husband.

"Can you take me to Uryū I want to see just how big he's gotten," Kanae says to Uryū who hesitantly reaches to wards her hand, and they both gasp when they realize that they can feel each other's hands.

Neither of them says anything and they just embrace neither caring that Kanae had died years ago and Ryūken is still alive
Kazuma looked at the apartment it wasn't big but it wasn't exactly small either, as he looked at the door that had the number that Ryūken had written on the piece of paper he began to put in the security code to unlock the front door.

The inside of the apartment was bigger than he had expected, but there was too much white, sure there were some blue colors here and there but that was it.

The couch was a bone white, while the curtains and rug were blue with what looked like white crosses on them.

The sound of the phone ringing reached his ear and while he was hesitant to answer it, he knew that only one person knew that he was using the apartment.

"Hellow." he says as he answers the phone.

'I finished the paperwork and you're entering Karakura High School tomorrow, I've already taken care of the paperwork as for your uniform the school will handle taking care of your measurements." Ryūken says to him before he hangs up.

With nothing else to do Kazuma walks towards the couch and sits down, he stares at his hand and begins to activate his skill one after another, he's careful not to put her into them so that he doesn't end up accidentally burning or ruining something.

He smiles his skills haven't gone away in this version of earth, and while it's a little bit harder for him to use them for some reason, he's still able to use them.

"So who was that guy?" Kazuma asks Masaki who was silently watching use his skills.

"He's my adopted brother and ex-fiance," Masaki answers him but considering how things were done in the other world Kazuma doesn't react to her attempt to mess with him.

'So I'm guessing that he's her uncle and brother?' he asks Masaki who stares at him for a moment before she starts to laugh.

'That would be the case after what I just said, but no he is or washer husband before she died." Masaki answers Kazuma, however, she notices that he suddenly became tense.

"What's wrong?" she asks him.

'Nothing I just figured out why I was dropped into this world."

"Hey just out of curiosity are there people that come in and out of the place where people are supposed to go when they die?" he asks her.

'Yeah, they're called Soul Reapers, and it's their job to send the souls of the dead to the Soul Society, and they're the ones that are supposed to deal with the Hollows the monsters that wear the white masks." Masaki answers him.

'Yeah that makes sense and I'm guessing the guy you and Kanae sent me to, is either one of them or someone that has powers similar to theirs?" he says to her but Masaki doesn't answer him this time.

"I'll take your silence as a yes, oh well it's better not to think about it, if I have to run away I will." Kazuma says to himself as he lays down and closes his eyes.

"Hey, Masaki before you and Kanae found me what was the last thing that you remember?" Kazuma asks Masaki not knowing that at the same time, Ryūken was asking Kanae the same question.

"I was being pulled by a blue light, but something pushed me somewhere and then I found myself standing next to you" Masaki answers Kazuma.

"The next thing I knew I was standing next to a sleeping Kazuma." Kanae answers Ryūken.

As both Kazuma and Ryūken listen to both women's answers they begin to come to the same conclusions, either both women were somehow still in the world of the living and for some reason, no one could see them.

Something had grabbed their sous and laced them into the disks.

Or for whatever reason no matter how far-fetched it was Kazuma bringing the disks to the world of the living must have pulled their souls away from wherever they were being taken.

Kazuma reached into his pocket and squeezed the disk as he tried to make it do something.

While he was doing this, Masaki watched him give up before he chose to bite the disk and then put some of his power into it, which was odd because she could feel his energy flowing into her very being and she didn't know if she liked it.

She could feel his energy flowing from the tips of her hair to the ends of her toe and it felt as if Kazuma had touched every part of her, including her clothes, and she didn't even know how she could feel her clothes being touched.

"Well, this is new." Kazuma says to himself as he holds what looks like a sword that's made of green light.

"You are going to need his help, you know that right?" Masaki says to him and Kazuma doesn't answer her, as he begins to feel a sense of dread growing inside of him.

In his office, Ryūken holds a similar sword to the one that Kazuma is holding while his wife sits on his lap.

He notices that the elevator opens but he doesn't care if someone sees him after all normal people can't see the sword and much less.

'Mom?" he hears his son say to Kanae before she jumps off his lap and runs towards their son.

" I missed you so much" Kanae says to Uryū while completely ignoring the fact that their son can see her when Ryūken didn't know she was there until he held onto the disk.

As Ryūken looks at his wife who is crying while hugging their son he turns to look at the sword that's made of blue light, somehow activating it made Kanae's spirit visible to people that have spiritual awareness.

He doesn't know if giving it more power will allow his wife to be seen by normal people but he knows that the answers he's looking for are in the laboratory that Kazuma found in Hueco Mundo.
"So this is my life now." Kazuma says to himself as he looks out the window, granted that he's closer to the wall that leads t the hallway and there isn't even a window next to him so the teacher can see that he's not paying attention.

Today had been completely uneventful when he entered the class and said that he was a new student the teacher just looked at him and told him to find an empty seat.

He soon realized why the teacher didn't seem to care about him when he looked at his classmates.

If he had to describe everyone that was in the room with him, including the teacher, they were the troublemakers of the school.

The girls were either on their phones talking with each other or paying attention, the same went for the guys but they were a completely different issue altogether.

There was a hierarchy in the room.

Some of the guys in the room either tried to make themselves small so that no one would notice them, while others glared at them and laughed when they saw the other kids cower.

The sound of the bell ringing makes him notice the rest of the students were either walking out of the classroom or were taking out their lunchboxes from under their desks.

Unfortunately had forgotten that he needed to bring his lunch and that he needed money to buy the food that the school sold, so he was going to have to go hungry today.

"You know you could spend some of that money that Ryūken gave you yesterday." Masaki says to him as he gets up and walks out of the classroom, but she stops talking when she sees someone walking toward her.

Kazuma turns to look at her and notices that she is looking at a guy with short orange hair.

"Do you want t go talk to him?" he asks her but Masaki just vanishes and she only reappears when the orange-haired guy and Kazuma walk past each other.

the two of them walk silently until they are outside and Kazuma begins to look for a place to sit down, he finds a small patch of grass where there aren't any people and lies down.

"He was." Masaki begins to say to him but he stops her from doing so.

"If our not ready to talk about it then don't, but if you are I'm right here so don't rush it." he says to her.

"Thank you." is the only thing that Masaki says to him as he lies on the grass next to him.

The two of them enjoy the warmth of the sun until the bell rings again and Kazuma is forced to go back inside, as he opens the school's door he briefly uses the reflection on the glass to see the three figures that are standing in the sky.

Whoever those people were they needed to keep their emotions in check.

More than once one of them or all three of them had made his energy detection skill activate and forced him to slowly open his eyes but since none of them had done anything he ignored them and enjoyed the feeling of the grass beneath him.
As they walked into the classroom Masaki was trying to stop herself from laughing she could see Isshin glaring daggers at Kazuma through the window.

Considering that it was Kazumas the first day of school she didn't bother him whenever she sensed a Hollow was nearby, not that she would have done so anyway because there was no telling what the Soul Reapers would do to him.

Again she feels puls flowing from Kazuma towards her and she turns towards the door, she can't help but feel surprised when she sees Kanae's son walking towards Kazuma.

"Hey, my dad said I should give you this." Uryū says to Kazuma as he hands him the other disk.

"If you do anything to her, I'll hurt you in ways that you cant imagine." Uryū says to Kazuma as he hands Kazuma the disk, but the boy didn't bother to lower his voice so everyone in the room heard him.

'If you're going to fight do it outside, and if you're not, get out." the teacher says to Uryū who immediately walks out, but before he leaves the room he glares at Kazuma again.

Masaki can't help but lock eyes with Kanae as they both try to stop themselves from laughing, Uryū was just like Ryūken, the two of them either acted cold towards people or acted as if they were angry all of the time.

'So does he know?" Masaki asks Kanae who nods at her.

'Yeah, he knows but there are some things going on right now, so we should stay with him so that he doesn't get himself into trouble." Kanae answers her as they both look at Kazuma who has his head burring under his arms while he is still in class.

'We are going to have to get him into shape." Kanae says to Masaki.

"Yes, we are." Masaki says to Kane.

Kazuma can't help but feel a chill run down his spine when he hears both women's words and feels their eyes on his back, he wasn't going to like what the two of them had planned for him, but he couldn't help but smile for some reason he couldn't help but smile.
Kazuma listened to the teacher as she tried to teach her lesson to the troublemakers that were his classmates, and he couldn't have been more bored.

After being an adventurer and enjoying his life, just sitting in class was boring, it wasn't bad, it was just boring.

As he listened to the teacher's lesson he concentrated his magic on the tip of his fingers, when he saw the familiar green glow of power he stopped using his magic to see what happened next.

To his surprise, he found that four green lights lingered in the area where his fingers were before he moved them out of the way.

"Kazuma, since whatever is under your desk is more interesting than my lesson, why don't you come to the front of the class and do these math questions." his teacher says to him.

Kazuma lets out a small breath before getting up and walking to the front of the class, he looks at all five questions and writes the answer on the board for each of them.

"Can I sit down now?" he asks his teacher, whos looking at him with wide eyes.

'Ye, yes, and put your head down again, since it helps you study." she says to him.

The bell rings and it's finally the end of the day meaning that he can go home, or whatever the apartment is for him right now.

"Kazuma, stay for a little while, I want to talk to you." his teacher says to him, when they were finally alone she hands him a white sheet of paper.

"Kazuma normally the students of this school are allowed to go home after the day is over, or if they want they can stay behind for club activities."

"Unfortunately or fortunately for you, you don't have an option, you need to enter a club."

'The questions that you answered earlier were at a college level, so you are a talented person, so please font let your gift go to waste." she says to him.

'Okay but you still haven't told me what I have to do about the sheet of paper." he says to her.

"Sorry." she says to him and from the look on her face Kazuma can see that she forgot about telling him what to do with it.

"I'm willing to work with you and help you create a club that you can enter because no one will accept you into theirs this late into the school year."

"So write down your club's name, what it's about and the names of three other people by the end of the week." she says to him.

'And how am I supposed to do that, it's my first day in this school." Kazuma asher but his teacher just ignore him and walks out of the room.

"Well, you could ask." Kanae begins to tell him, but Kazuma stops her before she can say anything else.

"Forget it, I'm not asking the guy that brought your disk to me. By the way, was he your son?" Kazuma asks Kanae who just smiles at him.

"So that's a yes." Kazuma says to himself after he sees how happy Kanae looks.

"Kazuma if you aren't going to look for people to join your club, Ryūken told me to tell you that you should go see him when you're done with school." Kanae says to him.

"I'll do that after I'm done looking for people." Kazuma says to her as he gets an idea, and starts to write the name of his club down.

'Ladies I present to you, the Supernatural Combat Club."

"We do everything from fighting evil spirits, exploring haunted buildings and objects, to learning how to use magic." Kazuma says to them.

Kanae and Masaki both look at the name and the description of what the club is supposed to do before they look at each other and silently agree on what they are about to do.

Both women raise their hands and hit Kazuma on the head.

'Are you crazy!?" Masaki says to him.

'Young man that's the stupidest idea that I've ever heard." Kanae says to Kazuma.

'You are a Quincy if the Soul Reapers find out about you." Kanae and Masaki say to him before they both stop talking when they realize that they just said more then they were supposed to.

"What's a?" Kazuma begins to ask both spirits but he stops when Masaki raises her hand.

"Please Kazuma, just go see Ryūken, he needs to see if you are what we think you are and then we will explain everything to you," Kanae says to him.

Kazuma looks at the two women before deciding to do what Kanae told him to do, and as he leaves the classroom he decided that he will get some payback for getting hit by them.

"You know I was just playing, but now I'm making that club even if the two of you hit me." he says to them.

"So where am I going to meet Ryūken?" Kazuma asks Kanae.

'He is at a friend's house, you see certain things need to happen between Masaki's family and my own." Kanae says to him as she Locks eyes with Masaki who silently nods, as if she is agreeing with what Kane just said or didn't say.

"Okay, so where am I going now?"Kazuma asks Kanae.

"Sorry I forgot to tell you the only thing that you have to do is go back home, there will be something on the floor, so just sit on it until Ryūken tells you or calls you." Kanae says to him.

Kazuma wants to protest, but her husband is paying for his apartment and the school he's going to, so he can't argue with either of them.

So with nothing else to do, he walks back to the apartment and opens the door only to find that there's a giant white sheet of paper on the floor.

"I'm supposed to sit on that?" Kazuma says to Kanae as he closes the door.

'The paper will change if you are what we think you are and if you're not then we will find out what you are." Kanae answers him.

Kazuma just sits down before deciding that he would rather lay down and take a nap.
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"Does it matter?" Aqua says to him as they look at each other for what feels like the last time.

"...." Kazuma can't help but laugh but at the same time, he isn't sure if he should laugh, so the sound that he makes sounds completely unnatural.

"Maybe this isn't a punishment, did you think about that, maybe the king noticed that you need to do something before we give you your reward." Eris says to him as both Aqua and her place a hand on his head.

"Or maybe this is a punishment, but hey no one says that you can't enjoy your life and forget about everyone else." Wolbach says to him as she places her hand on his head.

The four of them smile at each other, it's hard to believe that the gods forced his friends to push him into this new world, they could have chosen not to do it, but that meant that he would fall into this new world without any skills.

So with smiles filled with sadness, the three goddesses pushed him down and he began to fall into this new world.

"No one says I can't enjoy my life, so why not forget about everyone else." Kazuma says to himself as he wakes up and finds that he's not alone anymore.

The first thing that he saw was the disapproving glares that the four people in the room were giving him, and the last thing that he saw before deciding that he didn't want to deal with them was the strange bracelet that Ryūken was holding.

In all honesty, he should be asking both Ryūken and his son how they entered the apartment or why they let themselves inside, but this was his apartment and he was just using it because Ryūken had told him to use it.

So Kazuma decided that whatever this was he didn't have to deal with it, so he closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

His evasion skill flared and his body moved on its own the moment his skill sensed danger, this was the difference between his enemy detection skill and his evasion skill, his enemy detection skill can only react when someone that isn't a friend or a random person wants to hurt him.

His evasion skill activates regardless of who or what is trying to hurt and kill him, but neither skill is perfect so he can still be killed and hurt by other people and objects.

Kazuma finds himself standing in front of Masaki and Kana who just shake their heads in disapproval.

"Good your awake." Masaki says to him as she looks at the paper that he was using as a bed.

Kazuma watches as everyone in the room begins to look at the no longer white giant sheet of paper, Kazuma looks down and sees that there's a green cross that has blue, gray, and red veins coming out of it.

"He isn't exactly pure, but at the same time he isn't tainted either." Ryūken says as he picks up the sheet of paper and does something to it, that makes the blue cross and multicolored veins come out of the sheet of paper and puls with power.

Kazuma can you show everyone those spells that you were using the other day." Masaki says to him and Kazuma mentally kicks himself for using his skills in front of her.

Unfortunately, he's completely dependent on the people in front of him for now, so he has no choice but to do what Masaki says to him.

He begins to use one skill after another, and while he can't use his strongest skills and spells, he limits himself to only using his beginner skills.

This way no one knows everything he can do, but they have an idea of what he can do, while not asking him if he's shown them everything.

'I expect you to keep your grades up, no one that's connected to my family will be anything but the best." Ryūken says to him with a commanding tone in his voice.

"I know what class you were put in and why you were put in it, so there's nothing anyone will do about it, but I expect you to do everything else, knowing that people will know that you are a part of my family." Ryūken says to him as he hands Kazuma a silver cross bracelet.

"It's the bow that you found in Hueco Mundo, it has already bounded itself to your spirit energy, so it's yours. Now sit down we have a lot to talk about."

Kazuma takes the bracelet and does what Ryūken says to him, and he listens to Ryūken explain everything that he knows from what Quincy and Soul Reapers are and the history that they have with one another.

Ryūken finally tells him what the Soul Reapers will do to him when they find him, and why he should do everything that he can so that he doesn't stand out.

When he's done with his explanation Ryūken hands him a card. 'This will be the money that I will give you to live if your grades go down or you do something to taint my name the money in the card will be reduced." Ryūken says to him.

"Thanks," Kazuma says to Ryūken as he takes the card from the man's hand.

"Kazuma it will take some time for me to open the gate to Hueco Mundo, but do you think that you can open the door to the lab if you have to?" Ryūken asks him.

'I can take you there now.' Kazuma says to Ryūken before grabbing him and his son and teleporting back into the laboratory.

'I can teleport anywhere, as long as I have already been there once.' Kazuma says to everyone before they can ask him anything.

Ryūken immediately begins to search the room and he soon finds what looks like some sort of markings that he uses to make the walls of the room faze out of existence.

Kazuma can only widen his eyes when he sees that there are tables full of disks similar to the ones he found and next to them is a bow that doesn't have arrows.

'I'll need time to look through everything, and I would rather not be dependant on you, so take us home." Ryūken says to him.
The disks were an attempt by the Quincy's to copy the Soul Reapers Zanpakutō but they were considered failures, for two reasons.

The first one is that no one could figure out how to create a soul or imprint their souls into them to create the spirit that would live in the sword.

The second reason is that they were incomplete, the disks themselves aren't a finished product, so a person needs to use two of them to make them work properly.

Not to mention that they don't offer the user anything except the spirits of the dead Quincy and a pair of swords.

It's believed that Kazuma has some sort of connection to the spirits of the Quincy and he's the reason why their souls\ spirits are now showing up inside the disks but no one truly knows why.
All of that was a problem until Kazuma showed up and filled in the blanks.

The reason is that Kazuma can use the disks like the Adventurer Skill Cards.

Meaning that if Kazuma or someone he has given a pair of disks to, gives someone else a pair of disks, then that person can learn whatever power they want.

If the person that gave them the disks likes them enough, then they can just let that person copy whatever skill they like from them.

There's also the limit to how much power a person can control because if you're weaker than the person whose skill\ power you copied then the skill\ power will be weaker than its original user.

Kazuma's new skill;
Sacred Resureccion, The goddesses gave Kazuma this skill because they know how easily he dies.

Unfortunately because of how many times Kazuma has seen Aqua and Eris resurrect him and other people, he has no idea how other people see him when he does this, nor does he care because it's the spirit world and everyone is already dead.

This skill doesn't just bring him back to life, the guy can bring other people back regardless of who they are and how long they have been dead as long as their souls and spirits are present.

This skill has the same limit it had when Aqua was with Kazuma. There has to be something left to bring the person back.

It can be as small as a single hair, as long as something is left he can bring the person back.

[Yes it works on flesh and blood Humans too.]

Disk spin; allows the spirits in the disks to fight alongside their users, meaning that they can fire arrows and use whatever skills they have to help their users during a fight.

The spirits aren't limited to whatever power that had, they can access the skills that their disks copied and create their own combinations with them however, they do get weaker if the fight drags on.

The reason is that they aren't connected to their user anymore, they are fighting separately from them in this form.

[Doble calibre] the same as before but the user is now directly connected to the disks granting him the spirit's skills and granting the spirits access to their user's energy.
info 2
The Supernatural Combat Club\ The Adventurers;
The Supernatural Combat Club also Known as the Adventurers was and is nothing more than something Kazuma created to pass the time.

It just happens to be filled with people that can see ghosts and either have powers of their own or disks that Kazuma gave them so that they can fight said ghosts.

The group also has several people that are ghosts who joined the group because they thought it would be interesting, were forced to join or joined the group when they were at a low point in their lives and haven't left ever since.

Contrary to popular belief the group isn't a threat to anyone despite what many claim, as its members keep to themselves and are usually training or simply living their lives.

The group calls itself the Adventurers as they have entered the various realms and explore the areas that no one else dares to enter, it's these areas where they pass their time training.
Kazuma doesn't have a reason to be in the room after all he already has a pair of ghosts to deal with and he doesn't want to deal with any more ghosts if he can avoid it.

So he does what Ryūken asked him to do and teleports everyone back to Ryūken's apartment, the moment that both Ryūken and his son are sure that they are back in the Human world they leave.

Kazuma finds himself standing in the living room alone, listening to the door close behind them.

"Hey, you haven't eaten anything, why don't we go shopping and I'll teach you how to cook some of my " Masaki says t him as she walks in front of him.

Kazuma smirks when he sees the woman's smiling expression, he knows that she's trying to cheer him up in her own way, and it's because she said something to him, that he knows that he isn't completely alone here.

Even if normal people can't see Kanae and Masaki he can and that's enough, after all, normal people and people that can't defend themselves shouldn't be involved with things that Adventurers deal with.

"Yeah, might as well use this thing as long as it has money in it." Kazuma says to Masaki as he starts to walk towards the door and then out of the apartment.

The first thing that he notices when he closes the door is how cool the wind feels, he knows that he fell asleep and so some time must have passed while he was asleep, but he doesn't know how much time passed while he was in Hueco Mundo.

After all, he doesn't know when Ryūken arrived in the apartment and how long the man was in there before he woke up, so he has no idea if time passes differently in Hueco Mundo.

"Kazuma, you know that someone such as yourself can use his powers to do certain things if you want." Kanae says t him as they walk down the empty street that is slowly getting darker.

Kazuma doesn't bother to turn and look at her because he knows that she's right, any and every adventure knows but few of them ever use their skills for anything that isn't fighting monsters or just playing harmless pranks on their friends.

"If there's a girl that has caught your eye neither Masaki nor I will object or try to stop you, if you decide to force." Kanae says to him but she stops talking when Kazuma stops walking.

He looks at the sky which is even now becoming darker before he starts to answer Kanae.

'Pass, I already was surrounded by a bunch of crazy women and besides I have the two of you now, so no I'm good." he says to Kanae and Masaki before he starts to walk again.

As Kazuma walks down the empty streets he listens to the sound of his footsteps, the sun managed to completely go down by the time he manages to reach the grocery store.

He can't help but smile as he looks at the different kinds of junk food that he would have bought in the past, and would have bought now if he hadn't felt both women's eyes every time he tried to grab one.

"So besides Hollows and Soul reapers what else is there?" Kazuma asks the two women, as he grabs several packs of raw meat.

"Well, there are a lot of things like normal animals because they have souls too." Masaki says to him as she points towards a pack of chicken that's on special.

"There are also creatures that live n the other realms that you should avoid, like the Feral Beats and the Dragons." Kanae says to him as she looks through the fruits and vegetables for the ones that haven't spoiled yet.

"Kazuma." both Masaki and Kanae say to him as they both point at different things that they like, while at the same time, they somehow manage to telepathically tell Kazuma that someone is watching him.

Kazuma doesn't react, not because he doesn't believe that the person watching him can't hurt him, but because the person isn't a threat at the moment.

Maybe he or she is wondering who he is or if something is wrong with him because, from a normal person's point of view, he's been talking to himself this entire time.

Or they are just gathering information for now and so they aren't an immediate threat, but the chances that someone knows anything about him so soon are small because who would know about him?

Luckily for him, the grocery store is open late so he doesn't have to rush to pay before the employees have to close, unfortunately as the cashier starts to scan the last of the food his energy detection skill begins to activate.

He ignores it, but he still uses the reflective plastic that's behind the counter to look for any signs of who might be watching him.

"Damm.' he says to himself when his eyes meet the yellow eyes of a black cat.

"Is there a problem? Do you want to put something back?" the cashier asks him.

'No, I just forgot something." Kazuma says to the man behind the counter before quickly turning around and grabbing the nearest bag of potato chips and then turning back before handing it to the cashier.

"Kanae, Masaki is that cat a ca or is it something else?" Kazuma asks both women who vanish before turning to look at the black cat.

"I can sense some spirit energy but it's not a threat." Masaki says to him as she reappears next t him, just as he hands the cashier Ryūken's card.

"It's ignoring you now, but it was who we sensed earlier." Kanae says to him as he leaves the store with both hands filled with grocery bags, but unlike Masaki, she decides to stay invisible.

As he walks back t the apart, meant he notices that the streets are unusually quiet, because unlike before he can hear his footsteps making some sort of echo every time he takes a step.

His evasion and enemy detection skills flare and force him to jump onto a nearby wall, just as a large snake that has the white mask that the Hollows are supposed to wear buries its head where he was walking a moment ago.

'I'm glad that I didn't buy anything that breaks." Kazuma says to himself as he waits for the giant snake to attack him again, but the attack never came as the same woman that he saw a few days earlier jumped down from the sky and sliced the snake's head in half.

"Kazuma get out of here before she sees you." Kanae says to him and Kazuma teleports back to the apartment when he hears the fear in her voice.
"So that was interesting." Kazuma says as he stands in the living room, but he doesn't bother to think too deeply about what just happened, after all, Ryūken told him that Hollows would be attracted to him because of his high spiritual pressure.

Because the apartment isn't his and he doesn't want to pay for anything that gets ruined, he quickly makes his way to the kitchen and starts to put the groceries into the refrigerator.

He makes sure to leave a few things out because it's what he's going to eat tonight and while he's in school.

Masaki tries to grab some things to help him put everything away but because she is just spirit she isn't able to touch anything, so she's forced to watch him do everything alone.

"Hey, Masaki." Kazuma says to Masaki as he puts a plastic bag into another plastic bag that he's using as a trash bag.

'Yeah." Masaki answers him.

'The guy with the orange hair, he was your kid right?" Kazuma asks Masaki, but before she can answer him Kazuma starts to talk again.

'I know that I said that you didn't have to meet him and even if he isn't your son, you must have had someone that you cared about." He says to her as he finishes putting everything away and picks the vegetables and meat pack off the floor.

"What I'm trying to say is that you have a chance of saying everything that you couldn't, I don't know what will happen in the future so you should take this chance." Kazuma says to Masaki who hugs him and nearly makes him drop everything.

'I know." she says to him but the tone of her voice is a mixture of several emotions.

The calm yet playful woman that tried to get a reaction out of him the day before, now sounded weaker than a child but at the same time, she sounded as if she was sure of the decision she had made.

"But it will be even more painful for them if I'm forced to leave them again." Masaki says to him as she tightens her hug.

Kazuma looks up when he feels a hand on his head and e sees Kanae standing in front of him, the woman has a warm smile the kind that only a mother can have.

"One thing at a time." Kanae says to him.

"Like you said, we don't know what will happen in the future, and things in our world aren't so kind." Kanae says to him as Kazuma briefly sees the younger versions of Kanae and Masaki aiming their weapons at each other.

"Now since we can't touch anything, it's up to you to follow our instructions, so what will we make?" Masaki says to him as both she and Kanae let him go.

'Hold on, let me do something first." Kazuma says to the two women as he walks towards the window and opens it, it didn't take more than a second for the same black cat from earlier to jump inside the apartment.

'Who are you?" he asks the black cat.

'Meow." was the only thing that the cat says to him.

"Kazuma stares at the cat before he lets out a breath and says. "Okay, one meow for yes two meows for no."

"Are you something else trapped in a cat's body?"

"Meow, meow."

"Okya so that's a no, so are you a spy or were you just curious?' he asks the cat who just looks at him with its golden yellow eyes.

"Meow-meow -meow."

"So you were just curious.' Kazuma says to himself.

"Hold on Kazuma that cat made three meows, that means it said yes to being a spy and no to being curious," Masaki says to him, with a serious yet amused tone in her voice.

'No, it's obvious that the cat said no to being a spy and that she was just curious about Kazuma." Kanae says to Masaki and Kazuma can see that the woman has a playful smile as she says this.

"either way it can't hurt me because normal people can see can see it and it's getting late so we should start making lunch, breakfast, and my school lunch." Kazuma says to his two spirits who look at him with worried expressions.

"Then we have to make two different meals." Masaki says to him.

"Two?" Kazuma asks her.

'Yes, one for tonight, one for tomorrow morning, and a mixture of the two so you can at it in school tomorrow." Kanae answers him.

The two women begin to tell Kazuma how to cut the vegetables and tell him when the pans are hot enough for him to start cooking, as they were doing this, they completely forgot about the black cat that watched them the entire time.
"So what did you see?' Isshin says to Yoruichi as she walks into Urahara's store.

"He's just a kid with high spiritual energy, at least that's what I want to say." Yoruichi says to Isshin as she hops onto the counter and sits down.

"He didn't know what hollows were because he just called them monsters with white masks." Ryūken says to her.

"Yet when a hollow attacked him, he was able to sense it and avoid it before it could hurt him, so he's experienced in fighting low-level threats." Yoruichi says to him.

"And at the same time, he wasn't shocked to see a cat that had a spiritual presence, and instead he asked me if I was someone trapped in a cat's body."

'Which would mean that he's encountered other beings that either have the form of animals or were trapped in the bodies of animals." Urahara says as he tries to understand everything that he's heard so far.

"It's obvious that he's just someone that fell into all of this by accident, even if he's had experience with spiritual beings. So what are the two of you going to do?" Urahara asks Ishin and Ryūken.

"Nothing, I have already provided him with more than enough, he has a home, money, and he now goes to school." Ryūken says to Urahara.

"Oh, but for the first time in years, you find that you and your son aren't the only Quincy alive, so why not train him?" Urahara asks Ryūken.

'You know why"

"If I don't train my own son, why would I train this stray." Ryūken answers Urahara.

"As much as it pains me to say this, I can't do anything for now. With my powers the way they are, and I don't know what will happen if I separate Masaki from him for too long."

'Not to mention how Ichigo and the girls will handle seeing their mother again, and knowing that she's trapped inside that disk." Isshin answers Urahara.

"Well how about I train him?" Urahara says to the two men, but stops talking when he sees the glares that both men are giving him.

"So that's a no, I guess we will just have to keep an eye on him for now." Urahara says to everyone and doesn't say anything as both Isshin and Ryūken leave.

'Well, what didn't you say in front of them?" Urahara asks Yoruichi.

"NothingI told you everything, he's just a kid that fell into this by accident, either that or he's hiding a lot of secrets." Yoruichi answers Urahara as she closes her eyes and falls asleep.
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The sound of the bell ringing again tells everyone that it's time for lunch and just as he reaches under his desk for the lunch that he made the night before Kazuma hears his teacher call to him.


"Yeah," Kazuma says to her, as he puts his lunch on his desk but he stops talking when he sees that she's holding the sheet of paper that he left on her desk.

'While I don't agree with your club, I have to admit that it's still an afterschool activity." She says to him as she puts the paper in front of him.

"I already placed my name as the person that will be keeping an eye on you, so all that you have to do is find people to join." she says t him with a cheerful voice.

Kazuma wants to protest, he wants to say that he had just written that down as a joke, but in all honesty, he can't see why the club can't exist.

It's true that monsters exist in this world and some people will want to hurt him if they find out that he can see them, but there are also people like Kanae's husband that are willing to help people.

"Yeah, I don't know anyone." Kazuma says to her but the woman hands him a handful of papers.

"I already made the copies and told the student council that you will be putting the signup sheet on the boards, so it's up to you to put them up so people can sign up for it." she says to him before walking away.

Kazuma can feel his classmate's eyes on him, but he ignores them and opens his lunchbox, and allows himself to enjoy the cold smell of the food that he made last night.

"Mind if I sit here." he hears someone say to him and when he looks up he sees that it's one of the kids that are usually being picked on.

'o ahead." Kazuma says to him.

He ignores the kid as he moves the desk in front of him so that the desks are facing each other before he puts his lunch on the table, but the moment the boy opens his lunch box, one of the bullies shoves his hand into the box and pulls out a piece of fried chicken.

Kazuma doesn't say anything as the bully eats the kid's lunch and then spits in the kid's lunchbox.

He doesn't say anything even when the bully walks back t his friends and starts to laugh with them.

"Get up. " he says to the kid who just sits there looking at his ruined food.

"What?" the boy says to him.

"I said get up, go buy a couple of sandwiches and some juice." Kazuma says to the kid as he hands him some of the money that Ryūken gave him.

The boy takes the money and walks out of the class with his head down.

Kazuma listens to the boy's footsteps even as they are drowned by the other students who are talking with each other or walking down the hallway, when he's sure that the kid is gone he stands up.

'Kazuma what are you?" Masaki says to him as Kazuma walks towards the bullies.

"Apologies to him." he says to the guy that spat in the kid's food.

The bully is easily taller them Kazuma, as Kazuma's head only reaches up to his shoulders.

The group in front of him is made of five people and all of them look stronger than him, so when he says this they all start to laugh before they begin to both insult and try to scare him.

Kazuma ignores everything that they say to him because he's heard it all before, back in his version of Earth, back when he was the one being looked down on by everyone.

"So get lost!" the bully says to him as he grabs Kazuma from his shirt, unfortunately for him, Kazuas skills flare so instead of Kazuma being thrown across the room, he uses the bully's power to throw him across the room.

The sound of the kid's body hitting the wall and all of the desks makes everyone that was trying to ignore what was happening including their teacher turn to look at what was going on

The rest of the group tries to attack him, but Kazuma easily avoids them and forces them to either slip and fall or bump into each other, and he soon has them kneeling on the floor gasping for air.

The sound of the fight makes everyone that was in the hallway gather to see what was going on and unfortunately, a couple of teachers force their way into the room before they see Kazuma standing in front of the group of bullies, the teachers run up t him and try to force him onto the floor, but Kazuma easily avoids them.

'Stop, he didn't do anything wrong." his teacher says to the group of teachers who look at her with anger.

"Then what happened here!?" one of the male teachers demands her to answer.

"You don't come to my class and demand anything, just as I don't enter and demand anything from you in your class."

"If you put your hands on my student, I will report you to the authorities." his teacher says to the group of teachers who angrily leave the classroom.

'Kazuma, stay after class for detention, the rest of you, you know he held back because he never threw a punch."

"Remember that when you try to do something to him," she says to the group of bullies who stand up and walk out of the class.

As the crowd outside begins to leave Kazuma sees that the guy he sent to buy the sandwiches is standing at the door.

"I bought your." he begins to say to Kazuma.

'I didn't tell you to buy them for me, throw the food that guy ruined away, you can pay me back when you can." Kazuma says to the boy as he walks back to his desk and sees that his lunch is on the floor.

He just smiles, it must have been knocked down when he threw the guy across the room or when they were trying to hit him.

"Here, two for you two for me." the kid says to him as he hands Kazuma a pair of sandwiches.

the two of them sit down and eat after they pick up the mess, unbeknownst to Kazuma, Masaki, Kanae, and his teacher lock eyes with one another, before they all look at Kazuma and the boy in front of him.
As the bell rings and the rest of the class leaves Kazuma finds himself being the only one that's forced to stay behind, oddly enough he isn't alone, three other people are still sitting down and don't show any hints of leaving.

"Kazuma wait for ten minutes and you can start posting your sign-up sheets." his teacher says to him.

'So what am I supposed to do while I'm here?" he asks her but the woman just ignores him and begins to look through her cell phone.

"Do what you want," a short-haired girl says to him as she begins to stretch.

As she does this she allows Kazuma to see every curve in her body, and while he does like what he sees.

Having lived with three beautiful women, and living in a world where most women wore little to no clothing because they were adventurers, made him ignore her figure and focus on everything else.

The girl's arms had scars on them and they weren't the kind of scars a person gets when they hurt themselves, no these were the kind of scars that one gets when they fight another person or a monster.

"Kazuma quit staring if you like her just say so, and if she rejects you move on." his teacher says to him, causing the girl to smirk at him.

'Oh and for your information, I'm into older men so don't even think about it." his teacher added as she moved her hand through her long black hair.

"Right so, I'm going to put these things on the wall now.' Kazuma says to his teacher who looks at her phone and tells him no.

"She wants you to wait so that those jerks don't try to gang up on you." the boy from earlier says to him.

'What do you mean?" Kazuma asks him.

'They're waiting outside for detention to end, but they aren't alone. It's one of the reasons why the teachers aren't willing to do anything to them." he says to Kazuma.

'So that's why the teacher came after me and didn't say or do anything to them." Kazuma says to himself as he remembers how the teacher just grabbed him and ignored the bullies.

'Yeah, they act tough against us, but against them, they're too scared because a lot of their friends don't go to school here and have hurt some teachers in the past." the guy says to him.

Kazuma doesn't say anything and listens to everything the kid just said to him, but to be honest, he doesn't see any of them as a threat, but that's not taking into account that they might target the people around him.

Granted that he doesn't have any friends or family here, but they could just grab anyone that they see him talking to and use them to get to him.

'Thanks for telling me, so what's your name?" Kazuma says to the guy who immediately has a wide smile on his face.

"It's Shiki, Shiki Tohno, and yours?" Shiki introduces himself and immediately asks Kazuma his name.

"It's Kazuma, but I thought you knew considering how many times our teacher has said it." Kazuma says to Shiki who sits in front of him.

'Yeah but I like hearing people's names from them because sometimes people just call them by their nicknames or completely different names." Shiki says to Kazuma.

"Yeah." Kazuma says to Shiki and he can't stop himself from smirking, as he remembers that Darkness's name isn't even Darkness and everyone calls her that despite knowing her real name.

"Kazuma, it's barely your second day and you're already in detention!" Uryū angrily says to him as he walks into the room.

"Hey, he was.' Shiki tries to tell Kanae's son but Uryū stops Shiki from saying anything else.

"I know what he did, the entire school heard about it by now and so did my father, when you get home he's going to." Uryū says to Kazuma as Kanae appears behind Kazuma.

"He won't do anything, I was here when it happened, Kazuma did nothing wrong, except not leaving the school when he put those delinquents in their place." Kanae says to Uryū.

"Hey, can you take this thing and show it to your dad, I think I might have broke it during the fight." Kazuma says to Uryū who immediately grabs his mom's disk.

Kazma can only lower his head as he realizes that the money in the card is about to go down and he hasn't even had it for a day.

"Hey, how do you?" Shiki begins to ask Kazuma something but their teacher's voice stops him from saying whatever he was going to say.

"Kazuma you can start putting those signup sheets up." she says to him.

Kazuma can only get up and silently walk out of the classroom, it didn't hurt not having access to Ryūken's money, but it did hurt being reminded that he was completely dependent on the man at the moment.

So with nothing else to do, he began to put up the sheets of paper on the boards and ignored every other announcement that was there.

As he was doing this he wondered how Kanae's son left the school without him seeing him leave.

It was one thing that the guy left his classroom after receiving his mom's disk, but how did he leave without him ever hearing his footsteps?

Kazuma asked himself this, but he later decided that he didn't want to know, after all, that was something that had nothing to do with him.

As he walked down the hall, he found himself looking at a group of three girls one of them has long orange hair that was being groped by a girl that has short red hair.

The last girl in their group has short black hair and looks like a tomboy, she's also the one that's trying to keep the redhead away from the orange-haired girl that has a chest that's almost as big as Daknesses when she's wearing her armor.

"What?" the tomboy says to him.

"Nothing." is the only thing that he says to her as he walks past them.
11 An Adventurer Reborn
The sound of the stapler is the only thing that can be heard through the hallway, the only people in the school now are those that are either forced to stay behind or are doing whatever their clubs do after school.

Kazuma can fl his body react to something as he puts the stapler on the board, but he doesn't do anything instead he widens his eyes as the familiar feeling washes over him.

'Kazuma what's wrong?" Masaki asks Kazuma as she sees him standing perfectly still.

Tick, was the only thing that she heard as Kazuma stapled the last sheet of paper before he started to run toward the nearest window.

She watches as Kazuma places his hands on the window that shows the back of the school and she can only watch as Kazuma begins to laugh.

'Masaki, do you see it?" Kazuma asks her as he laughs like a madman, but Masaki can only shake her head because she can't see anything except the kids practicing.

"No, there's nothing there." she says to Kazuma who doesn't hesitate to put his hand into his pocket before he begins to pour his power into the disk.

"Kazuma what are you?" Masaki asks Kazuma who doesn't bother to turn and look at her.

"The last time I did this something happened, so why not do it again maybe something else will happen this time." Kazuma says to her, but Masaki doesn't answer him as her eyes begin to widen as something that she couldn't see before is suddenly there.

Masaki can feel her nonexistent heart connect with Kanae's heart as she feels Kanae's heart begin to beat faster as they both gasp at the sight before them.

Masaki can hear Ryūken desperately asking Kanae what's wrong as Kanae says the same thing Maaki says as they both point towards the window in front of them.

"Dagon, it's a red dragon."

"Kazuma, how is that thing?" Masaki asks Kazuma who ignores her as he begins to squeeze her disk.

Masaki knows what Kazuma is planning to do so she quickly grabs his hand and forces him to stop before he does something that he will regret.

"Don't, your not ready." Masaki says to Kazuma, she knows the feeling of wanting to feel alive, she knows the thrill, the terror, and the regret all too well, but she doesn't want him to go through it.

Kazuma turns to look at her, she can see the pain that he doesn't mention or perhaps he doesn't want to deal with, but it's not the only thing that she sees in his eyes.

She can see the excitement of knowing that something familiar is here and how confused he is because she stopped him.

'Kazuma." both Kanae and Masaki say to their partner.

'I'm your spirit, we're your spirits don't do this, you're not ready." Both women say to Kazuma who unwillingly lets go of his disk and turn's to watch the dragon fly away.

For a long yet brief moment, there's nothing but silence as the two of them watch the red beast vanish from sight, yet that silence doesn't last as the hows of a hollow fill the air.

They both watch as a squid-like hollow flies through the sky, buts it's injured and Masaki can see that its black and blue blood is falling out of its body.

The hollow doesn't get very far before it's killed by the same soul reaper that they had seen the night before.

Masaki can only watch as Kazuma lowers his head and looks at the last sheet of paper in his hands and she can see a mischievous smile form on his lips.

"I need to see if I can pass them down first and if I can."

"I want to do it one more time, but this time....I'll just do it to have fun." Kazuma says to himself as he reaches into his pocket and takes out a pen, before using it to write the words Adventurers Guild over the club's Name.

"Masaki, do you know anyone that can fight with powers?" Kazuma asks Masaki and Masaki briefly wonders if Kazuma has forgotten that Ryūken and his son exist.

"Yes, I know a couple of people." Masaki answers Kazuma.

'Good because we're not going home today." Kazuma says to her as he turns and the only thing that Masaki can see is the large grin on his face.

"Kazuma what are you planning?" Masaki says to Kazuma as he starts to walk.

'I'll tell you when we leave, if someone sees me talking to you, they'll think that I'm talking to myself." Kazuma says to her as he walks back to his classroom.

"What did you do?" Kazuma's teacher says to him the moment that Kazuma enters the room.

"Nothing why?" Kazuma says to her.

'That grin on your face, it screams I did something or I got lucky."

"And considering that you're here in detention, there's no way that your luck is that good, so what did you do?" the woman asks him.

'Alright you caught me, I was planning on asking you out on a date."

'So how about it, me you dinner, movie and maybe." Kazuma says to the woman who smirks.

'I knew you fell for me, all of the boys in this class do, but I told you I'm into older men, so the answer is no" the woman says to Kazuma as they both stare into each other's eyes before they both start laughing.

'Go sit down and wait for the bell, then you can go home." Kazumas teacher says to him.

Masaki doesn't say anything as she completely vanishes, so that no one sees her, as she watches Kazuma return to his seat, she silently tells herself that she will have to teach Kazuma to stay away from certain women.

She can't help but look coldly at Kazumas teacher who licks her lips while she looks through her phone.

"Yes, we will have to do something if she tries something." Masaki says to herself.

Unbeknownst to her both Ryūken and Uryū can't help but step back as they see the cold expression on Kanae's face.

"Ryūken, Uryū sit down we need to talk." Kanae says to her both son and husband before she begins to have a very uncomfortable talk with her son, before turning to her husband and making him agree with her.
The rules for Adventures
The rules for Adventures are simple and easy for anyone to understand.

1; We hold no loyalty to anyone except our Party and our Guild.

Unlike everyone else we work for whoever pays us with what we find valuable, for some of us it's money, for others it's entertainment, and even for some of us, it's the fact that we can be useful.

But one thing always brings us together Our Guild.

There can be infighting, and there can be all sorts of problems, but one thing always holds, from the weakest to the strongest of us, no one outside of our guild touches a single one of us without starting a war with all of us.

The same goes for our Party, Our Team, it's because we rely on each other to be able to do the jobs that we learn to trust each other and grow to want to keep each other safe.

2; An adventurer never does anything for free. [ Unless it's for something personal ]

We don't have the luxury of being good people, we have armor- weapons and ourselves to keep in good condition.

Hell, there are times that we don't know if we are even going to have a roof over our heads at night or if we're going to live on the streets because we haven't been able to find any work or because we failed so many jobs that we don't get the money that we were offered.

How could we, we didn't do the job.

So we have to get something every time we do anything for anyone, because we aren't just taking care of what we need now, but were also saving for the future.

3; Our lives are Temporary

Hey, it comes with the job, one day a person is there, and the next they're gone.

This is something that we all have to accept, because either we ran into something that we couldn't deal with, or someone we wronged in the past finally found us and got their revenge.

Just enjoy the time that you have with one another and the alone time that you get.
The sound of the bell ringing once again told everyone to leave and yet Masaki couldn't help but notice the extra hop in Kazuma's footsteps.

The boy was happy, there was something about the appearance of the dragon that must have reminded him of where he was before coming here, but if that was true then that meant that Kazuma had a connection to the...

No, that wasn't for her to worry about, the boy was her partner and so she would make sure that he didn't put himself in any meaningless danger.

"So where are we going?" Masaki asks Kazuma as they aimlessly walk around town.

'Don't know, but I'm looking for a place where no one will see me using my skills." Kazuma answers her.

"I think I know a place, but it's a little far, so your teleporting skill won't work because." she says to Kazuma but he stops her from saying anything else.

"Just point in the direction and I'll jump there." he says to her.

Masaki smirks even if Kazuma used a skill that allowed him to move at high speed, his body would need to rest and as a result, he would have no choice but to go back home and get some sleep.

Unfortunately for him, that meant that he wouldn't be able to make himself something to eat, and that meant that he would miss tomorrow's lunch too.

It wouldn't be her fault if he decided that going through some trouble wasn't something he wanted to deal with, so he would stay away from anything that had to deal with the.

Her mind stopped working as her none existent breath was sucked out of her.

She realized that she had forgotten to vanish so that no one could see her if they could see spirits.

Her eyes widened as she walked down an alley and desperately tried to vanish but she found herself unable to when two pairs of hands grabbed both of her hands.

"Mom." both Yuzu and Karin her daughters say to her as they start to cry.

Masaki wants to vanish but finds that she's unable to, she doesn't know if it's, because her daughters are holding on to her or because she knows that she wanted to see them ever since she woke up next to Kazuma.

Masaki doesn't know what to do, she wants to embrace her daughters, but she's already dead, before this moment, her daughters had already moved on, and now she was making them feel the same pain that they felt all those years ago.

"Okay, we're causing a scene," Kazuma says to them as he puts a hand on each of the girl's heads.

Masaki begins to look around and finds that several people are staring at her daughters, who from their point of view are crying while holding onto thin air.

"How about we walk you girl's home, that way you can talk with her all you want." Kazuma says to her daughters who only nod.

As they silently walk Masaki can't help but want to cry as the feelings of joy and sadness wash over her, on one side she wants to hug both girls and tell them that she loves them.

And yet she knows that the moment that she does this whatever walls she has managed to put up will shatter and she won't be able to stay away from them anymore and she will drag them into a world that they aren't ready for.

"Who are you?" Karin asks Kazuma.

"Me I'm no one, just someone that never existed before," Kazuma answers Karin, before stopping in front of the window of a small shop that sells sweets and buying four sodas from it.

He hands a soda to the girls before they start walking again.

'Mom, we missed you." Yuzu says to her.

Mo...mom why didn't you come back?"

"Didn't you want to come back?" Karin asks her,

Masaki looks at Karin and he wants to answer her, but she's unable to accept that Karin's words can be filled with so much pain, and worse her daughter doesn't dare look at her anymore.

Even if her daughter is still holding her hand tightly, her voice is painfully low and her head is down and she's only looking at the soda that Kazuma gave her.

"Your mom was asleep, and somehow I'm connected to her." Kazuma says to Karin.

'The give her back!" Karin yells at Kazuma, as she lifts her head violently and her eyes are filled with tears that haven't stopped flowing.

"I can't because I don't know how." Kazuma answers Karin.

'Liar!" Yuzu says to Kazuma before letting go of her hand and running towards him and hitting him on his chest.

"Give her back!" Karin yells at Kazuma as she joins Yuzyu.

Both girls beat Kazuma until they were unable to cry anymore and they were completely exhausted, but Kazuma never tried to push them away, nor did he put up any defense, instead when they were both tired he just patted them on the head.

"How about if I visit you, girls, that way you can pass the time with your mom?" Kazuma says to them.

"Why?" Yuzu pleads to Kazuma.

"I don't know." Kazuma says to Yuzu, but Masaki notices that he's answering more than one question, maybe he's answering something that he hadn't asked himself until now.

"Hey there's a park over there, so how about I lie down over there and you three can catch up?" Kazuma says to the girls who only nod before turning to look at her.

Masaki watches as Kazuma walks towards one of the trees and lies down before her daughters hold her hands again and eagerly begin to tell her everything that she has missed.

It took every ounce of her will to not breakdown into tears, she had missed so much and her girls were right here next to her, but for their own good, she had to stay away.

The howl of a Hollow reached her ears but it vanished under the familiar light that could only come from the arrow of a Quincy.

"It's time for you girls to go home, is the bouses phone number the same one or did your father change it?" Masaki asks her daughters who tell her that the landline is still the same.

She signals to Kazuma to walk them home, but they both keep their distance when they reach the street where the house is.

They wave goodbye to each other and when both Yuzu and Karin close the door, Masaki can't help but fall onto her knees and break down crying
Ryūken and Kanae looked at each other as they read the information from one of the few machines that were somehow still operating and they didn't like what they found.

Until recently none of the disks had worked meaning that none of them had any spirits in them, but that wasn't the case anymore.

Fortunately or unfortunately somewhere along the line more disks had been made than there had been spirits that could be put in them, but if that was because certain conditions hadn't been met or something else neither of the knew.

They only knew what the person who made the disks left behind.

Ryūken turned the page and looked at the disk's purpose, and he was conflicted with what he found, on one side this was something that would force the Soul Reapers down from their pedestals, but on the other hand, the implications were worrying, to say the least.

The disks would be Quincy's version of a Zanpakutō, that was the reason that they became swords, but there was something else being implied when he read that the disks could copy the abilities of whoever they were used on.

They failed o d all of this and yet, both Kanae and Masaki were now in two of the disks, not to mention that the machine said that more Quincy souls slept inside the other disks and that was a problem.

He signals to Kanae to try and use one of the abilities that Kazuma used and to their surprise, she was able to create lightning, form a sphere of light, make water flow out of thin air, and created fire without chanting any spells.

"Ryūken." Kanae says to him.

"I know, but I don't want you involved not with him and not if it means that you will eventually have to meet that man if they do have a connection to each other," Ryūken says to her.

"That's not our choice to make." Kanae says to him as she turns and looks toward the many disks that line the walls.
"Kazuma." Uryū says to Kazuma as he finally reaches his apartment.

Masaki had vanished and didn't want to risk being seen by anyone anymore so he decided that it was better to go back to Ryūken's apartment and give her some time alone, but he found Uryū waiting for him outside.

"You know you could have waited inside." Kazuma says to Uryū as he unlocks the door.

"I came to tell you that I'll train with you and teach you everything about what you are since you don't know anything about the Quincy." Uryū says to him as he ignores Kazuma's words.

"Pass," Kazuma answers Uryū.

"What?" Uryū says in shock.

"I'm an adventurer, I do everything from dangerous things to things that people don't want to do, to put food on the table."

"By the way thanks for killing that thing." he says to Uryū as he hands him Masaki's disk.

Uryū doesn't say anything he just looks at the disk before squeezing it and glaring at Kazuma.

"This isn't something that you can walk away from." he says to Kazuma.

"I'm not and I'm not a Quincy either, but you are." Kazuma says to Uryū who can only look at Masaki's disk before he tries to channel some of his power into the disk, but the disk rejects his spiritual energy.

Both Kazuma and Uryū watch as Uryū's spiritual energy wraps around Masaki's disk before creating a bubble and popping like one, neither of them says anything as they don't understand what just happened.

"I saw a dragon today," Kazuma says to Uryū as he tries to break the awkward moon that had set in.

"You couldn't, they exist on the Western side of the earth, the sides of the world aren't just parts of the world they're entire realities," Uryū says to Kazuma as he doesn't believe what Kazuma just said to him.

"Uryū.....there's someone in your school that's either involved with the world you're in or will be involved in it." Kazuma says to Uryū as he tries to explain that he already knows what's going on in the world he's in and why he doesn't want to get involved.

"He's going to be overpowered and will be able to fight people that by all common sense, he shouldn't be able to, I don't want to get involved because we wouldn't like each other." Kazuma says to Uryū.

He knows that his explanation is full of holes and could easily be taken the wrong way, but he also knows that if he acts like he knows more than he does it will end badly for him.

"So what are you going to do, because if you can see spirits and see the beasts, they aren't going to leave you alone and it's a matter of time?" Uryū asks him.

Kazuma smiles and uses his create earth skill and his wind breath skill to make a sphere of dirt sping in the palm of his hands.

"If you still want to train, we could but don't be surprised if I start training other people." Kazuma says to Uryū who looks like he wants to protest but Kazuma raises his hand and signals Uryū to listen.

"Adventurers work in teams for a reason Uryū so I'm going to need to make a team." he says to Uryū who just glares at him.

"Before I decide to help you because my offer was for another Quincy, something that you just rejected, yell me something that I don't know." Uryū says to him.

Kazuma can only smirk, what he's about to say is the same thing that always happens t a rival character or if it doesn't happen the rival character already has it and just hasn't used it.

'You have a skill, a power that separates you from everyone else, that's all I'm telling you." he says to Uryū who just frowns.

'That could mean anything." Uryū says to him as he hands Masaki's disk back to him.

Kazuma doesn't answer, he just receives Masaki's disk and Masaki immediately stands behind Kazuma and looks at the two teens with a pained expression.

Unbeknownst to either of them both Kanae and Ryūken had heard their conversation and didn't like what they heard, as what Kazuma just said implied that he had a power that connected him to the King of the Quincy.
info 3
Fals Almighty
This means that it doesn't exist.

Because of his experience in the other world and the fact that he has seen a lot of anime and played a lot of games, Kazuma can see how the situation is.

Meaning that he's aware that he's in another fantasy world, but it's a modern world version of it.

He knows that he is not the main character and because of his past experiences, he knows how things will turn out because of the games and anime that he has seen.

Unfortunately, because he predicted certain things people started to believe that he can see the future, it doesn't help that he told Ichigo what would happen to him before it ever happened.

Sol Eterno;
This was a mistake Kazuma tried to see what would happen if he used Drain Touch Skill, in a place that was full of Spirt Energy and used it for an Explosion spell.

Because he didn't expect his Drain Touch to go out of control the sphere of magic that is created by the explosion spell created a sun in Huecomundo.

The only reason that the sphere of magic is still up there is that Kazuma doesn't dare to detonate it, because he's afraid of what will happen when he does.

Yuzu and Karin Kurosaki

Broken Doble Calibre;
Because Kazuma gave them each a single disk instead of a pair and because neither disk had a spirit in it both girls can use the disk's abilities without being able to fully use them.

Unfortunately, this resulted in the girls themselves acting as the disk's spirits despite still being alive.

This means that they will grant each other and the person that they are helping their abilities during a fight.

Resureccion Sangrienta;
They can combine Doble Calibre with the Arrancar Resureccion and create a Segunda Resurrection or Resureccion Sangrienta.

It should be noted that while in this state the Arrancar will become overprotective of the two.

Isshin is not happy about who the sisters chose to be their partners as he sees both of them as bad influences on them.
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info 4
The Lost world
The Lost World is a world that was created by Kazuma after he saw how normal Humans were seen and treated by every other group.

It serves as the Adventurer's Main headquarters \ Guild.

After encountering so many people and beings that believed that Humans are lesser beings and that they wouldn't exist if it wasn't for everyone else that was keeping them safe.

In an act of cold rage, Kazuma somehow managed to contact several beings that either told him how to or created the world by merging several Valleys of Screams and allowing the process to continue until the world became stable.

When the world wasn't in danger of destroying itself he created a connection to every other world and allowed those worlds energies to flow into it.

It should be noted that the process only works one way and doesn't allow those energies to leave the world.

As a result, the Lost World is a mixture of every world including the World of the Living\ Human World.

So far only the Adventurers have been allowed to enter it and everyone that hasn't been invited or is someone that somehow wandered into the world is either killed or has their memory erased and sent back to their world.

Kazuma once said that he created the world as a way for Humans to start over without everyone who just sees them as expendable materials that they can use as slaves or things to experiment on or eat because they are easy food.

[Above top secret]
Kazuma has somehow managed to copy several of the Soul Kings fragments including the body of the Soul King that's in the palace and has put them together.

He has also copied the Quincy King and it is believed that he is just as strong as the original.

It is unknown what he plans to do with them, but the clones must be captured or destroyed as soon as possible.
The sound of thunder echoed through the house, this was the first time since well he couldn't remember the last time he had been happy to be in school.

It was already late and in all honesty, he should already be asleep because it was going to be hell to get up in the morning, but he wanted to read the old book that his great-grandfather left behind.

"This is a story of three brothers."

"Two were born of a mother and a father, one was born of a servant mother and a noble father."

"The other was born of a tainted noble mother and a fallen noble father."

"One embraced the light, while the other embraced the lies."

"But what of the third bother, who was made by two unworthy mothers and Royal Father?

He jumped out of fear when the combination of thunder and lightning for a brief instant lit both the outside and inside of his house before the thunder shook both the inside and outside.

He could hear the alarms of the cars outside, but he didn't care because he found himself looking at a set of playing cards that had flown out of the book when he jumped out of fear.

'What is this?" he says to himself as he picks up one of the cards, but as he looks at the card he finds that it's empty except for what looks like the lines that someone would see on a computer chip.

"A bookmark?" he asks himself as he picks up the rest of the cards before trying to find where they were placed inside the book.

When he failed to find anything he decided that his great-grandfather or whoever had the book before must have just put the cards in the book and forgotten about them, so he decided to continue reading.

"This world is broken, no let us start from the beginning before there were three brothers."

"There use to be one world where life and death stood side by side, where everything was possible and the impossible didn't exist."

"Yet this world ended because of a betrail, the traitors separated the world and many out of it, and became the rulers of them."

"The various worlds were cut off from each other and even their protectors do not encounter one another, for fear that the original world will once again be reborn."

'Yet it is possible to travel to these worlds if one finds the paths that lead into them."

"I was an outcast in my youth, I had o place amongst the people or within my family, and as such, I chose to leave the only home I ever knew, and abandon the judging faces of my parents, elders, and siblings."

"During my travels, I met a beggar that claimed he could enter these distant lands, normally I would have stayed far away from such a man, but I was at my lowest point in life so I chose to go with him to said lands.'

"The cards that the book holds are a gift that the traveler gave me as a gift before he died."

"Each card is capable of opening a gate and creating a path to each world, the world of souls where the people do not need to eat or drink and hardly ever get tired."

'The endless desert where beats that once were men devour each other so that they can alleviate their endless hunger."

"The world of beasts, a place that kills the weak so that the strong can stay alive."

"The upsidedown realm, where dragons and men coexist, there are more worlds but it is up to you to choose to go there."

"Every world has its own kind of dager, for even our world holds many secrets hidden from the public, this is my warning to you my decendant."

"Should you choose to take this path, and see this world you will need power."

"These cards can act as weapons, but they will not be enough."

"It's up to you to find the brother that was born in the light or the brother that was made by two mothers and a Royal Father."

"Do not trust the other brother, for he sides with those that broke the world."

Shiki can't believe what he just read, this was a book but it was one that his great-grandfather had written, but if what he just read was true then his great-grandfather had found a way to travel to other realities, to other worlds.

He lifted the card and it didn't do anything, he imagined that as he placed the card in front of him like an anime character and said.

"Open the gate." or something similar to it then a portal would show up but nothing happened.

He smiled to himself, it had been years since he had done something like this and as he lowered his hand he noticed that blue light was starting to emerge from the book.

H began to turn one page after another until he found the page that was glowing and found that letters that hadn't been there before were being written right before his eyes.

"You have to search for a place that was once used by someone from one of the other worlds, to come to our world or a path that was used by someone from our world to go to one of the other worlds."

"That makes sense." Shiki says to himself as the card in his hand starts to glow with the same blue light that was once in the book, he can feel something warm yet at the same time cool flow through him.

"Wow." he says as his eyes begin to see different colored lines connecting everything.

The lines are everywhere, they're even connected to his hands and body, they move along with him but don't control him.

He walks towards the window and stares with disbelief, there are gates everywhere, but he can't reach any of them because they're in the sky.
"So what are you going to do?" Uryū asks Kazuma as a flash of light from the storm outside covers half of his face in the darkness.

'The truth is, I have no idea, for now, I was hoping that you would help me train her kids."

"You can't!" Masaki protests the moment she hears Kazumas words.

Kazuma lifts his head as if he was trying to choose his words wisely, but he's never been the kind of person to sugarcoat anything, so he doesn't.

"You and I both know that those girls are going to look for you and if they can't find you, they will look for me."

"Masaki you and I both know that the fact that they can see you, puts a target on their backs, so why not teach them to defend themselves and pass time with them." Kazuma says to Masaki who just looks at him with tears in her eyes.

'You know why.' she says to him.

"Yeah I know, I also know that the moment that they laid eyes on you, the future that they had before they saw you ended when they called out to you." Kazuma says to Masaki, as he allows his magic to flow into his eyes and makes them glow with a mixture of blue and green light.

Both Masaki and Uryū stare silently into Kazumas eyes as they seem to have a haunting allure to them, neither of them says anything even as they hear the storm outside growing stronger.

Masaki wraps her hands around herself as she tries to protect herself from something that she doesn't know, but she knows that Kazuma is right and yet she just wants her children to live normal lives.

"Uryū if I were to give you a pair of disks or just one, would you want it to have a spirit in them, or would you want them to be empty?" Kazuma asks Uryū.

Uryū doesn't say anything and he just looks at Kazuma, as he watches the young man yes quickly lose their glow and power.

"Neither, I'm a Quincy" Uryū answers Kazuma.

'Good because the disks were made for Quincys." Kazuma immediately says to Uryū, who just glares at him.

'I want them to be empty, it's true that if they have spirits in them then I'll have their experience but." Uryū signals toward Masaki who is still trying to regain some control over her emotions.

"You would have to deal with their problems." Kazuma says to Uryū.

'So?" Uryū asks Kazuma.

"So what?" Kazuma asks Uryū.

"What about the disks, you asked me if I wanted a pair, and I assumed that you were going to give me one or two," Uryū says to Kazuma.

'Oh ask your dad, I haven't been in the laboratory remember." Kazuma answers Uryū, who just shakes his head because he can't believe that Kazuma would just ask him something so meaningless.

The sound of Uryū's cell phone ringing catches everyone's attention and the only thing that Uryū sees is a text message from his dad telling him to get in the car.

"I'm leaving," Uryū says to Kazuma and Masaki.

'See you at school." Kazuma says to Uryū as he closes the door.

Kazuma turns to look at Masaki and he places her disk on the kitchen counter, Masaki turns to look at him and silently asks him what he's planning to do.

"I'm going t find something that I never thought that I would be looking for if I wasn't going to get paid." he says to her and Masaki grabs Kazumas hand before he can do anything.

"I'm coming with you." she says to him, but her voice doesn't have any of the strength it would normally have.

Kazuma picks up Masali's disk and opens the door before walking into the rain, he closes the door, and for a long quiet moment, he enjoys the feeling of the cold rain on his back.

He never liked the rain before, every time that he had to go on an adventure and it started raining things just went bad for him and his party.

He didn't expect things to be any different now, but he was hoping that the rain would bring something that shouldn't have been here out, it was a long shot, but who would have ever thought that he would choose to walk into the rain when it was dark outside and he had a warm place to sleep for the night.

Kazuma turned around and jumped onto the nearby roof of the building that was next to the one that he was using.

He ran and jumped from one roof onto another, he didn't know that Kanae and Ryūken were following him in their car, or that Uryū didn't blink as he followed him.

After what felt like hours Maskai and Kanae gasped at the sight that neither Uryū nor Ryūken could see.

There was a massive whale-like creature swimming in the sky, the beast disappeared into a portal before reappearing through another portal, and it kept on doing this over and over aging.

The creature only stopped doing this when the rain stopped.

"That's where we're going." Kazuma says to Masaki as he's about to try and jump into one of the portals, but before he can even try, Masaki tackles him and makes him fall onto the ground.

"You're not ready." Masaki says to Kazuma, and as Kazuma turns to look at her and asks why she stopped him, he finds himself staring into the tip of an arrow that's made of blue light.

'No Soul Reapers, no Quincy, if there's any danger you make sure to send my girls far away from it." Masaki says to Kazuma.

'I can't." Kazuma says to Masaki who puts the arrow directly in front of Kazumas right eye.

'What I can do is teach them some of my skills so they can have a fighting chance>" he says to Masaki who lowers her weapon and makes it vanish
Yuzu\ Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu\ Karin Kurosaki
Unlike their brother who chose to focus on his Fathers' abilities, the sisters have chosen to follow in their mother's footsteps with some small changes.

As a result, they are far more experienced than their brother in controlling their spirit energy as well as being able to cast spells, with almost as much ease as Kazuma who taught them most of the spells that they use.

Because both sisters can tap into the Hollow powers that they inherited from their mother, they are considered tainted by most Quincy, but neither Karin nor Yuzu care because they chose to become Adventurers.

And because the few Quincy that they have met before encountering the Wandenreich, were the ones that both taught them how to control their powers and are close friends of their parents that the Wandenreich rejection didn't affect them.

Each sister has a Disk that they use as their main weapon, but they are known to use the disk differently depending on the situation.

While they can use the disk to fire arrows or use the disk as a bow and its sword as an arrow, they are known to use the disk as a medium to cast spells and activate their skills.

They can use the disk sword form with their hollow abilities and create something similar to a Shikai or Bankai, it's unknown if this combination can evolve because neither sister has been able to change their weapons yet.

While using the disk alone the sisters wear a white dress that has the emblem of the disk on their backs, but a small green sword on their right shoulder that informs those who see it that they are adventurers.

When using their Hollow abilities, the sisters gain a bone white armor that covers parts of their chest stomach, legs, and arms.

This armor completely covers them when they use Resureccion Sangrienta, however, their weapons do not change while they are in this form.

The sisters have been described by their partners and the people around them as two different kinds of fire.

One of them burns brightly and quickly calms down, while the other is an eternal flame because she is calm but she will not forgive easily.

During their travels t the other sides of the world, the sisters have gained several more weapons and skills but they chose not to use them unless they are forced to.

The reason they choose to do this is that they believe that their brother has inherited their father's legacy and they have inherited their mother's legacy.

The pair are aware that Kazuma is][]]][ Error] to both their Mother and Kanae, but they have yet to mention it to him.
who cares
"Your wrong, it depends on how you see things."

"An Adventurer is both the biggest coward you've ever met and the bravest person you've ever met."

"An Adventurer goes into an alley that he was hired to clean with more weapons than he needs because there's a high chance that he can get attacked by someone or something that isn't supposed to be there."

"But when he enters the alley he finds it s only filled with trash, making his weapons completely useless.."

'At the same time, this same adventurer can be hired to clean the same alley and find themselves having to fight against things that the weapons that they brought with them are completely useless against."

"But they were hired to do a job and are getting paid, so they have to kill the things because they're part of the trash that's in the alley."

"So they have to kill those things, even if it looks like they don't stand a chance."

"One could argue that the adventurer could run away and abandon the job and say that no amount of money is worth dying for."

"Others would claim that he should quit and let someone stronger than him deal with the monster or he could at least find help so that he doesn't fight the thing alone."

"What I'm trying to say, is that there's no shame in what you do because there are consequences for everything."

"I run away and save your life, you failed to do the job that you were hired to do and as a result, you don't get paid."

"If you choose to let someone stronger deal with it, there's a chance that no one does because no one stronger wants anything to do with such a low-paying job."

"If you come back with more people, there's a chance that all of you will die, or be seriously injured, not to mention that the amount of money that you are being paid won't be enough for everyone."

"If he chose to fight the thing alone, he might kill the thing or he might be just one more person that died forgotten by everyone."

"See there aren't any right answers except the one that you choose for yourself and your party if you have one."

"So the hell with what everyone else thinks, we are the ones that have to risk our lives, not them, so let them think what they want about you."
Kazuma lays on the cold concrete and starts to laugh he ignores Masaki who is still glaring at him, and in all honesty, he doesn't know why he's laughing, the only thing that he does know is that this feels right.

This felt familiar in more ways than one.

He can feel his wet clothes sticking to his body and as he looks at the stars that are starting to come out now that the clouds are leaving he can't help but laugh.

"Kazuma?" Kazuma hears someone say to him and as he moves his head up to see who it is he finds that one of his classmates is standing behind him.

"Hey umm...sorry I forgot your name." Kazuma says to him.

"It's Shiki and" Shiki says to him as he shows Kazuma a card that's glowing with blue light.

"So your one of us." Kazuma says to Shiki as places his hands on the ground and listens to the splashing sound that his hands make the moment that they make contact with both the puddles of water and the ground beneath them.

Kazuma reaches into his pocket and takes out the disk that connects him to Masaki's spirit and squeezes it and making it create the sword of green light.

"So what do you want?" Kazuma asks Shiki who just keeps on staring at the sword that he's holding.

"I saw you fall from the roof and I thought that you might know something about the portals." Shiki says to Kazuma as he looks up to the sky and stares at the portals, which are still open even though the rain had stopped.

"So what does that card do?" Kazuma asks Shiki who doesn't answer him but instead points at Kazuas sword.

'What, it's a disk that makes a green sword, it's as simple as that." Kazuma says to Shiki.

"I saw the blue bow and arrow, but I didn't see who was holding them." Shiki says to Kazuma as he starts to look around.

"So you're able to see the energies but you are not able to see the forms." Kazuma says t Shiki as he walks up to him and loosens his grip on the disk causing the sword to vanish.

He quickly grabs the card out o Shiki's hand and allows his power to flow into it, Shiki watches as the card's blue light changes until it's glowing green instead of blue.

Even as Shiki takes his card back both Kazuma and Masaki can't help but gasp, as the glow of the portals, catches their attention, they're soon joined by Shiki who gasps at the sight of Masaki who he wasn't able to see before.

"I think he's connected to the South Side of the World." Masaki says to Kazuma as she looks at the portals where the whale-like creature was swimming in and out of earlier.

"How I mean that thins on top of us?" Kazuma asks Masaki.

'The sides of the word aren't just North, South, East, and West they're entire dimensions that are the same size as our world." Masaki answers Kazuma she turns to look at Shiki.

"So what are we going to do with him, his powers are connected to the South and you made him able to see someone that's connected to the East, that makes him your responsibility because you gave him that power." Masaki says to Kazuma.

"Waite, I wasn't able to see the portals before, doesn't that make me his responsibility?" Kazuma asks Maszki.

'No, because you stole this power from him." Masaki says to Kazuma.

'Hey I'm standing right here, but no I don't know anything about this." Shiki says to Masaki and Kazuma as he points to the portals and then to Masaki.

"That settles it, he's your responsibility." Masaki says to Kazuma.

Kazuma smirked, he didn't want to get his first teammate like this or maybe Shiki was his third-party member because Masaki and Kanade were technically his partners now.

"Come on, let's go get something hot to drink." Kazuma says to Shiki as he turns and starts to walk back to his apartment.

The walk back was silent with Shiki letting out small gasps whenever they walked past a ghost or something that was out of the ordinary.

At the same time, both Kazuma and Masaki kept looking at the things that they weren't able to see before.

They could see the lines that connected everything and they were quickly becoming used to ignoring them, as the lines didn't seem to do anything, except make it hard for them to see what was there and what wasn't.

The sound of something loudly crashing into a car caught their attention and Kazuma pulled Shiki towards a nearby alley.

He was forced to cover Shikis mouth when he was about to scream in terror when a Hollow landed on top of the woman that was usually killing them.

"No." Masaki says as she recognized the body that the Hollow is holding.

"Yuzu." she says as she summons her bow and arrow and is about to kill the Hollow when her son runs in front of her.

She watches how the creature tossed Ichigo aside and how her son is rescued by the Soul Reaper before he hits the ground.

She's forced to watch as the Soul Reaper stabs her son and turns him into a Soul Reaper by granting him her powers.

"Ichigo." Masaki tries to call her son, but her heart hurts too much as she watches him kill the hollow before grabbing both the Yuzu and the Soul Reaper and carrying them both home.

For a long moment none of them said anything and when they were all sure that it was safe for them to move Kazuma finally let go of Shiki and they both let out a breath of relief.

"Kazuma, we're going to the lab." Masaki says to Kazuma.

'Why now?" Kazuma asks Masaki but she doesn't answer.

"So what do we do about Shiki, I mean he's right here." Kazuma asks Masakiwho turns and glares at him.

"Bring him with us, he's a part of this now." she says to Kazuma.

Kazma doesn't say anything, not because he's afraid of Maaki but because he knows that she's planning to do something that she just hasn't told him yet.

He places his hand on Shiki's shoulder and they find themselves in the tunnels underneath the desert.

The three of them are forced to cover their eyes as their minds are flooded with the strings that cover Hueco Mundo, Kazuma teleports again and they find themselves inside the laboratory.

They all gasp for air as they struggle to control themselves after what their minds just went through.

Masaki can feel herself becoming more solid while she's in the laboratory, she originally wanted to tell Kazuma to grab a pair of disks and give them to her girls but she found that Ryūken had already separated the disks into two groups.

The ones that have spirits inside of them and the ones that didn't.

She walked towards a pair that didnt have spirits and picked them up before walking back to Kazumas side.
As Kazuma shakes his head he notices that Masaki is holding the disks in her hands, and as he looks around he notices that there are a couple of more things that he hasn't seen before, but considering that he doesn't know what they do, he grabs one of the bows and hands it to Shiki.

"Put your card on the bow." Masaki says to Shiki.

As Shiki grabs the bow from Kazumas hand he does what Masaki tells him and steps back as his card begins to glow brightly.

His eyes widen as both the bow and the card begin to change and they become a thin sword that has a guard that looks similar to the card.

"Pull the guard back or act as if you're pulling the guard back." Masaki says to Shiki.

Shiki walks up to his new weapon and does what Masaki told him. "Wow." is the only thing that he can say as he sees his new sword fire an arrow into the wall.

"Did you get everything?" Kazuma asks Masaki as he looks at the blue and green arrow that is still stuck in the wall.

'Yeah." Masaki answers him.

"Kazuma begins to look at the disks and finds the notes that Ryūken left behind, so he walks past the disks that have spirits in them and picks up a pair that are empty.

"I'll give it to Uryū tomorrow." he says to Masaki as he walks back to where Shiki is standing.

"What now?" Shiki asks Kazuma and Masaki who look at one another.

"Now you get to go outside, and hopefully we don't go insane because of that power of yours." Kazuma says to Shki as he opens the door that leads to the outside.

Just like the first time that he was here he presses the button and watches as the stairs come down before he uses them to enter the desert again.

Kazuma can't help but smile warmly, this place was the first place that allowed him to feel somewhat welcomed, granted he nearly died of starvation here, or maybe he almost died of thirst, but he didn't feel as if he was being hunted up here.

He enjoys looking at the giant white moon in the starless back sky but his joy is short-lived as he sees a blue arrow flying past him.

"Take out your bow and run." Masaki says to him as she fires a blue arrow past him.

"Run." Maski repeats herself and Kazuma sees Shiki running away.

'Wha?" he says to Masak, as he doesn't understand why she's doing this.

'I said run!" Masaki yells at him and Kazuma can see the arrow is no longer aiming away from him, Masaki is pointing directly at his chest.

His skills flare and he dodges the arrow before he starts to run toward her, but Masaki somehow vanishes from her spot and appears behind him.

Kazuma prepares to dodge another arrow, but he feels Masaki's foot hit his chest with more power than she should have.

Kazuma can't help but cough as he struggles to breathe, somehow Masaki has super strength and the only reason that he's not dead is that he knows that she held back, not only that but she was able to move faster than his skills could react.

"You wanted to train, this world is the perfect place for it." Masaki says to him as she walks towards him, her dress begins to change color, it now has a combination of shoulder and chest guards that are made of blue light and there's a pair of glowing blue wings on her back.

As Masaki walks closer to him, he notices that the things on her back aren't wings, Masaki is pulling the energy from her surroundings into her.

Kazuma can't help but think that she somehow is using a skill similar to his Drain Touch Skill to make herself stronger.

He feels Shikis hands grab him and pull him up before Shiki yells at him to run, but Kazuma doesn't.

'No she's right, we need to train and look around there's no one here, this is the perfect place." Kazuma says to Shiki as he lifts his hand and says.


Kazuma isn't able to open his hand and see what he managed to take from Masaki as he's forced to drop it when Masaki grabs his hand and pulls what he stole out of his hand.

"Run." Masaki says to him, her voice is now colder than ice and filled with more venom than Kazuma ever imagined possible.

Kazuma knows what he stole from her and so he grabs Shikis's hand and runs as fast as he can before Masaki can find them and kill them.

The dessert starts to come to life as Masaki fires her arrows and makes them explode in front of them, as the two of them run in one direction, she used her wings to create a giant hole in the ground.

And when Kazuma tries to teleport behind her, h finds her waiting for him.

Shiki aims his sword at Masaki and fires one of his arrows, but he's too inexperienced and misses every shot.

Kazuma remembers the silver cross bracelet that is on his wrist and tries to make it into a bow again.

He's relieved to see the bracelet change and so he aims at Masaki and fires.

Masaki quickly turns towards him and fires an arrow at Kazumas arrow destroying it and her arrow at the same time.

The two of them begin to fire at one another and Kazuma becomes more and more aware that if Masaki wanted him dead, there was nothing he could do to stop her.

So he begins to chant and starts to fire arrows that carry his spells inside of them.

Fire, earth, water, ice, and blast magic are all sent toward Masaki who either ignores, destroys, or somehow eats the arrow with her wings.

Shiki can only stare at the two people in front of him, he's lost the will to fight, he knows that both the goght woman and Kazuma could easily kill him and he's no match for either of them.

Shiki can't help but watch helplessly as Kazuma screams as he feels arrows enter his shoulders and legs,

He watches as Masaki stands over Kazuma and pulls the arrows out of him, and then she turns towards him.

"Run." Masaki repeats herself.